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  • Since you term yourself an Ex-Catholic, I don't suppose you've filled out their Declaration of Defection?

    As I recall, you're Filipino, and I don't know how strict laws on religious affiliation are in the Philippines. Either way, I'm afraid the Church won't budge on this, as even apostates are merely seen as "Catholics in bad standing!" instead of 100% Ex-Catholic (which they don't recognize as legit). :cautious:
    No need. I stopped attending Catholic Mass a long time ago. Thank goodness I'm no longer a resident of the Philippines, or they'd make things more difficult for me. But at the same time, I honestly believe that being the red headed stepchild of Asia is not a good feeling for a Filipino like me. I want my homeland to be like the rest of Asia.
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    Reactions: Zyobot
    Sorry to hear that. Wishing you the best, though, spiritually and otherwise.

    Honestly, I'm increasingly of the opinion that if he came back tomorrow, the majority of Christians (many of whom are good people, I'm sure) wouldn't recognize Jesus if he were staring them in the face. Kinda' sad how much of his original aims and teachings have been forgotten and distorted over the millennia, really. :(
    Also, I did study with JW a long time ago, but can't stomach much of their way of life though.
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    Reactions: Zyobot
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