Alternate History Alternative Historical/Hypothetical Battles Simulated in Strategy Games

And the only real drawback of the Men of War mod simulations when doing cinematic battles I feel is just the lack of artillery spam which would make the cinematic battle a bit more tricky to pull off. These sims would never be realistic, especially with how Zergy everyone is, but that's the main observation IMHO watching these.
And the only real drawback of the Men of War mod simulations when doing cinematic battles I feel is just the lack of artillery spam which would make the cinematic battle a bit more tricky to pull off. These sims would never be realistic, especially with how Zergy everyone is, but that's the main observation IMHO watching these.
You can program the artillery and all of that, and even use fucking Gates of Hell as a good base
You can program the artillery and all of that, and even use fucking Gates of Hell as a good base

Yeah they do that in the WarfareGaming sims as well, it's just not particularly cinematic if it's done as much as it likely would be done in a real engagement since the viewers would likely want to see all of the shooty bits going on.
On operational scale, the best tool for simulating hypothetical battles in 20th/21st century is TOAW series. But watching it being played would be a bit boring as it is not a flashy game.
The Great Polish Ambush of the Teutonic Order.

Using the Rome II Atilla mod 1212 AD it depicts s fictional Battle with a historical context of taking place during the Teutonic Crusades in Eastern Europe.

Popular video of a modded Total War battle
The Great American Invasion of Napoleon era Europe.

Four American Armies face off against a Coalition of two Russian Armies and an Anglo-Dutch and Anglo-Portuguese Army in Napoleon: Total War.

Imagine Bringing State Militia Halfway Around the World to fight in Europe. Seems very sensible and practical.

The hatwear is pretty epic and impressive though.
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Chinese Invasion of Taiwan using a Men of War: Assault Squad 2 mod called A Dying World.

It's actually a pretty small scale invasion on a small beach, but lets you appreciate the details of the Chinese Seaborne Mechanized Hordes swarming over the Taiwanese beaches.

Alternative Battle Of Waterloo via Napoleon: Total War.

A close fight right til the end!
Cold War Era China versus Russia in the game Call to Arms - Gates of Hell: Ostfront using a 1968 Cold War Mod.

I suppose not quite a strategy game... though I guess it also depends on your definition of "strategery."

Rubix Raptor plays a modded game of Arma 3 where the Roman Empire never fell and in the year 2068 has dispatched its Legions to conquer the Hawaiian Islands from those pernicious Western Hemisphere Kingdoms.

Those Hawaiians are apparently a warrior people in this timeline as well.
About six years ago there was a flurry of content exploring the very serious and troubling topic of... TRUMPS WALL!


First off, as responsibly interpreted by a mod/map from the game Men of War: Assault Squad 2 with a video from DaleyTactics.

A Massive Cartel Force of Soldiers Attempting to Swarm Trumps Border Crossing, Outnumbering the Brave American Defenders over five to one!

Perhaps an even more terriftying scenario, vicious illegal aliens attacking Trumps Wall while our President is there visiting. Can the brave men and women protecting our border and President hold back the illegal tide of rapists and thieves and murderers, and I assume some good people?

Video proof from WarfareGaming using an Zombie Mod that Most of those coming over the border certainly are not good people... or possibly even people in general. From the Channel WarfareGaming.

Zombies versus Phalanx CIWS, can't get much better then that!

Now imagine a dark scenario where the Cartels actually managed to take over a portion of Trumps Beautiful Wall and the United States has to take that American clay back. From DiplexHeated.

Perhaps the most accurate military simulation of Trumps wall however, from the highly accurate military simulation game, They Are Billions in a video also done by SergiuHellDragoonHQ.

Trump Versus Biden in the wake of the disputed 2020 Election as a Hearts of Iron 4 timelapse.

Great America versus United States.

Who will win?

Just the latest video of several modded HOI4 timelapse videos but as we all know, later canon overrides earlier canon or something.

Though this one from two years ago by Christopher (who helped popularize HOI4 Timelapse Videos on YouTube) was a bit more comprehensive.

Another Hearts of Iron IV Timelapse, this time if the Russian Revolution Never Occurred and the Russian Empire Kept On Keeping On. It's a Three Parter that covers World War One, an alternative World War Two and a kinda unneccessary World War Three scenario.

Tsar Nicholas is easily pushing past 80 by the end of the third video... maybe that gives them room to do a fourth one with a possible succession crisis!
What if you are the Head of the Soviet Union and due to technical failure, a fifty megaton Soviet ICBM is heading to New York City and will impact in ten minutes...

Unless you can contact the United States in time to intercept the missile!


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