History Learner
Well-known member
Unencumbered by idiotic politics. The USA won both Vietnamese wars but could not complete the campaign because politics held them back. The same thing happened in Afghanistan. Read what you are replying to before you move on to 4Chan bullshit click bait pictures.
Indeed I do read more than just 4Chan clickbait, which is why I'm able to call bullshit on the idea it's just "idiotic politics". Republican Presidents signed the Paris Agreement and Doha Agreements which lead to those defeats, you can't blame the Commie loving/Islamo-Fascist-loving Demonrats for either of those. U.S. Army retrospectives on Afghanistan as early as 2015 were directly saying we had lost, and this was clear by 2018 when most of the country was being occupied or contested by the Taliban despite Trump surging troops into the theater in 2017.
In reality, the U.S. Armed Forces were decisively defeated in both conflicts by their opponents, who implemented textbook successful insurgency operations. The counter argument is inevitably cope concerning kill counts, which leaves out most of said kill counts are civilians and didn't change the end result. Do you question who the victor of the American Civil War was, given the Confederates inflicted higher casualties on the Union? If no, then the same goes for the Viet Cong or Taliban; they outlasted us and secured all of their objectives, we didn't.