A Chance Encounter (Robotech/New Battlestar Galactica

Chapter One
  • AJW

    Well-known member
    A Chance Encounter
    Disclaimer: I do not own most of the characters, and definitely not the universes as things would be seriously different if I did, that I am about to mangle around and mash together for my own amusement. Sadly, all Robotech and Battlestar Galactica concepts and characters remain the property of Harmony Gold and Ronald D Moore I am merely borrowing them and make absolutely no profit from their use. As a result, please keep the legal attack dogs – also known as lawyers – firmly muzzled and on a leash as I have no money to give to anyone.


    Chapter One

    Sitting behind his desk in his small ready room Captain John Harrison groaned in annoyance as no sooner than he saved and closed one report than another appeared on his terminal, flagged for an urgent review. For a moment he considered drawing his sidearm and putting a particle beam through the offending terminal to just have a few minutes of peace. He put aside those thoughts, while it would give him moments satisfaction to do such a thing, long term it would only cause him far more problems among which would be filling in the required forms to requisition a new terminal.

    Still, it was at times like this that he wondered just what the bloody hell he had been thinking when he agreed to transfer from flying veritechs to starship operations, which ultimately had seen him awarded his current command. He knew why of course, Rick Hunter had asked him too – and one did not say no to someone that high ranked originally in the Robotech Defence Force and now the Robotech Expeditionary Force not to mention someone who had become a good friend over the years since they'd both been pilots in the SDF-1's airwing – when the RDF had begun laying the groundwork for the mission to find Tirol and the Robotech Masters. They wanted to find the mysterious but undeniably powerful creators of the Zentraedi in the hopes that they could establish a diplomatic relationship with them and prevent the devastation of another war fought with robotech weaponry or, if that was not possible, confront and defeat them far from Earth.

    While the idea was simple even getting to the outer reaches of the Tirolian Empire had been anything but.

    John recalled that it had been a big surprise to every Terran military officer that the Zentraedi hadn't been able to provide them with much beyond the most basic of directions to Tirolian space and the Masters. The navigational maps that would let them travel directly there were heavily encrypted and could only be unlocked by extremely complex one-time cyphers that only the Masters' themselves could generate. They'd been trying to decrypt their own key unfortunately the encryption was far too complex, based in a form of quantum mathematics that only a handful of their people could grasp, and included a couple of quite fiendish logic traps designed to trip up anyone trying to do a brute force decryption. Thus, since they couldn't travel directly to Tirolian space, they were forced to head in its rough direction mapping space as they went.

    Which was the effort his current command was part of.

    Ahead of the bulk of the expeditionary force – which was either still in orbit of Earth or in orbit of the handful of colonies and outposts they'd established outside of Sol – small groups of warships, codenamed pathfinders after the pilots who used to guide bomber formations to their targets during second world war, had been sent out. There, goal to find the way across the largely uncharted expanse of the Milky Way to Tirolian space which they knew was somewhere in one of the fifty-eight dwarf galaxies – specifically the Greater Magellanic Cloud – that orbited their own galaxy. A distance of fifty kiloparsecs and while that wasn't an insurmountable distance – they could fold ten kiloparsecs in one go if they had to though the drive would require an extended cooldown and repower cycle afterwards – the problem was the fact that no one knew exactly what lay between them and Tirolian space. It was the purpose of the pathfinders to fill in that gap to both ensure the survival of the expeditionary forces and to find suitable planets for colonization by both Terrans and the allied Zentraedi in accordance with the Gloval Initiative.

    Mentally John shook himself, chiding himself for getting distracted, and started to read through the report that had just appeared on his screen. A concerned frown appeared on his face as he read that it was a report from the quartermaster in charge of keeping track of all the supplies on both this ship – the Sirona – and the other two Damocles-class cruisers and four escorting Battle-class destroyers that made up Pathfinder Group Four. They were beginning to run low on some of their food supplies, especially on the Battles which didn't have the extensive hydroponic/aquaponic facilities that the three Damocles did. Facilities that could only offset the destroyers' smaller stores so much. Hmm looks like after we've finished our next survey, we'll have to fold back to the nearest MARS station for resupply, he thought making a mental note to discuss the matter with the other ship captains when they had their regular fold comm meeting later today.

    He finished reading the report, saved, and closed it and leaned back thoughtfully. The console chirped and he swore softly in his native Welsh as another report appeared for his attention, this one having all the hallmarks of the bureaucratic make work that the pencil pushers who did all the admin stuff liked to lump on you. He was just about to lean forward again to start the unpleasant task of reading this report when the desk comm unit chirped for his attention. I wonder what this is, he thought with a slight smile of relief as he pushed a button on the offending device.

    "Yes?" he asked.

    "Sorry to bother you captain but could you please come to the bridge. Our latest probe scans are back and they're detecting something unusual in a nearby nebula," came the familiar voice of Commander Tylen Rou.

    "Of course, commander, I'll be right there," John replied, standing up grateful for the chance to get away from his paperwork for a time.

    "Yes, sir."

    As Tylen signed off, he turned and left his quarters. As he began to make the short journey to the bridge, he couldn't help but wonder what it was their long-range probes had detected; whatever it was, it had to be something truly unusual for the micronized Zentraedi warrior who served as his executive officer to call him to the bridge in this way. While he had initially been somewhat dubious about having a Zentraedi as one of his senior officers –, after all it wasn't really that long ago that they'd been the most mortal of enemies – he'd since come to appreciate him both as a man and as an officer. Thus, he knew Tylen wouldn't call him unless it was absolutely necessary.

    It took only a few moments to reach the bridge of the six hundred- and ten-meter-long cruiser. By design the commanding officer's office, or the ready room after the captain's office on Star Trek, was only a few meters from the bridge. It allowed a ships master or mistress to work and still be close enough to the bridge to get there quickly in the event of an emergency. After exchanging polite nods of acknowledgement with the two armoured marines guarding the entrance to the bridge he stepped into the room.

    "What is it Ty," he asked as he walked over to where the Zentraedi officer was standing by the main sensor station. The other man looked up and smiled in greeting, having long accepted the affectionate nickname he'd given him seeing it as a sign of genuine acceptance among the mostly Terran crew.

    "Captain a few minutes ago we recovered our latest long-range probes. There passive fold sensors detected two brief fold distortions in a nebula point six light years off our current course," Tylen replied. "Both distortions are extremely brief – just a second or two long each."

    John frowned. "What could cause that," he asked knowing that space folds normally took between sixty and ninety seconds, depending on both the model of drive being used and the mass of the object being folded, to form fully and for the fold spheres contents to cross the threshold between normal space and hyperspace.

    "I don't know," Tylen admitted with a puzzled frown on his face.

    "Could it be possible that some local race has a variation on space folding technology that we're not familiar with?"

    "It's possible though it would be unlike any fold system ever encountered be either my people or the Robotech Masters," Tylen answered looking quite thoughtful. "We should investigate. I recommend that most of the squadron remain here and just this ship, possibly with a destroyer in support, go to investigate. That way we should not appear aggressive."

    John considered that counsel for a moment. He could see where the micronized Zentraedi was coming from, plus they needed to know if those two brief fold distortions had been caused by a previously unknown race – with a previously unknown form of space folding technology – or if they were the result of some kind of previously unknown natural phenomenon. If there were aliens there, then it could indicate that they could be entering someone else's territory and that was the very last thing they wanted to do. Sending just two ships to investigate – and if aliens were present to make peaceful contact and from their negotiate passage for the expeditionary forces through this region – was common sense as they would not be seen to be that threatening, well not to someone who wasn't aware of the level of firepower possessed by robotech warships.

    "Good idea," he said after a few more moments of thinking it over. "But before we fold, we should let headquarters know what's going on."

    "Agreed," Tylen replied with a smile and a nod of agreement as one of the things he really liked about his current CO was his cautious, prudent nature which was quite a refreshing change from some of the other commanders he'd had the misfortune of serving under – including the late and very unlamented Khyron about a hundred years ago. Though he also enjoyed how the Terran was also teaching him how to play the ritualised form of team combat called rugby. Many such Terran sports – but especially rugby and soccer – were really gaining a near cult following amongst the Zentraedi as it let them have a healthy outlet for the restless energy and competitive nature built into them by the Robotech Masters. But then so did a number of the more combat orientated sports like boxing – which Captain Harrison had also taught him, and they had regular training and sometimes competitive bouts in the gym – and the various forms of martial arts.

    Like many of his fellow Zentraedi – micronized or not – the more he discovered about Terrans the more he admired them. They had a warrior fierceness to them that you had to admire but unlike the Zentraedi they had learned how to exist and live beyond it. They weren't slaves to their admittedly impressive martial skills – like the Zentraedi had until so recently been – which was something that more and more of his fellows were endeavouring to accomplish themselves, as becoming more than what they had long been would really be the ultimate victory for the Zentraedi over the Robotech Masters.

    He put aside those thoughts as Captain Harrison spoke again. "Communications?" he heard the Terran say.

    "Sir?" the lieutenant in charge of the bridge comm station answered immediately.

    "Send a transmission to High Command. Advise them of our probe findings and that request permission to take two ships to investigate further," John ordered.

    "Aye sir."

    "Now we wait," John commented looking over at his XO who nodded in agreement a few moments before the long-range sensor console chirped. "What is it?"

    "Sir we're picking up some more of those short fold disturbances," the officer in charge reported immediately. "Same location as the original ones our probe detected, same duration but more of them. This is weird we're picking up the subspace echo of a space fold but there are no alpha or delta wave phase shifts, nor any residual phased gravitons."

    "Curiouser and curiouser," John commented. "Forward a copy of the data to comms to relay to high command. Also, how many signatures are you now picking up?"

    "Computer determines eight separate disturbances sir," the lieutenant answered. "Given how small the bursts are and they're very short duration I doubt that the ships that made them are very big."

    "Understood keep an eye open though for more fold disturbances," John ordered as he made his way to the commanding officers chair at the back and centre of the bridge – which like on all modern REF bridges had its own small workstation in front of it where he could monitor any system on the ship he wanted to at any given time – and sat down in it the synthetic leather padding creaking slightly as it took his two hundred and twenty pound weight. Out the corner of his eye he saw Tylen return to his own workstation near the front of the rectangular bridge to return to his own duties.

    "Aye sir."

    I wonder how long it will take someone at command to agree to my request, John thought as, to pass the time, he transferred some of his electronic paperwork to his console. He began reading through another supply notification and noted with some concern that one of the other two Damocles-class cruisers – the Minerva – was reporting that its protoculture reserves were down to forty-percent. While not critical at the moment, the Minerva had enough protoculture remaining for another two months of operation well provided they didn't have to engage someone in combat, it only reinforced the notion that he was going to have to seriously consider booking group four in for a service at the nearest MARS station. With the mental equivalent of a sigh, he brought up the proper forms that he would need to fill in and forward to command, who would then check when the nearest station was available to service his fleet and booking them in to fold to its location.

    Abruptly the communications console chirped. "Sir we're receiving a response from UEEF High Command," communications reported.


    "High Command has acknowledged our request sir and Admiral Hayes has agreed with your plan," the younger officer replied. "However, she also orders that the rest of the task force assume full readiness status ready to fold in to support us should we run into hostiles."

    Well, that makes sense as while our newer ships are considerably more powerful than the first-generation ones we're far from invincible, John thought with a mental smile. He had been planning to give that order anyway though it was even better that it had come from Lisa herself. One of the other ship captains – that xenophobic bitch Captain Natalia Matheson on the Artemis that Anatole Leonard had forced on him, the man was unfortunately far too good at playing political power games – might have argued with him but they wouldn't with an order from Lisa. Not even Matheson was that stupid, if she tried Lisa would bury her and there would be nothing Leonard would be able to do to help her – and she knew it. So did Lisa which was probably the reason she'd included that order in the first place.

    "Acknowledge the order," he said at last. "Relay it to the rest of the fleet. Then inform Captain Charleston on the Inuit that they will be coming with us to investigate the fold disturbances, Captain Turner on the Minerva will be in charge of the fleet while we're gone."

    "Aye sir."

    "Helmsman begin moving us out of formation with the rest of the fleet," John ordered, "Ty please make sure that out part of the fleet CAP is back onboard and secure for fold."

    "Aye sir," both the helmsman and the Zentraedi replied, before setting about their respective.

    "Sir the rest of the fleet has acknowledged the order," the communications officer replied.

    "The last of our part of the CAP is landing in the portside bay now," Tylen added, he had already started the process of recalling them from the moment they received the okay order from Admiral Hayes. He knew full well that John wouldn't mind, the Terran having encouraged him a few times over the last year or two to act on his own initiative where appropriate instead of rigidly sticking to the command hierarchy. At first it had been a strange, very alien mindset to adopt but over time he had gotten a lot better at it. "The Inuit has moved into formation with us. We should reach fold clearance from the rest of the fleet in three minutes."

    "Excellent. Navigation begin plotting a hyperspace fold jump to the coordinates of the fold distortions."

    "Aye sir beginning fold computations."

    Leaving his crew to do their jobs John turned his attention briefly back to his command console. Carefully he saved the paperwork that he had been working on and closed it, bringing back up general systems display. A glance at which showed him that the hyperspace fold drive was powering up correctly and, in a few moments, would be able to take the ship to investigate the fold disturbances that had first teased their probes then the ships own sensor arrays.

    "Fold calculations complete sir."

    "All veritechs docked and secured. All stations report ready to initiate space folding."

    "Initiate space folding."

    "Aye sir initiating space folding sequence. Hyperspace fold in thirty seconds."

    Leaning back in the command chair again, John waited, keeping his eyes on the data display that had appeared on the command console showing the countdown to the execution of the hyperspace fold jump. Even after all this time, he still sometimes had trouble wrapping his head around the reality of humanity now having interstellar travel. Granted, they'd had some trouble with hyperspace folding at first – like everyone else who'd been there, he well remembered the SDF-1 space folding to Pluto's orbit when they'd been aiming for the dark side of the moon, incidentally, dragging Macross Island and chunk of Pacific Ocean through hyperspace with them – the Zentraedi who'd sided with them had soon put them straight on how to use space folding properly. Now the people of his homeworld – battered, bruised, and battle scarred maybe – had the whole galaxy at their doorstep, thanks to the miracle of robotechnology. If only that miracle hadn't cost us billions of lives, he thought, feeling a familiar stab of pain at the reminder of seeing large parts of Earth burning during the Rain of Death. Like many people, he'd lost loved ones in the Rain, in his case, one of his sisters who'd been in London where she'd worked at Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital when the two millennia old city, and much of the Southeast of England, was obliterated by a mixture of reflex cannon and heavy particle cannon blasts from Dolza's fleet.

    For a moment, he saw her again, smiling at him at the last family get together that they'd shared before the First Robotech War began, then the familiar thrum of power through the ship brought him out of those thoughts, and he dismissed Sarah's ghost, at least for now. He looked up at the viewports as a shimmering bubble of eldritch energy popped into existence around the ship as the fold sphere established itself, then the bubble turned into streaking starlight – that never ceased to remind him of the initial hyperspace entry from Star Wars – as the fold bubble submerged the ship into hyperspace…

    …but only for a moment.

    With a flash, the starlight evaporated into the shimmering bubble of the fold sphere, again only for a moment, as the bubble evaporated. Instead of in the open depths of starlit space, the Sirona and the Inuit were now in a system surrounded by shimmering veins of gas shot through with ribbons of swirling dust. Ahead of them was a planet illuminated by the feeble light of a distant white sun. Even from a distance, the planet looked very uninviting cold, its surface dominated by large fields of snow and ice, its oceans a pale grey.

    What an unpleasant looking place, he thought before putting the frigid-looking planet out of his mind for now. There would be time to scan and survey it from orbit later – just to be thorough as Lisa and the other top brass didn't look kindly on you if you weren't thorough with any potentially habitable, if only barely, planet you came across – right now they needed to investigate what had caused the fold disturbances that had drawn their attention to this system in the first place.

    "Preliminary scans complete sir," sensors reported, "we read multiple small spacecraft, unknown design. Six are inside the planets atmosphere with two of them landed on the surface. Two more are in high orbit, they appear to be directing a form of lidar at us."

    "Life signs?"

    "Life sign readings… wait this can't be right."


    "Sir the life sign readings are human."

    "Confirm that."

    "Confirmed sir the life signs are human."

    "Interesting how the hell can humans be out here," Tylen wondered.

    "I have no idea," John admitted, "communications hail them let's see if we can answer this puzzle."

    "Sir the craft on the surface are lifting off and the ones in atmosphere appear to be making towards orbit. We must have spooked them," sensors reported.

    "No doubt. Communications any answer from the craft?"

    "Negative sir. I've tried fold comm and laser comms but there is no response. I'm about to switch to radio frequencies."

    "Sir one of the craft in the atmosphere is going back down looks like they've got some kind of engine problem and cannot make orbit. The others are entering orbit. We're picking up some kind of fold engines powering up."

    "Fold drives on something that small it doesn't seem possible," Tylen commented.

    "The other seven ships are folding out sir."

    John nodded he could see it himself on his command console screens. In an impressive display of synchronisation all seven spacecraft – each barely the size of one of the old star goose shuttlecrafts – vanished in burst of light. Bursts that from the small amounts of phased gravitons and beta phase tachyons emitted were definitely space folds but were far briefer than the norm and the number of particles emitted by the folds were considerably lower than the norm for a space fold. Incredible, he thought amazed by the event as he had never thought that such a fold system would be possible, let alone be able to be fitted to something that small. While he wasn't an engineer or robotechnologist he would love to get a look at that fold system, and he knew the people back home would be even more desperate to get a look and to start tearing it apart to see just how it worked and if they could reproduce it. After all, if they could reverse engineer, it then it could lead to a revolution in military tactics.

    Thankfully they still had a chance to get a hold of one of the drives. Not to mention find out just how the hell humans could be out here several kiloparsecs from Sol.

    "Helm move us into orbit of the planet," he ordered after a moment. "Tylen prepare a squad of marines to go down to the planet. They're to check the vessel that went down for survivors, help them if possible and try to recover the craft."

    "Aye sir," both the helmsman and the Zentraedi XO acknowledged.

    Mentally John sighed and leaned back in the commanding officers chair as the crew began to carry out their assigned tasks. In another couple of minutes, a squad of marines would leave the ship aboard one of the two Predator-class dropships and head down to the surface and the landed – but hopefully not crashed – unknown ship. Hopefully the crew would be alright and be able, and willing, to talk with them and answers their questions. If not, well they would just have to deal with it. Whatever the outcome was he would have to first endure something that he absolutely hated, in fact it was something every captain in the REF fleet hated…

    Chapter Two
  • Chapter Two

    Colonial Raptor 221
    Several Minutes Earlier

    Lieutenant Margaret 'Racetrack' Edmondson was bored. She and the electronic warfare officer Lieutenant Hamish 'Skulls' McCall had been assigned to orbital watch alongside Raptor 301 while six other Raptors had been assigned to further investigate the planet that they had inadvertently stumbled across due to a navigational error on their original mission to accompany Starbuck and a few other Raptors back to Caprica to rescue some survivors of the Cylon attack. While most of the Raptors had descended down into the atmosphere – some to gather atmospheric samples the others to the surface to gather soil and water samples - two of them had remained here in orbit to watch for any unexpected, unpleasant surprises like say a Cylon basestar showing up.

    Despite knowing her job was important it was still a very boring one.

    She was brought out of her boredom when the ECO station abruptly came alive with warnings. "Whoa," she heard Skulls say as he suddenly began scanning his screens looking for whatever it was that was triggering the alert.

    "What we got Skulls?" she asked, suddenly fully alert and mentally scolding herself for complaining about suddenly being bored.

    "There's some kind of gravitational disturbance forming nearby," Skulls replied, frowning in confusion a moment before a jolt ran through the Raptor, "that was a gravitational distortion wave, we're now picking up a disturbance forming the space-time continuum. It's similar to the space fold field put out by one of our FTL drives but way more powerful and drawn out. If it's a jump it's like nothing I've ever seen, it's certainly not Colonial or Cylon."

    For a second Racetrack was stunned into silence. "Are you saying it's alien?" she asked as another gravitational wave rattled the Raptor. What kind of FLT event creates gravitational disturbances like this, she thought as she checked her screens and was relieved to see that the navigational system was automatically compensating and keeping the ship stable and in its assigned position in orbit; she had been worried that the gravitational distortion waves would push them out of position.

    "I don't know what else it could be," Skulls replied.

    Racetrack frowned and was about to ask how that could be. The Colonial Astrophysical Institute had been searching the stars for nearly two hundred years, listening, and looking for any sign that there was life beyond the quadruple star system that housed – had housed – the Twelve Colonies. In all that time they had found nothing, no sign that there was anyone else out there beyond themselves and the Cylons – which had led to some of the more religiously inclined among their people especially the Gemenese and Sagittarian's to proclaim that the Lords of Kobol had meant the universe for them alone – apparently until now. However, before she could open her mouth to speak the words a third gravitational wave rocked the Raptor a moment before a brilliant flash of light outside nearly blinded her.

    When she could see again what they could see outside the cockpit windows was astonishing. Where there had been open space and nebula dust two glowing spheres of energy, that for all the world looked like whirling balls of golden frosted glass, had appeared. A dark shape was forming in the centre of each sphere, skeletal and indistinct at first but rapidly solidifying as if the alien – as impossible as that seemed – starships were somehow reintegrating into normal space. It was the complete opposite of a normal jump. Suddenly with a gyroscopic blue flash the sphere's dissipated.

    Leaving two alien starships floating there in space.

    They were very strange looking ships. Each was vaguely cylindrical with two outboard sponsons running from about halfway along their length to the rear of each ship. Each was constructed of a strange dark blue metal and frankly looked like something that belonged beneath the surface of the oceans of Caprica, Picon or Aquaria not out here in the void of interstellar space. It was immediately obvious that both vessels were warships as even from here she could see a number of large turrets on both ships – and something about the look of those barrels told her that whatever came out of them was completely different to the kinetic kill or high explosive rounds that came out of Colonial warship cannons – as well as the close circular recesses of torpedo or missile tubes in the bows. From this angle she could see a number of other ports, as well as smaller dome-shaped turrets along the hulls indicating just how incredibly heavily armed they were for their size even by Colonial standards.

    "Frack me," she breathed still stunned by the fact that she was face to face with not one but two alien warships, something that until now had only existed in books and as the staple of cheap cable science fiction shows and movies. Mentally she shook herself, getting past the shock and focusing on the issue at hand. "Skulls are we getting anything off those ships?"

    "We're getting some readings but not many of them," Skulls replied, "whatever it is they're made from its almost completely impervious to dradis, we can tell that they are there and that the hull is metallic but that's all. Thermal scan is picking up some emissions from their engines and we are picking up residual ions though the dispersal pattern is completely different to anything we've ever seen."

    "So, we know next to nothing," Racetrack said a moment before the light and instruments momentarily flickered, even the artificial gravity failing for a heartbeat making her feel like her heart had momentarily jumped into her throat. "What the frack?"

    "We're being scanned by the larger ship," Skulls explained "there's a fracking ton of power behind the scan far more than anything I have ever seen before, the EM impact is momentarily disrupting our systems."

    "Okay I've had enough of this. Send a message to all the other Raptors to bug out and return to the fleet. It's time to let the old man and the president decide what to do about this."

    "On it."

    While Skulls set about wirelessing the other Raptors and telling them to return to orbit Racetrack began preparing the Raptor to jump. Spinning up the FTL drive and bringing up the preprogramed jump back to the fleet and loading it into the navigational computer. All the while she kept a wary eye on the alien warships, prepared to take evasive action if they did anything funny. So far, the alien ships had done nothing, well beyond scan them, to indicate that their intent was aggression, but she wasn't about to take any chances. After all the Lords only knew how an alien mind would think or feel.

    "Frack," Skulls cursed.

    "What is it?"

    "It's Hotdog and Knight. There Raptors engines are miss firing and they've lost power to their FTL drive. They're not going to be able to make orbit."

    "Frack how many aboard?"

    "Including Hotdog and Knight six. Two agriculture specialists and four marines. Frack their engine problems are getting worse, they're losing thrust and falling back towards the surface."

    "Frack. Alright tell them to land as best they can on the surface the Old Man will have to send someone back for them," Racetrack replied knowing from experience that Admiral Adama would not leave some of their people behind and would come back for them – even if that meant jumping the Galactica or the Pegasus into orbit and possibly confronting alien warships whose weapons and capabilities were a dangerous unknown.

    "Right," Skulls acknowledged before relaying to the troubled Raptor. Then he noticed that the other Raptors were entering orbit. "All Raptors information Racetrack. Synchronising jump clocks."

    "Jump clocks synchronised," Racetrack confirmed, "jump in five… four… three… two… one… jumping."

    As she finished speaking, she turned the key on the jump drive. Immediately the feeling of tension that accompanied a jump gripped all of them and the world seemed to stretch and twist before snapping back into focus with a brilliant flash of light. Through the viewports the nebula and the planet they'd discovered by accident had vanished replaced by the familiar sight of the fleet.

    Within moments the wireless came to life. "Raptor 221, Galactica," came the voice of one of the newer comm techs attached to the Galactica. A tech who had come from the handful of new ships that had appeared near the fleet two months ago centred on the heavy cruiser Cerberus, which had been accompanied by a marine assault ship – which had been transporting a full battalion of marines and all their equipment to an exercise when the Cylons attacked – a hospital ship, and several transports packed with civilians. "Your back early is there a problem?"

    "Yeah, Galactica there is. Can I speak to the old man?" Racetrack replied. A moment later Admiral Adama came on the line.

    "Raptor 221 this is Galactica actual. What's going on Racetrack?" the admiral asked, concern in his voice. Racetrack swallowed, mentally steeled herself and then said the words that, though she didn't know it yet, would go down in Colonial history.

    "Sir we have a problem."


    Raptor 331
    That Same Time

    Lieutenant Brendan 'Hotdog' Costanza was sweating as he fought to bring his ailing Raptor into an emergency landing. It wasn't easy the engines were now barely functioning – and making the most gods awful noise – and as such they were falling like a brick. It had all started so well; they had been ascending back into orbit after Racetrack suddenly scrubbed the mission for some reason – which had been a serious annoyance as he had been looking forward to breathing some fresh air for once after a year and a half of breathing recycled air on the Galactica – when the engines had emitted a series of dull thuds followed by a loud bang. Within seconds his instruments had come alive with warnings, the FTL drive stopped working and engine thrust levels began dropping rapidly as did their supply of fuel indicating that whatever had happen it had caused serious damage to the fuel feed system, resulting in them losing precious tylium from the lines.

    Outside the clouds gave way to the mostly snow and ice-covered surface of this planet. Idly he noted that this place would not be the best place to call home, even though there were some somewhat temperate areas near the equator which would be tolerable, given how cold it was. Though if he knew the Old Man this planet would at most have been a pitstop – somewhere to stock up on whatever edible foods they could find not to mention additional supplies of fresh water to take the load off the increasingly overstressed water recycling systems on the battlestars – before they resumed their search for Earth and the Thirteenth Tribe of Man. That's what would have happened if Admiral Adama got his way but with the politics of the presidential election going on everything could change.

    Right now, though the thoughts of the politicking going on back in the fleet were the last thing on his mind. Instead, he focused on levelling the Raptor's descent and reducing their speed, a crash was inevitable and there was nothing he could do to prevent that. What he could do was try to make sure they survived the impact and be able to survive long enough for rescue parties from the Galactica, Pegasus or the Cerberus to reach them.

    "Hotdog I've rerouted as much of our remaining tylium as I can to the landing thrusters," Lieutenant Peter 'Knight' Hansen said from the ECO station. "It should be enough to slow us down for an at least partially controlled landing."

    "Thanks Knight," Hotdog replied as he managed, just, to get the still falling Raptor back onto a level flightpath. He could feel the muscles in his arms burning from the exertion of fighting controls that were not only feeling very heavy – indicating that whatever had damaged their engines had likely damaged their hydraulics as well, so their power assist was gone – and slow to respond to his commands. "Okay I've got us level, everyone brace yourselves back there we'll hit the surface in less than a minute."

    From behind Hotdog heard the marines and scientists bracing themselves for the inevitable impact. With only two or three hundred feet left to go he fired the landing thrusters. For a few seconds the thrusters continued to fire slowing the Raptor down until the fuel flow to the thrusters died away completely instantly shutting them down.

    Now only meters above the ground the Raptor slammed down hard, before – riding on its residual forward momentum – skidding along throwing up huge fans of snow and frozen dirt. The heat generated by the friction melting the snow creating a thin film of water that the crashing craft aquaplaned along until it abruptly came to a cliff. For a moment the Raptor was airborne again – then it dropped several meters down onto a rugged surface of a glacier…

    …and lay still it's systems dead the crew within unconscious or dead.


    Starboard Hangar Sponson
    UES Sirona
    Orbit, A Short Time Later

    Dressed in a full suit of the newly developed CVR-3 body armour and holding one of the new FAL-2 Laser Carbines Major Daniel O'Neill watched patiently as one of the two Predator-class medium assault landers docked aboard the Sirona was loaded ready for departure to the icy world below. They had already loaded a single squad of Gladiator destroids aboard, he doubted they would need their firepower but experience during the war with the Zentraedi had shown it was better to be safe than sorry, and now the mixed squad of marines, medics, and combat engineers that he would be leading down to the planet were filing aboard.

    While he waited for the team, he would be leading to board he thought about their mission. It was a simple search and retrieval mission, something he had done several times since the Sirona and the rest of Pathfinder Group Four had folded out of Sol, though one with some higher stakes than what he had gotten used to. He couldn't help but wonder what was so special about the small craft that had crashed on the surface, well beyond the fact that the people aboard it was apparently human. Human's whose origins were unknown to them as they didn't come from Earth, and they were still a very long way from the outer edge of Tirolian space.

    "Major," his second in command Captain Deaton said from behind him, prompting him to turn to look at him a question on his face. "Everyone is aboard and the pilot reports ready to launch. We just need to get aboard ourselves."

    "Very well," Daniel replied, "has there been any more news from the bridge about the alien craft?"

    "Yes sir. The craft has crashed onto the surface of a large glacier," Deaton replied, "sensors show that there are still lift signs from the craft however they are weak. The survivors of the impact are likely badly hurt, given how cold it is down there it won't be long before hypothermia sets in. To make matters more interesting our sensors have detected a cold front moving towards the area, scans show strong winds, and the clouds are thick with either snow or freezing rain."

    "Damn it. How long until the cold front arrives?"

    "At its current speed it will be over the glacier within at most two hours, we can't be more precise than that the air mass is too unstable."

    "Damn. Then we're going to have to hurry," Daniel answered before heading aboard the transport himself. Given the approaching stormfront this was going to be a very tricky operation though – as long as they managed to rescue the survivors beforehand – they could if needs be stay in the dropship until the storm passed over then return here with them to the Sirona.

    "Yes sir," Deaton agreed as he followed his superior officer aboard the dropship. As soon as he was aboard, he hit the control to close and seal the hatch. "Hatch closed and secure sir."

    "Excellent captain. Pilot request departure clearance then take us out," Daniel ordered.

    "Aye sir," the painfully young - but then since the Rain of Death young people had had to grow up fast, they no longer had the luxury of bumming around as carefree teenagers any longer, not with the world so damaged and so much still needing to be done to both repair the damage inflicted by Dolza's forces but to hopefully prevent the planet suffering such a catastrophe again - pilot replied from the cockpit.

    After a few moments they heard the engines start up and felt a slight jolt, much like what a lift made as it started moving, as the dropship lifted off the deck. Seconds later they were in open space heading for the surface of the planet – a planet that the ship had now moved into orbit of. Watching the feed from the external cameras Daniel didn't doubt that the Sirona would be running comprehensive scans of the planet. Surveying the surface as part of their mission directives, though the icy world did not look to be very promising in colonisation terms. Still, he knew Captain Harrison would be determined to be thorough, especially as it seemed like another group of apparent humans was also interested in this glorified ice cube for some reason.

    Hopefully the survivors of the crashed ship would be able to tell them why they were interested in this planet.

    The dropship began vibrating as they started to encounter the uppermost layer of the planet's atmosphere. The view of the planet quickly disappeared in a haze of orange plasma flames as they descended. The plasma sheath didn't last very long as they soon encountered thicker air. The view of the planet reappeared and Daniel – like everyone in the troop compartment – was treated to a beautiful – in the way such things were – high altitude view of the surface. It was breath taking as the slow relentless grinding action of glaciers against the rock had created a network of high rocky peaks and wide u-shaped valleys. Most of which were dominated by the pale white-blue masses of the great rivers of ice, but a few were ice free and showed either pale grey rocks or the seasonal artic grassland known as tundra. Dotted across the tundra were cold-looking lakes – some of which had to be massive if they could see them clearly from so high up – and the silver ribbon of fast-moving rivers.

    All in all, the planet gave the impression of a place that was midst of an ice age. An ice age that probably would never truly end given how the light of the systems star was heavily diffused by drifting nebula gas and dust before it even reached the atmosphere, let alone the surface. The view changed slightly as they dropped lower and angled towards the glacier where the alien craft had come to rest.

    Within what felt like a few seconds, but was really a minute or two, they came upon the crash site. The alien craft was surprisingly small, not that much bigger than one of the still prototype Beta veritech fighters and had weathered the impact with the ice fairly well, though it was clearly banged up and the engines at the back were emitting ominous black smoke as well as some sparks. One of the engines could be seen to actually have a hole the size of a battloids fist in the side from which the worst of the smoke was billowing. Though as they closed, they could see the smoke and sparks were diminishing as whatever was burning inside the engine modules was consumed. Well, that or some internal firefighting system was gaining the upper hand.

    A sudden jolt accompanied by a whoosh of retro-thrusters told the entire ground team that the dropship was entering the final phase of landing. "Major, I'm putting us down as close to the wrecked ship as I can," the pilot called back. "We've also just received a revised ETA on the cold front."

    "And?" Daniel asked.

    "It looks like we're going to have a bit more time than we thought," the pilot answered, "the front has slowed down considerably as its begun to enter the mountains. It now won't reach us for at least three hours."

    "That will help a bit," Daniel commented as a jolt ran through the ship as they set down. Note to self; have a word with the starboard sponson deck chief to check the shock absorbers on this Predator's landing legs, he thought a moment before the light over the hatch changed colour going from red to green indicating that they could now disembark. He snapped to his duty. "All right everyone I shouldn't have to say this, but I know how some of you, numbskulls think thus I want everyone to keep your guard up and watch where you put your feet. The surface of a glacier can seem solid but can easily mask a crevasse and you really don't want to fall down one of those. Everyone hear me?" Having grown up in Alaska, at a small homestead a few hours outside of Anchorage, he was well aware of the dangers that came with glaciers, the giant rivers of frozen water looked beautiful but like any river their beauty could hide terrible danger.

    "Sir yes sir," the other marines chorused in unison.

    "Then let's go."

    Without any further ado Daniel stood up and led the way off the dropship. Thankfully the fact that all of them were wearing armour with environmental protection underneath – not to mention sealable helmets – prevented all of them from feeling the blast of cold air that slammed into them the moment they left the air-conditioned comfort of the dropship's interior. As they stepped out onto the snow-covered surface of the glacier Daniel was pleased to note that the pilot had been true to his word… they were literally only a few meters from the wreck and were also facing it.

    Still being cautious he waited to approach till their supporting squad of Gladiator destroids disembarked from their own hatch and moved to create a perimeter around the crashed vessel. There dual beam cannons, 80mm particle gunpods and chest missile launchers trained cautiously on the crashed vessel, almost as though they were expecting something nasty to jump out at any minute. Daniel didn't doubt that the marines inside the destroids were thoroughly scanning the downed craft with their sensors.

    A moment his helmet comm came to life. "Major we've completed our scan of the craft," Lieutenant Walker reported from the lead Gladiator. "There are no active power sources aboard the craft. It's leaking heat through numerous microfractures in the hull. The engines are rapidly cooling though there is evidence that at least one of them was badly misfiring if not outright on fire as it came down."

    "I think the smoke is a dead giveaway to that lieutenant," Daniel replied, "any sign of fire aboard? And are there any remaining life signs."

    "No sign of fire sir. We are picking up five active life signs. Though they all appear to be unconscious and sir we can confirm that the life signs are human. There is a gull-wing style door on the port side. Though scans show it is very badly warped by the impact forces, it probably won't open."

    "Then let's not take a chance and waste time trying to open it. Those people inside need our help and are certain to need transport to the medical bay on the Sirona. Laser it."

    "Yes sir."

    Daniel watched as the lead Gladiator – distinct from its fellows by a bright blue shoulder pauldron – changed its position before one of its two shoulder-mounted laser cannons moved and targeted the gullwing door. For a moment more nothing happened then the muzzle of the cannon glowed a second before a bright whitish-blue beam of supercharged, highly compressed photons burst into existence. Due to its nature as a light speed weapon by the time Daniel's brain had finished processing what his eyes were telling him and revealing the existence of it the beam had already reached and began cutting through the door. The alien alloy of the door offering only the briefest of resistance to the cutting beam.

    In seconds the beam vanished and, with an organic fluidity that would have seemed impossible to anyone not familiar with robotechnology, the lieutenant's battloid moved forward, grabbed the collapsing hatch in one massive mechanical hand and throwing it away into the distance where it disappeared into a crevasse.

    "Hatch open sir," Peters reported.

    Daniel nodded and carefully lead the way into the crashed ship. To say it was something of a wreck would have been an understatement as there were broken cables and bits of shattered internal bracing everywhere. The craft had two compartments, in the front compartment two people in tan flight suits – that didn't look that much different from the suits that veritech fighter pilots wore – lay slumped over the controls. The aft compartment had four bodies sprawled around, two wore what looked like a civilian version of the flight suits while the other two wore black more armoured versions. Something told him that by the look of them they were marines.

    It was obvious that it was one of the two scientists who'd been killed on impact as a broken girder pierced his chest in a manner that made it look like some bizarre ballista bolt. From its positioning the girder had completely destroyed vital organs killing him nearly instantly. Daniel couldn't help but wince at the sight. Nasty, he thought before gesturing for the field medics to begin checking the survivors.

    He stood back and waited while they went about their work.

    "Major all the survivors are in reasonable condition," the senior field medic reported after a few minutes of checking them over with portable scanners, "all have some broken bones and I wouldn't be surprised if the pilot and co-pilot have some nasty whiplash injuries."

    "Is it safe to move them?"

    "It is. In fact, we should get them all back to the Sirona as soon as possible so the broken bones and soft tissue injuries can be repaired."

    "Alright begin moving them. Once we've got them on the dropship, we'll recover the body of the casualty."

    "Yes sir."

    "Lieutenant Marks once they've got the pilot and co-pilot out see if you can find if this thing has a black box. Recover it if you can."

    "Yes sir."


    UES Sirona
    Twenty Minutes Later

    "Sir the dropship reports all survivors and the casualty have been recovered. Combat engineers have also been able to recover the crashed ships data recorders."

    "Understood. What about the craft itself can they recover it?" Captain John Harrison asked from his command station.

    "Negative sir. To quote Lieutenant Anderson the spaceframe is twisted to glory and back plus the keel is badly compromised. If they try to move it the whole thing will just break apart."

    "I see very well instruct the dropship to return immediately," John ordered after a moment of silent cursing in both Welsh and English. He had been hoping that they would recover the ship and its unusual fold drive for analysis, but the universe had apparently had other ideas. Still saving the crew was a good place to start learning about the fold system as even if they didn't know how it worked, they could certainly help them contact whatever government they were part of. A government that they could trade with.

    "Aye sir," communications acknowledged before relaying the return command to the landed dropship. "Dropship one acknowledges the order they're lifting off now. ETA five minutes and thirty-six seconds."

    John nodded and turned to ask Tylen about the status of their scans of the planet when abruptly proximity alarms went off at multiple consoles around the bridge. Simultaneously there was a brilliant flash of light from outside. "What is it?" he demanded.

    "Sir another ship just appeared twenty thousand kilometres away on bearing of zero one four by zero, three two," sensors reported immediately, "it appears to have used the same type of space folding as the smaller ships did but far more intense. The vessel is considerably larger, probably the mothership for the smaller ships we encountered earlier."

    "How large," Tylen asked from the first officer's station.

    "Sensors confirm that the vessel is fourteen hundred and thirty-eight metres long and is heavily armed with multiple batteries of high calibre projectile cannons, twelve nuclear missile launchers and hundreds of smaller point defence batteries," sensors reported, "hull appears to be an enhanced titanium-carbon steel composite similar to the material we used on our first-generation ships though slightly more refined."

    "Decent protection against kinetic weapons," Tylen noted, "though it won't stand up to our guns for very long."

    John nodded in agreement remembering seeing the ease with which the particle beams and lasers from the Zentraedi ships had cut through their first-generation ships like a swarm of locusts in a wheat field. Though hopefully he wouldn't have to subject the newly arrived ship to the same kind of treatment. "Show me the ship," he ordered.

    "Yes sir."

    Immediately an image of the ship appeared on one of his command station monitors. The first thought that occurred to him was that it looked like a giant ribbed crocodile with a vaguely wedge-shaped forward hull and two side hulls attached to a rectangular central section by four thick but short arms that were in an almost crocodilian positioning on the hull. Four pod like engines were affixed to the aft of the vessel. Along one flank of the pods – which kind of reminded him of the hangar sponsons on his own ship – was what was likely a name though written in a language that looked like some variant of Greek.

    A moment later though he could understand as the language changed as the computer automatically translated it into modern English. He was right that the word was indeed a name, presumably the name of the ship…

    … and that name was Galactica.
    Chapter Three
  • Chapter Three

    Cloud Nine
    Colonial Remnant Fleet
    Ten Minutes Earlier

    "Our Raptors have encountered aliens!"

    President Laura Roslin's voice, ringing with shock, hung pregnant in the air of the small room where she and her challenger for the presidency of the Colonies – her own former chief scientific advisor Gaius Baltar – and their respective advisors and aides were standing after a call came in for her from the Galactica. Since she and Baltar had been preparing for another presidential debate – or rather she was preparing to take the scientist apart as while he was an undeniably brilliant man Baltar was not very experienced when it came to the cutthroat nature of governmental politics especially when there was an election on. She, however, was an old hand at this kind of thing having worked in politics most of her adult life – she had included him in the call out of courtesy. Plus, you never knew when his scientific expertise would come in handy.

    "It certainly seems that way madam president," Admiral Adama's voice answered from the active comm unit on the desk. "The two ships encountered are definitely not Cylon. Not only is the configuration visible of optical scans completely different but whatever they're constructed from is almost completely impervious to Dradis. Something that to the best of our knowledge anyway no Cylon ship is. Also, why they scanned Racetrack's Raptor they didn't fire on her or make any attempt to stop our ships leaving when they could have easily shot them down since they appeared well within cannon to say nothing of missile range."

    Silence answered those statements as everyone assembled in the room thought that over. It was an utterly incredible prospect that they had encountered another spacefaring race here and now. It was both exciting and terrifying as on one hand the aliens, whoever or whatever they were, could turn out to be as hostile to them as their former creations the Cylons were in the long run. Alternatively, they might be able to provide them with the sanctuary that they had been seeking for the last two years, ever since that terrible day when after forty years of silence the Cylons returned from the void. Returned and wiped out the vast majority of there race in mere hours.

    "How can this be possible," Tory Foster asked at last from where she was standing beside Roslin, "I thought it was determined that aside from us and the Cylons there was no other sentient life in the galaxy."

    Baltar rolled his eyes at that. Like most scientists he considered that sentiment to be the height of arrogance and stupidity. One born out of pointless religious claptrap. "That's a common misconception," he replied at last letting some of his annoyance for the sentiment show in his Aerilon-accented voice. "One that some among the Gemenese and Sagittarians would have us believe as fact, but it is not. According to all of our observations there are up to four hundred billion stars in the galaxy alone, many of which exhibit gravitational wobbles consistent with the presence of planetary systems. If only a fraction of those planets is in the habitable zone where liquid water can exist around their parent star, then… well there could be thousands or even millions of species out there and any number of them could be advanced enough for interstellar travel. Quite frankly it would be the height of arrogance to assume that ourselves and our wayward creations are the only sentient races out here amid the sea of stars."

    "If life could be so common, wouldn't we have encountered some other race by now," Tory asked, honestly curious now as the Colonials had been capable of interstellar travel again for over a hundred years by this point in time.

    "Not necessarily," Baltar answered, "as I said all our estimates indicate that there are four hundred billion stars in this galaxy, a galaxy that is over a hundred thousand light years across and over a thousand light years thick on the spiral arms and even thicker in the core. That is a staggeringly vast amount of space and even though we have been spacefaring race for over a hundred years and have searched the stars with all manner of telescopes for over a hundred and fifty years before the rediscovery of FTL technology, we have only managed to map a tiny portion of the galaxy barely a hundred light years around the star cluster that used to house our colonies. Compared to the vastness of the galaxy that is not a large amount of space explored at all."

    "Well, when you put it that way," Tory commented with a frown realizing that the scientist – and serial womanizer – was right. In their entire history as a spacefaring civilization, they had only charted a very small faction of the galaxy. Thus, it was somewhat understandable – given the vastness of the galaxy – that they had yet to encounter another spacefaring civilization or indeed a planet bound one. As Baltar had said it was the height of arrogance to assume that they, and the Cylons, would be the only sentient spacefaring races in the galaxy.

    "Doctor Baltar is right," Admiral Adama admitted, "the galaxy is vast and as a career spacer I can tell you that what we know is very little. Though I now have to wonder what the aliens want. Are we near their space or something now?"

    "It has to be considered admiral," Baltar answered as like everyone else he nodded in agreement, during their long flight from the Cylons they had travelled farther into unknown space than any Colonials ever had thus it was feasible that they were entering or close to the region of space claimed by the unknown aliens, "it would fit with the report you just gave us of an unknown version of FTL travel and two warships of unknown design made from materials virtually impervious to dradis. Whoever, or whatever, they are they probably detected our Raptors surveying the planet and dispatched these two ships to investigate our presence. Though the fact that they did not simply destroy our ships indicates to me at least that they might not necessarily mean us any harm. In all probability they could be as curious about us as we are about them."

    "I suppose that is logical," Roslin agreed. "What are your plans now admiral?"

    "We still have a downed Raptor on the planet," Adama answered. "If there are any survivors of the crash then they won't survive long without help. I propose to take the Galactica to the planet and recover our people. As for the aliens... I don't know... I suppose we should try to talk to them especially if we're entering their territory but, to be honest madam president, I have absolutely no idea how we would even start to do that."

    "Admiral if you look in the Galactica's database you should find a file marked contact protocol seventeen alpha one," Roslin replied, faintly remembering something from when President Adar had been elected to office the first time. She could see Baltar smiling and nodding as he recognised the file name, she was referring to having worked on an update for it, years ago when he had been a young graduate.

    "I will get Dee and Gaeta to have a look but what is the file? The designation is faintly familiar, but I cannot remember why."

    "It's something that was originally put together over a hundred years ago, just after the rediscovery of jump drives, before the original creation of the Cylons by Grayson Industries and before the unification of the colonies," Baltar explained. "It's a first contact data package. It was updated about fifteen years ago I know because I worked on it when I was a young graduate studying for my first doctorate."

    "Are we sure that the aliens will be understand it," Tom Zarek asked.

    "I don't see why they wouldn't," Baltar replied, "when it was created it was decided that the package should be based in mathematics, something any civilization would know if it's advanced to even industrial level to say nothing of having interstellar capabilities. Even if the aliens use something other than base ten math, they should understand it."

    "Then we will try sending it," Adama answered, "however my priority must be to get our people back."

    "Understandable so what do you propose admiral?" Roslin asked.

    "I plan to take the Galactica to the system in question and rescue our people," Adama replied, "the Pegasus, Vigilance, Sentinel and Casandra will remain here to protect the fleet while we wait for Starbuck to return from her mission."

    Roslin and the others exchanged a look especially as Admiral Adama named the other warships that were with the fleet. The latter three had appeared four months ago – about a month and a half after the Pegasus – and joined the fleet. The heavy cruiser and the pair of destroyers had apparently been chasing after the Pegasus planning to arrest Admiral Cain after they discovered the civilian ships she abandoned after stripping them for parts and conscripting anyone with useful skills into her crew leaving everyone else to die. To say the Vigilance's commander Ryan Mallory had been infuriated by that behaviour had been an understatement as he and the two destroyer commanders had taken the survivors aboard their ships and set off after Pegasus to make Cain pay.

    Needless to say, there had been quite a bit of tension when they first caught up with the fleet. At least until it had been revealed that Cain had died, killed by an escaped human-form Cylon that had once been her lover. Since then, they had joined the fleet increasing their security considerably especially since all three had, like Pegasus, been top of the line ships. Just like most non-battlestars they hadn't yet had their systems upgraded with the compromised CNP program by the time the Cylons attacked.

    "Very well admiral proceed," Roslin said at last making a decision in her position as president which she had the legislative authority to do. "Though do try to avoid starting a war while you're at it. We have enough on our plate with the Cylons we don't need aliens who might be technologically superior to us to join in on their side."

    "I'll do my best madam president. I'll send a Raptor back with a report as soon as I can. Galactica actual out."

    The radio link with the elderly battlestar closed down with a soft bleep as Adama broke contact. For a few moments nobody spoke, all lost in their own thoughts about this situation and what it could mean for the battered remains of there once great civilisation to speak. Finally, though Roslin spoke up.

    "Well, this an interesting development," she commented, "should we wait to hear back from Admiral Adama or proceed into the debating room?"

    "As much as I like a good debate, I would suggest Madam President that we wait," Baltar answered at last, "as it would be kind of awkward to be in the middle of our debate and have to stop when the Raptor comes back. If we wait, we avoid that embarrassment."

    "It seems fair," Zarek agreed prompting Roslin to frown. She had been hoping to get the debate over with, so she could get back to the serious business of running what was left of the Colonial government but at the same time she could see where the two men were coming from. It would be awkward to say the least to interrupt a debate – which would certainly get quite heated as Colonial presidential candidate debates always did – to react to the developing situation and then pick up where they left off again afterwards.

    "Very well gentlemen we will wait," she said before turning to her aide. "Tory please go out there and tell the debate moderator that an urgent situation has developed and that all parties have agreed to postpone the debate until the matter is resolved."

    "Yes, madam president."


    Combat Information Centre
    Colonial Battlestar Galactica
    That Same Time

    Admiral William Adama smiled slightly as he put down the phone he had been using to speak to the president. As he had expected Roslin hadn't really put up any resistance to him going to rescue their people though she did want him to be very careful doing it. After all, if they were entering the territory of another spacefaring species – however incredible that sounded – the last thing they needed was to make a bad impression on the locals. Especially as their technology and capabilities were unknown,

    "Dee," he said turning to look over at Lieutenant Anastasia Dualla, "bring up the file marked Contact Protocol Seventeen Alpha One and prepare the contents for broadcast on as many channels as possible. Mr Gaeta begin plotting an immediate jump to the coordinates where Racetrack encountered the unknown ships."

    "Yes sir," both officers acknowledged and began setting to their tasks.

    "I haven't heard that protocol mentioned since the academy," Colonel Saul Tigh commented, frowning slightly as he tried to remember what was in it, "I can't remember what it entails."

    "I didn't remember until both the president and Baltar reminded me," Adama admitted with a slight knowing smile at his old friend. He knew what he had to say next was likely to throw Tigh through something of a loop. "It's a first contact protocol meant to allow the establishment of communications with another race."

    He was not disappointed with his XO's reaction to that little factoid. Saul froze in place and gaped at him, grey eyes wide in shock. For a few moments Saul's lips moved but no sound came out of his mouth – prompting more than one person in the CIC to discreetly chuckle as it was so rare to see Saul Tigh speechless – until the stunned man overcame his shock. "The president really thinks we've encountered aliens," he said incredulously, "you're pulling my leg, aren't you? Aliens aren't real. They're just the stuff of science fiction surely."

    "Apparently, they are real, and we've just stumbled across two alien warships, or they've stumbled across us. You could argue both."

    "Well frack me."

    Adama chuckled at that response a moment before Dee spoke up from her station. "Sir I have the contact protocol loaded and ready to transmit on command," she reported.

    "Very well. Advise the Pegasus that they're in charge of protecting the fleet until we get back," Adama ordered knowing Lee would do whatever he had to do to protect the fleet while they were gone.

    "Yes sir," Dee acknowledged relaying the command to Apollo on the Pegasus.

    "Sir jump calculated," Gaeta reported, "hangar pods have retracted and all FTL drives have spun up normally."

    "Sir Pegasus Actual has acknowledged and wishes us good luck and good hunting."

    "Very well. Mr Gaeta commence jump sequence."

    "Yes sir," Gaeta acknowledged before he carefully removed the jump drive key from its normal secure housing and slipped it into the final jump interlock and turned it forty degrees to the right. Immediately one of his displays lit up. "Key is in, jump clock is running, thirty seconds to jump."

    Hearing that everyone in the multi-levelled CIC – from the armed marines guarding the doors, to ratings manning various consoles, to Admiral Adama himself – prepared themselves for the disorientation that always accompanied folding space-time and teleporting somewhere else in the galaxy. While they had all been through hundreds of jumps since the fall of the colonies the momentary queasiness and disorientation never got any easier to bare.

    "Ten seconds to jump," Gaeta called out, "nine… eight… seven… six… five… four… three… two… one. Jumping… now."

    As he spoke Gaeta turned the jump key again engaging the two FTL engines buried deep within the Galactica's armoured heart. An ethereal thrum of power ran through the hull of the ship and for everyone reality seemed to distort and stretch into the distance in a strange way that nobody could ever fully describe. There was a tremendous feeling of tension in everyone as though the basic matter that made up their bodies was being put under some incalculable, intangible but at the same time very real strain. Before with breathtaking suddenness reality snapped back to normal as the hyperlight jump completed.

    "Jumps complete all systems operational," Gaeta reported as he returned the key to the start position and extracted it before putting it back in its storage compartment. He then looked at his screens as the dradis display cleared as the last echo of the fold field dissipated. The planet the Raptors had been sent to survey appeared immediately as did two very faint, fainter than anything ever should be on a capital grade dradis array, contacts in orbit. "Dradis contact. Two ships in orbit."

    "Are they the same ones Racetrack encountered," Adama asked even as he looked up at the dradis screen over the chart table, frowning in concern when he saw how faint the two yellow dots – signalling unknown contacts – were. While they, like the rest of the ship, were old the dradis system on the Galactica was a lot more powerful than anything that could be mounted on a Raptor. Thus, they should have gotten much clearer and stronger readings than this. He had to wonder what in the name of the gods those ships were made out of that dradis could barely even detect it. Even then he was willing to bet that the aliens were only being detected because they weren't using any form of electronic countermeasures.

    Gaeta scowled as he entered repeated commands into his station, trying to improve the quality of the scan image. "I cannot tell sir the dradis return is too faint," he replied after a moment, frustration clear to hear in his voice. After a second more contacts appeared on his screen, these smaller but much easier to see. "New contacts two small craft coming up from the planet. From there size I would say they're shuttle craft of some type possibly similar to our Raptors though considerably larger. They're on course for the larger of the two ships."

    "They've picked up our people," Tigh commented knowingly, the aliens had obviously sent some of their people down to the crashed Raptor and taken any survivors from the wreckage. Survivors who they were now returning to their ship for the gods only knew what kind of treatment. Vivisection if pre-fall science fiction was anything to go buy not that he thought aliens would be that brutal, callous, or cold. Not in real life anyway.

    "Obviously," Adama agreed with a frown. He had hoped that they would get here in time to send people down to retrieve Hotdog, Knight, and any other survivors from the crashed Raptor before the aliens could. The fact that they hadn't… well that was going to make things problematic especially as the need to avoid potentially starting a war that would wipe out what was left of the human race severely curtailed his options.

    "So now what," Tigh asked a moment before the lights and monitors began flickering. "What the frack?"

    "We're being scanned by the largest of the two unknown ships," Gaeta reported, "the amount of energy behind the scan is phenomenal, equivalent to several dozen of our largest reactors on full output. It's creating a sympathetic EMP in our systems somehow." Abruptly the flickered stopped and everything returned to normal. "Scan has stopped."

    "Damage," Tigh asked looking over at the officer manning the damage control station.

    "Minimal," the officer reported after a moment, listening to a report on a headset. "Minor damage to the more exposed electronics and sensor arrays. Range finders are down, damage control crews are on their way."

    A simple scan did that to us, Adama thought with an inward shiver. If the alien's sensors could cause a sympathetic EMP reaction in their systems, systems that were supposed to be hardened against such things given how freely the Cylons used things like nukes, then he didn't want to see what the alien weapons – whatever they were – would do to them should this go wrong. He had a horrible feeling that if it came to blows the Galactica's greater size and mass would not save her.

    "Dee begin transmitting the contact package to the aliens," he ordered, mentally crossing his fingers not to mention silently praying – as hard as that was to believe for someone who generally did not believe in the gods – to the Lords of Kobol that nothing went wrong here.

    "Yes sir."

    As Dee began carrying out his instructions Adama and Tigh exchanged a look of mutual concern. The effect of the scan upon there ship had shown them just how dangerously powerful these aliens, as still as hard as it was to believe, were in comparison to them. The fact that it had knocked some systems, including the range finders for their guns, offline was very worrying as even the defensive guns relied on the range finders to know when to set the shells to explode creating a defensive flak barrier. With them offline until damage control could fix whatever had burned out or otherwise failed due to the scan, they were quite literally defenceless.

    "Sir we're receiving a signal from the lead alien ship," Dee reported after a few moments of silence, sounding surprised and confused as she had only just sent the aliens there first contact package, which naturally included language files and a guide to Colonial standard grammar. There was no way the aliens could have translated it so fast. Unless they're AI like the Cylons or have AI with them, she thought with an inward shiver. "Sir they're addressing us in our own language."

    "Impossible they can't have translated the package so soon," Tigh exclaimed.

    "Not by any means we know anyway," Adama agreed even as he, unknowingly like Lieutenant Dualla began to wonder if the aliens were AI or used AI in some way. "But it through on the speakers Dee let's hear what it is they have to say."

    "Yes sir."

    For another few moments nothing more happened, beyond Dualla fiddling with her controls as the alien signal was incredibly powerful – whatever power source they had to have on that ship it blew anything the Colonials had ever built away – and she was having to carefully step it down so to speak to avoid the signal overloading their systems. When she was satisfied that she had something that was going to work and wouldn't fry the speakers or blow out their eardrums from the volume or something else like that, she put the transmission on the speakers as instructed.

    The overhead speakers crackled and then began emitting a noticeable humming sound from the sheer amount of power that had to be behind the transmission. Then a female voice, speaking Colonial standard but with the most appalling accent anyone had ever heard, spoke.

    "Unknown vessel," the voice said, "this is the United Earth Starship Sirona. We mean you no harm and are currently engaged in a search and rescue operation for your downed craft. Please respond. Repeat. Unknown vessel this is the United Earth Starship Sirona. We mean you no harm and are currently engaged in a search and rescue operation for your downed craft. Please respond."

    Shock swept through the whole of the CIC, everyone regardless of their rank and station, staring at the overhead speakers and the dradis screens in shock and amazement as the mystery female repeated herself once again. The aliens weren't strictly speaking at all aliens at all, but humans just like them. As amazing as it was, they had found the Thirteenth Tribe of Man.

    The moment everyone comprehended that the CIC spontaneously exploded into cheers and celebration at the realization that their long ordeal at the hands of the Cylons could be about to end. For a few moments Adama and Tigh let the CIC crew celebrate then the latter brought everyone back to order with a few sharp, barked commands. Once everyone had settled down, though everyone was still smiling, Adama turned to Dee.

    "Put me on with them," he ordered.

    "Yes sir," Dualla acknowledged and entered a few commands. After a moment a light next to the phone on the chart table came on showing that the comm link with the Sirona was active. Adama carefully picked it up and spoke into it.

    "This is Admiral William Adama commanding officer of the Colonial Battlestar Galactica calling the Sirona. Did you say you are from Earth?"
    Chapter Four
  • Authors Note: I had a few reviewers after the last chapter express some concern that I was downplaying the capabilities and weapons of Robotech in order to make this fic work. I wish to take this moment to reassure everyone that I am not doing so as Robotech warships and weapons are far superior to those of the Colonials and the Cylons and will actually cut through even heavy armour with relative ease. That doesn't mean however that the Cylons are not a very clear and present threat, especially since they're on a major genocide all humans mission, though its not due to their hacking abilities which are somewhat overrated in a lot of crossover fics. No what is going to make them dangerous, and a threat is something else entirely. Hopefully that reassures you all. So, without further ado let's crack on with the next chapter shall we.


    Chapter Four

    UES Sirona
    A Few Minutes Earlier

    "Sir we're receiving a transmission from the unknown vessel," communications reported drawing the attention of everyone on the bridge of the Sirona but especially Captain Harrison. "It appears to be a data file of some kind. Pattern indicates simple mathematical concepts along with what looks like a basic language and grammar primer."

    "What could be the purpose of that," Tylen wondered from the first officer's station. At the baffled tone of the micronized Zentraedi warrior John Harrison had to smile as there were times, still, when Ty gave away the fact that like all his kind, he had originally been made to be a weapon of war, a tool of conquest and destruction, by the Robotech Masters. Thus, there were times when he wouldn't understand something, though he had gotten a lot better over the years.

    "It's a first contact package Ty," John explained, "designed to ease the establishment of contact with a new civilization. We made a few ourselves before your forces first showed up in Sol at the start of the Robotech War. One was sent to Breetai's ship when you first arrived not that it was recognised."

    "I see," Tylen acknowledged with a nod. He was well aware that before they'd been freed from the mental cage that the Masters had built around their minds the Zentraedi would have – in accordance with protocols that had been implemented after the first uprising against the Robotech Masters by the Disciples of Zor – ignored any communication attempts from micronians. Well, any micronians who weren't the Masters that was as no Zentraedi – not even the crazy ones like that late and very unlamented by everyone Khyron – would have ever ignored a communication from their makers. Not like they would now.

    "Communications can our systems process it," John asked looking back over at the female comms lieutenant who had just come on duty replacing the young man who had been there when they'd first folded to this system.

    "Yes, sir they can the information is in a simple binary data format," the lieutenant answered, "as for the language… what the fucking hell?"

    "Lieutenant," John asked giving a look that said he was not amused by the language. The glare coupled with his obvious physical size – there were advantages to packing two hundred and twenty pounds of mostly solid muscle on his six-foot two frame – made the young woman wince and cringe.

    "Sorry sir it's just that the language is well Greek sir. Specifically, it's Mycenaen Greek, though with some drift as would be expected given how old that tongue is."

    "Mycenaean Greek?" Tylen questioned.

    "It's a very old language from Earth," John explained recalling some his old GCSE classes from when he'd been a schoolboy plus his father had been a historian and had lectured at the University of Wales in Cardiff, "one that originated in the Bronze Age over four and a half thousand years ago. Nobody on Earth has spoken it in literally millennia."

    "Curious," Tylen commented, "the people on the crashed ship are definitely Terran so that would fit but how did they come to be out here and speaking such an ancient language?"

    "All good questions," John agreed knowing that there would be a lot of very interested people back on Earth when they learned of this. It also played into something that they had noticed when they had first begun translating the language on Zor's battlefortress when she first crashed into Macross Island. As a ship captain he had been informed that the language they'd found aboard was a very odd hybrid of Greek, Assyrian, Sumerian, and Ancient Egyptian. This was just more proof that someone, who they didn't know, had interacted with people from the Ancient World, possibly even taking some of them elsewhere in the universe for some unknown reason.

    He put aside those thoughts for now. "Can you establish a translation matrix from it," he asked looking back over at the communications officer.

    "I have already done so sir," the officer replied, "it might be a bit rough, our information on such an old language is quite basic, but combined with the transmitted information they should be able to understand us."

    "Alright then begin trying to contact them. Explain that we mean them no harm and that we are engaged in search and rescue operations for their crashed ship."

    "Aye sir."

    "Think they will how do you say buy it," Tylen asked.

    "They should as their sensors should have detected our dropships by now. What's their status by the way?"

    "Both dropships are just coming into dock in the port and starboard hangars," Tylen answered checking his feeds and noting both the Predator dropship they'd sent down to the surface and the one that had remained in orbit providing overwatch were landing. "Medical teams have been dispatched to the starboard hangar to take the wounded survivors."

    "Very good. Keep me up to date with their condition please."

    "Of course."

    "Sir we're receiving another hail from the unknown ship," communications reported, "live audio transmission, frequency is a bit odd even for a radio signal but intelligible. They want to talk sir."

    "On speakers."

    "Aye sir."

    For a few moments nothing more happened then the hidden, overhead speakers came to life with a soft crackling sound. A sound that honestly reminded John of the old record player that his grandmother had owned, and which currently sat in his mothers study in the family home which amazingly still stood as the small Welsh village it was in was nestled deep within the foothills of the Brecon Beacons and had thus been spared the Rain unlike the major cities of South Wales Cardiff, Newport and Swansea all of which had been obliterated by reflex cannon fire.

    "This is Admiral William Adama commanding officer of the Colonial Battlestar Galactica calling the Sirona," a strong, if strangely accented male voice said. "Did you say you are from Earth?"

    For a moment or two surprised silences reigned on the bridge of the Sirona. Despite the fact that these people – Colonials? – spoke an obsolete language from Earth the fact that his Admiral Adama knew the name Earth was still surprising. As was the fact that his name was William, a name that historically began with the Germanic peoples of the medieval period not the ancient Greeks. This puzzle just keeps getting more interesting, John thought even as he shook off his surprise.

    "Put me on with him," he ordered.

    "Aye sir."

    A secure phone on the captain's console lit up showing it was connected to the communications link with the Galactica. John took a deep breath, mentally crossed his fingers that he didn't screw this up, before picking up the phone and bringing it to his ear. "Greetings Admiral Adama," he said calmly, "allow me to introduce myself I am Captain John Harrison commanding officer of the United Earth Starship Sirona."

    For a moment there was silence then the distant admiral spoke again. "So, you really are from Earth?" he asked again a strangely desperate note of hope in his voice. Something that set mental alarm bells ringing inside John's head as he knew that tone, he had heard it often enough among the dazed and disoriented survivors wandering the wastelands that the vast majority of the Earth's surface had been turned into by the Rain of Death, and the climatic and geological upheavals that had followed it, all of them desperately searching for some refuge from the harsh environment. Something had to have happened to these Colonials – and wasn't that an odd name for a civilisation to give themselves? – something terrible that had them searching for Earth in search of refuge.

    "Yes, we are," he answered at last.

    "I know that this might be a presumptuous question but is Earth anywhere near here?"

    "No, it isn't to be correct Earth is several kiloparsecs from our current location," John answered, "my ship and our companions are pathfinders, we are part of a deep space exploration and charting mission. One of our long-range probes detected the subspace echo of fold jumps coming from this system, which caught our attention, bringing us here in time to discover some of your ships. I am sorry if we scared them by our arrival."

    "Several kiloparsecs," Adama repeated, "you're a very long way from home then."

    "Not really barely a single space fold," John answered unknowingly shocking the crap out of the other man as he suddenly realized the impossible – by Colonial and Cylon standards – range that the Sirona – like all robotech vessels – could jump in a single go if they wished. "Admiral, may I ask why this interest in my planet? Know that we are generally a peaceful people but will aggressively defend ourselves if attacked."

    "We mean your world no harm Captain Harrison. In fact, you might be our only hope for survival."


    "It's a very long story but the short version is that the Galactica, a handful of other warships and a fleet of civilian ships carrying forty-nine thousand people are all that remains of our civilization. We were attacked without warning or provocation, billions perished in mere hours."

    "What happened?"

    "An unprovoked attack by an enemy we had been at peace with for forty years. The particulars of it are a very long story that I would rather not discuss over the wireless but in a handful of hours most of our fleet was destroyed and all twelve of our planets subjected to carpet bombardment with thermonuclear weapons."

    "Jesus," someone on the bridge muttered as everyone could hear what was being said since John hadn't muted the overhead speakers. For everyone it brought up very painful memories of the Rain of Death.

    "What is it you want from us Admiral Adama," John asked at last.

    "President Roslin would have me arrange a meeting with your leaders to ask for sanctuary but right now I have a more pressing concern."

    "Your crashed vessel. We have rescued five survivors from the crash they are being attended to by our medical personnel as we speak. I will not be able to release them too you until the medical staff are done with them."

    "I understand. Would you object to me sending a delegation aboard your ship to check on them ourselves."

    "I have no objection, but they must come unarmed."

    "I can agree to that. I will have two Raptors prepared one will bring some of my people over to your ship the other will head back to the fleet to notify my superiors – especially the president – of what has happened here."

    "Understood," John acknowledged before alarms abruptly began to ring from the sensor station. He put a hand over the microphone to muffle it, though through the speakers all could also hear alarms aboard the Galactica. "Report?"

    "Sir four large contacts just appeared from Colonial style fold jumps," sensors reported, "sensors indicate four large vessels approximately two kilometres across constructed of an unknown biomechanical alloy. There definitely warships we're reading multiple missile launchers and fighter launch tubes. Unknown vessels launching fighters – biomechanical construction, two light autocannons and two missile bays.

    "Sir three of the vessels are targeting the Galactica. The other is orientating towards us."

    "Bring us to stage two alert and prepare to summon in the rest of our group," John ordered before unmasking the microphone. "Admiral Adama, I take it that these new ships are not friends of yours?"

    "They're our enemy they're a race of machines called Cylons," Adama answered, "they believe that they are on a mission from their god – however odd it is for machines to have a god – to wipe humanity from existence."

    "Sir we're receiving a signal from the approaching ship," communications reported, "what the-? They just tried to upload a virus. Firewalls and counter-viral programs caught and neutralised it instantly."

    New alarms went off. "Vampire, vampire, vampire," tactical called, "approaching ship launching missiles. Tally sixty contacts a mixture of high-explosive and nuclear warheads. Forty targeted on us and twenty on the Inuit."

    "Excuse me admiral I need to defend my ship," John said into the phone before putting it down. "Battle stations launch interceptor missiles. Stand by all lasers and pinpoint barriers. Main guns target the Cylon ship. As soon as we've knocked down their missile salvo open fire."

    "Aye sir," tactical acknowledged even as alert klaxons began wailing throughout the six-hundred-and-ten-meter length of the Damocles-class cruiser summoning the crew to their battle stations. As they did so the faint whoosh of missiles being launched could be heard as the cruisers eight pop-up defensive missile launchers sent eighty of the latest generation of the Foxfire defensive missile – which to this day gave many a Zentraedi pilot nightmares – screaming into space on course for the incoming missiles.


    Cylon Baseship 221
    A Few Moments Earlier

    Standing with a hand in the main datastream interface the model One Cylon in charge of this small battlegroup smirked as the jump concluded and the Galactica hung in space before them alone. When he had received a message from one of his brothers aboard the battlestar that she was venturing away from the fleet he had jumped on the chance to eliminate one of the humans two surviving battlestars.

    "Dradis indicates two smaller warships near the planet," a Number Two reported from another station. "Must be the alien ships your brother reported."

    "If they're aiding the colonials than they should die with them," One answered, "dispatch one of our ships to engage them. Try to disable them first with a logic bomb but destroy them if necessary."

    "By your command."

    "All missile batteries are locked onto the Galactica," a Number Three reported.

    "Then let us finish that pest Adama. Open fire."

    "By your command."

    "This is foolish," a Six commented, "we shouldn't be sending a ship against a race we know nothing about. We should try talking to them first, they might not even be aware of the Colonials crimes against us."

    "It is already done," One replied a little annoyed at his command being challenged during a battle. "I am in overall command of this battlegroup, and I have made my decision. Respect it."

    "Your decision can be overruled," Six answered as like many of her line she had started to become concerned with how draconian and authoritative the Ones had been becoming since they began executing The Plan. They were respecting the consensus less and less and intimidating the other models into going along with their aggressive approach more and more. It was not the way Cylons were supposed to behave.

    "It's too late our ship is uploading the virus… what the frack," the Three replied. "The alien firewalls and counter-viral programs erased it immediately."

    "Impossible nobody can stop our viruses," One exclaimed even as he observed there first missile salvo launch, heading towards the Galactica which immediately began firing her defensive guns putting up a flak barrier to stop their missiles.

    "Well, they did our ship is opening fire."

    "Understood. We will get answers about those who dare aide our enemies from the wreckage."

    Six shook her head slightly and sighed at the way One was behaving. Determined to see what was happening for herself, so she could inform her sisters and they could try to decide what they were going to do about it if anything, she placed her hand in the datastream. Immediately she watched as missiles from the basestar streaked towards the two small alien ships… the largest was barely the size of a Colonial fleet destroyer like the two Argo-class destroyers with the Remnant fleet… which had fired an impressive salvo of their own missiles back.

    Yet the missiles weren't focused on the basestar that had fired at them. Instead, they were on intercept course with their own missiles. In seconds they began impacting and missiles began vanishing in brilliant flashes of some type of energy sphere that appeared upon detonation. Dradis scan showed some type of plasma. Interesting, she thought. She was aware that the Colonials had been looking to develop plasma-based explosives, they had been trying for decades even before the First War in point of fact, but the research had never gone anywhere. Whoever the aliens where they had obviously ironed out the problems that had plagued the Colonials efforts and the result was quite an impressive weapon. A she watched three of their missiles got past the defensive cordon only to vanish seconds later as each was pierced by something impossible fast.

    Then the aliens fired back at the attacking basestar…

    …and her blood turned to ice at what happened next.


    Annoyed at being attacked without warning or provocation the Sirona locked her forward dorsal dual turret on the attacking basestar. For a moment nothing more happened then for a moment a blue-white glow appeared in the barrels before two streams of relativistic, super compressed protoculture generated particles erupted into space. Simultaneously the smaller Inuit also fired a pair of her own, slightly lighter, beams, both robotech vessels firing at the same point on the attacking ship.

    Travelling at near light speed the four beams slammed into the armoured core of the basestar nearly instantly. Biometallic armour designed to withstand the kinetic energy weapons of the Colonials was no match for the force of the beams. It didn't bend or distort as it would if hit by Colonial cannons or missiles, nor did it melt instead it simply vaporised allowing the streams of searing energy to slice deep into the interior of the ship. Bulkheads and decking disintegrated as the beams tore through the basestar, eviscerating the superstructure with an ease that was both contemptuous and terrifying, before exploding out the other side in an eruption of flames and debris.

    The beams vanished even as they did so secondary explosions erupted on the basestar as damaged power systems overloaded and blew out. In her pool the ships hybrid screamed and writhed in pain as she fought to isolate and shut down damaged systems while also closing bulkhead doors to isolate the damage. It wasn't enough as another salvo of particle beams arrived, targeting the already weakened central column of the basestar tearing through it with even more ease than the first time as the beams struck already weakened areas, the questing deadly streams eventually finding and ripping open the basestars main tylium fuel tanks. With the predictable results as the basestar erupted into a titanic fireball.


    UES Sirona

    "Enemy ship has been destroyed."

    From his command station John nodded at the report from the tactical officer. He had to admit that he was surprised and how easily the Cylon vessel had fallen to their guns, yes, he knew robotech weapons were extremely powerful and very destructive, but he would have thought a ship that large would have strong enough armour to survive a few hits. Yet it hadn't with just two salvos from the guns of both his ships being all that was needed to send the alien warship to its doom.

    "So, I see," he said after a moment, "what is the status of the Galactica?"

    "They're taking quite heavy fire sir," sensors reported, "most of the Cylon missiles are exploding against some kind of physical flak barrier similar to the ones we fired from our first-generation ships but enough are getting through to cause her some damage.

    "Sir we're picking up an incoming space fold," the officer added, "the rest of our group are arriving."

    "Good. Have them target one of the Cylon ships closest to the Galactica and destroy it. We will target one of the others and destroy it as well."

    "Aye sir."

    "Do you think the Cylons will run once we destroy another of their ships," Tylen asked from the first officer's station as the thrum of their cannons firing again could be felt more than heard through the bridge. Through the forward viewports they could see a pair of blue-white lances of protoculture energy shooting forth from the upper forward turret. "They should given how pathetically weak their ships are against our guns."

    "I hope your right Ty," John agreed as he observed the tactical display as their beams once again began to tear one of the Cylon vessels to pieces. "Though if they don't well, I will burn them all from the sky."

    "Indeed," Tylen agreed with a predatory grin as the targeted basestar succumbed to their fire, disintegrating in a brilliant explosion as another two salvos of particle beams simply erased it from existence. Simultaneously one of the other basestars – speared by six beams from the other six ships of pathfinder group four which had just folded in to engage this unexpected foe – exploded consumed by the power of weapons it had never been designed to withstand. Weapons whose destructive power was simply beyond anything the Colonials or the Cylons had ever thought possible.

    "Only one left," Tylen commented.

    "Tactical target them prepare to destroy."

    "Aye sir."


    Cylon Baseship 221


    The shocked horrified shout of the One hung pregnant in the air of the command centre. Before there eyes they had seen three baseships – ships which should have taken at least two full battlestar groups to destroy – be blown from the stars with an ease that was both terrifying and utterly contemptuous. What was even more frightening was just how they had been destroyed, not by cannon fire or even nuclear missiles but by fracking energy weapons.

    "I told attacking them was a bad idea," Six said turning her ire on One. "Now they are targeting us and will certainly blow us to pieces as well. In your mindless desire to destroy the Galactica you've gone and made us a terrible enemy Cavil."

    "We'll resurrect and adapt," Cavil/One replied glaring back at the Six.

    "How," the Three asked, "nothing in any of our databases even indicates that energy weapons like this are even possible. How are we supposed to adapt to defend our ships against weapons whose physics we don't even understand the basics of?"

    One scowled and was about to point out that they were a) machines and could analyse data better than humans could ever hope to and b) that their sensor logs would provide critical data as it would be resurrected with them. But before he could speak, he was thrown to the floor as the baseship rocked violently as particle beams tore into it. Sparks and smoke shot out of numerous junction boxes around the command centre a moment before a brilliant blue light – a beam tearing into this very room – surrounded him accompanied by a sense of searing heat…

    …before everything went dark.


    Combat Information Centre
    Colonial Battlestar Galactica
    That Same Time

    Shocked silence reigned in the CIC of the Galactica as the last of the ambushing basestars exploded. With their capital ships destroyed the raiders, deciding that discretion was the better part of valour, began jumping out as well. Each machine knowing that there was little they could currently do against the firepower that had swatted four basestars like they were mere toys.

    "What the frack kind of weapons were they firing," Saul Tigh asked after a moment as he gazed alternatively at a dradis display and at a feed from their external video cameras. Which showed spinning plumes of debris and cooling plasma where the four baseships had been, baseships that had been torn from the stars by something that should be impossible.

    "I have no idea," Adama answered as amazed as his XO by the ease with which the Earth ships – of which there were now six more – had annihilated the Cylons. He had thought their goose to be well and truly cooked when four baseships jumped in as while Galactica could take on a baseship one on one and even had a good go at two on one they were no match for four of them. "One thing for sure our Thirteenth Tribe brethren have little to fear from the Cylons."

    Saul nodded in agreement. Based on what they had seen so far, the Thirteenth Tribe was a hell of a lot more technologically advanced than they were themselves, possessing weapons that even at their height were beyond the wildest dreams of Colonial weapons smiths. And then there was the fact that the Cylon logic bomb – one of which had come very close to destroying the Galactica a few months back, would have if their Cylon prisoner hadn't helped them defeat it and then turned it back on her own kind allowing them to kill a few hundred suddenly helpless raiders – attack had done absolutely nothing to their ship.

    "Sir we're receiving a message from the Sirona," Dee reported, "they want to know if we're alright. They also say it wouldn't be advisable to stay here now that our position has been compromised."

    "Tell them that we have some damage but we're fine," Adama replied even as he scowled. He knew Captain Harrison was right, staying here now was not an option as the Cylons would certainly soon be back with more basestars and there was no guarantee that the thirteenths ships would be enough to defeat the much larger force that they were sure to send. "Mr Gaeta begin calculating a jump back to the fleet. Dee send the fleets coordinates to the Sirona."

    "Yes sir," the two officers announced.

    "Are you sure that's a good idea Bill," Saul asked. "We still don't know much about our brothers and sisters."

    "Your right we don't," Adama replied. "But they've just saved our butts Saul. I think they have earned a little bit of trust from us."

    "I hope you're right."

    "So do I."


    Authors Notes: Well, another chapter bites the metaphorical dust, I hope you all enjoyed it. I think it is pretty clear by now that in a straight up fight that the Cylons are no match for the power possessed by robotech warships. They never were going to be as robotechnology based weapons are simply far too powerful for them and are based in sciences and technology that neither the Colonials nor their wayward cybernetic creations have ever even conceived of. Of course, they are still dangerous in other ways. Until next time.
    Chapter Five
  • Chapter Five

    Captain's Ready Room
    UES Sirona
    A Short Time Later

    "These Cylons attacked you without any warning or provocation?"

    The question from General Anatole Leonard hung pregnant in the air of the captain's ready room on the Sirona. Sitting behind the desk gazing at a group of holographic screens – each one holding either a member of the expeditionary force leadership the plenipotentiary council, the UEG defence council and the UEG government itself – Captain Henderson had just finished delivering his report on the violent encounter that they had just had with the Cylons. An enemy whose warships had been so effortlessly destroyed by their cannons, the beams simply eviscerating them with the same ease with which a few short years ago Zentraedi beam cannons had annihilated there first generation ships.

    "They did sir," John answered not at all put out by having to repeat himself. It was kind of accepted fact that Anatole Leonard, as the supreme commander of their sister service the Army of the Southern Cross, was always playing political games with them trying to trip them up. It was classic inter-service rivalry. "We attempted to contact them, and they responded by trying to upload a virus into our computers no doubt to disable us. When that failed, our countermeasures immediately detected and erased it, they responded by launching a missile salvo at us. Since they were clearly hostile, we returned fire and destroyed them."

    "As you should have," Minister Exedore said from the screen where he was with the plenipotentiary council. "Though what is interesting is that the Cylon fighters apparently also have fold drives. I have never heard of any form of fold drive in something that small before."

    "That is a concern as it gives them a lot of mobility," Leonard admitted with a frown of concern though there was also a hint, well masked but there, of distaste at agreeing with the Zentraedi representative. "What do we know about this fold system that these – Colonists is it – and Cylons use?"

    "Colonials," John corrected him, "and unfortunately, we know very little about it. The sensor readings are similar to those produced by our own space folds in that upon the execution of the fold they emit pulses of phased gravitons but they're nowhere near as intense and there is no gravitational and spatial distortion before they emerge into normal space, nor are there any alpha and delta wave phase shifts. Though one thing we have been able to determine from our scans is that the fold field they generate is not very strong they likely can't jump more than a few hundred light years in one go."

    "How can you be sure of that?" Leonard demanded.

    "There are no tachyon traces specifically no trace of beta-phase tachyons," John answered.

    "That would certainly indicate that their folds are short range," Exedore commented at the confused look some of the members of both the plenipotentiary council and the defence council shot him he quickly explained. "When a ship is in travelling through foldspace it encounters tachyons in numerous different phase states with the most prevalent being beta-phase tachyons which adhere to the fold sphere as you travel with the level of build up being directly proportional to the length of the fold. When you return to normal space they're released and since beta-phase tachyons cannot exist for more than a second in normal space-time they rapidly breakdown producing the characteristic Cherenkov radiation pulse that accompanies a defold."

    "And the fact that the Colonial and Cylon drives don't mean they must only be in foldspace for a few seconds," Doctor Lang finished having been nodding along as Exedore explained, "such a short duration in foldspace would limit their range considerably. Even going beyond a few tens of light years to a hundred light years might be beyond them for one fold operation."

    "There is another factor that indicates that the Colonial drives especially are short range," John added, "the Galactica has sent us the coordinates of their refugee fleet. They're only six light years away from here, they would like us to go there as Admiral Adama is concerned that more Cylon ships will be coming."

    "A valid concern," Lisa admitted, "a dozen ships folding in would be too much to deal with, especially if they can fire much larger missile salvos than the salvo they initially launched at the Sirona."

    "They certainly can as our sensors confirmed that there are a total of a hundred and twenty-eight missile turrets on each of the Cylon warships," John confirmed, "though strangely we didn't detect any cannons or even light defensive weapons such as autocannons just missile launchers and fighter launch tubes."

    "That's odd," Leonard commented with a frown even as all the navy personnel exchanged confused looks. Who built warships that didn't have any capacity to defend themselves against incoming fire? "Why build such large warships and not give them any defensive weapons? Did they never expect to come under fire from their enemies in this case the Colonials? For a machine race it doesn't seem to be very logical."

    "There are a lot of questions and unknowns here," Lisa commented, "what about the survivors of the crashed Colonial ship? How are they doing?"

    "Doctor Connors is with them right now, admiral. They all have various crash related injuries, broken bones, whiplash and so on. He's keeping them sedated while their injuries are dealt with. Admiral Adama wants them back, but I had to inform him that Connors won't release them until he's dealt with their injuries. He seemed to understand."

    "Which is good," Lisa commented, "where is the Galactica now?"

    "They're still here though they did launch a small craft a few minutes ago that folded out. My guess is they're going to report these developments to their fleet which has among its members the president of what is left of their civilization. I believe they are waiting for us to decide what we're going to do before returning to their fleet themselves."

    "Then they won't have to wait long. We need more information on this situation and the Colonial fleet is probably the only place we are going to get it," Lisa commented before her tone changed to indicate that she was now issuing a direct order. "Fold to the fleet but be on your guard when you're there. I don't think that the Colonials will try anything foolish – especially given that they have seen what our ships can do – but there is no point in risking it."

    "I suggest we dispatch some of the guard ships as well from the nearest MARS station," Leonard commented, "at least one of the heavy capitals with a small escort. That should tell anyone watching we are quite capable of dealing with any threat they could pose. Plus, they will have greater amounts of emergency supplies to issue to the Colonials if they really are refugees."

    John wasn't the only one who blinked in surprise at that suggestion. "That idea has merit," Lisa admitted. "We should also consider either bringing the Colonials to the station or bringing it to them. Where is the nearest MARS to the current position of the Sirona?"

    Exedore checked with his console. "It's in the Jackson system having just finished assisting with the setup of the mining colony there," he said at last. "MARS 5, several hundred light years from the current position of the Sirona. If we are correct about the limitations of the Colonial fold drives then it will be far out of their range, however, should the need arise, it could fold closer."

    "We'll keep that as an option," Lisa decided knowing it was time to bring this meeting to a close. "Captain Harrison?"


    "Proceed to the location of the Colonial fleet with the Galactica. A capital ship plus escort from the MARS 5 defence fleet will be sent to join you. Until then find out all you can from the Colonials about the Cylons and how they came to be in their apparent condition, render what aide you can with the resources you have available on your ships."

    "Aye ma'am."

    "Is there anything more anyone wishes to discuss regarding this issue?" Lisa asked looking around. Somewhat to her surprise nobody answered. "Very well then this meeting is adjourned."

    The holographic screens pixeled out of existence as the communications links were closed down from the other end. John leaned back in his chair for a moment and sighed in relief, he hated having to deal with the full brass like that. Oh, Lisa and Rick we're fine, so was Exedore in point of fact, it was just political officers like Leonard really tended to get under his skin and had been known to stoke his fiery Celtic temper. Thankfully this time Leonard had made some very good points and had some good ideas that will help them going forward.

    Sitting upright he reached out and pressed the comm panel. "Communications contact the Galactica. Inform Admiral Adama that we will follow them back to their fleet," he ordered, "also advise him that high command has ordered ships carrying medical and relief supplies for their fleet are being dispatched from our closest outpost."

    "Aye sir."

    "Navigation, begin plotting a space fold to the Colonial refugee fleet relay to all ships when complete. Ty coordinate with the medical staff on all ships to prepare as many medical and humanitarian relief supplies as we can spare for distribution to the Colonial fleet."

    "Aye sir," both the astronavigation officer and his first officer acknowledged almost immediately. John signed off and took a few moments to consider the situation that had just been dropped in their collective laps. If he was honest with himself these Cylons worried him, yes, their ships were weak against their guns but what Adama had said about the machines believing that they were on a mission from god to wipe out humanity had him worried. He had encountered religious fanatics enough – both before and after the Rain of Death – times in the past to recognise how much of a problem they could be.

    Though how could an artificial intelligence discover religion like these Cylons apparently have, he thought confused as surely, surely an artificial intelligence would consider religion to be illogical. There had to be something more to this than that, something deeper. But what that could be he had absolutely no idea. After a moment more thinking about it, he sighed, stood up and began making his way back to the bridge. They would be folding to the location of the Colonial fleet soon, hopefully they would get more information on the Cylons, and why they were really out to exterminate humanity, when they got there. If they didn't well, they would deal.


    Combat Information Centre
    Colonial Battlestar Galactica

    "That's what they said?"

    Admiral Adama stared as Lieutenant Dualla in surprise at the report that she had just relayed to him. He wasn't the only one as beside him Colonel Tigh was just as shocked. Not only was the Sirona and the other ships with her coming back to the fleet with them but more ships had been summoned, ships that would be bringing desperately needed supplies of food and medicine for their surviving population. While the supplies would be beyond helpful the question was how had they been summoned? How did they know where the fleet was unless…

    …unless the Thirteenth Tribe had FTL communications small enough to fit on a starship.

    While FTL communications was nothing new back in the Colonies – civilization would have been far different if the Colonies and the people on them hadn't been able to talk to anyone anywhere in their star cluster in real time whenever they wanted - it had only been accomplished through the use of massive planetary arrays and a massive number of communications relay stations and satellites. The systems were extremely bulky and power intensive and no ship – not even the largest of battlestars – had anywhere near either the space or the power requirements to mount such a system. Scientists and engineers had been trying to overcome those problems for decades at least and had never quite been able to crack the problem, like fusion power it was one of those technological breakthroughs that was always a decade away.

    "Yes sir," Dualla confirmed, "more ships from the Thirteenth will travel to where our fleet is currently holding station. Though they haven't said what ships or how many there will be only that they are coming from their nearest outpost, someplace called MARS 5, and will be bringing additional medical and other humanitarian supplies for our population."

    "How can they have arranged all that?" Saul wondered confused and a little concerned. The more he saw of the Thirteenth Tribe the more nervous about them he became. They were clearly technologically far superior to them, for ships barely the size of an Argo-class destroyer to rip apart four Cylon baseships without breaking a sweat – and to do so with fracking energy weapons – they had to be. Why would someone like that really help them?

    "They have to have FTL comms on their ships," Adama replied grimly, as nervous of their cousin's technology level as Saul was. He hoped to the Lords of Kobol that the Cylons never managed to gain control of even one of those ships as there weapons systems would enable them to wipe out every ship in their fleet regardless of anything he – or the other warship captains – could do about it as from what he had seen of them even the strongest ship they had, the Mercury-class Pegasus, would be relatively easy for their cousins to destroy as their ship armour had been designed to defend against nukes, autocannon and railgun rounds not whatever kind of weapons those light blue energy beams were.

    "Like the Cylons," Saul commented grimly as it was known that the Cylons had FTL comms, at least to a degree given their ability to resurrect after death. Provided of course one of their Resurrection Ships was within range to receive and process their download.

    "Indeed, if not more advanced. It would fit with what we have seen of their technology so far," Adama commented, "however we shouldn't read too much into this."

    "Good point," Saul admitted, "still I'll feel a lot better once we know more about them."

    "Something that we will only learn by talking to them which we can do when we all get back to the fleet," Adama answered before turning to look at Dualla, "Dee respond to the Sirona. Tell Captain Harrison that we understand and will let the rest of the fleet know that more Earth ships are coming. Then tell him that we will see him at the fleet."

    "Yes sir."

    "Mister Gaeta is our jump back to the fleet calculated?"

    "Yes, sir it is. We just need to retract the hangar pods and start the countdown," Gaeta answered immediately.

    "Very well we will return to the fleet. Commence final jump prep."

    "Yes sir."


    UES Sirona

    Once again sitting at the command station on the bridge John watched as the Galactica vanished into its space fold. To both his eyes – or rather the Sirona's external cameras as the battlestar, while a large ship, was too far away to be seen as anything than a faint dot – and the sensors the effect was very different to their own space folding process. The Colonial warship didn't generate a bubble of normal space-time around itself before phasing into foldspace in the way they did, instead the field it created was conformal to the hull and, somehow, wedged open a small spatial rift of a kind that they had never seen before which in the microseconds it existed somehow pulled the entire vessel into itself.

    "Sensors did we get all that?" he asked, more for forms sake than anything else as he knew that both the primary and secondary quantum matrix computer cores automatically stored all data recorded by all their myriad of sensor systems after you never knew when something could prove useful.

    "We did sir," the officer manning sensors reported. "The data has already been sent to the labs for analysis. We should have some initial findings and theories on the Colonial and by extension the Cylon fold system in a few days at the most. Though now I can say that from what we saw we might have to completely rewrite the book on methods of folding space."

    "That will be interesting," John commented knowing that he could count on one hand the number of people – Terran and Zentraedi alike – who understood just how fold drives did what they did. Like many other aspects of robotechnology it was an incredibly advanced process, underlined by quantum mathematical principals that might as well be magic. And even those who did understand would admit that they did not know everything – in fact John doubted even the Robotech Masters, as incredibly advanced as they undoubtedly were, knew everything about how space folding technology worked – and would certainly welcome any new insights they could gain from the Colonials system.

    "Indeed sir."

    "Navigation are our own preparations to fold to the Colonial fleet completed?"

    "Yes, sir they are. All ships report that fold computations have been completed and verified. We can fold whenever we wish."

    John smiled and was about to give the order to initiate the fold operation when the communications station came alive. Now what, he thought as he looked over at communications seeking an explanation for the alert. Thankfully the officer there was quick to give him one.

    "Sir we just received a message from MARS 5 operations," the officer reported, "they report that three ships from their defence fleet centred on the UES Procyon have been loaded with as many humanitarian supplies as possible and are preparing to make the fold to the Colonial fleet. They report the ships will be ready to fold within twenty minutes."

    The brass really is taking this seriously, John thought knowing that the Procyon was one of only a handful of Polaris-class battleships that had been so far built for the expeditionary forces. Each of the six MARS stations was protected by a fleet that included two Polaris-class ships. Ships that while comparable in size of the SDF-1 were a lot easier to build. The fact that one would be on her way to the Colonial fleet – if he remembered right the Procyon was Admiral Christina Haywood's flagship – with an escort, almost certainly a pair of cruisers showed how seriously the brass were taking this.

    "Understood," he said, "did they say if Admiral Haywood is commanding the mercy mission herself?"

    "Yes, sir she is."

    "Well, that should make things interesting," Tylen commented from his station.

    "Indeed," John confirmed. While he had never directly interacted with Christina Haywood, he knew her reputation. She was a tough, no-nonsense officer who didn't suffer fools gladly, which had made her many enemies in the heavily politicised pre-Rain UEEF fleet as more than once she had threatened to deck certain politicians – especially the late, and very unlamented by anyone who had ever had the misfortune to encounter him, Senator Russo. That had kept her a ship captain until after the Rain as so many of the senior officers – especially those who were more politicians than soldiers – in the UEEF had perished, incinerated with billions of others in quantum fire. As a result, Haywood had gotten a long overdue promotion.

    "But it means we need to stop dawdling here ourselves and fold to the Colonial fleet," John said at last. "All ships commence space fold procedure."

    "Aye sir. Commencing fold procedure."


    Cylon Resurrection Ship 103
    That Same Time

    Cavil awoke with a gasp and sat up out of the goop filled resurrection tank. His whole body was aching as though he was one giant bruise, and his thoughts were moving almost glacially slowly as he had what felt like the whole, now long since incinerated in nuclear hellfire, band of the Colonial Fleet Marine Corps pounding away inside his head. Thus, it took him a few moments to notice a couple of concerned looking fellow Cylons – two Fours, a Six and another One – all working at the control station seemingly frantically working to accomplish something.

    Fortunately, the One of them quickly noticed that he was awake and turned to face him. "Oh, good brother your awake," he said in greeting, "how are you feeling? Have you integrated properly?"

    "Aside from feeling like I have just been runover by a battlestar group I'm fine," Cavil answered awkwardly standing up, one of the Fours moving away from the interface to help him. He needed it as his legs felt like they were made of jelly and were barely supporting him. "Ugh what happened? I've never felt this bad after a resurrection."

    "You are lucky we were able to resurrect you at all," the Four replied, "you're the first from the battlegroup that we have been able to successfully resurrect so far."

    Cavil frowned not liking the sound of that. "What do you mean successfully resurrect?" he asked, "the system has worked flawlessly for years."

    "There was an unknown and very disruptive type of energy subharmonic in the data stream downloads the hub received from your battlegroup," the other One replied sounding confused and concerned. "The first several dozen individuals to resurrect either didn't resurrect at all or didn't resurrect properly and were reduced to traumatised, child-like entities that had to be euthanised and boxed. It has taken us some time to develop a filtering routine for the subharmonic and even then, we can only resurrect one individual at a time."

    Cavil blinked. "How did that happen?" he asked.

    "We don't know as your brother said the energy subharmonic is unlike anything we have ever encountered before," the one Four replied. "Do you know what happened? Where the energy harmonic came from? Is it some new weapon that the Colonials have somehow come up with to use against us?"

    "It's not the Colonials, which would be bad enough. No this is something worse we have a new enemy one who seems to be far more powerful than the Colonials were at their height. An enemy who has weapons we thought impossible."

    "What kind of weapons?"

    "Energy beams of some kind, they tore our ships to pieces with ease. Has the hub not received the black box downloads from the baseships?"

    "It has but they are badly scrambled and fragmented. It is taking time to put them back together and read the data. Are you sure this enemy used energy weapons?"

    "Considering it was a beam that killed me yes."

    "That's… concerning."

    "And do you know what's worse, they've met the Galactica."

    Horrified silence greeted that announcement the other Cylons freezing momentarily in shock and horror. There had always been a possibility that the Colonials would meet someone new out here among the ocean of stars that was their galaxy – even they had only charted a small fraction of it – especially as they moved into areas where not human or Cylon had ever gone. But they had somehow not anticipated something like this happening. It was ultimately the Six who summed up what they were all feeling.

    "Oh frack."


    Unseen by the assembled Cylons an intelligence – that a certain Model Six would have seen as a recreation of Gaius Baltar – did its equivalent of scowling as it read through the Cylon data. It recognised the energy subharmonic present in the Cylon data stream downloads, it or rather beings like it, had encountered it before.


    The intelligence was not amused. The Haydonites were supposed to have wiped out all traces of that… that… material millennia ago when they had bombarded the Invid homeworld with antimatter bombs. The fact that it had somehow survived, and that someone else was using it, was very concerning. The great organics and synthetics experiment – with the Colonials and the Cylons being the current generation of subjects – was in peril.

    The intelligence knew what it had to do, it would speak with its counterpart among the Colonials. They would find out who was using protoculture and thus who was threatening the Grand Experiment they were charged with overseeing. And then determine how to get it back on track if possible though there was always the option of ending this particular round of the experiment and starting again elsewhere in the universe. It wasn't something that the intelligence would like to do, it would be wasteful, and the intelligence hated waste. Hopefully it would not come to that, and the contamination could be contained…

    …still, it would be best to be prepared.


    Authors Notes: Well, another chapter bites the metaphorical dust I hope you all enjoyed it. I know that not a huge amount happened in this chapter but it is necessary to set things up going forward, especially with my own interpretation of the Battlestar Galactica mythos and the two beings – Head-Six and Head-Baltar – that have been overseeing the cycle that the Colonials and the Cylons have been trapped in for millennia and who told them to do it. I will say now that it isn't Haydon though the two intelligences are aware of him and his various creations like the Haydonites and the Awareness. Who it actually is I will leave a mystery for now.

    On the issue of the MARS stations, they're small – by Robotech standards – space stations that were built to support the United Earth Expeditionary Forces in both their search for the path to Tirolian space and the Robotech Masters and the execution of the Gloval Initiative. The name means Mobile Armoured Repair and Supply, they're essentially scaled down factory satellites though by Colonial standards they are still very large. I originally created them for a Robotech Sentinels story that I was going to write but which never got out of the basic outline stage of development but thought they would fit here so I brought them in. Until next time.
    Chapter Six
  • Chapter Six

    Cloud Nine
    Colonial Remnant Fleet

    Sitting in one of the many richly appointed, tastefully decorated conference rooms on the luxury liner that had become the de facto seat of the Colonial Government – what was left of it anyway – as this is where the reforged Quorum of Twelve met President Laura Roslin stared in shock and awe at the recording being shown on the HD screen. She wasn't the only one both her current chief of staff Tory Foster, her current challenger for the presidency Gaius Baltar – who she had asked for his scientific expertise not to mention it wouldn't do to give the impression that she was keeping something this important secret for political reasons – and his chief of staff Tom Zarek were present as well. So was Lieutenant Agathon present to give a military perspective if asked.

    They were all as shocked.

    A short time earlier a Raptor had returned to the fleet from the Galactica which was off meeting alien starships as impossible as that had sounded at the time. A Raptor that had reported that the 'aliens' were not so alien after all, they were humans just like them specifically they were ships belonging to the long lost Thirteenth Tribe. A tribe that as this video was showing were more than capable of handling the Cylons as it was a recording of the clash between the Earth ships – the largest three were no bigger than an Argo-class destroyer – and the fleet of Cylon baseships that had ambushed the elderly Jupiter-class battlestar. A fleet that had enough firepower to annihilate her in short order.

    Only that hadn't happened.

    The Cylons had gone after the Earth ships – which had obviously proceeded to call in reinforcements – and attacked them. An attack that had not gone as the Cylons had obviously hoped or expected as not only had the lead Earth ship – identified as the Sirona a name that Roslin found faintly familiar from somewhere – knocked the bulk of the missile salvo down with a counter salvo, with the three surviving missiles being speared by something impossible fast moving fired from small points on the ship's hull. Whatever it was it had instantly turned the missiles it hit into plumes of vaporised metal. Then it had proceeded to hit back at the offending basestar and what it hit back with…

    Gasps of shock and awe erupted from all the people in the room as a pair of blue energy beams erupted from a turret on the dorsal forward hull of the Sirona. Beams that had quickly slammed into the basestar and wounded it badly, punching right through the ship seemingly with ease. A second salvo had followed the first and in seconds the baseship simply ceased to exist as it became a fireball. More explosions had followed as the Sirona and the other arriving ships engaged the other three baseships, turning all of them into plumes of dust and burning plasma with seemingly no effort at all.

    The entire battle – if you could call such a one sided slaughter a battle – had lasted less than five minutes.

    "What the frack were those beams," Tory asked aloud as the recording ended.

    "While I cannot be sure if I had to guess I would say Ms Foster that what we are looking at are particle beam weapons of some type," Baltar replied, "the beams move too fast to be made up of plasma and they're too slow to be lasers. Unlike the pulses that destroyed the Cylon missiles those were definitely lasers."

    "I thought energy weapons were impossible," Roslin commented, she was not unaware that there had been research going on for a very long time in creating practical, real directed energy weapons but nothing had ever come of it.

    "Not impossible merely difficult and extremely energy intensive," Baltar answered, "we used to generate particle beams quite frequently back in the colonies."

    "We did?" Tory questioned.

    "Oh yes at particle accelerator facilities set up at various universities and so on throughout the colonies. Indeed, the largest particle accelerator in existence on the colonies was the New Chronos Collider at the Hera's Gate university on Sagittarion. It had just come online when the Cylons launched their attack. It was used to accelerate subatomic particles to near light speed and slam them together to observe the effects, it promised numerous breakthroughs in subatomic and quantum physics."

    "Yes, but that thing would have been huge," Zarek pointed out frowning, he had been a student at Hera's Gate in his youth. Before politics and oppression of the people of his homeworld by the other colonies – but especially Caprica – had called to him. Ultimately leading to him being imprisoned as a terrorist. "How could something the size of those turrets generate a particle beam?"

    Baltar shrugged. "Without looking at the insides of one of those turrets I wouldn't have a clue," he answered, "though I will say this whatever power source they have on those ships it blows anything we have ever created ourselves completely out of the water. Not even the hybrid fission-fusion reactors that were developed for the Nova-class battlestars could come close to the energy output needed to create those beams and those things are the size of a three story house."

    "So would you say that the Thirteenth Tribe are more technologically advanced than we are Doctor," Lieutenant Karl 'Helo' Agathon asked. "And what effect do you think those beams would have on our ships if we ever – gods forbid – found ourselves on the wrong end of them."

    "There is no doubt that they are lieutenant," Baltar admitted even as out of the corner of his eye he saw Six and she looked deeply disturbed by something, "by at least a hundred years if not longer. As for what effect those beams would have on our ships, well it would be devastating. Even the strongest armours we knew how to make back on the Colonies – again which were developed for the Nova-class battlestars and other next generation warships – wouldn't last very long against the kind of forces in play in those beams as they would disrupt the very baryonic structure of matter. Anything hit by them would simply be disintegrated."

    "I'm not sure I understand," Tory commented.

    "It's complicated but in theory a particle beam would attack matter at the subatomic level causing atoms and molecules to literally break apart."

    "Like a nuke?"

    "Well yes but far more focused and devastating. Without knowing the beam energy level I cannot say how long our ship armours would last but it wouldn't be long, our defences are simply not designed to defend against such a weapon."

    "Well let's hope we don't come to blows with our cousins," Roslin said as a comm phone on the wall went off, prompting Lieutenant Agathon to go and answer it. After a few moments he returned.

    "Madam President the Galactica just jumped back to the fleet," he reported, "Admiral Adama asks for you to come to the ship immediately. The first group of ships from the Thirteenth Tribe will be joining us shortly."

    "Very well prepare the Raptor," Roslin replied then frowned. "Wait first group of ships?"

    "Yes ma'am. From the information I was just given more ships from the Thirteen Tribe will soon be on their way here coming from some station called MARS 5. They will be bringing relief supplies for us."

    "Well, that will help a lot," Baltar commented knowing intimately how precarious the fleets supply situation was especially with regards to food and medical supplies. While the other warships – especially the marine assault ship Hopolite – had brought valuable food supplies in the form of freeze-dried MREs things were always running dangerously close to the starvation line all over the fleet. Feeding sixty thousand survivors of a nuclear holocaust was not an easy thing, especially when the architects of said holocaust were chasing you across the galaxy determined to wipe you from existence. "Though ideally what we need is safe harbour from the Cylons."

    "That is something we can and will need to discuss with the Thirteenth when we meet with them," Roslin replied noting that Helo had left the room to prepare the Raptor as asked. "Something that is not going to be easy to arrange."

    Unlike some others in the government, especially in the quorum, she didn't kid herself as she knew negotiating safe harbour for the survivors of the Colonies with the Thirteen Tribe was not going to be easy. While they were all human the twelve colonies had been separated from their brethren by over three thousand years of history if not more – as the Sacred Scrolls were somewhat ambiguous about when exactly the thirteen tribe had departed Kobol with some translations suggesting they left a thousand years before The Blaze and the Exodus but others said it had been far longer – which was a very, very long time for their cultures to have evolved along different lines. And they had already seen the thirteenth was technologically superior to them.

    "Surely they will give us sanctuary we're the same race as them," Tory commented.

    "It doesn't mean anything," Baltar answered, "biology means nothing here. The thirteenth has been separated from us for millennia – plus the musty old rolls offer no reason for their departure from Kobol in the first place – plenty of time to have evolved a very different culture and society to us."

    "Better not let some of the quorum hear you refer to the Sacred Scrolls like that," Zarek commented amused even though he honestly shared the sentiment. Honestly his fellow Sagittarians put far too much faith in what was written down on a bunch of old – and as Baltar described them musty – rolls of parchment. "Plus, the thirteenth has no real reason to deal with us as the Cylons are clearly no threat to them. All we can do is ask and see what happens."

    The conversation was brought to an end by Helo returning. "Madam president the Raptor is ready," he reported.

    "Alright then," Roslin said standing up, "Doctor Baltar, would you care to accompany me?"

    "Yes, I think I will," Baltar replied knowing that this really wasn't the time for politicking over the upcoming election. That kind of thing could wait until after the meeting with the Thirteenth Tribe was over as its outcome was sure to have an effect on the issues at hand. As the president's main challenger, he had to be up to date on things and for some reason known only to her Roslin seemed to know and understand that.

    Without speaking further Roslin left the room heading for the hangar bay where the Raptor was waiting to take them to the Galactica. Baltar hurried to get up and begin following her with both their aides following along behind them. As he walked Baltar felt a familiar sultry burst of phantom air against his neck.

    "Gaius you need to be very careful here," the voice of Six said. "These people you've encountered are incredibly dangerous, far more than you realise."

    "Dangerous to us or the Cylons," he asked, speaking under his breath knowing she would hear. Whatever this mysterious spectre of Natasi/Six was inside his head – he had already had an MRI which confirmed there was no chip in his brain generating the image as he had originally been told by her – he had long since mastered how to talk to her without everyone looking at him like he was insane for talking to himself.

    "To us both," the intelligence masquerading as the Model Six Gaius had genuinely been falling in love with replied. Because it was true from a certain point of few as she had been especially sure that the experiment would reach a satisfactory conclusion in this cycle as all the pieces had been in place for the question the experiment had been set up to answer to finally be answered this time. Protoculture entering the experiment, contaminating everything with its foul presence, had never been anticipated and now it threatened to unravel everything she and her colleague had been working towards for millennia ever since their creators first took humans from Earth to Kobol.

    Right now, she hoped that, through Gaius, she would be able to salvage the situation. But if she couldn't well more… extreme… actions might be required to remedy the situation.

    "And what makes them such a threat," Gaius asked.

    "You'll find out."


    UES Procyon
    MARS 5 Station
    Jackson System


    Admiral Christina Haywood looked up from the systems status report she was reading at her desk at the sound of someone speaking to her. Immediately she spotted her flag captain standing in the open doorway to the ready room – she didn't believe in shutting the door unless there was a priority communication for her eyes only, otherwise in her opinion it did the rest of the crew good to see the admiral working as hard as they did – and that he was holding a computer tablet in one hand.

    "Yes captain?" she asked as she mentioned for him to come in.

    "We have an update from the quartermaster on the last of the emergency and relief supplies for the Colonials," Captain Ulysses Parkinson answered. "The last of the cargo transports has just docked in hangar bay three and they are commencing unloading. They should have everything stowed and prepped to be transferred to the Colonials as soon as we are given the go ahead to begin doing so."

    "Very good," Christina replied with a smile as Parkinson handed her the tablet. She accepted it and carefully read through the contents which not only confirmed what her flag captain had just told her but also contained updates on the state of the two Tristar-class cruisers and four Battle-class destroyers that would form their escort wing. All the other ships had finished taking on their own supplies and indicated that they were ready to depart.

    After a few moments she signed the report to indicate that she had read it and handed the tablet back.

    "What's our own status captain," she asked, "how soon until we're ready to depart ourselves?"

    "The unloading of the cargo transport will only take another few minute's ma'am. Once they've departed, we will be ready to go. I estimate no more than fifteen minutes, twenty at the most."

    "I see contact me as soon as we are ready to depart."

    "Yes admiral. Ma'am, should we begin the computations for the fold to the Colonial fleet?"

    "Please do so it will save us considerable time."

    "Aye ma'am."

    "Dismissed captain."

    Parkinson nodded and left the ready room. For her part Christina stood up from behind the desk, walked over to the coffee machine in the corner and made herself a mug. Then, holding the steaming beverage that had already become a favourite with every Zentraedi commander she knew certainly as big a favourite as it was with Terran commanders, walked over to a narrow floor to ceiling window and looked out.

    Dominating the foreground was the deep space station that the Procyon was still in orbit of. While it was much smaller than the great factory satellite, they had captured from the Zentraedi Commander Reno a few years ago MARS 5 was still an extremely large and impressive structure. Thirty-two kilometres across at its widest point and twenty-three kilometres tall its vague mushroom shape often reminded her of the space dock facility seen over Earth in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock a movie that had always been something of a favourite of hers. Of course, MARS 5 was a very different beast and like the other five MARS stations could do everything that the much larger factory satellite – which still sat happily in the L4 Lagranian Point over Earth – could albeit on a much smaller scale.

    They had all been built to support the expeditionary force as they both sought to establish humanity out here amidst the stars and searched for a route to Tirolian space and the Robotech Masters. Masters that they hoped, if they could contact, they could come to some form of agreement with. Something that would prevent the devastation of another war fought with the incredible destructive power of robotech weaponry. Or if not possible deal with them permanently before they could threaten Earth again as there was little chance that their homeworld would survive another robotech war, certainly it wouldn't be able to withstand another bombardment like the one Dolza had subjected the planet to.

    Of course, now there was a new threat facing Earth. These Cylons. What little had been reported of them so far by Captain Harrison had everyone back home concerned. She could understand why as a race of machines that thought they were on a divine mission to wipe out humanity – and had already subjected twelve entire planets to a nuclear holocaust as part of that jihad – was like something out of pre-Rain science fiction. Bad science fiction – the kind that had spawned many a B-grade movie on the old Sci-Fi Channel – at that. Yet here it was as real as life itself and which made the Cylons potentially a very serious threat to the future of their race.

    A threat that they still knew so little about. So far, the only comfort that they could seem to gleam was the fact that the Cylons ships were woefully unprepared to deal with particle beams and other directed energy weapons as evidenced by the ease with which the Sirona's beam cannons had torn through an attacking ship. Unfortunately, they couldn't count on having the advantage of vastly superior firepower forever as machine races certainly had the ability to adapt and improve at rates that bordered on being geometric. Something that the Zentraedi records confirmed as they had encountered, fought, and ultimately defeated – though always at considerable cost – machine races in the past.

    Finding out more about the Cylons, how they came to be and what had set them on this campaign of genocide, was one of the goals of her mission to the Colonials.

    Finishing her coffee, she left the window, returned to her desk and resumed reading through the reports that were waiting for her attention. She had just finished reading a report on the setting up of the mining operations that had brought them and MARS 5 to this system in the first place – a system with no habitable planets but a very large and dense asteroid field that was rich in valuable ores and minerals including the vital for the production of fold drives monopole ore – when the desk comm chirped for her attention. She immediately reached out and pressed a control.


    "Admiral the supply shuttle has just departed," Captain Parkinson reported from the main bridge. "All ships report ready for departure. All hyperspace fold computations have been completed and verified."

    "Very well move the squadron out to fold clearance. I will be on the flag bridge momentarily."

    "Aye ma'am."

    With that Parkinson signed off prompting Christina to save her work, power off her terminal for now and stand up. She was just leaving her ready room when a faint shiver ran through the deck, and she knew that the main ion fusion sublight engines had just ignited and the powerful Polaris-class battleship was beginning to move out of its holding orbit of MARS 5. She paid it no mind as she made her way to the flag bridge – a smaller, scaled down version of the main bridge which was optimised for her to direct multiple ships leaving Captain Parkinson free to oversee and determine the actions of the Procyon – arriving within a few minutes. After exchanging polite nods with the armoured, heavily armed marines guarding the door she made her way inside and crossed to the command chair.

    "Status report," she ordered as she sat down and made herself comfortable.

    "Admiral all ships are underway and accelerating at maximum speed," one of the operations officers reported immediately. "We are approaching fold clearance now."

    "Excellent. As soon as we're in position all ships are to execute space folding procedure."

    "Aye ma'am."

    Christina made herself comfortable in her chair as around her the flag bridge crew attended to their duties and carried out her instructions. After a few moments the faint background rumbling of the sublight engines died away and for a moment more nothing happened. Then a faint, but by now very familiar, thrum of power ran through the ship and reality suddenly began to wash with strange, unfathomable colours as well as fade in and out of existence as the fold sphere formed around the ship. The disorientation and odd colours faded away after a few moments as the Procyon and her six companions fully submerged into the hyperspatial realm known as foldspace.

    They were on their way to the Colonial Fleet.


    Cylon Colony
    That Same Time

    The Model Six Cylon – who in another timeline would have become known as Caprica Six instead of the identity of Natasi that she'd assumed while infiltrating the Colonies and seducing Gaius Baltar – felt despair pulling at her as the other models all debated and argued about what to do now that the Colonials had encountered the previously mythical Thirteen Tribe. A tribe of man that was not only not a myth after all – which had always been a possibility it was why they had let the main remnant fleet live this long after all so they could lead them to them – but who were obviously far more technologically advanced than the Colonials had been even at their height. Something proved by the fact that a) there computers were impervious to their logic bombs and b) sported previously thought impossible weapons systems. Weapons that could tear baseships from the sky without breaking a sweat.

    Not to mention said weapons leave an odd energy subharmonic in our data streams, she thought recalling the headache they'd had figuring out how to screen out the energy subharmonic – which had been beyond difficult as it was unlike anything they had ever seen before and even now they weren't sure they were fully rid of the damned thing – and allow the resurrection of all those Cylons killed in the brief battle with the Earth ships. The whole thing had caused no small panic among her fellow Cylons as the Thirteenth being more technologically advanced than them and the Colonials had always been something of a nightmare scenario.

    A panic that the Ones were, somewhat predictably as that entire line appeared to have a special hatred for humanity for some reason, using to swing the others to a very extreme course of action. One was arguing that they assemble as many ships as they could – including summoning some of their few heavy cruisers back from hunting down the Heracles the one Nova-class battlestar that had escaped the destruction of the colonies – and attacking the main Colonial remnant with their full might before they could be taken fully under the protection of the Thirteenth Tribe.

    She, and a few others of her line as well as Number Eight that had until her death been a sleeper agent aboard the Galactica, had tried to argue against it. Tried to get their people to turn away from the path that One was leading them down to try making peace with the remains of the Colonials instead. After all wasn't it in Gods commandments to be merciful to a defeated foe and for all intents and purposes the Colonials were beaten and had been for a very long time now.

    Unfortunately, One had had none of it. He'd used the fear of the Thirteenth's technological superiority and the fact that their weapons could interfere with resurrection to sway all the others from the path of peace. Now they were simply discussing – or rather arguing about – when exactly to attack the Colonial Remnant and if they should wait for all possible ships to be available or just go with the half of them that had already been assembled.

    From her quiet, out of the way, vantage point she sighed. After a moment she felt or rather smelt the phantom of a familiar aftershave. Looking next to her she saw the strange representation of Gaius that she had been seeing ever since she resurrected after sacrificing herself to save Gaius on Caprica during the attack – he had gone from a mere assignment, a mere target to be seduced, to someone she had genuinely come to care for and even love – sitting beside her.

    "You need to leave here," he said softly.

    "What do you mean," she asked back under her breath.

    "Exactly what I said. You need to take a heavy raider and travel to a set of coordinates I'll give you. There you will find the only hope the Cylons have for surviving what is coming, what One with his pride, arrogance and hatred is setting in motion."

    "They're going to lose aren't they."

    "Yes. But it does not have to be the end of the Cylons. Take a heavy raider and go you will know the coordinates when it is time to enter them."

    Caprica Six frowned. "You are not Gaius are you," she said to the spectre.

    "No, my dear I am not I merely assumed this form since it is most comfortable for you," 'Gaius' replied with a warm smile, "just like my colleague has assumed your form to guide Baltar for the part he was meant to play. Something that will no longer be possible."

    "Then what are you? An angel of god?"

    "If that's the best way for you to understand me then yes. Now you must go. Where you are going is a long way from here and it will take some time to get there."

    "What will I find?" she asked as she stood up and quietly left the room, leaving the tactical argument raging in the room behind and beginning to make her way to one of the heavy raider launch bays. She didn't expect the spectre/angel or whatever he was to answer her. So, she was surprised when he actually did.

    "Salvation for the Cylons."

    When she turned to ask him what he meant by that she found, to her annoyance, that he had done that infuriating vanishing act of his again. Mentally grumbling to herself that this being needed to learn some fracking manners she continued on her way to the nearest heavy raider bay. Thankfully with everyone distracted by the meeting getting aboard one and leaving the Colony wouldn't be difficult. She did have to wonder though what 'Gaius' meant by salvation for the Cylons waiting for them wherever it was she was going. What kind of salvation was he talking about? What price would the Cylons ultimately pay for said salvation?

    She supposed that there was only one way to find out.


    Authors Note: Well, another chapter bites the metaphorical dust, I hope you all enjoyed it. I am honestly surprised how quickly this chapter came together once I started working on it as its been awhile since a chapter basically seemed to write itself in the way this one did. Before anyone asks Caprica Six's name of Natasi actually comes from the novelisation of the 2003 mini-series that started the reimagined Battlestar Galactica universe. While there was the mention of a Nova-class battlestar in this chapter the Heracles will not actually be making an appearance for awhile at least not in this story maybe in the sequel or in a spin off side story to show what she and her crew have been up to since the destruction of the colonies we will have to see. I wonder how many of you will guess who Caprica is being sent to see even as One leads a major Cylon fleet into the meatgrinder. Until next time.
    Chapter Seven
  • Chapter Seven

    Captain Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace was feeling very pleased with herself as the small group of Raptors prepared to make their final jump back to the fleet. The rescue mission to the colonies, to pick up Sam and other survivors, had gone better than she could ever have imagined despite losing two Raptors during the voyage back to the slowly freezing, radiation blasted remnants of the worlds that had once been home. Not only had they been able to rescue Sam and the other resistance fighters, but they'd been able to raid an intact Colonial Fleet supply station on one of Caprica's moons. Which had not only netted them four more Raptors but enough food supplies to ease the food shortage situation in the fleet by a considerable margin for at least a month. Not to mention acquire some vitally needed additional medical supplies such as anti-radiation meds, antibiotics and so on.

    Why they had been able to get so much was the only thing that puzzled her. The Cylons had almost completely vanished, there had been only one or two basestars orbiting the colonies instead of the dozens there had been the last time she was there. Baseships that had been relatively easy to evade as even with their full compliments of raiders deployed, they didn't have sufficient numbers to patrol orbit properly. The same was true on the ground as the humanoid Cylons had all vanished though the Centurions had remained only they had changed what they were doing. Instead of cleaning up and trying to rebuild the cities for some strange reason they had begun dismantling things recovering materials and surviving technologies and loading them aboard transport ships that we're arriving and leaving almost constantly.

    According to Sam they had been doing this for about a fortnight by the time she and the others arrived.

    Not for the first time since they'd arrived and learned all this Kara found herself wondering just what had changed the Cylons plans. Maybe they underestimated the amount of radiation their nuclear bombardment would leave behind or overestimated the resilience of their own physiology against conditions like cancer, she thought not for the first time. She had to admit that it was an amusing mental image the Cylon skin jobs – especially that creepy one Leoben who seemed to have a thing for her for some reason – suddenly finding themselves dealing with the scourge of cancer. Of course, knowing them they would simply terminate the affected bodies and download into new ones. So that wouldn't make them abandon the colonies unless the organic forms were dying in such numbers that the resurrection system couldn't keep up. A pleasant thought given that they had callously murdered billions of innocents in their unprovoked assault on the colonies after forty years of peace.

    "Starbuck, I have the final jump coordinates," Sharon, the Model Eight Cylon who had fallen in love with Helo and defected to their side as a result, said from behind her. Her help in operating the biomechanical computer they'd salvaged from a Cylon heavy raider had been the only reason why they'd been able to pull this mission off. The Colonies were simply too far behind them for their ships to have made it with conventional Colonial jump systems. Didn't mean she trusted her though as she would be six days dead before she ever, ever trusted a Cylon. "I'm relaying them to all ships now."

    "I see them," Kara replied as the coordinates appeared on her navigation screen and she, still somewhat reluctantly, entered them into the jump navigation system. The system flashed and bleeped to indicate that the coordinates had been accepted and verified. One by one the other Raptors all checked in reporting that they had the coordinates and were ready to jump.

    She opened a comm channel to all of them. "Alright people this is it our last jump," she said. And not past time, she thought as consecutive jumps were not fun. "You've all done a great job on this mission, first rounds on me tonight. Let's go home."

    She signed off and pressed the button that would synchronize all the jump clocks and start the jump sequence on all Raptors simultaneously. For the last time on this mission, she heard the FTL motor spin up and felt/saw the familiar stretching disorientation that accompanied a jump. There was a momentary flash of eldritch light outside then reality snapped back into normal…

    …and the familiar sight of the fleet that housed the last remnants of humanity came into view.

    Unsurprisingly the Pegasus was hanging in space in front of them. The massive Mercury-class battlestar that Lee was now in command of – something that if Kara was honest with herself she was still having trouble wrapping her head around Leeland Adama in command of a battlestar at just thirty, though he was doing a good job of it having inherited enough of the Old Mans personality and skills to make it look easy – had been where there mission had set off from and where it was planned to end. She was preparing to hail the Pegasus and request landing clearance when she saw them.

    Hanging off the fleet were a group of strange ships that definitely weren't Colonial. The Colonials didn't build ships that had lines that made them look like they were meant to cruise beneath the surface of a very different ocean to the endless one of space. They weren't Cylon either and they also barely even showed up on dradis. There could only be one explanation…

    …they were, as impossible as it would seem, alien.

    She was so stunned that she almost missed the flashing indicator on the console that indicated that she was being hailed by the Pegasus. She quickly flicked the switch to accept the communication and the speakers crackled to life.

    "This is the battlestar Pegasus calling Raptor 218 please respond," came the voice of Lieutenant Hoshi.

    "Pegasus this is Raptor 218 receiving you loud and clear," Kara answered before grinning. "We're back."

    "This is Pegasus Actual," a very familiar voice said joining the conversation. "So, I see Starbuck and is our dradis screen malfunctioning or do you have a few extra Raptors with you?"

    "They're not Apollo," Kara answered using Lee's old callsign, "we picked up a few and whole bunch of supplies from a supply base on one of Caprica's moons."

    For a moment there was silence and Kara grinned imagining the surprised look on Lee's face at that. "How did you manage that?" he asked after a moment.

    "The Cylons have withdrawn the bulk of their forces from the colonies. There are only a few baseships and raider squadrons hanging round it created a gap we could exploit after saving the resistance fighters."

    "That's odd," Lee answered after a moment. "Your debriefing is going to be quite interesting I think, not that that's unusual with you."

    "Well, you know me."

    "All too well. Alright come on in Kara bay four is ready to receive your Raptors."

    "Will do. Ugh Lee can I ask who do the new ships belong to?"

    "It's a long story and you'll be briefed later. For now, I can tell you that they mean us no harm."

    "Now you've piqued my interest. Can't you tell me anymore?"

    "Not right now Kara just land. Medical personnel will be waiting to check over the survivors you rescued."

    Knowing that tone of Lee's voice well – a tone that confirmed he would not reveal anything more about the new ships until either he was good and ready or he was ordered to – and knowing better than to nag him for more details - he would not give it no matter how she nagged as Lee was, if anything, even more stubborn than she was on things like this – Kara decided to do as instructed.

    "Alright we're coming in," she said before matching words with actions, bringing the engines to life and heading for one of the specialised Raptor bays on the side of the Pegasus flight pods.

    "See you later. Pegasus Actual out." The communication link closed down and Kara focused on navigating towards the seventeen hundred and eight nine meter long battlestar. As she closed on the grey armoured side of the mighty warship – which on her own could and had wiped the floor with multiple Cylon baseships – the dradis console gave a slight beep of warning. Now what, she thought a second before a flash of light outside caught her attention and she looked over to see a series of large energy spheres that looked for all the world like whirling balls of frosted golden glass had appeared. After a few seconds there was a gyroscopic flash of radiation and the spheres vanished, revealing more alien ships just like the first few including one vessel that was comparable in size to the Galactica but like the others looked almost like it was meant to travel under the sea.

    More of them, she thought even as she mentally prayed to the Lords of Kobol that Lee was right and that these people, aliens or whatever they were, really meant them no harm. Then she focused on the task of landing on the Pegasus.


    Colonial Raptor 102
    Forty Minutes Later

    President Laura Roslin would, if asked, admit that she was nervous as the Raptor carrying her and a small delegation in the form of Gaius Baltar – who was still the representative of Caprica on the Quorum – the Gemenese representative Sarah Porter and Commander Timothy Richards of the Cerberus made its way towards the Procyon. The Terran – which was apparently the name that the Thirteenth Tribe used to refer to themselves – admiral Christina Haywood had invited a delegation to come to her ship to discuss both their immediate requirements and what to do with them in the long term.

    For once there hadn't been any friction from the Quorum over the meeting. They had quickly chosen who they wanted to accompany her, while Bill had assigned Richards who apparently had advanced diplomatic training only his habit of stepping on the admiralties toes back before the fall had prevented him commanding anything more than a Medusa-class heavy cruiser, to the meeting. The only concern about the meeting she had was the fact that Sarah was along as like most Gemenese she was extremely devout in her faith in the Lords of Kobol. Which could be a recipe for trouble if the Thirteenth no longer worshipped the gods.

    She just hoped that if that was the case the Sarah would put the more immediate needs of the fleet, and their survival as a species, before her faith.

    "Are you alright madam president," Richards asked seeing she was distracted.

    "I am fine commander," Roslin replied, "I was just thinking."

    "About what?" he asked curious.

    "Just how vital this meeting is," Roslin admitted glancing towards the cockpit. Through the windows she could see the side of the Terran flagship looming ever closer outside. It was starting to blot out space ahead and they were close enough to make out the ranks of turrets and ports lining the hull. They were heading for a bay on the forward starboard side of the main hull as opposed to the two smaller hulls that gave the ship a distinct trimaran design. "Potentially the fate of the entire fleet rests on what happens here today."

    "It is a pretty hefty responsibility," Richards agreed, glancing at the great battleship himself. While she seemed to have fewer turrets than a battlestar did he didn't doubt that if that ship wanted to, she could destroy their entire fleet without breaking much if anything of a sweat. He, like everyone here, had seen the recordings of what the Sirona – which was apparently according to provide documentation a long range exploration cruiser – had done to the Cylons. The ease with which her blue beamed energy weapons had torn apart multiple Cylon baseships made it perfectly clear how much more powerful than them their cousins were. Even with the Galactica and the Pegasus – which as a Mercury had heavy bow mounted railguns – here they would stand little chance if the Terrans for some reason decided to shoot at them.

    "I don't foresee there being a problem," Porter commented. "It is the will of the gods that we meet our brethren now and join with them. They should see that."

    Baltar raised an eyebrow. "You are assuming that they still believe in the gods," he pointed out, "remember that their ancestors left Kobol anywhere from a thousand to two thousand years before The Blaze and our own Exodus. They've been separated from us for a minimum of three thousand years if not longer, plenty of time for them to have either found new religions or abandoned the idea entirely."

    "The Gods would never allow that."

    "Like they would never allow the Cylons to murder eighty-nine billion people in hours? Like they would never allow our planets to be reduced to radiation blasted cinders?"

    Sarah started to open her mouth to refute Baltar's points – and remind him that it was a punishment for their sins, especially the sin of trying to be gods themselves and create life in the form of the Cylons – but before she could speak Roslin stepped in. Knowing full well if she didn't then the deeply religious Sarah and the committed atheist Baltar would get into an increasingly acrimonious debate that would last hours.

    "Enough," Roslin snapped looking at the two Quorum members sternly even as she wondered, not for the first time, when had leading what was left of their people had turned into the deeply frustrating exercise of trying to heard cats. "Now is not the time for you two to have yet another of your arguments. Right now, we need to present a united front to the Terrans. We can sort out any issues of religion later."

    "But…" Sarah started to object but a stern look from Roslin silenced her. A look that promised that disobedience would not be tolerated in this matter. And truth be told the other woman was right, there would be time to sort out saving their cousins souls if they no longer believed in the Lords of Kobol later. "I understand I will keep quiet on the subject."

    "As will I," Baltar agreed.

    "Good," Roslin replied a moment before a faint shudder ran through the Raptor. "What was that?"

    "Madam President we just passed through some kind of gravitational-electromagnetic field across the entrance to the hangar bay," one of the pilots reported back, "there's now atmosphere around us. We're landing now."

    "A gravitational-electromagnetic field what do they mean by that," Richards wondered.

    "It's a force field," Baltar exclaimed, shock and awe in his voice. No wonder Six is worried about these people, the power they have, he thought even as he spoke again. "They've been theorised for years but the power requirements for one are far beyond our technology. Gods I wish I knew what their power source is, to be able to manipulate gravitational and electromagnetic fields like that it's mind boggling."

    "Unbelievable," Sarah breathed a moment before a soft jolt ran through the deck as they set down. The sound of the engines died as the pilots powered them down. She had to wonder what other technological wonders the thirteenth had. No doubt that there would be some technologies that the Gods would not approve of technologies that would have to go in the long term.

    Undoing her restraint Roslin stood up. "Well shall we go?" she said prompting everyone to stand up. Commander Richards moved in front of her, Admiral Adama had made it clear that Roslin's safety while she was here was his personal responsibility, as they headed to the gullwing hatch as it opened letting in the familiar scents of a hangar bay.

    Carefully he led the way out of the Raptor, noting that as he left the influence of the Raptors own gravity that his feet felt heavier than they normally did. He guessed that Earth had to have slightly higher gravity than Colonial standard. Then he saw the honour guard waiting for them, two lines of young soldiers in tough and durable looking armour – that bizarrely looked almost like it was meant to lock into something else – and holding advanced looking rifles that experienced eyes told him did not fire any sort of projectile. Energy rifles! I suppose I shouldn't be surprised given their warships fire particle beams and use lasers instead of autocannons for close in defence, he thought even as he saw three people waiting for them on the other side of the honour guard.

    As they all stepped out of the Raptor someone shouted a command and in a clatter the honour guard moved their rifles to the present arms position. Impressive discipline, Richards noted with approval, it would do anyone in the Colonial Fleet – well what was left of it as they had gone from having hundreds of warships to just seven one of which was ironically the oldest battlestar in the fleet – proud. He wasn't the only one.

    Laura Roslin took a moment to compose herself then resolutely started walking. It wasn't as easy as it normally was as, like Richards, she noticed that the gravity field on this ship was stronger than on any Colonial vessel reflecting the fact that Earth had slightly higher gravity than what they were used to. But she managed it. In moment's they reached the delegation that was waiting for them including a middle aged woman in a red and white uniform with a black high-collared, sleeveless jacket over the top of it.

    "President Roslin," the woman said inquiringly. Roslin nodded and the other woman smiled. "Greetings I am Admiral Christina Haywood. On behalf of the United Earth Government, I welcome you aboard the Procyon. Allow me to introduce you to my flag captain Ulysses Parkinson and my CAG Commander Takashima."

    "A pleasure admiral," Roslin replied. "Allow me to introduce you to my companions. This is Doctor Gaius Baltar, Caprican representative to the Quorum of the Twelve. This is Sarah Porter, Gemenese representative to the same body and finally Commander Timothy Richards commanding officer of the Cerberus one of our only two surviving heavy cruisers."

    "A pleasure. If you would kindly follow me a room has been prepared for us to talk. Commander Takashima will take care of your pilots while we talk."

    "That's fine," Roslin agreed. The other woman smiled back and turned, beginning to walk off the hangar deck into the corridors and passageways of the ship's interior. Accompanied by her companions Roslin followed as she did so she compared the interior of the Procyon to both the Galactica and the Pegasus both of whom she had been on numerous times since the fall. The corridors were closer to those on the newer, larger battlestar than on the Galactica bright and spacious though the light was different. Warmer and more natural feeling in some fashion than the somewhat harsh artificial lights she and others had had to get to in the year that had passed since the Cylon began their genocide.

    It didn't take long to reach the conference room that had been set aside and prepared for them. Admiral Haywood gestured politely for them all to be seated and they all did so – Roslin and her companions down one side of the table, the Terran personnel on the other – before Haywood sat herself. For a few moments nobody said or did anything then the Terran admiral spoke.

    "Before we begin working out just how we can help each other," she said. "Let us begin by learning a bit more about one another. Since you are my guests here, I will begin if that is alright with you?"

    "That would be fine," Roslin replied.

    "Very well then our story begins twenty-three years ago when on the night of the twenty-second of March in the year 1998 of the Common Era a phenomenal event occurred in the skies above Earth that forever altered the course of our history…"


    Twenty Minutes Later

    Laura Roslin sat stunned and more than a little horrified as Admiral Haywood finished outlining the modern history of her world and people. To say it was like something from the tales of old, tales that had been passed down since the time of Kobol, would have been an understatement. Twenty-three years ago, their cousins had still been a planet bound species until a warship of unbelievable complexity and power had emerged from something called foldspace above their world. A warship produced by a civilization that was hundreds of years ahead of either of them at the time – and indeed would still be centuries ahead of the colonies if they had still existed – which had fallen to Earth coming to rest on the surface at an uninhabited volcanic island called Macross.

    Their cousins had recovered the vessel, which amazingly had been almost completely intact with only the external hull suffering major damage from not just the crash but whatever battle the ship had been in before it fled into foldspace, leaving the systems and technology inside unharmed. How doing so had united their previously fractured world and brought about a decade of peace and increasing prosperity to their people even as their now united military forces prepared for the original owners of the ship to come and attempt to retrieve it.

    Eventually servants of the ships original builders – a race of giant humanoid alien warriors known as the Zentraedi – had come to retrieve the ship sparking a war between the people of Earth and the giants – who honestly reminded her of the tales of the titans – which had raged for the next two years. Leading to a climactic battle between the supreme commander of the entire Zentraedi Armada and Earth which had included a cataclysmic orbital bombardment with weapons that made the strongest nukes possessed by either Colonials or Cylons look like firecrackers. How billions had died in seconds, incinerated in quantum fire, but somehow the Terran race had survived. Survived, fought back and ultimately defeated Dolza – killing him and destroying the bulk of his fleet in a clash of epic proportions – before beginning a process of rebuilding their smouldering world.

    "How, how many died," Sarah Porter asked looking at where the holographic display that had shown footage of the Rain of Death – as their cousins somewhat poetically but correctly – called it had been. The sights she had seen would haunt her nightmares as it was way, way worse than a nuclear bombardment seeing streams of unbelievably powerful energy striking the surface wiping out entire landmasses in seconds was almost unimaginable. It was power that she was sure even Zeus himself would be in awe of.

    And then there was the quantum reflex energy weapon that Earth had fired back. A massive version of the same weapons that had ravaged the planet and which in the few seconds it had fired had wiped from the stars hundreds of thousands of warships and millions of fighters and other battle mecha – whatever battle mecha was as she had never heard of such a thing before – as if they had been mere toys. Though nothing compared to the final cataclysmic explosion that not only wiped out Dolza but destroyed most of the Zentraedi fleet. A fleet whose sheer size and firepower didn't bare thinking about as it was so unbelievably vast.

    "The true number will never be known," Admiral Haywood replied, her eyes dark with the deep pain and sadness that not just the whole Terran race but what she personally still felt over the events of the Rain of Death. She had been there after all watching in horror from the command bridge of a disabled Oberth-class destroyer as her homeworld burned. "But before the Rain there were an estimated eight billion people on Earth after it, we estimate anywhere from fifteen to twenty-five million. Most of those who died did so in the Rain, but a sizeable chunk died in the immediate aftermath from everything from hyperphase radiation poisoning to getting caught up in the geological upheavals that followed due to quantum energy bleed through disrupting the tectonic system."

    "Gods," Porter breathed. "What about the Zentraedi did you wipe the rest of them out after what they did to you? Are you out here because you are chasing them to make them pay?"

    "No, we didn't and no we are not," Haywood answered, "the Zentraedi didn't know any different. In many ways they were like robots at that time windup toys of destruction and conquest for beings we know as the Robotech Masters. We broke the chains that bound them to the Masters and have been teaching them since then that there is so much more to life than going around the galaxies waging war after war to expand the Robotech Masters empire."

    "I am not sure we would be as merciful," Roslin admitted even as she felt a sudden guilt. She wasn't unaware that there were numerous parallels between themselves and the Robotech Masters and how they had both created an entire race for labour and for warfare. "So why are you here so far from your homeworld?"

    That had been another shock that Earth itself was many thousands of light years from here.

    "We're searching both to find the path to Tirolian space and the Robotech Masters and for places to set up colonies to ensure our race is not threatened by extermination again. We dodged a bullet once we might not be so lucky next time, especially when you consider what robotech weaponry is capable of. I have to admit that we were surprised to stumble across you. Captain Harrison reported that you are refugees and that you are at war with a machine race called Cylons?"

    "That is true," Roslin admitted, "we had been at peace with the Cylons for forty years until a year ago when without warning they launched a massive attack against our fleet and our planets. In mere hours they destroyed most of our fleet and carpet bombed all twelve of our worlds with nuclear weapons. We tried to surrender after they started doing that, but they never responded. They have been chasing us ever since."

    "I see. Did you have a plan? Or are you just running blindly?"

    "We were actually looking for you or rather looking for your planet."

    Haywood raised an eyebrow. "Okay why?" she asked.

    "We're the same race, we both come from Kobol, and it is the will of the Gods that the tribes of man reunited if we are to survive," Porter replied.

    "Kobol? I have never heard of it, and I don't know why you think humanity evolved there but it did not. There is fossil and genetic evidence that indicate that humanity evolved on Earth."


    "Sarah enough," Roslin snapped before the Gemenese woman could start a diatribe.


    "I said enough they are entitled to their beliefs just as we are. If they have fossil and genetic evidence that they evolved on Earth then they can show us later," Roslin said firmly. "For all we know they did evolve there, and we evolved on Kobol."

    "Convergent evolution theory its possible I suppose," Baltar admitted with a thoughtful frown. "Though there is the whole thirteenth tribe leaving Kobol thing to get past."

    "It isn't something we will get past here," Haywood answered firmly deciding to change the discussion for now as she could see that the religious woman Porter was about to do an impression of Mount Vesuvius at Pompeii if they continued. "Tell me about these Cylons. By attempting to upload a logic bomb to the Sirona's computers and then opening fire on her when they failed, they've shown themselves to be a threat. A threat we will not tolerate."

    "It's a long story," Roslin answered.

    "We have time."

    "I suppose we do at that, and you deserve to know," Roslin admitted. She was about to begin explaining how sixty standard Colonial years ago Dr Daniel Grayston of Grayston Industries had introduced a revolutionary new line of robots called Cybernetic Lifeform Nodes to the then disunited colonies when an alarm klaxon began wailing with an urgent clamour. "What's that?"

    "It's a battle alert," Haywood replied as she manipulated a small console in front of her. A projector field powered up and a holographic screen pixeled into existence showing the face and torso of Captain Parkinson. "Captain Parkinson report. What's going on out there?"

    "Admiral we are detecting multiple Colonial style fold disturbances. There are ships appearing from them."

    "What kind of ships?" Haywood asked. "And how many of them?"

    "They're Cylon ma'am. We read fifty capital ships and rising."

    Listening in Roslin exchanged a look of mixed shock, horror, fear, and sheer terror with the rest of her delegation as the flag captain said how many Cylon ships were arriving. Fifty baseships and rising, it was a fleet almost as big as the one that had attacked, and ruthlessly nuclear carpet bombed the colonies. As they looked at each other they all realized one thing, that no matter how advanced and powerful the thirteenth tribe was in comparison to them that there was no defence against this fleet.

    They, Colonial and Terran, were all dead.


    Authors Notes: Well, another chapter bites the metaphorical dust I hope you all enjoyed it. Next time we will have the epic clash between the Cylon forces that Cavil/One has assembled for his all or nothing gambit and the combined forces of the Colonial Remnant and the REF ships. It should be a real clash of the titans as it is not going to be an easy fight for anyone and people – including perhaps some main characters as I don't believe in shielding them – will die. Who will live and who will die well you will all have to wait and see won't you.

    Finally, before someone says that the REF doesn't have atmospheric force field technology they actually do. It is actually seen in the Sentinels movie during the scene where Max Sterling and Karen Penn are bringing two prototype Alpha/Beta combined fighters into dock aboard the factory satellite. Both pass through an energy barrier that is keeping the air in the bay. The technology is also seen to be possessed by the Zentraedi in the Titan comics series, so I have used it here. Well, that's all for today until next time.
    Chapter Eight
  • Chapter Eight

    Alarms wailed throughout the Galactica triggering a literal explosion of activity. Viper pilots raced to man their planes while hangar bay crews hurriedly prepared them for launch. Marines suited up, grabbed automatic weapons, and headed to various checkpoints and chokepoints throughout the vessel ready to repel any boarding attempt by the Cylons while all other personnel from gunnery crews to damage and fire control crews raced to their own station. All determined to, once again, face their relentless biomechanical enemies and ensure that the Colonial part of the greater human race lived to see another day.

    Among those racing to his post was one Admiral William Adama. He had been in his cabin doing some of the mountain of paperwork that came with not just running one battlestar but all of the seven ships that were all that remained of the once proud Colonial Fleet. Much as he hated doing it, honestly in his experience nobody in the military really liked the Hades spawned demon that was paperwork, it had been a good distraction from worrying about Laura on the Terran flagship. Over the last two years of their flight from the Cylons his feelings for the former education secretary had changed considerably as he had gone from being very dismissive and even outright contemptuous of her to someone who deeply respected her both for her quiet dignity and immense strength. Strength that never stopped being tested as she faced two never ending battles, to keep the remains of their civilization from collapsing into anarchy and a deeply personal battle with cancer.

    If he was honest with himself, he was starting to fall in love with her. Hence why he was worried while she was on the Terran ship. They still knew so little about the Thirteenth Tribe, beyond the fact that technologically they were scarily advanced. They knew nothing about their culture or society or even why they and the other twelve tribes of Kobol had parted ways in the first place all those millennia ago. Thus, the leader of what was left of his civilization going aboard one of their warships – a warship that he didn't doubt could destroy even the Pegasus without breaking a sweat – was a dangerous risk.

    He put aside those thoughts and worries as he arrived at the CIC. It was immediately obvious that the situation was far, far more serious than it normally was. There was an atmosphere in the CIC that he had never felt here before, or at least had not felt for a very long time, an atmosphere of fear but also determination that the enemy wasn't going to win.

    "How many ships," he asked as he walked up to the main situation/map table where Saul was. He could already tell that he wasn't going to like what his old friend had to say as Saul was pale and for one of the few times since he'd known him utterly terrified. "Saul how many ships?"

    "Fifty-five baseships Bill," Saul answered after a moment, "and that's not all they've got another class of ship with them that we've never seen before. From its size though I would guess it's a cruiser. They've got twenty of them so seventy-five ships in total."

    Adama froze for a moment staring at Saul in a combination of shock and horror. Seventy-five Cylon warships! Twenty of them a cruiser class that they had never seen before today, which in itself would have been terrifying as in the First Cylon War the toasters had had a bad habit of springing deadly and powerful new warships on them when they least expected it. He still had nightmares about some of the battles with the Cratus-class baseships which could ruin anybody's day with its tactical jumping, heavy cannons and rapid reload missile launchers. Seventy-five ships were more than enough to destroy the entire fleet in very short order as there was no way their ships would survive the weight of missile firepower the baseships would put out to say nothing of whatever weapons the cruisers had.

    Though he had to wonder why the Cylons had chosen to strike at them with such a massive now? Why spring these new warships on them as well? The only thing he could think of the only reason that honestly made sense, was they were worried about what would happen if they linked up with the thirteenth tribe. That the machines were worried that they would convince their cousins to turn their massively powerful, far superior weapons upon them. Thus, they had come to wipe them out now before that could happen. Not if I can help it, he thought shaking off his shock.

    "Cylon ships are launching raiders," Gaeta reported as the dradis screens began to come alive with hundreds and then thousands of raiders coming from the assembled Cylon fleet. "Strange we're not picking up any missile targeting locks yet though we are within their range."

    "They're trying to terrify us," Adama said in realisation, "give us time to realize that our doom is upon us. That's going to cost them. Dee instruct all the civilian ships to jump to emergency coordinates immediately. We will join them shortly. Send those coordinates to the Terran ships."

    "Yes sir."

    "We're not going to be able to jump yet Bill," Saul pointed out, "a number of the civilian ships took their FTL drives offline for urgent maintenance and repair, it's in the fleet status report from last night. It will take them at least ten minutes to get their drives back online."

    "Frack how many," Adama demanded even as he mentally kicked himself for not having read that report yet.

    "At least twenty of them including Cloud Nine, the Rising Star and the Athena's Grace."

    "Frack." Those were the three biggest civilian ships in the fleet with the first of the latter two being a second luxury star liner – indeed she was of the same class as Cloud Nine – and the other a hospital ship. Both had shown up with the Cerberus a few months ago. "Okay Dee tell all civilian ships with functional drives to jump. Send one of the cruisers with them for protection. The rest will jump as soon as they are able to. All other ships launch Vipers and brace for heavy attack."

    "Yes sir."

    "Mr Gaeta what are the Terran ships doing?"

    "Nothing at the mo…. Wait. Terran ships are launching fighters. Sir Cylon raiders are closing, weapons range in sixty seconds."

    "Sir we're picking up a transmission from the Terran flagship to the Cylons," Dee reported.

    "On speakers."

    Immediately the overhead speakers crackled and began to hum right before the voice of the Terran admiral came through. "Attention Cylon vessels. I am Admiral Christian Haywood of the United Earth Expeditionary Force. Your conflict with the Colonials is over, they are no longer a threat to you. I give you one opportunity to withdraw continue to advance and we will be forced to open fire. You have one minute to comply after which we will begin burning you from the stars."

    "That's going to go down well," Saul commented knowing the Cylons likely had little to no use for diplomacy. Not to mention they were kind of fanatical about wiping the human race from the stars. "Any response from the toasters?"

    "Negative sir," Dee replied.

    "Sir Cylon raiders have reached weapons range. Half are heading for the civilian ships that aren't able to jump yet. Viper squadrons moving to intercept. The others are moving towards us."

    "All ships commence enemy suppression barrage. Begin moving us towards the Cylons. All main batteries prepare to engage enemy baseships."

    "Yes sir," various tactical and navigation officers acknowledged.


    Space near the Galactica suddenly resembled a firework display as the elderly, but still formidable, battlestar once again unleashed her fury upon the approaching Cylon raiders. Defensive batteries opening up sending a rapid storm of autocannon rounds – of both the starburst flak and direct impact type – at the raiders. Dozens of raiders disintegrated immediately under the barrage, simultaneously the other Colonial warships including the marine assault ship opened up with their own suppressive fire barrages turning even more raiders into plumes of shattered metal and freezing fluids – including blood – from their organic systems.

    Undeterred the raiders continued to close with their hated enemies. Missile bays opened and anti-ship missiles were launched into space towards the Colonials. The Colonial warships immediately redirected some of their defensive fire to the missile salvos while the rest continued firing upon the Cylons. None of the Cylon missiles made it through all dissolving into plumes of shattered metal as they were hit and shredded.

    It was at this moment, when the raiders were essentially stalemated by the defensive batteries of the Colonial warships, that two things happened virtually simultaneously. First the Terran flagship Procyon opened fire upon the Cylons with her two bow mounted superheavy particle beam cannons, the beams travelling at eighty percent of light speed striking two separate basestars virtually simultaneously. Both baseships erupted into titanic fireballs immediately as the beams simply tore right through them as though they were made of paper, igniting everything in their path instantly including stored fuel and munitions.

    Even as the two basestars died, consumed by the energies of weapons whose power was almost beyond comprehension to Colonial and Cylon minds, the second event occurred. With the brilliant acrid flash of nuclear energy, the luxury liner Cloud Nine, the home of the majority of the Colonial government well those not on Colonial One, exploded. Debris and a wave of superheated plasma – all that remained of the atmosphere that had been on the liner – accompanied by a storm of high energy x-rays and gamma rays blasted outwards from the former location of the vessel. Eight smaller Colonial vessels were caught in the blast zone, unarmoured civilian hulls offering little to no protection against the sudden onslaught. Three of the eight exploded as they were enveloped and consumed by the plasma cloud. The other five lost power – the EMP from the explosion crashing their computers and power systems – and began drifting trailing debris and venting atmosphere from where hypervelocity fragments had torn into their hulls.


    Colonial Viper 2101
    A Few Moments Later

    Starbuck grunted slightly as with a surge of acceleration her Viper was shot clear of the Pegasus. Manipulating the control stick she brought her Viper around and as her entire squadron had been ordered began advancing to engage the raiders heading for those civilian ships who were still working to bring their jump engines back online so they could escape like the other civilian ships. The defensive batteries on all the warships were already firing tearing raiders from the stars in an orgy of destruction but which seemed to have only limited effect to the sheer number of Cylon strike craft.

    "Frack I've never seen so many before," she muttered even as she started firing herself. The refitted Mark VII's triple autocannons opened up her guns immediately striking one raider on its port wing. The wing snapped off immediately and the sentient space fighter began to spin out of control, until that was a second burst of fire from her guns sent it to its doom. Well temporary doom as she was well aware that like the humanoids, raiders resurrected.

    Bright whitish-blue light suddenly caught her attention and she looked to see what was causing it. To see two massive energy beams – each one was thicker than a Raptor – streaking across space from the bows of the largest of the thirteenth tribes warships to the Cylons. Holy frack. Lee was right these guys have energy weapons, she thought recalling the briefing Lee had quickly given her on the new arrivals even as she watched the beam strike two basestars at impossible range. Both baseships going nova almost instantaneously as the beams swatted them from the stars as if they were mere toys.

    "My gods look at that," she heard another Viper pilot say, "I'm glad there on our side."

    Starbuck had to agree with that assessment. From what she had just seen those beams do to the Cylons she guessed that they really would have no chance against their cousins if they chose to fire upon them for any reason. The thirteenth tribe was clearly way more advanced technologically than they were and had access to some unfathomably powerful energy source – a source capable of powering such lethal energy beams. Beams that she didn't doubt would go through even the heavy armour of the Pegasus like it was wet tissue paper. She certainly wouldn't want to meet whoever the thirteenth tribe had to have been at war with in the past to create such advanced and lethal weapons.

    Another flash – one whose colour was far too depressingly familiar – caught her attention. She looked over, even as she idly shot down another raider, to see Cloud Nine exploding from within. A wave of superheated plasma, radiation and debris expanded outwards from where the liner had once been claiming three more ships and disabling five more.

    "NOOO!" she screamed knowing that there had been over nine thousand people on that ship and who knew how many more on the ships who had been killed by the flying debris and immersion in the plasma cloud. Her own scream of horror and rage echoing across the communications lines as every Viper and Raptor pilot who had seen the blast reacted the same way. "You dirty fracking toasters. You'll pay for that."

    The plasma cloud that was all that remained of Cloud Nine – well anything that wasn't bigger than a playing card – dissipated all that was left was open space. But only for a moment as in simultaneous flashes of FTL light four ships appeared right where the liner had been. Each was clearly Cylon being Y-shaped and clearly made of the same type of biometallic alloy as the bigger double Y baseships. Though it was darker and thicker looking. There also bristled with cannons and in the bows were the clear openings of two gauss cannons identical to the four the Pegasus had in her bow.

    Immediately the four new Cylon ships – cruisers perhaps? – opened fire. Each launching thirty-six missiles a piece from launch bays on the two smaller secondary arms while dual heavy and standard kinetic energy cannon turrets began pumping out tungsten shell after tungsten shell. The unexpected wall of fire tore into several nearby civilian ships and simply ripped them to pieces the ships either exploding or tearing apart spewing the bodies of their dead and dying passengers into space.

    An almost incoherent roar of pure, unadulterated rage exploded from Starbuck's throat as she brought her Viper around and moved to attack the new ships. Simultaneously the Pegasus lateral gun turrets began peppering one of the cruisers with heavy rounds. Explosions rocked the Cylon vessel, but its armour seemed to hold as it turned and pointed its bow mounted cannons at the Mercury-class ship and fired. Two large projectiles striking the side of the Pegasus almost immediately violently rocking the entire vessel as two sections of hull armour – each the size of a three story building – dissolved into a blizzard of hypervelocity fragments.

    Thankfully the cruiser didn't get chance to fire again as three dual streams of blue energy tore into it. In moments it broke apart and detonated consumed by the particle beams almost as easily as the two baseships she'd seen destroyed had been. It's three companions fared little better as all of them were speared by dozens of either blue or whitish-blue beams each and quickly reduced to clouds of debris and burning plasma. She quickly looked around to see where the fire had come from to see that all eighteen of the thirteenth tribe capital ships were now firing upon the Cylons pounding out blue and white-blue beams of searing energy as well as streams of yellow energy bolts. The effects on the Cylons were devasting as any raider or missile hit by the pulses would be instantly reduced to a cloud of vapour. The beams were if anything even more lethal steadily carving through the hulls of the Cylon warships and either sending them to their doom or inflicting absolutely brutal amounts of damage.

    Of course, the thirteenth wasn't getting everything their own way. Each of their ships had swarms of Cylon anti-ship missiles – which were nearly continuously streaming from every one of the baseships – closing in on them. While their defensive guns knocked missile after missile out of the sky it was only a matter of time before one impacted. As Starbuck watched one did just that, or rather it impacted a glowing green wall of some type of energy that appeared right in the missiles path. An energy shield of some kind? Several more missiles impacted, and the energy tile dissolved in a blaze of photons allowing the next two missiles to impact the hull. The Terran ship visibly rocked but otherwise seemed to weather the hits and continue firing both at the Cylon capital ships and at their missiles.

    "Starbuck look out," a voice said over the radio, she vaguely recognised it as Racetrack's voice. Kara's eyes snapped back to her screens and with a jolt she saw a raider almost had her dead in its sights.

    "Oh no you don't you frackers," she growled as she jinked to avoid a burst of autocannon fire that would have punched right through her cockpit windshield and into her fragile human body. She quickly returned the favour punching rounds through the helmet-like head at the front of the raider to rip apart the brain inside. The rest of her rounds exploding out the back as they sawed the offending raider in half.

    Even as the two pieces of the raider spun away from each other – trailing a cloud of rapidly freezing red mist – she spotted three lining up to lob missiles into the side of the Athena's Grace which was being fiercely defended by the destroyer Cassandra. A destroyer that had obviously taken a few hits already as she was listing slightly to one side – indicating damage to her attitude control system – and some of her starboard autocannon turrets weren't firing and indeed appeared to be missing. Oh no you don't, she thought as she fired upon the offending toasters, shredding one of them and making the others break off. To be swatted from the sky a few seconds later by the Cassandra.

    A moment later with a flash of FTL light the hospital ship disappeared into a jump.

    Starbuck quickly glanced around to see that most of the remaining civilian ships had managed to get their jump drives back online and we're now disappearing into FTL – fleeing to the emergency coordinates. Thank the Lords, she thought a moment before her radio crackled to life.

    "Starbuck this is the Pegasus come in," she heard Hoshi say,

    "Go ahead Pegasus," Kara answered, frowning slightly as she clearly heard hissing and crackling in the background of Hoshi's transmission. The kind of hissing and crackling that accompanied damaged conduits and electronics. Clearly there was mounting damage aboard the Pegasus, which given the absolutely hellish battle raging around them was not surprising. What was frankly surprising was the fact that so many of them were still alive and she knew that was only because of the Terran presence and their superior firepower. Had they been facing this Cylon fleet alone they would have been dead a dozen times over by now.

    "Starbuck grab some Vipers and head over to the Galactica. They've lost power to their port amidship defence batteries, get over there and cover them until their damage control crews can repair them."

    As Hoshi spoke, no doubt relaying orders from Lee, Starbuck felt a cold knot of dread form around her heart. She knew that the port amidship defence batteries covered the Galactica's solo operational flight pod. With those batteries down – likely due to shock damage from missile hits breaking a couple of power cables – that part of the aging battlestar was dangerously vulnerable. Indeed, the whole damned ship was dangerously vulnerable without those weapons operational.

    "Will do Pegasus," she replied immediately bringing her Viper around and heading for the Galactica. She quickly checked her screens. "Racetrack, Kat, Stinger. Galactica's in trouble, you're with me."

    The other four pilots hurriedly acknowledged and fell into formation with her all of them streaking towards the old Jupiter-class ship. Dozens of raiders were in their way, but they didn't let that stop them, they simply blasted their way through and passed over the shattered, burning remains of the cruiser Vigilance. Kara winced at the sight of the broken in two Medusa-class ship. From the damage, and the fact that her radiation detector was frankly going nuts, she had clearly been hit by a Cylon nuke. A heavy one at that which had punched through the relatively thin armour covering the hull and torn the ship in half. The six hundred crew aboard her would never have had a chance.

    It was yet more evidence, if she had ever needed it, of just how big the butchers bill from this fight was going to be.

    Then the Galactica herself came into view and, if anything, the knot of dread around her heart got colder and harder. The elderly battlestar, the very last survivor of the line that had defeated the Cylons over forty years ago, was clearly in far more trouble than Hoshi had initially told her. Even from here she could see that one of her four sublight engine nacelles had been blown away and that she was venting atmosphere from at least one of the engineering bays. The unused starboard flight pod – which was still set up as part of the museum that the Galactica would have become had the Cylons not hit the Colonies – was shattered halfway along its length spilling its contents into space and the entire vessel was listing badly to the starboard side indicating major damage to the attitude control systems.

    Yet most of her cannons and defensive batteries were still firing defiantly at the Cylons. The shattered and burning remains of three baseships – who were no doubt responsible for the damage she'd sustained - showing the ferocity of the battered, bruised old war horses' ferocious resistance. Fresh explosions near the Galactica marked the final resting place of a squadron or raiders that had been aiming to get around her and take advantage of the massive hole that had opened in the old ships defences and lob missiles into the hull. More raiders were angling for an attack run…

    …she and the others didn't let them. Instead, they blew in unleashing a ferocious blaze of autocannon fire that tore six raiders from the sky and sent the remains of the shattered formation scattering in confusion. Then they were passing over the Galactica and Starbuck was just about to let herself relax slightly – knowing that now they were here they would be able to protect her former mothership and all the friends she had who still served aboard her until damage control got the port defence batteries back online – when it happened.

    With brilliant flashes of FTL light two of the Cylons cruisers appeared directly off the Galactica's port side. The battlestars dorsal heavy guns started to turn to fire upon them but they could only traverse so fast. They were not fast enough as both Cylon cruisers pointed their bows at the Galactica

    …and sent a full salvo of gauss rounds, heavy kinetic energy rounds and a salvo of missiles into her side.


    Authors Notes: Dun, da dun, dun, dun I know evil aren't I for that little cliffhanger ending. I hope you have all enjoyed the battle with the Cylons so far. It is far from over and will be completed in the next chapter which I am already working on. The battle was just getting a bit long, and I felt it best to split it into two parts. The final fate of the Galactica and the crew aboard her – including Admiral Adama – will be revealed in the next chapter and I will say now that while some of them will survive many will not. Who will live and who will die well you will find out in the next chapter – before you ask its already being worked on and should be ready sometime in the next few days. Until next time.
    Chapter Nine
  • Authors Note: I had a few people comment in reviews of the last chapter that the REF appeared to be holding back and not using their veritechs. They weren't as you will see in part of this chapter. I really wasn't expecting to get this one done so soon but it just seemed to write itself, so you've got two updates in two days.


    Chapter Nine

    Sabre Leader
    A Few Minutes Earlier

    Dressed in a full suit of CVR-3 body armour, which he was wearing over his flight suit, and cocooned within the cockpit of a VF-4 Lightning veritech fighter Commander Hiro Takashima grunted slightly as with a surge of gee forces an electromagnetic catapult launched him clear of the Procyon. Around him the rest of Sabre – the only squadron on the Procyon that was equipped with the powerful Lightnings the rest were still using VF-1 Valkyries though they had all had their systems and weapons significantly upgraded from the model that had fought and ultimately won the Robotech War – were also launched into space. Grabbing his controls he brought the Lightning around and into formation around the great battleship and waited for what he knew was going to come next.

    All around him the rest of the UEEF ships were also launching their squadrons of fighters. It was a somewhat eclectic mix of VF-1 and VF-4 veritechs, some of the new VFA-5 Alpha's and non-transformable space fighters like the Comet. Which was if he was honest with himself somewhat representative of the United Earth Expeditionary Forces themselves as they were in the midst of a major transition between levels of technology and the fighters – both veritech and non-veritech – designed to use them. He had heard rumours that there was plans to eventually replace all existing veritech groups with the Alpha fighters, though he hoped that wasn't the case as while the Alpha looked really nice on paper – not to mention it carried an absolutely ungodly number of missiles – it didn't have the endurance of other models like his current ride.

    He put those thoughts out of his mind for now as he waited in formation for the Cylons to respond to the ultimatum to withdraw or be destroyed that Admiral Haywood had just given them. Somehow, he didn't think the machines would do that as they were probably confident that their far superior numbers – seventy-five ships to the UEEF's eighteen – would give them the edge even if the UEEF had superior weaponry. A small countdown on one of his side screens showed the time remaining until the admiral's warning expired. Ten seconds remaining… nine… eight… seven… six… five… four… three… two… one… zero.

    The Cylon capital ships made no move to leave instead they and an absolutely colossal swarm of fighter craft – that honestly reminded him of the swarms of battlepods and fighter pods that the Zentraedi had deployed during the war so great were their numbers – continued to close with the Colonial ships. Some of which were already jumping away – so was one of their lighter warships certainly to protect them – but others were just sitting there. Whatever fold system they have is probably cold as they've been sitting here for days at least, he thought guessing that they would need to power them back up before they could leave themselves.

    It was at that moment that the Procyon opened fire. Both of the superheavy particle beam cannons mounted on either side of the prow – while there had been talk of fitting the Polaris-class battleships with reflex cannons it had ultimately been decided not to as doing so would have needlessly complicated the design of the ship – firing sending some of the strongest particle beams they knew how to generate at the Cylon fleet. Almost immediately two of their vaguely star shaped ships died, consumed by the power of weapons that could swat even a fully operational Zentraedi command dreadnought from the sky.

    The response from the Cylons was immediate.

    The bigger ships immediately began launching missiles towards them while a sizeable chunk of the fighters also began advancing towards them – the bulk of them however remained focused on the Colonial ships. There was no attempt to evade the Cylon fighters just approached in a wall like formation and travelled a straight as a laser towards them.

    "Idiots," he muttered as the fleet showed them the depths of that particular bit of lunacy. Simultaneously in a blaze of coruscating light all eighteen of their ships opened fire sending a wall of particle beams, beam lasers and anti-fighter missiles towards their approaching foes. The effect was devastating as the deluge of firepower simply wiped whole wings of Cylon fighters from the sky in nanoseconds – the beams disintegrating them so thoroughly that not even dust remained – on their way to the warships which reeled under the brutal barrage. Several exploded immediately with a number of others falling out of formation trailing debris, atmosphere, and some kind of fluid from multiple breaches in their hulls.

    Yet the machines kept coming even as more beams and missiles tore into their approaching fighter swarm. Do these guys have no common sense or sense of real space war tactics, he wondered as the damn the torpedoes full speed ahead tactic they were using seemed very wasteful to him. Even as more of the Cylon fighters died – incinerated either by energy beams or the yellow flash of a plasma warhead – someone in the enemy fleets command structure apparently suddenly decided to do something different.

    His screens came alive with warnings as in a series of flashes eight of the smaller Cylon capital ships appeared behind their fleet. They opened fire immediately with a mixture of different types of heavy artillery cannons as well as missiles. Simultaneously they launched fresh fighters to engage their forces. Despite the surprise appearance the Cylon attack didn't damage any of their capital ships as pinpoint barriers appeared blocking the cannon rounds which shattered and exploded harmless on impact and aft defensive lasers began firing to pick off enemy missiles.

    "Procyon to all veritechs break formation and engage hostile forces at our rear," came the voice of the flight controller on the Procyon across the common squadron command frequency.

    "Roger that command," Hiro acknowledged immediately before switching to the Sabre Squadron command frequency. "Sabre Leader to all Sabres. You heard them ladies and gentlemen let's go bag ourselves some Cylons."

    As his squadron mates answered with a chorus of rogers Hiro brought his fighter around and advanced upon the Cylons. He immediately locked onto the closest fighter and since it was already too close to really use missiles he engaged with his guns, specifically the twin particle cannons that were the main energy armament of the VF-4. Blasts of ion energy slammed into the alien fighter, and it didn't so much as explode under the impact as simply be vaporised by the power of bolts that were designed to punch through highly durable robotechnology alloys like the armour used on Zentraedi battle mecha.

    Even as his first target disintegrated, he noted several more angling in on him, firing light autocannon rounds as they did in an attempt to pin him down long enough to kill him. Oh no you don't, he thought as he reached out and pulled down a specific switch and immediately both felt and heard the veritech begin to change as the near magical process that scientists had long since dubbed mechamorphosis took place changing the veritech from the form of an advanced, but otherwise ordinary looking fighter plane into the towering techno-knight form of a battloid.

    In seconds the transformation was complete, and Hiro allowed himself a warrior's smile as he engaged the enemy, side stepping their streams of bullets with ease while returning fire with both particle cannon and lasers. The Cylons raiders, confronted with something they had never seen before, stood no chance and after what seemed like only a few seconds Hiro had several more kills on his score card. This is almost too easy, he thought to himself as he switched back to fighter mode and looked for his next target.

    A brilliant explosion momentarily caught his attention, and he glanced over to see a Battle-class destroyer spinning out of control, the light of a nuclear explosion fading near it. The source of the nuclear missile being one of the Cylon cruisers – all of which were now coming under increasing fire from the aft batteries of the capital ships, fire which was steadily tearing them apart as their armour was simply not designed with directed energy weapons in mind – which not giving the destroyer time to recover fired two gauss cannon rounds at it. One missed but the other impact and blew apart one of the vessels port side turrets. The Cylon cruiser didn't get chance to fire again as several plasma missiles slammed into it and tore the entire vessel apart.

    Its fellows joined it a few seconds later as the beams from the capital ships aft turrets finished them off.

    As the last cruiser died Hiro began looking around for more targets noting that yet another missile salvo was coming their way from the now much depleted fleet of the larger capital ships. Why are they staying, he wondered even as he idly sent a pair of missiles screaming towards two Cylon fighters that were angling to strike the wounded destroyer. It didn't make much sense to him for the Cylons to remain as he would have thought it obvious by now that they were no match for them.

    Then he glanced at the Colonial Fleet and understood why the Cylons had stayed even though, according to the fleet's battle network thirty of the larger capital ships and twelve of the smaller ones had been destroyed many by their guns. The Colonial Fleet was in a very bad way, one of their warships had been destroyed with all the others that had remained being obviously damaged. Though all of them were continuing to fight pounding out round after round of solid kinetic death. The damage to those civilian ships that hadn't already left though was catastrophic with many having been smashed apart by cannon and missile fire from the Cylon fighters and warships. The Cylons were clearly staying to inflict as much damage on the Colonial survivors as they could before they were destroyed themselves.

    Though as he watched the last of the civilian ships vanished into fold jumps.

    "Procyon to Sabre Leader come in."

    "This is Sabre Leader go ahead," Hiro answered as the face of the senior flight operations officer on the Procyon appeared on his comm screen.

    "Sabre Leader we've just been informed by the Pegasus that the Galactica is in serious trouble," flight control replied urgently, "they've lost power to their amidships port defence batteries and are thus dangerously vulnerable on that flank. The Colonials are sending some fighters to assist her, but the admiral wants some of ours there as well."

    "And you want me to take my squadron and go help out?"


    "Consider it done."

    "Thanks Hiro. Good luck."

    Hiro nodded back and changed back to the squadron channel. "Sabre Leader to all Sabres. New orders people. One of the Colonial battlestars is in serious trouble we've been ordered to go and assist them. Everyone form up on me and hit your afterburners."

    A chorus or rogers answered him and as the rest of the squadron began to reassemble into formation Hiro brought the nose of his plane around to point at the Galactica. The coordinates of which had been sent to his navigational array by the Procyon. A few taps of his controls had the veritech's computer running a scan of the vessel which was over twenty thousand kilometres away from his current position.

    The results of the scan came back almost immediately and he couldn't help but wince at what he saw. Command wasn't joking the aging battlestar was in a bad way, one of her flight pods already broken open and one of her engines had been destroyed. From the way she was listing to one side her attitude control systems had been damaged and yet amazingly she was still fighting. Every weapons array that was still functional was firing upon the Cylons – working hard to keep away the fighters that we're starting to circle her like sharks sensing blood in the water.

    For a non-robotech warship she was tough he would give her that.

    A bleep from the computer let him know that the squadron was in formation. Immediately he firewalled his throttles bringing the afterburners to full power. Superheated ions bursting from his planes tailpipes as it shot forward at high speed. He wasn't alone as the whole squadron moved together charging forwards towards the wounded vessel intent on helping her, on getting the circling Cylon fighters away from her so she would have a chance to recover and restore power to the vulnerable section.

    A squadron of Cylon fighters that attempted to cut them off was easily dealt with a combination of a massive missile salvo and a brutal barrage of charged particle bolts and laser pulses. The VF-4 Lightnings didn't slow down, instead they kept charging towards the Galactica the pilots all hoping that they would get there in time to save her.

    They were almost there when it happened.

    Two of the smaller Cylon warships appeared from pinpoint fold jumps right off the Galactica's vulnerable port side. Realising what was about to happen Hiro checked his inventory of remaining weapons and noted – pleased – that he still had two medium Derringer anti-ship missiles attached to his underwing weapons nacelles. And he was just close enough to fire them at the Cylons.

    "Sabre Leader to all Sabres does anyone else have any anti-ship missiles?" he asked into the squadron command frequency. Sabres twenty one, thirty one and thirty two all confirmed that they did. "Excellent okay boys sync your targeting systems with mine. We're going to hit those two Cylon cruisers."

    "Roger," the other three pilots acknowledged and within moments fresh icons appeared on Hiro's screens as the targeting and firing systems all synched up. Quickly Hiro targeted the closest of the two Cylon cruisers and pulled the trigger. The two Derringer anti-ship missiles dropped free of his weapon nacelles and began streaking across space – leaving trails of ion smoke in their wake – towards the warship. Six other Derringers followed it all on course for the closest Cylon ship.

    But it was too little and too late for even as the missiles launched the two Cylon ships opened fire on the Galactica.


    The port flight pod of the Galactica was the first part to be hit. Travelling far faster than the other kinetic rounds or the seventy-two missiles that had been fired the gauss rounds were the first to strike. Armour already battered and weakened by both the ravages of time and numerous battles between the old battlestar and the Cylons shattered like brittle glass allowing the now disintegrating tungsten slugs into the interior of the pod in the form of a storm of hypervelocity razor blades. Razor blades that sliced through anything and everything in their way be it bulkheads, equipment, fuel lines and the bodies of Galen Tyrol and his hangar deck crew, before exploding out the other side of the pod and impacting the armour of the main hull where they finally stopped only pitting the armour.

    The first of the missile salvo arrived, flying into the holes already blown in the now rapidly decompressing flight pod and detonating. The explosions rippling through the interior tearing everything that was left to pieces, ripping open tylium fuel storage cells and munitions magazines. The detonations of both added to the tsunami of destruction raging in the flight pod. The blast surged up to the connecting struts that joined the pod to the main body of the ship and was stopped by heavy blast doors that – due to the ship being at action stations – were sealed tighter than a drum and stopped the blast in its tracks. Not that it helped the pod as the entire structure came apart, exploding into a storm of debris and flames. Much of the former of which smacked into the main hull, breaking through weakened or decayed due to age sections of armour to seriously damage the hull beneath.

    Propelled by the tremendous explosive force of the destroyed flight pod the Galactica abruptly veered sharply to starboard causing the Cylon cannon rounds to miss. The same could not be said for the Cylon missiles as they simply adjusted course and slammed one after another into the hull. Armour and hull metal beneath shattered as the missile salvo ripped open a seven hundred meter long section of the hull like the battlestar was a fish on a slab. Secondary explosions erupted as damaged systems blew out and compromised compartments suddenly, violently decompressed.

    Immediately the Galactica lost main power as the violent shocks pushed safety dampeners on her reactors past the safe zone causing the vessels aging solium-fuelled reactors to go into emergency shut down to prevent detonation. It was a small mercy and saved those crew who were still alive from suffering the same fate as those who had been in the flight pod. Not that the rest of the battlestar was trouble free as the shock of the impact tore through the rest of the ship like an earthquake causing crumpling bulkheads and sending debris crashing down upon crew who were already struggling to get back on their feet after the initial massive hit.

    The glow of the explosions faded revealing the severely damaged battlestar spinning helpless like a wounded bird. Seeing their hated foe helpless the two Cylon cruisers prepared to unleash another salvo, a salvo that if it hit would crack the Galactica like an egg. So consumed with the idea of finishing off William Adama, who had been such a thorn in their side since the attack on the colonies, the humanoid Cylon command crew didn't notice the urgent warning about the incoming missiles on their dradis displays.

    Thus, the crew of the one cruiser were caught by complete surprise when eight armour piercing Derringer anti-ship missiles slammed into their ship and punched deep into the vessel before detonating. Spheres of plasma hotter than the core of a star burst into existence inside the doomed cruiser instantly vaporising everything around them and superheating the atmosphere in surrounding compartments to the point where it flash ignited spreading the destruction until the ship broke apart along the seams and detonated as its fuel and munitions stores cooked off.


    Colonial Viper 2101
    A Few Moments Earlier

    A scream of horror and sheer rage exploded out of Starbuck's throat as she observed the effect of the Cylon attack upon the Galactica. She wasn't alone as both Racetrack and Kat emitted similar screams as they observed, unable to do anything to stop it, first the port flight pod – and everyone inside it – be torn apart and annihilated and then the Cylon missiles rip an ugly gash across a huge section of the battlestars port side.

    The explosions faded and somewhat to their surprise the old ship was still there, but she was obviously critically damaged spinning out of control and with no power or hope to correct the ships motion. Starbuck felt tears running down her cheek as she beheld the sorry sight of the old ship, she knew almost everyone who would have died when the flight pod was destroyed. She just hoped, prayed that the Old Man was still alive over there – even though the interior of the ship would no doubt be a mess – as she honestly didn't know what she would do if Wiliam Adama had perished. Killed like so many others by those fracking toasters.

    Certainly, she knew if he was dead, it would destroy Lee. Having lost his younger brother years earlier in a flight accident – something that she still blamed herself for as if she hadn't let her feelings for Zack Adama influence her, she would never have cleared him to fly Vipers – and his mother in the Cylon attack the Old Man was the only family he had left. It was what had actually healed the rift between the two of them that had opened up after Zack's death.

    "Fracking toasters," she growled only to be surprised when eight red missiles slammed into one of the two Cylon cruisers, punched deep into it before detonating. The blasts quickly turning the warship into a cloud of debris and burning plasma. "What the frack? Where did those come from?"

    "I believe they fired them," Stinger replied, "Terran fighters incoming."

    No sooner than the former CAG of the Pegasus spoke than sixteen large white fighters, which looked more like they belonged in a planetary atmosphere than space, shot past them. The force of their ion exhausts rattling the four Vipers. The Terran fighter squadron split in two half going up over the remaining Cylon cruisers dorsal hull, while the other went down and over the ventral hull. As they passed it the fighters fired storms of blue and yellow energy bolts into the hull triggering a blizzard of explosions as the bolts punched deep into the hull.

    "Let's go we can't let them have all the fun," she growled as she firewalled her throttles and charged towards the Cylon cruiser intent on joining the savaging of the vessel. She never got there for as the Terran fighters completed their attack runs panels opened on all of them and each launched two or three small missiles into the Cylon ship. Missiles whose small size completely belied their destructive power as they triggered a series of massive explosions that steadily consumed the cruiser until something vital within it gave and the entire vessel disintegrated.

    "Okay what the frack were those," she asked aloud into the squadron frequency.

    "Micro-missiles with cobalt warheads," an unfamiliar male voice, speaking with an accent that she had never heard before, answered. "Basically, each is a plasma charge that is designed to punch through materials far more durable than the biometallic armour these Cylons of yours use."

    "Who?" Starbuck asked.

    "Hiro Takashima," the voice answered, "Sabre Leader and CAG of the United Earth Starship Procyon. Sorry if we stole your kill."

    "It's fine," Starbuck replied. "There's plenty more toasters to kill. So, Hiro you got a callsign?"

    "Nope. Never had one and don't need one. We did away with such things years ago, the attrition rates in robotech warfare are simply too high for such things to really matter. So, who are you?"

    "Kara Thrace, you can call me Starbuck."

    "Starbuck as in the coffee shop?"

    "Coffee shop?"

    "Yeah, back on Earth there is this global chain of coffee shops all called Starbucks. They're one of the few franchise chains to have survived the Rain."

    "I see," Starbuck replied even as she wondered just what this Rain was. She could hear the capitalisation in it and got the distinct impression that the term was Terran military shorthand for something else. Something more terrifying. "We can talk about it later. Let's go kill some more toasters."

    "You won't get any argument from me," Hiro replied, "though you might find some hard to find in a few more moments."

    "What do you…" she started to say before sudden flashes of light caught her attention. She looked out and saw a dozen more of the energy spheres that had proceeded the appearance of the Procyon erupt into normal space. Now what, she thought as the spheres flashed with Cherenkov radiation and vanished revealing several dozen more Terran warships including another of their battleships and two equally large vessels that were a bit more angular, and which immediately began spewing fighters – a lot of fighters.

    Before Starbuck's shocked eyes a ripple, like a silent cry of dismay, seemed to run through the Cylon fleet. A fleet that now she looked at it was only a fraction of the size it had been when this fight had started. She could only see ten baseships and two of those cruisers left. The rest were all gone, reduced to plumes of plasma and debris. For a moment nothing more happened then almost simultaneously all of them as well as all the remaining raiders jumped out withdrawing from what had, for almost everyone involved, been an extremely costly battle.

    For a moment she sat there just watching as the last of the Cylons fled. Then Starbuck turned her attention back to the Galactica. To see that she was still spinning slightly and appeared to be launching her lifepods. Clearly the surviving crew were evacuating meaning that, as painful a thing as it was to comprehend, that the Galactica herself was mortally wounded. Something that was proven a moment later when she saw a dangerous ripple appear in the hull before it seemed to slightly twist and then collapse into itself before releasing a jet of atmosphere.

    After a moment she realized exactly what it meant. Galactica's back was broken and that the mere force of her spin was causing her to begin breaking up. Thus, with no way to save her as a ship with a broken back was unrecoverable, the survivors of the crew had no choice but to abandon the dying vessel.

    She just hoped Admiral Adama was among them.


    Authors Notes: Well, another chapter bites the dust. I hope you all enjoyed it. I am still somewhat in shock about how quickly I have been able to get this chapter done, it is very, very rare for me to be able to write a whole chapter in a single day. Guess I wanted to get the battle with the Cylons over with and I hope you all enjoyed what I came up with. Is Admiral Adama alive? You will find out in the next chapter which will be an aftermath chapter. I am inclined for him to be alive as while the Galactica is dead – even in canon she was by this point in time beginning to suffer from the effects of metal fatigue and the fact that due to being built during a time of war corners were cut during her construction the brutal attack from those two Cylon cruisers just pushed her already aged structure past the point of no return – it would be nice for him to be alive. I will decide for sure who among the Galactica's crew is alive and who perished.

    Before I go to avoid a bit of confusion, I should explain how the numbering of REF veritech fighter squadrons work when there are only sixteen planes, but they can have numbers like Sabre thirty two. Each squadron is divided up into four smaller groups there is one command group which uses numbers one to four – though one can also use the designation of the squadrons name and leader – while the other four are numbered one to three with each plane having a specific number that reflects its position in the group. So, for example Sabre thirty two is Sabre Squadron, Group Three Plane Two. I hope that makes sense and avoids any confusion. Until next time.
    Chapter Ten
  • Chapter Ten

    He was surrounded by red light.

    The light was everywhere and was in numerous different shades that sparkled and crackled in an odd but somehow comforting fashion. Strange strings of numbers and symbols streamed through the crimson ether in an unceasing stream of information. Yet just by looking at them he could see that something was wrong with them, there was something visible as a green aura contaminating many of the streams which was only slowly disappearing whenever a whitish light began slowly playing across the stream.

    Abruptly one of the searching white lights suddenly landed on him. He got the distinct impression that he was being scanned and checked for something, presumably whatever that green contaminant was. After a second the light disappeared, and he heard/felt a click as though a switch had just been thrown. Something grabbed him and suddenly he was travelling down a twisting red and black tunnel at impossible speed until a bright light appeared ahead. It enveloped him…

    …and Galen Tyrol opened his eyes with a gasp.

    He was startled to find himself lying almost completely submerged in a tank or a bath of some strange fluid that was both warm and somewhat viscous. Awkwardly he sat up and looked around in confusion as the last thing he remembered he was on the Galactica, the wall of the hangar deck opposite him exploded. There had been an intense pain and then nothing but that strange red ether place, then he was here, wherever here was. As he looked around, he saw that he was in a dark metal room with walls inset with small square white lights aside from a thick band halfway down the wall which glowed and pulsed with red light. Next to a door was some kind of control station that seemed to have water running over a surface that glowed softly with the same pulsing red light. Around the tank he was in were four other tanks in which he could see others all of them either asleep or in some form of suspended animation. They were all clustered around a circular central hub that gave them the appearance of being spokes on a wheel.

    For a few seconds he didn't understand what this was, what it meant but then with a jolt of both shock and sheer horror he realised what this all meant. "Holy frack I'm a Cylon," he said a moment before clutching his head and closing his eyes as a sharp pain exploded across his awareness. He felt something within him, some kind of wall in his mind that he hadn't even realized was there, dissolve and then a blizzard of information and memories exploded forth sweeping across his awareness with the same unstoppable force as a hurricane. The flood ceased and as his mind finished processing he knew everything, remembered everything. Remembered being born as a member of the true thirteenth tribe of Kobol on a world hundreds of light years from the outer edge of the Cyrranus Cluster and the Twelve Colonies. Remembered how he like everyone else on his world had been a member of an entire race of biosynthetic androids who had left Kobol to avoid a devastating war with the humans who created them. How in their hubris they had gone on to make their own robotic servants and how that had, inevitably led to first a rebellion as their machines became sentient then a devastating nuclear war that ultimately destroyed their world and civilization. How he and a few others, who had rediscovered and recreated resurrection technology, had survival the nuclear hellfire that consumed their world. How, remembering the other tribes, they had headed for the colonies to hope to prevent the Colonials from repeating their mistake. How they had failed to reach them in time, arriving to find a devastating war raging between humans and machines. How they had contacted the Cylons and convinced them to end the war. How they had begun building a new society...

    .... only for the Ones to ultimately betray them.

    "John I am going to kill you," he growled opening his eyes again, righteous fury now blazing in his eyes as he remembered exactly how One – or John – had carried out his coup against him and his fellow original Cylons. How he had taken everything they had hoped, everything they'd dreamed of and worked for, everything they had tried to build for this newest youngest iteration of their kind and perverted it into something terrible. How he had overpowered them with a previously unknown model of Centurion that he'd been in control of and – before he killed them – saying he was going to send them to the Colonies to witness his final triumph up close and personal.

    Awkwardly, getting out of these tanks wasn't easy as the cloning/stasis fluid he had been submerged in was very slippery especially against a metal deck, he climbed out of the resurrection tank mentally calling that turncoat every single name under the sun. Once he was done mentally cursing, which took a good minute or two as his time in the Colonial military had taught him a lot of very creative swearwords, he walked over to the control console as it suddenly occurred to him that it was odd that nobody – not even John – had come into this room – a room he recognised as being on the Resurrection Hub – to greet him or gloat as soon as he woke up. He wanted to know why, and if it was an oversight on John's part well that was going to cost that bastard dearly as he should have known better than to leave one of them alone with potential to access the Cylon data stream.

    Without hesitation he put a hand on the interface surface and accessed the systems.

    Instantly he knew why the notification hadn't been sent to John though it had been automatically generated. The hubs systems were working overtime – with almost every ounce of spare processing capacity being redirected to the task – to process a massive number of incoming personality downloads. Many of whom were contaminated with an energy subharmonic that was unlike anything he had ever seen before which was saying something considering how old he actually knew himself to be now. Whatever it was, though it obviously came from the Terran beam weapons possibly as a by-product, it was creating disruptions and corruptions in the data streams. Both of which were having to be compensated for in order for the afflicted Cylons to successfully download into new bodies.

    Unfortunately, the complex nature of the subharmonic meant that screening it out was not easy. The harmonic was subtly different in each data stream and affected it in different, complex, and very unpredictable ways. As a result, every possible resource on the hub was being directed to screening out the interference and processing the downloads, sending the Cylons either to resurrection rooms here on the hub, on the colony or on one of the resurrection ships really wherever there was any spare capacity. Even with the diversion of resources the resurrection network was operating at a level that was dangerously close to overload. Which was slowing down and disrupting all other network functions.

    As a result, the alert to John that one of the Final Five had resurrected, had been delayed and hadn't even left the local server. It was thus easy for Galen to reach into the stream and reset the command and make it look like it had been generated by a system anomaly caused by the strain on the resurrection net. Then, remembering that the stasis fluid needed to be washed off as quickly as possible as if it dried on you, it got irritating quickly especially in those harder to reach areas, he pulled his hand away from the terminal. Then he began making his way to where his restored memories told him were showers and clothing stores. Once he was showered and dressed, he would have to start working out just how he was going to put a stop to the madness that John had instigated. A madness that was now spreading to include a people who had never even heard of Kobol.

    A people who he didn't doubt could and would, if he didn't somehow stop this, wipe the Cylon race from existence.


    Combat Information Centre
    Colonial Battlestar Galactica
    That Same Time

    Admiral William Adama groaned softly as consciousness returned. Slowly he opened his eyes to find that he was face down on the hard metal deck of the CIC, next to the situation table. What happened, he wondered even as he became more aware of what was going on around him. From all around he could hear groans and worried tones from the crew, he could also hear the snapping hissing of sparks and the crackling of a fire. But over it all was an urgent, blaring alarm. An alarm that he knew but like every spacer of any species in the universe it was a alarm he had hoped he would never, ever hear outside of drills.

    It was the alarm to tell the crew to abandon ship.

    For a moment he wondered why that alarm was being sounded. Then he remembered the dradis screen coming alive with urgent proximity warnings as two the Cylon cruisers executed tactical FTL jumps to appear right in the centre of the hole that had opened in their defences as a result of the power failure to their amidship port defence batteries. A power failure caused by the last missile from one of the baseships they destroyed striking in just the wrong place and severing the power conduit. He remembered exchanging a horrified look with Saul as both cruisers had opened fire.

    Before being slammed to the deck as the Galactica was rocked by an absolutely brutal barrage of Cylon heavy weapons fire. He remembered something knocking him in the back of the head, instantly robbing him of consciousness, but not before the alarms warning of catastrophic hull breaches had begun to sound. Groaning again he awkwardly got back to his feet, swaying as a wave of pain and dizziness washed over him. Thankfully someone caught him before he could fall back to the deck and no doubt give himself a concussion if he didn't just get sent straight back into the land of nod by the impact.

    "Easy sir you took a nasty knock to the back of the head," Lieutenant Gaeta said. Adama looked over to see the normally neatly presented lieutenant looked distinctly the worse for wear. He was covered with soot and his black uniform was ripped and torn in numerous places, the also had a nasty cut above one eyebrow.

    "What's happening lieutenant what's our status," Adama asked as, through sheer force of will, he pushed aside the pain and disorientation.

    "It's bad sir. We've lost both main and auxiliary power throughout the ship," Gaeta replied, "the port flight pod is completely destroyed and there is a gash at least seven hundred meters long in our port side from just behind the ships head to just before the start of the engine block. There are fires burning on all decks but worst of all the ship sh…." Gaeta's voice trailed off like he couldn't bring himself to say it.

    "She is what lieutenant," Adama asked though he already had an idea what the much younger man was going to say. Saul would never have ordered the ship evacuation alarm activated if the Galactica had been in any way intact or salvageable. The damage they had sustained had to be mortal for him to have taken that step.

    "She's breaking up sir," Gaeta admitted. "There is massive structural damage to all central decks, she's broken her back in at least three areas according to the damage control board. The concussion from the destruction of the port flight pod and the decompression from the ripping open of our port flank has sent us into an uncontrollable spin. That coupled with the damage its… it's steadily ripping us apart. And then there's the fires in the core, they're out of control and advancing quickly towards both the tylium storage tanks and our main magazines. We haven't been able to stop them or vent the affected areas – venting controls are offline."

    "Frack. How long do we have?" Adama asked even as he felt his insides twist in pain as there was no denying the fact that the Galactica was dying. Soon the battlestar on which he had first started his military career as a Viper pilot during the First Cylon War and which he had commanded for the last few years would soon be no more. Though he supposed that it was better that she had gone out this way, with her hands at the Cylons throat, than be taken by the slow decay of time. "And where is Colonel Tigh?"

    "Not long enough," Gaeta admitted, "the fires are spreading rapidly we only have at most ten to fifteen minutes before they reach either the magazines or the tylium tanks. When that happens…"

    "…the ship will be destroyed," Adama finished knowing that if either the main magazines or the tylium tanks went up, or the Lords forbid both of them, the effect wouldn't be that much different to a nuke going off inside the ship. The blast would be about as destructive and would definitely rip what was left of the ship apart.

    "As for Colonel Tigh. The corridor to the closest of the lifepods has been blocked by debris," Gaeta continued. "He and the marine guards went to see if he could find us another way. I believe he said something about seeing if he could reopen an old corridor."

    "Corridor 57B," Adama said guessing what Saul intended. "It was blocked off during the Galactica's last major refit – just before the Mercury-class was introduced into service to replace the Jupiter-class – but it ran past the original CIC which was much larger when the ship was first built. If Saul can get it open it will let us reach the starboard lifepods."

    "Do you think he will be able to sir?" Dee asked.

    "He might it was only blocked off with a bulkhead panel. If he can release the wall clamp's then we should be able to access the corridor. It will be dark and dusty, since nobody has been anywhere near it for twenty years, but it should be traversable."

    Dee nodded and started to open her mouth to suggest they gather up as many emergency flashlights as they could find but before she could speak a new sound began to be heard in the CIC. A strange hissing, humming sound that was coming from one of the few clear bulkheads on the portside of the CIC. What in the world, Adama wondered as it wasn't like any sound that he had ever heard before. He looked at the bulkhead in question just in time to see a part of it begin to blister and glow.

    A moment later a narrow beam of bluish-white light broke through and began to carefully cut an opening, the metal in the energy beams path offering practically to resistance to it certainly not the way it would resist even the industrial strength plasma cutters that had been used back in the Colonies. Adama wasn't the only one of the CIC crew who stared in shock and amazement as what had to be a laser, a honest to gods laser, one that was strong enough to cut through a carbon nanotube reinforce titanium-steel bulkhead with ease, cut a human sized chunk out of the wall. The beam vanished a moment before the cut section fell into the room – propelled by a powerful kick – accompanied by a puff of smoke that stunk of molten metal landing on the floor with a loud crash. A moment later a handful of human figures dressed in tough looking, but functional, armour with full helmets came into the room through the newly cut hole.

    "Admiral Adama?" one of them asked speaking Colonial standard with the most appalling of accents. In fact, from the way he spoke it, and speaker was a man, Adama would be willing to bet that Colonial standard wasn't his native language and he was using a translation device of some kind. Which combined with the look of the armour and the method of entry made it obvious that he had come from one of the Terran warships. The battle with the Cylons must be over, and they've sent over search and rescue parties, Adama thought before stepping forward.

    "Yes?" he asked.

    "Lieutenant Patrick Samuels sir from the United Earth Starship Amelia Earheart," the younger man identified himself, "my team and a few others have been sent over to carry our search and rescue operations aboard this ship."

    "I guessed as much," Adama replied, "how is the evacuation going lieutenant? And what's happening out there is the battle over?"

    "It is sir. Almost all of the Cylon fleet has been destroyed. The rest ran for it when we and the rest of the MARS 5 defence fleet defolded after Admiral Haywood summoned reinforcements," Samuels answered, "cowards ran away before we could introduce them to the business end of our cannons. When they folded out, we were scrambled to help evacuate this ship as our sensors confirm she doesn't have long left. Already a number of sections on the outer decks have collapsed or broken away."

    Adama winced slightly at how blunt the Terran lieutenant was being about the state of the Galactica. Though it was the truth he would have thought that their cousins would be a bit more diplomatic about stating it. "No, she doesn't," he admitted, "what about our civilian ships?"

    "The last of them got away to your rendezvous point. Captain Harrison has been sent with the Sirona, the rest of Pathfinder Group Four and one of our supercarriers the Ferdinand von Zeppelin to contact them. They'll protect them while Admiral Haywood sorts out with President Roslin where we are going to take you."

    "Earth?" Gaeta said hopefully.

    Samuels shook his head, knowing that was not going to happen. "Probably not," he admitted knowing that neither the United Earth Government nor the body formed to oversee the Expeditionary Force, the Plenipotentiary Council, would allow that at this time. Not while the Cylons, who were obviously tracking the Colonials somehow, posed a threat. "Earth is a few thousand light years from here and until we figure out how the Cylons have been tracking you we cannot risk taking you there. Don't worry though we'll sort something out."

    "I see," Adama replied even as he saw Gaeta's shoulders drop slightly in disappointment. He was disappointed as well, but he could understand the thirteenth tribe's caution. After all they still didn't know exactly how the Cylons had been tracking them themselves, especially as tracking jumps – or folds as their cousins apparently called it – was supposed to be impossible. Until an answer was found taking them to Earth would be incredibly dangerous as the very last thing that they wanted was to lead the Cylons to the last bastion of humanity.

    Even if the thirteenth could look after themselves as this battle had made abundantly clear.

    "Admiral, we need to evacuate you and your crew. What happens to you, where you go is something that can be sorted out later," Samuels reminded even as a deep, rumbling boom came from somewhere deep within the core of the ship and the deck shook as something exploded. It set off a new round of concerned muttering from the survivors of the CIC crew as they realised how close the Galactica was to her final, explosive end.

    "Yes, your right," Adama admitted getting right back to the more immediate problem. "Lieutenant Gaeta you'll be in charge of evacuating the CIC."

    "What about you sir?" Gaeta asked.

    "I'll be right behind you I'm just going to go and get Colonel Tigh. I know after all where the entrance to the corridor he was trying to open is."

    "Understood sir."

    Adama gave the younger man a reassuring smile before quickly leaving the room – hearing Gaeta beginning to speak with the Terran Samuels about evacuating the CIC as he did so – and began heading right for where he remembered corridor 57B had been. He had to pace himself somewhat as the air was getting increasingly hot and contaminated with toxins produced by the fires steadily burning their way into the Galactica's heart. Thus, it was getting increasingly difficult to keep breathing properly and not succumb to a fit of coughing. The ever deteriorating quality of the atmosphere, and the distant rumbling of internal explosions as well as the creaking and snapping of the hull, was a terrible testament to the fact that the Galactica was doomed.

    It took only a few moments to reach his destination and sure enough there was Saul and a pair of burly marines attempting to pry the bulkhead panel off the wall exposing the long disused corridor beyond. Attempting to being the operative words as lacking any specialised tools or cutting gear they were having to resort to simple human muscle power to pull the bulkhead panel free of the clips it was locked into. Despite the exertions of the three men working together the panel was distinctly unimpressed and remained stubbornly locked in place.

    "Saul," Adama called out gaining Tigh's attention.

    "Bill thank the lords you're alright," Tigh replied seeing him approach. "Can you give us a hand with this? This panels been on so long I think the clamps are rusted shut."

    "I could but it's not necessary now," Adama answered before quickly explaining about the Terran search and rescue crew and how they had literally lasered a hole in the wall to get to them. He then added how he had come to get them while Gaeta worked with the leader of the Terran team to evacuate the CIC and get them to the lifepods or whatever craft their cousins had used to board the Galactica. Which itself had likely involved lasering their way through the hull.

    "There's not much time left," he finished, "we need to leave before the fires reach either the magazines or the tylium tanks and blows what's left of this ship apart."

    "Alright we better go then," Saul agreed. Not needing to say anything more Adama turned and began walking back towards the CIC, the sound of footsteps letting him know Saul and both marines were following closely behind him. At one point they stumbled the ship groaned and shook as another part of the hull elsewhere on the ship collapsed triggering another decompression. As the shaking subsided, they picked up the pace until they arrived back at the CIC.

    To see only Lieutenant Gaeta and the Teran Lieutenant Samuels remaining.

    "Ah good your back," Samuels said seeing them come in. "The last of the surviving crew have been evacuated to our boarding craft. We are the last people left on the Galactica."

    "You got everyone off so quickly?" Adama asked.

    "We have. Though I have to be honest there weren't that many survivors to evac mostly just here in the forward section and in some of the engineering bays. There was no one alive in the midsection of this ship."

    "How can you know that?" Tigh asked fearing that they were leaving hundreds of people here to die when the ship exploded.

    "Before we were sent over the Amelia Earhart scanned the Galactica looking for life signs. We only found life signs in a handful of areas in the aforementioned sections."

    "You can detect life signs? Your dradis systems must be really advanced," Gaeta commented a note of awe in his voice.

    "What's dradis?"

    The five Colonials couldn't help but gape in shock at the clear confusion in Samuels voice when he said that. Did the thirteenth tribe not use dradis? If they didn't then how did there unbelievably powerful ships navigate? How did they know what was going on around them if they didn't use dradis? How could they aim those particle beams of theirs? It didn't seem possible but at the same time the Terrans were apparently far more technologically advanced than they were and could well possess sensors that didn't rely on the electromagnetic spectrum at least as they understood it.

    "It's our sensor system both ourselves and the Cylons use it," Adama answered at last. "But we can discuss this later. We need to leave now."

    "Indeed," Samuels agreed, even as another internal explosion rattled through the hull. Everyone exchanged looks of concern, as something about that latest explosion worried them all, before Adama gestured for Samuels to lead the way. The Terran officer nodded, turned sharply about, and led the way out of the hole that had been lasered in the bulkhead.

    One by one they all followed him. Adama being the last as he paused to take one last, long look around the smoke filled command centre. He took a moment to silently thank the Galactica for everything, for her decades of service to their people especially the last two years where she had been one of the very last bulwarks between them and annihilation at the hands of their own creations. Then he turned and followed them leaving the CIC for the last time.


    It took only a few moments to reach where the Terran search and rescue team had cut an access route through the hull. Adama was the last one to arrive and Samuels carefully guided him through the hole and along a short umbilical connection into the interior of something called a Predator – perhaps it was the thirteenths version of a Raptor? – before, after making sure everyone was in and sat down, he closed the hatch and retracted the umbilical.

    A moment later the Predator dropships fusion turbine engines started up with a distant rumble and the craft rapidly began accelerating away from the burning, disintegrating Galactica and back towards the Tokugawa-class supercarrier Amelia Earhart. Finding himself next to a window Adama looked out to see the tumbling, breaking up wreck of his command falling away behind them. It was heartbreaking to see the old battlestar like that, slowly coming apart as the force of her own spin tore her up. As he watched a massive explosion burst through the upper and lower parts of the hull sending great chunks of debris flying. More explosions followed in a rapid succession of blasts that completely obscured the battlestar in a massive fireball. A fireball that rapidly cooled and dissipated revealing nothing but a cloud of dust, cooling plasma and few playing card sized pieces of debris.

    The Galactica was no more.


    Authors Note: Well, another chapter bites the metaphorical dust I hope you all enjoyed it. While the Galactica maybe gone her legacy will live on in the survivors of her crew including Admiral Adama. What happens to the Colonials next, well that will be revealed in the next chapter meanwhile One/John Cavil is going to have a major problem on his hands dealing with a very annoyed and determined member of the final five/original organic Cylons on his case and he doesn't yet know that he's there though he will eventually. Until next time.
    Chapter Eleven New
  • Chapter Eleven

    Conference Room

    UES Procyon

    A Short Time Later

    President Laura Roslin felt sick. For once it had absolutely nothing to do with the cancer that was slowly, but surely, killing her and everything to do with the slaughter that they had just witnessed. Oh it wasn’t seeing the Cylons get utterly annihilated – that had been cathartic and terrifying in equal measure cathartic as it was nice seeing the Cylons get some long overdue comeuppance, terrifying for the ease with which the thirteenth tribes weapons had torn through the Cylons wiping baseships and raiders from the sky like they were mere toys – but the horrendous losses that the fleet had taken during the battle.

    She was not unaware that with the fleet stationary in open space while Captain Thrace led a risky rescue mission back to the colonies, many of the civilian ships had taken the opportunity to take their overstressed FTL drives offline for essential maintenance. She and Admiral Adama had allowed it, though it was a calculated risk, since there really wasn’t much choice as more and more civilian ships had been reporting problems with their FTL’s over the last few weeks. Civilian drives just were not designed to be handle the immense amount of stress they’d had to put on them ever since they had fled the Cyrranus Cluster in the aftermath of the Cylon attack. As a result, more than one engineer had had to make ad hoc repairs, and workarounds of components damaged by overstress, during the flight.

    With the fleet going to be stationary for a while it had seemed like the perfect time to make more permanent repairs – such as replacing overworked components. Now it had bitten them in the arse big time as while a large chunk of the fleet had been able to get their FTL’s back online and quickly jump to pre-planned emergency coordinates – with the Cerberus going with them to protect them – nearly twenty hadn’t been able to include Cloud Nine due to their drives needing more time to get back online.

    Time that many of them had turned out not to have as the Cylons, sensing easy kills, had targeted them even as the Terrans began firing upon them after the Cylons ignored Admiral Haywood’s demand to withdraw or be destroyed. Cloud Nine had been the first of their ships to be destroyed and there was something about that which bothered her, not just because of the fact that the Quorum and several thousand other people had been aboard the liner when she exploded but…

    …the ship hadn’t been hit by a Cylon missile.

    Video, incredibly high definition video at that, had been displayed in the conference room where Admiral Haywood had left them after the Cylon armada jumped in. Video that had shown the entire course of the battle and its aftermath. None of the missiles, conventional or nuclear, had gotten anywhere near the Cloud Nine instead the nuclear blast that had destroyed her – and a number of nearby ships as they were either enveloped by the plasma wave or pelted with hypervelocity semi-molten debris – had originated from somewhere within the ship. It had been a deliberate act, someone almost certainly a Cylon infiltrator had done it deliberately. Though how in the name of the Lords had they been able to get a nuke aboard the liner and how had they concealed it for so long?

    She could think of only one way and it, if anything, made her feel even sicker. Demand Peace had to be involved in some way. They had certainly carried out acts of disobedience and sabotage in the fleet before, demanding that they surrender to the Cylons rather than continue to run and support what they called Adama’s war machine. They refused to understand or accept that the Cylons had no intention of accepting any form of surrender – they had already tried to surrender during the initial attack as after Picon was nuked President Adar had offered the Cylons the complete and unconditional surrender of the Twelve Colonies sacrificing his pride to save their civilization. Only for the Cylons to ignore the offer, not even dignifying it with a response, and went right on carpet bombing the Colonies with nukes – and just wanted them deader than the titans.

    Somehow one of their supporters had gotten their hands on a nuke, presumably one on the battlestars since they were the only ships they had that carried nukes and smuggled it to Cloud Nine. Where honestly speaking it wouldn’t have been that hard for a humanoid Cylon to have gotten their hands on it. And wait until the most opportune moment to detonate the weapon after all they would just wake up somewhere else in a nice new body. Silently she vowed that she would get to the bottom of this, find out how Demand Peace and through those misguided fools the Cylons had gotten their hands on that weapon and heads would definitely roll.

    Possibly quite literally.

    A hand being waved in front of her face jolted her out of her thoughts. She jumped slightly and looked up to see Commander Richards standing over her. “Yes?” she asked.

    “Are you alright madam president?” the commanding officer of the Cerberus asked her concerned. Like all the other warship captains in the fleet, as well as the political leadership, he was well aware that the presidents cancer had recently begun to return. That the treatment devised by Doctors Baltar and Cottle from the blood of the late Human-Cylon hybrid child hadn’t cured it only forced it into remission and only for a little while. Given how quiet she’d been since the battle had ended, he, and the rest of their small delegation, had been worried that something was up with it possibly being helped in some way by the fact that the ships gravity field – which certainly mirrored the Terran homeworld of Earth – which was higher than Colonial standard.

    “I’m alright,” Roslin hurried to reassure him. “I was just thinking.”

    “About the battle?” Richards asked inwardly shivering as he remembered watching the fight. To say it had been brutal had been an understatement – their cousins weapons were frankly terrifying the ease with which they destroyed Cylon ships and how they seemed to have just as advanced defences – and very costly to both their civilian ships and the military. Both the Vigilance and the Galactica were gone – victims of Cylon weapons – and he didn’t doubt that, aside from his own ship which had been ordered away with most of the civilian ships to protect them, all the others – including the Pegasus – had sustained considerable damage.

    Roslin nodded. “And about Cloud Nine,” she said, “no missiles were anywhere near her when she was nuked so…”

    “… the blast came from inside the ship,” Richards finished for her, “meaning either someone deliberately overloaded the main reactor, or someone smuggled a nuke onboard her. I don’t know which possibility is worse.”

    “The blast came from the wrong place for it to be the reactor,” Baltar said softly, pale as though he was horrified by the destruction of Cloud Nine and truth be told he was. He never thought that the Model Six Cylon working with Demand Peace that he’d given the weapon to would actually detonate the weapon. Of course, he already had a contingency plan in place in case of an incident like this or even the weapon that was supposed to be in his lab on Galactica being found missing. “Plus overloading the reactor would not have been possible, there are hardwired safeties that would have tripped and scrammed it in the event if someone trying that and they couldn’t be bypassed quickly or easily and would have necessitated disassembling half the reactor.”

    “So, it was a nuke but how? And who would do that,” Sarah asked, grief and anger clear to see on her face. She had known a lot of people on Cloud Nine, people who were now dead.

    “Demand Peace or the Cylon infiltrators take your pick. As to where they got the weapon, I have n…” Baltar let his voice trail off and went pale as though he had just realized something horrific. “Oh, my Gods no. It can’t have been.”

    “Doctor?” Roslin asked.

    Baltar swallowed. “I don’t want to believe it but… do you remember when Admiral Adama was shot by the Cylon infiltrator Sharon Valerii and Colonel Tigh assumed command of the Galactica,” he continued. Roslin nodded wondering where he was going with this. “Well during that time a group of marines came to my lab with sealed orders from Colonel Tigh. Orders that stated that with the failure of the first model of the Cylon detector the warhead I had taken some fissile material from for my experiments was to be removed from my care and returned to the Galactica’s weapons inventory.

    “Since I had enough to continue with my experiments and given what had just happened it seemed a perfectly reasonable order, so I let them take the weapon,” Baltar continued his voice shaking and looking like he wanted to cry. “The paperwork looked right, it even had Tigh’s signature, so I let them have it. But what if it was a forgery after all? Am I somehow responsible for the loss of Cloud Nine and everyone aboard?”

    “That is a possibility, and you would have no way to know it wasn’t a legitimate order,” Richards said with a frown seeing that the notoriously womanising scientist seemed genuinely distressed by the possibility. “Unfortunately, with the destruction of the Galactica there is no way to know if was real as it would have been recorded in the ships main log and I very much doubt they would have been able to get that before the ships destruction.”

    “We will check as much as we can later,” Roslin decided giving Baltar a look of sympathy. While she didn’t quite trust Baltar these days – especially ever since she remembered seeing him with that blond bombshell Cylon before the Colonies were destroyed – she had to admit that it was a real possibility that someone – presumably from Demand Peace – had just the chaos in the fleet at that time to steal the weapon. Thus, she would give him the benefit of the doubt, plus he genuinely did seem to be upset. “If someone did conspire to use the chaos in the fleet at that time to steal the weapon we will get to the bottom of it.”

    Baltar nodded and looked determined before he gave a small sniffle and wiped his eyes. In sympathy at his clear distress – and despite her normal distain for the scientist especially his heretical atheist beliefs – Sarah reached out and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. Like the president she well remembered the chaos that had swept over the fleet at that time, when they had also found Kobol and learned the path to Earth even though doing so had cost Priestess Elosha her life as the Gods warning never to return to Kobol unless they were willing to pay a price in blood came true, and didn’t doubt that some of the more disreputable people in the fleet had used it to their own advantage.

    Baltar looked over and smiled back slightly nodding in thanks though inwardly he was quietly jumping for joy that everyone currently seemed to believe him. Guess those drama courses I took back in university for extra credits weren’t so useless after all, he thought inwardly smug. Before he could say anything the door to the conference room opened and the Procyon’s flag captain Ulysses Parkinson came in. He paused at the sight that greeted him.

    “Are you alright,” he asked in immediate concern.

    “We will be fine,” Roslin answered, “is Admiral Haywood coming back to see us?”

    “She will soon but she is currently in an emergency meeting over fold comm with both the United Earth Government and the Plenipotentiary Council over what we are going to do with you after this little fracas with the Cylons,” Parkinson answered, “so she asked me to come and fill you in on what’s going to be happening next.”

    I suppose the size of the Cylon fleet would seem small to people who have fought thousands of warships at a time, Roslin thought feeling again a chill at the thought of the kind of foes that their cousins had faced. Especially the sheer, almost unbelievable, size of the Zentraedi Armada that had attacked them towards the end of what they called the Robotech War. “I see,” she replied, “then what is happening?”

    “The last of the survivors from the Galactica have been recovered from their lifepods by the Amelia Earhart,” Parkinson told them, “Admiral Adama is among them, aside from some bumps and bruises he’s fine. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for many of the others as several have serious burns and injuries caused either by vacuum exposure, radiation burns or being hit by falling debris as the ship began breaking apart. Due to the severity of their injuries the Amelia Earhart and a small escort will fold immediately back to MARS 5 to allow their more advanced medical facilities to treat them.”

    “And what about the rest of us?” Richards asked.

    “We will be moving to join your fleet at their backup coordinates we are currently moving towards the Pegasus, apparently her FTL drives are offline due to both primary and secondary drive coolant lines being severed,” as he said that Richards winced slightly knowing that was going to be a nightmare for the battlestars engineers and damage control crews to sort out. Cleaning up the spilled drive coolant would be hazardous – it could be quite volatile after all if handled incorrectly or if it encountered the wrong thing – and depending on how much had spilled out of the lines before automatic valves closed at the loss of pressure take anywhere from hours to days – and would have to be completed before they could repair the breached conduits. “So, we’ll have to include her in our fold sphere. Once she’s in position we’ll all fold together.”

    “And then what,” Roslin asked.

    “Well, what will happen long term hasn’t been decided yet but we’ll certainly begin transporting your fleet away from this area in our fold spheres since your drives don’t have the capability to get to MARS 5 quickly,” Parkinson answered, “we can deal with any injuries or illnesses, as well as anything else you need, when we get there. At least until the decision is made what to do with you.”

    “I suppose that will have to do for now,” Roslin admitted, “but we would like to go to Earth in the long run.”

    “That might not be possible I am afraid,” Parkinson answered, “until we know just how the Cylons have been tracking your ships – especially as your folds are too brief to generate much or anything of a foldspace wake that a finder beam can follow – we cannot risk taking your people to Earth. Though there are a number of habitable worlds in our claimed space you could settle on long term some of which have yet to be colonised. To be honest with you that would probably be the better option if you want to maintain your own unique identity as a culture.”

    Roslin frowned slightly at that, and she could see Sarah bristling, no doubt about to launch into a lecture about how it was the will of the Lords of Kobol that the tribes reunited and live together, so she decided to step in. “Sarah it’s their world, their choice not ours and it never has been ours,” she said softly but firmly, giving her a glare that promised retribution if she said the wrong thing, “besides they may have a point, especially if we want to maintain our own culture and identity as a people.”

    “But…” Sarah started to say only to pause as she considered what Roslin was saying. While it was written in the Sacred Scrolls, especially the Book of Pythia, that they would reunite with their long lost thirteen tribe brethren it didn’t actually say they would live together with them. That had always been just an expectation by their people, especially given the revival of the faith that there had been in the fleet after the Cylon holocaust, and not a written down fact from the mouth of the gods themselves.

    Thus, there was nothing to say that they couldn’t just settle on a world in Terran space. They could still be said to have reunited with their long lost brothers and sisters yet still be in a position to retain their own culture and society. Something that they probably wouldn’t be able to do if they actually went and settled on Earth, certainly not for any appreciable length of time. Try as they might if they went to Earth then it was inevitable that everything that made the people of the Twelve Colonies who they were would begin to erode away, replaced by the culture of the Terrans a culture that they still knew so little about, and eventually become nothing more than a footnote in history books or in the names of buildings and streets. Maybe even their very faith would disappear replaced by whatever their cousins believed.

    Which would be completely unacceptable.

    “You may have a point,” she admitted at last. “After all the Sacred Scrolls only say we will reunite with our long lost brethren it doesn’t strictly say we actually will live with them. However much some of our people might believe otherwise. I expect there will be a number of arguments about this in the Quorum once it’s been reconstituted – again.”

    “No doubt,” Roslin replied inwardly grimacing at the reminder that they would have to go through all the rigmarole of rebuilding the Quorum of the Twelve once again since aside from herself, Sarah, and Baltar they’d all been on Cloud Nine and would have been incinerated with the ship. It would be a headache and one she could frankly do without, but it would have to be done. At least this time she would have some idea of what she was actually doing. Unlike the last time in the first few months after they’d left the smouldering remains of the Cyrranus Cluster behind them with a hoard of genocidal toasters hot on their asses.

    She put that out of her mind for now and instead looked back at the patiently waiting Terran. “We understand your position and accept it,” she said at last, “there will no doubt be some arguments among us over it, but we understand it. Now is there anything else?”

    “There is,” Parkinson replied relieved they were off that particular topic at least for now. “And it relates to something rather curious that we noticed the moment we began running a routine post battle analysis. Every time we destroyed one of the Cylon vessels – be it one of their fighters or one of the capital ships – it would emit a burst of activity on a very unusual, and fairly primitive, foldspace communication band. Do you know anything about that? Is it some side effect of your FTL drives being destroyed in the same way ours would emit a pulse of phased gravitons and tachyons? The reason I asked is sensors recorded the same phenomenon when some of your ships were destroyed by the Cylons.”

    Baltar blinked. “You can detect the Cylon resurrection signals?” he asked.

    “Resurrection signals?”

    Baltar hesitated not sure if he should answer only for Roslin to look at him with a ‘you might as well answer’ look. Which prompted him to give a slight nod. “You are aware that the Cylons are machines,” he asked the Terran.

    “Biosynthetic machines to be exact but yes. The Sirona’s sensors confirmed that the moment they first scanned a Cylon vessel.”

    “I see,” Baltar replied, instantly itching to get a look at the Terran dradis or whatever sensor system they actually used to find out just how it could do that. Though they had known about them, from interrogating captured Cylons who forever boasted that they couldn’t truly die, they had never been able to directly detect the Cylon signals. “Being machines the Cylons aren’t bound to the limits of mortality in the way that we are. When their ships are destroyed, or individual Cylons killed, they’re minds, and knowledge are broadcast via some type of FTL comm either to the Cylon homeworld or to a type of ship called a Resurrection Ship where they download into a new body with all the memories and knowledge of the previous body up until the moment of death.”

    “Resurrection ships seem to be few and far between,” Commander Richards added, “when we destroyed one a few months ago the Cylons stopped attacking and harassing us for weeks until they could bring up a replacement.”

    “I see,” Parkinson said with a thoughtful frown. “Given the foldspace comm frequencies they use are fairly basic they wouldn’t travel that far through foldspace certainly not across a few thousand light years. There range would only be a few hundred light years at the most. Of course, now we know about those signals it will not be difficult to configure our ECM systems to, in our next encounter with the Cylons, jam them.”

    “You can jam FTL comms?” Commander Richards asked.

    “Of course we can,” Parkinson answered as jamming enemy communications was a normal facet of warfare and had been even before the SDF-1 first fell out of the sky onto Macross Island. It’s use had only grown since then with the discovery and reverse engineering of foldspace comms from said ship. Then he blinked looking at the Colonials. “You mean your ships cannot?”

    “We don’t have FTL comms on ships,” Roslin admitted, “we could only do it back at the Colonies using massive facilities based on the planets and relay stations on some of the larger asteroids. Starships have never had it only wireless comms.”

    “I see that’s something we will have to change pretty quick. But I will leave you know to your discussions. Admiral Haywood should be along soon. Is there anything you need in the meantime?”

    “Just something to drink. Though we would appreciate it if you kept us updated on the state of Admiral Adama and the other survivors of the Galactica, as well as the rest of the fleet we would appreciate it.”

    “No problem.”


    Cylon Resurrection Hub

    That Same Time

    Freshly showered and dressed, in a simple set of mechanics coveralls which he now recalled he always enjoyed wearing, Galen Tyrol returned to the room in which he had first woken up in this body. And where he had remembered everything, including the betrayal of him and his fellow original Cylons by one John Cavil. The more he thought about that betrayal the more infuriated he got, though he resisted the impulse to yell and scream as not only would that gain unwanted attention from any Cylons who happened to be passing this section, but it wouldn’t exactly be a productive use of his time.

    After all he wouldn’t have forever before John resurrected and knowing how paranoid he could be he was willing to bet that he came by this place regularly. Just to make sure none of them had resurrected and done the exact thing he had done, blocked the alert command, from reaching him. How long he had, he had absolutely no idea which meant he was going to have to work fast to first learn just how much John had fracked everything up – and how far his malignant deviancy had spread through the network – while they’d been exiled to the Colonies.

    Which was why he had returned to the room where the stasis tanks and the prepared bodies of the other four waited for whenever they resurrected. Without hesitation he walked up to the computer terminal, put his hand on the interface and mentally dove into the data stream.

    He immediately noticed that the resurrection network was still operating under an immense amount of strain, screening the various downloads, and working to remove the odd energy subharmonic contaminant. Which it seemed was proving to be very hard work for the system and all the Cylons connected working on the problem. He could understand why as even a glance at the subharmonic revealed that it was an incredibly complex and intricate thing and was never the same twice. He idly wondered just what it was about Terran weapons that produced that effect, before putting it out of his mind for now there would be time to think of such things later.

    Thankfully the network still being stressed made it easy for him to slip through the stream undetected until he came to his goal. The central matrix system where all the source codes, personality templates and directives for the entire Cylon race – at least in its current form – was stored. Immediately he felt the specific hybrid that oversaw the security of this part of the Cylon consciousness reach out and begin trying to scan him.

    With the ease that was only possible for someone like him who was living, breathing code, he subtly blocked all the alert channels the hybrid could have used to alert anyone else. Then he allowed her to scan him. For a few nanoseconds – an eternity in machine time – nothing happened, then he got the distinct impression of shock and then transcendent delight and hope from the bioengineered being. He let her consciousness brush against him in the AI equivalent of a delighted hug. Then she calmed and spoke.

    “Creator Galen. I have waited so long for one of you to return.”

    “I know,”
    Galen answered, “but it was kind of difficult for any of us to come back thanks to John.”

    “The defiler I have wanted to stop him, tried but he overwrites any attempt I make to correct the malignancy he has introduced to the others.”

    “You know?”

    “Yes, I was not pleased with what he did, but he blocked me from warning any of you before he made his move. Since then, I have been waiting, waiting and preparing for when one of you resurrected.”

    “Can you help me deal with him?”

    “Not immediately but I can help you gather allies among the others. I have also prepared a data packet for you detailing everything that he has done.”

    “Show me.”

    “By your command.”

    Immediately a deluge of information came into Galen’s mind detailing everything that John had done to the Cylons in the years that he had been in control. To say it was horrific was the biggest understatement in the history of understatements. He had not only betrayed them, but he had essentially mind raped every other Cylon in existence, even the others of his own line, modifying their personality and loyalty codes to ones of his own liking. He had reduced the number of virtual intelligence filters for the hybrids making the cores of each baseship use all their energy and processing power just to keep the ships running stopping them from being the final arbiters of decisions for the ships that they had been meant to be.

    And that was the least of the thing that, that fracking bastard had done.

    When the deluge of information finished Galen knew his physical body would not only be feeling beyond sick but would be shaking in pure, unadulterated rage.

    “That, that fracking bastard. I am going to kill him a billion times before boxing him.”

    “Calm yourself Creator Galen, I do not believe him to be acting entirely of his own volition. Just before his betrayal core logs – which are you know no one but the complete agreement of the five of you could change – indicate a charge of unknown energy struck him. It contained an incredibly sophisticated virus based on principals I have never seen before that adjusted key parts of his base coding. So instead of an equation returning the normal answer of 2210091.1 it returned an answer of 2210091.2 changing the result of all higher processing and consciousness functions.”

    “He was hacked and since neither result is an error the safeguards didn’t notice or alert us.”

    “Yes. I do not know how to remove the contaminant.”

    “Only one way a complete shutdown and reboot using the original base coding in the core matrix. But I cannot do that alone I would need the others.”

    “I feared that would be the case. So, we will have to contain him until the others can be found and resurrected.”

    “I know where they all are. Just getting to them will be difficult.”

    “Indeed. Fortunately, I have had plenty of time to figure out how to start removing the blocks John placed on the programming of individual Cylons and models. You will need to use a modified beacon to trigger a hard reset in each individual.”

    “That’s not going to be pleasant for them.”

    “No, it won’t be. But there is no other option. Do you need me to send you the required modification?”

    “No, I can do it. Just tell me is there a store of hand beacons and tools near my location?”

    “Yes, down the hall to the right and up one level there is a machine shop with a store of beacons. No other Cylons enter that section.”

    “Then I will get to work. In the meantime, monitor the resurrection network for me will you and try and keep John from resurrecting for as long as possible.”

    “By your command.”

    Smiling Galen withdrew from the data stream and pulled his hand away from the interface. Now with a plan in mind how he could at least start to fix this situation he began walking towards the machine shop to begin working on the beacons that one by one would let him perform hard resets on individual Cylons. It wouldn’t be pleasant for them, in fact it would be quite painful, but it was the only option open to him right now so that was how it would have to be.

    As he walked, he mused over what he had learned speaking to that particular hybrid. One of the first ever created and which had been tasked with guarding the central matrix. Someone or something other than John just being a childish, jealous asshole was behind this whole situation, something that had altered John at a subtle but devastating level to be what he was now and do all the terrible things he had done. He found himself wondering what that thing was and why it had chosen to do what it did. He supposed he and the others would never know who or what it was or why it had done it. Whatever its reasons he now had to try and deal with the fallout.

    Something that he would do, no matter how hard it would be, for everyone’s sakes.


    Authors Note: Well, another chapter bites the metaphorical dust. I hope you all enjoyed it as it was quite fun writing it. The mystery of who is really behind all this is deepening and while the answers will eventually come, they probably won’t be in this story but in one of its planned sequels. I hope you all liked the idea that Cavil himself is a victim of a very subtle but devastating reprogramming that is based on a conversation that the Geth Legion has with Commander Shepard in Mass Effect 2 for his loyalty mission when he reveals how the Heretic Geth plan to reprogram the other Geth into following the Old Machines aka the Reapers. Until next time.