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  1. LordsFire

    Five minutes of hate news

    There's a reason Einstein considered human stupidity to be the only reliably limitless thing.
  2. LordsFire

    Five minutes of hate news have confused Taiwan for Hong Kong, I think.
  3. LordsFire

    Five minutes of hate news

    It annoys me, but this is how Trump works. He'll talk nice, be amiable, genial, gregarious, when he's trying to make a deal. Britain is a nominal ally, and Starmer is the head of government. Until Starmer gives him a reason, Trump will play nice. Once Starmer gives him a reason, and given the...
  4. LordsFire

    Five minutes of hate news

    Idiocracy has a massive conceit that is exactly what you'd expect from arrogant intellectuals: It pretends that only low-IQ people are gullible and vulnerable to being convinced of nonsense. By contrast, high-IQ intellectuals IRL are some of the most likely to believe utter nonsense, evidence...
  5. LordsFire

    Five minutes of hate news

    'I completely forgot about it' would be where that fits in. So I suppose that's two.
  6. LordsFire

    Five minutes of hate news

    AAA studios are already crashing, especially since it's dubious that there will be a next generation of consoles. Without the specific market role of games designed for consoles, and the ubiquity of being able to sell across the whole world through Steam, smaller developers who have actual...
  7. LordsFire

    Five minutes of hate news

    I don't know if making the recording without consent is illegal; that may depend on whether they're in a one-party or two-party consent state. What absolutely is not legal, is sharing sexual imagery of someone without their consent.
  8. LordsFire

    Five minutes of hate news

    It isn't always women. Men are more likely to be strung along by attractive young women who exploit them for attention and money. ...Probably actually far more common, on the whole.
  9. LordsFire

    Five minutes of hate news

    This is an example of green stupidity, not least for trying to make a solar farm in *Michigan*, but at 400 acres, it's a pissant small chunk of land compared to the state as a whole. I'll take this over Federal-level stupidity.
  10. LordsFire

    Five minutes of hate news

    Even basic napkin math will pretty easily get you Earth supporting North of 20 billion people, before you start converting statistically significant tracts of land into vertically stacked indoor farms. The idea that we're in any kind of global catastrophic resource or environmental crisis is...
  11. LordsFire

    Five minutes of hate news

    Soli is of that particularly insufferable brand of atheist that thinks all religious people are irrational buffoons, anti-science, anti-technology, etc.
  12. LordsFire

    Five minutes of hate news

    See, the problem there, is that leftism always ends up leading into some sort of socialism/communism. Because it is fundamentally about taking power, and using that power to take other people's stuff, and give it to more 'worthy' possessors.
  13. LordsFire

    Five minutes of hate news

    As usual, Christians get blamed for the work of ideological leftists. Usually, there's a handful of Christians actually involved, but the primary offense is muscled in by authoritarians who then evade accountability, because they're Members In Good Standing of the Elite.
  14. LordsFire

    Five minutes of hate news

    When Christianity still held a lot of cultural power, Democrats used that as they were able, but they much prefer to have it driven out, so that they can assert whatever they please, and churches are not competing with government or academia for social authority. Creationism makes no pretense...
  15. LordsFire

    Five minutes of hate news

    And here you demonstrate that yes, it is God in the gaps. "We already know this is true. We just have to fill in the holes with things we're sure we'll discover in the future." "Ignore the fact that the more we learn about biology and physics, the more holes there are, and the bigger those...
  16. LordsFire

    Five minutes of hate news

    You are arguing against things I have not claimed.
  17. LordsFire

    Five minutes of hate news

    And again, this is typical of materialist arguments. 'My position is the only possible interpretation of evidence. If you disagree with my interpretation, you disagree with evidence!' No. No it is not. The brain, along with the rest of the nervous system, is clearly the physiological control...
  18. LordsFire

    Five minutes of hate news

    This is just materialist logical failure vXXXXX^XXX. Ideological commitment to a purely mechanical universe does not make it rational, nor does it make the science support the ideology. There is no evidence-based reason to think sapience and conscious thought are phenomena of the brain. It...
  19. LordsFire

    Five minutes of hate news

    Simulating a brain won't bring you sapience. Even if we magically hand-wave away the various physical limitation of programming issues that Vyor is covering for trying to do the simulating, we magic all of that away, and assume limitless computing power to make actually simulating the neural...
  20. LordsFire

    Five minutes of hate news

    That you think 'turning bits on transistors becoming self-aware' is even possible suggests that you think real computers are magic. It doesn't how many calculators you network together, it's still just a network of calculators. It doesn't matter how many instances of Doom you run on that...