Avoid These Chemicals Tanking Testosterone, Raising Estrogen w/ Anthony Jay, PhD.



0:00 Intro
2:20 Average total male testosterone now is 250, having dropped 1 percentage point every year in the past 40.
2:55 Paleo ancestors had an average total testosterone of 1500.
3:05 Breast cancer rates have risen 250% in the past 20 to 30 years.
3:25 Fake estrogen chemicals mess with estrogen and progesterone ratios and block testosterone from binding to the receptor. They lower your total testosterone and free testosterone.
5:55 Find and address the root cause of decreasing testosterone.
7:15 Phthalates leach into your water.
8:20 Activated charcoal (carbon) is the key to removing estrogen chemicals.
10:15 Plastic containers leach into liquids, especially if it is heated or at room temperature.
10:55 The black plastic on TV dinners is from recycled electrical cords and other gear.
11:58 Low testosterone is linked to poor metabolic health, cardiovascular disease, and depression.
14:40 Testosterone protects your arteries against plaque, protects your brain against Alzheimer’s, and protects your metabolism through blood sugar regulation.
15:35 Testosterone is an action hormone for both men and women.
16:45 Natural estrogen protects against Alzheimer’s, heart attacks and depression.
17:33 Atrazine exposure creates male feminization.
19:00 Oxybenzone in sunscreen: Seven days after one application of sunscreen brought blood levels of oxybenzone above government adult safety limits.
20:20 No one is studying the additive effect, bioaccumulation, or long-term impacts of fake hormones.
21:00 Fake estrogens influence the way cells behave, but it does not kill the cell.
22:40 If you see the word “fragrance” on a label, don’t buy it.
23:00 China has stricter regulations on parabens and phthalates than the US to circumvent the feminization of males.
25:05 Gender dysphoria may be linked to chemical exposures.
27:10 Polar bears in northern Alaska have parabens and phthalates in their bodies.
28:05 Children with high levels of urine BPA have high rates of depression.
28:30 There are two estrogen receptors and one testosterone receptor, an androgen receptor.
29:10 Alpha estrogen receptor is linked to breast cancer and prostate cancer.
29:20 Beta estrogen receptor (ESR2) is protective against breast cancer, prostate cancer, Alzheimer’s and heart disease.
29:54 Fake estrogens activate the alpha estrogen receptor, which shuts off the beta receptor.
30:20 Soy and flax have 100,000 units of estrogen, as opposed to other plant foods with under 1,000 units of estrogen.
34:30 Estrogen chemicals likely trigger early menopause, early puberty for girls, and PCOS.
37:50 Estrogen chemicals are released in sweat. Shower it off immediately. Our fat tissue stores estrogen chemicals.
I'm kinda fucked no matter what, since I work outside, and I burn rather easily after only a few minutes of exposure.
I have to wonder - why there are so many chemicals that mimic estrogen, but not lots of chemicals that mimic testosterone?
Cause we males are fucked from an evolutionary standpoint, we basically have to slaughter each-other for the chance to breed, then provide vitally needed proteins and fats via hunting, we have faster metabolisms, more chance of mutations, live shorter lives.
Not giving birth and pissing straight are the only benefits to being a dude.
Maybe easier masturbation, too.

I'm kinda fucked no matter what, since I work outside, and I burn rather easily after only a few minutes of exposure.

So get some supplements, vitamin D, for instnace, have been taking it for years.

Sounds like Fasting and Keto diet might be a good way to flush that shit out.
I have to wonder - why there are so many chemicals that mimic estrogen, but not lots of chemicals that mimic testosterone?
The government bans them. No seriously, look up xenoandrogen on Wikipedia and it will redirect you to anabolic steroids. Every xenoandrogen gets classified that way. The government goes muh performance-enhancing drugs on any xenoandrogen, and/or finds any reason possible it's too much of a health risk to be legal.
The government bans them. No seriously, look up xenoandrogen on Wikipedia and it will redirect you to anabolic steroids. Every xenoandrogen gets classified that way. The government goes muh performance-enhancing drugs on any xenoandrogen, and/or finds any reason possible it's too much of a health risk to be legal.

Funny how that works out…
The government bans them. No seriously, look up xenoandrogen on Wikipedia and it will redirect you to anabolic steroids. Every xenoandrogen gets classified that way. The government goes muh performance-enhancing drugs on any xenoandrogen, and/or finds any reason possible it's too much of a health risk to be legal.

It's kind of an interesting reflection of the archetypal ways that masculine vs feminine threats are demonstrated.

The threat of the man is immediate and forceful. Violence, usually. Performance-enhancing drugs that can have nasty side-effects reflect this.

The threat of the woman is more subtle and gradual. It isn't readily obvious, but social sabotage and the like can be even more devastating than violence. Drugs that gradually build up in your system and have slowly-encroaching effects that are harder to readily notice are similar.
The best way to get higher testosterone is to be physically active with a muscle building training routine, and to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night. We're such a sedentary society, and all our screens allow us to waste endless amounts of time at night and then rely on caffeine to get through the day. If you're not exercising and sleeping, I don't want to hear you complaining about chemicals dropping your test and see you looking for exotic ways to increase your test.
I have to wonder - why there are so many chemicals that mimic estrogen, but not lots of chemicals that mimic testosterone?

Plant phytoestrogens naturally evolved as a defensive measure against predators, essentially meta-gaming natural selection by reducing the reproductive fitness of the most successful plant-eaters as opposed to directly attacking their health. That said, they are *not* nearly as effective as some people imagine because they're competitive inhibitors to estrogen, *not* direct equivalents. Frankly, if they were, they'd be widely used as cheaper substitutes for bio-equivalent estrogen.


As for testosterone levels, I'd like to see *actual sources* for the claimed averages in the Youtube video, in particular including actual units. The SI unit for blood serum testosterone is nmol/L (nanomoles per liter), but many American medical references use ng/dL (nanograms per deciliiter) because this is easier to directly measure. For conversion, 1 nmol/L = 28.842 ng/dL.

The medical references I've checked typical ranges of 0.7-2.8 nmol/L for females and 6.9 to 34.7 nmol/L for adult males. Those are the two-standard-deviation figures, so roughly 5% of the population will naturally fall above or below them. The medical sources also note that having above-typical androgen levels is the most common endocrine disorder in reproductively aged women, and that such levels are not, by themselves, indicative of any intersex condition.
I'm honestly skeptical of anything a doctor says on the internet without a secondary source to back it up. I've seen way too many clickbait articles.
As would I but it does all fit together nicely and would help explain why we’ve been seeing these results.

It certainly makes more sense then the mainstream response…which there isn’t any because the mainstream is either ignoring the problem or they’ll eventually admit it’s happening but then lecture us all why it’s a good thing.
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As would I but it does all fit together nicely and would help explain why we’ve been seeing these results.

It certainly makes more sense then the mainstream response…which there isn’t any because the mainstream is either ignoring the problem or they’ll eventually admit it’s happening but then lecture us all why it’s a good thing.

Or simultaneously deny that it's happening and lecture you that it's a good thing.
Well soy is incredibly easy for me to not eat because I am deathly allergic to it, Also that shit is in almost all processed food even things like general purpose flour have soy.
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The best way to get higher testosterone is to be physically active with a muscle building training routine, and to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night. We're such a sedentary society, and all our screens allow us to waste endless amounts of time at night and then rely on caffeine to get through the day. If you're not exercising and sleeping, I don't want to hear you complaining about chemicals dropping your test and see you looking for exotic ways to increase your test.

While being physically active and sleeping well are important, a man can be very physically active and trained, and sleep 10+ hours a night, and STILL look and feel like shit if he is ingesting chemicals through food, plastic leaching, breathing in chemicals, etc. Even shampoos and body washes can and do lower testosterone and cause men to grow tits

Meanwhile, go live out in the country off grid, in the most non-polluted place you can find, hunt and eat game and free range meats, organic fruits and vegetables, non-polluted water, no plastics, no random chemicals on your body, etc. That man will be strong and healthy with a testosterone number of over 1000 easy. Any excercise and training is just after the fact

I have to wonder - why there are so many chemicals that mimic estrogen, but not lots of chemicals that mimic testosterone?

Female hormones are cheap. Their bodies don't have to be very strong to begin with, and all the estrogen hormones in the water and air, plastics, etc just seem to make girls go through puberty earlier and become even physically softer than they already are...but that doesn't really harm them. They were already softer to begin with

Male hormones are expensive. And men cannot afford to be without them in abundance. Athletes taking testosterone enhancing supplements and other PEDs, are just taking those to counteract the losses to their natural hormones from all the estrogen in the environment. (yes, they do ad "a little more than they need" in the testosterone department, but virtually all high level athletes are doing it - after all, there are tens, even hundreds of millions of dollars on the line). But humans from older times did not have this problem. I am of the belief that the greatest athletes in history lived hundreds - no, thousands - of years ago, and were either hunting and living in tribes seeking to expand their territory, or working on a farm or fighting in some war.

But, the agenda? it's an obvious one - weaker, more feminized men being easier to control. Also pumping out a bunch of cheap and unhealthy, but addictive foods on people ever since they are children. Easy way to both weaken a population, and make a fortune while doing it
While being physically active and sleeping well are important, a man can be very physically active and trained, and sleep 10+ hours a night, and STILL look and feel like shit if he is ingesting chemicals through food, plastic leaching, breathing in chemicals, etc. Even shampoos and body washes can and do lower testosterone and cause men to grow tits

Meanwhile, go live out in the country off grid, in the most non-polluted place you can find, hunt and eat game and free range meats, organic fruits and vegetables, non-polluted water, no plastics, no random chemicals on your body, etc. That man will be strong and healthy with a testosterone number of over 1000 easy. Any excercise and training is just after the fact

Do you have any examples to this point?
The question ultimately comes down to who do you trust and why. Everyone is trying to sell you something, everyone is telling you not to trust your own senses and everyone has motives to say they're right while saying the other side is wrong. Right now I'm at the point I don't trust people I'm not close to.
The question ultimately comes down to who do you trust and why. Everyone is trying to sell you something, everyone is telling you not to trust your own senses and everyone has motives to say they're right while saying the other side is wrong. Right now I'm at the point I don't trust people I'm not close to.

Just go off the grid farm hunt and make everything yourself, Actually that does sound quite appealing to me.
I see such examples all around me in the person. But here's some random article that just popped up about Axe body spray : Axe Products Make Men Grow Breasts And Develop Cancers Of The Prostate And Liver

You "see" examples? Can you tell just by looking at guys around you if they are physically active and get good sleep but also tell that they look and feel like crap?

Yeah, that random article references how some ingredients can cause allergic reactions, but that's not really what we're talking about. It's a huge leap to say Axe causes gynecomastia and cancer that the article doesn't have receipts for. And it doesn't account for lifestyle factors.

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