ASOIAF/GOT ASOIAF Ideas, Recs, and Discussion thread

Stannis in Tywin
  • It was far more comfortable than he recalled it being on Dragonstone. The bedding was soft and luxuriant. The sheets silky and the covers warm and red in color.

    He had gone to bed, intending to sail the next morning for the wall, to rescue the Night's Watch, and to save the realm. The sun was shining through a window. Stannis wiped at his eyes, to see the window was stained glass...with a lion in its center.

    Was I captured by the Lannisters in the night? Why would I still live?

    Waking up, he felt his skin, and his head. He had a head of hair and was not balding...something is not right.

    Forcing himself out of the bed, he looked at the room around him. It was filled with Lannister and Lion livery, and with gold.

    Something is amiss.

    There was a mirror on the other corner of the room, and Stannis walked over to see it.

    He looked at the mirror, and what he saw shocked him.

    Instead of the man he had been...he had golden hair and green eyes, thinner than he was before, but still powerfully built. It was Lord Tywin who he saw...he was Lord Tywin.

    But not Lord Tywin from when Stannis had last seen him, the man staring at him in the mirror was much younger, appearing not older than twenty namedays.

    Suddenly the door opened...

    "Brother, the Reynes have replied to your demand as you expected...they refused and have risen in rebellion against House Lannister".

    Was this some jest from the gods he hated? A trick of his mind still asleep?

    "I have two hundred men ready, and Lords Marbrand and Banefort have prepared for their banners, we can meet Lord Tarbeck and Reyne now before they have a chance to join together."

    "Very good." Stannis managed to reply. "I, I will be ready shortly."

    "Is, is something brother?"

    "No, I just have not slept well these past few nights."

    From the look, it appeared to be Ser Kevan.

    Kevan did not seem to know how to reply to the admission, he looked confused as to whether he should give a word of encouragement or express concern.

    "Our lord father has locked himself in his room, he has failed House Lannister, we need you now Tywin" Kevan said with an undertone of both respect and desperation.

    "I will be ready shortly." Stannis replied.

    "Leave me". Kevan bowed and obeyed, he treated him as though he was lord already.

    If this was not some cruel trick of the gods, he was in 261 AC, nearly forty years before when he had gone to sleep." Before he was even born.

    The gods have sent me into the body of Tywin in his youth, on the eve of his destruction of House Reyne and Tarbeck.

    Stannis looked at the man in the mirror, and began to grind out his teeth.
    Stannis in Tywin 2
  • What cruel joke have the gods played on me?

    Stannis gritted his teeth, and felt his gums grow raw from the incessant grinding. The man in front of him, wasn't him, couldn't be him, but it was him all the same.

    Tywin Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock and Warden of the West, or rather...he would be. Tytos Lannister was still alive and lord of the west.

    The Reynes, the reynes. They've risen in revolt against House Lannister. Against Tywin's father, against...Tywin, no me.

    For what reason could the Lord of Light, the Seven, the old gods, or any of them have to send me here? To this time, and into the body of this man? Should I have prayed? Should I not have accepted Melisandre into my council?

    In any event, unless he was sent back, he was stuck here in the body of Lord Lannister. Perhaps the gods intended him to do something with this.

    The door knocked, and Stannis gritted before replying.


    Ser Kevan entered, his blonde air frizzled and his expression one of perplexed sourness.

    "Brother, what are you waiting on, we need to meet Lord Marbrand and Crakehall, before Roger Reyne and Walderan Tarbeck summon wavering houses to their side."

    Kevan looked somewhat perplexed, he was not keen on seeing his elder brother appear as indecisive as he must have here.

    Breathing a moment before replying, Stannis answered.

    "Let us go then, you have our knights ready?"

    "Yes brother, alongside two hundred men at arms, mounted and unmounted, Lord Marbrand has one hundred men and Lord Crakehall has two hundred, Lords Lefford and Swyft have sent fifty men each."

    "Good, we will meet the Reynes, and I will bring justice to Roger Reyne, Walderan Tarbeck and Lady Ellyn, and all their conspirators."

    Kevan eyed him curiously, before nodding.

    With that, they both left Tywin's bedchamber. And walked down the stairs of the rock, with squires and pages following them and at the stables, putting his armor on.

    The armor he wore, was red and gold, resplendent in the morning sun.

    The Lannisters always did value things that shined far too much.

    Getting on his horse, and with the golden lion banner behind him, red cloaks clad in red lamellar armor, followed Stannis and Ser Kevan out of the rock's stables.

    The penalty for treason is death, which the Lords of Reyne and Tarbeck have brought, I will bring justice, justice, not slaughter.