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Prologue(Part 1)

Date: December 27, 2766
Location: Unity City, Terra Terran Hegemony

She blinked at the screen in front of her, a heavy breath leaving her lungs as she fought for the letters to stop blurring together.

Rolling her chair back a bit, she laid her head down on the handbuilt hardwood, closing her eyes as the cold surface soothed her weary spirit.

"Damned fool," Hanni muttered as she lifted her head and stood up from the chair, stretching and groaning in relief she walked to the window, rubbing her eyes with one hand as the other unlatched the window. Everything inside of her was weary. Richard had fought her on everything regarding his safety for the last year, and she was so tired of arguing with that spoilt brat!

But, a smile spread across her face as she gazed at the lights that shined from Unity City and looked out the open window, the crisp Pacific Northwest air refreshed her and she looked at what the different families, corporations, and buildings had put up for the various Christmas lights competitions. With images ranging from 'Mech-sized Christmas trees and nativity scenes to Santa Claus riding on a massive sleigh.

But then the sun began to shine less as it dipped below the horizon, breaking up the view and Hanni exhaled as the slight bit of energy that she had felt left her again, and with a heavy sigh moved to sit down again, attempting to refocus on the letters on the screen before a device on her hip began vibrating in a rhythm she'd hoped to never encounter in her lifetime. The silent alarm for the palace had been sounded, and for a second, everything in her stopped. Terror gripped her as she jolted out of the chair and her body began moving before her mind had caught up. Her tan uniform was halfway on before her heart caught up to her body.

Hanni clenched her fist and slammed it down on her desk, the pain centering her again before she pressed a button on the terminal, the silent alarm turning into a mind-numbing claxon as she finished dressing, pulling on the cooling suit and grabbing her neurohelmet before sprinting out of her office.

The forces on standby were already leaving Fort Cameron, a full lance and a company of marines moving down the streets as fast as they could, in the APC and hovercraft they used a short lance of 'mechs running after them as a part of the QRF.

"'Mech first", Hanni nodded to herself as she ran to the 'mech bay, the blood pumping through her body and the adrenaline spiking through her as she forced her body to scale the gantries in record time to reach the top of her Atlas. Slamming her fist into the hatch's panel she dove in as soon as the doors slid open and began hooking up the suit to the coolant lines that ran through the seat, flipping a few switches she plugged her neurohelmet in and began rushing through the startup procedures, bypassing a few safety checks in the process.

"The techs can chew me out later," the gunslinger muttered as she finished the authorization and armed her weapons, shifting the gantry with her 'Mech's giant hand and stomping out of the bay.

"Colonel Schmitt! I've got large troop numbers moving in from the north. Warbook confirms them as the 4th Amaris Dragoons! What are your orders?!"

Hanni held her breath for a second as she closed her eyes and centered herself, a slow exhale expelling what was left of the fear and panic that had been there as she opened her eyes and eyed the tactical map.

"Everyone who's mounted up link up with your lance leaders and head to your designated areas. Alpha Company, we're going to have to hold off the 4th Amaris Dragoons while the rest of us get ready!"

Gripping the triggers, Schmitt slammed her feet down on her pedals, sending the Atlas moving as fast as it was able two lances joining her and falling into a loose formation, with the lighter units screening for the heavier ones.

"Major MacIntosh, I want a status report as soon as you've breached the palace, we've got a dropship on standby," Hanni glanced at the tacmap. "Godspeed Major, we'll do our best to give 'em hell."

"Yes, ma'am," the Major's heavily accented voice replied. "We'll get them out or die trying."

"Damn straight!" Schmitt grinned at the violence in the man's Scottish voice. "This is Colonel Schmitt to all Star League Defense Forces in the area, requesting whatever support you can provide," but there was nothing, and she felt a pit grow in her stomach as the radio chatter stayed on the local communications channels. "Alright, Black Watch!" She steeled her voice. "It looks like we get to earn our big paychecks today. We're outnumbered, possibly outgunned, but we're the best that there is, and we're damn well going to prove that today."

She looked at the map of the area and picked out a spot, nodding to herself as she made her decision.

"Alpha, Beta, you're with me, everyone else, you're to stay in Unity City, spread out, and make sure that you cover any VIPs that might attempt to escape. I'm cutting off the Dragoons."

But as the nine 'Mechs moved to the Gorst Flats, a group of ASF screeched overhead, the IFF confirming them as part of the Rim Worlds Republic forces that were present in the area.

As Hanni took a step forward, she nearly lost her footing as the ground rolled underneath her, her gyro screeching as it compensated for the loss of balance, and a short EMP messed with her sensors before she twisted the sticks to look back at Fort Cameron.

Where her men and women had been was nothing but a cloud of smoke, a pillar that climbed into the firmament and mushroomed up into the sky.

"No," the entire column stopped in their tracks and stared at the flame and smoke that continued to rise, the dust cloud shifting and beginning to flow with the wind and blanket the area as the nine Black Watch Mechwarriors fought their internal battles and continued into the Gorst Flats.

"Major, we're breaching now. Keep the exit clear for us," Sergeant McLeod grit his teeth in anger at having to break into his own damned security checkpoint, his stomach twisting as he held back the rage that seeped into his gut. "Move it, people!"

A pair of aerospace fighters streaked overhead, a sonic boom shaking the ground as the colors of the 4th Amaris Dragoons flew overhead, a cluster of bombs dropping from their anchor points as anti-aircraft fire from a handful of stations plucked the fighters from the sky.

But it was too late, the ground shook with an earthquake not felt in over a hundred years as everyone present stopped what they were working on for a brief second as a second sun appeared, blotting out everything else before a mushroom cloud erupted on the outskirts of Unity City, a massive crater appearing where Fort Cameron once stood.

The shockwave reverberated through the city, some buildings falling entirely as they absorbed the beginning of the concussive blast as dust clouds began to rise and choke out what little light remained.

One Marine collapsed to his knees as he watched the mushroom-shaped cloud continue, tears dripping down his face and blood down his hands as his nails dug into his hands.

"Fort Cameron…" He cried. "It's gone."

"Pull yourself together!" another noncom grabbed the downed marine by his collar and shook him. "We're still here, and unless we move right fucking now, neither us nor the Camerons will still be alive!"

"Go!" McLeod triggered the explosives, blowing the roof hatch open as the first marines dove into the building.

Then the nuke was forgotten as the Black Watch Marines entered their element, with each squad heading for their designated areas, one shifting to the throne room as McLeod and his group methodically headed for the living quarters of the Cameron Royal Family.

Hearing sporadic gunfire as they walked over the dead bodies of guards decorated in Cameron livery, the Marines moved faster and finally reached their destination.

Driving into the room, they left their dead behind, bodies littering the hallways as a squad terminated two men standing over the babies in the royal chambers, their mother lying in a puddle of blood on the floor.

"Check Lady Elise," the Sergeant ordered the medic as he wrapped the babies in a reflective blanket. His squad surrounded him as he tucked the two little ones into an armored baby carrier. "Little ones are secured!"

"Sarge," the medic shook her head. "Lady Elise, she's gone."

"We can't afford to get bogged down here," McLeod tucked carrier away behind him; they would survive, no matter what he had to do to ensure it.

"We're mobile," a different marine took point as they began to head back through the hallway, as a third brought two shaken young women along with them. They headed for the nearby entrance and a group of soldiers in RWR uniforms opened fire when they came into sight, sending the squads into cover as they shoved the Camerons into corners and behind cover before standing in front of the bullets and lasers, men and women placing themselves between danger and their charges.

"We've got to push forward!" McLeod fired a burst into a Rim Worlds Soldier, the young man falling back with a shocked expression on his face. "They're not going to be able to wait on us forever!"

With a grunt, a critically wounded marine tugged some grenades off of one of the medic's kit before shoving the medic back into cover and pulling the pins, ran into the guns blocking the hall, the panicked firing of the RWR punctuated by the explosives that vaporized him and cleared the path for the rest of them to escape.

Everything fell silent as the echo from the grenades finished traveling, the Black Watch gathered the few walking wounded and left those who were too critical behind. McLeod choked back a sob as they left the palace complex with only two squads left out of their company. "Major," the Sergeant's voice broke before he cleared his throat and gathered himself again. "We are exiting the Palace with VIPs!" McLeod finally broke through the silence. " Requesting immediate escort and coverage! I repeat, we have VIPs!"

"Copy that Sergeant!" Major MacIntosh alternated PPC fire as an RWR Rampage tried to close in. "I've got APCs on standby! Get them in and head for the spaceport! We'll make sure you get there in one piece!"

McLeod and his men stuffed the Camerons into the armored vehicles and sped off, the rest of the Black Watch lance following behind and providing cover fire and an escort while the empty APCs spread out to act as a diversion.

"Colonel," MacIntosh reported. "Moving to spaceport, objectives secured!"

"Major, we'll play distraction as long as we can, get to the spaceport and get out of here."

"I can divert once they're at the spaceport to support," the major shifted and allowed a spatter of RWR autocannon fire to land on a section of his arm. "You'll need all the help you can get."

"That's a negative, Major," Colonel Schmitt's voice was firm. "They need security. That's on you right now."

The APCs and 'Mechs reached the spaceport where a lone Colossus was surrounded by the husks of dead 'Mechs and vehicles.

"Get them on board!" the captain of the dropship ordered. "We don't have much time!"

The 'Mechs and vehicles sped onto the loading bay, the massive doors shutting behind them as the Marines moved the Camerons off of the vehicles and further into the armored core of the massive dropship.

"Reagan SDS, this is the SLS Abyss, we have VIPs onboard, we are requesting covering fire while we evac!"

"This is Reagan, we'll hold out as long as we can!"

"See you in hell Reagan," the captain smiled.

"Godspeed, Abyss, we'll regroup when we can."

The massive fusion torches of the Colossus class dropship ignited and a few squadrons of aerospace fighters bearing the green drab of the SLDF regulars moved into an escort formation as the ship made a break for orbit.

"And now, it's left to us," Hanni looked at the forces arrayed against her on the tacmap. "Let's give 'em hell."
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So they got the children and presumably the Richard's sisters, now they need to get them to Kerensky. Did they broadcast that they evacuated them? If the remaining SLDF learn of this they might not surrender when threatened with Richard's execution and take some more Rimmers with them, some maybe even breaking out and going underground.
So they got the children and presumably the Richard's sisters, now they need to get them to Kerensky. Did they broadcast that they evacuated them? If the remaining SLDF learn of this they might not surrender when threatened with Richard's execution and take some more Rimmers with them, some maybe even breaking out and going underground.
Basing this somewhat off of the apocryphal story of the SLS Abyss and the Tripitz. Which means that the Tripitz goes dark until the Cameron’s are delivered to a safe house/hidden world. Then it goes loud and they keep everything quiet. This is only the prologue. The main story picks up in 2866
Ah yes the bag pipes.


Don't know a lot about the Star League era outside of Tex talks. but saving some of the Cameron line is a big deal. Likely loses a fair bit o power but might still maintain status they got as head of state.
Prologue: Part II
Prologue Part II

"Let's move it, people!" Colonel Armstrong Duket yelled from his Rampage, the Assault 'Mech hiding his nervous anticipation. "The longer we take, the more time the SLDF has to regroup and crush us."

The line of Combat Vehicles and 'Mechs seemed to move a bit faster as Duket detached a company to move as forward scouts in the direction of Unity City.

"I doubt any of the defenses are left able to fight but I want the way ahead cleared out," Duket told Captain Petrovich. "Anything that stands in your path must be dealt with swiftly."

"Yes sir!" Petrovich saluted from his Phoenix, the ten 'Mechs, and a pair of VTOLs in his company accelerating ahead of the rest of the column.

The Medium Weight company used jump jets to move over a crest, landing and continuing further into the valley, the mist and darkness punctuated by the flares of their jets.

"It looks like the Colonel was right," Petrovich's XO laughed. "Amaris, that fat bastard has done it!"

As they reached the middle of the valley, Petrovich's XO disappeared as the crackle of a PPC was heard, his Shadow Hawk's cockpit vanishing as an Atlas stepped out of the trees and clotheslined the Captain's Phoenix, sending him crashing to the ground as his gyro screeched around him.

Gauss slugs, lasers, and the flash of missiles brightened the night as the VTOLs and 'Mechs disappeared under a hail of accurate fire, with very few shots missing as Petrovich shook his head to clear out the ringing and dizziness just in time to see a massive armored boot descend on his cockpit, the last sound that he heard was of bagpipes flowing through the open channels.

Lieutenant Gonzalez ducked behind cover as a burst of fire traveled through where his head had just been, the Shark insignia of the RWR troops shining on the enemy's shoulder as he primed a grenade and threw it down the hall.

"Move up!" Gonzalez ordered a few marines. "We're almost there!"

Behind the six marines were the bodies of the fallen, the olive drab of the Black Watch Marine's armor and fatigues occasionally showing through the dark black and red of Amaris' Bodyguards.

Gonzalez followed after the Marines, pausing as he heard a groan of pain from an enemy soldier, the young man struggling to put the internal organs that were falling out back into his body, the light pink blood from his lungs mixing with the dark red from further down as he gasped with no air left in his lungs.

Stopping, Gonzalez paused to put the soldier out of his misery before shaking his head. "No," he stared at the dying man. "I don't think I'll give you mercy," He spat on the ground. "You certainly didn't give any of my brothers and sisters mercy."

Stepping over the desperate soldier, Gonzalez joined his marines and pushed on, leaving the dead and wounded in their wake as they finally reached the throne room of the palace.

"Bastard's going to be in here," Corporal Jones said as she attached a shaped charge to the side of the armored door, reaching into her pack for several more before running detcord out to the hallway. "I know we have earpro," she looked at the short squad. "But you might want to cover your ears anyway."

Nodding, they covered their ears as Jones triggered the charges, the sound booming in the space and sending up concrete dust and splinters as the metal and wood of the doors splintered and fell to the ground and the Marines rushed into the room.

Amaris had moved behind the massive throne of the First Lord as his bodyguard detail began filling the entrance with gunfire and lasers.

The six Marines fought through the throne room, Jones dying first as her armor finally gave way, a laser rifle boiling away her flesh, and her squadmate falling beside her as gunfire ripped him apart.

Gonzalez dragged a marine behind cover as he threw his last grenade at the throne in a desperate attempt to kill Amaris, his rifle shifting back into his shoulder. He watched a lone tracer round hit Amaris as he pulled the trigger, the rounds leaving his magazine as he saw blood flying from the wound while Amaris collapsed back behind the throne.

That image, of Amaris being hit burned itself into his brain when a round crashed into Gonzalez's helmet, snapping his head back and exposing him to the last burst of gunfire.

"Medic!" One of Amaris's bodyguards pulled him out from behind the throne, signaling for one of the few medics left alive to assist.

Amaris did not speak as someone bandaged his leg. No, he was looking at something else that had captured his interest.

Amaris stared at a pudgy hand covered in his own blood, a few drops falling on top of Richard Cameron's body as the rest began drying.

Amaris watched the drops fall on the headless corpse before he finally returned to reality.

"Comms!" He screeched. "I want comms right fucking now! Someone get me Colonel Duket."

"Just wait a minute Lord Amaris," the medic cautioned. "I'm not done yet."

A flash of light erupted through the room and another headless corpse fell on the steps of the throne room.

"Anyone else want to ask me to wait?" Amaris seemed to calm down.

"Comms," a soldier with a massive pack with an antenna peeking over his shoulder knelt.

Amaris allowed the solder to tune to the correct frequency before accepting the device.

"Colonel Duket, why are you not at the palace yet?!" Amaris yelled into the device.

"Lord Amaris, we seem to have run into a problem," the Colonel's voice was staticky and muffled, some sort of sound filling the air and making it hard to hear his voice.

" What problem?" Amaris asked, his voice raising as he began to tremble angrily at the consistent sound emitted from the Comms device.

"The nukes didn't get all of them," Duket stated bluntly. "I've lost near a battalion already, and our infantry are about to-

"What is that damned infernal noise?!" Amaris cut the Colonel off.

"It's bagpipes," Duket sighed. "They've been broadcast on every frequency since we lost our first company. We haven't been able to terminate the origin of the transmission yet."

"How long until you are able to reach Unity City?"

"If we can manage to kill those blocking our path," Duket replied. "Then our advanced units should be able to be there in a few minutes."

"Then continue and push through, dammit!" Amaris ordered. "And shut down those damned bagpipes!"

"Scout Company, report!" Colonel Duket barked, only to be met by silence. "Captain Petrovich, status report!" Still, no one responded.

"Gamma company," Duket finally turned to a mixed group of hovercraft and heavy 'Mechs. "Go see what happened to Petrovich, and bring some infantry support, they may be able to bring us information."

A handful of hover APCs detached themselves from the infantry section to follow after the company, with the handful of artillery pieces that the Dragoons had brought with them beginning to set up for supporting fire.

"Major Everett," the Colonel called out, causing the Archer to slow down a bit. "Report back as soon as you've made contact."

The Major's Archer waved a hand and moved out at a rapid jog, barely keeping pace with the faster heavies that made up a part of his Company's forces.

As the company pushed through the trees, the handful of J. Edgars moving ahead of the heavier mechs as a screening force heard something unusual coming from their comms systems.

"The hell is that?" the driver asked.

"Some sort of music, I think?" the comms and sensors operator replied. "Trying to isolate it now."

Then a pair of large pulse laser shots melted the frontal armor into slag and punched through, savaging the fusion reactor and sending the hovercraft careening into a nearby tree.

"Contact!" a lone surviving hovercraft broadcast on every frequency. "We have heavy enemy contact!"

"Get out of there," Everett ordered. "We'll handle it from here."

The sound of bagpipes filled every comms channel as the heavy 'Mechs pushed into the Gorst Flats proper, their sensors now lighting up and revealing the outlines of nine 'Mechs clad in the olive drab of the SLDF regulars before they vanished from sensors entirely.

A Flashman stepped out of the trees and its trio of large lasers illuminated the darkness and scarred a Thunderbolt, the two heavy 'Mechs exchanging fire as the Flashman seemed to weave around the enemy fire, its Anti-Missile System taking out what missiles tried to strike at it.

Then an Atlas appeared behind the Flashman as the heavy 'Mech seemed to vanish back into the trees, its LRMs hammering down on the Thud before it too, vanished into the trees.

The Black Watch appeared and disappeared, using the trees as cover and only ever taking minimal armor damage as they killed everything that began entering the valley, the darkness of night, heavy tree cover, and advanced technology allowed them to shred everything that entered the valley.

But even the greatest of heroes cannot stand forever, and one by one, they began to fall.

Charles Southorn's Flashman was the first to fall to the onslaught of the 4th Dragoons, his extralight engine that had allowed him to accomplish his hit-and-run tactics being breached by a lucky shot, his 'Mech falling as he ejected and vanished into the darkness.

Then Jewels Ferrel's Crockett fell, her Gauss rifle shredding an enemy VTOL as a trio of PPCs from differing 'Mechs critically damaged the heavy weapon, the capacitors exploding and sending the Assault 'Mech hurtling to the ground as the fusion engine as its gyro gave up with a mighty screech, her 'Mech doing one last service in crumpling onto an enemy combat vehicle and preventing it from targeting any of her brethren.

Two more fell before Colonel Duket and Amaris finally had had enough, and giving the order, a squadron of aerospace fighters screamed through the air over the valley and dropped a tactical nuke down on where the remaining Black Watch Mechwarriors stood.

Colonel Duket watched grimly as the cloud moved up and through the atmosphere, the 4th Dragoons waiting for the initial fallout to cease before pushing through the broken husks of the Black Watch and the 4th Dragoons' own forces.

There, standing in the field was the skeletal structure of both a Highlander and a Thug, their fists raised in a one finger salute as if daring them to step past or die, the faint sound of bagpipes lingering even though it should have stopped after the explosion and fallout.

The Dragoons made a wide berth around the two 'Mechs, not willing to test whatever spirit it was that had allowed them to survive a direct nuclear detonation. Besides, they had a job to do anyway, even if they were down more than a quarter of their overall force strength.

To this day, anyone that visits the Gorst Flats swears that when you near the site of the Black Watch's last stand, that you can still hear bagpipes playing from the Highlander and Thug that remain as a monument to what they accomplished.
I've always wondered what would have happened if Amaris got geeked by the Black Watch after he killed all the other claimants to the throne.
Unfortunately, Amaris survived. I did dice roll to see if he would live or take damage though. He got grazed, but that was about it. The Black Watch on the other hand… I’ll post their rolls for survival after the next chapter.
Let Us Unite: Prologue Part III
Let Us Unite: Prologue Part III

The SLS Abyss reached orbit, its aerospace fighter escorts encompassing it on all sides as it headed for the dark side of the moon, a lone coded transmission being broadcast all the while.

"Shh," McLeod rocked one of the Cameron twins back to sleep, a nearby nurse holding the other as they were looked over in the medbay with Richard's sisters. "You're okay now," he calmed young Ian Cameron, trying to get the nine-month-old to go back to sleep after all of the loud noise. "We'll be there soon enough."

The room returned to silence aside from the whimpers of Elena and Elizabeth on their beds and the beeping of the machines monitoring the sister's vital signs.

"Sergeant," Major MacIntosh walked into the room. "You and your men did damned fine work in there."

"I just wish we'd been faster," McLeod looked sadly at the young face that he held in his arms. "Growing up without parents isn't something I'd wish on my worst enemy."

"May I?" MacIntosh gestured for the babe.

"Of course, Major," McLeod made to stand up and hand the baby over but Ian began wailing loudly. "Once he's asleep, that is."

"Understandable," MacIntosh smiled before nodding at the other marines that were guarding the bay. "Sergeant, you're directly responsible for ensuring the survival of everyone in this room. I don't care what you have to do, you make sure they survive, even if it's at the expense of all of us," the Major looked into the Sergeant's eyes, looking for some sort of question or weakness before nodding. "We're expendable. They," MacIntosh looked around at the four surviving members of the Cameron family. "They're not."

"Yes, sir," McLeod made to salute. "No harm will come to them while I'm still alive."

The major nodded, turning to leave the room. "That's what I'm afraid of," he whispered. The bad news would be told later when they had the time to deal with the emotions.

"Major MacIntosh, report to the bridge," the nearby intercom announced, causing the officer to detour and begin heading for the Abyss's bridge.

"Captain Daksha," MacIntosh nodded as he stepped onto the bridge.

"We're heading for the coordinates that you gave us," Daksha looked at the screen in front of him, an unlit cigar dangling from his lips. "I hope that the information you gave us is correct, because if it isn't…" he trailed off.

"It will be," Ian replied. "They're going to be there waiting. And the SDS Reagan will provide cover as it's able to."

"The Reagan is one Caspar," Daksha shook his head. "That's not a lot of cover."

"Then let's hope that they're too busy dealing with the rest of the SLN to pay attention to one ship fleeing," Macintosh sighed. "It's not like we have much of a choice right now anyway."

"Right," Daksha looked at the projected route. "ETA is a few hours, you better get some rest. We're not going to be able to push past 1g with the kids onboard."

And so the SLS Abyss continued its journey to the dark side of the moon, eventually coming around and spotting something their salvation waiting, a Black Lion class Battlecruiser and a pair of Titan class dropships flying as escorts.

"SLS Abyss, please submit confirmation and stay on the present course," the Abyss was hailed.

"Understood, Tripitz, transmitting authorization codes now," MacIntosh moved to the communications console and began putting in a series of specialized codes.

"Identity and cargo confirmed," the Tripitz responded. "Begin transitioning to docking positions now."

"Transitioning now," the Abyss's maneuvering thrusters shifted the bearing of the giant dropship, the ASF escorts following suit. "I hope you've got space for some extra ASF, I've got quite the escort here."

"We'll make room. We're not leaving any of you behind when we leave."

The SDS Reagan then received a direct order from the Tripitz and shifted to follow the new directive, heading for the light side of the moon and engaging whatever tried to follow in their footsteps.

The Abyss entered the docking clamp as the escorting fighter squadrons coordinated with the Titans and the Tripitz for their actions, the escorting dropships eventually docking as well before the Black Lion class Battlecruiser began accelerating on a path towards the outskirts of the system, the Reagan following as an escort at a safe distance.

"Major MacIntosh, I'm Captain Maxwell, I hope you've got a bolthole for us to jump to because we're going to be surrounded otherwise, we've got way too many of those thrice-damned Republicans in the right place for them to screw us over. The Reagan was the only SDS system that responded to any instructions, and we're going to have to use it while it's available to us. And before Amaris's goons manage to hunt us down."

"I've got coordinates, sir," MacIntosh replied "I'll give the access codes once we've reached the jump point. I don't want any loose lips or unsecured frequencies to give us away."

"Before today I'd have said you were paranoid, even for a member of the Goddamned Black Watch. But now," Maxwell looked at the map of the solar system. "I think it's clear that we got too cocky."

"The future of the Terran Hegemony lies with us," Ian looked the captain in the eye. "Let's make sure it doesn't die with us."

"You heard the man," Maxwell called out to his bridge crew. "Get ready for some hard shifts ahead, we're going to be very busy people."

"Fuck me," Hanni Schmitt swore as she cut herself free from her ejection seat, the full head ejection prototypes not quite working as planned, with the rockets having thrown her into the ground when she had ejected into the path of the Nuke, the explosion had flung her and several others further than expected.

Hitting the roof, she curled into a ball and lay there for a moment, everything hurt, and she could feel where a rib was driving into her lungs.

It hurt to breathe, and there were more than just a few ribs broken. No, her collarbone had snapped and she couldn't put weight on one of her legs.

Then the small hatch shifted open on the head, revealing the frowning face of Mechwarrior Ferrel.

"Come on Colonel," the other woman helped Hanni outside of the Atlas's head. "We're lucky that we managed to get these installed before this battle," Jewels tapped the side of the hatch. "Otherwise the fallout would have killed us. As it is," Jewels climbed back in and was gone for a few moments before returning with a second carbine and a small duffle bag. "We're going to have to take the antirad meds."

"The others?" Hanni managed to bite out through her pain.

"Southorn and I got a lock on most of y'all," Ferrel opened a bottle of pain medication before helping the Colonel swallow it down. "Once we link up we'll have to figure things out from there."

"Amaris," Hanni said between swallows.

"Alive but injured from what we can piece together," Ferrel slung everything before beginning to put together an emergency stretcher. "And, there is some good news."

Schmitt just raised an unimpressed eyebrow.

"They think we're all dead," Jewels managed to smile. "So it's not quite all bad as of yet."

"They threw a goddamned nuke at us," Hanni growled angrily.

"Believe me," Jewels' smile vanished. "I'm eager to get some payback too, but the Abyss managed to take off."

"Duty trumps revenge," Hanni exhaled shallowly as she winced in pain again.

"Alright, let's get you onto this stretcher," the other Mechwarrior shifted the broken form of the Colonel onto the stretcher and began to drag it behind her. "We've got to regroup with the others."

"Well, I'll be damned," Frank Yanez grinned as the two women came into the clearing where the rest had set up camp. "We all made it out!"

"Not all of us," Suarez sighed. "Not all of us."

"Right," Frank sobered up. "But still, we're alive!"

"Celebrate later," McFadden barked. "Right now we need to shift into evasion. They don't know we're alive yet, but they'll soon find out that some of us still have families alive in the Hegemony and on Terra."

"Hazen was visiting her brother, too," Bryn Capell replied as Charles Southorn helped tie a splint to his arm, a grunt of pain leaving as the other man secured it with a sharp movement of his arm. "And the Colonel's family is on Terra."

"We're not going to leave any of them behind," McFadden glanced at the sleeping forms of Colonel Schmitt and Jefferson Hinks. "If we want to really get out of the area though, we're going to need a ride."

"I'm pretty sure I saw someone's house over that way," Charles Southorn's soft voice spoke up. "Now, it might be damaged beyond repair, but I'll bet there's a vic there we can commandeer."

"Sounds like it's our best bet," McFadden stood up with a wince as she put weight on her splinted leg. "We need to take another dose of antirads before we move, but then we've got to get clear. We all need medical treatment, and I'll need to get access to something with a bit more strength than our current comms devices. I can alert Hazen and any others through our fallback channels."

The four whose legs were the most intact grabbed the twin stretchers and picked them up, carrying the two critically wounded in loops cut into their packs so the final two could provide escort.

"Frank, you're on point, I'll cover the rear," McFadden ordered as she shouldered the laser carbine.

Author's Note: So, I rolled dice(and talked with a friend who's fairly knowledgeable about CBRN). And we came to a stunning conclusion. Some of the Black Watch may have been able to survive the nuke dropped on them. So, I rolled it out. And in keeping with the fine tradition of the Black Watch, most of them seem a bit too angry to die.

So, below are the rolls. I did it percentile based with it broken up into four parts. 1-25=dead, No survival at all. 25-50=critically injured. 50-75 is minor injuries, and last but not least. Anything above a 75 is basically just exhaustion.

Now, based on high or low in those 4 areas, I determined the severity and general location of the injuries (or lack thereof.).

Without further meandering, the results are as follows.

  1. (D100 Percentile roll for survival)=28 Colonel Hanni Schmitt (Critically injured)
  2. (D100 Percentile roll for survival)=53 Major Colleen McFadden (Survives, injured)
  3. (D100 Percentile roll for survival)=51 Major Bryn Capell (Survives, injured)
  4. (D100 Percentile roll for survival)=60 Lieutenant Jennifer Suarez (Survives, injured)
  5. (D100 Percentile roll for survival)=77 Lieutenant Frank Yanez (Survives, no injuries/minor injuries)
  6. (D100 Percentile roll for survival)=92 Jewels Ferrel (Survives, no injuries/minor injuries)
  7. (D100 Percentile roll for survival)=62 Charles Southorn (Survives, injured)
  8. (D100 Percentile roll for survival)=28 Jefferson Hinks (Critically Injured)
  9. (D100 Percentile roll for survival)=24 Nathan Carlson (dead)
That's surprising to say the least. And Rimmers will go into overdrive when they realise that colonel Schmitt is still alive.
Full head ejection, much like Multi-Missile Launchers, is one of those things that there's really no explanation for why the Star League couldn't have invented, besides corruption and sandbagging.

There's so many advantages to both technologies and they're not that hard to do. (Especially since BT's art for MMLs is basically "small missile tube and big missile tube overlap a bit". Makes it a lot easier to manufacture than any kind of "scale missile tube based on selected missile" system.)
Full head ejection, much like Multi-Missile Launchers, is one of those things that there's really no explanation for why the Star League couldn't have invented, besides corruption and sandbagging.

There's so many advantages to both technologies and they're not that hard to do. (Especially since BT's art for MMLs is basically "small missile tube and big missile tube overlap a bit". Makes it a lot easier to manufacture than any kind of "scale missile tube based on selected missile" system.)
I can somewhat understand the fully head ejection systems maybe not being a priority at first. So for purposes of this story, I'm going with the Black Watch prototyping them.
I can somewhat understand the fully head ejection systems maybe not being a priority at first.
I agree, but you'd think after the Age of War and Reunification War, people would understand that Mechwarrior survival rates would probably be higher across a wider range of environments and conditions if they were in an enclosed escape craft.
I agree, but you'd think after the Age of War and Reunification War, people would understand that Mechwarrior survival rates would probably be higher across a wider range of environments and conditions if they were in an enclosed escape craft.
Indeed. Anyway, I'll answer some limited questions about these first three chapters. Provided it won't be giving spoilers for the next and upcoming chapters.
Prologue: Part IV
Prologue: Part IV​

Date: December 27, 2766, 1900 Pacific Standard Time
Location: San Diego, Camp Pendleton Military Hospital

“Come on people, you need to leave, now!” a man dressed in the clothes of a Rim Worlds Republic uniform yelled through his loudspeaker as groups of armed soldiers forcibly removed people at gunpoint.“We’re evacuating the hospital, please exit in an orderly fashion, you’ll be reunited with your loved ones soon enough.”

Elizabeth frowned as she shuffled along with the crowd, her hand cautiously stretched to the small of her back where a small laser pistol was secured in a holster before moving back to her side.

“You SLDF?” A man asked from behind her, his bearing and cut that of someone who was also on leave.

“Aye,” Elizabeth nodded. “Was visiting my brother. What unit you in, stranger?”

“Mechwarrior O’Bannon, I’m in the Seventh Royals, you?” the man replied.

“One Ninety First,” Elizabeth shifted so they walked together instead of with her back to him. “We should probably make ourselves scarce, I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”

“Yeah,” O’Bannon nodded. “Something fishy’s going on here.”

“Let me know if you spot any other SLDF,” Hazen muttered loud enough for him to hear. “You’ve got a bit of a height advantage.”

“Copy that,” the Mechwarrior began inspecting the crowd as they finally left the hospital behind. “I hope my mom’s alright, she’s laid up with some nasty bug in there, and I’m supposed to have leave until she’s taken care of.”

The crowd then watched as the RWR soldiers left the hospital, their guns pointed at the crowd as a group of airbreathing jets streaked by, a cluster of bombs falling and exploding on the roof of the hospital, sending a cascading effect that rippled down through as the ancient structure began to collapse.

All was silent as the last piece of rubble slowly fell to the ground. Everything slowed to Elizabeth as a hot and violent emotion went through her like she had been struck by lightning. Her nose flared as she inhaled harshly, her lungs filling with the dust and smoke of the ruined hospital while everything inside of her warred with the calm and logical soldier that she had been trained to be.

Finally, after what seemed like hours in her mind, the emotions won, and she pulled out her Laser pistol and shifted to run at the RWR soldiers still grouped up around the ruins of the military hospital that had stood for hundreds of years.

“Whoa!” O’Bannon pulled her into a bear hug and tucked the laser pistol into a jacket, shoving her into an alley as the dust began to obscure their location. “I ain’t letting someone go and commit suicide like that.”

Elizabeth couldn’t respond, her mind was still white-hot with rage, and had long since mentally classified everyone around her as a potential enemy.

“We’ll get them,” the man tried to calm the angry Black Watch officer down but she twisted and dislocated his shoulder, and moved behind him as he dropped her to the ground and with a reclaimed pistol in hand.

But it was too late, the dust cloud from the falling concrete structure had blocked all of her vision, and she had no visual on where the enemy soldiers were.

“Fucking bitch!” O’Bannon swore, his shoulder held with his opposite hand. “I just saved your damned life!”

“Fuck you, my brother was in there,” Hazen finally reclaimed the language center of her brain.

“So was my mother, and you don’t see me lashing out at you!” O’Bannon yelled angrily.

“Quit bitching, it’s only dislocated,” Elizabeth wiped a few tears away, locking her emotions down as she grabbed the man’s shoulder and casually popped it back into place with a sickening ‘crunch’. “If you’ve got any other SLDF buddies in town, gather them up and have them meet at Jack’s Bar on 29th.”

“Okay,” the Mechwarrior rubbed at his shoulder. “And where will you be?”

“Me?” Elizabeth stared into the dust cloud. “I’ve got some business to attend to, I’ll meet you there at,” she checked her watch. “Midnight, three hours should be plenty of time for me to finish what I need to do.”

“Alright,” O’Bannon sighed. “I’ll try, no promises though.”

“If you don’t make it, then you’re already dead,” She shrugged. “They’re not going to leave anyone else alive to resist. You can count on that”

A few hours previously… Outskirts of Unity City

“We’re going to have to ditch the flatbed,” McFadden nodded at Jewels as she brought the vehicle to a stop. “They’ve got a checkpoint up ahead on the street according to the comms chatter I’m picking up.”

“I’d say split up,” Capell said after a minute. “But I think that’d be a death sentence for most of us.”

“Then it’s a good thing I had the safe houses maintained,” Colonel Schmitt smirked as a small bit of blood came up as she coughed. “If I remember right, there’s one a block away from here.”

“Right,” Yanez snapped his fingers. “It was around the corner. Give me a second.

Frank grabbed his Survival kit and dug through it, finally pulling out a faded paper map.

“Now, this thing’s a bit dated, but it’s got the city streets on it, and that’s what we need the most of right now.”

Those who weren’t too wounded stood around the map while Suarez stood guard.

“Closest safehouse is here,” McFadden pointed at a spot on the map. “But it’s a hole in the wall.”

“It’ll work though,” Capell replied. “And we need access to those medical supplies,” he jerked a thumb at the critically wounded patients. “That place should have a fully stocked medical suite. I can stabilize them and we can collect the rest of the kit that’s stocked there.”

“Might be able to get comms out to anyone who wasn’t in Unity City too,” Yanez added. “But based on their search patterns,” Yanez indicated the RWR soldiers that were slowly clearing out the city. “That place’ll be inside their envelope within an hour. So we need to get there and make sure it still looks like no one’s home.”

“Right,” McFadden nodded. “We’re leaving the flatbed here, I want it scrubbed clean before we leave.”

“Already on it,” Charles began wiping down any of the surfaces that they’d touched. “Major, can you get the last seat?”

“Yeah,” Capell grabbed another cloth and wiped down the front passenger seat.

The group of survivors began to move in the marching order that they had decided upon earlier, sticking to the shadows of darkened alleyways and on the outskirts as they reached the back entrance of the now-defunct electronics store.

“It always weirds me out that we leave everything on,” Suarez shivered as they entered the storefront. “The flickering tri-vids and other stuff just makes it feel haunted.”

“That’s part of the rumors surrounding this place,” McFadden smiled. “The more that people think this place is just a ghost store, the less likely they are to dig too deeply into it.”

“And the few that do dig into it are mostly teens who were dared to do a night in the “haunted store”. Capell replied. “The past Black Watch weren’t idiots.”

McFadden finally reached the men’s bathroom and a horrid smell greeted them.

“The fuck is that smell?” Jewels asked.

“Part of our cover,” Capell walked in ahead of the other major, reaching a far wall and touching the handicap panel, a slight glow appearing where his fingers had been. “It only responds when one of the authorized users touches it. If someone who isn’t authorized touches it, then nothing happens. It’s as good a cover as you can get for something like this.”

After the slight blue glow disappeared, the wall slid open, revealing a set of stairs that receded into the darkness.

“Welcome, to Safehouse twenty-seven,” McFadden assisted with the wounded. “Don't get comfortable, we won’t be here for very long.”

Author’s Note: This is the First draft of this chapter and I’m a little bit under the weather. Expect some revisions.
Prologue: Part V
Prologue: Part V

"The Black Watch sends its regards"

"Where was this found?" General Samuel Hill asked his staff. "Amaris swore that we'd gotten all of the bastards."

"It was spray painted on the wall above the bodies of the senior officers of the local garrison," a staffer reported. "The bodies were already cold by the time we found them."

"How'd they go?" Hill asked, looking at the pictures of dead RWR soldiers.

"It isn't pretty," the Lieutenant replied. "Most died to the IED, but the rest," he shook his head. "Precise headshots and kill shots. If it weren't for them being our enemy I'd be impressed."

"Be impressed later," Samuel sighed as he rubbed at his graying temples. "Start patrolling near where this happened. The person who did this will be long gone by now, but we might get lucky."

"Do you really think it's a member of the Goddamn Black Watch?" a rookie nervously spoke up.

"I hope not," General Hill stood up from where he had been seated. "For the civilian's sake if nothing else. And if it is a Black Watch survivor, then we're going to need some more people. We can't let them slip through our net or Amaris will have our heads."

"Right," Colonel Sanchez nodded as he finally finished reading the report. "We're going to want counter-espionage units on this. Which means we're going to have to reach out to another regiment that specializes in it."

"Agreed," Hill tried to rid himself of the headache. "May God have mercy on our souls, Colonel. Because if we bring in counter-espionage, the SLDF won't."

"This is all you could find?" Elizabeth asked O'Bannon.

"Rest weren't willing to do anything. Or were part of the militia," the Mechwarrior shrugged. "What'd you want me to do? Try and force them?"

"No," Hazen shook her head before looking at the ten or so people who were there, and then with a nod at the bartender, the music and all noise shut off. "I'm Major Elizabeth Hazen of the One Hundred and Ninety First Battlemech Division. A Mechwarrior assigned to the Royal Black Watch Regiment. If you saw the news recently, then you now know that the rumors of our deaths are greatly exaggerated. And that we managed to nearly kill that Fat Bastard Amaris even as he assassinated the First Lord in his own throne room."

Hazen met the eyes of every single one of the soldiers, holding their gaze for a moment before glancing at the bartender and nodding.

Jack turned and pulled a picture frame off of the wall, revealing a keypad and a handprint scanner that he placed his hand against before typing in a rapid series of numbers. The wood paneling behind his bar slid open to reveal a stairwell that led down into the bowels of the earth.

"It's open," the retired Black Watch member nodded at Elizabeth. "I'll close it down up here and follow you."

She led the ten soldiers down the stairs, the lights showing the way down to what had been created as a safehouse a century or so before, with constant maintenance and upgrades keeping the place modernized.

"Safe House 427," Elizabeth glanced behind her. "The Black Watch has quite a few of these scattered around the Terran Hegemony in case of emergency."

"Nice," O'Bannon walked over to a set of panels. "I take it you can get in touch with other safehouses from here?"

"Aye," the Major took a seat and began typing in access codes, a flickering light shining in the corner of her vision. "We use encrypted frequencies on bands that are hard to pick up. But we don't want to transmit too much or we'll be found out. That being said," Elizabeth cracked her neck. "It seems that someone is trying to get in touch with us."

"This is Bravo Whiskey Actual to any Bravo Whiskey survivors, please respond."

"This is Bravo Whiskey Four-Two, I read you, five-by-five" Elizabeth leaned in, a smirk on her face. "I have ten assorted Freemen(1) with me and am awaiting further orders."

"We have surviving Charlies, orders are to rendezvous at Rally Point Gamma," A female voice responded. "The Freemen have the choice to stay and resist or come with us. But our duty is clear."

"Copy that Bravo Whiskey Actual, I'll be at rally point Gamma in two days."

The transmission cut out and Elizabeth bolted up and began swapping on lights, opening the doors labeled Armory and Garage as she did so.

"O'Bannon," she called out as she tossed several duffle bags to the floor. "You're on weapons detail. "Jack," she called out to the older man who had just finished coming down the stairs. "Start grabbing the cash. We're bugging out."

"And the rest of us?" a shorter woman asked.

"Tanker?" Hazen asked.

"Yeah," the other woman crossed her arms. "What of it?"

"That means you get to help Jack pick which vics we're bringing," Elizabeth sent her towards the garage. "The rest of you, start stripping anything we might need from here. We're on a tight schedule. They'll have Pendleton locked down in a couple of hours, we need to be out of sight and mind before they do that."

"And why will it be locked down?" O'Bannon tucked a pistol into his waistband.

"Because of my hunting trip earlier," the Major shrugged. "I sent the Rim Worlds Republic and the Fat Bastard a message. I'm hoping that it makes it all the way to the top."

"And what message was that?'

"That even if you think you've killed something, that doesn't mean that it didn't leave ghosts behind."

"How are they?" Capell asked,

"Ribs have been removed from her lungs, I've got her bones set, and I've given her the meds she'll need," Lieutenant Frank Yanez sighed as he removed a set of bloodied gloves. "It was pretty touch and go with the Colonel and Hinks. But they're past the worst of it."

"McFadden managed to establish contact with a few members that were outside of Unity City before Amaris launched his attack," Capell glanced at the sleeping members of the short company. "We're going to meet up with them at Gamma and figure things out from there."

"Gamma's in San Francisco," Yanez scratched at some stubble that had begun creeping along his face. "It's going to be the third hottest search point on this continent for us."

"It won't be for long," McFadden entered the room. "We've got a plan, but we're going to need the Colonel's authorization to finish it. She's the only one with the credentials to get us into the base we need."

"Right,' Capell sat down on a nearby cot. "We should get some rest then, we'll have to head out pretty early if we want to reach Gamma in any sort of reasonable time frame."

"My thoughts as well," the other Major moved to the shower. "I'll take second watch if you want."

"No," Jewels Ferrel sat out of her cot. "I'm the least hurt here, I'll take watch while y'all rest up. I can sleep in the car if I need to."

"Sounds good," Capell yawned and closed his eyes, quickly falling asleep as the lights were dimmed.

"Try to get some rest, Major," Jewels called into the shower. "The last thing we need is for exhaustion to get us killed."

"If a Nuke couldn't do it," McFadden snarked. "Then I'm not sure a lack of sleep can do it. I'll sleep when I'm dead, Mechwarrior."

The Scottish woman stepped out of the shower, toweling off her close-cropped strawberry-blond hair as she slipped on a pair of gym shorts and a tank top. "But thanks," her eyes softened. "I'm going to get some sleep right now. Lord knows we all need it right now."

"Time to get moving," Jewels shook Major McFadden awake. "Frank and I loaded the vehicles, so if we're going to leave, then we should head out soon."

"How're Schmitt and Hinks?" The major yawned.

"Alive and on the mend, but they're not going to miraculously make a full recovery," Yáñez chimed in. "The rest of us should be good by the end of the week, maybe next week at full capability. But the Colonel will be down and out for a while."

"I need her lucid enough to get us into MINSY," McFadden sighed. "I need her credentials to get us into the base beneath."

"I'll be able to wake her up when we get there," the medic confirmed. "But after that, she'll need a full med suite and a doc that's got more than I do."

"You've done well with what you've had," Capell walked in. "You're a trained battlefield medic, not a licensed surgeon. Now, let's get them into the vehicles, we need to get moving, I expect the trip will take longer even if the roads are clear."

Mechwarrior Yáñez and Capell began moving the two critically injured into a comfortable-looking vacation van, wood paneling, carpet, and a bed, while Suarez and Southorn began throwing go bags into the back.

"We go with ICE or Fusion?"

"Fusión in both! We've got speed and durability. This puppy'll take an SRM four-pack and still be able to move!"

"And anything after that?" Yáñez raised an eyebrow.

"Whelp, that's what you've got the speed for," Charles smiled sheepishly. "If we run into any 'Mechs we're fucked."

"So let's not run into anything," Capell slid into the driver's seat of one car. "There's a lot of people leaving Unity City right now. We'll blend in and head out. Yáñez!" He barked. "You're in the van, keep our wounded stable. Jewels, you're with me and Southorn. We're on weapons and security detail."

"And I've got the cash," McFadden appeared with two duffle bags. "One per vehicle, a bribe will go a long way if we need to leave in a hurry. And given the fat bastard's tendency for executing messengers…"

"Anyone who accepts a bribe will try to keep quiet about it," Capell agreed. "Suarez, get in the back of the van, Yáñez'll be occupied and they'll need a shooter."

"Copy that," Suarez grabbed a rifle, slid open the back door of the van, and climbed in. "Ready to roll whenever you are."

"Alright, let's get mobile," Capell hit a button in the sedan, opening the underground garage door. "Destination, MINSY."

Author's Note: I had this written earlier this week. I figure Christmas Eve makes a decent Christmas present for y'all. 😝 have a Merry Christmas and a happy new year, all!
Prologue: Part VI
Prologue: Part VI​

"Spicer, you intact enough to jump?" Captain Daksha asked the Mckenna class Battleship that was holding the zenith point as they approached, the space surrounding the other Star League vessel full of debris and immobile ships from both the Rim Worlds Republic and the Star League Navy.

"Tripitz, we're bleeding a bit of atmosphere and will need an armor touch-up, but we should be able to follow. There better be a damned good reason for us to leave Terra though."

Daksha looked around at his bridge crew and then locked eyes with Ian MacIntosh, who gave a small shake of his head.

"I'm not at liberty to discuss it over open channels, but it's worth both my life and the lives of all of my crew."

"Right," the Spicer replied. "The Reagan isn't going to be able to jump with us. So once we're out of here, we're on our own."

"We'll feed jump coordinates once we arrive," Daksha looked at the terminal in front of him, noting the time that it would take to reach the zenith point. "See what you can pick up from S&R, and if any of the other ships are able to affect enough repairs to join us."

"Understood Tripitz, we'll lock this down until you arrive."

"Captain, are you certain that they can be trusted?" Ian asked, his shoulders set and squared as if facing off a potential enemy.

"They're Star League Navy," Daksha's face darkened. "If we can't trust them, who can we trust?"

"Amaris was able to position his people everywhere," Ian glared. "If they show a hint of disloyalty, you're going to put them down."

"Understood," the captain gulped. "We'll be actively scanning the entire time."

"And I hate to do this," Ian sighed heavily. "But we're going to have to send the Reagan to fend off the ships that are chasing us."

"She'll have to stall them long enough for us to jump out," Daksha agreed as he turned to the comms officer. "Send the Reagan orders to turn hard and burn to stall or stop the pursuing enemies. We're not going to be staying to slug it out."

The officer transmitted the instructions, receiving a confirmation and a sad string of binary code that was translated and forwarded across the various terminals.

"There can be no progress, no achievement, without sacrifice."

The SDS Reagan turned, her lack of crew meaning that she could pull off a maneuver that would have killed lesser ships, and the M-5 drone burning through fuel supplies that it knew it would never need again.

The Rim Worlds Navy had been pursuing them with a trip of Lola Class Destroyers and one older model Aegis in the hopes of destroying the warship before it left the system, their thrusters burning at the edge of where it shifted from safe thrust to maximum.

Those hopes were soon dashed as the Reagan entered weapons range and opened fire. The superior targeting computers ensuring that the heavy NPPCs carved away at one of the Block I Lola's armor, the deep gashes leaving it open for Naval autocannon to punch through, hitting some ammunition storage and sending the warship spinning out of formation as her crew desperately began putting out fires and work on other problems.

The second Lola and Aegis, however, began to return fire. Their naval lasers and autocannon impacting and carving away chunks of armor.

But it wasn't enough. The Reagan replied with volleys of fire, and cracked open the second destroyer with a nuclear explosion, the Alamo fired from the AR-10 system tearing it into two while the Aegis's missiles began to finally impact and cause damage to the drone. The great gulf of space now shrinking as the Reagan came to a split second decision as its power systems began to flicker from a lucky Naval laser hit.

With a horrendous groan and strain, the Reagan fired its maneuvering thrusters and then shited to the maximum thrust it could handle and move at all under, the RWR ship unable to react in time as the prow of the Reagan slammed into the middle of the enemy Warship, cracking it in two and ensuring the Reagan was unresponsive.

For a moment it seemed as if all had stopped in the system, but then a pair of surviving dropships tried to leave the wreckage of the battle, only to be vaporized by twin Heavy NPPCs and it became clear. The Reagan might not be mobile anymore, but God help you if you crossed close enough to be in extreme range of her weapons systems.

The Black Watch members slowly followed traffic as it crawled along the western pacific highways, the Ancient Terran United States Interstate system still used as the basis. Unfortunately, even with many improvements over the centuries, the roads still slowed to a crawl after a disaster of any sort. And a coup of the kind that Amaris had just initiated was the worst kind of disaster.

"Well," Capell sighed as he reclined his seat a bit. "I'm glad we told the other groups we'd be there in a few days, because at this rate, it sure looks like that's the truth."

"Better that we move slow and act like the regular civvies," McFadden replied through the old CB radio system they'd had installed on the cars. "We'll be less conspicuous that way. Besides, this allows us to rest and recover a bit as we get closer. The last thing we want is to not be ready once we get to MINSY. There certainly won't be a lot of rest then."

"Right," Bryn forced himself to take a deep breath and relax. "It looks like it clears up a bit ahead."

"Just make sure that your crew is rotating driving and sleeping back there," the other Major yawned into her radio. "We'll do the same here."

"Yes, ma'am," Capell stretched for a minute before allowing the sedan to creep forward to keep up with traffic. His mind still struggling to break out of combat mode even a day after being out of his 'Mech.

"You alright?" Charles glanced over and saw the Major's hand grabbing a sidearm and checking the chamber with a quick press check before repeating it with another weapon, placing them both within easy reach.

"Yeah," Capell checked one last weapon. "Just hate the post combat nerves. And I feel like we're surrounded by potential enemies at the moment."

"Those are Hegemony citizens though," Charles responded. "We should be able to trust them."

"Some of them, yes," Capell agreed. "Some of them are patriots, retired veterans, etc. And they'll die before giving up and surrendering to Amaris. But an overwhelming majority of the people here on Terra? They don't and won't care as long as their lifestyles aren't changed all that much. So long as the Fat Bastard lets them keep watching their shows and letting them have easy access to their luxuries and food they won't lift a finger. Not at this stage at least."

"What do you mean?"

"Tyrants always seem reasonable at first. They don't restrict all freedoms right away. That's actually one of the reasons we're able to blend in with this group right now. But in a month, maybe two, Amaris will slowly start to narrow down what you can and cannot do, what you can say. And more importantly, what you can't say. Then the fear'll set in, and the people won't be willing to do anything that might end up with them dead. That doesn't include those who'll form insurgency groups obviously, but those will still be a minority and drop in the percentage bucket compared to the majority that won't do anything."
"But aren't people different today?" Charles protested. "More people should be willing to defend the Hegemony."

"Time changes, people, people remain the same," Jewels muttered softly. "History rhymes and follows a cadence. Rise and fall, plateau, and then rise again."

"So why San Francisco?" O'Bannon asked Hazen as they finally picked up speed once the heavy traffic outside of Camp Pendleton had died off.

"Couple of reasons," Elizabeth noted the speed limit signs and then blew right past them at an easy 15 km/h over what was posted. "First, lots of Black Watch family members are located there. Part of what you didn't see was a coded message sent via text, but we're going to recover those families that we can and get them out before Amaris can track them down. The second reason is that the other members have a getaway plan, and I'm not briefed on all of the things that have been secreted away over the years. Jack would actually know more about some of that thing than I do."

"None of you have the clearance," the old bartender shook his head as he loaded an ancient shotgun before tucking it away into a duffle bag. "I've got an inkling of what they have in mind, but I'm not able to confirm anything anyway."

"So, we're all in the dark," O'Bannon sighed. "That's just great," the burly 'Mechwarrior turned away from the two Black Watch members. "Wake me up when we get there. I need to rest before I go insane from hanging out with the two of you."

"Well, he's definitely not Gunslinger material," Jack snarked.

"Tell me about it," Elizabeth chuckled. "I think he'll end up with about half of the group that decides to stay behind and play insurgency."

"As if you're not one of those people," Jack scoffed. "You and I both know better than that."

"I want revenge," a tear dripped down her face. "But I've a duty and a responsibility to see to it that the Camerons survive. That will be my revenge."

"I'll make sure that those who decide to stay have access to some good kit," Jack replied as the day slowly began to fade into twilight. "I won't be able to guarantee their survival. But they'll have damned good chances of pissing Amaris off, and might even be able to pull of some miracles."

"And sometimes, that's all we can ask for."
I hope y’all are enjoying the AU so far. We’ve got a couple of chapters left in the prologue before I dive into the story I had intended to tell before my beta’s sidetracked me.
Personally I really enjoying the prologue, if the rest of the story is of this standard then as readers we will all be very happy :)
Prologue: Part VII
Prologue: Part VII​

Date: December 29, 2766, 1900 Pacific Standard Time
Location: San Francisco, Suburban outskirts

"Wait in the car," Elizabeth got out and tucked a sidearm into a concealed holster, her jacket covering the weapon as she approached a nearby house and knocked on the door before stepping slightly to the side.

"Hello?" A couple opened the door, a young face peeking out from behind her parent's legs. "Can we help you?"

"I'm Major Elizabeth Hazen, I work with your mother, and you need to come with me," she stated bluntly. "We're getting the families of the Black Watch out of Harm's way, and you're just one of a few on our list on Terra."

"Right," the man's face hardened. "Just give us a few minutes."

The door closed softly and the man knelt to look at his daughter and wife.

"Remember where the go-bags are?" He asked Colleen.

"Yes!" Colleen replied.

"I need you to go get the ones out of the garage, I've got to get some things out of Daddy's room, okay?" Mitchell Schmitt glanced at his wife, noting her tears before pulling her into a tight hug. "It's okay," he stroked her back. "We'll get out of this, we just need to be smart about it. If the Major's here, that means that we've got very little time to pack and leave."

Alexandra closed her eyes, wiped the few tears that appeared and exhaled. "What do you need me to do?"

"Go into the office and open the safe, grab whatever money and valuables are in there, and put them in the bags that Colleen's grabbing," Mitchell then opened the door and welcomed the Major in. "Major Hazen," he nodded. "I'm sure you've got your kit, but I'd prefer to use my own."

Leaving the Black Watch Major to watch his wife and daughter, Mitchell went upstairs and pulled a duffle bag from under his bed before uncovering a rug and opening a floor safe.

There, lying in the floor safe was the kit he had been allowed to purchase and take with him when he had finished his term as jump infantry.

"Hello old friend," he sorted through what would be useful and what wouldn't be before throwing it into the bag and heading downstairs, his eyes meeting Elizabeth's and his wife's. "I'm ready. Let's go."

"How secure is your vehicle?" Hazen asked as she glanced up and down the street.

"Fusion, not armored, but I did spring for something a bit more rugged," Mitchell hit a button, and a garage door slid open, revealing a couple of decades-old Chevrolet Suburban.

"That works," Elizabeth walked over to the sedan and popped open the trunk, fishing out an older CB radio. "Here, we can stay in touch while on the road with this."

"Already got one," Mitchell replied. "Now lead the way, I'll follow."

"So, our original plan isn't going to work," Capell looked at the group, McFadden nodding in agreement. "Amaris's going to be able to track our dropship launch, our original plans didn't take into account the SDS systems getting knocked out so rapidly."

"So instead we're going to use the regular civilian traffic before Amaris halts it," McFadden briefed. "We'll still head to MINSY to make sure our identities are rock solid, but we're going to end up leaving it behind."

"Once we make it to an HPG that's not shut down, we'll wait for confirmation on which location the Camerons were moved to," Capell finished, glancing around the motel room. "We're going to have to chart the next few civilian dropships, which means that I need one of you to start looking over the launch schedules. Once we get to MINSY, we'll get into the computer systems and get us set up with tickets and narrow down where we want to go."

"New Dallas is probably one of the places we'll want to head to first," Suarez stated. "The Boltholes might not be on common maps, but New Dallas won't be attacked yet. Amaris'll have to concentrate on knocking out Terra and securing his base of power here first."

"We need MINSY for one other big reason," Frank Yanez sighed. "I'm pretty sure they've got a better med suite than what we had in the Safehouse. And I'm going to need access to it to finish getting the Colonel and Hinks to full recovery."

"And there's the hard part of all of this," McFadden leaned back against the nearby wall. "We have to get the wounded out without giving ourselves away."

"We can work on that story tomorrow on the drive," Capell turned to face the door. "I'll take first watch, you guys get some rest."

"I fucking hate I-5," Suarez let her head drop onto the steering wheel, the horn blaring before she lifted it. "Aren't there faster ways to get to where we're going?"

"Not through the mountains," McFadden sighed. "Once we make it through the mountains we'll be past the worst of the traffic. But until we get past the traffic out of Unity City we're going to be slow for a little while."

"I just hope that Hazen's having a better time of this than we are," Capell's voice came in through the radio. "Because I'm about ready to make a run on Amaris a second time if we have to do this for much longer."

"We're not going with you," O'Bannon crossed his arms in defiance. "You have your mission. But we have ours, and we swore our oaths."

"So be it," Elizabeth nodded in understanding before pulling out a notebook and a pencil. "You're going to want some places to lay low," she began jotting down a few safe house locations. "I'll give you the authorization codes, but I'm not going with you."

"They killed your brother," O'Bannon glared. "Surely you want to take the fight to the fat bastard."

"With everything inside, yes," Hazen's voice might as well have been made of steel and ice with the emotion that was locked within. "But I have a duty and a responsibility to something higher than my own revenge.

"So be it," O'Bannon sighed. "We'll keep Amaris thinking that the Black Watch is alive and well. Hopefully, he'll think that we're remnants of the ones he thought were dead."

"Do it right, and he'll never know the difference," Hazen smirked. "Give them hell for me, Mechwarrior. Give them hell."

Turning and walking away, Elizabeth almost turned to stay, but then her heart hardened and she continued, opening the door to the Schmitt's Suburban and climbing in.

"Where to?" Mitchell asked, his fingers tapping idly on the wheel.

"I've got two other families we need to try and exfil," Hazen opened up a map of the area. "Goal's to try and get them out as well."

"Then let's get to it," looked up from where she was sitting in the back seat. "Lots of ground to cover."

"You sure she wasn't military?" Elizabeth asked.

"I never served," Alexandra matched Hazen's stare as she fed a magazine into a rifle and chambered a round. "But I married into a military family. I had to learn a thing or two."

"I… May have taught her how to shoot," Mitchell grinned. "I think a woman who can outshoot me is sexy."

"Little ears," Alexandra warned her husband. "I'm not explaining gunpowder as an aphrodisiac to Colleen."

"Mom, what's an aphrodisiac?" The eleven-year-old asked, an innocent look on her face.

Two days later… San Francisco

"Welcome to Warehouse 13," Charles Southorn waved the vehicles through the dark into the warehouse.

"It's a warehouse," Capell shrugged. "Nothing really special about this one."

"Nevermind," Southorn shook his head. "Did the others get the message?"

"Dead drop listed this as the meet-up location," Suarez shrugged. "They might be running late though."

"No one was present when I cased it," Jewels shrugged. "But I might have missed something."

Then a trio of vehicles pulled up and Elizabeth Hazen stepped out of an older model Suburban.

"See, I heard y'all were dead," Hazen's normally controlled southern accent bled through.

"To be a bit cliche," Bryn Capell grinned. "Rumors of our death were gravely exaggerated."

"Well it's good to see you," she glanced at McFadden, locking eyes with the XO. "What's the game plan, ma'am."

"We're heading to MINSY to lock down some civilian identities," the woman replied. "After that, we're going to use civilian shipping."

"Cuz using a dropship openly is a good way to get us killed," Hazen agreed. "If the SDS weren't taken out I'd push for it, but as it is, we're going to have to be careful."

"We're also using MINSY to get the Colonel and Hinks back up to being at least walking wounded," Yanez stepped out of the van. "The Colonel's awake if you guys want to speak to her."

Hazen glanced at Mitchell Schmitt and the others before jerking her head at the van in a silent message to McFadden.

"Mitchell, you want to take Colleen and visit for a moment while we work out the rest of the plan?"

"Yeah," he picked up the girl and walked her over to the van that the wounded were kept in.

Then the rest of the people in the cars opened their doors and stepped out, Suarez and Southorn grinning wildly as their families ran up to surround them.

"I love you," Suarez leaned into her husband's arms. "I'm sorry I didn't call. There just wasn't any time."

"You're alive," he leaned down and nuzzled her neck with a sad smile on his face. "That's what's important to me and the girls."

"You alright?" Bryn looked at Elizabeth's stone face. "Lionel was in the hospital last I heard. If he's not with you then…"
"They bombed the hospital he was in," Elizabeth clenched her fists together, her knuckles turning white as rage flooded through her again. "I made them pay for it though."

"They probably already got my family," Capell frowned. "They live in Unity City, and I doubt Amaris left any of them alive."

"You didn't check?" Elizabeth asked.

"Elizabeth," Capell chuckled darkly. "I'm an only child, my parents are old fashioned and refused the life extension treatments. They're decaying in a nursing home because they refused to let me pay for anything. If anything, they'll probably spit in Amaris's face by dying before he gets to them. They're stubborn, and haven't wanted to speak to me in years."

"But they're family," it clicked. "Lots of us are going to be losing people, aren't we?"

"Anyone who is on Terra is at risk," Bryn replied. "The Colonel, Southorn, and Suarez are lucky. They've got their immediate family. But everyone else?" Let's just say that there's going to be a lot of prayer and tears."

"And a whole lot of bloodshed before this is all over."

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