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Tall Tales from Terra
  • Tall Tales from Terra

    Date: January 1st, 2767
    Location: Unity City, Terra, Terran Hegemony

    “Colonel, we finally managed to wipe out the Black Watch members still in the Castle Brian underneath Fort Cameron,” A hastily promoted Major reported.

    “Well?” Colonel Duket asked. “Spit it out, young man.”

    “We didn’t manage to bomb all the entrances closed in the initial attack,” he sagged. “We only faced a short Battalion. And we don’t have an exact count on just how many of them there were given there aren’t published numbers on the Black watch.”

    “Fuck!” Duket swore, driving his fist into a nearby ferrocrete wall. “Which entrance did we miss? Maybe we can still track them down.”

    “This one, here,” the major indicated a point on the map. “It wasn’t one we could have known about, even with the Emperor’s information.”

    “Get out of my office,” Duket sagged in his chair. “Get me a medic, and don’t come back unless you’ve got their heads on a silver platter.”

    “Yessir,” the major dipped his head before leaving the office, his feet shifting from a walking pace to a hasty run.

    “There goes my career,” Duket sighed as he palmed his face with his unbroken hand. “Now I just need to tell the Emperor.”

    “Major Reeves, what about the aerospace fighters still in the hanger?” the ASF wing leader asked.

    “We’re going to have to leave them behind,” Reeves sighed. “The ground vehicles and ‘Mechs were easier to conceal in the brush and surrounding landscape, but it’ll be near impossible to hide nearly forty-plus fighters streaking out into the stratosphere.”

    “Then what do you need us to do?” Lieutenant Colonel Richardson asked. “We’re trained in some small unit tactics, but most of us are only rated for our carbines at most.”

    “We’re smuggling you off of Terra,” Reeves said as he continued leading the convoy. “The rest of the Black Watch is going to make life hell for Amaris here. Besides,” the man turned around to look at the man in his ‘Mech’s Jump seat. “We don’t know if the Camerons managed to make it out alive or not. So some of us will need to check and see if they made it to Bolthole or not. And while we could use air support, you’d be shot down in a heartbeat while the Fat Bastard controls the skies.”

    “No,” Richardson replied. “We stay and fight. Just because we have a chance of being shot down doesn’t mean that you won’t need us.”

    “Richardson,” Reeves stopped his ‘Mech. “I’ve got nearly seven hundred infantry, support staff, and Mechwarriors that are going to be scattered throughout Terra. What can your people offer that they can’t?”

    “The ability to stop them from dropping a nuke on you whenever they feel like it,” Richardson said smugly. “You and I both know where our hidden bases are. Put a few Squadrons of us within easy strike distance and we’ll be on task for intercept whenever you need it. Besides, there’s no way that the royal family made it out alive. So we might as well spend our lives fighting and dying alongside our brothers and sisters.”

    “Fine,” Reeves resumed movement. “But I still think this is a bad idea.”

    “You can think it’s a bad idea all you want,” Richardson smirked. “As long as you go along with it.”

    Date: January 7, 2767

    “What do you mean the Black Watch still lives?!” Amaris roared.

    “Sir, the SLS Abyss managed to escape during the beginning of your reign, and they, along with the SLS Tripitz managed to make it out of the system. We’re tracking the Tripitz now, it’s made a few appearances in nearby systems. We believe they’re making a run for the periphery,” The head of Rim Worlds Intelligence stated. “We did manage to eliminate all of the SLDF regular forces on Terra. And also have managed to take control of most of the Hegemony with only a few short holdouts.”

    “And what of this?” Amaris asked as he pointed to a specific place in the report. “Why, is there a report that the Black Watch is present on Terra?!”

    “They may have managed to unseal an entrance to the Castle Brian underneath Fort Cameron before we went in to kill the lot” the officer stammered. “We haven’t managed to track them down, but I have members of the 4th Dragoons and other counterinsurgency teams on it now.”

    “I wanted them dead,” Amaris whispered. “Let us hope that your replacement does a better job.”

    “What do you mean, replacement?” The other man asked as a laser carved through his head, leaving nothing behind as Amaris waved for them to take the corpse away.

    “Find me his second,” Amaris instructed. “And hunt down the Goddamned Black Watch already. They’re men and women just like anyone else. They can be killed as easily as them as well.”
    Tall Tales from Terra II
  • Tall Tales from Terra II

    Date: February 21, 2777
    Location: Siberian Wasteland Terra, Amaris Empire

    Aleksandr Kerensky felt the weariness in his bones as he moved his Orion through the frigid wastes of the Siberian desert. He was tired, and there was still so much left to accomplish.

    “General, we’re receiving an encoded transmission on SATCOM,” a nearby Cyclops pilot reported. “I don’t have the authorization or the codes to decrypt this.”

    “Pass it on,” Kerensky commanded.

    He watched as a transmission was piped into his battlecomputer and then asked for an authorization code.

    “Authorization Bravo Whiskey One One Five Seven Delta,” he spoke into his mic, the transmission beginning to decode itself and spit out a line of text across his terminal screen.

    “Send a battalion to these coordinates,” Aleksander typed the navigational data into his message thread. “And then form up on me, we need to take Novosibirsk before we move into the rest of Russia with the Division.”

    Date: April 1, 2777
    Location: Argentina, South America, Terra

    “This is the Major General Shawna Orlando of the 11th Royal BattleMech Division, I have been instructed by Commanding General Aleksandr Kerensky to make contact with someone at these coordinates.”

    There was no response. Then, as if magic, scarred battlemechs and vehicles appeared out of the trees and caves.

    “This is Major Reeves of the Royal Black Watch,” a battered Black Knight waved. “We’re ready to retake Terra if you’ll have us.”

    “We had heard you were all dead,” Orlando felt his mouth drop open as the partial lance moved into the open.

    “As you can see. The Rumors of our deaths were… As they say, greatly exaggerated.”