Crossover Bad Things Come in Twos (Mass Effect AU/Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans)

Chapter 1
  • bullethead

    Part-time fanfic writer
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    Staff Member
    50,000 years ago, the Protheans & Reapers annihilated each other. Now, in 323 Post Disaster, a group of alien explorers cross paths with Tekkadan at Saisei. Now Tekkadan and Teiwaz are playing a high stakes game, with the fate of humanity in the balance. AU for Mass Effect, AU for IBO after Episode 9.

    Disclaimer: Mass Effect belongs to EA and Bioware. Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans belongs to Bandai and Sunrise.

    Chapter 1

    Out in the darkness of space, near Jupiter, lay Saisei.

    Saisei was a technically a massive spaceship, but functionally, it was space colony, complete with agricultural and industrial sectors to give it self-sufficiency. It only had the population of a small city, but it held power beyond comparison.

    For 300 years after a war that permanently disfigured the Moon, Saisei was home to a powerful organization known as Teiwaz. Everything from heavy industry, manufacturing, construction, wholesale and retail trade, financing, medical care, education, and agriculture to private military work and transportation could be handled by one of its many affiliates. Teiwaz’s power was such that Gjallarhorn, a military aristocracy feared by the economic blocs of Earth, dared not interfere with their dealings.

    McMurdo Barriston, the current leader of Teiwaz, sat in his office, thinking of Mars.

    Not long ago, a group of child soldiers from a group called Tekkadan had come to him for help. Their goal was to get Kudelia Aina Bernstein, the figurehead of Mars growing independence movement, to Earth, so she could speak out in favor of deregulating Martian half-metals. Teiwaz was very interested in obtaining the rights to those valuable resources, so Barriston allowed Tekkadan to join Teiwaz through a Sakazaki Blood Oath with the head of his transportation department, Naze Turbine.

    Teiwaz was also an organization descended from the Mafia and Yakuza of Earth, and such rituals reflected its heritage.

    In a few days, Tekkadan was going to head to Earth via one of its secret routes by Naze’s Turbines, his harem-slash-crew. Normally, this wouldn’t be an issue, but Tekkadan’s Gundam, one of the surviving 72 legendary mobile suits that fought in the Calamity War centuries ago, was undergoing massive repairs in one of Saisei’s hangers. Gundam Barbatos had suffered centuries of neglect, mostly serving as a power plant for Tekkadan’s predecessor, Chryse Guard Security, until recently, when it was pressed into service.

    Barriston had been impressed by Tekkadan’s gumption, especially that of its leader, Orga Itsuka, and Barbatos’ pilot, Mikazuki Augus, and decided to let his best men repair the Gundam and hopefully restore it to its former glory. Of course, given the long odds on the successful completion of their mission, Tekkadan needed all the help they could get.

    All these ruminations came to an end when one of his assistants came into the room, holding a computer tablet. “Excuse me, sir, but there’s a… situation that needs your attention.”

    Barriston smiled, amused by the man’s obvious anxiety. “And what would that be?”

    “There’s a ship approaching Jupiter…” The man wiped sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand. “From outside the solar system.”

    The boss of Teiwaz couldn’t breathe for a moment. His brain struggled to process what his assistant said. The implications were simply too massive. Because if this was true… history would be made here, on Saisei. First contact with aliens would occur on his watch.

    “Have you… confirmed this information?”

    “We… we had four science teams look at the data,” the man confirmed. Due to Saisei’s remote location, there were dozens of science teams aboard, researching this or that. Most of them received a healthy amount of funding from Teiwaz, in exchange for any potentially useful information. And all of them knew how to keep their mouths shut when Teiwaz didn’t want information to spread. “They all independently came to the same conclusion. This is likely to be an alien ship.”

    Aliens. Humanity had wondered if it was alone in the universe for centuries, and now the answer was being dropped in his lap. And he would do everything in his power to make sure this didn’t end in disaster… or at least wouldn’t doom humanity if he failed.

    “Well now,” Barriston said, maintaining his poker face, “did our scientist friends have any advice on handling this situation?”

    “They did mention an old set of contingencies for alien contact,” the assistant admitted, stepping forward to hand the tablet to Barriston. “They’re ready to go, once they have your approval, of course.”

    Barriston skimmed the information on the tablets, nodding as he went. “Have the scientists send the message, and have them inform me the minute they reply. Oh, and get me Naze Turbine and Orga Itsuka. Tell them… I have an urgent job for them to handle.”

    The head of Teiwaz leaned back in his chair as his assistant hurried out of the room. If all went well, this would be simple, clean business. If not… well, he would see what Tekkadan was made out of, and hopefully have enough alien technology to profit from.

    The AIV Thrill Seeker sat in the darkness, just above the plane of the ecliptic of a solar system that no one from Citadel had ever seen. The bird-like, 200 meter long destroyer used to belong to the Turian Hierarchy, until it was decommissioned and sold as surplus. Now it was a freelance explorer, looking for habitable planets and valuable wreckage from the Prothean-Reaper war.

    For a year and a half, 150 Asari, Salarians, and Batarians had traveled thousands of light years, starting from the Annos Basin cluster, and now they were here, ready to change course and head to the Aethon Cluster. They were tired, bored, and more than willing to leave the system after a cursory glance. But then they picked up the radio transmissions, and knew they couldn't turn back just yet.

    Captain Milena Dantius tapped her foot as she stood on the galaxy map platform. She hated Turian bridge design and its habit of placing the captain above the action, but she’d learned to live with it. This had been the best ship for her money, after all. But if she’d had the money, she would’ve rebuilt the entire bridge so she could sit in a chair when things took forever.

    Of course, when you were waiting on something that could be very profitable, sore feet were a minor inconvenience.

    Comm Specialist Javok Wiks, one of the few Salarians on the bridge, spoke up. “Ma’am, we’re receiving what appears to be a first contact package! The origin seems to be near the innermost gas giant.”

    Dantius smiled. “Interesting. I want all our sensors, passive and active, aimed on that spot. And get that translated as fast as possible!”

    It took 20 minutes, but she got results on both counts.

    “We’ve got a preliminary translation, Captain,” Wiks reported. “Transferring to your console now.”

    “I’ve got a read on the transmission source,” some random Asari maiden said. Dantius didn’t care what her name was – it would come to her in time, but even if it didn’t, no one cared all that much about maidens outside of the bedroom. “Also transferring to your console, ma’am.”

    Two holographic screens materialized in front of Dantius. One showed a rough translation of the message – typical stuff, mostly saying that this species called “humans” were greeting them in peace. The other showed a space habitat that was a few kilometers long – not Citadel big, but a respectable size. These people might not have FTL capabilities, but they could certainly build megastructures.

    Things might get even more profitable, Dantius thought.

    “Send them our first contact message,” she ordered, “then get me the ship’s intercom.”

    Down in the bowels of the ship, a Salarian and Batarian were sitting in the mess hall when Captain Dantius’ voice interrupted their meal. This was no real tragedy, for the food was bland and barely worth eating. In fact, the bigger irritation was that everyone stopped right where they were, so the Batarian couldn’t get a refill of his drink.

    “Crew of the Thrill Seeker, we have just made contact with a previously undiscovered species,” the captain announced. “We’re currently sorting out translation issues, but we hope to get permission to visit one of their space habitats soon.”

    The Salarian and Batarian shared a look, but said nothing as the rising tide of excited murmuring swept through the mess hall.

    “Hopefully, we’ll be able to get a few weeks of shore leave and maybe some good souvenirs before we have to head back to Citadel space,” Dantius continued. “I know this trip has been tedious and dull, with few opportunities to stretch our legs, but we’ve gotten ourselves a place in the history books. Work hard a few more days, and I’ll make sure you get the rest you deserve.”

    The duo picked up their trays, dropped the food in the garbage receptacle, put the trays in their slot, and walked out. They eventually wound their way through the ship’s tight corridors and stepped inside the life support control room. As soon as the door closed, the Batarian turned on his heel.

    “Damn it all! Why couldn’t we have found a nice, uninhabited system?”

    The Salarian looked unimpressed by the outburst. “There’s no need to panic. We have a plan, after all.”

    “Yeah, for all the good that does us,” the Batarian replied. “I’m not sure everyone else is going to be thrilled about getting stranded in a backwater like this.”

    “We’ve been over this,” the Salarian muttered, calling up a document on his omni-tool. “Better to be stranded here and presumed lost by the rest of the galaxy than allow Dantius to get her way.”

    “You think I don’t know that?!” The Batarian pressed his face into his hands for a few seconds, then looked at the Salarian again. “I’ve seen what would happen to these people if Dantius sells them out – hell, I fought against it for decades! I’d still be fighting if… if I could take it anymore.”

    The Salarian at least had the grace to look chagrined. “Sometimes I forget how strong those memories are for you. But this plan cannot work without you. We both know that. And remember, the crew resents Dantius and her clique of matrons more than you would think. They'll fall into line once we show them our evidence.”

    The Batarian sighed and nodded. “I guess you want me to take the Quantum Entanglement Communicator offline right away?”

    “Yes,” the Salarian confirmed. “But more importantly, I need to get access to the translation matrix for these aliens’ language. Then I can get a message to them when I get aboard their habitat.”

    When? You’re awfully confident you’ll get aboard soon enough to make a difference.”

    The Salarian smirked. “She knows I’m ex-STG. Of course she’ll take me along, along with the science officer. The two of us working together should be able to identify and neutralize any potentially hazardous microorganisms that could endanger either side.”

    “Yeah, sure, whatever.” The Batarian rubbed his chin. “I just hope they believe your message.”

    “They won’t have any choice,” the Salarian said, turning towards the door. “Not if they want to ensure their species’ survival.”

    “You’re a cold one, Doc,” the Batarian called out as his companion walked out the door. When the door closed, he muttered, “I just hope this won’t wind up getting us all killed.”

    Author's Note: This starts between episodes 9 and 10 of IBO Season 1, and is about 200 years after the canon events in Mass Effect would've happened (but obviously didn't). So the doctor is not some weird alternate Mordin, but you never know, it could be his great-great-great (x whatever) grandson or something.
    Chapter 2
  • Chapter 2

    Every time Orga Itsuka approached McMurdo Barriston’s house, he was stuck by how small it was.

    Of course, Saisei wasn’t a planet or even a full-fledged colony, but he didn’t expect such an important person to live on a tiny artificial island, in a modest two story house with a room in the attic. He suspected Kudelia’s house was bigger and more luxurious, although that was because he’d heard guys in CGS’s First and Second Groups constantly bitch about fat cats like her father. But still, in a way, he could appreciate Barriston’s taste in homes. It was nice and showed off his wealth, but not in a way that would make his people resent him.

    Maybe that was a lesson worth learning.

    Of course, Orga thought as he carefully stepped onto the dock in front of the house, if I ever get rich enough to own a nice house, I’m not putting it in the middle of a lake.

    Naze Turbine walked up to him, wearing a dark suit with a blue shirt, a stark contrast with Orga’s red scarf and olive drab coat with orange cuffs and lining. “Relax Brother. It’s just a job for the Old Man.”

    “That’s easy for you to say,” Orga replied as they passed through the gate. “You’ve been part of the family longer.”

    Naze laughed. “Believe me, Orga, everyone has to start somewhere. The Old Man threw me in the deep end too when I was starting out in Teiwaz.”

    “I guess,” Orga replied, not entirely sure what Naze meant by that. One of the major disadvantages of being an orphan and a child soldier was that his education was pretty nonexistent. He was one of the luckier ones – he knew how to read and write, but only because CGS’s old boss knew someone had to deal with the paperwork for Third Group, where all the kids were.

    Naze looked at him curiously, then shrugged. “Anyway, don’t worry about it. It’s not like he’ll ask us to attack Gjallarhorn headquarters.”

    When McMurdo Barriston laid out the facts, Orga almost wished they were doing something that simple. Naze standing there with his mouth open didn’t help either. He knew he had a lot to learn, and seeing his mentor was equally out of his depth reminded him of his own inadequacies.

    “Are you… sure about this, Old Man?” Naze’s trademark easy, confident smile dropped as confusion and a bit of anxiety crossed his face. “Surely there’s someone who could do the job better.”

    Barriston smiled. “You might be right, but you’ve been on a hot streak lately, Naze. Plus you have a way with the ladies, and it seems like the captain of that ship might be one.”

    Naze’s face lit up and Orga had to fight his urge to roll his eyes. The man already had dozens of women as wives, and had kids with who knew how many of them. The last thing he needed was more women in his life.

    “As for Tekkadan,” Barriston said, shifting his gaze to Orga, “you’ll be there as backup… and if things don’t go according to plan, perhaps your creative strategizing could win the day.”

    “Well, I don’t know about that,” Orga replied, “but we’ll do our best.”

    “That’s all I can expect from any of us,” Barriston admitted. “We’re making history here, in a literal sense; no one has ever done this before. Even young Ms. Bernstein has historical examples to give her some guidance, while all we have are stories about how people might handle this.”

    “So, no pressure,” Naze said with a sidelong glance at Orga. “Don’t worry Old Man, we’ll make you proud.”

    Barriston chuckled darkly as he pulled a cigar from a desk drawer and lit it. “I’ll settle for you avoiding the annihilation of mankind. Anything more than that is pure profit.”

    He took a long drag and blew out the smoke. “And by the way, tell your people to keep this secret until further notice. We’ll be doing our best to keep the information under wraps on Saisei, at least long enough to keep Gjallarhorn from poking their noses where they aren’t wanted.”

    Orga stood below the stripped frame of Barbatos and watched the team of engineers replace this and that. As far as he could tell, they were done with the Gundam’s chest, including tuning the two Ahab reactors that powered the mobile suit. Now they were focusing on the limbs and head, messing with various intricate parts that Orga couldn’t recognize. A part of him hoped his mechanics, a bunch of kids under the guidance of Nadi Yukinojo Kassapa, could keep Barbatos going once they reached Earth. His gut told him they’d be running into Gjallarhorn a lot more the closer they got to their destination.

    He felt a slight breeze and looked to his left, spotting Mikazuki making his way down the gantry. Orga smiled a bit; Mikazuki was popping Mars Palms into his mouth, like always. No one ever knew why he liked the things, since they tasted horrible, but that was Mikazuki in a nutshell. He was different, and an all-around good guy… once you got to know him.

    But Orga knew something else. Others might mistake Mikazuki’s lack of expression as a sign of boredom or that he didn’t care, but it wasn’t that at all. Mikazuki was waiting, waiting for him to give Tekkadan new orders, to set them down whatever path he felt best.

    Orga had felt the weight of those expectations ever since the day Mikazuki killed a man to save his life.

    “Hey Mika.” His words carried none of the burdens he felt. “I’m glad I caught you.”

    Mikazuki frowned slightly as he came to a stop in the low gravity area. “What’s going on, Orga?”

    “Nothing serious,” Orga said smoothly, turning back to face Barbatos. “Teiwaz’s Old Man has a quick job for us to do. We’ll be meeting another ship for a few days or so, then we’ll come back, pick you and Barbatos up, and head on to Earth.”

    “You don’t expect any trouble.”

    “Not really,” Orga admitted, then he shrugged. “Besides, even if you and Barbatos were there, I don’t think it’d do much good.”

    “It’s that bad?” Mikazuki asked, looking up at Barbatos.

    “It’s not that… it’s just that we’re doing something no one’s ever done before.”

    Mikazuki looked back at Orga. “We beat Gjallarhorn and no one ever did that before.”

    Orga blinked then chuckled. “Yeah, that’s true. But we’re talking about something way bigger, something that’ll get Tekkadan’s name in history books for sure.”



    Mikazuki thought about it for a moment. “Then you’ll find a way to do it.”

    That vote of confidence delivered, Mikazuki got onto the handrail and sprung off it, drifting up towards Barbatos.

    “Captain, the human vessels have arrived at the rendezvous coordinates.”

    The words cut through the haze of Milena Dantius’ bitter memories of betrayal at the hands of her sisters. First Nassana, who tried to kill Dahlia, but botched it, then Dahlia, who took over when some assassin killed Nassana. Both sisters had done their best to marginalize their younger siblings, which was why Milena was out in the unexplored frontier, instead of the lap of luxury on Illium or Thessia. At least out here, she could make the most of the pittance Dahlia tossed her way every month without worrying about her sister’s paranoia.

    She took a calming breath and shutdown the desk console in her quarters, then walked out of her small, but well decorated quarters. She moved swiftly through the ship’s confines, arriving on the bridge within five minutes. She raised an eyebrow at her Salarian CMO, Dr. Jal Vass, talking to Wiks.

    “What brings you up to the bridge, Doctor?”

    The Salarian doctor turned around and smiled. “Ah, Captain, I’ve been keeping up with the translation matrix updates to see if any include medical data. The latest update has been most interesting.”

    Milena grunted in understanding. “Any advice on making sure this doesn’t result in another Raloi debacle?”

    Over 200 years earlier, the formal ceremony welcoming the Raloi into the galactic community caused an outbreak of an alien flu virus on their homeworld, Turvess. That meant that for a decade and a half, the Raloi spent every moment not on their planet in environmental suits, out of fear of even worse sicknesses. The mishap resulted in much debating and theorizing by the academics and medical companies of the galaxy, all in search of a solution to the problem.

    “All I can suggest is parking one of the shuttles outside the airlock, going through the airlock and decontamination sweep, then enter the shuttle. Once we board their ship, I’ll be taking samples of bacteria in the air, food, and liquids, as well as any surfaces, and scan the humans to see what diseases they might be susceptible to. Hopefully we’ll be able to identify any potential threat microorganisms to either side and culture vaccines for them.” Vass paused. “Unfortunately, until then, we will have to keep wearing our environmental suits. Hopefully it should only be a minor inconvenience for a few days.”

    “Very good, Doctor.” Milena turned to her other officers. “What have we learned about those ships?”

    The science officer, an Asari matron by the name of Hastia Iallis, pulled up several holographic displays. “We’ve picked up numerous unusual readings. First, both ships are generating some sort of field that interferes with radio based signals. Second, we’re reading gravity fields in both ships, but ones not consistent with eezo generated artificial gravity. Third, for ships in the 300 to 400 meter range, their heat generation is surprisingly low.”

    “Now that is interesting,” Milena muttered. “These people might not have FTL, but they certainly have technology that’s worth having.”

    Technology that she had to have, at least in blueprint form, before she left the humans to their fate.

    Before she could ruminate further, Wiks spoke up. “Captain, we’re receiving a signal from one of the human vessels.”

    “Audio only?”

    “Yes ma’am.” Wiks shifted uncomfortably. “We’re still working on deciphering their visual codecs.”

    “Audio is fine for now,” Milena replied, walking up the ramp to her platform. “Let’s hear what they have to say.”

    Thrill Seeker, this is Naze Turbine, captain of the Hammerhead, representing Teiwaz. We welcome you to our humble solar system.”

    Milena raised an eyebrow as she activated her displays. The Hammerhead was the ship that, appropriately enough, resembled a hammer. But she couldn’t tell if the human, who the computer thought was male, was being sincere.

    Oh well, she thought, better to play polite space explorer for now. I can probably outsmart them any day of the week anyway.

    “It’s a pleasure to talk to you, Captain Turbine.” It took all her self-control to not snicker at his name. “I’m Captain Milena Dantius.”

    “So I’ve been told,” Naze replied. “How do you want to do this? And please, call me Naze.”

    “Based on the advice of my science officer and chief medical officer, only a small team from my ship will come aboard your ship, to minimize the chances of spreading diseases to any of our crews,” she explained. “That team will be me, my CMO, and two guards. Is that alright, Naze?”

    The human chuckled. “That’s perfectly fine by me.”

    “It’ll take about,” Milena checked one of the displays in front of her, “an hour before we’re ready to come over. I hope that’s not too much trouble.”

    “Not at all,” Naze replied, “although I suppose we’ll have to skip the dinner celebrating this historic occasion.”

    Milena rolled her eyes, but her voice friendly and flirtatious. “Don’t worry, we’ll be having that dinner eventually. Just not today.”

    “That’s a shame,” the human added, “but I can wait. I’ll you in an hour then. Hammerhead out.”

    Milena turned to Rija Irissa, her XO and yet another Asari matron. “I want the shuttle and hardsuits prepped in 45 minutes.”

    Irissa, one of the more laconic Asari, nodded. “It will be done.”

    “Good.” Milena walked down the ramp to the galaxy map and headed off the bridge. “If you need me, I’ll be in my quarters.”

    Author's Note: Just to confirm this, Dr. Vass is the same Salarian as the one in the end of Chapter 1.
    Chapter 3
  • Chapter 3

    The mess hall on the Isaribi was like the rest of the ship: grungy and well worn. But the bright lighting, faded gold bulkheads, and long tables with benches made it Tekkadan’s social hub on the long journey to Earth. Everyone came here at least once a day, every day.

    The mess hall was also Atra Mixta’s domain, and yet another step up in life for her. For orphan who went from cleaning in a brothel to being a delivery girl for a small bakery, it was a massive jump in work and responsibilities, but she rose to the challenge. On a trip like this, good food led to good morale, and Atra prided herself on the quality of her cooking.

    Of course, it helped that she got to see Mikazuki every day, even if Kudelia was competing with her for his attention. But Amida Arca, one of Naze Turbine’s wives, mentioned that she could share Mikazuki with Kudelia, and the more she rolled the idea around in her head, the more she liked it. She and Kudelia got along fine, and she was pretty sure Mikazuki wouldn’t mind, although sometimes it was hard to figure out what he was thinking.

    But right now, Atra was busy managing a small army of young Tekkadan boys and getting them to clean the mess hall. It was no small feat, since she was pretty much the same size and build as most of them, plus there was an unholy amount of grime on most of the bulkheads. If she had to guess, CGS hadn’t really cleaned the mess hall (or any part of the ship, really) after they bought it. But she had spunk and Kudelia on her side, so things weren’t as bad as they could be.

    She heard the mess hall doors slide open as she scrubbed a particularly stubborn stain on the oven, catching the end of a conversation.

    “… So I bet Eugene that the aliens were space babes—“

    “That’s only in the movies—“

    “That’s what he said – anyway, if I’m right, he has to buy me these chocolates with alcohol in them, and if he’s right, I have to them for him.”

    “That’s a thing?” A redhead by the name of Dante Mogro said as he turned the corner to the serving area. “Oh hey there, Atra. What’s going on?”

    Atra turned and smiled, wiping the sweat off her brow with the back of one hand. “Oh, just cleaning up in case the aliens come over here.”

    “I don’t think you have to worry about that, Atra,” Dante’s companion, Shino Norba, said. “I hear all the big stuff is going to go down on the Hammerhead.”

    “Oh.” Atra’s face fell a bit, but her cheer quickly returned. “Anyway, why are you here?”

    “We’re heading over there now,” Dante explained, “and we decided to stock up on rations on the way.”

    “No problem!” Atra turned and opened a cabinet full of rectangular bars in sliver wrappers. She grabbed as many as she could, then dumped them on the counter. As Shino and Dante began stuffing them into their pockets, she asked, “What did Eugene think the aliens would look like?”

    “Huh? You heard us talking about that?” Shino paused, trying to dredge up the memory. “Something about big black eyes, no noses, and long faces. I didn’t really pay attention.”

    “So what happens if neither of you are right? Or you’re both right?”

    “Uh…” Shino stammered as Dante tried not to laugh.

    “I don’t think either of them thought about it,” Dante replied, before slapping Shino on the shoulder. “But we gotta get going, or else the boss’ll get pissed.”

    The two Tekkadan troops walked with a wave of their hands, leaving Atra with her press gang of young boys. One of them, a mouthy little punk who’d made the mistake of saying girls were weak when a Turbines pilot was in the mess hall, spoke up. “If the aliens aren’t coming here, we can stop working, right?”

    “Absolutely not! We’re going to make this mess hall clean, no matter what!”

    Dr. Vass stared out into void, then looked up at the shuttle in front of him.

    It has been too long since I’ve done EVA work, he thought. In fact, he couldn’t recall doing much of the stuff since basic STG training. The few times he’d done it were all covert insertions into pirate facilities and corporate facilities after disastrous experiments with old Reaper technology. High risk, high reward operations where his knowledge of cybernetics and gene modding were key to deciphering the situation.

    Would that prove the case here? Only time would tell.

    “Alright people, it’s time to go.” Captain Dantius jumped across the gap between the airlock and shuttle effortlessly, and Vass followed her example. The interior of the shuttle, a common dropship equipped with forward mounted cannons, was sparse – a few bench seats and rails on the ceiling. He moved towards the other side of the shuttle, taking care to avoid bumping his sample case against anything, before the two guards, one Asari and one Salarian, joined them.

    As the hatch slid shut, Dantius’s voice came over the comm system again. “We’re all aboard. Let’s go.”

    “Roger that,” an Asari replied. Vass’s mind immediately recognized it as Rala T’Pani – she’d come in for a physical about a month earlier.

    He didn’t bother looking out the small windows in the side and top of the dropship as they approached the Hammerhead. There would be plenty of time to look at it later, after all. Instead, he mentally prepared himself for the experience of meeting a brand new species of aliens. They would likely follow the morphology of most sapients in the galaxy – two arms, two legs, head attached to the torso, at least two eyes…

    Then, as the shuttle rose into the Hammerhead’s hangar bay, something incredible caught his eye. A gigantic construct shaped like a sapient being loomed over the shuttle, and despite its pink exterior, it seemed to be a war machine of some sort. It struck him as terribly impractical, but the quiet mutterings of his Asari companions showed there was at least some psychological warfare advantages to that form.

    The shuttle came to a stop near a strip of deck plating that ran along the side of the hangar, where four humans – at least, that was the logical assumption was – stood. As the hatch slid open, he noticed how similar they seemed to Asari, and the diversity of their appearances. While three of them wore the same clothes, drab affairs that seemed to indicate military or mercenary roles, all four had radically different clumps of hair on their heads. Red, brown, grey, black – none of them were the same, and the scientist in him wondered if this was natural or artificially influenced.

    Of course, all four of them had their mouths open in amazement, but to their credit, they quickly recovered their composure.

    The one with the black hair, wearing a white suit, took off his hat and spread his arms wide. “Welcome aboard the Hammerhead, Captain Dantius! It’s a pleasure to meet you in the flesh.”

    It took a second or two for the translation to filter through their suit comm systems.

    “The pleasure is all mine, Naze. I had no idea your species was so handsome.” Vass rolled his eyes while Dantius waited for the humans to hear the translation come out of her suit speaker, and was amused to see the grey haired one roll his eyes, while the other two, guards in all likelihood, tried not to laugh.

    “And I had no idea your species was so beautiful,” Naze replied. Thankfully, before the conversation could turn even more disgustingly complimentary, the Teiwaz representative introduced his grey haired companion. “This is Orga Itsuka, the captain of the Isaribi – the ship escorting the Hammerhead – and leader of Tekkadan, a private military company.”

    Vass filed that away as Dantius introduced him and the group began moving through the ship. The corridors were fairly utilitarian and devoid of crew, although a few could be seen far away. Aside from having hair, their silhouettes certainly resembled Asari – in all likelihood, the females of the human species. The scientist in him found that very curious, perhaps enough lend credence to some crackpot theories back home about the extent of Prothean genetic meddling in developing species.

    They arrived in a well furnished compartment, with green bulkheads and gold highlights, wood paneling, red curtains in the corner, various paintings, red carpet with a gold pattern, and several couches and a table in a sunken area in the middle. Vass supposed that this was considered luxurious for this species’ ships, but he’d seen better in Citadel space. Of course, Dantius poured on the compliments, but that was part of her act.

    For his part, he just walked around scanning and taking samples, always listening in the conversation, but never adding to it. The mention of a cataclysmic war roughly 300 of their years ago was interesting, especially in the context of galactic history; right around that time was when the arms race between the Council races and Terminus nations began accelerating. Some of that had been fueled by Leviathan meddling and reactions to that meddling, but much of that had been due to the perception that the Council was weak for not cracking down on the Batarians and their slaving ways.

    When Dantius finished explaining basic facts about Citadel space, like how the Asari and Salarians met, Vass made his move. He cleared his throat, attracting the attention of everyone in the room. “Ah, yes, excuse me. I’ve gotten all I can get out of this room. Would it be possible for me to visit some non-critical areas to obtain more samples?”

    He waited for them to hear the translation and studied their reactions. Orga and Naze shared a significant look, then Orga looked at the red-haired mercenary.

    “Dante, show the doctor around.”

    “You want me to call ahead and let people know what we’re doing, Boss?”

    “Sounds like a good idea,” Naze cut in. Vass noted that; while it was true Naze was the captain of this ship, the fact that Orga didn’t protest indicated some sort of hierarchical relationship… or at least a possible student-mentor one. Learning more about that could be very beneficial down the line.

    Vass moved towards the door as Dante contacted someone or other, who would pass the word on to the rest of the crew. Then the human joined him, and the two of them proceeded into the still empty corridor. An awkward silence lingered between the Salarian doctor and his human escort.

    “So… where do you want to go, Doc?” Dante finally asked.

    “Whatever the communal food preparation space is,” Vass said, moving his hand in a vague, offhand way. “Then the waste processing area. That’s where the most interesting bacteria are.”

    The human groaned, and Vass nodded sympathetically. Waste processing facilities often smelled vile, and he was glad his suit would protect him from the odor.

    “But first,” he added, “I have a favor to ask of you.”

    “A favor?” Dante repeated slowly.

    “Yes, one that should be discussed in a more… private venue.” Vass looked around. “Is there a storage room or the like nearby?”

    Dante raised an eyebrow, but led the Salarian to a room full of spacesuits. Vass opened his case and pulled out a small computer tablet, offering it to the human. “Take this message to your leaders, but make sure you keep it hidden until after we have left. My captain cannot know that I’ve given it to you.”

    “What does it say?” The naked fear and trepidation on Dante’s face almost made Vass pity him. But the human took the tablet and slid it into one his inner jacket pockets, which Vass mentally commended him for. If nothing else, his sense of duty outweighed the barrage of emotions he had to be feeling.

    “It has to do with the future of your species, and leave it at that.” Vass closed his case and headed to the door. “And remember, if Dantius finds out, we will all regret it.”

    Deep in the bowels of the Thrill Seeker, the Batarian known as Vorhess stared at a readout and sighed. As chief engineer, he was responsible for keeping all the systems on the old Turian destroyer functional, with what amounted to the contents of his ass. Thankfully, Turians built things tough, so the work was pretty minimal… aside from the fusion reactors.

    The Thrill Seeker had three fusion reactors powering her systems. The two secondary reactors worked just fine, since they were standard models. But the primary reactor, responsible for most of the power for the mass effect core and particle beam cannon, had been a proprietary Turian military design. So when the ship had been decommissioned and transferred to a surplus depot, someone figured it was cheaper and easier to completely remove a power regulator than tear open the ship to remove the reactor. The net result was a fusion reactor that functioned perfectly when high demands were placed on it, but couldn’t handle idling at low power, because no one knew precisely how the original regulator functioned. Power spikes and surges were frequent, as were equipment checks and resets.

    As the latest surge passed through the ship, the four people in the tiny rectangular control room looked over the latest data. Instinctively, Vorhess activated the comm link to the bridge. “Vorhess to XO, we’ve had another surge. Status report incoming.”

    “Acknowledged,” Irissa replied. If Vorhess didn’t know what he did, he wouldn’t have believed she’d coldblooded enough to sell out a sapient species to the Batarian Hegemony. Given her demeanor, he was amazed she even cared enough about the big pay out to join in.

    “Chief, that last one hit the primary trunk.” That was his assistant, Treia T’Pani; her sister was a shuttle pilot.

    “XO, we’ve got blown breakers on the main trunk,” Vorhess reported, looking at his display for specifics. “The main cannon, mass effect core, and… the Quantum Entanglement Communicator are down.”

    “Get them fixed, Chief. XO out.”

    He wiped his brow with the back of his hand, silently relieved that this opportunity was dropped in his lap. He had everything ready to go, and as long as no one followed him in and got in the way. Treia was the most likely to be a problem, but he had a job for her.

    “Treia, shutdown all power to the main truck. I don’t want to get cooked by surge while I’m in there.” He sighed and rolled his shoulders. “Stay here and keep an eye on the surges. I might have to fix some other stuff on the way out.”

    “Are you sure Chief? I could handle things in there or help out.” Treia was pretty damn earnest, but she signed on to this voyage so she could be an engineering apprentice. Getting left out must’ve stung or seemed like a snub.

    “Yeah, I’m sure.” He put on his best fatherly smile. “I don’t want the XO cracking down on you if things take too long.”

    With that, he headed over to a hatch leading into the guts of the ship. After checking that the main trunk wasn’t receiving power, he popped it open and climbed down into the maintenance tube. A few minutes of crawling on his knees brought him to the drive core breaker, which he scanned, just to make sure the thing wasn’t damaged. Satisfied, he reset the breaker, crawled back the way he came, and headed forward to handle the QEC breaker.

    Vorhess knew it was tedious work, but even this was pleasant, compared to his old line of work. When he’d been part of the Free Batarian Republic military, fighting to liberate all Batarians from the Hegemony’s corrupt and depraved way of life, he’d been a frontline combat engineer. After dozens of boarding actions where he’d been among the first ones aboard pirate ships and the like to defuse bombs and self-destruct charges, he couldn’t deal with seeing the kind of suffering the slavers inflicted on people. So he retired and worked on ships instead, where he didn’t have to see that kind of thing anymore.

    Of course, Milena Dantius had to ruin all that. He’d heard the rumors that one of her sisters was involved in slaving, although which sister depended on who was telling the story. His fear of enabling slavers and not being able to do anything about it had led him to ally with Dr. Vass, who’d heard the same rumors and was pretty anti-slaver. Vorhess didn’t know precisely why, but the doctor alluded to his work with the STG, and the engineer figured he didn’t want to know much more.

    He reached the access hatch outside the QEC compartment and climbed through it, crawling towards the main trunk. Here he found a control panel alongside the breaker box; after resetting the breaker, he plugged in a battery and brought the panel to life. After tapping in a few commands, he activated his omni-tool and transferred a file to the panel. A quick few tests later and he was on his way out of the tube.

    One of the advantages to the huge gap between when he and Vass found out about Dantius’ plan and now was the sheer amount of time they had to refine the plan. Sabotaging the QEC was so easy because Vorhess had thought the whole thing through, from how to do it to how someone might try to diagnose and fix it. And he discovered that by messing with the diagnostic self-test a bit, he could make the QEC appear to be fully functional, while rendering it incapable of making a connection. And best of all, it would appear to be an effect of the power surge.

    In fact, everything was going so smoothly, he was starting to feel a bit jittery. All he could do now was hope Vass did his part, and pray that the humans played along…
    Chapter 4
  • Chapter 4

    Milena Dantius sighed in relief as she stepped out of the airlock and pulled her helmet off. Spending hours in a hard suit wasn’t too big a burden, but the helmets always made her crest itch after 15 or so minutes. And after a few hours, her crest felt like a buffet for a swarm of nasty bloodsucking insects.

    After scratching her crest for a few seconds, she allowed her crew to start asking questions.

    Of course, most of them were “What did they look like?”, “How weird were they?”, and “When’s shore leave?” She motioned for the crew to calm down, then activated her omni-tool. “Alright people, here’s what they look like.”

    She uploaded her suit camera’s imagery to the Thrill Seeker’s media server, which pushed the image to the crews’ omni-tools. The Asari crew members lost their minds; for millennia, Asari had speculated on what male Asari would look like, and humans seemed to fit the bill, even with the obvious cosmetic differences. Once again, Dantius had to physically gesture for calm.

    “These humans are pretty normal people, at least as far as I can tell. There’ll be no shore leave until Dr. Vass,” Dantius tilted her head towards him, “does his work analyzing human bacteria and working on vaccines. I’ll be in my cabin, updating the log.”

    As she pulled away from the crowd of gossiping crewmembers, Dantius sent a word for her main officers to meet her in her quarters. Unlike some other captains, she relied on a close circle of confidants to act as a sounding board. Most of the time, it wasn’t necessary, but in a situation like this, their questions could jog her memory of minor details that didn’t seem immediately important.

    She stripped off her hard suit as soon as she entered her quarters, putting the pieces in a dedicated locker with a DNA lock. As soon as Dantius flopped into her desk chair, her XO walked in, swiftly followed by the science officer and Natrene Calis, the weapons and security officer. All three of them had been members of merc bands alongside Dantius, and they all shared certain ruthless attributes. Calis was the most overt about that, but then, it was hard to ignore the scar going from above her right eye brow down to her left cheek.

    Dantius activated her desk’s computer terminal and began typing, then looked at her subordinates. “Any thoughts on these humans?”

    “It’s almost a shame we’re selling them out to the Batarians,” Calis said, smirking like a mad woman. “Now there’s no excuse for fucking purebloods to not mate with aliens, like sane people.”

    Iallis rolled her eyes. “Setting that aside, was there anything unusual about their technology?”

    “Well, they had these gigantic machines shaped like a person… I think Naze told me they were called mobile suits.” Dantius paused, peering into the depths of her memories. “You said they didn’t have mass effect technology, right? But they still had artificial gravity…”

    “Really? That’s unusual,” the science officer remarked. “But consistent with our earlier readings.”

    “We should get our hands on that technology,” Irissa added, mincing few words, as usual. “I bet we could rake in the money by patenting the tech and licensing it out.”

    Dantius’ fingers tapped the keyboard, inputting the new information. “This ‘Teiwaz’ of theirs might be able to get us what we want if we trade something for it. It has to be something minor, but seems like a major improvement to them…”

    “Everything with eezo’s out,” Calis said. “As far as we know, they don’t have it, and even if they did, there’s no sense in making the Batarians lives harder when they come to conquer these people.”

    “Why not omni-tools?” Iallis offered. “They might be special enough to be a viable product for Teiwaz, but even if they get the tech, there’s no way they could perfect it before the Batarians come to conquer them. Besides, we’ve got a few low-end models just sitting in storage, so we could give them those and they’d be none the wiser.”

    “I did notice them being surprised by Vass’s omni-tool,” Dantius admitted. “I don’t think they have anything like it.”

    “Fine, great, let’s get it done,” the weapon’s officer muttered. “What we need to know is their military capabilities. If the Batarians get a harder fight than they expect, they might come and kick our asses for not letting them know.”

    “I hate to say it, but Natrene has a point.” Irissa grimaced. “The Hegemony is in tough shape. They can spare the ships for a small conquest fleet, but if they take too many loses, the Free Batarian Republic could start making major headway, even without additional Council support.”

    Just about everyone knew the Council was propping up the FBR back in Citadel Space as part of their crackdown on Batarian slaving. A constant flow of resource aid and military surplus was the only thing keeping the splinter nation, roughly a fifth of the Hegemony’s old territory, from collapsing. But the situation changed shortly before the Thrill Seeker left C-Space. The FBR was starting to go on the offensive, testing the Hegemony’s defenses for any weaknesses, even seizing new territories. And as a result, their client had to scale down the force that would seize their new source of slaves, or else their stretched out fleet couldn’t protect the territory they still had.

    Unfortunately,” Dantius interjected, “I can’t ask for that kind of information… yet. The best I can do is look into this PMC Teiwaz sent – ‘Tekkaden,’ something like that. I bet their equipment isn’t too far off from the military norm?”

    “What does it matter?” Iallis asked, leaning back and resting her hands just below the back of her head. “If they don’t have mass effect technology, the Batarians can easily beat them.”

    Calis looked at her in disgust. “Oh sure, just because they don’t have mass effect technology doesn’t mean they have some sort of exotic weaponry we haven’t thought of… maybe something involving the ability to create gravity fields.”

    There was a moment of silence as the implications of that sank in.

    “Goddess, you’re right,” Dantius admitted. “We have no idea what they could with this technology.”

    “Which means you are probably going to have to pump these Teiwaz people for information,” Calis continued. “And we have to figure out a way to do it without making them suspicious.”

    Dantius looked at each of her subordinates. “So… any ideas?”

    McMurdo Barriston leaned back into his chair as the small screen on his desk showed the message Naze and Orga received.

    “Hello. I am Dr. Vass, of the Thrill Seeker. This is a warning to those leading Teiwaz: Milena Dantius is not to be trusted. She is an agent of the Batarians, a slave-owning species from our region of space. Dantius intends to alert them to your existence and technological capabilities, in order to prepare a fleet that will conquer your solar system.

    “However, I have set into motion a plan to prevent this disaster. But in order to fully enact it, I
    must have two things: your cooperation, and a guarantee of asylum and protection for myself and the crew of the Thrill Seeker.

    “In order to make this offer more lucrative, I offer the rights to many medical technologies and techniques that may be beneficial to your people. I hope to hear your response to this message soon.

    “I’ve also included a brief overview of what
    our technological capabilities are, in case you do not believe my assistance is warranted. I urge you to—“

    Naze pulled the tablet away from the camera and stopped the recording.

    Barriston stroked his chin with his finger, then looked at Naze and Orga. “I take it you’ve seen everything he’s provided?”

    “We have,” Naze confirmed, his face grim. “And the picture isn’t pretty. The Thrill Seeker could probably beat the entire Arianrhod fleet by itself; the Hammerhead and Isaribi wouldn’t even put a dent in it.”

    Barriston took a deep breath. Gjallarhorn’s Arianrhod fleet was huge, consisting of hundreds of ships and mobile suits, all dedicated to protecting Earth, the Moon, and the Lagrange point colonies. Its speed and ruthlessness were well known throughout the well-educated segments of the human population. Having that kind of power in Teiwaz’s hands was incredibly tempting.

    But Teiwaz’s primary goal was making money, not war, so that held less of an appeal than a monopoly on all sorts of alien technologies.

    “So, what do you think, Orga?” Barriston asked; Tekkadan’s leader had great potential, and he wanted to see if the boy grasped the big picture.

    Orga looked surprised by the question, but recovered quickly. “I figured we’d have a hard fight on our hands the moment we saw the armor they were wearing. But after seeing that video, I know we don’t have a chance if we fight them. I don’t know if we can trust Vass, but he’s our only shot. I say we take the deal and give him what he wants.”

    Barriston’s eyes slid over to Naze, who looked straight at him and nodded. Both men on the scene were of the same mind, and that was good enough for him.

    “Alright, let this Vass know we’ve agreed to his terms. Make whatever arrangements are necessary.” Barriston cut the connection, then called in his assistant. “Arrange a full board meeting as soon as possible. Tell them it’s urgent and can only be discussed face to face.”

    “Of course, sir.”

    Barriston sighed and contemplated the ever-shifting nature of politics in the solar system. While the deregulation of Martian half-metals was important, there were also the growing independence movements on Mars and the colonies to consider. Nobliss Gordon, a wealthy business man on Mars, supported them and Kudelia Aina Bernstein. But even though Barriston aligned himself with Gordon for the moment, he sensed that Gordon was nothing more than an opportunist, a man of low cunning taking advantage of the unrest for the sake of profit.

    Barriston scowled. He’d agreed to have Tekkadan convey some “cargo” – in reality, weapons and armed mobile workers – to the Dort colonies for Gordon, where a worker revolt was likely if labor conditions didn’t improve. In all likelihood, it would be a flashpoint for a large-scale revolt against Gjallarhorn and the economic blocks of Earth, something Gordon and even Teiwaz could profit off of. But Teiwaz would benefit more from the deregulation of Martian half-metals and something that could destabilize Gjallarhorn, but not cause all-out war.

    He sat there, wondering how he could turn knowledge of aliens’ existence in his favor.

    Naze Turbine pulled on one of his many white suit jackets, looked at himself in the mirror, and frowned. Something was bothering him, and as he ran his hand through his hair, he realized what it was. His outfit was almost exactly the same as it was the day before, just with an indigo shirt, and he wasn’t sure what impression that would make on his alien guests.

    “Amida, what do you think? To samey, or just different enough?”

    Amida Arca, Naze’s favorite wife, sat on the edge of the bed, wearing her usual outfit: red button-down shirt knotted at her midriff and blue, low-cut pants. She cast an appraising eye on him as he spun around to show off his outfit. “Just different enough, although it’s hard to tell if they’d see it that way. I’m not an expert in alien fashion.”

    Naze shrugged and smiled. “Well, none of us are. So I’ll take my chances and hope they don’t think I’m being lazy.”

    Amida got off the bed and stood by his side, arm in arm, leaning her head close to his ear. “Don’t worry dear, you look ready for your date.”

    “Ha ha,” Naze muttered as they left his quarters. “I could do without humoring the slaver, though.”

    “What, you didn’t enjoy all the compliments she gave you?”

    “Well, I was wondering why she was laying them on so thick,” Naze admitted as they turned a corner. “No, I’m just worried about us slipping up and letting her know that we’re on to her plan.”

    “There’s nothing you have to worry about,” Amida whispered in his ear. “You’re good at keeping a straight face in… intense situations.”

    He laughed as they stepped into an elevator, punching the button to the hangar deck. “True, but I don’t think what we get up to in bed compares to this in any way, unless you’re suggesting I try to woo her into changing her mind?”

    “No, I don’t think you could do it, no matter how hard you tried,” Amida admitted as the elevator came to a halt. “But maybe wooing her would help with the rest of the plan.”

    She pulled him in for a kiss, then gently pushed him through the opening doors. “Now keep that little brother of yours out of trouble.”

    “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure of it,” Naze replied as the doors slid shut, then walked down the corridor. Orga stood by the door to the hangar, with his two subordinates standing a respectful distance away. The grim, ultra-serious look on the young man’s face was too much for Naze to bear. “Relax Orga, the hard part’s over. Now we just have to schmooze and make sure everything goes smoothly.”

    As expected, Orga’s funk disappeared, replaced by a look of utter confusion. “Schmooze? What’s that?”

    “It means ‘making friends and influencing people,’” Naze explained. “I read about it in a book once.”

    For his part, Orga looked skeptical, but then the light on the door panel switched from red to green; the hangar had been repressurized. Naze stepped through before Orga could protest any further, stopping right in front of the shuttle hovering in the hangar. The door slid open, revealing the occupants, right as Orga and his men walked up behind him.

    As soon as Dantius and her party, which thankfully included Dr. Vass, stepped onto the gantry, Naze began playing the host again. “Captain Dantius, it’s such a pleasure have you aboard again so soon!”

    Dantius played the role of friendly space explorer to a tee. “Likewise, Naze. I hear you have a proposition for me.”

    “More of a modest proposal, really,” he replied, acting as humble as he could. But he noticed that the gap between her speech and the translation was getting smaller. That was a sign that the Salarian doctor’s information was legitimate; he’d mentioned that their translators used advanced algorithms that exponentially increased in efficiency as they were exposed to more and more samples of a new language. “Since Dr. Vass is trying to get a broad sample of bacteria and viruses, perhaps he’d be interested in taking a look at the Isaribi. I’m sure there are all sorts of interesting germs aboard a mercenary vessel.”

    Dantius looked back at Vass, who looked thoughtful. “The idea certainly has merit. Mercenaries are known for their less than stellar hygiene. Having a broader range of samples never hurts, either.”

    The Tekkadan men stiffened a bit at that, but they kept their mouths shut.

    When Dantius hesitated, Orga added, “I’ll personally escort the doctor to guarantee his safety, so there won’t be any problems.”

    “Alright,” she conceded. “Take our shuttle, since its already up and running. Gurji, go with them.”

    The Salarian guard nodded and hopped back into the shuttle, with Orga and Vass following shortly. Naze turned his attention back to the Asari captain and motioned towards the door. “Now, Captain Dantius, I’m sure there’s some business we can accomplish while we wait for them to go and come back.”

    “Indeed there is,” she replied, following him out into the corridor, nonplussed that the human had two guards to her one. Of course, Naze knew why; Dantius and her Asari bodyguard could easily overpower all three humans just with their guns, never mind their biotics. “I know we have many technologies that Teiwaz could benefit financially from, but what you don’t know is that your artificial gravity technology is very desirable in our space.”

    “Really? I had no idea.” The group stopped in front of the elevator door, with Naze pressing the call button. “I guess I simply assumed that your society, with a mastery of faster than light travel, already had artificial gravity.”

    Dantius chuckled, as though they were old friends joking around. “That’s not quite what I meant. We do have artificial gravity, but it requires a resource that’s better used in other ways, like building FTL drives for shuttles. If we had your artificial gravity technology, we could use that material more productively.”

    “Ah.” Everyone crammed into the elevator. “I’m afraid there are some complications with that.”

    “How serious are these complications?” Dantius asked as the elevator began moving up through the ship.

    “Serious enough that you probably won’t get anywhere the legitimate route,” Naze replied.

    “And that would be…?”

    The elevator came to a halt and the doors slid open. Naze led them out into the corridor, talking as they went. “You remember I mentioned an organization called Gjallarhorn?”

    “Yes, it was some sort of mediator between the economic blocks on your home planet, right?”

    “That is one of their many roles,” he said as they stepped into the meeting room. “They also control the production of Ahab reactors, the power source for human ships and mobile suits. And, as it so happens, Ahab reactors are a crucial part of our artificial gravity system.”

    For once, Dantius’ confused expression seemed to be genuine. “I don’t understand.”

    “I’ll explain the basics, since that’s all I do know.” Naze plopped himself down in one of the leather chairs, motioning for Dantius to sit on couch across from him. “Ahab reactors produce Ahab waves, which have multiple effects, but one of them is that they can create artificial gravity under the right circumstances. Since Gjallarhorn controls their production, everyone else has to rely on Calamity War surplus reactors if they want to build a ship or mobile suit with one.”

    “Didn’t you say that war took place over 300 years ago?”

    “Yes, and before you ask, the reactors do last that long.” Naze leaned back in his chair and shrugged. “Don’t ask me how long they last; I’m not an engineering expert.”

    “So… what are you saying?”

    “What I’m saying,” Naze spread his arms, “is that if you want that technology, you’ll have to invest in a partnership with Teiwaz first. Teiwaz has access to Ahab reactors and the facilities to produce them, and you have the science to help us reverse engineer them.”

    “And if we work together, we can both corner the markets in our respective territories.” Dantius tapped the chin of her helmet. “There’s just one problem: my crew and I can’t stay here forever, working on this. For starters, we're contracted out for a three year exploratory run, and we lose half our pay if we don't get back on time.”

    Naze wisely said nothing.

    “Of course, there might be a way around that problem,” she continued.

    He raised an eyebrow. “And that would be…?”

    A rapacious smile spread across Dantius’ face. “A communications system that guarantees real time contact between any two points in galaxy.”

    Naze leaned forward, doing his best to feign ignorance. “Really? Such a thing exists?”

    “Well, it’s certainly a fairly pricey piece of our technology,” Dantius admitted, “but I’m willing to offer it in exchange for access to these Ahab reactors of yours.”

    “That’s quite an offer,” Naze replied, leaning back in his chair. “But if I’m going to seriously propose this to Mr. Barriston, I need some concrete details.”

    Dantius leaned forward, hands clasped in her lap. “What do you want to know?”
    Chapter 5
  • Chapter 5

    A bitter taste sat in Orga’s mouth, and as he stood there in the shuttle, with a white-knuckle death grip on one of the safety bars, it intensified when he saw the Isaribi loom above them.

    Not that it was the ship’s fault. Tekkadan had taken every bit of CGS property they could get their hands on, and Maruba, the former owner of CGS, had at least taken good care of it. And it did everything they asked of it, no matter how hard or insane it was.

    No, Orga thought, that’s not the problem. The problem is I can’t see any other way for us to get out of this alive.

    Even in the dark days of CGS, he knew they were unstoppable. His strategic smarts, Biscuit Griffon’s advice, Mikazuki and Akihiro’s strength, and the combined guts of each and everyone one of them had beaten Gjallarhorn with nothing but an old busted mobile suit and some mobile workers. Each battle made them sharper, got them more resources to work with, and helped get Tekkadan one step closer to staying afloat. There was nothing they could not do.

    Until now.

    He cast a glance at Dr. Vass, silently standing there with his big, black, untrustworthy eyes. You just had to let us know we couldn’t stand a chance, Orga quietly fumed. The tablet Vass provided contained basic information on the aliens’ technology and tactics, and quite a bit of footage of what their weapons could do. That had been more than enough for Orga and Naze to go through a few wargame scenarios before updating Mr. Barriston, and none of the results had been promising.

    That night, Orga’s nightmares had been filled with nothing but dead bodies and broken dreams.

    The shuttle flew into the open hatch above the back of the Isaribi’s mobile suit catapult, stopping beside the Graze Custom. When the hangar repressurized, the shuttle’s door slid open, allowing Orga and Vass to hop out onto the gantry. Gurji, the Salarian guard, started to follow them, but stopped in his tracks when Orga aimed a withering glare in his direction.

    “Stay here,” Orga ground out. “My people are expecting me and the doctor, no one else. If they see you, they might think something’s up and who knows what’ll happen.”

    Gurji gulped. “But, uh, I’m supposed to make sure nothing happens to Dr. Vass…”

    “And I already said that I personally guarantee his safety.” Orga struggled to reign in his temper. “Now stay here and don’t touch anything. There’s live ordinance lying around in here.”

    Orga and Vass walked out in silence, not saying a word to each other until they got into the elevator.

    “So, have your leaders made a decision?”

    Orga refused to look at the Salarian. “They did. They’re taking the deal, because Naze and I recommended it.”

    “Is that so?” Vass fixed Orga under an inscrutable stare. “It must have been hard for you.”

    Orga’s face hardened. “What makes you say that?”

    “The way you’re behaving, mostly.” The Salarian shrugged. “There are certain personality types common in mercenaries, such as those who take great pride in their groups and their abilities. You strike me as one of those, more than anything else.”

    He’s got me there, Orga thought.

    “You’re right about that,” he grudgingly admitted. “I’ll always bet on Tekkadan over anyone else… at least, I did before you all showed up.”

    “Ah,” Vass muttered, “this is about your technological inferiority.”

    Now Orga turned to face the Salarian. “This has nothing to do with that. Everyone in Tekkadan is willing to put their lives on the line, but I’m not going to ask them to waste their lives fighting a war we don’t have a chance of winning!”

    That had been the hardest pill to swallow, in the end. Every wargame Orga and Naze thought up led to Tekkadan’s destruction, and that was against one ship, with roughly the same amount of crew as the Isaribi. And that was simply unacceptable, at least to Orga. CGS might’ve thrown away their lives, but that ran counter to Tekkadan’s goal of building a better life for its members. If they were going to die, it had to be worth something in the end, otherwise all of their lives would’ve been worthless.

    To Orga’s total confusion, Vass smiled. “How ironic. I had to leave Citadel Space to find a leader worthy of the title.”

    The elevator came to a halt, doors sliding open to let Vass out into the corridor. After a brief moment of bewilderment, Orga followed him, his mind full of new questions and worries.

    “What the hell are you doing, Gurji?”

    Rala T’Pani shouting through the suit’s speakers was enough to give the Salarian pause, but there was no way he was going to miss out on this potentially once in a lifetime opportunity. He opened the shuttle door and jumped into the hangar, using his hardsuit’s built-in thruster pack to maneuver forward and avoid hitting the ceiling. He turned around to look at the mobile suit, trying to figure out the best angles for what he was planning.

    On top of being a security guard and explosives expert, Gurji was a fairly talented photographer. His favorite subject matter was military hardware, and if a mercenary group was hauling around a giant humanoid mechanical construct, he figured it fit the bill. Now he just had to figure out the best way to make this 18-meter machine look good.

    “Goddess, do you have any idea how much trouble we could get into if they find out?” Rala complained. “I’m amazed they haven’t sent some people in here already!”

    The Salarian photographer just ignored her, instead activating the camera drone he carried. He started playing around with the drone’s settings, picking filters, shutter settings, and spectrum modes before bothering to reply to his Asari companion. “I don’t think they’ll beat us up for taking a few pictures of the outside of their mobile suit thing.”

    “I’m worried that they’ll try to do something worse,” the pilot replied. “Besides, the boss’ll be pissed if we somehow offend these people.”

    Gurji laughed as he told the drone to spiral around the Graze as it took its photos. “I bet they couldn’t do anything, even if they wanted to. That Naze guy is in charge, as far as I can tell, and he seems like a nice guy – I bet we’d just scolded and told not to do it again.”

    “Oh, you’re such an optimist,” Rala shot back. “Even if Naze and that Orga guy let us off the hook, we’re still going to get it from Captain Dantius.”

    “If you think the captain’s that cold-blooded, you should’ve locked the hatch,” he teased back. He tapped a button and let the drone go to work. It obediently snapped shots of the Graze and returned to him, so he boosted back to the shuttle. As soon as he got inside and shut the hatch, he pulled up the results on his omni-tool.

    “You know, that green and white color scheme they’ve got on that thing is terrible,” Gurji muttered as he cycled through the true color photos. The false color infrared photos were total bores and the ultraviolet pics worthless, but as he looked closer at the true color pictures, he noticed something odd about the paint. He struggled to remember what it was, until all of a sudden it hit him – the light was reflecting in a uniform, matte way.

    Gurji’s hand hit the hatch control before his brain fully processed the information, but it stubbornly refused to budge. He hit two more times before shouting, “Rala, open the hatch! I need to go outside again!”

    “Oh no, you’re not going anywhere,” the Asari replied with a healthy serving of smug in her voice. “Thanks for giving me this idea, though.”

    “Damn it, Rala, quit being a comedian and open the hatch!

    “We’ve pushed our luck enough for today,” the Asari replied. “If you want more photos, ask them yourself.”

    And I would
    do that, Gurji thought to himself, if photos were what I wanted. Somehow, I don’t think these people would appreciate an alien scanning their armor’s composition.

    He sat on the deck and stared morosely out the window. Sorry Professor, but I won’t be proving your theories today.

    “Come on, Miss Kudelia!”

    “I’m coming, I’m coming!” Kudelia Aina Bernstein quickly grabbed two stacks of Styrofoam boxes full of food and moved towards the door as fast as her burden allowed her. She focused on mentally mapping out the route she and Atra would take through the ship to deliver the food. At no point did she allow herself to question the value of the menial work she was doing, for to do that was to sink back into the depths of self-pity.

    And after finally feeling like she was contributing on this journey, Kudelia could not accept that.

    She was so preoccupied with this that she almost missed the snippet of conversation she caught as the mess hall door opened. “—should only take two or three days for the vaccines to be produced and distributed.”

    Before her brain could fully process the fact that she was looking at an alien in a gray and green spacesuit holding a small silver suitcase, or that there was a slight delay between what he was actually saying and the version she could understand, the alien looked at Atra, looked back at Orga, then pointed to Atra. “What is this small child doing here?”

    Before anyone else could respond, Atra rose to her own defense. “I’m not a child! I’m 15!”

    “Atra’s our cook,” Orga added, cutting off any questions the alien had. “And this is—“

    Kudelia quickly looked for anywhere to put the boxes down, then resigned herself to the ridiculousness of her situation. “Kudelia Aina Bernstein. I’m volunteering to help Atra deliver all this food to the… crew.”

    At the last moment, she had caught Orga’s expression, which said Don’t tell him that we’re all kids. It was right about then that she realized her knees were shaking, and not from having to carry all those boxed meals. An uncomfortable silence seemed to stretch on forever as the alien’s black eyes took in both girls.

    “I am Dr. Jal Vass, at your service,” he said, bowing a bit. “I’m here to see what kind of bacteria I can find on your ship. So I’ll get out of your way and let you complete your task.”

    True to his word, he backed away from the door and allowed them to get into the corridor. Before they all went their separate ways, Vass turned back and said, “I hope we’ll have the opportunity to speak again.”

    “Uh… right,” Kudelia replied, feeling somewhat weirded out by his reply. Maybe it was just the way the computer or whatever it was handling the translation handled it, but she got the distinct impression that he was implying that they would speak again. But she set that aside and walked down the corridor with Atra, who seemed awfully nonplussed about meeting an alien.

    “Um… Miss Kudelia?” Atra’s voice knocked Kudelia out of her reverie. “Why was Dr. Vass looking for germs?”

    Kudelia sighed in relief, glad she got a question she could answer. “Have you ever heard of a book called The War of the Worlds?”

    When Atra shook her head, Kudelia continued. “It’s a really old book, from before people lived on Mars. In the story, aliens from Mars invaded Earth and beat humanity, but Earth’s germs killed them.”

    The gears turned in Atra’s eyes. “So they’re afraid that our germs could hurt them?”

    Kudelia nodded. “And I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re worried that their germs could hurt us.”

    “I had no idea you had to worry about that kind of stuff,” Atra admitted as they turned a corner.

    “I’m not surprised,” Kudelia replied. “It doesn’t come up a lot in movies or stories.”

    “You think he was serious about getting all that stuff done in two or three days?”

    “I guess they’re better at medicine than we are,” Kudelia muttered. “I wonder what else they’re good at.”

    A large part of her hoped that the aliens really were the peaceful explorers they said they were, but a small, growing part of her mocked that idea. After all, her father had already sold her out before she started this trip, so that wouldn’t have been the totally unexpected. But Naze Turbine had started out as their enemy and wound up being their strongest ally, so she couldn’t discount the possibility that were good people.

    No, Kudelia thought, I can’t be afraid of hope. Even if it gets me into trouble, I have to hold on to it, because I’m the only one who has the power to make it real for the people of Mars.

    Feeling renewed certainty, Kudelia went on her rounds, head held up high.

    Author's notes: So here's my take on Orga - he's a Kirk (both Star Trek timelines)/Sisko kinda guy, just without the knowledge and experience that tells him that diplomacy can and does work in the right situations, and that sometimes you can't take the shortest, most direct path to your goals. So here's something that utterly challenges his mindset and he has little actual involvement in, which means he gets to do some soul-searching and growth that doesn't require one of his best friends dying in front of him.

    Don't worry, I know where I'm going with Gurji. He may have an encounter with a certain idiot in the far future of this story.

    Oh, and writing Kudelia is a massive pain, mostly because that sort of idealistic, determined mindset isn't easy for someone like me to get, even if the rest of her personality is pretty straight forward.
    Chapter 6
  • Chapter 6

    A private elevator speed up the tower of Vingolf, Gjallarhorn’s artificial island/ship headquarters. Within it, Lord Gallus Bauduin sighed and took a bracing sip of black coffee. While he was proud to be the head of one of the Seven Stars of Gjallarhorn, he had no love for the boring tasks that made up his duties. If it were possible, he would gladly shove them off on some lower ranking bureaucrats to spend more time with his family. But since the Seven Stars were held to a higher standard than the rest of Gjallarhorn, due to their ancestors slaying the dreaded mobile armors that caused the Calamity War, he simply shouldered the burdens of his responsibilities.

    The elevator slowed to a stop, its doors opening to reveal his aide, Major Dikembe Balewa. Balewa’s dark skin, short hair, and well-trimmed goatee gave him an imposing mien, which helped intimidate some of the less productive members of Gjallarhorn’s bureaucracy. Also useful was Balewa’s long career in Gjallarhorn’s special operations division, which provided a large network of contacts inside and outside of Gjallarhorn.

    “Good morning, Dikembe.” Gallus swallowed some more coffee as he walked towards his office. “The usual schedule, or has anything interesting happened while I was asleep?”

    “The usual schedule, with one exception,” Balewa replied, glancing at a computer tablet. “Major Takeshedawa from Deep Space Telemetry wishes to speak with you. She says it is urgent, and that it cannot be communicated over the usual channels.”

    It took Gallus’ brain a few moments to recall that yes, he was the person who oversaw Deep Space Telemetry. But since all they did was report on routine traffic going to and from Saisei, which he automatically forwarded to the head of the Arianrhod fleet, Rustal Ellion, it had slipped his mind. I wonder what could possibly be so important, Gallus thought, but I might as well see her. At the very least, it’ll give me a little more time to prepare myself for the day ahead.

    “Send her in,” Gallus muttered as he entered his office. Structurally, it was almost identical to Iznario Fareed’s office – one wall dominated by a giant window and enough room to stuff roughly half a battalion in without feeling crowded. Unlike the head of the Fareed family, Gallus Bauduin actually had some furniture in the room that wasn’t his desk and chair. An oak coffee table, a pair of couches, and a few dressers helped fill out the space between the desk and the inner wall. Of course, sticking these few items was like dropping islands into the ocean – it did little to solve the problem, but it at least made being here mildly more interesting.

    Just as he settled down on one of the couches, Major Hiromi Takeshedawa entered the room. The Asian woman paused as she searched the enormous room with her eyes, totally uncertain about what decorum applied here. Gallus smiled a bit and waved her over. “Come Major, have a seat.”

    “Thank you, sir,” she replied, her discomfort barely perceptible. Takeshedawa placed her tablet on coffee table and ran her hands over her blue and white uniform jacket.

    “Coffee, Major?” Takeshedawa shook her head; Gallus simply shrugged it off and took a sip. “So, what’s so important that you had to see me in person?”

    “Well sir, 48 hours ago, our surveillance satellites in the vicinity of Jupiter noticed some unusual activity near Saisei.” She pulled up some images on her tablet and handed it to him. The pictures were of a roughly diamond shaped object, a T-shaped ship, and one of the ubiquitous assault carriers that mercenary and pirate groups used. “That was when a vessel began approaching the station – a vessel whose design does not match any known configuration made before, during, or after the Calamity War.”

    An icy fist threatened to close one Gallus Bauduin’s heart as the implications began filtering through his mind.

    “12 hours later, two ships approached the unknown vessel. One of them has been confirmed to be the Hammerhead, commanded by the head of Teiwaz’s transport division. A shuttle of some kind has made several trips between the two vessels.” Takeshedawa frowned. “We haven’t been able to get a positive ID on the assault carrier, but intel indicates that it might be the Isaribi, Tekkadan’s assault carrier.”

    “Tekkadan?” Gallus frowned, trying to place the name. “Ah yes, they’re the ones involved with that Kudelia woman on Mars. Any particular reason why those two ships would go greet this unknown?”

    “Tekkadan’s involvement might simply be financial,” Takeshedawa replied, pulling up new information on her tablet and passing it back to Gallus. “As you can see, Teiwaz has recently provided some funding to Tekkadan. It’s likely that they are there under contract to protect the Hammerhead.”

    “I see.” Gallus set the tablet down on the table. “And what about Teiwaz?”

    “Sending their head of transportation to deal with the situation is a low risk move,” she replied. “He’s high enough in the hierarchy to have some power and legitimacy when it comes to negotiations, but the negative impact if he died would only be a short-term inconvenience.”

    Gallus merely grunted at that. “So, what do you think we have here?”

    Takeshedawa froze, as if it never occurred to her that he might want her interpretation of the facts. Her left eye had a minute twitch for a second or two before she regained her composure. “It appears that Teiwaz might be in contact with aliens, sir.”

    “And what do you think the outcome of that might be?”

    “I… I don’t know, sir.” Takeshedawa’s eyes stayed locked on the tablet laying on the table. “This has never happened before.”

    “Yes, you’re right about that,” Gallus said slowly. “How many people know about this, besides the two of us?”

    “Just 2 technicians and their supervisor. I’ve already told them that the information is classified.”

    “Good.” Gallus sat back on his couch. “Maintain surveillance for now, and try to get as much information as you can. I need as much concrete information as possible before I brief the rest of the Seven Stars. Understood?”

    Takeshedawa grabbed her tablet, stood up, and saluted. “Yes sir!”

    “Very well. You’re dismissed.” Gallus sighed long and hard as the major left, casting a tired glance at the door. As soon as Takeshedawa stepped out, Balewa entered the room, ever the dutiful assistant. Gallus motioned him over to the coffee table. “Dikembe, do you know when Gaelio and McGillis will arrive?”

    “By the end of the week, sir.” Balewa hadn’t even consulted a tablet to answer the question; Gallus suspected the major was keeping tabs on their journey back from Mars just for these sorts of situations.

    “Good, good,” Gallus said, nodding vigorously. “When they get back, let them know that I want to see them – but after they see Iznario – and that it’s not urgent.”

    “Trouble, sir?” Balewa’s bland delivery hinted at his awareness of Gallus’ discomfort.

    “Perhaps, or perhaps not.” Gallus sighed again, then forced himself to smile. “That said, Dikembe, I could use another cup of coffee before I start this paperwork.”

    “Of course, sir.”

    McMurdo Barriston smiled a bit as he entered the Teiwaz boardroom. There was something to be said for having everyone stand up and bow in respect on your arrival. Of course, Barriston knew there was a time and place for the pomp and circumstance; he never bothered with it when serious matters were afoot.

    As he settled into his chair at the head of the table, he looked each of his subordinates in the eye. “You all know the basics about what’s going on.”

    No one said anything. It was not only a statement of fact, it was a condemnation of anyone who didn’t and dared show that ignorance in McMurdo Barriston’s presence.

    “There have been some recent developments,” he added. “Ones that open new opportunities for us.”

    The other men at the table leaned forward, eager to hear more.

    “Our alien visitors,” he said, mildly amazed by how normal it seemed to him now, “are planning to sell our entire species to another species as slaves.”

    Barriston held up a hand to forestall the inevitable disgust and outrage. “However, one of them is helping us neutralize that threat, and in the process, is delivering us a treasure trove of alien technology and knowledge.”

    The eagerness in their eyes intensified, and in some, mixed with a naked hunger that annoyed Barriston. If someone had pressed him to admit any flaws in Teiwaz’s upper echelons, he would’ve reluctantly said that some of them were too greedy for their own good. While the desire to have more of anything was a powerful motivator, it could easily be self-destructive. Barriston had seen many contemporaries meet an unpleasant end because their reach exceeded their grasp.

    “Let’s start with what’s off the table, at least in the short term. We won’t be able to reproduce their faster than light drive any time soon – it requires some special element we’re not sure we can find. Anything else that involves that element is also off the table.” Barriston pulled out a tablet from his robe and scrolled through it. “The short term options we know of are all very profitable: medicines, a highly sophisticated all in one device that you can wear on your arm, and, most importantly, untraceable and unhackable point to point communications.”

    He set the tablet down. “This communications technology, by the way, is essentially what we’ve been trying to develop.”

    One of the men at the table, a deeply tanned man with a face that looked like a bombing range, stiffened.

    Barriston motioned for him to calm down. “That’s not meant as a criticism of your efforts, Husker. In fact, they’re the only reason this is a short term project.”

    Jasley Donomikols, Barriston’s second in command, glanced at Husker. The two couldn’t be more different: Donomikols' red hair and yellow fur-lined coat were the exact opposite of Husker’s black hair and dark gray suit. The touch of arrogance in Donomikols’ voice further accentuated their differences. “What’s this problem you couldn’t figure out?”

    Husker glanced at Barriston, who nodded in approval. “The research team I’ve been funding built a device that uses quantum entanglement to send information – you take a pair of atoms, link them together on the quantum level, and what happens to one happens to the other, no matter how far away they are. The problem is that they haven’t gotten it to work consistently all the time. Most of the time it works, but it’ll randomly stop working sometimes, and they haven’t been able to figure it out.”

    Donomikols leaned back in his chair. “So if we get a look at the aliens’ system, we could figure out what’s going wrong in our version, fix it, and start production.”

    “Exactly,” Barriston said, smiling a bit. “We won’t have to worry about Gjallarhorn locking down the Ariadne network any longer.”

    The Ariadne were massive space constructs that provided navigational fixes for traveling ships and relayed real-time communications between planets. Gjallarhorn controlled access to the network, frequently suspending access whenever it cracked down on dissident organizations. Only the extremely wealthy could afford to maintain near-permanent access to the network, and even then, Gjallarhorn could cut them off by shutting down the actual beacons.

    Smiles broke out on the faces of the other men on the table.

    “We’ll have the whole ship and hopefully its crew in our possession by the end of the week,” Barriston added. “So once that’s done, we can take a look at the rest of what they have to offer. But the priority is on the communications system – if nothing else, we must start production within a year, especially if Martian half-metals get deregulated. I want a direct connection between Saisei and every Inner Sphere facility we’ve got inside of two years.”

    The rest vigorously nodded.

    “As for the rest of the technology we can profit off in the short term…” Barriston trailed off, lost in thought. “I want at least one product on the market inside of two years. I think that’s reasonable, don’t you think?”

    Again, everyone nodded, but this time, it was because they all knew failure was not an option.

    Milena Dantius paced in the wardroom of the Thrill Seeker, silently praising the goddesses of Thessia that there wasn’t a podium for her to stand at. Instead, like sane beings, they made the wardroom just contain a table with chairs around it and a few display screens. Of course, the original chairs had been replaced – what was comfortable for Turians was awkward for Asari – but overall, the compartment was one of the least modified parts of the ship.

    Unfortunately for everyone else in the room, namely Rija Irissa and Natrene Calis, it meant they had constantly turn their chairs to avoid Dantius smashing her leg into one of their legs.

    “What the hell could taking Vass and Hastia so long?” Dantius muttered as she continued circling the room. “I told them they needed to be here on the dot!”

    Irissa, in a calm, flat tone, attempted to inject some reason into her captain. “Maybe setting up the vaccines took longer than expected.”

    “Or,” Calis interjected, with a sinister smirk on her face, “Hastia and Vass are going at it down below. She does have a taste for them, doesn’t she?”

    “Don’t be an idiot,” Dantius shot back, rolling her eyes. “Hastia does not have a fetish for Salarians.”

    “She did when we were all off on Taetrus,” Calis replied.

    “No, she fucked that guy because they were both into weird alt-synth stuff out of the Terminus systems. When he got rotated back to HQ, she fucked a Turian who was also into that.” Dantius frowned, putting her hand under her chin and pointing at Calis. “You were her roommate, you should know this.”

    “I knew way too much about her shit taste in music when we were both maidens.” Calis leaned back in her chair, hands on the back of her head. “I’ve spent the last century or so trying to forget it.”

    Before anyone could reply, the wardroom doors opened to admit Hastia Iallis and Dr. Vass. Both were grinning from ear to ear, a somewhat disconcerting sight, given typical Salarian facial features. The pair sat down, and everyone else awaited a great revelation.

    “We did it!” Iallis’ exclamation was so simple and earnest that it sucked all enthusiasm out of the room.

    “What my esteemed colleague is trying to say,” Vass interjected, “is that we’ve finalized the vaccines and have begun synthesizing them.”

    Dantius, Irissa, and Calis all nodded vigorously.

    “We should have prototype batches ready in six hours,” Vass continued. “The ones for Citadel space species should take no longer than 12 hours to take full effect. The human one, on the other hand, might take up to 24 hours. Even with the humans’ generous offerings of medical data, I felt a more conservative approach would work best.”

    Vass, of course, omitted the fact that his vaccines were based on bioweapon he helped engineer for the STG, one that would use the victims’ own immune system against them.

    “I’m guessing you’re going to need volunteer test subjects for both versions of the vaccine,” Dantius observed.

    Iallis nodded. “We don’t need all that many for our version of the vaccine, because we understand the physiology of Citadel space species quite well. For the humans, well…”

    “Ideally, we’d have a large trial sample, say 40 to 100 subjects, from both sexes.” Vass sighed. “Since we don’t know much about the composition of their crews, I’ll settle for 8, split evenly between male and female.”

    “I’ll let Naze know about that,” Dantius replied, nodding to herself. “Any ideas on who our first picks for volunteers should be?”

    “Literally any maiden could do,” Irissa pointed out.

    “Gurji, because they’ve seen him before,” Calis added. “What about Vorhess?”

    Dantius shook her head. “Absolutely not. I’m not risking losing our best engineer if something somehow goes wrong.”

    “Not a lot of Batarians aboard,” Iallis pointed out. “I know there’s one or two in your department, Natrene.”

    “Fine, I can spare Pazness, but I don’t like being two men down,” Calis groused.

    “That’s just your paranoia talking,” Dantius smirked. “Anyway, I want the tests to start as soon as the vaccines are finished. Is there anything else you’d like to add, Doctor?”

    Vass paused and tapped his chin. “There is one thing – the human volunteers should be in a medical facility aboard one of their ships, preferably with me there to handle any medical complications. I would also need a human doctor or medic on hand to assist, and a direct connection to the Thrill Seeker, in case I need Ms. Iallis’ help.”

    Dantius frowned. “We still haven’t sorted out that radio interference, and apparently, we can’t use our comm lasers to talk to them, so I can’t guarantee a solid, dependable connection.”

    “I see.” Vass shrugged and smiled. “I’ll just have to muddle through as best I can.”

    “I appreciate your confidence.” A smile crossed Dantius’ face. “Alright, let’s get this done and for the love of Athame, try to keep the crew’s expectations under control. We don’t need any incidents when we’re so close to getting what we want.”

    Author's Note: Sorry this took so long, but the holiday season and the IBO S2 hiatus sucked some of the motivation out of me, then I got nailed by the flu/cold a bit. It also didn't help that I didn't figure out this chapter structure (going from the least informed to the most informed POVs) until after a few false starts.
    Chapter 7
  • Chapter 7

    The Isaribi’s sickbay was cleanest compartment on the whole ship. Every bulkhead was covered in nice, well maintained white paint, and not a smudge could be spotted anywhere. The reason was simple – back when Maruba ran CGS, he knew he needed a doctor for any long space runs. By keeping the medical areas spick and span, he could keep whichever of the short list of doctors he had on call happy, which would make them more likely to keep working for him.

    Up until this point in the voyage, none of the crew had actually bothered to go inside. There’d been no major illnesses or injuries to require its use. This was a minor stroke of luck for Tekkadan, since none of them had anything more than basic field medical training, and Maruba had taken his list of doctors with him.

    Now there were ten people in the compartment, leaning on walls or sitting on boxes. Two were Turbines – Azee Gurumin and Lafter Frankland. Six were Tekkadan, officially or unofficially – Dante Mogro, Shino Norba, Eugene Sevenstark, Ride Mass, Atra Mixta, and Kuedelia Aina Bernstein. One was Teiwaz – Merribit Stapleton, sent to oversee the crew’s operations and doubling as a medic. And one, of course, was Dr. Vass.

    Normally, Dr. Vass would’ve been the only one wearing a full spacesuit, but Merribit also wore one. The reason was simple: if the vaccine interacted with the test subjects’ bodies in unexpected ways, such as mutating a benign germ into a contagious disease, they couldn’t afford to lose the ship’s medical expert. Even if that medical expert was nowhere near being a fully qualified doctor.

    Kudelia and Atra were sitting together on a long, sturdy, plastic box, and Kudelia didn’t want to know what was in it. She knew by now that the answer was probably going to be depressing, even if it was something as mundane as ration bars. So she focused her attention on what everyone else was doing. Azee was reading a book, Lafter was painting her nails, Atra was twiddling her thumbs, and the Tekkadan boys were busy trying and failing to play Blackjack.

    Before Kudelia could turn around, she heard a sharp clap and winced as it echoed off the flat white walls. All eyes turned to Dr. Vass, who smiled and had the decency to look apologetic. “I must apologize – I had no idea that would be so loud. That said, ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to administer the vaccine. If you’ll please line up…”

    Kudelia found herself at the front of the line, mostly thanks to everyone else putting their things down. She flinched as Vass pressed a tube to her neck, but all she felt was brief bit of pressure, like she’d put a bike pump against her hand. Vass then handed her a flat, featureless, coin-sized disk.

    “Please put that on the center of your chest,” he explained, pointing to the equivalent spot on his chest. “It’s covered in a light adhesive so it’ll stick to your skin, in order to track your vital signs.”

    Kudelia groaned as she walked off, unbuttoning her shirt and unzipping the undersuit everyone had to wear before sticking the disk on.

    Once everyone was injected and had their disk on, Vass continued speaking. “To your left are restrooms, male and female. Mr. Mogro and his associate are sitting on your food supply, Ms. Bernstein and Ms. Mixta are sitting on your water supply, and I have several documentaries on Citadel space for you to watch. You’ll be isolated in this room for 24 hours, merely as a precaution – if there haven’t been any complications by the 6 hour mark, everything should be fine.”

    The Salarian and looked them all over. “Any questions?”

    Ride raised his hand. “Yeah – where are we supposed to sleep?”

    Vass sighed and pointed to a corner of the room. “Sleeping mats have been provided for you. You’ll have to find a place to set them up, though.”

    Now Lafter raised her hand. “Do we at least get pillows?”

    “Absolutely.” Vass stepped over to a control panel and dimmed the lights. “Now, please enjoy the show.”

    A rectangle of light appeared on one of the bulkheads, initially displaying a blue screen, then showing what seemed to be alien legal gibberish. Several logos took its place, then footage of space appeared. The camera panned down, revealing a green and blue planet, lush and full of life. A soft, sultry woman’s voice said, “Thessia – the crown jewel of the Asari Republics.”

    Kudelia smiled. This is just like all those documentaries my teachers made me watch.

    A title, again in alien script, faded onto the screen, then faded out as the camera dove through the atmosphere. Gasps, oohs and ahhhs, and whoas escaped the humans’ lips as a gleaming city, full of gracefully curved buildings, came into view, dominating the screen for several minutes. The narrator returned, explaining that the city was the planet’s capital, but Kudelia’s mind barely registered that information as the camera shifted to crowd shots.

    Some small part of her mind recognized that there was something odd about them, but the thoughts refused to congeal into something coherent. It remained tantalizingly out of reach, at least until she started looking at everyone else’s reactions. The ones that stood out the most to her were Shino and Eugene grabbing the other’s shoulders and shaking them, and Azee burying her face in her hands. Kudelia took another look at the footage, and a revelation hit her square in the face.

    The Asari were all women.

    And punctuating this was Azee’s muffled groan of, “We can’t tell Naze about this. He might try to marry the entire planet.”

    Off in the sickbay’s office, Dr. Vass was engrossed in Merribit’s explanation of the medical nanotechnology humans employed. While it wasn’t perfect – necrosis of major organs, for example, could stymy treatment – it’s versatility made it superior to most medical machinery in Citadel space. Like many things about humanity, Vass wondered if it was a holdover from the Calamity War. It seemed like everything in recent human history tied into that war to a ridiculous degree – almost as if someone was intentionally suppressing change.

    Then again, a war that wiped out a quarter of the population and severely damaged the homeworld’s moon would leave a lasting impact on the species – at least if they weren't Krogan.

    At last, Merribit’s explanation came to an end.

    “Very fascinating,” Vass commented, looking over one of the sarcophagus like units that retracted into the bulkhead. “Many companies in Citadel space would be interested in the rights to this technology.”

    “Really?” Even through the face plates of their helmets and the general darkness of the room, Vass could see the surprise on her face. “These aren’t even the best models. The ones on Earth do a better job of healing people. They’re a bit slower though.”

    “Madam, I assure you there is nothing like this in Citadel space.” He paused, realizing that for all he knew, there was the possibility he was wrong. “That I know of. Perhaps some lab or company has something similar, but if they do, they’re doing a good job of keeping it secret.”

    “I guess I assumed that your people would have everything we have, just more advanced,” she admitted.

    “A common mistake,” Vass assured her. “Every time civilizations make contact with each other, they discover that there’s always some technological divergence due each species having different needs and different resources on hand.”

    “Huh.” Merribit tried to wipe some sweat off her face, but her hand bounced off her helmet. After a second of awkward silence, both of them began chuckling.

    Once they both calmed down, Vass took the conversation in another direction. “I have a few questions about human biology, if you don’t mind. Nothing too involved, but there were some gaps in the medical data I was sent – most of it focused on diseases, immunological matters, and biochemistry.”

    “Well, I’ll do my best,” Merribit replied, leaning on the bulkhead. “What do you want to know?”

    Vass shrugged, doing his best to look casual. “Nothing much, really. The information I was provided was quite vague on the human aging process. I know that humans can live up to 200 years, but nothing beyond that.”

    She sighed and looked down at the deck. “People can live up to 200 years, but that’s only if you can afford the medical treatments to do it. 50 to 60 is the average in most cases.”

    Vass tapped his helmet’s chin plate. “And most of Tekkadan is…”

    “I’m not sure, but I’d guess from 9 to 17.”

    The Salarian quickly did the math. “They’re all… children?”

    Merribit nodded. “I don’t know a lot of the details, since I just came aboard, but it’s pretty common on Mars. The economy is not… great there.”

    “Ah, that might explain the cybernetics.” He caught Merribit closing her eyes and looking away. “I suppose there’s something more to that too.”

    She nodded. “The Alaya-Vijnana System’s an old type of man-machine interface used in the Calamity War. It was outlawed after the Calamity War, but mercenaries on Mars and in the Outer Spheres use them to avoid training them properly. These kids are the lucky ones – the implantation process kills or paralyzes most of the kids who have to go through it.”

    “Not really surprised by that,” Vass admitted. Shock, disbelief, and a bit of anger crossed Merribit’s face, and he felt obligated to explain himself. “You see, the high fatality rate is likely the result of not developing the technology in the 300 years or so after the war. I’ve seen similar things happen in the Terminus Systems – I would say they’re as bad as your Mars seems to be.”


    “Oh yes,” he replied, intent on puncturing Merribit’s skepticism. “One time, a Terminus warlord got his hands on some… ah… black market cybernetics and told the poorest citizens in his realm that if they volunteered to have implanted in themselves, their families would receive a generous stipend for their service. And, well, many people wound up dead or paralyzed, and in the end, the living envied the dead. It was quite horrible.”

    Merribit just stared at him as if he was insane.

    “I know, it sounds quite heartless, but I dealt with the emotional baggage of that a long time ago,” Vass explained. “One of the few benefits of Salarian metabolism is that you get over things a lot faster than other races.”

    Her expression didn’t change. “I’ll take your word for it.”

    Vass nodded absently, then clapped his hands. “Oh, before I forget – could you please get this to Naze Turbine?”

    He pulled a small black box off his hardsuit and handed it to Merribit.

    “And this is…?”

    Vass leaned and spoke in a conspiratorial whisper. “It’s a small bottle of some very special liquor that my captain likes. If Mr. Turbine offers her some, it might put her in a good enough mood to give us some extra time for shore leave.”

    “Okay….” Merribit stared at the box, then looked at Vass. “You’re going to the Hammerhead tomorrow – why not give it to him yourself?”

    The Salarian chuckled. “There’ll be too many witnesses! I’ll have a few helping hands with me to speed up the vaccination process, so there’ll be less opportunities for me to hand it off without anyone noticing.”

    Vass didn’t mention the other reason he wanted her to take it to him: the package included a message and small vial of neural suppressant, vital tools for the next phase of the plan. Since he didn’t know how far Orga and Naze had circulated information about Dantius’ plans, he’d been forced to come up with this ridiculous subterfuge once he’d seen the list of human vaccine volunteers. If it wasn’t for Dante being one of the test subjects, he could’ve asked him to take the package, sans liquor, to Orga, who would send it to Naze.

    “Wouldn’t it be obvious that you gave this to him?”

    “Absolutely not,” Vass assured her. “Partly because several crew members, including our primary shuttle pilot, have been thinking about doing this very thing, and there’s even a betting pool on who’d be the first to do it. By acting first and being near the bottom of the list of likely candidates, any and all suspicion will fall on them first.”

    “If you say so.” Merribit attached the box to the belt of her spacesuit. “Oh, by the way… did you know that there are babies on the Hammerhead?”

    Vass chuckled. “Yes, Orga told me that. Given that it apparently takes your ships months to get from one planet to another, I am not surprised that the man has fathered children during his travels. I designed the vaccine with that in mind – I probably could’ve cut the amount of time for it take effect in half if there were only young adults and older on these vessels.”

    Merribit’s expression softened for the first time since their conversation drifted away from the Alaya-Vijnana System. Sensing an opportunity, the doctor shifted the conversation in another direction.

    “By the way, you wouldn’t happen to know any good restaurants on Saisei, would you?”

    The captain’s office was a small, but comfortable compartment on Isaribi, located not too far from the bridge. While there were no windows, a few paintings of spacescapes and landscapes made the place seem more welcoming. The nice leather couches and the leather chair tucked behind an L shaped desk attached to the bulkhead also helped. There was even a bathroom across from the desk, a rarity on the ship.

    When the ship had been known as the Will-o’-the-Wisp, this had been the place Maruba where schmoozed with clients and handled confidential communiques. Now it was Orga’s private sanctum when things could happen, but weren’t serious enough to demand his presence on the bridge. It was also where he handled the endless paperwork required to keep a PMC in business, and that was why Biscuit Griffon was here.

    Unlike most of his compatriots in Tekkadan, Biscuit wasn’t anywhere near a paragon of physical fitness. In fact, he stood out precisely because he was the only fat person in all of Tekkadan, at least since the unlamented Todo Mirconen had been ejected off the ship in an escape pod. But physical fitness wasn’t where Biscuit’s strengths lie – it was in his ability to analyze situations and efficiently handling the day to day minutia of a small army.

    “Let’s see… we’re running low on food,” Biscuit said, scrolling the through the memoranda on his tablet. “We were supposed to restock on Saisei for the trip to Earth, but we never did, so Atra’s saying we’re almost out of everything but ration bars.”

    Orga ran a hand through his hair and sighed. “I already talked with the Old Man. They’ll be rushing over food and all the other supplies we need as soon as we get back.”

    “About that…” Biscuit hesitated. “I talked to the Turbines and if we’re going to get to Earth and get Kudelia there on time, we… need to leave inside of a week.”

    “Yeah, I know,” Orga said quietly. “We won’t be dealing with this much longer.”

    An uncomfortable silence settled between them.

    “Uh… Is something wrong, Orga?”

    Orga closed his eyes for a second and took a deep breath. “Yeah, there is. I’ve been thinking a lot lately…”

    “I thought that was my job.”

    Orga blinked, looking hard at Biscuit, who had goofy grin on his face. A second later, the two of them burst out laughing.

    “I needed that,” Orga admitted, leaning back into his chair. “But like I was saying, I’ve been thinking a lot lately, and I realized something.”

    “What, exactly?” Biscuit asked.

    “I need to get a hell of a lot better at this ‘being a leader’ thing.” Orga closed his eyes and sighed. “I might as well tell you now – some of the aliens were going to sell out all of humanity to another alien species. The only reason we aren’t in trouble is because one of them is bailing us out with a plan to take out the senior officers.”

    Biscuit felt an icy chill settle over him. “What?”

    “Looks like the rest of the galaxy isn’t much better than what we’ve got here,” Orga observed, opening his eyes and looking directly at Biscuit. “That part doesn’t really surprise me, but the scary thing is, we’re a joke compared to what’s out there.”

    “It’s that bad?”

    Orga nodded. “That ship over there could probably blow us apart in one shot. It gets more depressing from there.”

    Biscuit wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. “Wow. That’s pretty bad.”

    “Yeah, well, at least we wouldn’t be the only ones fighting against impossible odds.” Orga sighed again. “But it doesn’t matter. The plan’s coming to fruition soon.”

    “What does that mean?”

    “Well, at some point, our inside man is probably going to kill the captain and most of the senior officers. He’s already made a deal for Teiwaz to take them in once he takes over.”

    Biscuit raised an eyebrow. “So what are we supposed to do?”

    “Nothing, and that’s part of the problem,” Orga admitted. “Naze’s distracting Captain Dantius with business talk, so all I have to do is just keep quiet.”

    “And that’s not how you like to do things,” Biscuit commented, a knowing smile on his face.

    “No, it isn’t. But I realized something – I need to be able to do more than fight.” He sat straight up, eyes blazing with an almost unearthly intensity. “We’re good fighters, but Tekkadan needs me to make deals, keep us getting business, talking our way out of bad deals… and I don’t know how to do any of that. I’ve gotta learn fast, or the next time, we might not be getting out alive.”

    “I think you might be taking this a bit too far,” Biscuit cut in. “But it’s great that you know what you don’t know… and maybe you’ll listen to me more often when you come up with your crazy plans.”

    Orga paused and stared at him in utter confusion. “You always back up my plans.”

    “No, I always say they’re crazy, but you refuse to listen and go through with them anyways.” Biscuit smiled. “They usually work out in the end, though.”

    Author's Note: Good news! In the next two chapters, people will begin dying! This arc will wrap up soon, then Tekkadan will get to face the Brewers with a few extra goodies.

    Also, for those who think Dainsleifs could harm a real deal Mass Effect ship like the Thrill Seeker, please watch this clip from Mass Effect 2. That said, there are plenty of other ships that should worry about Dainsleifs.
    Chapter 8
  • Chapter 8

    “Let’s go over it one more time.”

    Vass rolled his eyes, but indulged Vorhess’ paranoia as he shrugged into the chest piece of his hardsuit. He nodded as he began snapping the hard outer armor pieces into place around his arms. There was no denying that it had been years since he participated in an covert operation, never mind something of this magnitude, so he tolerated the Batarian’s insistence on repeating equipment checks and going over the final phase of the plan.

    “Alright,” Vass said, sitting on the bed in his sparsely decorated quarters, one of the few perks of his position. Milena Dantius might’ve been an amoral businesswoman with no regard for life besides herself and a few chosen others, but she recognized that keeping crucial employees happy made them less likely to stab her in the back. If it weren’t for the Thrill Seeker’s limited amount of personal cabins, Vorhess would’ve likely gotten one of his own. “Are you sure that it won’t trip the trap now?”

    “It’s on diagnostic mode for the next fifteen minutes and won’t receive the signal,” Vorhess replied, activating his omni-tool. “My omni-tool will though.”

    Vass sighed and pulled up his own omni-tool, scrolling through a list of files until he tapped on a seemingly random file. Vorhess’ omni-tool began beeping immediately, while a green light began flashing. The Batarian nodded. “We’re good so far.”

    “Excellent,” Vass muttered as he snapped the arm plates into place. “Now, are the other arrangements complete?”

    “Once you trip the trap, the control and sensor overrides will go onto active standby for two hours. Just use the same activation hot key on the bridge and they’ll kick in.” Vorhess picked up two squat cylinders that were only an inch or two thick. “These things should knock out everyone on the bridge in seconds.”

    “Excellent.” Vass sat on the edge of his bed to put on the leg pieces, then looked up. “How did you get them out of the armory?”

    His Batarian compatriot just laughed. “These are from my personal stash. I keep a few of these things around for when I go off-ship in rough and tumble areas. It’s easier to get crooked cops to go easy on you when you just knock people unconscious.”

    “Well, I appreciate the sacrifice,” Vass replied, securing his leg armor. “It’ll be well worth it, should we succeed.”

    Vorhess raised an eyebrow. “If we succeed.”

    “Better to assume that there’s a chance we’ll fail, no matter what we do,” Vass replied. “If we assume the plan’s going to succeed, we might miss tiny little variables that could change the outcome.”

    The Batarian didn’t buy it, but simply shrugged as Vass got off his bed and headed to the door. “Good luck with your dinner date.”

    “It’s Milena’s date, not mine,” the Salarian shot back with a smile. “But I appreciate the sentiment.”

    And with that, he effortlessly walked to the waiting shuttle; at this point, his higher brain functions could no longer exist and he’d still be able to do it on sheer muscle memory. He was the first passenger in, giving him plenty of time to observe Milena Dantius and Hastia Iallis, who was joining them on this trip, as they boarded the shuttle; their guards were noted, but were ultimately irrelevant. Even in the most dire of scenarios, he wouldn’t have to directly face them.

    A quick, routine shuttle trip later and they were aboard the Hammerhead, where things definitely diverged from the norm. The usual suspects were there, namely Orga, Naze, and the usual guards, but there was one new addition: a brown haired, brown skinned human female in a tight red dress that showed an almost Asari level of cleavage. In fact, Vass almost swore he saw looks of envy from his Asari companions, but he might’ve been seeing things.

    “Milena, Dr. Vass! It’s a pleasure having you aboard again.” Vass continued to be impressed by Naze’s apparent sincerity. Keeping up such a façade when faced with such pressures was difficult, but he made it seem absurdly easy. He gestured to towards the woman. “This is my wife, Amida.”

    “It’s such a pleasure to meet you,” Dantius said, firmly shaking Amida’s hand. “I’m not at all surprised to see that Naze married such a beautiful woman.”

    “He’s always had good taste,” Amida replied with a small smile, “except when it comes to liquor.”

    There was a polite smattering of laughter, but in a moment of unexpected unity, he and Orga just rolled their eyes.

    “Milena,” Naze said after Iallis was properly introduced, “you remember that I dinner offer we had to postpone?”

    “Of course.”

    “Well, I’ve had my chefs make a meal worthy of the occasion,” Naze continued, with a somewhat apologetic expression on his face. “The food isn’t the best I’ve had, but it’s the best I’ve had on a ship. If we were on Saisei, Mars, or Earth, we’d have the all the freshest ingredients available.”

    “Oh, that’s fine,” Iallis cut in. “After a year and a half of eating the same stuff, this will be a culinary revolution by comparison.”

    There was another smattering of laughter before the whole group began winding their way through the Hammerhead. Vass joined in the idle conversation on the way, but never let it fully occupy his attention. He kept his attention on Dantius and Iallis, watching their reactions. As far as he could tell, they suspected nothing… so far.

    Their destination was a new compartment, roughly the same size as the room Naze usually met them in, and decorated in much the same way, with one major exception – the middle of the room was dominated by a long wooden table with accompanying chairs. The chairs were on rails, a subtle sign that the ship was a combat vessel – civilians rarely bothered to secure furniture on their private vessels.

    As everyone settled into their seats, with Naze at the head of the table and Milena at the other end, various scantily clad women, all wearing white coats, blue shorts, and crop tops began laying out plates, glasses, and utensils. Vass was somewhat amused by how nonchalant the humans were about it, while his Asari companions were trying hard to not treat the women like Asari maidens. But he couldn’t pass up an opportunity to subtly needle Milena and throw her off balance – she’d be dead soon enough.

    Once the women filled out, probably to get appetizers and drinks, Vass asked, “During the vaccination process, I noticed that your crew is exclusively women. Is there some reasoning behind that?”

    Naze smiled. “Well, it wasn’t like it was hard to find a lot of women with experience working in space. In fact, I met Amida because I was looking to hire a mercenary with combat experience.”

    “Really? Do you go through phases like we do?” Iallis asked. The baffled expressions on the humans’ faces led her to add, “We Asari generally go through three phases in life. The maiden stage, where we go out into the galaxy and do various jobs – such as mercenary work, the matron stage, where we settle down and raise families, and the matriarch stage, where we come sages and leaders.”

    “You could say humans go through something similar,” Amida admitted as the other women returned with wine bottles and little blocks of meat and cheese. “But it mostly has to do with your job or how much money you have. If you’re poor, you go where you can get work, and if you’re rich, you can afford to start a family whenever you want.”

    “We’ve got white zinfandel, right?” Naze asked the serving girls. “I think our new friends would appreciate something a little sweeter.”

    “While I appreciate the sentiment,” Milena said with a small smile on her face, “I think we can handle the best you’ve got.”

    Naze shrugged. “Alright, you heard her. Now, what were we talking about?”

    “Your crew is all women,” Vass replied as one of the women poured some wine into their glasses.

    “Right,” Naze nodded. “Did I mention that all the women on this ship are my wives?”

    Milena, who’d been taking a sip of wine when he said that, started choking on her wine, forcing Iallis to slap her on the back a few times. What amused Vass to no end was Orga rolling his eyes when Naze shared that tidbit of information. He clearly knew about Naze’s harem and how ridiculous it was, but kept his peace.

    Vass, for his part, couldn’t keep the amusement out of his voice as he asked, “I suppose this is another hold over from your Calamity War?”

    “Apparently it is,” Naze replied, once he was sure Milena was fine. “Or at least the legal precedent for it. I don’t think anyone back then married as many people as I have.”

    The Asari politely nodded while sharing a glance usually reserved for when male Krogan boasted of their virility.

    When the main course finally arrived, the conversation shifted towards the food (some cuts of meat from a creature called a cow, along with various vegetables) and its origin, Earth. Naze and Amida went on at great length about some place called Lanzarote, where they apparently did some business; Vass found that the wine barely numbed his senses enough to make this tolerable. His photographic memory, a blessing of the Salarian species, would ensure every bit of information would burn itself into his brain, whether he wanted it to or not.

    Then came dessert – chocolate cake.

    What started as a civilized conversation about the origin of chocolate quickly devolved into a grotesque spectacle. As soon as the Asari tasted the cake, they began shuddering and moaning in near orgasmic pleasure, to the point that all the non-Asari felt an uncomfortable amount of disgust and confusion. But Vass’s brain was already plotting ways to use this newfound discovery to his advantage, even as Milena Dantius and Hastia Iallis raved about the chocolate.

    “You know,” he interjected, “it’d be a shame if our fellow officers couldn’t partake in this incredible delicacy.”

    “I kkkkknnnnnnooooowwwww,” Iallis replied, wobbling a bit as she turned to face Dantius. “We should totally bring this back for the rest of the girls.”

    Naze, to his continued credit, seemed to realize what the Salarian’s angle was. “I could put that in a box for you…”

    “That would be greaaaaaaaattttt.” To her credit, Dantius at least managed to sit still in her chair, even if she couldn’t keep herself sounding professional. “Hastia, you and Vass should definitely take this cake to the rest the girls. They’d love it.”

    “That sounds like a splendid idea,” the Salarian said, just barely managing to keep his smile a polite one. “Although it sounds like you won’t be coming along with us, Captain.”

    “No, I have some… two on one negotiations to make with Naze and Amida here,” Dantius replied, smiling just enough to not look sleazy.

    This is far too easy, Vass thought, taking another sip of wine. But it would be nice for everything to go according to plan for once.

    Today was just like any other day for Fumitan Admoss. She was handling the communications station on the Isaribi’s bridge, as usual. Eugene Sevenstark, the ship’s XO and deputy boss of Tekkadan, was pacing on the upper level of the bridge, but that was a minor detail that didn’t warrant much attention.

    While Fumitan was supposed to be Kudelia’s maid, she also served as the ship’s communication officer, simply by virtue of having the proper training. The fact that no one on the crew thought it was odd that she’d know how to operate said equipment, in her estimation, boiled down to the fact that a group of child soldiers wouldn’t think too hard about anything not related to survival. And so far, that had proven depressingly accurate.

    In fact, there was a reason she had the proper training to operate this equipment – she was secretly employed by Nobliss Gordon to ensure Kudelia arrived at a certain location at a certain time. Her access to the comm system was crucial, and so she’d been trained to use it, but under the assumption she’d be a relief operator. Now she was the main operator, which made things much more convenient, but meant she also had unforeseen responsibilities, like training Tekkadan children on how to use the equipment.

    Another one was whether or not to update Nobliss Gordon on the alien business. Her orders had been very specific – unless Kudelia’s safety was at extreme risk, she was not to endanger her cover by making contact outside of scheduled check-ins. But she felt that the existence of aliens was something he would be interested in… and would probably penalize her for not mentioning it as soon as possible. She wrestled with what to do in her spare time, never finding an answer, just more reasons to put the decision off.

    A beep from the console drew her out of her reverie. She looked at the console, and as soon she turned her head, Eugene was there, leaning over to look at the display.

    “Is it Orga?” he asked.

    “It is,” she confirmed, slightly annoyed by the intrusion into her personal space. Not a bit of it showed as she tapped the speaker button.

    “Hey, Boss, is it time?”

    “It’s time,” Orga confirmed. “Are Akihiro and the others ready?”

    Eugene snorted. “Are you kidding me? They’ve been waiting for you to get back and get this thing started.”

    Orga chuckled. “Yeah, well, I wasn’t the one holding things up.”

    “Lemme guess, Naze was trying to impress the blue chicks—“

    “No, that wasn’t it, but they were part of the problem. I’ll tell you all about it when this is over.”

    “Deal.” Eugene’s expression turned serious. “Don’t get yourself killed, Orga.”

    “Right, like you don’t want my job,” Orga teased. Before Tekkadan’s second in command could respond, he added, “Don’t worry. If everything works out, we’ll be in and out without a problem.”

    With that, Orga cut the connection.

    “Goddamn it, Orga,” Eugene growled, pulling away from Fumitan. “You just had to be the cool guy again.”

    When Fumitan just looked at him, eyebrow raised, waiting for an answer, he added, “Believe me, you don’t want to know. Hell, I wish I didn’t know.”

    He plopped himself in the captain’s chair, and left her to her thoughts, which were more conflicted than ever. But for some reason, she felt like things would be better if Nobliss Gordon didn’t know what was going on here…

    Dr. Vass felt Hastia Iallis press up against his side, and for the fortieth time since he got the cake box, he rolled his eyes and mentally multiplied the first ten squares.

    “Come on, Doc, just let me have a sliver of a slice,” the Asari officer begged. She was trembling a bit, a symptom suspiciously like withdrawal from narcotics.

    When Vass first received the box, he read the omni-tool’s translation of the labelling, which read DOUBLE CHOCOLATE CAKE WITH CHOCOLATE FROSTING. He had no idea if this “chocolate” was some sort of human narcotic that they had immunity to/tolerance for, or whether it was just a narcotic for Asari in such heavy concentrations. But he could do without the negative side effects, especially since there was no way to escape chocolate – if a human transport captain on the edge of their territory could access it, it was likely to be plentiful closer to their homeworld.

    “No, Hastia,” he said, gently patting her arm with his free hand. “The Captain said we should let the rest of the senior officers have a taste. And we’re just a few minutes away from having that happen, so all you need to do is wait.”

    Thankfully, the shuttle came to a stop a few seconds later, touching down in the hangar bay for the second since they made contact with the humans. There was a small crowd of crew members waiting to hear the latest gossip from the big dinner, but as soon as the hatch opened, Vass took Iallis’ arm in his and politely pushed his way through them. He needed as much of that cake as possible intact, and if he stopped, half the Asari on the ship would stuffing their faces with it. He breathed a sigh of relief when he managed to manhandle his charge into the elevator and get it moving before the guards explained the power of the cake.

    They managed to make it the wardroom without incident; thankfully, Irissa and Calis were already waiting there. As he settled the cake box on the table, Irissa took one look at Iallis and asked, “What the fuck happened to her?”

    “Rija, you just have to try this!” Iallis motioned towards the cake. “It’s so good… Goddess knows how we lived without it!”

    “Uh huh,” Calis replied, reaching into a small cabinet and pulling out some plates. “What’s so good about this… what’s it called?”

    “Chocolate cake,” Vass offered as he pulled some utensils out of a wall mounted dispenser.

    “It’s rich and delicious and… and… I don’t think there are words to describe how good it is,” Iallis leaned forward and pulled the top off the box. “Just look at it!”

    “It’s just a brown fucking cake,” Calis groused. “What’s so special about it?”

    “You’ve got to taste it,” Iallis explained. “Once it touches your tongue, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it.”

    Irissa raised an eyebrow and looked at Vass. “Is this true?”

    He shrugged and moved over to the table, handing out the utensils. “I find to be quite delectable, but apparently it’s not as good for Salarians as it is for Asari.”

    Calis served herself a piece of cake, then handed one to Irissa, deliberately ignoring Iallis, who was bouncing in her chair in anticipation. “By the way, where’s Milena?”

    “She’s trying to get in a threesome with Naze and one of his wives,” Iallis cut-in before Vass could explain, “or maybe she’s going to fuck him and his entire crew.”

    “Uh huh.” Irissa shot a look at Vass, who sighed.

    “Naze Turbine’s crew is all women and he’s married to them all,” the Salarian explained, moving over to the cabinets. He reached inside and pulled out the two grenades, which had some sort of Batarian food label on them. He found himself staring at them and wondered what the point was.

    “Oh Goddess, Hastia wasn’t kidding…” Calis moaned, before Vass recaptured her attention. “What’cha got there, Doc?”

    “Vorhess wanted me to pick these up… whatever they are.” He shrugged. “We’re going to have a little celebration meal in my quarters.”

    Irissa, who’d just had her first bite of chocolate cake and was trembling uncontrollably, asked no one in particular, “We’ve had food in there this whole time?”

    “I don’t fucking know, we never eat in here,” Calis replied, shoving a large piece of cake into mouth. “Whatever it is, it can’t compare to this.”

    “I told you,” Iallis butted in, finally getting a chance to cut herself a new piece of cake. “If we know how to make this, we’ll be the queens of Thessia! No, all the Asari worlds!”

    “I’ll just let myself out,” Vass commented, activating his omni-tool on the way out. He tapped the file as soon as he entered the corridor; several button taps later, he was pumping the room full of nitrogen and locking the door. If everything worked according to plan, then the Asari would die quick, painless deaths while stuffing their faces full of the addictive Earth food. If the situation wasn’t so dire, it would’ve been bizarrely comedic.

    Not even five steps out of the wardroom, he was confronted by at least a half dozen Asari, all maidens. They all looked at him with large, pleading eyes, as though he were their father and they were all waiting for gifts from him. It took all of his willpower to avoid sighing and to put a confused smile on his face.

    “Now, what can I do you ladies?”

    “Well, Doctor,” one of them, who he assumed to be the leader, spoke up. “We were wondering… is there any chance of us getting “chocolate cake” stuff? We know you brought some for the senior staff and…”

    Vass put on his best sad sigh. “Unfortunately, they’ve locked themselves in the wardroom with the cake, so no.”

    Grumbled complaints and profanities escaped the maidens’ lips.

    “But the human space station may have some, so if you’re patient for little while longer, you should be able to get your own chocolate cake.”

    The maidens turned to each other and began talking about how great an idea that was, with occasional profuse thanks for the suggestion. As soon as they were out of Vass’s way, he headed up to the bridge, stopping by an emergency supply box in a small, out of the way alcove for a breathing mask. After a quick check to see no one was coming or going on the same path, he put it on and primed the grenades. The Salarian took a few breaths to steel himself; so much could go wrong here, and he was already in too deep to back out.

    Old STG training reasserted itself, his mind racing ahead, plotting contingencies. By the time he opened the bridge hatch, he already knew where to toss the first grenade for optimal gas dispersion. The handful of crew members situated around the galaxy map barely had time to register his presence before he raced passed them, tossing the second grenade down towards the cockpit. By the time he looked back, the first grenade’s payload had already filled half the bridge with green mist and unconscious bodies.

    A quick check of the bridge later, Vass locked it down and began securing his prisoners, dragging them to the periphery of the compartment. He took stock of the situation: No fatalities, 100% incapacitation, complete control of the ship achieved. Not bad for an out of practice ex-spy who never really specialized in this sort of thing. Once all the crew members were out of the way, he crawled under the galaxy map stations, pulling open control panels and sighing at the huge, heavy objects within.

    Now all I need is for the humans to show up, and the final phase can begin.

    Author's Notes: Well, that took longer than I wanted, and I'm not 100% happy with how it turned out. But hey, at least I delivered on the people dying thing!

    Also, because people (rightly) asked what the hell happened to Fumitan, I figured I should acknowledge that she exists and her really complicated position on the ship.

    The chocolate thing is a reference to the Mass Effect/XCOM crossover Psi Effect, and helped me get out of the writers' block that was holding up this chapter. It's kinda pushing the suspension of disbelief, but hey, I figure this fic is where Tekkadan and company get all the good luck that Season 2 stole from them.
    Chapter 9
  • Chapter 9

    “You sure this is a good idea?”

    Orga glanced back at Akihiro. About a dozen Tekkadan members, all in spacesuits and carrying assault rifles, were packed in the passenger compartment of a Turbines launch. Orga, also wearing a spacesuit, was in the cramped cockpit with the Turbines pilot; he couldn’t remember her name – there were simply too many Turbines to memorize. He turned back to the what lay beyond the cockpit canopy – the imposing, alien sight that was the Thrill Seeker.

    “It’s our only move,” he slowly replied, trying to find the right way to explain things to his men. “Dr. Vass has been calling the shots and making the deals from the beginning. We – Tekkadan and Teiwaz – have to hold up our end of the bargain. He tells us how to save humanity, and we do the dirty work.”

    “Hey, can’t be worse than facing Gjallarhorn, right?” Shino interjected, trying to lighten the serious atmosphere.

    Orga shrugged.

    A chorus of muttered “Damn it, Shino”s filled the passenger compartment as the launch decelerated and came alongside the alien ship's airlock. The outer door was open, and Orga took a long, hard look at it before committing to the next step.

    “Alright, we’re going in.” He looked over at the pilot, who looked to be in her late teens or early twenties. “If you don’t hear back from us in half an hour, get back to the Hammerhead and tell everyone to run for it.”

    The girl grimaced and nodded. “Got it. Good luck guys.”

    “Thanks.” The launch’s airlock cycled open and Orga took point, pausing only to accept a pistol from Ride. The Tekkadan crew squeezed inside the airlock, sealing it behind them, and waited for it to depressurize. The outer door snapped open in silence, the gaping maw of the other airlock directly ahead of them. Silently, by unconscious accord, they all leaped across to the alien ship at the same time, landing in a slightly looser formation than they started with.

    The Thrill Seeker’s outer door abruptly snapped shut, and a bright light shone from a spot low on the bulkhead to Orga’s right. His breath pounded in his ears as the light slowly moved up, paused near the ceiling, then began moving back down. The cycle repeated three more times, then the light shut off and the inner door cycled open.

    Communicating only with hand signals, Orga split the group in three; two teams would burst from the sides of the airlock, while he would take a team and secure the middle. Holding their weapons at low ready, they charged out of the airlock, only to find everyone but Vass already neutralized. The Salarian doctor, for his part, simply stood across from the airlock, hands up, feet shoulder width apart.

    “Very competently done,” Vass commented, lowering his hands. “Not as fast as some STG or Spectre teams I’ve seen, but quite extraordinary for young men your age.”

    “Thanks,” Orga replied, putting the pistol in his suit’s belt. “So, what do you need us to do?”

    “Nothing dangerous, I assure you.” Vass leaned over to look at the rest of the Tekkadan personnel. “It requires some of your stronger men, though.”

    “Shino, Akihiro, get over here.” As soon as they approached, Vass motioned for them to follow him towards the galaxy map platform.

    “As you can see, gentlemen,” the Salarian said, gesturing towards the open panels, “there are some pieces of hardware I require your assistance with.”

    “You want us to chuck them out the door?” Shino asked, leaning over to take a look at them.

    “No, nothing so crass. I do need them removed, but for safe keeping aboard one of your ships, at least until I can arrange permanent storage.”

    Akihiro grunted. “What are they?”

    “The long range navigational database and its backups.”

    “You sure you don’t want us to chuck them out the door?” Shino joked.

    “That wouldn’t be an effective way of hiding them,” the Salarian replied, glancing over at Orga.

    “Right, an object in space moves in a straight line unless something happens to it,” Orga said, sensing this was a test of some sort. Luckily, he'd been taught a few basics about physics, just in case Third Group had to fight in space. “All it takes is someone figuring out which direction you threw it, and knowing how fast a person can throw something in space, and they’ll be able to figure out where to look for it.”

    “Exactly,” Vass confirmed. “Not only that, but this information will be invaluable to your people in the future. But for right now, this needs to be hard to find, otherwise my crewmates might try to get back home – and that would endanger your people.”

    Akihiro and Shino looked at Orga, who nodded. The two got to work pulling the dark, cube shaped objects out of their sockets and hauling them back to the launch, while the rest stood on guard, policing the unconscious crew members. Orga noticed this, and moved close to Vass to keep their conversation private.

    “So, are they…?”

    “They’re fine,” the Salarian assured him. “Merely unconscious and probably going to wake up soon. Once they do, I’ll tell the crew about our new circumstances.”

    And what then?, Orga asked himself. When he took over CGS, he knew everyone under in Third Group would at least follow his orders until he gave them a reason not to, and he knew they needed work in order to pay the bills. But he had no idea what Vass wanted – or even if he really cared about what happened to his shipmates. The alien was certainly willing to help humanity and make deals, but beyond that, he was unfathomable.

    You know what, I’ll let Teiwaz’s Old Man sort this out.

    Ride walked over, and after a quick glance at Vass, asked, “Are we done here, boss? There’s nothing to do.”

    “Actually,” Vass gently added, “I suspect Mr. Barriston would appreciate having some witnesses to confirm that I am upholding my end of the deal.”

    Orga grimaced, but nodded. “Good point. We’ll stick around until then, I guess.”

    It wasn’t too long a wait, but by the time the first bridge crew members began stirring, Shino and Akihiro had already taken all the navigational database components, to the launch, then offloaded them on the Hammerhead, and come back. The Tekkadan members’ boredom quickly evaporated as the unconscious aliens began waking up and panicking at the sight of humans on their ship. Since the Thrill Seeker’s bridge crew wasn’t wearing hard suits, none of their speech was translated into anything the humans could understand. It didn’t matter; the body language, tone, and volume of their speech made their feelings quite clear.

    Vass, to his credit, tried to calm them down, but it was a failed effort. Instead, he took to the galaxy map platform, activated his omni-tool, and began speaking. His voice reverberated through every compartment of the ship, inescapable by all who were still living.

    “Friends, fellow shipmates, this is Dr. Vass. I have an announcement of tremendous import to us all.” Vass waited until the panicking crewmembers quieted down before continuing. “I regret to inform you that our captain and several of the senior officers were nowhere near the upstanding individuals we all thought they were.”

    This, in fact, was not true – everybody knew that the senior officers got up to some shady dealings, but they were the kind of shady dealings that benefited the crew as a whole, so they accepted them.

    “Unfortunately, Captain Dantius agreed to a deal to provide the Batarian Hegemony with a new source of slaves, if one could be found. I know – this seems completely unbelievable… but I have proof.” With a theatrical flourish, Vass tapped a few buttons and played Dantius’ damning words for the entire crew. “As hard as it was for me to believe this, I knew I had to act. Therefore, when we encountered the humans, I secretly contacted them and asked for their help in preventing Captain Dantius’ foul scheme.”

    The Salarian paused and took a breath. “Captain Dantius, First Officer Irissa, Security Officer Calis, and Science Officer Iallis are dead. The human organization Teiwaz has offered us safe harbor and protection, on the condition that the ship’s long range navigational databases were destroyed. As the humans can attest, they have been disposed of. We cannot return to Citadel space, because it would be impossible to guarantee that humanity’s existence would be kept secret. This will have to be our new home, at least until humanity has the ability to protect itself from the Batarians.”

    Before Orga could pull Vass aside and confront him on his lies, all hell broke loose.

    A cacophony of shouting filled the CIC; it took Orga a long second to realize some of it wasn’t from the restrained aliens in the room, but was being pumped in through the speakers. It was a tidal wave of fear, outrage, confusion, desperation, and disbelief, and even though Vass remained calm, cool, and collected, nothing he did shrunk the wave. Orga looked around: the restrained bridge crew were on the verge of breaking their bonds, his men were unsure what to do. Someone – he couldn’t tell who it was managed to shout over the noise, “What do we do?”

    “HOLD YOUR FIRE!” Orga shouted back, and as he turned to head up the galaxy map platform, he saw the phantom of Mikazuki, the one that haunted him in every moment of doubt and uncertainty.

    What the hell am I supposed to do?

    The apparition just stared at Orga, exactly like Mikazuki would do. An odd sensation, like a vice slowly tightening on his head, overwhelmed Orga.

    You find a way to keep everyone alive.

    How the hell am I going to do that?!
    Orga screamed in his mind as the pressure increased bit by bit. Vass is losing control, everyone’s going nuts, and for all I know, we’re all going to die!

    The phantom Mikazuki was unmoved. Then you’ll find a way to do it.

    For a split second, Orga’s head felt like it was about to explode in the fist of angry god. He closed his eyes, silently begging for release… then, in an instant, he knew what he had to do.

    He bounded toward the top of the platform, grabbed Vass by the shoulders, and asked, “If I start talking, will they understand me?”

    Milena Dantius awoke in a dark room, breathing hard and fast, and completely unaware of how or why she was there. She slowly, painfully, got to her feet, and stumbled around, trying to figure out the boundaries of where she was. There were two small windows on two of the walls, and two control panels on the walls between the ones with the windows, but she was having a hard time figuring out what that meant.

    It took her several seconds to realize that she was wearing some clothes – just her underwear, not anything beyond that. She struggled to remember where she was before this. It took her nearly half a minute to figure out that she’d been in bed with Naze Turbine and Amida Arca, and she struggled to think of a reason she’d be somewhere like this. The best answer she came up was being super drunk and locking herself in a room.

    Suddenly, she heard tapping on the window behind her – she whirled around, and dearly regretted it as she almost stumbled to deck. When she managed to steady herself against the door, spots began forming before her eyes. Milena blinked furiously, clearing some of them away, and saw Naze and Amida on the other side of the door.

    “Hey… Naze,” she said slowly, feeling tired beyond all belief. “Get… get me out of here.”

    “I’m afraid I can’t do that, Milena.” Even through the haze in her mind, Milena heard the hardened edge in his voice.

    “Wh… why not?”

    “We know you were planning on selling our species to the Batarians.”

    It took her a few seconds to realize what he said. Then her knees wobbled as the weight of the words hit her. She took a few deep breaths, even though they didn’t do much to ease the fatigue overwhelming her, then stared Naze in the eye.

    “H- How did you know?”

    Naze’s reply was as icy as his eyes. “Dr. Vass told us.”

    “That backstabbing… no good… son of a bitch.” Milena’s voice grew hoarser with every word, and she leaned on the door for support. “What… the hell are you… doing to me?”

    “Oh, nothing really,” Amida interjected. “It’s just you and carbon dioxide in there.”

    Milena’s head began pounding as her brain began putting the pieces together. “You’re… just going to… leave me here to die?”

    “Yes.” Naze’s face betrayed no sympathy. “Dr. Vass already took care of your co-conspirators. Once you’re gone, the threat to humanity is gone. The Thrill Seeker will mysteriously disappear from the galactic scene, and no one will know about us until we decide to seek out your people.”

    “You’ll never… get away… with this,” Milena growled, not even sure Naze could hear her now. “My sisters… will make sure… you pay.”

    “No, they won’t. We already have a cover story ready – a tragic accident deprives the Thrill Seeker of her senior officers and strands her far from Citadel space, cut off from the rest of the galaxy until humanity reaches the stars.” The corners of Naze’s mouth quirked up. “It’s quite the tearjerker.”

    Milena leaned her head on the glass and laughed until she began coughing. “Goddess… I thought… you were nothing… nothing but backwater rubes. But you’re… just as coldblooded as… a backroom deal maker on Illium.”

    Any and all good humor on Naze’s face evaporated. “When it comes to the safety of my family, there’s nothing I won’t do. And believe me, compared to some people out there, I’m being merciful.”

    Milena couldn’t find the strength to reply or keep on her feet. As she slid down the door, the world began turning into a blurred gray mass; as she lay there on the deck, the gray turned into black. It was an all consuming darkness that first nibbled away at the edges of her vision and awareness, and as she faded into unconsciousness, it swallowed every last scrap of her being.

    It’s too goddamn early in the morning for this, Husker thought as he sipped his carajillo – a cup of black coffee mixed with rum. The jolt of caffeine and alcohol to his system sharpened his senses, pushing the fog of unfinished sleep out of his mind. He almost wished he hadn’t chosen the drink, because Jastley Dominokols was practically foaming at the mouth.

    “What the hell was that brat thinking! The deal was clear – the ship and crew belong to Teiwaz, not Tekkadan!”

    Half the assembled Teiwaz big wigs looked like they were on the verge of nodding off, the other half was grumbling and agreeing with Dominokols, and only the Old Man looked like he was calm and aware of what was going on around him. Husker sighed and picked up the tablet in front of him, speed reading his way through the transcript of the message they’d gotten from Tekkadan and the Turbines. Once he reached the end, he drained his cup – the drink’s name was derived from the Spanish word for courage, and he definitely needed some now.

    “Jastley, did you actually read the report we got?” he asked, interrupting another diatribe about how impertinent Orga Itsuka was.

    “What the hell does that mean?” Dominokols’ full fury was being brought to bear on him, but Husker pressed on.

    “It says here that the crew was on the verge of, and I’m quoting, rioting and probably tearing us and Dr. Vass apart.” Husker tossed the tablet on the table. “I’m thinking maybe we shouldn’t be asking for a strip of this kid’s hide – we should be asking what would’ve happened if he DIDN’T convince them to join Tekkadan?

    Husker rarely raised his voice; McMurdo Barriston’s raised eyebrow belied the room’s curiosity about the man’s behavior. Even Dominokols was quiet for once.

    “Best case scenario,” Husker continued, keeping his tone and volume even. “The crew would’ve beat the shit out of Orga, his men, and Vass, then tossed them in the launch and fly off, never to be seen again. Worst case, we’re all dead because some panicking dumbass accidentally fires off that thing’s guns or smashes it into Saisei.”

    There were plenty of nervous glances among the assembled businessmen, now realizing how close they came to disaster.

    “To your point, Jastley, maybe the kid did overstep his bounds.” Husker shrugged. “Problem is, he was there and none of us were. That makes it his problem to solve by default.”

    “Alright, alright,” Dominokols conceded, “maybe the kid was in a tight spot. But he still should’ve stuck to the deal – the crew should be Teiwaz.”

    “Come on, man,” someone muttered. “The kid’s been a Teiwaz subsidiary for like, a week or two. He’s a rookie making rookie mistakes.”

    “That’s true,” Husker admitted. “You can’t expect a rookie to make a hard sell for Teiwaz if he doesn’t even know what Teiwaz as a whole is and what it can do for these aliens. What is he going to tell them, that we might have jobs for them? That we’ll give them money so they’ll stay? Teiwaz’s name and reputation doesn’t mean shit to people from other planets.”

    Husker stood up and went over to a set of cups and jug of water on a cart against the wall, and poured himself a glass of water. After taking a few sips, he continued speaking.

    “Now, I don’t know this kid, but from what I’ve heard about this Tekkadan of his, he probably fed those aliens something like, ‘we’re just like you, we got nothing but we’re gonna make our way to the top and you’re welcome to join us.’ And that’s exactly what they needed to hear.” He emphasized that by raising his cup. “Why? Because it’s something they can buy into, and it gives them stakes in the game. Now they got something to lose by leaving – a guaranteed place at the table, somewhere where they’re always welcome, even if it’s not as good as what we would’ve given them.”

    In the growing silence, Husker couldn’t help notice the sly grin on the Old Man’s face. It was almost as if he’d planned it this way – and Husker was fine with being a pawn in the Old Man’s games. He knew where he stood with McMurdo Barriston; through the years, they had built up and proven their loyalty to each other.

    No, the problem wasn’t McMurdo Barriston. It was the fact that the leaders of Teiwaz had remarkably little loyalty to each other, and Jastley Dominokols’ ever-present need for control. Teiwaz’s second in command was a stickler for having everything run through proper channels, for everything to be approved by him and the Old Man. He never interfered with anything the Old Man did himself, of course; that would be an unforgiveable insult, and potentially deadly. But he would complain about it, and that showed the hidden truth: Jastley Dominokols only projected an image of strength and depended on power and control to maintain it.

    McMurdo Barriston, on the other hand, projected strength through his confidence in his gambles and his willingness to let subordinates handle things on their own.

    As if to prove that point, the Old Man stood up and declared, “It seems we’ve all come to an understanding of the present situation. I understand there are some unresolved issues, but I’ll deal with those personally. As for the rest of you, I suggest you get some sleep. We’ll be quite busy in the coming days.”

    With that, he left the room, slowly followed by the rest of the Teiwaz executives. Jastley Dominokols took the time to glare at Husker, its message loud and clear – embarrassing Dominokols that way demanded recompense. In return, Husker simply made a show of slowly drinking his water. He did not, and could not, ignore the threat; that could get him killed, sooner or later. But he didn’t need to rise to the bait, and he certainly didn’t need to give Jastley Dominokols even the slightest bit of satisfaction.

    I hope you can make this work, kid, Husker thought as he left the boardroom. Otherwise, we might be getting it in the neck.

    Author's Notes: Yeah, it's back! I guess the new year gave me the push to get this out, because I've had the basic idea for how to resolve the stuff from last chapter for a while now. I guess it's a bit like reading the Event Horizon novelization (yes, that exists): taking a break and getting away from things for a while makes it easier to get through something. Also, maybe the Toonami dub airing getting into the mobile armor arc has something to do with it.

    Also, yeah, I know, all four bad Asari die in basically the same way (asphyxiation). There's a reason for that.

    Hopefully I'll put out more chapters on a semi-regular basis, but who knows - I got some real life stuff coming up that'll be a real time sink.
    Chapter 10
  • Chapter 10

    A tingle ran down McMurdo Barriston’s spine as his launch approached the Thrill Seeker’s hangar bay. After so many years of living a safe, easy life, he found himself missing the mystery, danger, and excitement that the alien ship seemed to embody. Back when he’d been rising up the ranks, those had been everyday acquaintances; now they were nothing but fond memories, like many of his friends and compatriots from those days.

    The bay door lowered and the launch flew in like a fish into an eager shark’s mouth. A slight shudder coursed through the hull as the artificial gravity asserted its hold on the craft. Within a few seconds, the launch set down with the slightest thud, a testament to the pilot’s skill and experience. But then, McMurdo Barriston only settled for the best.

    As soon as the hangar pressurized, Barriston stepped through the airlock and onto the hangar deck, closely followed by his bodyguard and an aide with a large duffel bag on his shoulder. The room was impressively large for the ship it was on, but also crowded beyond belief. Two shuttles hung from cradles on the ceiling above, and shoved against the port bulkhead was what looked like an APC with a tank cannon on it. The rest of the room was filled with crates of various sizes, likely full of supplies.

    A door at the back of the room opened; Naze Turbine stepped out, hat in hand, and smiled. “Welcome aboard. Impressive, isn’t it?”

    “I’ll withhold judgment for now,” Barriston demurred, as he walked up to the younger man. “Ask me again after I take the grand tour.”

    “I think you’ll like what you’ll find,” Naze replied, gesturing for him to enter the elevator. “It certainly puts a lot of our ships to shame.”

    “Is that so?” The Old Man asked.

    “Well, the creature comforts are nothing to write home about, but that’s outweighed by just about everything else.” Naze tapped on one of the haptic interfaces to send the elevator on its way. “Like that, for instance. It’s a hologram that feels like a solid object thanks to sound waves you can feel, but not hear.”

    Barriston’s eyebrows went up. “Impressive.”

    The elevator stopped two decks up and opened into the CIC, where Orga, Biscuit Griffon, and a large assembly of the crew were waiting. Barriston stepped out and surveyed the lot of them; some of the aliens were harder to read than others, but it seemed like curiosity and anxiety were the prevalent emotions. That was hardly a surprise, given what had happened in the last 48 hours.

    “Welcome aboard, sir.” Orga was being absurdly formal, which probably wasn’t setting the crew’s mind at ease. But the Old Man could overlook that for now; better to have the boy sweat a little before letting him down gently.

    “Now this is a welcome,” he said, smiling and shaking Orga’s hand; it was surprisingly dry, all things considered. Biscuit’s wasn’t, but McMurdo Barriston had plenty of experience with drying his hand on the sly. He paused when he came to the blue alien woman – an Asari, he told himself, trying to internalize this new part of his reality – to Biscuit’s left. “And who might you be?”

    “C-captain Nevara Char,” she replied. Unsurprisingly, she didn’t seem comfortable with the rank and position; she would have to deal with it.

    He took her hand and kissed it. “A beautiful name for a beautiful woman.”

    Nevara looked flustered and embarrassed by the praise, which was the point – better that than her lingering in her discomfort. She immediately tried to deflect attention by introducing her executive officer, who he greeted in the same way.

    Barriston smiled and put his hands together. “Now, while I’m flattered by all the attention, I’m sure you all have better things to do than humor an old man. Now Captain, we have some business to attend to. You come along too, Orga.”

    “Of course. Right this way.” Nevara led the humans over to the wardroom. Dr. Vass was already there, tapping away on his omni-tool as if no one had ever died there.

    “Ah, perfect,” Barriston said, putting his hand out. “I was hoping to see you, Doctor.”

    Vass stood and shook the human’s hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you in person, Mr. Barriston. Naze and Orga have been nothing but effusive in their praise.”

    “Really?” he replied, mock shock in his voice.

    “Most certainly.”

    “Well, that certainly makes this more appropriate.” Barriston gestured to the man with the duffel bag, who set it on the table and unzipped it. Inside was a pan with a plastic cover, plates, cups, napkins, utensils, and a bottle of wine. As the humans and aliens sat down, the aide lifted the cover, revealing a steaming hot lasagna. Before he could cut into it, Vass held up a hand.

    “A moment, please. I would like the make sure it is safe for our consumption,” he said, gesturing at himself and Nevara.

    Barriston looked at his aide and nodded. The man stepped back, allowing the Salarian to scan the dish with his omni-tool.

    “Perfectly safe.” Vass sat back down and shared a glance with Naze. “After seeing the unexpected reaction Asari have to chocolate cake, I felt it prudent to do a spectrographic analysis to figure out the cause. I’ve narrowed it down to what appear to be additives or preservatives – apparently, their breakdown in the bloodstream causes the pleasure center of the Asari brain to go into overdrive. I’ve assigned my assistants to do a more detailed analysis to identify specific chemicals that cause this effect.”

    Barriston nodded in approval. He preferred his employees take initiative and handle things on their own – within reason, of course.

    After each person had been served their food and drink, Barriston raised his cup and said, “A toast, to the bright future awaiting us all.”

    The others returned the gesture before they began eating. After Naze took his first bite, he commented, “You broke out the good stuff, Old Man.”

    “Of course.” Seeing the lack of comprehension on the faces of the Martian boys and the aliens, he added, “This is made with real beef, cheese, tomato paste, and pasta, imported all the way from Earth. It doesn’t cost as much as a mobile suit, but it comes damn close.”

    Orga set his fork down; his face was a storm of troubles. “I want to-“

    “Shut up and eat your lasagna,” Barriston said with a hint of a smile, before following his own order. “What you did was exactly what the situation demanded. The failure was on the parts of Dr. Vass, Naze, and myself – we should’ve anticipated that there’d be trouble when the truth was revealed, and we should’ve prepared you to deal with it.”

    Relief washed over the young man’s face, along with more than a little confusion.

    “Now, with regards to the ship—”

    “The ship belongs to Teiwaz,” Orga automatically answered.

    Barriston chuckled and sipped his wine. “Unlike some in Teiwaz, I fully understand nuances like that… and since Tekkadan is Teiwaz, albeit through the Turbines, that distinction is irrelevant anyway. No, the issue with the ship is that it cannot remain here at Saisei, or any known Teiwaz facility.”

    Naze set down his fork and lasagna. “You can’t possibly be talking about…”

    Barriston nodded, then looked everyone else at the table in the eye. “What I am about to say cannot be shared with anyone who does not already know. This is a secret you are expected to take to the grave, assuming that it doesn’t become public knowledge before then.”

    Orga and Biscuit gulped and looked at each other; Nevara looked anxious and twiddled her thumbs, while Vass calmly continued eating his lasagna. None of this surprised McMurdo Barriston; aside from Vass, whose actions and reactions pointed to him being involved in either crime or espionage, none of them were the sort to deal in secrets on a regular basis. Oh, they probably had some experience at subterfuge, like most people, but he doubted they had ever been charged with keeping a secret of this magnitude before.

    “Teiwaz has a secret research and development facility in asteroid belt, hidden from everyone – including Gjallarhorn. We call it the Black Site.” Barriston took another bite of his lasagna. “Naze knows about it because he has personally delivered sensitive material to and from there. You are learning about it because, for the moment, it’s safer for everyone if the Thrill Seeker remains there, at least until we publicly reveal that aliens exist.”

    “And when will that be?” Nevara asked, more curious than anything else. “And why will hiding the ship do anything?”

    The Old Man smiled. “Good questions. I’ll answer your second question first. The fact of the matter is that Gjallarhorn has had Saisei under near constant surveillance for decades now. They know the Thrill Seeker is here and what it is. However, because the nearest Gjallarhorn patrol is well over a month away, whether or not Gjallarhorn depends on how long the ship stays here.”

    “If the Thrill Seeker leaves before they can get here, then Gjallarhorn won’t bother sending them?” Biscuit asked, before shrinking in his seat when everyone’s attention fell on him.

    “Exactly!” Barriston was pleased by the young man’s insight. “Gjallarhorn’s power out here is weak. Aside from occasional requests for shore leave or quick repairs, they’ve never had a situation that justified interfering in our business or coming in force. But the Thrill Seeker staying her too long will justify an investigation, because Gjallarhorn would need to see if this was a potential threat.”

    “So, if we hide the ship, what’s stopping Gjallarhorn from just telling everyone that aliens have been here?” Orga asked.

    “Gjallarhorn doesn’t want to rock the boat,” Naze interjected. “They like things to be as stable as possible, and no one knows for sure how mankind as a whole will react to the news. Plus they won’t have much evidence – just sensor data that anyone can say they faked.”

    Barriston nodded. “For those reasons, Gjallarhorn won’t do anything if we don’t do anything to endanger the status quo. But by hiding the ship in the Black Site, we not only keep the status quo going and begin learning about the new technologies we’ve gotten, but Tekkadan has a trump card if it gets into trouble with Gjallarhorn.”

    “So, we’re hostages?” Nevara’s voice dripped with heavy sarcasm, even through the translator.

    “No, more like political shields,” Naze replied. “With the cover story we’ve created, Gjallarhorn would face a massive backlash if they attacked a ship with peaceful alien explorers that were tragically stranded in our solar system.”

    “Of course, that would only happen if there were some of us aboard the Isaribi,” Vass added.

    “I was thinking about it,” Orga admitted, “but I’m not sure if anyone would volunteer to come with us.”

    “I would be happy to join you on your mission to Earth,” Vass interjected. “At the very least, it would give me a chance to familiarize myself with human medical equipment.”

    Barriston frowned. “You could do that just as well at the Black Site.”

    “True,” Vass conceded, “but then I’d be deprived of the opportunity to do research into your fascinating cybernetics.”

    There was a pause as the humans digested what the Salarian said.

    “You do realize that Alaya-Vijnana research is illegal, right?” Naze felt the need to point out.

    “I’m sure we can work around that,” Vass replied. “Claim it’s research into mitigating the negative effects of it – which may wind up to be true, given the lack of development the system has had.”

    Barriston mulled it over. Tekkadan was certainly a promising young group, even before the aliens joined their number, but the specter of brain damage was ever present among them. Getting rid of that would make them a safer long term bet, along with improving their lives in the long run. And there was the possibility that some spinoff of the research could be marketable. “I’ll allow it, as long as you stick to that story if anyone starts looking into the research.”

    “Of course.”

    The Teiwaz boss nodded and stroked his chin. “Now… Would be possible for me to get a tour of this wonderful vessel?”

    “Man, Eugene, you had to be there! Everybody was going nuts and – are you listening to me?”

    Fumitan Admoss tried (and failed) to block out the conversation going on behind her on the practically deserted bridge of the Isaribi. As usual, she was at the communications station, handling the meager amount of messages being exchanged between Saisei, the Hammerhead, the Isaribi, and the Thrill Seeker. Lately, most of the traffic focused on the upcoming resupply of both human ships and came infrequently enough that Fumitan had a great deal of time for introspection.

    As always, the question of whether or not to fill in Nobliss Gordon loomed in a dark corner of her mind. It had been easier to avoid it when the aliens were merely visitors, but now that they were permanent fixtures in the solar system, all of her arguments for and against telling him were dust. It was time for new ones to fill their place.

    “Not now, Shino,” muttered Eugene Sevenstark, somewhere near the captain’s chair. “I’m double checking the supply lists.”

    “Man, when did you get so serious?”

    “When Orga and Biscuit went back over to the Thrill Seeker and stuck me with this job.”

    How long would he keep the knowledge secret? How long would it take before pirates and Gjallarhorn come for us? She asked herself. The answer to the first was simple – as long as it benefited him. Perhaps they would be lucky enough to get to Dort before he revealed that fact – delivering Kudelia and the aliens would simplify things. But rumors of aliens arriving in the system could be used to stoke the fires of military build up and conflict, as well as line Gordon’s coffers.

    Of course, if Tekkadan was mentioned in the rumors, then not only the Isaribi would be a target, but the base on Mars as well. Literally anyone could besiege it and demand Tekkadan hand over the aliens and/or Kudelia, and they’d be powerless to stop it. A small part of her mind said that it was only a problem if the alien ship wasn’t capable of fighting, but as far as she knew, it couldn’t. If it was, that information wasn’t reaching her… yet.

    There were two choices – neither of them easy.

    “So, you in on the bet?”

    “What are talking about?”

    “Oh man, you don’t know?” Shino chuckled. “We’ve got a bet going on what Mikazuki will do when he sees an alien for the first time!”

    “Really? Why didn’t anyone tell me?!”

    “Because you’re being all ‘serious, deputy boss man’!”

    “Right… Hey, Fumitan!”

    She turned towards the two teenagers. “Yes?”

    Eugene held up the tablet computer he’d been working on. “Let Saisei know the supply list looks good.”

    “Very well.” With that, she turned back to the console and began typing out the message. She paused before sending it; it was time to make her choice, for better or worse. This time, like many other times, the arguments against sending the message began overpowering the ones for it. Outwardly, she seemed as cool, calm, and collected as she always did, but inside, she felt cold, uncertain, and lost.

    The message to Saisei went through without issue, and Fumitan found herself right back where she started.

    As he followed Captain Nevara Char through the innards of the Thrill Seeker, McMurdo Barriston found himself quietly impressed by Orga and Naze’s efforts in easing the crew through the transition. Wherever they went, they made time to for crew members with issues or concerns, along with giving reassuring words when needed. While Barriston was not at all put out to handle a few of them himself, he was encouraged by what he was seeing, and it helped curb his misgivings about allowing aliens on the Isaribi.

    Of course, he didn’t expect to be traveling down a maintenance passageway on this tour, but the ship’s new captain seemed to think that showing him everything he was getting was a good idea. He had no problem with the idea, he just wished he wasn’t wearing his fancy clothes. As his hand brushed against a slightly sticky pipe, he wondered how much money it would take the clean them.

    At the end of the passage was a wide platform with a cutout in the middle; a curved object sat in the cutout and appeared to extend through the forward bulkhead. A few consoles were mounted on hand rails around the cutout, connected to the device with thick bundles of wire; they reminded Barriston of veins for some reason. A Batarian was already there, tapping away on a few consoles.

    “Gentlemen, Chief Engineer Vorhess,” Nevara announced.

    The humans introduced themselves in turn, and Vorhess gestured to the object. “Gentlemen, this is probably the single most powerful weapon you’ve ever seen. It’s Reaper destroyer particle cannon, capable of accelerating particles to 2% the speed of light. It can slice straight through anything inside of 1,000 kilometers.”

    “Is that… good?” Orga asked, scrunching his face in confusion.

    “Well, I mean…” Vorhess paused. “Yeah, I keep forgetting you guys don’t know about this sort of stuff. So, basically, this gun is all around better than all but the really cutting edge particle beams they stick on ships this size. It runs cooler, hits harder, and has longer range than the standard beams you could buy.”

    Naze raised his hand. “You said this was a ‘Reaper’ particle cannon. Is that a brand or something else?”

    “50,000 years ago, a race called the Protheans came under attack by a race of AI controlled starships called the Reapers,” Nevara explained. “There’s a lot of debate on the exact details, but we do know the Protheans and Reapers wiped each other out. Some of their ships are still out in deep space, so people try to find and salvage their tech, because we’ve only started approaching their level of technology in the last three hundred years or so.”

    McMurdo Barriston leaned on the rail around the particle cannon and carefully examined the device. It was not merely the object that extended through the forward bulkhead. Like an iceberg, that was merely the tip; in fact, the entire platform was suspended above the bulk of the weapon. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up; the entire thing was a dark mass that radiated sinister intent. The curved, organic lines that contrasted with the geometric lines of the ship around them only made it more imposing.

    “This thing’s pretty old – does it even work?” Orga asked.

    “Sure does. As soon as Milena got it delivered and installed at a Geth-Quarian arms dealership, we fueled it up and blasted the hell out of a little ice ball on the edge of some random system,” Vorhess replied.

    “Very interesting,” Barriston said, straightening up. “But I think we’ve seen enough for now.”

    Nevara nodded. “Alright, let’s move on. Would you mind joining us, chief?”

    Vorhess shrugged. “Sure, why not. I’m done with everything down here.”

    They proceeded to file out of the room, with Barriston and Vorhess near the back of the group. As they proceeded through the passageway, Vorhess gestured for the human to hang back. He did so warily; in this confined space, the older man would be at a disadvantage if the alien had a grievance he wanted to take out on a human.

    “Dr. Vass wanted you to know that the quantum entanglement communicator is offline, but rigged to look like it’s online,” Vorhess whispered.

    Barriston relaxed a little; anyone who worked with the Salarian was less likely to be a threat to his person. “Good to know. I’ll be having some people come over to inspect the device; I expect it to be operational.”

    “Will do.”

    The tour continued its winding path through the ship, eventually stopping through engineering. Even as Vorhess explained the problems with the Thrill Seeker’s primary reactor, McMurdo Barriston was thinking ahead to ways to mitigate the weakness of his latest acquisition. There was one obvious route that seemed very appealing, but it was hard to pull off, at least without making some other acquisitions in the near future.

    Eventually, the group found themselves in the hangar bay, where Vorhess extoled the virtues of the ship’s shuttles. “These babies can get you to any solar system within 12 light-years in a day, plus they come with a full set of kinetic barriers, two light cannons for busting up comets or raiders, and the smoothest handling this side of Citadel space.”

    Barriston glanced at Orga, who was staring at the shuttles. “Let me guess, you want to take one of them with you.”

    “I want to take both,” the younger man replied, looking Teiwaz’s boss right in the eye. “I figure I’ll need them when we get to Earth, to get Kudelia to Arbrau’s capital, but in the meantime, I can have them start training some of the younger kids in how to fly these things.”

    “Not a bad idea, but it doesn’t justify taking both,” the Old Man replied. “However, if you promise to report any salvageable ship sized Ahab reactors you find, I’ll be more than willing to let you take them both.”

    “Alright,” Orga agreed, but Barriston could read the confusion on the young man’s face. That was just as well; either the boy would figure it out on his own, or Barriston could explain it to him later, when there was less on his plate.

    “Now,” the Old Man added, gesturing towards the APC, “what about that?”

    “Oh, yeah, that.” Vorhess’ lack of enthusiasm was refreshingly blunt. “That’s a Czenki 4203 APC, with all terrain capabilities, a 155mm cannon, full kinetic barriers and jump jets, and a broken structural frame because someone took it joy riding on a mountainous planetoid and smashed it into the ground.”

    “Is it salvageable?”

    “Well,” Vorhess rubbed his chin, “technically, yes. You see, the wheels, axles, suspension, and jump jets are all built into a platform that the cabin and everything else sits on. The platform’s the only thing that’s broken, so if you can build a new one, you should be able to get it to work again.”

    “Interesting.” Barriston noticed Orga’s fixation on the gun. “Yes, I think that would make a good addition to your Gundam too.”

    “Nice to know you’re on the same page, Old Man,” Orga replied with a grin.

    Vorhess immediately picked up on the unspoken request for more information. “That gun’s pretty standard – variable ammunition types, runs on a heat sink, two to three round per minute rate of fire – dependent on environmental cooling, basically blows any unshielded vehicles or personnel to bits, the usual.”

    “What kind of ammo can you fire?” Orga asked, stepping back to take a better look at the length of the weapon.

    “Standard blocks of metal, sledgehammer rounds, incendiary rounds, disruptor rounds, armor piercing rounds – you name it, you can fire it.”

    “No armor piercing rounds,” Naze interjected. “We don’t know how this will do against mobile suits, but if Gjallarhorn finds out you have a weapon that punch through nanolaminate armor, they won’t show you any mercy.”

    “Okay, well, I’d say sledgehammer rounds are your next best bet. They’re designed to spread the momentum of the round across a larger area, so it has less of a chance to penetrate armor, but it’ll still cause a hell of a lot of internal damage.”

    “Use those,” Barriston commanded. “How soon can you get this gun removed and ready for transport to Saisei.”

    “About two to three hours.” Vorhess pulled up some information on his omni-tool. “The gun’s designed to be easily removed for maintenance, so that’s no problem. Putting together a safe towing setup is going to take a bit of time though.”

    “Fine.” Barriston turned towards Orga. “You know this means Mikazuki and Barbatos won’t be leaving with you.”

    “Yeah, I know.” Orga shrugged. “I didn’t think Barbatos would be ready anyway. Maybe they got a lot done while we were out here, but I don’t think it was enough to meet our deadline.”

    Barriston chuckled; the boy was certainly perceptive sometimes. “Don’t worry about it. I already have a Kutan III booster set aside for Barbatos.”

    Naze whistled. “One of those will definitely catch up with us when we pass through the asteroid belt.”

    “Exactly.” The Old Man gestured towards the APC’s cannon. “Something tells me you’ll be better off having this when you get there.”

    Author's Notes: Isn't alien biochemistry grand? It sure makes things interesting for our heroes, and it keeps the whole unintended consequences thing going on.

    Some people brought up Fumitan a long time ago, so I figured that it needed to be addressed. I figured her comm. skills were something Nobliss Gordon pushed, mostly because Kudelia's dad didn't seem like the guy who'd be able to handle a private ship, never mind anything involving having a spine.

    Coming up with the specs for the Reaper cannon was pretty hard, mostly because Mass Effect is one of those franchises with canonically long ranges, but I didn't want to make it too OP. I figure 1000 kilometers is in a sweet spot for Reaper Destroyers, which seem to be the only fighting ships between the Oculus and the Sovereign class Reapers, making them capable of fighting Citadel ships at longer ranges than they'd normally want to engage at. To get a mental image of the range, 500 kilometers (half the range) is the distance from New York City to the border of Virginia and North Carolina.
    Chapter 11
  • Chapter 11

    Orga stood below the stripped frame of the Barbatos and fought off a wave of déjà vu. It’d been a few days, but it seemed like the technicians were working on the exact same things in the exact same ways as his last visit. The only real change was the APC’s gun, stripped from its turret and exposed to the world, tucked into a corner of the bay.

    He felt a slight breeze to his right and spotted Yukinojo and Mikazuki approaching him. Shaking his head, he said, “Man, the more things change, the more they stay the same.”

    “You’re getting philosophical in your old age, Orga,” Yukinojo said, a small smile on his face. Mikazuki just glanced at both men in what Orga construed as confusion.

    “Yeah, well, I definitely feel a lot older than before I left.” Orga sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Did you get the info on the new gear we got for Barbatos?”

    “I did,” Yukinojo confirmed, frowning a bit. “We shouldn’t have any problems building a protective casing for it, since there's plenty of armor plate lying around. The big problem is getting it to work with Barbatos’ fire control and motion compensation systems. Even with the Alaya-Vijnana, Mikazuki might not be able to use it safely – just firing it might knock Barbatos off course, assuming it doesn’t break anything else.”

    “Don’t worry about it. I can handle it.“ Mikazuki’s usual bland expression belied the confidence in his words.

    Orga smiled. “Yeah, well, don’t give the old man a hard time about it. Once you guys get back on the Isaribi, we can get that all sorted out.”

    “So…” Yukinojo said slowly, casting a few sideways glances, “I guess you’ve convinced a few of our… newest members to join us for this mission.”

    “About thirty. Most are fighters, but we got a few support people – a doctor and a nurse, a few mechanics, a pair of shuttle pilots, and some tech people.” Orga shrugged. “Basically, people who weren’t super important.”

    Yukinojo took a deep breath. “You sure this won’t be a problem?”

    “Well, it’s already a bit of a problem,” Orga admitted. “A lot of them are women, so we had to clear out some of the quarters we packed with supplies to give them somewhere to sleep.”

    “Right, it wouldn’t a great idea to have them bunk with the rest of the kids.”


    Mikazuki raised an eyebrow, but didn’t say anything.

    “Anyway,” Orga continued, putting his hands in his pockets, “we also have to make sure the food is all safe for them to eat, and whole bunch of other things… Eugene, Biscuit, and I have been spending a ton of time on this, so hopefully things settle down after we leave.”

    “Shouldn’t you be on the Isaribi, then?” Mikazuki asked. “You leave in a few hours.”

    “Yeah, well, wouldn’t be right for me to go without checking in on you guys,” Orga replied.

    Yukinojo smiled. “Don’t worry about us, Orga. We’re in good hands here on Saisei.”

    “I’m not worried about you two being here on Saisei.” Orga had a crooked smile on his face. “I’m just wondering if that old heart of yours can take riding on that booster of theirs.”

    Three hours later, Orga found himself on the Isaribi’s bridge, wishing he could crack a joke or two. Every station was manned for departure, which was fine, but Biscuit and Eugene looked seconds away from falling asleep on their feet. Dark bags were forming under their eyes, and every so often, they wobbled a bit as they stood around the floor display on the upper level of the bridge.

    A handful of aliens were up there too, representing their compatriots. Dr. Vass wasn’t among them; supposedly he was getting acquainted with the medical equipment, but Orga figured he was trying to lower his profile. As far as he could tell, Dr. Vass had some grudging respect for standing up for his principles, but most of the Thrill Seeker’s crew would rather see him get shot off into space for stranding them here. It was harsh, but fair, at least as Orga saw it, although he had to admit that he (and the rest of humanity) owed Vass big time.

    Rala T’Pani was one of the three on the bridge, wearing a new jacket freshly emblazoned with the Tekkadan logo, representing the Asari. Malon Raeka, a junior comm specialist, represented the Salarians. And Edil Pazness was one of four Batarians aboard, a full 40 percent of the Batarians aboard the Thrill Seeker. Raeka and Pazness weren’t as overtly enthusiastic about being Tekkadan as Rala seemed to be, but they were at least polite enough to tie bandanas with the Tekkadan logo to their upper arms.

    “So, we’re heading out?” Rala asked.

    “Yup,” Orga replied, tapping on the controls for the floor display. “We’ll get the details on our course from the Turbines tomorrow, but according to Naze, the route we’re taking should get us to Earth in two months.”

    “Two months?” Raeka burst out. “Our shuttles could do this trip in hours.”

    “Look, Tekkadan’s first job is to get a VIP to Earth to speak in front of some politicians.” Orga sighed. “Normally, that’d be a piece of cake, but this job started with our base on Mars getting attacked by mobile suits. The longer we’re in space and out of sight, the safer Kudelia – our VIP – is. And once we get there, we’ll probably need the equipment we’ve got aboard this ship. Then there’s the fact that our second job is to deliver some minerals to the Dort colonies near Earth. We can’t use the Thrill Seeker for that without revealing our big secret – you guys – so we’re stuck with going slow.”

    “He’s got you there,” Pazness muttered to the frustrated Salarian.

    “You know, this course takes you through your system’s asteroid belt,” Rala observed. “Why not go above or below the plane of the ecliptic and avoid the hassle of going through it?”

    Orga’s face was a blank mask of incomprehension. “Plane of the ecliptic?”

    “It’s where the planets orbit the sun,” Biscuit explained, rubbing his eyes. “Naze explained to me that there are Gjallarhorn sensors and occasional patrols there to catch pirates, so everyone cuts through the asteroid belt instead.”

    “Gjallarhorn? What’s that?” Raeka asked.

    “Bad guys who want Kudelia dead.” Eugene stifled a yawn. “They attacked us back on Mars.”

    “And the closer we get to Earth, the more likely we’re going to run into them,” Orga added. He turned towards the aliens. “Don’t worry, we’ll get you up to speed on what’s going on on Earth.”

    They nodded, but seemed slightly unconvinced.

    “Anyway, it’ll take us about a week to get to the edge of the asteroid belt. We’ll be rendezvousing with Barbatos there.”

    Rala raised her hand. “That’s your super special mobile suit thing, right? I thought it was still being worked on. How’s it going to be able to get to us so fast?”

    “Teiwaz is giving us a Kutan III booster,” Biscuit explained. “It’s fast enough to make the trip in a few hours.”

    “Maybe we should strap the engines from that thing onto the ship,” Raeka muttered.

    “Don’t be an ass, Malon. You know it’s easier to accelerate something small than something big,” the Asari pilot shot back.

    “Boss, Saisei Control says the Hammerhead is ready for launch,” Fumitan announced from the communication console, jack-knifing the growing tension.

    “Tell them we’re ready too.” Orga stepped down on to the lower deck for a few minutes, handling the business of departure before returning. “Anyway, now that we’re leaving, the Thrill Seeker is only going to be at Saisei for a few more days.”

    “Lemme guess, you’ve got some secret base where you’ll pick it apart,” Pazness replied.

    Orga grimaced and shared a look with Biscuit, who just shrugged. “More or less. Can’t really talk about it though.”

    “So much for that whole “be part of the Tekkadan family” thing,” Raeka snidely commented. “For all we know, they’ll be on the dissection table while we’re crawling towards Earth.”

    “Hey, watch your mouth, you-“

    Orga put up a hand to silence Eugene and locked eyes with the Salarian. “Teiwaz’s Old Man personally assured me that they’d be safe. If anything happens to them, I’ll be leading the charge to kick down his door and get them back.”

    He took a few steps toward Raeka, who shrank back and cringed. “Is that understood?”

    “Yes” was the sullen reply.

    “Now,” Orga continued, “it’s going to be a long trip, so I suggest you all settle in and make yourselves at home. Biscuit, Eugene – you’ve done enough lately; get some sleep.”

    Eugene started to protest, then yawned. “Alright, alright. I’m going.”

    “Yeah, see you later.” Biscuit followed Eugene off the bridge, just a bit ahead of the aliens.

    As Orga settled into the captain’s chair he caught Pazness chuckle and say to Raeka, “He sure busted your balls, didn’t he?”

    He allowed himself a small smile. Word about how he handled Raeka would spread among the aliens, and whatever their opinion of him, they’d at least know he had a spine. And that would give them the confidence to follow him whenever he made a hard call.

    Damn, when did I start thinking like this? Orga thought a moment, and it came back to him. Not the exact moment when his thought processes changed, but the trigger for the change. It was back when he and Vass had had their little conversation in the elevator, in the midst of his existential turmoil.

    What did he say? That I was “a leader worthy of the title”. Guess I’m trying to live up to that.

    Orga stared into the depths of space, lit only by the unblinking, yet ephemeral stars.

    Fine. I may be changing, but as long as Tekkadan gets where we want to go, it’s alright by me.

    Three days later, Nevara Char found herself staring at a holographic representation of the solar system. Ever since the long range navigational records were removed, this had replaced the galaxy map – after all, they weren’t likely to leave this system for years. Possibly not even in the lifespan of the Batarian crew members, a sobering thought for an Asari like her. At three times the length of a Salarian lifespan, it was still a not insignificant amount of time for an Asari. It was about the amount of time required to get four really difficult degrees from prestigious universities on Thessia.

    “Ah, there you are, Captain Char. Are you ready to begin?”

    Nevara turned to see Mr. Chen, the Teiwaz member assigned to get the Thrill Seeker to the Black Site. She had no idea if Chen was his given or family name; all he had given her as background was that his ancestors came from a place called “Vietnam” on Earth and that he was a senior Teiwaz employee. She wasn’t even sure of his role in the larger Teiwaz organization – certainly it couldn’t just be getting ships to this one base?

    “About as ready as we’ll ever be.” She contacted the helmsman and rattled off a set of instructions for their course. “Standard cruise burn.”

    The Thrill Seeker’s sublight engines came to life in a silent flare of nuclear fury. Unlike in her days among the Turian fleet, the destroyer burned only helium 3 and hydrogen in her engines. For a long range mission, far from resupply infrastructure, it made sense to use easily obtainable fuel. But there was a carefully husbanded supply of anti-protons aboard, ready for use if the situation demanded higher acceleration.

    Mr. Chen had asked, in great depth and detail, about the ship’s sublight speed, acceleration, and maneuvering capabilities, and Nevara had been reluctant to reveal that information without cause. But he’d been forthcoming on why he needed the information – it was all part of the second phase of Teiwaz’s grand ruse. The first phase was the departure of the Hammerhead and Isaribi days earlier, which hid the link between Teiwaz, Tekkadan, and the Thrill Seeker.

    The second phase entailed a 45 minute cruise along a course intended to fool Gjallarhorn into thinking the ship was clearing the solar system before heading to Alpha Centauri. Nevara wasn’t so sure about the logic behind it; supposedly Gjallarhorn had surveillance satellites near Saisei, but the Thrill Seeker hadn’t been able to distinguish them from the other satellites in the area. Still, it was better to humor the Teiwaz man, mostly because she didn’t want the blame if something went wrong.

    Once the second phase was complete, the third phase began. The Thrill Seeker changed vector, pointing her bow towards a point in the asteroid belt, while maintaining speed for a few hours. Halfway between where she changed course and her destination, she began decelerating down to a few thousandths of a kilometer per second. By the time she arrived at the edge of the asteroid belt, she was moving no faster than a car through a tightly packed neighborhood.

    “So, what now?” Nevara tapped her foot, bored and more than a little cranky at the whole drawn out process.

    “Phase 4,” Mr. Chen replied, glancing at his watch. “Any minute now, mobile workers will arrive to guide us in.”

    “Picking up a dozen small objects on a low speed approach vector,” the sensor operator announced. “Looks like they’re using some kind of optical signal for communication.”

    Mr. Chen went to the operator’s station and observed the visual feed.

    “It’s them,” he confirmed, before explaining how to reply back.

    “Looks like they’re going to attach themselves to the hull,” the sensor operator observed, right before a series of dull thunks reverberated throughout the ship.

    “They’ll be handling the maneuvers from here on out,” Mr. Chen explained.

    “I bet my helmsman is twice the pilot any of your mobile worker pilots are,” Nevara shot back.

    Mr. Chen let the comment roll right off him. “It’s not a matter of skill, it’s a matter of minimizing the amount of activity in the area. We paid a lot of money to sabotage Gjallarhorn’s long range observation of the area, but you firing your thrusters might produce too big a signature to be ignored. That’s why we use mobile workers to guide all our ships in – their thrusters are too small to be picked up at long range.”

    She shrugged. “Whatever you say.”

    After half an hour, the Thrill Seeker settled into the hangar built into one end of a nondescript, oblong asteroid, indistinguishable from any other in the area. Shedding its mobile worker guides like fleas, the alien ship drifted into the gentle grasp of articulated docking clamps under one last bit of inertia. Throughout the hangar bay, workers, young and old, found themselves staring in awe at the bird-like vessel – and the greatest secret in human history – now in their care.

    In the CIC, Mr. Chen brought his hands together and smiled. “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Black Site.”

    Author's Notes: You may be thinking, "Didn't you say that you wouldn't be able to write as often?" Funny thing - turns out I had an extra week before things turned extra hectic. So I wrote this to wrap up the first contact/immediate aftermath stuff and get on to the Brewers arc in the next chapter. Plus I figured we needed to have Mikazuki show up again before he gets his big action scene.

    I thought about actually making a known asteroid into the Black Site, but it's hard to figure out their positions relative to Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and each other, plus a bunch of the larger ones probably got blown up in the Calamity War. I figure Ceres isn't it, mostly because it's too big and too likely to be a mid-way resupply spot/colony between Mars and Jupiter.
    Chapter 12
  • Chapter 12

    “Specialist Major Bauduin, Specialist Major Fareed – Lord Bauduin wishes to speak with you.”

    Gaelio Bauduin’s face lit up as he spotted his father’s assistant round the corner. “Dikembe! It’s good to see you!”

    “And both of you as well,” he replied, motioning for them to follow him.

    “How have things been in our absence?” McGillis asked as they walked down the corridor leading to his father’s office.

    Balewa shrugged. “Much the same as they’ve ever been.”

    McGillis said nothing, but Gaelio knew he was frustrated. They were both in Gjallarhorn’s Regulatory Bureau out of a sense that there were deep seated problems within the organization. Corruption, nepotism, favoritism, bigotry, and whole slew of other issues were festering under the façade Gjallarhorn presented to the public. Gaelio and McGillis had earned a reputation for being tough but fair and thorough investigators, which had garnered them high rank at a young age. But both knew it was their status as heirs to the Seven Stars allowed it – anyone from a less prestigious background would’ve probably faced career ending retaliation long before they could accomplish anything.

    “So, any idea what this is about?” Gaelio was well aware of his father’s assistant’s background; he’d briefly looked at a summary of his service record several years earlier. That had only been necessary because the man was so tight-lipped; talking to him accomplished almost nothing.

    “It must be discussed in private.” Balewa paused as they arrived at an elevator. “It has nothing to do with family matters.”

    Gaelio nodded in appreciation as they stepped into the elevator. The first thing that had come to his mind was some sort of issue relating McGillis’ engagement to Almiria, his younger sister. While he personally disagreed with announcing that sort of thing while the girl was just nine, Gaelio knew it could’ve been far worse – she could’ve been engaged to Iok Kujan, for one thing. At least he could trust McGillis to treat her like a lady; Iok would find a way bungle that while loudly proclaiming how chivalrous he was.

    Gaelio and McGillis also shared a personal disdain for Iok Kujan, who was several years their junior and outranked them by several orders of magnitude, mostly because his father had died and he took his place among the Seven Stars. While they were all combat trained, and Iok supposedly had sortied a few times, Iok’s boisterous personality and near total lack of field experience made him a joke of a leader. The most positive thing either man could say about Iok was that he hadn’t caused some embarrassment or catastrophe yet.

    The elevator rose up one level and they stepped out into a functionally identical hallway. Gaelio hated the way every floor of this part of Vingolf looked the same; the only way to know what floor you were on was seeing the little number painted on the walls next to the elevators. Even some bland art work on the walls would help break up the monotony.

    The trio entered Gallus’ office, and immediately, Gaelio appreciated his father’s efforts at decorating the space. It felt better to be here, as opposed to Iznario Fareed’s office, which they’d just left. There was a warmth and humanity that was lacking in the elder Fareed’s domain.

    Of course, when Gaelio had asked McGillis what he’d do with such an office, his answer was typically McGillis: “I would’ve built it smaller.”

    Gallus Bauduin got off the couch he was sitting on and heartily embraced Gaelio in a bear hug. “Gaelio, my boy! How was Mars?”

    “It was interesting,” he admitted, as his father let go and shook hands with McGillis. “Could’ve been better.”

    Gallus raised an eyebrow as he sat down. “Oh? How’s that?”

    Gaelio scratched the back of his head. “I, uh, nearly hit some little girls while driving through a back road. They just popped up of nowhere, and I managed to avoid hitting them, but then their brother showed up and his friend picked me up and choked me.”

    “The girls’ grandmother managed to defuse the situation,” McGillis added. “Unfortunately, I had to part with a set of chocolates I was planning to give to Almiria, but it was peacefully resolved.”

    “Well, aside from the fact that the boy who choked me is piloting a Gundam and working for the mercenaries escorting Kudelia Aina Bernstein to Earth.”

    “Hmmm.” Gallus picked up two tablets on the coffee table in front of him and handed them to the younger men. “This is connected to your work on Mars.”

    Gaelio found himself staring at some pictures of spaceships in space, trying to figure out where his father was going with this.

    “One of the ships belongs to Tekkadan, a name you two should be very familiar with.” Now that Gaelio thought about it, the reddish assault carrier did look familiar. “The one next to it is the Hammerhead, flagship of Teiwaz’s transport division, run by the Turbines.”

    “What about the third one?” McGillis asked.

    “Ah, that one is a mystery.” Gallus smiled. “No one is quite sure what it is.”

    “How crazy would it be if it was aliens?” Gaelio’s tone made it clear how seriously he took the possibility – which was not at all.

    Gallus merely shrugged, which unsettled Gaelio to no end.

    “There are several other possibilities,” McGillis pointed out. “The shape does seem reminiscent of some space use mobile armors. It could also be a pre-Calamity War spacecraft of some kind. Perhaps even some kind of Teiwaz prototype.”

    Gallus stroked his beard. “I admit, I had not considered the possibility of it being a mobile armor. But it’s far more likely to be a ship, since there’s footage showing shuttles going between the ships, plus it has shown no signs of hostility.”

    “That doesn’t necessarily rule out a mobile armor, especially if it was constructed after the Calamity War.” McGillis frowned. “There has always been the possibility Gjallarhorn failed to destroy them all during the war. After 300 years, there’s no telling how sophisticated its intelligence might be, nor its abilities. For all we know, the mobile armor could be disguising itself as a spaceship, alien or not, and constructed a fake crew to interact with humans and lull them into a false sense of security.”

    “Uh, I’ve got a question,” Gaelio interjected, trying to ignore his now sweaty palms. “Why don’t we just send a ship or two from the Outer Sphere patrol to see what’s going on?”

    “I would’ve recommended that, but none of these three ships is near Saisei anymore.” Gallus leaned back on his couch. “Tekkadan and the Turbines seem to be heading towards Earth together, while the unknown ship, whatever it is, headed off in a different direction. The few people who know about this in Deep Space Telemetry say it’s heading towards Alpha Centauri.”

    There was a subtle shift of McGillis’ eyes that said he didn’t fully believe that, but he said nothing of the sort. “I see. What would you like us to do?”

    The corners of Gallus’ mouth tweaked up a bit. “Always to the point. Very well – I’m sure the two of you have made some contacts during your investigation on Mars. See what you can find out about this, then write a preliminary report, something I can present to the rest of the Seven Stars.”

    “Couldn’t you have your Deep Space Telemetry people do this?” Gaelio asked, in an off-hand manner that belied the growing discomfort he felt.

    “Oh, I certainly intend to have them do their own analysis, but your,” Gallus motioned towards both majors, “investigational skills are well known, and you bring fresh perspectives to the matter. Where you disagree with their analysis is would be as informative as where you agree.”

    “I see.” McGillis closed his eyes and a slight smile appeared on his face. “Then we are at your service.”

    Gaelio summoned an inner reserve of strength he didn’t know he needed, adding, “Don’t worry Dad, you can count on us.”

    “Excellent.” Gallus clasped his hands together. “Now, I’m sure you’re both tired of seeing nothing but corridors, so get yourselves home and relax after your long trip.”

    The younger men said their goodbyes and left the office, heading back down the bland, featureless corridor and into the elevator. As it began speeding down towards the base of Vingolf’s tower, Gaelio turned to McGillis. “It’s just one thing after another, isn’t it?”

    McGillis played with a stray lock of his blonde hair. “It’s certainly an… interesting turn, one that no one could have predicted. The fact that Tekkadan is involved makes it all the more fascinating.”

    “Don’t tell me you really think it’s aliens?”

    McGillis looked at Gaelio and the corners of his mouth pulled up. “I’m not sure what to believe, but I intend to find out what exactly is going on.”

    “Well, I guess that’s fair,” Gaelio said with a shrug that carried more confidence than he felt. Things seemed oddly off kilter, and he wasn’t exactly sure why. It’s not like a ridiculous thing like a conspiracy between Tekkadan, Teiwaz, and aliens is anywhere close to being reality.

    “That said, I wonder if I can use this as an excuse to avoid the upcoming banquet.” McGillis hated going to them, even though he was polite enough to not to make a big issue out of it.

    Gaelio grimaced. “I wish. I won’t be getting out of it, that’s for sure, especially if Almiria has to go…”

    McGillis’ expression hardened. “I had hoped father wouldn’t force her to participate… If she’s going, then I should go as well, for her sake.”

    A sudden surge of brotherly comradery coursed through Gaelio. He laid a friendly hand on McGillis’ shoulder and the two men locked eyes. For a moment, they were united in a common cause that transcended all other concerns. “Thanks.”

    McGillis smiled. “It’s the least I can do for my “big brother.””

    Gaelio buried his face in his hand and groaned. “I told you not to call me that!”

    Aboard the Isaribi, the first week was a grueling learning marathon for all involved. Neither side was adequately prepared for their circumstances, and there were random flares of tension throughout the week. The first one came from the younger children constantly asking what was wrong with the Salarians’ chests. Others came from unexpected cultural clashes and logistical hurdles, like the fact that unless a non-human was wearing a visor, they couldn’t read any human text without scanning it with an omni-tool for translation. Some were purely personality conflicts.

    Working through them was a group effort, requiring compromises from both sides. Throughout it all, Dr. Vass remained elusive, only offering advice when absolutely necessary. In that vacuum, Pazness and Rala found themselves becoming spokesmen for the alien members of the crew; Raeka was marginalized, but served as a bellwether for issues. Orga, Eugene, Biscuit, Chad, and – surprisingly – Akihiro spread out among the crew and worked to keep heads cool and fists from flying, and all the while, Kudelia tried to bridge the gap by teaching the aliens how to read English.

    By the end of the week, things were beginning to congeal into a new normal for all involved. Aliens and humans were mingling in the mess hall, working together on various day-to-day tasks, and even sparring with each other in the gym.

    Down in the mess hall, Rala and her sister Treia were sitting with Pazness, poking at the Woolton pies on their trays.

    “So, what’ve you been up to?” Rala asked Treia, scooping up a spoonful of pie.

    “That Yamagi kid was showing me and Hish the guts of the cockpits in those mobile worker things.” Treia placed her hands on the table and leaned forward. “Get this – they basically yanked a mobile worker cockpit and shoved it inside a 300 year old mobile suit… and it worked.”

    “What isn’t hundreds of years old here?” Pazness interjected. “For all we know, this ship is three hundred years old – the design sure seems to be, at least from what I’ve heard.”

    “What’s the problem with that?” Rala shot back. “Plenty of stuff in Citadel space is thousands of years old.”

    “I dunno,” Pazness admitted. “Maybe it’s that it feels weird that there doesn’t seem to be anything new out here.”

    “Yamagi told me the mobile suit they’ve got aboard right now – they call it a Graze – is new.” Treia shrugged. “I didn’t ask him how new. Poor kid was having a hard enough time keeping up with all our questions about how the cockpit electronics.”

    Rala frowned. “What’s up with that?”

    “Gotta know how to work with the fire control systems.” Treia scooped up some of her pie. “So, what about you, Paz. Got any interesting stories?”

    The Batarian chuckled and took a sip of his drink. “Spent an hour working out with Akihiro and wound up trading exercise tips.”

    “Really?” Rala raised her eyebrows. “Quite a few of the girls have been keeping an eye on him.”

    “No shit.” Pazness picked up a spoonful of pie and pointed it at the Asari. “Why do you think all the Asari got the fancy quarters, while we get to bunk with the kids.”

    Treia put on an exaggerated Thessian high culture accent. “Because we’re princesses who deserve the best?”

    They all had hearty laugh at that.

    “Yeah, I can get why our new captain did that,” Rala said. “Things might’ve gotten really awkward right away, especially since some of the things these kids say is just – wow.”

    “Well, that’s what kids get up to when they don’t have family to take care of or things to do,” the Batarian noted. “All that free energy’s gotta go somewhere, right?”

    “Ugh.” Treia buried her face in her hands. “Why did you put it that way?”

    “He’s not wrong,” Rala replied. “For that matter, do any of these kids have living relatives?”

    “I think there’s one or two in Tekkadan,” Pazness answered, keeping the details to himself. “I think Kudelia’s parents are alive, from what I’ve heard.”

    Treia took a quick look around, dropping her voice to a near whisper. “I feel kinda bad about talking about this, since… you know, everyone else either has no family or will never see them again.”

    “Yeah,” Rala replied, casting a glance at Pazness. “You don’t seem all that bothered, though.”

    “Well, I did the whole “gotta leave my family behind” thing years ago.”

    Treia frowned. “How sad or messed up is this story?”

    “Not too bad.” Pazness took another bite of pie. “You see, I was a dumbass kid on some mid-level world in the Hegemony. I swallowed all the propaganda like a varren on a baited hook, but I lucked out and managed to get a job working security at the estate of a high-caste family. Turned out it was where they shoved a particularly troublesome son to keep him from causing scandals.”

    “I get the feeling I know where this is going,” Rala muttered.

    “Maybe.” Pazness paused, staring off into the middle distance. “Anyway, the kid treated everyone like shit – didn’t matter if you were hired or a slave, he expected you to do whatever the hell he wanted, no matter how messed up it was. Our pay was mostly hush money. He also had a nasty habit of killing slaves for no reason at all – luckily, I never had to clean up those messes, but it was so often and extreme that we figured it was a matter of time before he started offing us.

    “So here I was, a young dumb punk dealing with all this bullshit, just trying to get through two years of working for this guy so I could parlay that into a way to get a less shit job. I gotta do rounds in and around the slave areas every few hours, and boy, were they underfed. I don’t know why, maybe the shitbag had a red sand habit that ate most of the budget for feeding them or just didn’t give a shit, but things got so bad the kids were sneaking into estate’s food supply and stealing the stuff closest to expiration. And they had the bad luck of getting caught on my patrol.”

    He took a sip of his drink to keep his throat from drying out.

    “I had two choices – let them go or grab them, report ‘em, and leave them to that psycho’s mercies, so I decided to let them go with a warning that they needed to be more careful. And that was fine; I bumped into them maybe three more times over the next year, and just gave them the same warning. Then one day, I catch them, but right before I can give them the warning, the shitbag arrives.”

    Rala and Treia leaned forward in horrified anticipation.

    “So the guy goes ‘What do we have here?’ and I make a big show of taking the food and looking at it. I say ‘Looks like some food that’s about to expire,’ and the guy starts manhandling one of the kids. Then I mention that it’s a problem that solves itself – just feed the slaves the expiring food, which wasn’t happening because the people running the pantry gave as little of a shit as I did. The guy goes ‘Who the fuck do you think you are?’ and starts beating the shit out of me.”

    The Asari just sat there in silent, horrified anticipation.

    “I’m getting beat up, and I’m not sure what to do, because he’s my boss and hitting him causes me all sorts of problems. But it turns out it doesn’t matter, because the kids tackle him from behind and one of them smashes a big old can of something or other on his head.” Pazness shook his head in disbelief. “It’s crazy, huh? I really didn’t do much of anything for those kids, but they but themselves on the line for me. Of course, I couldn’t appreciate it at the time, because I was panicking and trying to figure out what to do. Then it got really crazy.”

    “How can this story get any crazier?” Rala asked.

    “Just you wait. Now, after telling the kids to make themselves scarce, I had to do some fast talking when I reported this. I told the guy in the security office that I got jumped by some hobo, who knocked out the client when he stumbled onto the fight, then the hobo ran away. He got a search going, plus sent some guys to check on me and our shitbag boss.” The Batarian took another sip of his drink. “This is when things started spiraling out of control. They checked me over, nothing but a few bruises – fine. Some of the senior guys pick up the shitbag by his arms and legs – weird, but alright. Somebody goes off and comes back with rope – things are starting to ring alarm bells. Tying him up and hanging him from a tree so he can be a punching bag – what the hell is this?!”

    “What’d you do?” Treia’s voice was nothing more than a hushed croak.

    “Well, me and the security guys who weren’t in on it were just looking at each other, trying to figure out what to do. Eventually, we went back inside the house to work up a plan to get out of there before things blew up in our face. One guy says he knows a guy who can get us smuggled off the planet, so all we need is a ride there and we’ll be safe. Turns out a deliver driver showed up earlier and hadn’t left, so we bust into a safe and get some untraceable credits, all while news spreads about what’s going on.” He shook his head. “Until then, I hadn’t realized how many people straight up hated that shitbag. They were pouring out the building to get their chance to pay him back for what he did to them…”

    Pazness’ voice faded off as he lost himself in the moment. Then he coughed and continued his tale.

    “Anyway, we manage to talk the driver into taking us to the spaceport, but then somebody runs past us, screaming about how we’re all fucked. Turns out, in twenty minutes, some of the shitbag’s dad’s goons are stopping by for a check-in, and when they find out what’s been happening, well, getting out alive is going to take some fast talking.” He took a deep breath. “Now, the handful of us that’ve been trying to escape are scattered all over the estate, trying to gather stuff before our big escape. I was back by the slave pens when I got that bit of news, so I did the only thing I could – opened the doors, yelled at them to get out, and pointed them to some hills where rebels were rumored to be, and ran away like a coward.”

    An uncomfortable silence descended on the table.

    A few seconds later, Rala asked, “Did any of them make it?

    “I saw about half of them get out of the slave quarters.” Pazness kept his eyes down towards the table. “I don’t know what happened after that. By the time the fighting started, we were kilometers away. We didn’t even know the place was burning down until an hour after it was all over, because we ditched our omni-tools in a sewer drain – looking back, we should’ve left them at the estate.

    “So, a few days and a few mass relay hops later, we were on Omega with new identities and nothing but the clothes on our backs. We split up, but kept in touch, trying to keep low profile. I joined a merc group, and for five years, everything was smooth sailing. I was even thinking about getting back in touch with my family, but I was keeping an eye on the news from back home, and noticed that the delivery driver had recently died in an “accident.” Then I checked in with the rest of the gang, and well, one of us didn’t answer.”

    Treia squinted in confusion. “Why come after you five years later?”

    “Because the estate burning down really hurt the family’s caste standing, and even though they bribed enough people to bury the investigation, it seems like enough people found out about what the shitbag was doing there that the locals avoided doing business with them.” Pazness shrugged. “I didn’t really check into it too much. I was busy figuring out how to disappear, and well, being on a deep space exploration ship was a good way to do it.”

    “So this wound up working out really well for you,” Rala observed, taking a long sip of her drink.

    Pazness shrugged. “I guess. Doesn’t stop me from feeling bad when other people get miserable about the family topic.”

    “I think the big takeaway is Pazness here has a big soft spot for kids.” Treia had a big, shit eating grin on her face. “Before you know it, the kids here are going to be calling you “Uncle Pazzy” and begging you to read them bedtime stories.”

    Rala buried her face in her hands to stifle her snickering.

    The Batarian’s mouth compressed into a thin, scowling line. “Great. I can’t wait.”

    Like a blazing comet, Gundam Barbatos hurtled through space in the belly of a Kutan III.

    Built by Euro Electronics, the heavy industry subsidiary of Teiwaz, the Kutan III was designed to move cargo and mobile suits through the solar system as quickly as possible. An absurd thrust to mass ratio, along with advanced chemical propellant formulas for the boosters, allowed it to outrun ships and get to destinations in hours, rather than days or weeks. But the Kutan III’s speed came at a cost – unless its destination was well within half of its maximum range, any trip on a Kutan III was a one way ticket.

    Cocooned inside the cockpit of Barbatos, Mikazuki Augus slept, unconcerned by the mechanical realities of the Kutan III. As long as it got him where he needed to be and did what he needed it to do, he was fine. He already knew what Barbatos, still whispering in his mind, could do. There was little to worry about in the emptiness of space. Things would change when they arrived at the Isaribi.

    In his deep slumber, Mikazuki dreamed. The dream was not of any one person or place – Sakura Pretzel’s farm on Mars, Tekkadan’s base, the Isaribi, even the alley where Orga had given him his new life, all inhabited by various people he knew and cared about – but on a subconscious level, he understood it was a glimpse of the place where he belonged. That was as far as his understanding went – he simply lacked the knowledge necessary to interpret it further.

    “Hey, Mikazuki, it’s time to wake up. We’re a half hour out from the Isaribi.

    Instantly, he was awake, a reflex trained into him by years of harsh life on the streets of Chryse and in CGS.

    “I’m awake, old man.” It was just Mr. Yukinojo, who was riding in the Kutan III’s cockpit. They’d agreed to take alternating shifts of staying awake to keep watch and sleeping, just in case anything went wrong. Nothing did, so the trip was very boring.

    “Good. Mind putting the forward sensors to search mode?”

    Mikazuki worked Barbatos’ controls, set up to handle operating the Kutan III. The booster unit’s most powerful sensors, used in search and rescue missions, came to life. On the screen in front of him, two dots appeared at the very edge of sensor range.

    Two contacts. Type: Capital Ship. ID: NOA-0093 Isaribi. TIR-0009 Hammerhead. Classification: Friendly.

    Mikazuki ignored Barbatos’ mutterings and read the names on the screen. It was hard, mostly because he’d only started learning how to read in the last few months. Sometimes the letters were backwards, and he didn’t know why that was, but it made things more difficult.

    Finally, he said, “It’s the Isaribi and Hammerhead.”

    “Great. Want to check in?”

    Mikazuki thought about it.

    Signal traversal time: 15 minutes. Time to intercept: 28 minutes and counting.

    “No, we’ll do it when we’re closer.”

    “Alright, if you say so. Might as well do system checks if you’re up, right?”


    Twenty minutes later, all the checks were done. Everything was working, although the new gun wasn’t properly set up, but that was nothing new. The workers on Saisei hadn’t been able to put together anything more than a basic heat gauge and reticule for it, so no one knew how well it would work. Because of that, it was mounted on the left arm as a backup weapon, while a large cannon was on the back to handle ranged threats.

    I should have asked Kudelia for some writing homework, Mikazuki thought. While it was boring and a bit hard sometimes, it was less boring than sitting in the cockpit and doing nothing. Whenever he had the choice, he preferred to do something over doing nothing.

    “Hey, Mikazuki.”

    “What is it, old man?”

    “You ready for this?”

    Mikazuki’s face scrunched in confusion. “For what?”

    “Meeting the aliens. It’s going to be like nothing we’ve ever done.”

    The boy shrugged, even if Yukinojo couldn’t see him. “They’re just people, right? Why should it be any different than normal?”

    Yukinojo burst out laughing over the radio. “You’ve got a good point there.”

    Mikazuki nodded to himself and checked the sensor display. The ships were in the middle, so he shut off the search sensors. They immediately jumped back to the edge, but that was fine. All they had to do was rendezvous.

    A new dot appeared on the screen, and Barbatos muttered in his mind again.

    “Looks like Akihiro’s out on patrol.” The new contact was Tekkadan’s captured Graze.

    “Sounds like everything’s normal over there.”

    “Yeah, I guess.”

    The Graze pulled closer and closer to the edge, even as the Kutan III got closer and closer to the Isaribi.

    Several minutes passed, then three new blips showed up on the display, close to the Graze.

    Three new contacts. Type: Mobile suits. ID: Unknown. Classification: Unknown.

    Mikazuki frowned, and pushed the throttle to the limit, then began tucking in the neck seal of his space suit. “Akihiro’s in trouble.”

    “Are you sure?”

    He didn’t reply, instead changing course so the Kutan III would fly right by the Isaribi. Barbatos blazed past the ship, almost close enough to scratch the paint. A low fuel alarm began blaring, but Mikazuki didn’t care.

    “Old man, I’m going in.”

    The large boosters and their integral fuel tanks dropped off with a thunk.

    “Huh? What’d you say?!”

    “I’m going to hand the controls back to you now.”

    “Wait a minute! I don’t know how to pilot this thing!”

    It was too late – Barbatos was already in the process of emerging from the Kutan III. Armored panels lowered, raised, or swept to the sides, and sparing a second to grab the long sword attached to the arm fin to the right, Mikazuki and his Gundam set off into the battle. Speeding up, above the melee, he lowered the point of the sword, opened the throttles of Barbatos’ thrusters, and dove toward the mobile suit preparing to crush the Graze’s cockpit.

    The blade slammed into green, turtle-like mobile suit’s cockpit, an impact that reverberated through the ancient Gundam’s venerable frame. Mikazuki let out his breath; he hadn’t been sure he could make the kill in time. Then one of the other two mobile suits charged towards Barbatos, firing a rifle of some kind. He pulled the defeated mobile suit in between him and his attacker, then had Barbatos kick it into it, before flying above the new threat.

    He was on Akihiro’s tail now, with both mobile suits speeding back towards the Isaribi. “Akihiro, are you alright?”

    Akihiro’s face appeared on the large display panel to Mikazuki’s left. “I’m alright.”

    An audio only icon appeared, with the name “Takaki Uno” under it.

    “What are you doing out here?” Takaki was supposed to be keeping an eye on the younger kids, not doing patrols. Mikazuki looked a bit more carefully at the Graze; a blue mobile worker was tied to it, right above the thruster on the back.

    “I went out on patrol with Akihiro.” That didn’t really explain anything, but Mikazuki figured he’d get an actual explanation later.

    “You saved us,” Akihiro said. “Thank you.”

    A new voice cut in. “Mika, Akihiro, fall back to the Isaribi on a zig-zag course. We’ll try to keep the last two off your backs. Don’t worry about Mr. Yukinojo, we’ll pick him up!”


    Mikazuki and Akihiro followed their orders; they could see the far off flashes of the Isaribi’s main guns firing as they zagged, as well as a nearby patch of asteroids. Yukinojo’s calls for help filled the cockpit, but since he was moving away from the enemy, Mikazuki felt he was alright. The large shells from the Isaribi began passing by right as the enemy mobile suits began firing their rifles.

    “Stay away from those asteroids! We won’t be able to cover you in there!”

    Mikazuki nodded to himself. “Akihiro, follow my lead.”


    Mikazuki pulled Barbatos into a hard 90 degree turn away from the asteroids, dialing back the throttle a bit to allow Akihiro’s Graze to pull ahead of him. A few rounds from the Isaribi nearly hit them; several slammed into the asteroids, obliterating the smaller ones. Mikazuki frowned as he spotted glimpses of movement among the dust and debris, pulling out the large, conventional cannon on Barbatos’ back.

    Three more mobile suits emerged; they all shared the same general shape of the first three, but one had a huge rectangular object on its back, and two had a lighter paint scheme. Mikazuki took a quick look at the display, trying to figure out where everyone was. Akihiro was in front of him; between their turn and the Isaribi cruising and turning towards them, it wouldn’t be long before they reached safety. But now there were five mobile suits on their tail.

    A new blip appeared on the screen. New contact. Type: Mobile Suit. ID: STH-14s Hyakuri. Classification: Friendly. That was Lafter’s mobile suit, a fast recon unit with decent weapons and armor. It’d catch up to Barbatos and the Graze in thirty seconds—

    “Where the hell do you think you’re going?!” That was one of the enemy, probably their leader. Mikazuki thought he sounded a bit odd, but he couldn’t care less about why. No, what was important was buying Akihiro and Takaki more time to get away.

    He switched the sword to Barbatos’ left hand and turned to face the enemy. He managed to score some hits on the closer pair of mobile suits with the cannon, the ones that jumped Akihiro, but none of them did anything. He tried shooting the ones further back, and even when they did hit, they bounced off.

    “Man – all of these suits are sure covered in some tough armor.” That left only one option. Carefully making sure the hand and the sword were clear of the alien gun’s barrel, he aimed the unproven weapon at the center of what he thought was the enemy leader’s suit. Enemy rifle fire pinged off Barbatos, but he made sure his aim was true, and pulled the trigger.

    The hypersonic sledgehammer round exited the barrel milliseconds before the recoil nearly sent Barbatos into a spin, missed one of the first two mobile suits by mere centimeters, and slammed into target’s right shoulder, high and to the left of its intended destination.

    Immediately, the enemy mobile suits slowed their pursuit, enough that several rounds from the Isaribi nearly connected. Mikazuki brought Barbatos back under control and followed that up with some conventional cannon fire, all the while keeping an eye on the heat gauge. It was dropping, but not fast enough for his liking, and it was hard to tell when he could fire again without overheating it.

    “How dare you damage my Gusion! I’ll have your head for that! No one beats Kudal Cadel!” So that was the enemy leader’s name. Most of the time, Mikazuki had no idea who he was fighting until after it was over. Usually they’d be dead by then.

    Gusion began jinking aggressively, closing the distance to Barbatos. His wingmen closed in too, then fell back as they were peppered with cannon fire. A blue mobile suit – New contact. Type: Mobile Suit. ID: STH-05 Hyakuren. Classification: Friendly – charged towards the first set of mobile suits, and Lafter’s Hyakuri danced around Kadel’s wingmen.

    “Don’t worry guys, the cavalry is here.” That was Azee, in the Hyakuren. It must have ridden on the Hyakuri’s back, Mikazuki thought.

    “Now’s your chance to get back to the Isaribi,” Lafter added.

    “Thanks!” Akihiro and Takaki replied, pulling off towards the growing silhouette of Tekkadan’s assault carrier.

    Mikazuki nodded and returned his focus to the approaching Gusion. Even though a quick look at the heat gauge said that he could safely fire the alien cannon, he wasn’t about to fire while the enemy was dodging like crazy. Instead, he stowed the conventional cannon and switched the sword to Barbatos’ right hand, saving the alien cannon for a close range shot.

    As he pulled closer, the rectangle on Gusion’s back turned out to be the head of huge hammer, one that Mikazuki instinctively knew would do a great deal of damage to whatever it hit. Still, he allowed Gusion to get close, dodging the wild swings of the hammer while trying to get a killing blow in. It didn't work Barbatos’ sword just bounced off the Gusion’s armor.

    “This is hard to use,” he grumbled. Still, he was in the right spot to fire…

    “Look out Mikazuki!” Azee shouted; one of the two mobile suits she’d been fighting broke away and made a beeline for Barbatos.

    For any other pilot in any other mobile suit, that would’ve been the time to fire. But instead, he waited until the last possible second, lined Barbatos’ left arm up like it was about to punch Gusion in the gut, and fired. Barbatos spun out of the way, allowing the other mobile suit’s momentum to smash it into the Gusion, its blade cutting into the thick armor. Firing his thrusters, Mikazuki regained control in time to see Lafter go in for a killing blow on one of the other mobile suits… then pull away at the last second.

    Before he could ask what was wrong, Gusion launched a blue and a red flare from its head Vulcan cannons, and all five surviving enemy mobile suits retreated.

    Mikazuki opened a channel to both of Turbine pilots, who appeared on opposite sides of his cockpit display. “Hey, thanks guys. I rushed out here, so I was running kinda short on propellants. Did Akihiro make it back to the Isaribi?”

    “He did,” Azee answered, frowning. “Lafter, what the hell was that back there?”

    That was when he noticed how shaken Lafter was. “Uh… guys? I might be crazy, but I might’ve almost killed Akihiro’s brother.”

    Author's Notes:
    Hey, McGillis and Gaelio managed to finally appear in the story proper! And naturally, it must end with Gaelio being embarrassed, because being Gaelio is suffering. It becomes next level trolling when you imagine what that bit would look like animated, aka Gaelio x McGillis ship scene #123, only for it to be utterly sandbagged like that. That said, I couldn't help but mention That Idiot, mostly because A) it's impossible for them to not know about him, and B) given how Gaelio and McGillis were, it's hard to see them not holding him in contempt to some degree.

    Thought it might be interesting to explore a different Batarian POV, especially since Pazness is going to be playing a bigger role soon, plus it fleshes out the Batarian Hegemony a little bit. And hey, I got to incorporate a reference to Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens while setting up the new status quo on the Isaribi, so it's all good.

    Finally got to a fight scene too! IBO's style is kind of hard to translate into prose, at least when you're sticking to some of the points of canon. Fun fact: I almost left out the APC cannon because I thought there were three fights with the Brewers, but I checked Wikipedia's episode summaries and realized there were only two, so I included it here. The ending is one of those horrible moments of inspiration we writers get, the kind that makes things interesting in a not-fun-for-the-characters way, especially considering certain developments in IBO season 2. I like it. It has weight.

    Also, yeah, Mikazuki has dyslexia. They only show it once in the episode where Kudelia starts teaching kids how to read and write, but it's canon.
    Chapter 13
  • Chapter 13

    Mikazuki guided Barbatos into the Isaribi’s hangar with ease, taking care not to collide with the Kutan III in front him. As soon as the massive hatch closed and the bay pressurized, a swarm of people entered the room, splitting into small groups that attended to the recently recovered vehicles and mobile suits. As Mikazuki disconnected himself from the Alaya-Vijnana system, someone banged their fists against the cockpit hatch. He flipped the control switch, allowing the heavy armor panel on the top of Barbatos’ chest to slide forward, while the hatch itself flipped up and his chair rose up into the gap.

    He found himself staring a blue woman with weird things on her head where her hair was supposed to be, and blinked a few times.

    “Whoa, didn’t expect that to work that way.” She held out her hand, which was covered by a dirty glove. “Treia T’Pani, formerly assistant chief engineer on the AIV Thrill Seeker.”

    He took her hand, shook it, and used the motion to lift himself into the air. “Mikazuki Augus.”

    “Yeah, I’ve heard about you and this bad boy here,” she replied, patting the armored plate. “You know, you’re a lot smaller than I thought you’d be.”

    “Really?” Mikazuki wasn’t that surprised, only because that had happened a few times before.

    “Yeah, the guys around here’ve been going on about how awesome you are, so I figured you’d be this big bad ass, sort of like Akihiro.”

    That reminded him of what Lafter had revealed to him, and he began looking around. He didn’t see Akihiro anywhere, but he did spot Yamagi and a person with a weird, bug like head moving towards the Kutan III. “Yamagi!”

    Yamagi looked over, pushed off the Graze, and came to a rest by Barbatos’ face. “Hey, Mikazuki, what’s up?”

    “Where’s Akihiro? And who’s that?” Mikazuki tilted his head towards the Kutan III.

    “That’s Dr. Vass – he’s one of the new crew members.” Yamagi took a quick look around. “I think Akihiro and Takaki went off to the locker room as soon as they got back. I could as—”

    The intercom blared as Fumitan announced, “Mikazuki, Akihiro, report to the bridge immediately.”

    “I guess that answers that question,” Yamagi muttered. “Anything you need us to do?”

    Mikazuki gave him a quick nod. “The recoil from that new gun is too strong. And the heat gauge is too hard to understand.”

    “Don’t worry, me and my boy Hish should have that sorted out before your next sortie,” Treia confidently asserted; all Mikazuki could do was nod and head off to bridge.

    He caught up with Akihiro quickly; it wasn’t hard – there was one main route to the bridge from the hangar. The hard part was figuring out how to ask him about whether or not he had a brother. Mikazuki wasn’t all that good at conversation, and he had a feeling this wasn’t a good time to bring it up. They entered the elevator in silence, which continued as it went into motion.

    Akihiro broke the silence. “Never got the chance to thank you for saving me and Takaki’s butts out there.”

    “Don't worry about it.”

    The pair lapsed into companionable silence again, broken only by the elevator stopping and letting them out on the bridge. As they stepped out, Akihiro introduced Mikazuki to the new alien crew members in the group huddle. Pazness seemed alright, but Raeka reminded him a bit too much of Todo Mirconen, who tried to sell them out to Gjallarhorn; that was when they beat him up and stuffed him into an escape pod they ejected in Mars orbit.

    “How’re you doing, Mika?” Orga asked, trying to forestall an argument that the Salarian would probably lose.

    Mikazuki shrugged. “Alright, I guess. That new gun you got me needs some work.”

    “I know, that’s why I sent the Isaribi in to support you.” Orga frowned. “Naze tells me Azee’s already trying to figure out what kind of mobile suits you were fighting out there. You guys got anything useful to add?”

    “Their armor’s pretty thick,” Akihiro replied. “I don’t think anything but that alien gun did anything to them.”

    “If your mobile suit guns are just scaled up versions of your small arms, I’m not surprised by that,” Pazness interjected. “Mass effect based guns like that Maratist cannon fire rounds that are way faster than your regular old guns.”

    Eugene frowned. “What the hell does “Maratist” mean?”

    “It’s the name of a Turian spirit of destruction. They have a weird habit of naming weapons after their religious figures,” Raeka explained, not even bothering to hide his irritation. “We have a bunch of Phaeston assault rifles back on the Thrill Seeker, which are named after a Turian spirit of creation.”

    “It’s more of a light machine gun, honestly.”

    “Same difference.”

    “Lafter said she thinks one of the enemy pilots might be Akihiro’s brother.” All conversation on the bridge ground to a halt after Mikazuki’s matter of fact proclamation.

    “What the hell makes her think that?” Orga asked, keeping his eyes on Akihiro. The other man seemed frozen in place, which raised the odds of being true, even this was the first time any of them had heard about this.

    “She says she overheard comm chatter between the two mobile suits when she was fighting them.” Mikazuki turned to Akihiro. “Lafter said his name was Masahiro.”

    A pained expression crossed Akihiro’s face, and his fists clenched as he ground out a reply. “Yeah… that’s my brother’s name.”

    “So… I guess there’s a story here, because I don’t get why your brother would be working for the enemy,” Pazness admitted, a sentiment shared by pretty much everyone else.

    It took Akihiro a few moments to start, but once he began, it didn’t take long for him to get the whole tale finished. As everyone mulled it over, Mikazuki could see the wheels turning in Orga’s eyes, trying to figure out how to get Masahiro away from those pirates. He nodded, confident that Orga would find a way to do it.

    Orga caught the motion in the corner of his eye, and smirked. “Well, this just made everything a hell of a lot more complicated. But we can handle this – right, Mika?”

    He nodded again, and while the aliens seemed baffled, the rest of the Tekkadan veterans smiled. It was time to show them what Tekkadan was made of… and what being one of them meant.

    The Brewers’ space fleet was small by Gjallarhorn and Teiwaz standards, and not far from the size of the average pirate and mercenary fleet. Two assault ships and two transports were all they had, but that was all they really needed. They made a living plundering ships traveling between Earth and Mars, but occasionally ventured out to the asteroid belt for profit and salvaging mobile suits from the Shoal Zone. Their current course took them deeper into the dense patch of asteroids and debris, formed by the sheer amount of gravity fields left by still operational Ahab reactors inside ruined ships and mobile suits.

    In the hangar of the Brewers flagship, mechanics pulled ruined armor plates off the Gusion, even as Kudal Cadel ranted and beat on the Human Debris pilots that made up most of the Brewer’s fighting force. The mechanics were inured to it after years of such behavior; whenever something bad happened, Cadel took it out on slave soldiers, even if it wasn’t their fault.

    “Kudal!” the chief mechanic shouted. “Get your ass up here!”

    Cadel gave one of the boys a final shove, then floated up to where the chief was examining the Gusion’s ruined shoulder armor plate. “What is it?”

    “Take a look at this damage.” He ran a wrench inside the massive divot in the armored plate, ringed by a border of horrifically twisted metal. “This didn’t punch through the armor. Whatever it was that hit you acted more like an asteroid and slammed into it. You’re lucky our suits have so much armor – it only went a third of the way through. I’d hate to see it hit a normally armored suit.”

    “Get to the point.”

    The chief sighed. “Look, when you beat those Tekkadan kids or whatever, just make sure you don’t smash the gun that did this. It’s probably some super new Teiwaz piece, and it’ll make our lives a lot easier – one shot, and most mobile suits are probably out for the count.”

    Cadel flashed a sadistic grin. “I’ll do you one better – I’ll bring you their Gundam.”

    “And you want me to do what with it?” The chief scowled. “We both know damn well you aren’t going to let one of those kids pilot it, and the boss probably isn’t going to shell out the cash to hire someone decent to pilot it.”

    Brook Kabayan, the head of the Brewers, was notoriously cheap, cutting costs wherever he could to maximize the profits off their plunder. That was why he relied on slave labor for most of his mobile suit pilots and crew, and why spare parts were in short supply practically all the time. There were at most two spare sets of armor for the Man Rodis, the mobile suits used by the Human Debris, while the Gusion had only a few pieces of spare armor, since the Brewers had custom-made the armor to go over it’s Gundam frame. Luckily, the ruined plates were ones they had spares for, but this trip was going to be costly, even if they won.

    Cadel shrugged. “Maybe you can just keep it in a corner somewhere, in case something happens to Gusion.”

    “Right, I’ll just convince the boss that having a spare Gundam around is a good idea.” The chief snorted in derision. “He’ll sell the damn thing first chance he gets.”

    He would’ve added And keep most of the profits for himself, but Kudal Cadel was totally loyal to Kabayan, while the chief was far more pragmatic. If a better deal came along, he would be receptive to it, and he knew his boss wouldn’t hesitate to cut a man loose for asking for too much money. Talking badly about him often ended in a beating or death.

    “Shows what you know,” Cadel shot back. “We get this job done, and we’ll get Gjallarhorn’s support – and enough money to afford another pilot of my caliber.”

    The chief looked skeptical. “Assuming they keep up their end of the bargain.”

    Cadel glared at him, and he raised his hands. “Hey, all I’m saying is that for all we know, we’ll be their guys for like five minutes, then they’ll dump us like trash when the next up-and-coming group comes along.”

    “Then we’ll just have to show them we’re irreplaceable!” With that, Cadel jumped off Gusion and headed off into the upper reaches of the ship.

    “Yeah, sure, we’re totally gonna do that with jokers like you around,” the chief muttered under his breath. He shook his head, then spotted his assistant. “Hey, where the hell’s the replacement armor for Gusion? We need to get this thing back up to spec before the next sortie!”

    With that, all his misgivings melted away as he dove headlong into his work.

    Only a few hours after he boarded the Isaribi, Mikazuki had bounced around practically every part of the ship, getting introduced to the new crew members. It was too much, too fast – many of their names and faces were blurring together along species lines. Back in the CGS days, there’d only be a half-dozen or so new faces anytime they got new troops, so it was easier to learn and memorize names and faces.

    Now he was down in sickbay, lying face down on an examination bed, as Dr. Vass waved his omni-tool over his back and spine.

    While most of the aliens seemed to be alright, Vass was… different. As far as people Mikazuki had met, he seemed most like the Chocolate Man, seeing things others would miss, although Mikazuki didn’t know if Vass was any good at fighting. Whether or not he was to be trusted was something that bothered Mikazuki – Orga seemed to trust him, but some part of his mind urged him against following in Orga’s footsteps.

    Troubled by this, Mikazuki decided to focus his attention on the mess of parts atop a cart Vass was using. Many of them looked familiar; in fact, they seemed to be from the Alaya-Vijnana interfaces.

    “What are you doing with those?”

    Vass looked up and spotted the cart. Turning his attention back to the scan, he said, “I’ve been examining them, trying to figure out the best way to record the kind of information I need.”

    Mikazuki frowned. “What kind of information?”

    “Data input and output, throughput, bandwidth, brain usage, that sort of thing. Like these scans I’m doing, I need that information to fully comprehend how the Alaya-Vijnana system works.” The scanner beeped and Vass nodded, satisfied. “You can sit up now.”

    He did, but that answer didn’t satisfy his curiosity. “Why?”

    The alien seemed to divine the meaning between the vague question. “Not only is the technology fascinating on its own merits, but it provides a… challenge worthy of my skills.” Vass let his hands wander a bit. “Figuring out how to prevent you all from suffering brain damage, while still gaining the maximum benefit of the implants you do have is quite a conundrum. But given my… extensive experience, I believe that I should be able to surmount the hurtles before me.”

    Mikazuki narrowed his eyes, and Vass noticed the skepticism that conveyed.

    “There is also the fact that Orga saved my life. My shipmates could not handle the concept of sacrificing their immediate futures for the sake of a newly discovered species.” Vass locked eyes with Mikazuki. “If it weren’t for his intervention, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. And I’m sure I don’t have to remind you that loyalty must be earned and maintained.”

    He nodded. “So, you’re doing this to prove your loyal?”

    “Along with the other reasons I mentioned,” Vass confirmed. “Besides, you’re all children. It would be a waste of potential if you all died at a young age from preventable brain damage. Surely you have some goals for your life.”

    “I want to be a farmer.”

    Something like sadness flickered in Vass’ eyes. “A simple, achievable goal. You should be glad, Mikazuki – you have something many people lack in their lives.”

    He cocked his head in confusion. “They do?”

    “There is a saying from a Salarian philosopher – superior abilities breed superior ambition.” Vass shook his head. “A great many people have found themselves doomed to failure because they believed they were better than everyone else… and could not handle their own inability to achieve the heights they yearned for.”

    That idea turned over a few times in Mikazuki’s head before a sudden realization crystallized. “Are you talking about Orga?”

    “He is certainly someone who could fall into that trap,” Vass admitted. “Especially since his natural charisma is not balanced by enough restraint… at least, not yet. Perhaps that may change, especially if more of you are willing to question his decisions.”

    Mikazuki’s face scrunched in confusion. “I don’t get it.”

    “As another great Salarian philosopher once said – question everything.” Vass yawned. “A good leader is made better by having many people he or she trusts asking hard questions about every decision they make. It forces them to think instead of just acting or reacting.”

    “You’re saying Orga doesn’t think?”

    “More that he doesn’t think enough,” the Salarian clarified. “For example, that skirmish you had with the pirates. Orga used capital ship weapons against small, highly mobile targets – that easily could’ve killed you, Akihiro, and Takaki. Certainly, it worked, mostly because of your experience and adaptability, but that was likely an instinctual decision. And in the long run, those often get people into difficult situations that could’ve easily been avoided if there was a tiny bit of thought put into considering the negative consequences of a decision.”

    Mikazuki frowned, then hopped off the table and left the room, which Vass did not bother to stop. He found himself wandering through the ship, stopping by one of the long windows along the outer hull. Outside was nothing but stars and darkness, and he simply stared at it, trying to process what he just heard.

    After a few minutes, he heard someone approach him from the right. Looking up, he said, “Hey Orga.”

    Orga looked a little tired, but he smiled. “What’s up, Mika?”

    “I was talking with Dr. Vass, and he said some stuff that got me thinking.”

    “Really.” Orga leaned against the green rail in the middle of the window. “Why don’t you fill me in?”

    Mikazuki gave him the gist of the conversation, and when it was all said and done, Orga did something he didn’t expect. He just chuckled, instead of getting angry, annoyed, or resentful. Mikazuki tilted his head, not quite sure what to make of it.

    “You don’t get it, do ya?” Orga had a bit of a smile on his face. “Well, I don’t blame you – you weren’t here for most of this. He likes me, but he’s pushing me too, trying to get me to do better. Kinda like Naze, but not as nice.”

    “Huh.” While Mikazuki liked Naze, it was hard to see how he and Vass were anything alike, especially since Naze was a lot like Orga.

    “Don’t get me wrong,” Orga continued, “I think he’s shifty as hell, but as long as we keep an eye on him, I think we’ll be fine.”

    Mikazuki nodded, relieved that Orga didn’t trust Vass completely. “What about those pirates?”

    “Well, they called Naze, trying to get us to hand over Kudelia,” Orga replied. “But we’ve come up with a pretty good plan for taking them on.”

    He stood up and motioned for Mikazuki to follow him. “Let’s get going; I’ll tell you all about it.”

    United in purpose, they set off once more to prepare for battle.

    Author's Notes: Yeah, it's one of those connecting tissue chapters. Honestly, if it wasn't for my current schedule, I could've probably pumped this out in a week. Instead, it took two. Kinda glosses over some stuff, but hey, Takaki didn't almost get turned into something that'd show up in an OHSA certification presentation, so less angst means less rehashing of stuff from episodes 11 and 12. Next chapter might just all be fight scenes, but who knows.

    Also, hope you like the subtle nods to other western scifi franchises - they seemed particularly appropriate for Salarian philosophy.
    Chapter 14
  • Chapter 14

    “Alright, that’s the last one! Mikazuki, Lafter – you’re ready to go.”

    Mikazuki looked up from the tablet in his hands. Barbatos was once again cocooned inside the Kutan III, which floated right below the Isaribi’s bow. For the past twenty minutes, Tekkadan technicians had been threading thick metal cables through any slots they could find on the booster’s hull, in an effort to tie one of the alien shuttles to the human booster. A few hundred meters away, the Turbines were doing the same thing with the other shuttle and Hyakuri.

    “Roger. Beginning acceleration.”

    The Kutan III and Hyakuri slowly ramped up their speed, not only because they had extra mass to deal with, but to avoid complications with the messy arrangement Orga’s plan called for. The alien shuttles were below and behind the mobile suits, out of the direct line of thrust, but that was only one hurtle to overcome. If any sudden maneuvers were required, odds were that the shuttles would smash into their host units, the cables would break and the unpowered shuttles would smash into each other, or any number of other likely catastrophes could occur.

    But if it worked, it would stack the deck in their favor.

    After another fifteen minutes, the numbers lined up with Mikazuki had been shown earlier, so he began increasing speed. “Beginning second acceleration.”

    Fumitan acknowledge, and Mikazuki went back to his homework.

    The slow approach towards the shoal zone was occasionally punctuated by brief snippets of conversation between the mobile suit pilots and/or the shuttle crews. Despite his increasing interactions with the aliens, Mikazuki didn’t feel comfortable relying on them in battle. Unlike Lafter, Ride, or Takkaki, the latter of whom were aboard the shuttles to coordinate things, he had no idea what their skill level was. It was entirely possible that he’d have to spend more time protecting them than fighting the enemy, which would drag out the fighting and increase the chances of Tekkadan members dying. And since they were trying to rescue Akihiro’s brother, dragging out the fight also meant a higher chance of him dying.

    Still, he’d give them a chance to prove themselves. He just hoped they wouldn’t get in the way.

    At last, the quartet came within visual range of the dense patch of asteroids. The Kutan III and Hyakuri slowly eased off to sides of their flight paths, the lines connecting them to the shuttles blowing apart in a brief flare of detcord. The shuttles hurtled towards the field, powered nothing but momentum, using only their thrusters to dodge the asteroids in their paths. Mikazuki frowned at that as the two mobile suits returned to their original path and accelerated, taking them into the debris.

    Inside the shoal zone, naturally irregular asteroids mixed with chunks of rock with suspiciously unnatural straight and curved lines. Intermingled with that were chunks of metal, ice, and an entire field of particulate matter that stretched as far as the eye could see. Even mobile suit sensors were of little use – there was too much matter blocking Ahab waves out there for long range detection to be an option. The eye was the only reliable sensor… but it could only see so much.

    “Okay, we should be getting closer to the point,” Lafter said, referring to the Brewers’ location. As Orga had explained back on the Isaribi, everyone was fairly certain the pirates knew Tekkadan’s flight path. This area was a natural place to stage an ambush, which was why the mobile suits and shuttles were sent out ahead of the ships. Ideally, the shuttles would remain undetected until they were needed in the actual battle, while the mobile suits would draw the enemy forces into an ambush of Tekkadan’s own design.

    “I can’t see anything,” Mikazuki replied, peering at the mishmash all around them. Odds were that the enemy would get the jump on them, which was fine, but they needed the enemy’s main mobile suit, Gusion, to come after Barbatos specifically.

    “Stay sharp. They could find us at any time now.”

    “I know.”

    A minute or two later, enemy mobile suits began appearing on their sensors.

    “They’re here. Ready, Lafter?”

    “You know it!”

    The enemy mobile suits – Rodi frames, according to Azee – charged in, guns blazing. The Kutan III and Hyakuri dodged around an unfortunate asteroid that took the brunt of the attack, leading the three pursuing Rodis in two separate directions. Both looked like courses a mobile suit retreating to its mothership would take, but Mikazuki’s would also close the distance to where the shuttles were supposed to be.

    As the Kutan barely avoided clipping an asteroid, Lafter’s voice cut in over the comm system. “It’s so cramped out here, I can barely maneuver!”

    “Yeah, no kidding.” Mikazuki’s eyes were wide open as he looked off to the side for an escape route. “My booster’s so hard to handle that I can barely—"

    An alert chime went off, and Mikazuki took a look at the display. “This Ahab wave reaction… is it him?”

    Akihiro’s brother had arrived.

    Mikazuki activated a weapon system that had been installed on the Kutan III in case this ever happened. Pulling the booster into a vertical roll, he doubled back and dove toward the Rodi, peppering it with dozens of phosphorescent pink paintballs. Large, pink smears covered the torso of the machine, which jinked off to the side after the assault. Before the Kutan could make another pass, gunfire from the first Rodi on his tail forced him to break off, and another salvo forced Mikazuki to eject the long range boosters before they exploded.

    Before Mikazuki could ditch the booster, a pair of rounds sailed past the Kutan III and slammed into the Rodi on his tail. The enemy mobile suit veered off, allowing Mikazuki to bring the booster around for another pass on Masahiro’s Rodi, smearing the bright pink paint on its back. He took a quick look around for whoever fired that shot as he ditched the paintball gun, but couldn’t spot a shuttle anywhere.

    “Hey kid, looks like we made it in time!”

    Mikazuki frowned. “Rala? Where’s the other shuttle?”

    “Don’t worry about them, they’re probably helping Lafter out. We’ll keep them off your back, okay?”

    “Alright.” Mikazuki brought the Kutan III around again and sped towards Lafter’s Hyakuri. At this point, the Isaribi and Hammerhead were supposed to show up at any moment—

    The Ahab wave chime went off again – the ships were here, closing in on the enemy ships from above. “Orga!”

    Barely dodging enemy fire, the Kutan III sped towards where the capital ships were intersecting, just in time to see the Hammerhead slam into the port side of the Brewers’ second assault carrier. The Isaribi launched its rocket anchors into the Brewers’ flagship, slamming into it just aft of where the bridge would be. Even though he couldn’t see it, a swarm of mobile workers were forcing their way aboard the enemy warship, trying to get to the captain and force him to surrender.

    What concerned Mikazuki, even as he dodged another salvo of gun fire, was the fact that the Gusion hadn’t shown up yet.

    A new Ahab wave showed up and that worry evaporated. Instead, he spun the Kutan III around and sped back the way he came. As he hoped and Orga planned, Gusion followed him into the shoals. What wasn’t planned was an extra five mobile suits showing up, all heading for the Isaribi. Mikazuki ditched the Kutan, its autopilot sending it to a safe location for pickup, then turned towards Gusion.

    This time, when he fired the Maratist cannon, Barbatos kept flying straight and true, and the round hit close to the mark, splaying metal a few centimeters below the cockpit hatch. Half the new heat gauge, a rectangle made of four squares, turned red; Treia had explained to him that as long as he kept one square clear, he could keep firing. Mikazuki rather liked this system; it was easy to understand.

    Before Gusion could retaliate, two salvos slammed into it from the left and right as the shuttles lit up their drives and sped onto the battlefield. Nowhere near as powerful as the Maratist, the shuttles’ guns still managed to dent the thick armor of the enemy mobile suit. Even as Kudal Cadel began a stream of inarticulate screaming, the shuttles spun around for a second pass, with one of the rounds shattering the Gusion’s massive hammer.

    Mikazuki brought Barbatos to a halt, then sped into the fray, mace at the ready.

    What the hell did I get myself into? Pazness asked himself as bullets whizzed past his head. He was one of the point men for the boarding party, one of Orga’s attempts to build solidarity between humans and aliens. That wasn’t bad, per se; the issue was he was fighting next to a guy who made extranet meme Maiden L’Ziera look like an exemplar of patience and restraint. Shino Norba was in command of this mission, and while he and Pazness were wearing hardsuits, all but two of the rest weren’t, and Orga hadn’t authorized of the Asari or Salarians to come, nor the use of mass effect weapons.

    There were decent reasons for that – Batarian men were indistinguishable from humans when both were wearing full helmets, and mass effect weapons were a bit too distinctive for use in the field. The armor could always be chalked up to high end Teiwaz gear, especially with a standard load bearing vest over it, and anybody talking about shields could be discounted as crazy, scared out of their mind, or making excuses for their defeat. It didn’t make up for the fact that Shino was charging through the enemy ship like a wild varren, and quipping the whole time.

    Pazness laid down a volley of suppressive fire towards the Brewer defenders, while Shino casually tossed a grenade past the barricade they were hiding behind. The Batarian barely had time to get behind cover before it detonated, unleashing a spherical wave of destruction in the zero-g environment aboard the ship. Drops of blood trickled into the air and drifted lazily on the air currents, occasionally splattering on a wall or someone's armor.

    “Shino, you dumbass, slow down!” Pazness was used to a slower, more methodical pace of mercenary operations. The Iron Vanguards, the mercs he’d worked for back in the Terminus Systems, had been formed by Turian veterans and they’d run a tight ship. The reckless ones were given three chances to shape up; if they didn’t, they got the boot. He wished that a few Vanguard trainers were on hand to teach these kids some restraint, because whoever trained them sure hadn’t done that.

    “What, can’t keep up, old man?” Shino teased as he advanced through the decimated Brewers position.

    “No,” he replied, keeping his voice calm and dangerous. “We keep rushing through like this, and eventually some of the guys behind us are going to get sloppy. And when that happens, someone’s going to die.”

    Shino came to a stop at the next bulkhead, and even through the helmet and its two glowing visors, Pazness could tell that the words were having an impact. “So, what do you think we should do?”

    “We’ve obviously got to keep pushing forward,” Pazness replied as he ducked into cover across from Shino. “But we need to slow down and take things seriously. This is not a game.”

    That only got a curt nod from the young human, but he slowed down the pace and cut most of the quipping, which was a massive improvement. It wasn’t enough; as Pazness and Shino found themselves walking into another Brewers strong-point, one overly enthusiastic solider accidentally flung himself into the enemy’s line of fire. The spacesuits the majority of the humans wore were armored only against run of the mill pistol rounds. Rifle rounds cut through them like butter, and the teen’s body was riddled with so many bullets that he bled out within minutes.

    “Goddamn it!” Shino roared, popping out his cover to lay down a blistering hail of fire. The handful of enemy soldiers were quickly torn apart as Pazness and the rest of the squad added their rifles to the onslaught. Spent shell casings, empty magazines, and blood quickly mingled in the weightless hell they found themselves in.

    The Batarian put a hand on the human’s shoulder. “There was nothing you could do. He caught a bad break – it could happen to any of us.”

    Shino pulled away, and Pazness added, “If we speed up again, he won’t be the last.”

    The fighting intensified as they approached the bridge, but the slow, methodical pace of the Tekkadan soldiers eventually won in the end. There were still casualties, but only one or two every so often, when Brewers reinforcements managed to outflank them or lure them into ambushes. Ammunition was running thin, forcing Pazness to employ his armor’s ballistic blades on more than one occasion. The explosive blades shredded the Brewers foot soldiers, adding more carnage to an already bloody battle.

    Eventually, they found themselves clearing rooms on the way to the bridge, some empty, some full of supplies… and some with a handful with malnourished children in them. After the first room, Shino left his faceplate up and tried to convince them of their safety, but at Pazness’ insistence, they were locked back in until the battle was over.

    “Look, you don’t gotta like it,” he explained to the increasingly frustrated human, “but at worst, we’re keeping them from wandering out into a crossfire. Besides, all it takes is one of them pulling out a gun to make things even worse.”

    At last, they made it to the bridge, mowing down a solid dozen soldiers in the process. Floating above the captain’s chair was, as Naze had described him, the “pig-like” Brewers leader. The two helmsmen were the only ones on the bridge willing to try something, but they quickly threw aside their guns upon realizing how ridiculously outmatched they were. Shino pulled his faceplate up and grabbed Brook Kabayan by the neck.

    “Surrender,” he growled.

    Kaybayan’s skin was covered with a thick sheen of sweat that slowly beaded off him in the zero-g environment. His eyes darted to the windows, almost as if he were hoping for a miracle victory by his mobile suit forces. Fate did not deign to oblige him.

    Mikazuki dodged yet another salvo of Gusion’s chest cannons, which tore apart the chunk of debris behind him, even as the shuttles danced around asteroids to avoid the rounds and their collateral damage. One of the previous salvos had winged one of the shuttles, but bounced off its kinetic barriers, allowing them to keep pummeling the heavily armored mobile suit. Much of the armor on the front and sides was heavily pitted, with a few Maratist cannon hits here and there breaking up the Gusion’s smooth lines.

    A few Rodis, their pilots smashed to death by Barbatos’ mace, floated lifelessly in the trail of destruction left by the battle between the two Gundams, a testament to Kudal Cadel’s desperation. He’d even taken one of the hand choppers off a downed Rodi and tried to toss it at Barbatos, only for it to be batted aside and open him up for another shot to his cockpit armor. Now Mikazuki was looking for an opportunity to end this battle, either with the cannon or the mace.

    He also felt a bit odd, and he wasn’t sure why. For some reason, he wasn’t tired or frustrated with how long this fight was taking. Sure, Kudal Cadel’s shouting was annoying, but that wasn’t too bad either.

    Another salvo from the shuttles rocked Gusion as it sped through the shoal zone, opening it up for a brutal swing from Barbatos’ mace. The Brewers mobile suit slammed through a curved piece of concrete, fired its thrusters to reverse course, and charged Barbatos. A swift kick sent Gusion flying into another bombardment by the shuttles.

    “What is up with this freak?!” Cadel ranted over an open comm channel.

    Mikazuki chased Gusion down, causing the shuttles to peel off, and swung the mace once more, even as Cadel brought the mobile suit’s arm up to stop the blow. The heavy plates cracked and deformed, but stayed intact.

    “Stop fooling around with me!” Cadel shouted as Gusion grabbed Barbatos’ right wrist. “Hey! You’re enjoying this, aren’t you? The killing of men!”

    Mikazuki frowned as he broke the other mobile suit’s grip, kicking it away once more before boosting away.

    “Why?! Why won’t you just die?!” Gusion fired another salvo from its chest cannons, which Barbatos deflected with a piece of floating debris.

    As the two mobile suits charged towards each other, an errant thought passed through Mikazuki’s mind. Am I really enjoying this? He had little time to fully consider the idea as he tossed a nearby piece of metal at Gusion.

    “Well, whatever,” he said as the chunk of metal whizzed past Gusion, distracting Cadel long enough for Barbatos to land on the mobile suit. He put the top of the mace into the depression on the chest armor, right in front of the cockpit. On an almost instinctual level, he somehow knew this man had committed terrible deeds, and that killing him would only be a good thing. He thought about that for a second, and mentally shrugged, with what could be called a sad smile appearing on his face. “This one doesn’t deserve to stay alive.”

    He fired the needle in the mace, and the giant metal spike punched through the already weakened armor, the ca-chunk reverberating through both mobile suits. In an instant, Kudal Cadel was reduced to nothing more than a quickly freezing paste of meat, cloth, and bone.

    Mikazuki reported it to the Isaribi, and waited. A few seconds later, Fumitan replied. “Acknowledged. The enemy has signaled their surrender.”

    He turned Barbatos and spotted several surrender flares streaking away from the Brewers’ ship and into the murky expanse. As they passed by various bits of debris in the shoal zone, the faraway flashes of light where the other mobile suits were fighting faded away. “What about Akihiro and his brother? And what should I do with the enemy mobile suit?’

    There was another pause. “They're both fine. As for the mobile suit, Orga wants you to bring it in.”

    “Alright.” He looked at Gusion for a few seconds, and opened a channel to the first shuttle. “Rala, mind helping me take this to the Isaribi?”

    “Oh sure, give me all the hard jobs, why don’t you?”

    “So… that’s a no.”

    The Asari sighed heavily, loud enough to hear over the comm link. “It’s a joke, kid. I’ll be happy to help, as soon as we get some more cable. This thing doesn’t have mag-locks on it, and I’m not even sure that thing has enough ferrous metals in it for the magnets to work.”

    “Alright, don’t go anywhere.” Barbatos turned towards its mothership. “I’ll be back.”

    “Sure, sure, Takkaki and I will just play cards while we wait.”

    Firing the Gundam’s boosters, Mikazuki set off for the Isaribi, only to be followed by the other shuttle. He opened a channel to it and was met with a picture of the Salarian pilot, with what Orga had told him was a “shit eating grin” on his face. And for his part, Ride seemed to be pretty enthusiastic too. “Shouldn’t you be helping them?”

    “Hey,” the pilot – whose name Mikazuki couldn’t immediately recall – replied, “you didn’t ask us to help.”

    “That’s right, Mr. Mikazuki,”
    Ride added, looking quite proud of himself for noticing that fact.

    After a few seconds thought, Mikazuki decided that they were right. He hadn’t said anything to them, so they didn’t have to help. Then something else came to mind. “Maybe Orga will ask you to help bring in some of the other mobile suits.”

    With that, Mikazuki opened up the throttles and Barbatos left the groaning pair in the dust.

    Author's Notes: You know, this chapter is really a case of working in reverse, because I knew what I wanted (Kudal Cadel getting the mace), and just had to figure out how to get there. I initially wasn't going to use the shuttles, but decided to include them because not using them would honestly be a waste... plus this chapter is all about the humans and aliens learning to respect each other's skills and abilities. Didn't really see a need to deviate from the plan used in canon, mostly because it was a good plan that only failed because A) Masahiro had a mental breakdown in the middle of the fight, and B) Mikazuki couldn't keep Gusion occupied and away from the battlefield reunion. Things changing because Tekkadan has more resources to draw upon, physical and otherwise, is a major theme of this story that'll pay off a bit later.
    Chapter 15
  • Chapter 15

    Deep in the bowels of Vingolf’s administrative wing, Specialist Major McGillis Fareed sat alone in a small office. Tastefully decorated with modern furnishings, its utilitarian nature was dulled enough that the casual observer might mistake it as a pinnacle of success. Nothing was further from the truth. It was a stepping stone, nothing more.

    There was a tablet on the desk with his notes on the mysterious meeting Tekkadan and Teiwaz had with the equally mysterious ship. That was the sum total of his thoughts on the matter to date… at least his official ones, anyway. His actual beliefs, like most things about him, lay far below the surface, so deep that no one would ever know about them.

    On paper, McGillis was a rational skeptic, believing that without additional information, coming to a determination was impossible. The mystery ship could be alien, or it might not be. It could have left forever, or it might be coming back. There was cause for investigation, but the most likely avenue for reliable information would be the capture of Kudelia Aina Bernstein and Tekkadan.

    In reality, McGillis suspected – he would not go so far as to say believed – Tekkadan and Teiwaz had encountered aliens. The theory he had given Gallus Bauduin, that of an evolved mobile armor returning, was a worst case scenario that also served as a smoke screen for his own thoughts. McGillis’ fascination with the Calamity War was well known, and such thinking was a logical extension of it. No one would suspect him of thinking Teiwaz and Tekkadan met aliens… much less that he suspected they had deceived Gjallarhorn.

    Of course, it was his life experience that made him able to consider such things. He had seen first hand the cruelty of the universe, and the lengths that people would go to, not only to survive, but thrive, in such conditions. The existence of aliens made sense to him; if humans could overcome the brutality of the world around them to achieve what they had, why couldn’t some other species on some distant planet? And when it came to manipulating Gjallarhorn’s intelligence gathering, that was rather simple: all it would take was a bribe of some poor, miserable soldier on duty in the Outer Spheres and Teiwaz could easily learn how Gjallarhorn tracking network operated.

    Someone like Gaelio, who lacked imagination and truly believed in Gjallarhorn’s nobility, could never conceive of such things. Indeed, Gaelio seemed to think the world worked in straight lines, where one side was all that was good and known, and the other was all that was bad, obscene, or impossible. Whenever something ran perpendicular to those lines, disrupting the certainty of his worldview, the reaction tended to be predictably negative. McGillis had long ago accepted this, and the realization that Gaelio would likely be of little help in achieving his goals. His resolve would not be strong enough to allow him to do the things that were necessary.

    It pained McGillis to admit that about his friend, but then, pain had been a hallmark of his existence. It was something to be overcome, not dwelt on.

    But if Tekkadan and Teiwaz really were dealing with aliens, then many fundamental assumptions at the core of his plans had to be reexamined. Teiwaz, in particular, would not allow such an opportunity to increase their economic and scientific power slip away. If they did secret the ship away, it would only stay secret for so long, possibly far sooner than he could hope to gain control of both the Fareed and Bauduin families. His plan was designed with at least a decade in mind – would he have that much time to do all that was necessary?

    Before he could contemplate that much further, the computer on his desk beeped. The call he was waiting for came through.

    McGillis coughed and did his best to change how his voice sounded. “Uh, hello? This is Lieutenant Shiro Amada from the Gjallarhorn Regulatory Bureau. Am I speaking with Professor Järvinen?”

    “Yes, yes, you’re speaking to me,” an old, gruff voice replied. “I would like to know what this is about.”

    “Ah, well, we’re doing a mandatory contingency plan reevaluation, and you’re one of the subject matter experts on… alien contact?” McGillis fished a water bottle out of one of the desk drawers and took a few sips. Sounding like an insecure young officer was more taxing than he expected.

    “So… you called me, the head researcher of the Reykjavik University’s Space Flight History Center, to ask about aliens?”

    Unsure where this conversation was going, McGillis simply replied, “Uh… yes sir.”

    There was a long moment of silence, then Järvinen unleashed a gut busting laugh. It lasted so long that corners of McGillis’ mouth pulled up a bit. “Alright then. Let’s get this over with.”

    Over the next half hour, Järvinen laid out the history of people’s thoughts and ideas on what alien contact would entail. There was a surprisingly comprehensive amount of pre-Calamity War material, from coverage of the infamous War of the Worlds radio broadcast to Norman Johnson’s Unknown Life Form proposal to Professor Gunther van Gelder’s Thesis on Multi-Species Interactions, a work that only predated the war by eighteen months. The reason for that was simple – Reykjavik had been too insignificant to be targeted by the mobile armors, so a flood of scholars and material had found its way there, giving them unprecedented access to scholarship lost elsewhere. It also became apparent why Järvinen emphasized these works – there was barely any post war works on these topics, either because people simply didn’t believe they were out there or, more cynically, the idea of life outside the solar system was downplayed to avoid pointed questions about Gjallarhorn’s own efforts to bury technologies related to transcending human limitations.

    McGillis naturally took extensive notes, asking questions when necessary, but it was Järvinen who took the discussion in another direction McGillis had to address. “So, Lieutenant, do your plans address the possibility of humans from another society coming to our solar system?”

    “As in they left from here and are coming back, or they were always from somewhere else?”

    Järvinen snorted. “The former, obviously. Have you ever heard of the Manswell expedition?”

    “I can’t say that I have,” McGillis honestly replied, taking another sip of water.

    “It was a private spaceflight venture funded by Victor Manswell, a prominent billionaire of the era, aimed at getting to Alpha Centauri. The expedition was delayed by rebuilding their ship to accommodate an Ahab reactor, but right around the time the mobile armors turned on humanity, they simply disappeared.”

    “Are you saying they might have escaped the solar system?”

    Järvinen chuckled. “I’m saying there’s no way to know what happened to them! They could’ve died, they could be lost in space, they could have built a colony on a planet around Alpha Centauri. But the important thing to remember is that they existed, so they have to be accounted for in any plans you make.”

    “I see.” McGillis made a note. “You said ‘mysteries’ earlier… What else is there?”

    “Nothing really applicable to your work, but if you’re curious, I could forward some information to you.”

    “I would greatly appreciate that. I’m a bit of a Calamity War history buff, so learning there’s a new aspect to it is pretty exciting.”

    There was a reason McGillis picked the name Shiro Amada for this task. At one time, there had been a Shiro Amada in the Regulatory Bureau; that man was now several decades dead. But his e-mail account and other service files still existed in Gjallarhorn’s system, and as a high ranking member of the Regulatory Bureau, it was a fairly trivial effort to reactivate them for his own use. Gallus Bauduin might scold him if he found out, but nothing more. Secrecy was obviously paramount, and if anything, this subterfuge prevented rumors from spreading about Gjallarhorn’s interest in aliens. There was a world of difference between a Gjallarhorn lieutenant and a Gjallarhorn major looking into the same thing, after all.

    After some more pleasantries and arranging for that information to be sent, the two men signed off, leaving McGillis to lean back in his chair. Ironic, he thought, that I had to talk to someone with evidence that could support Gaelio’s position. But still, he could turn this to his advantage. He was now in an incredible position of power, able to influence the thinking of the Seven Stars. If he led them down the path of discounting the existence of aliens, then that could provide new avenues to destabilize Gjallarhorn, when the time was right.

    Of course, it was hard to plan things out without knowing what was available to work with. But since McGillis already planned to meet with Tekkadan at Dort, thanks to Todo obtaining their destination and flight plan, that was a minor hurdle. Their arrival at Dort was, in his mind, a forgone conclusion, aliens or no. Tekkadan, and Gundam Barbatos’ pilot in particular, were not the kind to be stopped by half-rate pirates like the Brewers.

    The puzzle pieces for a hundred different plans floated in his mind, yet there was no form he could yet discern, no clear path to take. Everything hinged on his reunion with Tekkadan…

    A bleary eyed Orga Itsuka sat in the chair in the captain’s office, surrounded by subordinates, all while his feet were falling asleep. Quick shakes did nothing to wake them up, and sooner or later, he was going to have to start banging them against the desk to get any reaction out of them. He covered his mouth and yawned as Dr. Vass rattled off everything that was wrong with the Human Debris they rescued from the Brewers.

    “In short, between their malnutrition and obvious psychological abuse and trauma, I don’t believe it’s in the best interests of this ship and crew to keep them aboard. The Mars base should be a better environment for their recovery.”

    Biscuit shook his head, dark bags starting to form under his eyes again. “We can’t do that without breaking secrecy, since we’d have to use the shuttles for that, and I’m not sure sending them to the Thrill Seeker instead is a good idea.”

    “Besides, they’ve seen you and some of the Asari,” Eugene pointed out. “There’s no way we can keep this under wraps if we let them off the ship. The kids back at base know too many people in town and word’ll get out within a day or two, tops.”

    ‘Look, we’re just going to have to deal with the fact that there’s a few dozen extra mouths to feed,” Orga wearily interjected. “Take what supplies you can off the carrier we captured and get some of those kids to help Atra handle the cooking and cleaning.”

    “We can’t do that if we plan to take it with us to Dort,” Biscuit pointed out, frowning. Then he had an epiphany. “I know what we can do.”

    “Lay it on me,” Orga urged.

    “You remember telling me that Mr. Barriston wanted us to report any salvageable ship sized Ahab reactors?”

    Orga’s eyes lit up as he realized where this was going. “We can sell him the carrier, take it to Saisei or the… secret base with only a skeleton crew, and keep the rest of the supplies!”

    “Sounds like a plan to me,” Eugene happily added. “What about the mobile suits?”

    As part of the “reparations” Orga had forced upon the Brewers’ leader, which included the captured carrier, all ten of their mobile suits were now aboard the Isaribi. What to do with them was a pressing issue, as they were all essentially functional – there was no damage to their frames or reactors, and at worst, some of their cockpits were destroyed. They all could be sold to help keep Tekkadan financially solvent, all kept to increase their fighting abilities, or anything in between.

    “I don’t know,” Orga admitted. “I still need time to think about it.”

    Eugene rolled his eyes, but didn’t press the issue.

    “Alright, here’s what we’re going to do,” Orga sat up as straight as possible. “Biscuit, get me a line to the Old Man as soon as possible. Eugene, get some people together to do a supply inventory on our captured carrier. Doc, make sure those kids don’t get sick. Once we’ve sorted out whether or not Teiwaz will buy the carrier, I’ll make all the arrangements necessary to handle getting it wherever it needs to go. Agreed?”

    All three men nodded.

    “Good. Now get to work.”

    Not even a minute or two after they filed out, the chime on the office door buzzed. At this point, Orga wanted nothing more than to close his eyes and sleep, but since he was expecting Shino, Pazness, or Akihiro to come by at some point, he decided to get it out of the way. Much to his surprise, it was Treia, holding a tablet close to her chest.

    “Hey boss, I got something I need to talk to you about. In private.”

    “Sure, come on in.” He yawned as he motioned to her. “Sorry, I’m pretty beat.”

    “Uh… okay.” Treia’s expression told him the idiom didn’t translate.

    “I’m tired,” he explained, falling back into his chair. “So what do you have for me?”

    “So, uh, you know the cargo we’re taking to that Dort place of yours?”

    Treia’s nervous expression made Orga’s guts twist into thick, hard knots. “What about it?”

    “Well, me and Hish were checking it out, making sure none of it got damaged after you slammed the Isaribi into that other ship, and we got some weird readings. So we cracked open some of the containers and…” Treia gulped and handed over the tablet. On it was a series of images – armed mobile workers, crates of guns, explosives. “That’s what was inside.”

    Orga stared at them all in disbelief, then a boiling hot rod of anger lanced through him. All he could think was The Old Man knew about this.

    “Thanks for bringing this to me,” he said, sounding oddly calm to his ears. “You and Hish haven’t told anyone else about this, right?”

    The Asari engineer vigorously shook her head. “We haven’t told a soul.”

    “Good, keep it that way.” Orga leaned back in his chair. “I have a call to make. Once I get some answers, I’ll get back to you on this.”

    “Uh, okay?” There was confusion on her face as he led her out the door, but Orga didn’t care. He needed time and space to think, and as soon as she was out the door, he slammed his fist into the bulkhead next to the door. The pain forced the exhaustion out of his mind, and the anger boiled up to the surface again.

    Damn it, Old Man, what have you gotten us into, you rotten son of a bitch!

    As satisfying as verbally chewing out McMurdo Barriston was, even if it was inside the confines of his own mind, he could feel the chiding gaze of Dr. Vass on him, saying that it was shortsighted, petty, and probably going to blow up in his face. And as the anger quickly burned out, Orga knew he couldn’t rant and rave his way to success. Someone like Barriston wouldn’t respect anyone who couldn’t keep their cool or held grudges if they were cut out of the loop. A more… controlled… response was what the situation called for.

    Orga settled into his chair and took deep breaths to calm himself, closing his eyes, intent on resting them for only a few seconds…

    A sudden beeping made them snap open, and to his astonishment and horror, he discovered he’d been asleep for nearly an hour. He tapped a button and McMurdo Barriston’s face appeared on the computer display built into the desk. His calm, well rested face was a total contrast to how Orga felt.

    “Sorry if I kept you waiting,” Orga began, feeling out the older man’s mood. Judging by the slight expression of confusion that crossed Barriston’s face, things were at least neutral.

    “It’s not a problem.” Barriston took a drag on a cigar. “So, what can I do for you, Orga?”

    “Well sir, if I remember correctly, you wanted me to let you know if we found any salvageable ships. We did one better – we captured a pirate assault carrier.”

    Barriston tapped his cigar on his ashtray. “This sounds like an interesting story. Go on.”

    Orga summed up the last few days of the journey, omitting details that the Old Man wouldn’t necessarily care about in favor of emphasizing others, like the fact that their flight plan had leaked. Barriston simply nodded and listened, absorbing the information like a sponge. When Orga finished, he simply said, “So, you’ve got a ship for sale. I take it you know where I want it to go.”

    “The Black Site.” Orga shifted slightly. “I’m thinking a small skeleton crew of Turbines and aliens can take the ship there. If we give them one of the shuttles too, then they might be able to catch up with us before we get to Dort.”

    “Good, good.” Barriston took another long drag on his cigar. “I’ll pay you half the market value for the ship. Consider the other half a down payment for whenever you want to use the Thrill Seeker.”

    Orga frowned, but didn’t protest. Even if Tekkadan needed the money badly, having to pay less for the privilege of using the alien vessel down the road was a good thing… even if he didn’t see a reason why they would use it. If anything was going to get Gjallarhorn to come down on Tekkadan, it was unleashing the full power of the alien vessel.

    Then again, if you blew up enough ships, they’d get the message to leave you alone.

    “That sounds good.” Orga paused and cleared his throat. “There’s something else we need to talk about.”


    “The cargo from GN Trading. It isn’t minerals.”

    “Ah.” A small smile crossed Barriston’s face. “I was wondering if you would catch on to that.”


    “Yes, if. Considering how desperately eager you were to prove your worth when we first met, I suspected you wouldn’t ask too many questions or look too closely at the cargo.” The Old Man tapped his cigar on the ashtray again. “Besides, you didn’t need to know.”

    “Well, I need to know now.” Orga paused and collected himself, carefully choosing his words. “Those pirates knew we had Kudelia, and they knew our flight path. There’s a good chance we could find ourselves in another ambush at our destination, and the only way we can avoid it is if we know what’s going on.”

    “All good points,” Barriston admitted. “I don’t think you’ll like the answers I have, though.”

    As he laid out the situation at the Dort colonies, Orga felt that twisting sensation in his guts again, except several times worse. It was a nightmare scenario for them – going into a port where the enemy knew they were going to go, with cargo that would get them into all sorts of trouble without Gjallarhorn looking for them. And if the people they were delivering arms to expected Tekkadan to help out, well, things would get complicated in a hurry.

    “Keep in mind that the aliens in your crew are a trump card you can use if Gjallarhorn causes trouble,” Barriston pointed out. “It’d be a shame to lose our secret advantage, but getting Kudelia to Earth outweighs that loss.”

    I’m sure it does,
    Orga thought, because you can make more money off it sooner than you can reverse engineer alien tech.

    “I understand,” was all he said.

    “Good,” Barriston replied. “Once you’ve made the preparations for sending the ship over, have Naze contact the Black Site directly and fill them in on the details. The Turbines can handle things from that point on. Keep up the good work, Orga.”

    “Thank you, sir.”

    Barriston smiled right before the connection was cut.

    Orga leaned back in his chair, rubbing his palms into his eye sockets. All this new information circulated through his head, pushing sleep further and further away. New worries and thoughts were forming by the second, and at last, he decided to walk through the ship, hoping that tiring himself out some more would at least allow things to congeal a bit. Miraculously, he managed to avoid falling into a conversation with anyone, which was a bit more than he could bear at the moment. His eyelids squeezed together, weighed down by the day’s labors, but it still wasn’t enough.

    He found himself in the hangar, on a gangway used to access the mobile suit cockpits, standing in front of Gusion. The dark abyss where the cockpit used to be was oddly hypnotizing, and Orga lost himself for several minutes in silent contemplation. It wasn’t until he heard another set of boots clanging off the metal grating that he realized how long he’d been there.

    He looked over his shoulder and locked eyes with Akihiro in mutual surprise. “Akihiro – I’ve been meaning to talk to you.”

    For his part, the big man looked almost as tired as Orga. “I’ve been with Masahiro all day. Sorry about that.”

    “No, that’s good.” Orga wished he find the words to convey how glad he that everything worked out. Fuck it, I’ll try. “I’m glad you got your brother back. It’s… nice to have more family around.”

    Akihiro’s face became unreadable, and he turned towards Gusion. For a few seconds, a long silence stretched between them.

    “Thanks,” Akihiro said at last. “That means a lot.”

    Orga nodded. Akihiro wasn’t the most expressive guy (that would probably be Shino), but there was a lot of weight to those words. “I’m sorry we can’t drop you two and the other Brewers kids on Mars.”

    Akihiro turned back towards Orga, confusion all across his face. “Why would you be sorry about that?”

    “I dunno,” Orga admitted. “I just figured that… you know, you’d like to get your brother away from… all this.” He made gesture that encompassed the whole ship and everything in it.

    Akihiro thought about it, another silence that stretched on for far longer than it actually did. “I appreciate that, but… you don’t need to treat Masahiro and the rest any different from anyone else in Tekkadan.”

    Orga’s eyes widened, then he shrugged. “I guess you’re right. Just figured it was something I was supposed to do, since I’m the boss and all.”

    Akihiro merely nodded and turned his gaze back upon the captured Gundam. “You figure out what you’re going to do with this?”

    “No, not yet.” Orga sighed and shrugged again. “We can get a hell of a lot of money for it, but since it’s also a Gundam, we could definitely use its firepower.”

    “I’d like to pilot it.”

    Even though this proclamation solved more than a few of his problems, his recent experiences taught him that things rarely were as simple as they appeared to be. “You sure about this? I don’t know if your brother and his friends want any reminders of what they went through lying around.”

    Akihiro thought about it for a second, then faced Orga. “You know, I never got a go at the guy piloting this thing. From what Masahiro told me, he was all the bad days in CGS rolled into one.”

    Orga said nothing, waiting for Akihiro to finish.

    “So if there’s a hell and he’s in it, I figure the only thing that can make it worse for him is to watch me pilot his mobile suit and do a hell of a lot better with it than he ever did.”

    A giant grin plastered itself on Orga’s face as he clapped his hand on his friend’s shoulder. “Alright, let’s do it.” He tilted his head towards the Gundam. “But I think we should get the Turbines to help fix this thing up. I don’t think this setup’s your style.”

    Several decks above the hangar, Kudelia Aina Bernstein found herself nodding off as she worked in the mess hall. After the helplessness and adrenaline cocktail that coursed through her during the battle, not to mention seeing the sorry state of the kids brought over from the Brewers' ships, feeding the crew and the new arrivals had hit her harder than she’d expected. Of course, it was the end of the ship’s second shift – the Isaribi ran on a three shift rotation, and if a person woke up at the start of the first shift, they’d have been up for 16 hours by now. Since Kudelia wasn’t technically crew, she didn’t have to wake up with the rest of them, but after the first week, sleeping in made her feel even more superfluous than she already was, so she tried to stick to the schedule.

    “Hey, sleepy head, time to get your ass to bed.”

    Kudelia nearly jumped out of her own skin when one of the Asari, a woman by the name of Miriena, tapped her on the shoulder. “Huh? Uh, yeah, thanks.”

    She took a quick look at Atra, who was busy telling some of the newcomers what was on the current menu. A bit of shame and guilt coursed through her. If she couldn’t even handle the same kind of work and stress that a younger girl from a less fortunate background could, how could she even hope to make things better for all the people on Mars?

    No, no, no, I can’t let myself think like that, she thought, shuffling into the corridor like a zombie. I can’t beat myself up like this all the time.

    In her preoccupation, she nearly ran into Dr. Vass as he passed by the mess hall. After the initial fumbling apology, the two of them somehow stumbled into a conversation as they walked down the corridor. In retrospect, after a good night’s sleep, Kudelia realized that he was in control of the encounter from the beginning.

    “What happened to those children was quite tragic,” Vas was saying. “Sadly, the psychology training I received at my previous place of employment was quite limited, and given the species differences, I’m not sure how much Salarian psychology would apply.”

    “I don’t know,” Kudelia replied, rubbing one of her eyes, “from what I’ve heard, you’re quite insightful.”

    Vass waved a dismissive hand. “You can’t believe everything you hear. Why, just the other day, I heard a most peculiar story about how there was some sort of living black goo in the back of one of the refrigeration areas.”

    “I heard about that too…” Kudelia frowned, trying to dredge up the details. “Wasn’t it just some grease smears that looked like they were moving thanks to the lighting?”

    Vass chuckled. “My dear Kudelia, you clearly have never learned to appreciate a good rumor. I presume you were raised in a fairly sheltered manner?”

    “I suppose that’s the right way to describe it… but I did go out into the slums as a kid.” She paused, realizing how bad that sounded. “I had Fumitan with me, so it was fine…”

    “I find that thoroughly unsurprising,” Vass admitted as they stopped in front of an elevator. “Activist types tend to be fairly unfamiliar with the people or causes they purport to be helping… at least in my experience. You are a substantial deviation from the norm in that regard.”

    Kudelia couldn’t decide whether or not that was a complement. “Thanks… I suppose.”

    As they stepped inside the elevator, Vass elaborated on his comments. “All the activists I met in my past job were dilettantes, quite unwilling to confront the reality of what they were trying to change. By being so hands on and involved, you are deepening your knowledge and understanding of the problems that must be overcome to achieve your goals… and what your limitations are likely to be.”

    Despite what was clearly meant to be a pep talk, Kudelia felt not one bit of encouragement or any other positive sentiment. On the other hand, instead of sinking into a funk, she felt a rather intense curiosity about the alien doctor’s past. “So… in the past, what exactly was your job?”

    “Ah, that. I’m not exactly sure what the human word for it would be,” Vass admitted as the elevator came to a halt. “A consultant is close to the right word… I was far more hands on, though, and only really called in to help deal with serious scientific or medical issues, but since the galaxy is a big place, I was always busy.”

    “You were a…” Kudelia tapped her foot as she tried to dredge the word out of her memories, “troubleshooter?”

    “Is that the word?” Vass seemed strangely amused by it. “Yes, I suppose I was.”

    As they stepped out of the elevator, Kudelia sighed. “I guess my problem is that I don’t feel like I’m doing enough.”

    “Usually, it’s not a matter of doing enough. It’s more a matter of exploiting opportunities when they arise.” The Salarian paused by one of the doors. “Although I suppose this is a bit different, since you don’t actually have any activism to do until we arrive at Earth. But still, the hands-on experience you’re gaining now far outweighs any potential benefit of something like an extranet social media campaign, especially in the closed media environment that exists in this system.”

    “Extranet? Oh, right.” One of the many things Kudelia had learned about galactic society was their use of an interconnected network to link together all the known solar systems. The Ariadne network was similar in principle, although it was nowhere near as lively – while there were news broadcasts and communications shared between planets, there was little else beyond that going through the network. “I guess they didn’t do enough, in your opinion.”

    “No, they just were loud and impotent, although there were a few times where they managed to make my job harder,” Vass admitted as he punched in a code into the door control. “I highly doubt you’ll end up joining their number, but I suppose one never knows how things may turn out. And now, I bid you a good night.”

    Vass stepped through the door, and it took Kudelia a good half minute to realize that he went to bed.

    I really must be out of it, she thought as she trudged the hundred or so feet to her own quarters. Just gotta get to bed…

    By the time her head hit the pillow, she was already in a deep, dreamless sleep.

    Author's Notes: Yeah, I finally got to do a McGillis section! Took me long enough to get around to the best character in IBO, who's a big contrast to Gaelio, the character with the most potential, which didn't get delivered on at all. That said, since the ripple effects are starting to get bigger and bigger, maybe that potential will show up here. This bit with talking to the professor was going to be done a lot later, during the Dort arc, but I realized it didn't make sense with the time scales I was using for the journey from Jupiter to Earth, so I moved it up to here. The use of the name Shiro Amada is not only a neat little reference to Universal Century stuff, but there's a meta level connection there too.

    The Orga section is another one of those ripple effects, but one with the fun mental image of Akihiro constantly mentally flipping the bird at Kudal Cadel whenever he does something cool in Gusion. And of course, this will make things way more interesting once they get to Dort. It's not quite the total derail of the show's plot, but you can see it from there.

    Kudelia's section was a lot easier to write this time, mostly because feeling worn out and shitty is something we all go through. It just wasn't interesting in the show because they did it twice and didn't change up who she was interacting with, so it felt stale when they did it a second time. Here though, it's a vehicle for paying off a one-liner I dropped many chapters ago now.
    Chapter 16
  • Chapter 16

    The news about the trip to the Black Site spread quickly through the alien crew, buoying up spirits that’d taken a hit when confronted with the harsh realities of life in the solar system. Many crewmembers were busy writing correspondences or filming videos to friends still on the Thrill Seeker, but for the more technically oriented members of the crew, a far more interesting task was awaiting them in the hangar. The dozen or so mechanics and technicians led by Treia T’Pani waited patiently in zero gravity for Mr. Yukinojo to arrive for their briefing on the intricacies of mobile suit maintenance, but she noticed an unexpected addition to their ranks.

    “Gurji, what are you doing here?”

    “Oh, you know, I thought this was more interesting than all the other stuff going on right now,” the Salarian replied, leaning against a railing.

    “Lemme guess, you want to take pictures of the guts of these things.”

    Hish, whose blue skin contrasted heavily with Gurji’s orange skin, chuckled. “I bet he wants to do some sort of time lapse thingy as they strip that big green one down and refit it.”

    “No. I mean, yes, that’s interesting and cool, but that’s not why I’m here.” Gurji paused, tilting his head as he considered something. “You guys know I have a degree in materials science, right?”

    “No, it’s never come up before,” Treia replied, sharing a glance with Hish, who just shrugged. “I thought you worked in demolitions before joining the crew.”

    “I did work in demolitions,” Gurji admitted. “I got that job because of my degree.”

    “That doesn’t explain how you wound up on a deep space explorer,” Hish pointed out.

    “I got bored of blowing up old buildings and bits of asteroids. Plus the hours were terrible.”

    Treia’s reponse died in her throat as Yukinojo floated over to them, tablet in hand, followed quickly by Yamagi. Treia respected Yamagi – for a kid, he was a pretty sharp technician, and he’d brushed off some of her subordinates mistaking him for Takaki pretty well. There was something a bit different about him compared to the rest of the Mars boys though – maybe it was the fact that he was always wearing white gloves or pretty meticulous with grooming that hair of his.

    “Alright, let’s get started,” Yukinojo announced. “We’re gonna do a deep dive on Barbatos to get you all familiar with the guts of a mobile suit. Then whoever’s interested can go over to Hammerhead and work on Gusion when we start stripping it down for refit.”

    Everyone nodded, although Treia was still busy puzzling over the fact that he shaved his chin, but not the rest of his beard.

    “First things first. Barbatos and Gusion are over 300 years old. That means whatever we do to fix them is basically an improvised repair. If something bad happens to the mobile suits’ frames, then we gotta take them all the way back to Saisei for repairs,” Yukinojo emphasized this by pointing his thumb over his shoulder, “because we don’t have the knowledge or tools to fix that stuff here or on Mars.”

    Some uneasy glaces were exchanged among the aliens, but no one spoke up.

    “The Graze is a lot easier to work on, since it’s a new design – only a decade or two in use,” the mechanic continued. “That means it was designed for ease of maintenance and uses a lot of commonly available parts, which is good for us, because it means we can fix things a lot faster.”

    One of the Salarian technicians raised a hand. “What about those other mobile suits from the Brewers?”

    “They’re Rodi frames, so they’re about as old as the Gundams, but there’s a lot of parts floating around for them, so fixing them isn’t quite as big a problem. If we keep any of them, replacing the armor is going to be the bigger issue, since that has to be custom made.”

    Again, everyone nodded.

    “Now, we’re going to go from the outside in on Barbatos. Let’s start with the armor. Mobile suits use nanolaminate armor. That’s a…” Yukinojo consulted his tablet. “’metallic vacuum deposited nanotube matrix in a liquid composition that converts to a solid film and is strengthened by Ahab particle/wave impregnation.’ Basically, it’s paint that gets really hard when you put it on something with an Ahab reactor and disperses impact forces.”

    Gurji was nodding vigorously at this and raised his hand. “Does the direction of the particle or wave flow affect the nanotube matrix’s long term stability?”

    Yukinojo blinked, then hurredly looked through the material on the tablet. “Uh, I’m going to go with ‘no,’ but you’re better off asking someone who makes this stuff, honestly.”

    Gurji simply nodded and allowed Yukinojo to continue with his presentation. As Yukinojo and Yamagi led the group through several procedures, including refueling the thrusters, removing the armor, and visually examining the joints and hydraulics, Gurji faded into the background. It wasn’t until there was a break in the lesson that Treia got a chance to talk to him again.

    “Mind explaining what that was about?” she asked, taking a sip from a cup of lukewarm water.


    “Don’t play dumb with me. You seemed to know what that nanolaminate armor was before Mr. Yukinojo explained it.”

    “Well, I didn’t really know, I just… suspected.” Gurji’s eyes seemed to turn in on themselves, and Treia got the feeling he was a thousand light years away. “Back when I was earning my degree, I was a lab assistant to an old family friend, a professor in the Materials Science department. He was more or less trying to make nanolaminate armor using mass effect fields instead of Ahab waves or particles.”

    “Uh huh,” Treia commented, taking another sip of water. “Since I haven’t heard of anything like it before we got here, I’m gonna guess it didn’t end well.”

    Gurji shook his head. “The material worked well once the mass effect field stabilized, but if you changed it in any way – lowering mass, turning it off, increasing mass – it just disrupted the nanotube matrix like crazy. He never got the chance to solve the problem either – he was pretty old when I started working for him, and he passed away during one of the demo jobs I was handling.”

    “I’m sorry to hear that.” Treia bit her lip and frowned. “What clued you in to this?”

    “I was taking pictures of the Graze in different light spectrums, and the way the paint didn’t reflect light in one spectrum reminded of the way our material didn’t.” A small smile crossed Gurji’s face. “The professor always said ‘Don’t rely on your eyes! Some of these concoctions look normal under everyday light, but the moment you hit them with something different, they reveal themselves.’”

    “Sounds like he was a great guy.” It was a lame line, but Treia felt the need to say something in the moment. “But hey, at least you proved that the idea was sound, even if he needed something we didn’t know about to make it work.”

    “Yeah, there’s that.”

    Before Treia could muster a response to that, Yamagi leaned over some crates and said, “Hey guys, we’re going to keep going in a minute or two.”


    The pair rejoined the group, and the seminar dove deeper into the Gundam. Treia found herself growing more and more fascinated by the twin reactor system that the Gundam frames used. The fact that operating two reactors in parallel provided a near exponential increase in power was interesting in its own right. That it was difficult to achieve made it a challenge – and as an engineer, Treia found herself drawn to challenges more than anything else.

    And figuring out how to get every last bit of performance out these reactors was a good starting point.

    Getting out of the office feels good, Orga thought as he sank back into the couch in Naze’s lounge/meeting room. Been there a little too often for my taste.

    At least the business of selling off some of the Brewers stuff was out of the way. Five of the Man Rodi’s, mostly the ones with ruined cockpits, were being sold to buyers in the Earth colonies. The other four were staying with Tekkadan, giving them two 3 mobile suit squads. Then there was the paperwork for the sale of the ship to Teiwaz, which Merribit was handling right now. Which was good, because of the five people that’d been in the room, he was the least sure about her need to know any of this.

    And Orga was completely aware of the irony of that, given his last conversation with McMurdo Barriston.

    “So, what exactly couldn’t we talk about with Merribit around?” Naze asked, pouring himself a drink.

    “It’s a… complication with the Dort job.” He took a quick glance at Biscuit and Dr. Vass. The Salarian was, at most, mildly curious, but Biscuit… Biscuit looked almost as worried as he did during a battle. “The cargo isn’t minerals… it’s weapons for the workers. Looks like there’s a big strike coming and…”

    Orga’s voice trailed off, but he didn’t need to complete the sentence. He could tell the others knew what the rest would be. “Thing is, they know Tekkadan’s bringing them the hardware…”

    “So you’re worried that if Gjallarhorn knows about the worker’s plans, they might know Tekkadan’s coming,” Naze finished, sighing. “And where did you get this information?”

    “I had a little chat with the Old Man last night.”

    “Alright then.” Naze took a long sip of his drink and set it back on the table. “This is certainly a difficult situation. We’re obligated to deliver that cargo, no matter what – the contract doesn’t have any clauses that allow us to get out of it.”

    “Besides, after taking on the Brewers kids, we need to resupply at Dort if we’re going to hang around Earth for a while. Even with the supplies we took off their ship, we barely have enough to make it there,” Biscuit added.

    Vass tapped his chin. “Let’s proceed under the assumption that Gjallarhorn does know we’re coming and what the workers are plotting. What is the worst case scenario?”

    “Gjallarhorn shows up and we get blown to bits alongside the workers,” Orga answered.

    “No, it could be far worse.” Vass looked at Naze. “Would I be mistaken in saying there’s a good deal of discontent in the colonies?”

    “Not at all.”

    “So, if I were Gjallarhorn, in order to preserve the stability of system, I would do everything in my power to delegitimize any potential rebels.” Vass stood up and began pacing. “Assuming that they intend to crush the rebels regardless, media manipulation through a false flag attack would be one likely avenue for this. It’s rather simple, really. Simply find a location where the workers would be in force, detonate some explosives, and claim the workers were behind it.”

    Vass tapped his chin again. “No, that wouldn’t be good enough, would it? Delegitimizing rebels is good, but demoralizing them is better. So, it would have to be a decisive victory, one where there’s no survivors.”

    “Why?!” Biscuit blurted out. “Why would they do that?”

    Orga knew exactly why they’d do it. “So no one has the guts to go up against them for a long time.”

    “What sort of weapons are we taking to them?” Vass asked Orga.

    “Guns, mobile workers, some explosives.”

    “Hmm…” Vass continued pacing. “No way for them to sabotage those, so Gjallarhorn is clearly not going to rely on its infantry crushing the rebellion. Too many opportunities for the workers to inflict casualties on Gjallarhorn forces. So clearly, they want to force an encounter in space, where the odds are more slanted in their favor.”

    “The workers do have access to mobile suits,” Biscuit added, earning a surprised look from Orga. “They’re for working on the colony exterior, but some of the tools could be turned into weapons.”

    “Yes, yes… sabotage those, then when the retaliatory strike happens, the rebels will be helpless.” Vass nodded. “Fairly simple, don’t you think?”

    “Unfortunately, I have to agree with you,” Naze remarked. “In fact, I’m not sure there’s much you can do.”


    Naze cut off Biscuit with firm, but sympathetic glance. “I know you want to help those people, but your main responsibility is getting Kudelia to Earth alive. That means Tekkadan has to survive to fulfill that responsibility. If you get yourselves killed at Dort, everything you’ve done will have been for nothing.”

    Orga recognized it as a dramatic embellishment for effect, but it felt more than a bit hollow with Dr. Vass standing there. Helping save the solar system from alien enslavement was pretty hard to sweep under the rug, especially when you were rubbing elbows with aliens everyday. But Biscuit swallowed down his protests, so it worked, although the whole situation was odd. As far as Orga knew, Biscuit shouldn’t have any reason to care about the people on Dort beyond being a good person.

    It wasn’t as if Orga disagreed with Biscuit about the horrible fate of the Dort workers. He just didn’t see any way to help them that didn’t involve stepping into that mess and potentially having Gjallarhorn drop the hammer on them.

    He ran his hand over his face and sighed. “I don’t know, can we just… warn them or something?”

    “Sabotage can be hard to detect, especially if you don’t have any idea of where the tampering could be,” Vass replied. “Mobile suits are fairly complex machines, as I understand it. Even if the workers have experience operating them, they may not have the in-depth knowledge required to spot sabotage, especially if it’s done not long after our arrival.”

    “I take it you don’t have any advice on where to look?” Naze asked.

    “Unfortunately, I don’t. While I had the privilege of observing experts sabotage military hardware in the field, my specialized training means I’m more familiar with sabotaging scientific and medical hardware than anything else.” The Salarian doctor shrugged. “I suppose you’d be better off asking the mechanics for help with that.”

    Not much progress was made after that, and just about the only thing everyone agreed on was that Orga needed more sleep. Still, on the trip back to the Isaribi, Orga found time to ask Biscuit about his knowledge of the Dort colonies.

    “I used to live there,” he admitted. “My older brother could still be there, actually, on Dort 3. When my parents died in an accident, Cookie, Cracker, and I got adopted by our grandmother and moved to Mars. But my brother was smart, so he got taken in by a Dort Company executive. We… really haven’t kept in touch.”

    What is it with this trip and brothers? Orga thought. Aloud, he said, “I know this has got to be tough for you, but I’m not saying helping them is off the table. We just gotta be careful about it and be ready for the worst.”

    He sighed and shook his head. “It’d help if all this other stuff wasn’t already piling up on us.”

    “Well, look at this way,” Biscuit replied. “After we get the Brewers kids settled in and figure out how to fix up our new Gundam, we’ll have a whole month to just throw ideas out there and see what sticks.”

    Orga chuckled at that. “Looks like long, boring trips in space finally have an upshot.”

    The two shared a good laugh at that, which died off too quickly for either man’s liking.

    “Hey, Orga?”


    “Do you really think we can find a way to help them?”

    Orga looked out the tiny viewport next to him and saw nothing but the pitiless, unblinking stars. “I honestly don’t know.”

    Nevara Char rubbed her forehead with the back of her hand and sniffed at the drink humans called “coffee.” For the past week or so, she’d been sampling different brews in an effort to keep up with the sheer amount of paperwork and questions she’d been dealing with. The caffeine helped, but no amount of creamer, milk, and/or sugar made it taste any better, at least to her palette. Then again, the colony she’d grown up had a native plant that made a great sweet tea, so that informed her tastes.

    In her hand was a computer tablet containing translated documents to go over, mostly requests for her crew to explain or provide one thing or another. In fact, many of them were contradictory and impossible to fulfill in a timely nature. At least the old guy working on the quantum entanglement communicator had gotten his work done already. Two days ago, his grand, theatrical exit shouting “I’ve got it, I’ve got it!” had been the highlight of the day. Today, the highlight was the news that a few shipmates were coming by fairly soon on a captured pirate vessel, which was more exciting than being badgered by human scientists.

    Very rarely did she allow herself to think about what likely happened to former superiors’ bodies. The less she knew, the better off she’d be when the humans inevitably made proper contact with the Citadel races. The humans could make up all the excuses they wanted for taking extensive samples from the bodies – and some of them probably were totally valid – she just wanted to avoid the Dantius family’s wrath. Sometimes an Asari’s wrath was the only thing worse than a Krogan’s blood rage.

    Before she could make her way to bridge, Mr. Chen intercepted her, a tablet in his hand as well. “Captain Char, a moment of your time?”

    “Sure, why not.” Nevara sighed and prepared to drink some of the coffee. At the very least, it was useful for stalling a conversation.

    “The engineers want to get a close look at the omni-gel converters. Do you mind if they pull them apart?”

    “They can look at one of them. Worst case, we can use the other ones to make enough omni-gel to fix the one they break.”

    Chen nodded and made a note on his tablet. “A wise precaution.”

    Nevara stepped onto the CIC, with Chen in tow, and sighed. There were tablets, portable computers, and access panels lying all over the place, along with people leaning over, under, and into just about everything imaginable. It looked like a tornado had rampaged through the place, and it was equally as depressing.

    Waiting by the galaxy map platform was an older dark skinned human she hadn’t met before and Vorhess. The newcomer and chief engineer were discussing something, then dropped the conversation as they spotted the captain. As Nevara stepped up to them, the human held out his hand in greeting.

    “Fred Johnson III, from the Callisto Shipyard. It’s a pleasure to be aboard.” He grinned. “Even though she’s a bit messier than I expected, it’s still an incredible experience.”

    “Nevara Char, captain of the Thrill Seeker,” she replied, a wry grin crossing her face. “If it wasn’t such a pain getting in and out of the garage, we could probably show you a thing or two.”

    “Well, there’ll be time enough for that later,” Johnson demurred. “Right now, let’s talk about the special job the Old Man gave me.”

    “That’d be?” Nevara prompted, because she sure as hell didn’t know what it was. In fact, the only communique she’d gotten from him was the message about the captured pirate ship.

    That seemed to throw Johnson off balance. “I, er, assumed that…”

    “I hear you humans have a saying about that,” Vorhess spoke up for the first time. “Besides, the captain here’s been pretty busy with a lot of red tape and other fun stuff, so she probably hasn’t had the time to figure it out.”

    “Alright then.” Johnson rubbed his chin, trying to figue out where to start. “The Old Man wants to pull the Ahab reactor from that assault carrier Tekkadan captured and put it in the Thrill Seeker.”

    It felt like a good time for a stalling sip of coffee, so Nevara swallowed down some of the bitter stuff. Once it was down her gullet, she said, “That seems a bit… ambitious.”

    Johnson chuckled. “Actually, now that I’ve had a look at things in person, I think it’s simpler than any of us imagined.”

    “Check this out.” Vorhess activated his omni-tool and pulled up a holographic image of the ship, with several red lines through various sections. “Turns out the Turians designed this thing with modular disassembly for refits.”

    Johnson pointed at the red lines. “All these spots are weld seams between two bulkheads. I’m not exactly sure what the welds were done with, but they provide extra material that can be cut through without damaging the hull’s structural integrity. We simply cut through those, separate the reactor compartment from the rest of the ship, pull the primary fusion reactor and its support equipment, then replace it with the carrier’s Ahab reactor.”

    “Uh huh.” Nevara looked at both men. “I imagine there’s some other, more complicated thing involved in this.”

    Vorhess grimaced. “We’d have to tear up all the deckplates to replace the mass effect field generators with waveguides for their artificial gravity system, which’ll take forever.”

    “Luckily for us all,” Mr. Chen added, spooking Nevara a bit – she forgot he was there, “those parts are fairly common and easily available, so the cost will be minimal and there’s plenty of documentation on how to install them.”

    Nevara took another sip of coffee. “I’ve got some questions. First, are we even sure the Ahab reactor will even fit in the ship? Second, where the hell are we going to put everyone during this? Third, don’t these Ahab reactor thingies screw up electronics? Won’t this just break everything on the ship?”

    “To answer your questions in that order: yes, we’ve checked – the reactor compartment is well within tolerances for holding an Ahab reactor; the Black Site should have enough room to house the crew during the duration; based on our inspections, most of the electronics are already shielded by half-metals in their casings, and the ones that aren’t would be trivially easy to shield,” Johnson rattled off.

    She turned to Chen, who said, “The Black Site has more than enough room for your crew and their possessions.”

    “Mmm.” It was time for another sip of coffee. “So, is it just me, or has everything already been decided and I’m just learning about it now?”

    “Well, it’s been a pretty busy week for you,” Vorhess pointed out. “It’s not too surprising that our new bosses might’ve tried to ‘help’ and didn’t keep you entirely in the loop.”

    “Wonderful.” Acerbic sarcasm dripped off the word. “Toss that on the pile of things to schedule.”

    In a “blink or you miss it” moment, Mr. Chen scowled at that comment, even as he kept his voice firmly level. “I believe there’s plenty of time to handle the personnel issues, since it’ll be a little over a week before the ship arrives.”

    “Uh huh, sure.” Nevara started nodding. “Let’s do that. In fact, let’s just go with whatever other ideas you all have, because Goddess knows I apparently don’t rate too highly in the scheme of things.”

    With that, she turned on her heel, walked out of the CIC, and disappeared into her quarters.

    Unfortunately for her, the door chime rang only a few minutes later. As she slowly rocked from side to side in her desk chair, the ringing continued, until she at last felt compelled to open the damn door. Vorhess stood on the other side, an apologetic look on his face.

    “Mind if I come in?”

    Nevara threw up her hands and said, “Sure, why not?”

    She plopped down on the bed, while Vorhess leaned up against her desk. He peered into the cup sitting there and sighed. “You know, you should probably cut back on that coffee stuff. Being pumped full of caffeine all the time isn’t a great idea.”

    “No, it probably isn’t,” the Asari replied, flopping back onto the bed. “So, you here to lecture me?”

    “Nah, that’s more Vass’s thing,” the Batarian engineer admitted. “I’m just here to see what’s up with you.”

    “That makes me feel so much better,” was the sarcastic response. “You know, I’m not some teenage maiden who needs to cry on her parents’ shoulders.”

    “I totally agree.” Nevara’s head lifted off the bed. “But I’ve been in your shoes before. I know what it’s like to be cut out of the loop.”

    “Oh really? When did—oh wait, that was in the Republic military, wasn’t it?”

    “Yup, back when I was a combat engineer.” Vorhess brushed some dust off his gloves. “Being a squad leader means you get the fun job of making decisions, while still being jerked around by officers who think they know better than you.”

    Nevara sat up and raised an eyebrow. “Did they?”

    The Batarian chuckled. “Sometimes. Mostly when the intel guys actually managed to do their job without fucking up.”

    She smiled at that and rubbed her hands on her knees. “So… what did you do back then?”

    “Bitched about it with my fellow squad leaders.” Vorhess paused and a wry grin crossed his face. “I guess I’m volunteering to fill that role, even though you should probably be having these sorts of chats with that Orga guy. I mean sure, he’s technically our boss, but I get the feeling that he’s got the same thing going on.”

    “Yeah, I guess you’ve got a point.” Nevara looked down at the floor. “He seemed as clueless as I was a few times during that meeting with Mr. Barriston. But… I dunno, he’s got… something I don’t have. If he’s fumbling around like I am, he’s doing a lot better job of hiding it.”

    “Yeah, that guy seemed like a born leader,” the engineer admitted. “All that means is that he’s got some skills that don’t come naturally to you. I bet you that if you practiced some and relaxed a little, you could pull that off too.”

    “You’re just flattering me.”

    Vorhess snorted. “Believe me, I learned the hard way that a lot of being in command is being able to fake being way more talented and unflappable than you really are. That said, it helps if you got some motivation driving you forward.”

    “Uh huh. Any suggestions?”

    “I don’t know, find something you want to do and use that?” The Batarian’s shrug conveyed how little he could help with that. “Shit, I just wanted to get me and my guys back home in one piece, that’s all.”

    Nevara buried her face in her hands, sighed, and swept them off her face. “You know, that doesn’t really help me at all.”

    Vorhess shrugged. “Hey, I’m just giving you some advice, because I sure as hell don’t have all the answers.”

    “Wow, you sure are a font of wisdom.” The crooked smile on the Asari’s face took a lot of bite out of the caustic words. “But thanks, I guess. I got some more stuff to think about, at least.”

    “Then my job here is done.” Vorhess made his way back to the door, then paused and turned back. “Feel free to stop by whenever you need another chat.”

    “Yeah, sure.” Nevara waved him on and flopped back onto the bed as the door closed. “Find my motivation? Goddess, could you give anyone less useful advice?”

    Author's Notes: Hey, pay off for stuff I established forever ago in the story! See, I don't forget these details, I just take my time getting around to them. This also kinda addresses the perennial question of these sorts of crossover/fusion stories - why don't the other guys have ____? In this case, some times they have the idea and just can't make it work, because they're working with the wrong stuff.

    I find myself sympathizing far too much with Orga, mostly because my schedule 4 days out of 7 is just the worst. Fortunately for him, having an ex-spy who's been around the Terminus has some advantages, but it also doesn't mean you can actually do anything with that information. Also, if you look carefully, I'm stretching out the timeline for this part of the story, mostly because the Brewers/Dort arc has some really absurd time compression going on, or for some reason, the Isaribi can pull of Epstein drive levels of speed, but only in a line that is not directly going from Mars to Earth. I go for the former, mostly because visual scifi does a terrible job of handling travel times, and some things that happen later in IBO don't make sense if everyone has fusion torches capable of getting ships to and from Jupiter in days.

    Also, I didn't intend to write Nevara kinda having a emotional breakdown, it just sort of happened.
    Chapter 17
  • Chapter 17

    In the dark silence of space, the Isaribi and Hammerhead continued the long trek towards Earth. The captured Brewers carrier had long since departed with its skeleton crew, heading off on a tangent to their original flight path. Their departure in the wake of the funeral conducted for those who fell in the battle with the Brewers left a bittersweet taste in many mouths, but that was quickly forgotten.

    As the days went on, drills, lessons, and work dominated the crew’s time. Those who could fight learned as much as they could about human or Citadel weapons, technology, and tactics. Those who could not learned how to fix things or people. The crew, from the youngest Martian boy to the oldest alien aboard, put in their best, even though they were at a loss to explain why they were doing it.

    Orga found himself thinking beyond what lay ahead, to Earth itself. Dort was merely the beginning, assuming they survived whatever Gjallarhorn threw at them. He had few illusions now about the situation. If Vass’ assessment of the situation was correct, then at most, revealing the existence of aliens might buy them some time, maybe enough to get Kudelia to Edmonton safely. Every time he thought about it, he wound up doubting that – they attacked her on Mars and out in the asteroid belt. If they knew her destination, why wouldn’t they fight to keep her from getting there?

    So, he needed more weapons. Gusion was a good start, and he’d given orders to keep the Gundam’s 400mm cannons when they were pulled out of the armor. He had no idea what he could use them for, but it was better to have them just in case, in his opinion. The Man Rodi’s, on the other hand, were far easier to see a use for. The mechanics and engineers working on the mobile suits were already working on designing legs that could support their massive weight on Earth.

    Unfortunately, that came with a downside: even if they came up with a workable design and sent it to the Teiwaz subsidiary at Dort 6, it would take a great deal of time to forge the material for the new leg frames. Normally, that would be a problem, but Orga two interstellar capable shuttles in his pocket now. He could literally drop out of the sky with Kudelia at any time, and Gjallarhorn would be hardpressed to stop him from getting to the ground.

    In fact, Orga quickly found that he was drowning in a sea of options. He had more soldiers than he knew what to do with, access to gear that was better than anything anyone else had, and more tactical and strategic advantages than he’d ever dreamed of back in the CGS days. Dr. Vass and Naze were of little help; the former because he would only provide so much guidance, then leave Orga to sort out the rest himself, and the latter because he was the head of a transport company. The Turbines had mobile suits, sure, but mostly to protect their cargo ships from pirate raids. Naze rarely had to go on the offense, and even then, it was confined to small skirmishes.

    He had plenty of time to make decisions. It was just knowing if they were any good that weighed heaviest on his mind. Orga’s respect for McMurdo Barriston, which had taken a big hit, rose again. The fact that the older man could handle the weight of a great many more complex decisions spoke volumes about his leadership abilities. Orga knew he was years away from being anywhere near Barriston’s level, but he at least knew it was possible to get there… someday.

    In the here and now though, he just had to make his choices and pray they were the right ones.

    The Seven Stars council chambers were, as usual, far too large for the amount of people who were regularly present. Unlike the offices of the Seven Stars, there was a reason for that – in the beginning, the chambers were packed with aides ferrying information and directives to and from the room. As time went on and life in the solar system stabilized, the aides slowly disappeared, until only the Seven Stars themselves remained.

    Once a week, the Seven Stars gathered together to deal with the business of keeping humanity in order. It was a rather routine ordeal most of the time – budgetary issues, approving exercises, handling the occasional uprising. Today, Gallus Bauduin planned to address the alien issue… after all the other business was attended to. While aliens were a pressing matter to deal with, it would be criminally irresponsible to put such a long-term issue ahead of the more immediate concerns.

    Still, it didn’t stop Gallus from feeling like a fool when he brought the issue to the table, even with two independent analyses in hand. Things got worse when an unhealthy silence stretched on for far too long, until Iok Kujan began laughing. The remaining six lords looked at him in confusion or irritation, at a loss for an explanation of this behavior.

    As Iok finally settled down, he wiped a tear from the corner of his eye and said, “I must admit, Lord Bauduin, I had no idea you were so creative! That was a masterful prank, just the thing to give us a much needed shake up of our routine!”

    A sinking feeling settled in Gallus’ gut.

    “Lord Kujan.” Rustal Ellion spoke with what could be called aggressive patience. “Lord Bauduin is not known for making jokes in these chambers. If he says this real, it is real… at least to the best of his knowledge.”

    That shut the young man up, and to Gallus’ pleasure, he saw Iok sink into his chair, chagrined. If only Carta, Gaelio, or McGillis were here instead of this clown. He immediately felt guilty about that, but he couldn’t help making the comparison, no matter how unfair it was. Unlike the trio he was familiar with, Iok had grown up with no real friends – none of the other Seven Stars had children, never mind children that had been Iok’s age. All he had for company growing up was servants and sycophants.

    Even with all that in mind, Iok’s glaring lack of maturity was a point against him in Gallus’ book. But there was nothing that could be done about that – maturity came with time and experience, and he hoped that enough of it would soften Iok’s rough edges.

    Iznario Fareed spoke next. “I admit, this comes as a surprise. However, I question the wisdom of not immediately alerting us to this issue. Even setting aside the fact that an expedition to Saisei was impractical, we could have-”

    “Could have what, Lord Fareed?” The unexpected interruption came from Lord Baklazan, who typically took great pains to follow procedure. “Discussed what this could possibly be? Discussed how we clearly don’t know what is going on? No, I prefer having facts and analyses when dealing with something of this importance.”

    Many of the other Seven Stars nodded, while Iznario’s frown deepened.

    “This information puts other intelligence the Arianrhod fleet has obtained in a new context,” Ellion added. “We have intercepted messages to the workers on the Dort colonies stating that Tekkadan will be supplying them with weapons. Based on our estimates and the assumption that the negotiations will break down, Tekkadan will arrive right around the strike deadline. An Arianrhod task force has already been drawn up to deal with the situation – it would be a simple task to order them to capture Tekkadan.”

    “I see no reason to distract your forces from their primary task,” Gallus replied, leaning back in his chair. “Gaelio and McGillis are already assigned to handle the matter. They could easily handle capturing Tekkadan while your task force deals with any unrest on the colony.”

    Ellion frowned. “Considering their lack of success when dealing with Tekkadan on Mars, I am not sure they are up to the task.”

    Gallus smiled, enjoying the chance to make the commander of the Arianrhod fleet eat some crow. “That is why I’m allowing Gaelio to pilot the family Gundam – Kimaris.”

    Ellion’s eyes widened an almost imperceptible amount, then a smile spread across his face as he recognized how he’d been outmaneuvered. “I see. That would certainly provide them a decisive advantage. Very well, I’ll allow them to accompany the task force, on the condition that they have no command authority outside of requesting aid if Tekkadan proves too much to handle.”


    “This would provide a satisfactory conclusion to the Kudelia issue as well,” Iznario observed, casting a glance at Lords Ellion and Bauduin. “Taking her into custody would be infinitely preferable to having her turn into a martyr. That would only enflame the growing urge for rebellion in the colonies.”

    “An excellent point, Lord Fareed,” Ellion acknowledged. “It may be necessary as well. Kudelia may have been involved in whatever dealings Teiwaz had with the aliens. Should any harm come to her, our own dealings with them may be more… problematic.”

    “Why do we even care that these… aliens… may have spoken to Kudelia Aina Bernstein?” Iok suddenly reinserted himself into the conversation with a startling lack of insight.

    “If these aliens are hostile, or simply exploitative, they may see her Martian independence agenda and Teiwaz’s greed as paths to a foothold in the system,” Ellion patiently explained. “By using a purported just cause, they can obfuscate their real agenda and undermine our authority. And if she happened to die, they would have a pretext for military action, by claiming we were responsible, and that any action against Gjallarhorn would be a justified strike against an oppressive power.”

    Uncomfortable looks were exchanged throughout the room.

    “While it is true that we should be prepared for such a situation,” Lord Baklazan said slowly, “I feel we should not discount the possibility that the aliens or whoever they are are benevolent. It’s entirely possible that our paranoia could cause the very problems we fear.”

    Even as Ellion frowned, Gallus nodded in agreement. “I agree – we should try to stay rational and calm throughout this process. There’s certainly a need for skepticism and caution, but this we should take great pains to avoid excessive negativity. That is especially true if and when this… revelation… is shared with the masses. Maintaining a positive, optimistic attitude in our public proclamations will do much to maintain order in such a historically significant moment.”

    With that, the meeting adjourned. Gallus left satisfied, even if Lord Ellion’s gaze unsettled him a bit. He’d presented the issue and, in his opinion, they’d dealt with it in a mature and reasoned manner, as expected of the Seven Stars. A clear course had been set, and once it was complete, they would know more, and therefore could make the best decisions they could for the sake of humanity.

    While he could understand Ellion’s concerns, especially since the Arianrhod fleet not only kept the peace, but were Earth’s first line of defense, but Gallus occasionally thought the man was a bit too strict in his views. Sometimes, it felt like the man just thought every problem required a military solution, probably as an excuse to justify the huge budgets required to maintain and expand the Arianrhod fleet. But if there was anyone the Seven Stars could rely on to remain level headed in a tough situation, it was Rustal Ellion. As long as he adhered to a majority decision, things would be fine.

    The Saisei science labs were an area McMurdo Barriston rarely ventured into, and for good reason. First, it just set the scientists on edge if they weren’t ready to present their findings. Second, some of them might resent the reminder that they were dependent on his funding to continue their research. Third, beyond a certain level, it all became nonsensical technobabble to his ears, and at that point, it was better to read the executive summary than listen to that. Fourth, he was a practical man – as important as theory was, what he cared most about was practical applications.

    Today, on the other hand, was a demonstration for the brass, one of the days when the scientists got to show off and try to wow the bosses. The lab he, Jastley Dominokols, and Husker were standing in was surprisingly devoid of people, but never the less packed full of equipment and computer displays. Having seen pictures of the previous iterations of this project, he recognized several objects as more compact variations of prototype equipment, more on the scale of household appliances than cars, like their forebearers had been.

    At the center of the room, standing next to something that looked like a large chest freezer, was the head scientist, Brennan Madden. A dark skinned man with graying, tied back dreadlocks, he seemed the least likely person to spearhead the effort to break Gjallarhorn’s monopoly on long range communications. But his laid back exterior hid a competitive, challenge oriented mind, one that had embraced the objective with relish, no matter the difficulties. He was also painstakingly honest, which was why Barriston kept funding the project – when Madden hit walls, he admitted it, and only used asked for more money when he felt the direction he was going could lead to viable results. Some of the results of that research had turned out to be completely inapplicable to anything, but now that aliens were in the picture, those conclusions had to be reassessed.

    Of course, the aliens were why they were here in this room, albeit indirectly. Milena Dantius may have been a ruthless schemer willing to sell out an entire species to slavers, but she did deliver on her end of the deal with Teiwaz… just not in the way she thought of. In mere weeks, Madden and the Black Site team had cracked the nut that had frustrated Teiwaz for ages… at least, that’s what they claimed.

    “Gentlemen, it’s my honor and privilege to show the first reliably functional, human built Quantum Entanglement Communicator,” the scientist announced, stepping aside and gesturing towards the device he’d been standing by. “What you see here is the missing piece of the puzzle – a compact quantum computer that handles transcoding the raw data into a steady bitrate stream that’s fed into the quantum entangled material, ensuring a stable connection is maintained at all times, with only 5 milliseconds of input lag.”

    Dominokols scowled and crossed his arms. “That’s a fancy bit of jargon, Doctor. What does it mean, in plain English?”

    Barely stifling a sigh, Madden shoved his hands in his pockets and slouched a bit. “To summarize it in simple terms, the problem we had with the previous prototypes was that we were feeding it raw audio and data feeds, and that caused the quantum material to act erratically. Raw audio and visual information is actually quite inconsistent – it all depends on the quality of the equipment used to capture it. So, for example, if you had high quality audio pickups, you could catch all sorts of background noises that would make the waveform go crazy. Now, we feed the raw data into this system, filter and compress it, then send it to the quantum entanglement device.”

    “That seems like a pretty simple solution to the problem,” Dominokols pointed out. His eyes narrowed. “Why didn’t your team come up with it sooner?”

    Madden smiled. “When you’re working with revolutionary technologies and don’t have a working one to examine, you have to make the choice to start somewhere. And to be honest, the single most likely source of failure is anything related to the quantum entangled material at the heart of the system. So we’ve been working our way from the inside out. Having access to the Thrill Seeker’s system not only allowed us to speed up the troubleshooting process, but it gave us access to codecs and protocols used in the wider galaxy. We’re still working on converters, but once mass production begins, our QECs should be compatible with the ones used in the galaxy at large.”

    Barriston gave the man a golf clap. “Well done, Doctor. Now, I believe you said you had a demonstration for us?”

    “Indeed I do, sir.” Madden stepped over to a computer, connected to the various pieces of hardware through a wire that ran into a network switch with dozens of cables plugged into it. He began tapping away at the keyboard. “In a few seconds, we’ll be having a conversation with the folks over on the Black Site – one of dozens we’ve successfully completed.”

    Dominokols looked at Husker, who nodded. “They’ve been running tests multiple times a day. Some short, some hours long.”

    Teiwaz’s second in command merely grunted at that, unconvinced of anything.

    “And here… we… go…” With a flourish, Madden hit the activation key, springing the machines into life. The fans on various components began whirring as a display screen flashed, soon showing a dizzying amount of text speeding by at breakneck speed. A grainy, washed out picture of another lab replaced that within a few seconds.

    “Picture quality’s not great,” Dominokols immediately pointed out.

    “A side effect of the compression algorithms. The quantum entangled material only has so much bandwidth throughput, and video always demands more bandwidth than audio or text.” Madden squinted at the screen and frowned. “That’s odd, I told them when this test was scheduled. There should be someone there.”

    Suddenly a muffled “oh shit” could be heard from the speakers attached to the monitors, then a human man and a Salarian came into view. They held metal, lidded coffee cups in their hands, although there was no way to know for sure what was in them.

    “Uh, sorry, sirs, there was a hold up in the cafeteria,” the human explained, running a hand over his short, stubbly hair.

    Barriston smiled; this was the best proof that the system actually worked, short of having another set of people using a QCCS connection to send video of the same thing happening at the same time. You just couldn’t plan for these little moments of imperfection that life tossed at you. “That’s alright gentlemen, we just started this call. How about a status update.”

    “Of course, sir.” The man on the other end consulted his tablet. “The Turbines and the captured assault carrier are still six hours out from arrival. The manufacturing department has started prototyping the mobile suit scale armor breaker sword. The medical depart-“

    “We get the picture.” Barriston took a look at his companions. “If there’s nothing else, I think we’ve taken enough of your time.”

    “Um, it was no trouble at all sir. Signing off.” The Salarian reached off screen, then the connection was cut, returning them to a blank screen.

    “Now, let’s get down to the real business.” Barriston looked the other men in the eyes. “How fast can we get this into production?”

    “Well, we have been working to simplify the design of most of the components,” Madden explained. “The only exception is the audio-visual transcoder – we just reused an old quantum computer and stuck it in a large case so we’d have room for a large custom cooling solution to handle especially strenuous workloads.”

    “Doctor Madden and his team have assured me that by using new quantum computers and designing cooling systems and cases specifically for them, they can cut the size of the final unit by at least half,” Husker added.

    “I’m not hearing a number,” Dominokols replied, adding a little more menace to his voice than Barriston felt was needed.

    “If we start now, we might be able to achieve limited production inside of six or seven months.” Husker turned to look directly at the Old Man. “By limited, I mean limited – five or less units per month for the first eight months of production. We won’t have the tooling and production capacity for anything more until at least eighteen months from now, again assuming that we start production as soon as possible… preferably today.”

    “Interesting.” Barriston tapped his chin. “How much space would a completed unit take up?”

    “Unfortunately, it’ll never be small enough to put into a closet or the like. The cooling and maintenance access requirements prevent that,” Madden replied, looking ruefully at the hardware around him. “Our current designs for the complete system should be able to fit into a small room, something like a small laundry room in a residential home. Since our QEC design focuses on using existing cameras and audio pickups, you could put it just about anywhere, then run a direct line to the devices you want to use as inputs.”

    “Sounds like that could come in handy for ships,” Dominokols commented; the Old Man noticed the unreadable look Husker gave the Teiwaz second in command, but didn’t question it.

    “It would,” Husker allowed. “If you want, I could set aside one of the first batch for the Golden Jastley.”

    The Golden Jastley was, of course, Dominokols’ personal vessel, a large transport with a decent mobile suit complement for defense. It mostly made runs between Earth and Jupiter once or twice a year, but occasionally, Jastley took it out for pleasure cruises around the Jovian moons.

    “Thanks for the offer, but I’ll pass… at least until the second batch is out. You know what they say about never getting the first version of anything.”

    Polite chuckling from all the men was the only reply to that, but Barriston was glad that the friction between them seemed to be resolved. While he allowed and even encouraged competition among his men, he had little tolerance for infighting. The reason was simple – it destabilized the organization and led to loses across the board, and often for little to nothing in the end. It had to be stamped out before it grew into a cancer, at any cost.

    “Very good, gentlemen,” the Old Man said. “Consider the order to begin production given. Keep me up to date on the process, Husker. We’re on the verge of a new era, and it might be a rocky transition. Dr. Madden, I thank you for your continued service. Rest assured, you’ll be rewarded for your recent success.”

    “I appreciate the sentiment, sir, but I don’t really need any monetary reward,” the scientist demurred.

    “Who said anything about money?” With that, McMurdo Barriston left the room, with a confused Jastley Dominokols in tow.

    “What’d you mean by that, Old Man?” Dominokols asked as soon as they were comfortably out of earshot. There was no challenging tone in the younger man’s voice, just confusion, and because of that, Barriston answered the question.

    “Simple – Madden is the kind of man who doesn’t care about money, past a certain point, of course.” He smiled to himself. “As long as he has enough money to feed, clothe, and take care of himself, all he cares about is unlocking the secrets of the universe and figuring out how to use them.”

    “Alright, what do you plan to do with him, then?”

    “I’ll put him in charge of the teams figuring out how to apply the aliens’ science. That way, if he doesn’t like the job, I can just have him lead whichever project most interests him.”

    Dominokols said nothing, leaving the Old Man to wonder if he understood the reasoning. But that was a minor concern – some people took a bit longer to absorb a lesson, especially if it was one that didn’t immediately mesh with their worldview. But McMurdo Barriston was confident that he’d come around – there was a galaxy of opportunity right around the corner, after all. Men of vision were needed to crack the frontier and make it happen, men who could seize the opportunities presented to them and use them to the greatest effect.

    Whether or not Jastley had what it took remained to be seen… and even if he didn’t, there were others who did. And in the end, all that mattered was the Teiwaz benefited… because people came and went, but organizations could never die.

    Author's Notes: Hey, you know what sucks? Word randomly crashing at various points in time as you try to write a chapter. Remember to save every damn minute when that happens.

    The massive irony in some parts of the Gjallarhorn section of this chapter is very much intended. One thing that is a pain with the Seven Stars is that only five of them get any real screen time, and the two left over guys are either not seen (the one that's supposedly named Falk - dunno where that name came from) or doesn't really get much characterization (Baklazan - and I'm not entirely sure if that spelling is correct). Gundam Wiki's general crappiness really hurts at times like this.

    Since how the Quantum Entanglement Communicator's inner workings were never really explained in any depth, I just had to come up with a plausible explanation for why the humans kept failing at it. So I took some inspiration from the issues with high resolution video streaming and figured out a way to justify the weirdly lo-fi look the ME2 style QEC holograms had. I really thought hard about having the human QEC use holograms, but then I realized that would be A) a time consuming system to reverse engineer, and B) a massive pain in the ass to implement over just connecting their existing mics and cameras. And honestly, if you were a business that was already making people spend millions+ dollars to buy your super secure comm system, using already existing customer vid-com hardware is a good way to save money on your end and make the customer feel like he's not getting shafted.
    Chapter 18
  • Chapter 18

    Mikazuki tightened the grip on the sword in his hands as his opponent’s blade swung towards his head, then tried to parry the blow. The clash of the blades pushed him back a few paces due to his opponent’s greater leverage – a result of her height advantage – at which point, he pulled the blade back, causing her to fall forward in surprise. His left hand left the sword and swung toward her face, only to be deflected by an armored gauntlet that left his knuckles stinging. Sweat continued pouring down his face and began stinging his eyes as he pulled back to look for an opening.

    The goal was simple – hit any of his opponent’s joints. The problem was that, as experienced as he was at fighting, that was all either hand to hand, with a gun, or in a vehicle or mobile suit. The largest blade he’d ever used was a combat knife, and that nowhere near as long as the sword he was using for this exercise.

    Before his opponent could regroup, he charged towards her, sword held high, then swung towards her neck. The blade made contact with the softer under-layer of the hardsuit… a millisecond after his opponent’s blade tapped his ribs. He looked down and saw that she’d flipped her grip so that the sword’s tip was towards the floor, then used a punching motion to make contact as committed to his swing.

    “Alright Mikazuki, you technically succeeded,” his Asari opponent, Arienea B’Sayle, announced. “If this was a real fight and not just for mobile suit training, I would’ve fucked you up hard.”

    Mikazuki pulled his sword back and nodded. “I guess. But when I’m in Barbatos, getting hit is less of a problem.”

    She sighed and shook her head. “I know, but you should try to not get hit in the first place. I’m pretty sure that holds true for mobile suit combat too.”

    Mikazuki shrugged. “Are we done?”

    “Yeah, yeah, hit the showers kid.” Arienea sighed and looked up at the ceiling of the compartment. “I’ve only got a half dozen more fights to go through.”

    “Alright.” With that, Mikazuki walked out of the gym, nodding as he passed Akihiro in the corridor. As he passed by, he heard Orga approach from the side, his distinct boots ringing off the deck plates, and Mikazuki slowed down so he could catch up.

    Orga took a look at the red marks on his friend’s skin for a second, then smiled and shook his head. “Did’ya finally win one?”

    “Yeah, but she got me too, so it’s not really a win.” Mikazuki answered, rubbing his side as he spoke.

    “I’d say it’s a good start,” Orga replied. “At least she hasn’t started pulling out the biotic dash on you.”

    Mikazuki looked askance at his friend. “She used it on you?”

    “Nah, Shino was bragging, so she pulled it out to show how out of his league he was.” Orga chuckled. “You should’ve heard him complain about how it wasn’t fair, that no mobile suit could move like that.”

    Mikazuki frowned. “I thought I heard Treia say the Gundams could move way faster than they do, and she said it might look like a biotic dash.”

    “Yeah, well, maybe.” Orga shrugged, his expression dismissive. But Mikazuki could tell from his eyes that he was… scared was too strong a word, but worried seemed right. “Doesn’t really matter – Barbatos seems to be good enough already.”

    Mikazuki felt it was important to nod, but he wasn't sure why. So he did it anyway, and put aside his unease.

    “Anyway, you should see the crazy stuff they’re thinking up for Akihiro’s Gundam. It’s going to have four arms so he can hold more guns or beat the crap out of more mobile suits.” Orga shook his head. “I bet they’d be stuffing all sorts of alien tech into it if it was just lying around.”

    Again, Mikazuki nodded.

    Before Orga could say anything else, Biscuit’s voice came over the intercom. “Orga, we just got the initial cost estimate for the mobile suit modifications. They want to hear back from us as soon as possible. Thanks.”

    “Goddamn it.” Orga ran a hand through his hair and looked over at Mikazuki. “You know, you’re real lucky you don’t have to put up with this crap.” When Mikazuki just shrugged, he added, “Oh yeah, before I forget — you should get down to the mess hall when you get the chance. Atra’s whipped up some real good food today.”

    Mikazuki grunted in acknowledgment as Orga peeled off and headed up a different corridor. But as he passed through on his way to quarters he shared with several of the older boys, he rarely found himself alone. Groups passed by every so often – some engaged in a variety of exercises, others just rotating on or off shift – and gave quick hellos, often nothing more than a nod or a wave as they hurried off to wherever they were going. Mikazuki did his best to acknowledge them, but he wasn’t bothered when he couldn’t or they didn’t notice — sometimes, things got a bit overwhelming, and no one could keep up.

    After picking up a clean set of clothes, Mikazuki headed down to the communal showers. Like the ones at the old CGS base, they were all separated from each other by thick plastic barrier walls. Unlike the the ones at the base, the barriers extended all the way from the floor to the ceiling, and instead of a curtain separating the shower stall from the outside world, a thick plastic door with a lock sealed the user inside. Not long after Tekkadan had first boarded the ship, Mikazuki had asked Mr. Yukinojo about the showers and learned it was a safety standard for all ships, to keep water contained if there was ever an artificial gravity failure.

    Mikazuki didn’t particularly like the showers — they were a bit too tight, a bit too hard to maneuver in due to the hand bars and other protrusions molded into the plastic — but he at least understood why they were like that, and could accept their flaws because of it.

    Between the hot water and the towel, Mikazuki barely winced whenever something came in contact with the scratches on his arms and torso. It was nothing compared to the pain he had endured throughout his life, so he easily set it aside and dried himself off before heading outside to put on his clothes, tossing the dirty clothes into the large plastic hamper mounted on one of the bulkheads.

    Mikazuiki nodded in approval as he entered the mess hall. Tekkadan veterans, the alien newcomers, and even the Brewers were intermingling at the tables, as it should be. He spotted a table with a few empty seats, mentally marked that as his destination, and walked up to get his food.

    “Hey Mikazuki!” As usual, Atra was happy to see him, which was good — he liked seeing her be happy. Kudelia was hanging in the back too, which was also good. He liked talking to her, and the fact that Atra and Kudelia got along well was another thing he liked.

    Kudelia sometimes acted weird around him, and he wasn’t entirely sure why, but that didn’t seem to cause any problems. Mikazuki was glad about that — in his experience, problems among friends quickly spread throughout a group. If they weren’t dealt with quickly, they could put everyone in danger.

    “Hey Atra. Orga said the food was really good today.” He looked down into the pot on the stove. It looked like an ordinary serving of vegetable fried rice, but on a second look, he realized it was all covered in a light green sauce.

    “Yup, it’s my new recipe — fried rice with Salarian lyz’ta sauce.” Atra’s face lit up with pride as she poured two scoops on to a plate and handed it to him. “Go on, try it!”

    After fishing a fork out of the nearby dispenser, Mikazuki did just that. As he chewed the food, a flood of sweet, sour, and tangy flavors splashed over his tongue, but he said nothing, waiting until he had a second sample. Once he confirmed that it tasted the same, he said, “It’s pretty good.”

    “I know, right?” Atra was beaming now. “I couldn’t believe they said it was terrible!”


    “Apparently the sauce is from a Salarian colony, but none of the Thrill Seeker’s crew is from there,” Kudelia interjected. “And since they didn’t have any recipes, they tried putting it on the food after it was done. Supposedly, everyone hated it so much that they shoved the sauce in the back of the cold storage room and left it there until we brought it aboard.”

    “It does taste terrible if you pour it on your food,” Atra added, crossing her arms and nodding like a wise man Mikazuki had seen in a movie. “You have to use it in the cooking process, otherwise it doesn’t get absorbed by the ingredients and mix in properly.”

    Mikazuki thought about that for a little bit, then shrugged. He was alright at cooking rations, but he knew he couldn’t match Atra’s talent for cooking, and accepted her explanation without much issue.

    “You know, I’m feeling a bit hungry. How about you, Atra?” Kudelia asked.

    “Huh? I do feel a bit hungry, now that I think about it…”

    “You wouldn’t mind us joining you, Mikazuki?”

    “It’s fine.” Personally, Mikazuki didn’t get why Kudelia didn’t just say she wanted to eat with him and Atra. Maybe it was some weird politeness thing richer people did. The result was the same either way, but it seemed odd to him that people would spend more time to say something simple, when they could just say what they wanted and get it done.

    As the three of them settled down at the table, Kudelia tried to strike up a conversation. “So, uh, Mikazuki, I hear you’re doing sword practice.”

    “Mmm hmm,” was his reply — he’d already taken a bite of his food.

    “What I don’t understand is why you’re doing that. How does learning how to use a sword make you a better mobile suit pilot?”

    Mikazuki put down his fork and thought about it, trying to figure out the best way to explain things. “When I’m piloting Barbatos and I don’t know how to do something, Barbatos will tell me how to do it. So if I know how to use a sword out here, I don’t need to ask Barbatos how to use it, just how to make its sword do what I want.”

    “Barbatos… talks to you?” Atra asked, more confused than concerned about this development.

    “Kinda.” Mikazuki shrugged. “It tells me things and I tell it things.”

    “It must be some kind of VI then,” Kudelia concluded. "One that reads your thoughts."

    Atra looked completely baffled. “What’s a VI?”

    “It’s a really complicated computer program that handles difficult jobs.” Kudelia’s eyes wandered down towards the table, trying to dredge up every last tidbit of information she’d heard on the topic. “A lot of alien technology uses them to handle hard math and science problems, but they also use them for things like tour guides.”


    The conversation after that was pretty average, only deviating from the norm when Mikazuki announced he was heading off to practice piloting Barbatos after finishing his meal. He wasn’t sure why, but he could tell that Kudelia and Atra were either annoyed, exasperated, and/or disappointed with this choice of his. It was all very confusing, made worse by the fact that he knew they had stuff to do too, so it wasn’t like they had a lot of time to spend on hanging out. And they knew that he liked to practice or work out a lot too, so what was the problem?

    Mikazuki mentally shrugged on his way to the hangar and decided to ask Orga if he had any idea why they’d act like that.

    McGillis Fareed smiled as he fired his Schwalbe Graze’s braking thrusters hard enough to send the machine into reverse. As he did so, he fired a long burst from his long rifle; only a few rounds made contact with his opponent’s machine, but they were enough to get him to change vector by a few degrees. McGillis pivoted the Schwalbe and fired the wire claw on the left arm, which slammed into the right side of the enemy mobile suit and lodged itself in between the waist armor plates. Instinctively, he fired his thrusters, spinning the Schwalbe around its target, milliseconds before the enemy machine began its own spin, trying to pull McGillis’ machine out of control.

    Even as his opponent began compensating for his move, McGillis unloaded the magazine of his rifle. Flourescent pink paint stained the white and purple chassis of the opposing machine, which let go of its massive lance and pulled a mobile suit scale knife. The Schwalbe barely managed to deploy its battle axe before the enemy unit yanked on the claw’s wire, pulling it closer and preventing McGillis from performing a proper overhand swing. He fired his thrusters again, jerking the Schwalbe, and tried yanking on his end of the wire. The enemy mobile suit’s thruster output was too strong, and the Schwalbe wound up heading towards the enemy again.

    As he retracted the wire claw and prepared to strike, a voice came over the comm lines. “Gentlemen, as much as we appreciate the show, I’d rather not have to explain why your mobile suits were severely damaged in a simple training exercise.”

    McGillis trained the Schwalbe’s head up, to where the Halfbeak-class cruiser Slepnir hovered serenely above them, and lowered the axe. “Understood, Captain.”

    “Saved by the bell, McGillis,” Gaelio cheerfully added, sheathing his mobile suit’s knife. “I guess it’s time to head back.”

    “It is,”
    the captain replied. “I’ll give you two twenty minutes to clean up before briefing the pilots.”

    “Roger that, Captain.”
    Both mobile suits moved to retrieve their discarded weapons, then sped towards the cruiser. McGillis cast an appraising eye on Gaelio’s unit, Gundam Kimaris. Even with the pink paint splattered across it, it remained a strikingly noble figure, that of a valiant knight — unsurprisingly, it fed into Gaelio’s worldview, and probably explained much about him.

    Of course, from a tactical perspective, Kimaris’ main weakness was its dependence on a lance as its primary weapon. For maximum effectiveness, a pilot needed room to accelerate so that the lance could penetrate nanolaminate armor. In a close quarters battle, with only limited ability to build the lance's momentum, the most it could do was dent the armor plates — an inconvenience, but not that detrimental to combat performance. Of course, Kimaris’ combat knife and shoulder fired slash disks made up for some of its deficiencies when the lance wasn’t available, but a skilled pilot could easily deal with those.

    Tapping a few buttons, McGillis opened a private channel to Kimaris. “I’ve been thinking about the assignment your father handed to us.”

    “Uh huh…”

    “Fundamentally, the goal is quite sound. On the other hand, there’s a flawed assumption at the core of our methodology.”

    “And that would be…?”

    How blind
    are you, Gaelio, if you cannot see what should be obvious? “Brute force will not cow Tekkadan, even if we have numerical superiority on our side. They’ll fight as long as they are able to, and in the process, many of our soldiers will die.” McGillis paused. “What we need to do is remove their willingness to fight.”

    “And we can do that by…?”

    As McGillis explained his plan, he could practically hear Gaelio nod over the comm link, even as they set down in separate hangars. A Halfbeak class cruiser had two mobile suit bays, each holding ten units; the same hangar modules were used in the far larger Skipjack class battleships, giving them a total complement of 60 mobile suits. For a short jaunt in Earth’s orbit, like today’s foray, at least four more mobile suits could be crammed into both bays without a problem. In a combat situation, of course, packing the bay with extra mobile suits was a desperation measure — more mobile suits meant less room for rearmament and refueling.

    A quick shower later, both men entered the Slepnir’s pilot briefing room. Four rectangular tables, each with five seats running on rails in the deck, faced a podium at the front. Three of the four walls were large displays, while the last wall was covered in a medley of awards and pictures. Despite being impeccably clean, the room felt surprisingly lived in and comfortable, especially when it was crammed full of people.

    All twenty mobile suit pilots, including the squadron commander, sat in the chairs, gazing upon the interlopers in their midst. All of them were nakedly confident, but respectful enough, which was the entire point of McGillis and Gaelio’s mock battle. Among the soldiers of Gjallarhorn, the Regulatory Bureau was regarded as nothing more than REMFs — pencil pushers who showed up to condemn someone for their misbehavior, then left without the solving the problem. If nothing else, the mock battle proved the pair knew how to handle themselves in battle, and every bit of respect they earned with these pilots could mean the difference between life and death.

    “Alright, ladies and gentlemen, I’m sure you’ve already heard, so yes, I am Gaelio Bauduin, and yes, that is McGillis Fareed standing to my right.” Gaelio’s joke got the intended result — smiles and chuckles from the assorted men and women in the room. “We’re here to brief you on an operation the Slepnir has been assigned to, straight from the Seven Stars.”

    Technically, that wasn’t true. Lord Bauduin had handed the job to the two of them and let them sort out the details, and Gaelio picked the Slepnir due to his familiarity with the captain, an old aide of his father. But that was minutiae no one would particularly care about, and it undercut the importance of the mission anyway. Gaelio was aiming for effect, and he was getting it in spades; as soon as he mentioned the Seven Stars, the pilots sat up a little straighter, even as they shared confused or concerned looks amongst their ranks.

    “This operation will take place alongside the Arianrhod fleet’s blockade of the Dort colonies. The Slepnir will not be involved in that, but they will be available to us as reinforcements, if necessary.” Gaelio tapped a few controls on the podium, and every wall display lit up with a collage of Tekkadan’s known military assets. “Our mission is to capture the assault carrier operated by Tekkadan, a PMC operating out of Chryse on Mars. Its current mobile weapon complement is an unknown number of mobile workers, a Graze they captured from Mars branch, and one Gundam… the Barbatos.”

    There was a lot of muttering at that, and the squadron commander, a harsh looking woman with closely cropped hair by the name of Vasquez, raised her hand. “First of all, Major, am I correct in assuming that this whole operation is classified?”

    Gaelio hesitated. “Officially, we’re apprehending them due to their connections to Kudelia Aina Bernstein. I can’t say anything more than that.”

    Vasquez nodded. “Second, why exactly do you need twenty mobile suits to take down two mobile suits, even if one is a Gundam?”

    “If I may, Gaelio?” At the other man’s nod, McGillis stepped forward. “To answer your question, Commander, there are three reasons why we need such an overwhelming force. First, Major Bauduin and I faced them in orbit of Mars with two Mars branch units as support. 2-to-1 odds were not enough to ensure victory, given Tekkadan’s tactical skill. Second, a pirate group was hired to neutralize Tekkadan several weeks ago. They have not reported in, so it’s safe to assume that — at minimum — they failed to capture Tekkadan. They had a force consisting of nine mobile suits, so it’s possible some or all of them have been captured by Tekkadan.”

    McGillis felt no need to add that one of those mobile suits was a Gundam. They didn’t need to know that, and more importantly, would strategize around the assumption of two Gundams if they did know about it. Since the odds of Tekkadan escaping the double snare of the Slepnir and the Arianrhod Fleet were slim, McGillis felt it prudent to give them every possible advantage he could.

    “Third, the Gundam’s pilot uses the Alaya-Vijnana System, making him nearly equal in skill to Major Bauduin and myself. Given our previous combat experience, we feel it prudent to have a large number of support units to help mitigate that advantage.”

    There was a profound lack of enthusiasm in the room.

    Finally, someone in the back raised their hand. “With all due respect sir, it sounds like the only reason we’re involved is because you need cannon fodder.”

    Gaelio returned to the podium. “I can see why you’d think that, but I assure you, we’re not looking to throw your lives away. First of all, Major Fareed and I will be conducting exercises with you up until the last possible moment, in an effort to figure out what the most effective anti-Gundam tactics are. Second, Major Fareed has volunteered to infiltrate the Dort colony to capture Kudelia and give us leverage that should get Tekkadan to surrender.”

    Vasquez once again raised her hand. “Sir, given what you’ve told us, I don’t see how capturing her would make any difference.”

    McGillis once again stepped up to the podium. “To put it simply, Tekkadan is a mercenary outfit. Their jog is to protect Kudelia by any means necessary. By capturing her, we deprive them of their reason to fight – the money they were promised for getting Kudelia to Earth – so they gain nothing by continuing to resist us.”

    Vasquez and many of her pilots looked unconvinced, but they were at least willing to take the explanation at face value. It was, of course, merely a pretense to justify his absence from the operation and give him the opportunity to contact Tekkadan on his terms. But it was necessary, since he couldn’t simply take leave during a crucial operation – at least this way, he could say he tried and failed due to unforeseen circumstances.

    As McGillis allowed Gaelio to retake control of the briefing, he allowed his mind to drift a bit, wondering how his personal agent’s task was going…

    Tallahassee, Florida was one of the luckier cities to survive the Calamity War. Its survival boiled down to three things – it had no military assets, no real manufacturing to speak of, and its socio-economic/political impact was minor. It was the capital of the state of Florida, true, but aside from that and being home of Florida State University, there was literally nothing of value directly associated with the city. The various military bases throughout the state, along with the primary tourist attractions of Orlando and Miami, had been far higher on the mobile armors’ priority target list, and by the time the Gundams turned the tide of the war, it was regarded as totally irrelevant to their goals.

    Of course, the war had caused massive disruptions – mass evacuations during the attack on the Pensacola base, the conversion of the city and university to a refugee camp – but in the three hundred years that followed, it had evolved into a bustling metropolis involved with every notable industry in the Strategic Alliance Union.

    Todo Mirconen chuckled a bit as he settled into a booth in a fancy downtown restaurant. After getting beaten by those little Tekkadan ingrates and blasted into space in an escape pod, he’d expected to get dumped back on Mars with no money and a pretty high chance of getting shot in the back in some Chryse alley. Instead, McGillis Fareed was paying him to do the kind of dirty work he didn’t mind – gathering info and meeting people McGillis couldn’t be seen associating with. Sure, he had to dress a bit fancy, but a dress shirt, some nice slacks, and a vest was all he needed for that.

    His order had been put in ahead of time, so when the waiter came by, all he had to do was order a drink – he picked a wine of he guessed was decent vintage. Not too long after it arrived, his dinner guest came over to the table, a cold fish of a woman in standard business attire named Anastasia Avilova. Still, he laid on the charm as he greeted her, and she at least pretended to be flattered so they’d fit in.

    “This wine is terrible,” she remarked after tasting it. Todo shrugged; he didn’t know much of anything about wine. “So, Mr. Mirconen, what’s this urgent business between our clients?”

    Both knew she was referring to McGillis Fareed and his secret allies in the Montag Company.

    Todo smiled, then paused as the waiter brought their food to them. Neither dish was particularly fancy, but they at least looked portioned so the meal would fill an adult’s stomach. “My client has just learned of some… new opportunities that his subcontractors have stumbled upon. He wants to increase the supply shipment from your client to help them take advantage of some of those opportunities.”

    Stripped of all the spy movie nonsense, the message was simple – Tekkadan needed more weapons.

    Avilova frowned as she cut into her food. “What kind of opportunities? I assume this is in addition to the half-metal rights.”

    The smile never left Todo’s face, but he internally winced. When he first learned about the fact that aliens existed, he’d laughed long and hard, thinking it was McGillis’ idea of a joke. Then, when he thought about it some more, he’d been scared shitless, at least until he realized that they weren’t going to be invaded… just yet, anyway.

    He waggled his head in a manner that suggested (to himself, at the very least) great ambiguity. “My client didn’t provide me with any details, but he said it was… ‘a rapidly developing, highly disruptive field,’ I believe.”

    The glare Todo received could’ve cut through nanolaminate armor. “What does that even mean?”

    “Uh… well, this all very new, you see. No one’s quite sure how it’ll turn out.” Todo hid his discomfort by slicing and eating a particularly large chunk of his meal.

    “So why should my client get involved in this… opportunity?”

    Todo quickly looked around and leaned forward, dropping his voice down to a whisper. “Look, what we’re talking about here is secret. Only a couple dozen people in the whole solar system know about this. But once the secret’s out, it’ll change everything. Trust me on this.”

    Avilova hesitated. “You know what it is?”

    Todo sat up straight and nodded.

    “Can you tell me what it is?”

    He hesitated, then slowly shook his head. “My client asked me to keep an eye out for leaks. So far, no one involved has let a peep out, and I don’t want to be the one to give it away.”

    Sighing, Avilova returned to her food for a moment. “Can you at least give me an idea about who knows about this? Obviously, G… your client’s company knows…”

    “The subcontractor knows – they were some of the people who stumbled into this ‘opportunity’ we’ve been talking about.” Todo leaned forward and dropped his voice. “Teiwaz also knows, and were involved from the start.”

    “Teiwaz?” Avilova leaned back, deep in thought. “Their involvement means there’s substantial gains to be made.”

    “Oh, there will be.” To be brutally honest, Todo couldn’t really see how the Montag Company would make all that much money off the aliens, since they were more of an infrastructure company. He got their angle with the half-metal business – they could get pretty big contracts for building mines and other infrastructure on Mars. But when it came to this alien stuff, he figured that at the very least, they could build some space stations if space exploration took off.

    “Alright then, I’ll let my client know about the extra supplies. I take it they need to be ready by the previously agreed on time?”


    “In that case, our business is done.” Avilova looked down at her plate, which was still mostly covered with food. “This food’s not bad.”

    “I’ve had better and worse,” Todo admitted. “But at least this place isn’t as overpriced as the last one we met at.”

    Todo quickly shielded himself with his wine glass from the woman’s indignant glare, chuckling on the inside. If she couldn’t handle a weak joke about her taste in restaurants – or, more likely, thought he was totally uneducated or uncouth – then that was fine by him. He’d take every little edge he could get in this game, and sooner or later, the tables would turn, and she’d be the one coming to him, begging McGillis for favors. So what if it took a few years for that to happen – now that he was in McGillis’ pocket, life was smooth sailing from here on out…

    Author's Notes: One last chapter of build up to Dort, mostly to prevent future plot holes. But hey, who can pass up the opportunity to show that Mikazuki is totally a clueless harem protagonist, or theory crafting on what exactly goes on when the Gundam pilots interact with the weird software in the Gundams through the Alaya-Vijnana.

    Since we don't have the weird time compression nonsense of the series, plus this brand new situation, McGillis going on vacation doesn't make a lick of sense, especially since he'd be taking a break during a classified op, which would be the most suspicious thing ever. Solution - coherent reasoning and Gaelio being a rubber stamp.

    The Montag Company is actually a weirdly ambiguous element of Gundam IBO, because they give it a backstory, but they don't really establish whether or not it's a legit company, a shell company, or if the company (if it does exist) knows about some or all of McGillis' goals. So I'm going with A) they're a legit company and B) they're associated with McGillis because he's a reformer whose plans will benefit them in the long term.
    Chapter 19
  • Chapter 19

    “Are you ready, Captain?”

    Orga looked up at Vass, who was looking straight back at him. Both men were in Orga’s office, and they both knew this was the last opportunity to air their misgivings. Once they stepped on the bridge, they were committed, no matter the outcome.

    “Hmph. You’ve never called me that before.”

    The corners of Vass’ mouth pulled up a bit. “I suspected that would get your attention.”

    Orga smiled a bit at that, then sighed. “I’m as ready as I’m ever going to get… which isn’t much at all.”

    “I think we still have a chance to fake engine problems to buy us some more time…”

    Orga shook his head. “No, there’s no point. We’re an hour or two out.” He swallowed, even as his voice grew hoarse. “The only thing that’d change is whether those protestors have a slim chance over none at all.”

    All trace of humor or pretense faded from Vass’ face. “At least you understand the situation we’re in. Hopefully you can minimize the damage, but…”

    Orga picked up where the Salarian left off. “There are no guarantees.”

    “Exactly.” Vass sighed and shrugged. “I’ve run into this sort of situation before and I can assure you, it’s never pleasant. But focusing on the good you’ve done helps make it easier to cope, once it’s all said and done.”

    Orga buried his face in his hands and rubbed it, then let them fall away as he stood up. “Alright, let’s do this.”

    The pair silently walked onto the bridge, which crammed full of people trying to catch sight of the Dort colonies through the main viewport, including Atra, Kudelia, and Fumitan. Humans and aliens alike respectfully made way for them, allowing them to stand next to Eugene, who was manning the helmsman’s post. Orga took a quick look behind him, spotting Biscuit, who stepped forward to join them.

    “We’re heading for the one in the middle,” Orga announced, even though Eugene had already plotted that course. He wasn’t really sure why he said it aloud – probably just instinct, to let most of the people on the bridge know what was going on. “Biscuit, you know a lot about these colonies. Why don’t you fill everyone else in?”

    “Huh?” Almost every set of eyes fell on the staff officer, who immediately blanched before beginning a short but informative explanation of the Dort colonies’ background.

    “Any sign of Gjallarhorn?” Orga whispered to Eugene. During the past two months, Eugene had been brought into the tight circle of people who knew the true nature of the Dort situation, a necessity due to his role as second in command.

    The blonde shook his head. “Not yet. Think they’ll show up after we dock?”

    “Probably.” Orga stood up, catching Atra talk to Mikazuki in the background. He could feel the crowd’s attention shifting from the colonies to something else visible through the window.

    “Wait a minute… That planet… Is it Earth, guys?”

    “Yeah, it sure is.” A small smile crossed Orga’s face. “Take a good look folks – that’s the last leg of this voyage.”

    “It’s blue,” Mikazuki observed, amusing Orga to no end. If there was one thing he could rely on, it was Mika being Mika. “A lot prettier than I thought it’d be.”

    “Looks like a regular old garden world to me,” one of the Salarians announced. Orga was pretty sure it wasn’t Raeka, but he wasn’t sure – every so often, the malcontent complained about something, seemingly for its own sake.

    “Shut up Esheel,” an Asari replied. “Let the kids have their moment.”

    “It looks like a jewel,” Atra said, and as Orga turned, he caught her tossing an annoyed glance at Esheel. He did his best to keep his face neutral as he faced Kudelia, which wasn’t helped by Shino, somewhere among the crowd, announcing that he thought the planet looked tasty. Thankfully, other people took up the effort of mocking him, allowing Orga to focus on Kudelia.

    “Sorry about the detour, but once we drop off the cargo from Teiwaz, we’ll be on our way.”

    A puzzled expression crossed Kudelia’s face. “Yes, of course. That’s a very important job too.” She paused, looking slightly uncomfortable as she said, “Um, I have a small favor to ask you.”

    Orga sighed internally, steeling himself for something that’d make his life harder in the next 24 to 48 hours. “What’s that?”

    “While all of you are over there working on Dort 2… well, all the people that can go out in public,” she replied, “do you think it’d be possible for Fumitan and me to go to Dort 3?”

    “Dort 3?”

    “Yes. If there are commercial facilities there, I’d like to get a little shopping done.”

    Orga noticed the aliens were all vigorously nodding at this suggestion, which told him there was something going on that they hadn’t brought to his attention for whatever reason. That annoyed him a bit, but on the other hand, if it wasn’t serious enough to bring it to him, it might not be a major problem, just an inconvenience.

    He was going to have to ask Kudelia about it… assuming they survived.

    Even as Fumitan put up a lackluster protest and Atra wheedled her away onto the trip, Vass whispered into Orga’s ear. “Even though keeping her aboard would be far safer, there are… morale considerations to keep in mind if you do that.”

    Orga sighed. Does everyone know about this problem but me? Turning his attention back to Kudelia, all he said was “That’s fine, but I don’t think you girls should take off by yourselves. Mika, can you go with them?”

    It was risky, taking their best pilot off the ship when Gjallarhorn might ambush them, but he was also Tekkadan’s best soldier. If anything happened on Dort 3, Mikazuki could get them through it.

    Orga paused – if things went bad, as he feared they would, one person might not be able to shepherd three civilians through it alone. Sure, Fumitan was surprisingly capable, but was she any good in a fight? No, it was better to send another member of Tekkadan – it couldn’t be anyone else, unless they wanted to cause a panic by having aliens randomly show up. Akihiro, the obvious choice, was out – he was on the Hammerhead, which was heading to the Dort 6 colony to refit Gusion and the Man Rodis. Eugene had to stay on the ship, Biscuit was going with him to deal with the business on Dort 2 (and to keep him from getting his brother involved), Shino was piloting the Graze now and needed to be aboard if anything happened, Chad wasn’t too intimidating…

    A smile crossed his face as he realized who was the perfect fit for the job. “Take Dante with you, alright?”

    Mikazuki nodded. “Alright.”

    That done, Orga turned to the rest of the murmuring crowd. “Okay, time to clear out. I can’t hear myself think, and you’re all going to have plenty of time to look out the windows.”

    As the grumbling mass of people began filtering out of the compartment, it was all Orga could do to hold in an exhausted sigh of relief. The less problems he had to deal with today, the better.

    “So, uh… what now, Orga?”

    Orga rubbed his chin. “Well, we just keep going until we get to Dort 2. Once we get there, we figure out a way to get out of there fast.”

    “Easier said than done with Kudelia on Dort 3,” Vass observed. “Theoretically, she’s safe there, but that assumes any conflict either starts on Dort 2 or fails to spread throughout Dort.”

    “Great.” Orga’s mouth compressed into a thin hard line. “Any advice?”

    “Take a nap. You’ll need your wits about you, and it’d be very inconvenient if you passed out due to exhaustion in the middle of a battle.” Vass turned to leave, then paused. “Also, it’d give you something to do – besides worrying, that is.”

    With that, the Salarian left the bridge.

    “You know, he’s got the right idea,” Eugene said as he checked a few readouts. “Maybe a nap’ll make you a little less grumpy.”

    “The hell are you talking about.”

    “Ever since you found out about the mess we’re heading into, you’ve been running around with a stick up your ass.” Eugene paused and looked up at Orga. “Look, I get it. You’re worried about how all this stuff might get us into trouble. But you know, you’re wearing yourself out… and you’re wearing us out too.”

    Orga snorted. “What, you worried I’m just going to be sitting up here, freaking out over every ship that passes by?”

    “Yeah, pretty much.”

    He scowled and swallowed a biting retort. “Alright, alright, I’ll try to get a nap.”

    The trip back to his office was short and mercifully devoid of anyone looking to talk to him about something. But as soon he dropped himself into the chair, he felt the need to do something – anything, really. His hands wrapped around the armrests as he tried to relax; closing his eyes did nothing to quell the restlessness, but it did make it a bit harder to just get up and do something.

    Time passed as Orga found himself caught in a limbo between being awake and sleep. He wasn’t going to deny that he needed a break, but his mind resisted the urge to let everything go. Every so often, his thoughts would cease, his body would relax, and then some new worry would surface. After a few repetitions of the cycle, Orga simply accepted the not-quite sleep, occasionally opening an eye to check the time.

    With a half hour left until they arrived at Dort 2, Orga abandoned his false sleep. It wasn’t entirely a waste – he did feel a bit less tired than when he started – but he was far more grateful for the fact that things hadn’t gone to shit while he was in his office. Merribit was on the bridge now, which was an odd change, but Eugene was still at the helm, along with Chad . As he quietly walked up to the helm, they ran through the launch procedure for the ship’s launch as it hauled Kudelia’s group to Dort 3.

    Eugene acknowledged Orga with a silent nod, but Merribit seemed a bit surprised by his appearance on the bridge. Maybe he was quieter than he thought.

    As soon as she reported that they were safely underway, he said, “Thanks a lot… for helping us out with this, I mean.”

    She turned and smiled at him, and for some reason, he felt his heart skip a beat when she said, “Of course.”

    “Alright, let’s get moving!” He wasn’t sure why he was shouting, but there it was. Couldn’t do anything but follow through on it. “Contact the controller for Dort 2.”

    An alarm went off, and Orga’s guts turned into a lead weight, even as Eugene began plotting an escape route away from the colony. He moved over to the comm station, asking a question he felt certain he knew the answer to already. “What is it?”

    Merribit worked the controls and peered at the readouts. “It looks like… another ship.”

    Goddamn it, is it Gjallarhorn? How’d they get the jump on us? Orga turned to Eugene. “Prepare for-“

    The order never had a chance to be completed. A new voice cut in over the comm system. “You’re Tekkadan, right? Welcome to Dort 2! We’re happy to have you as our guests.”

    Eugene turned back to face Orga, and he slowly nodded. This wasn’t Gjallarhorn, it was just the Dort workers they were delivering weapons to. Sure, that’s way less dangerous than actually getting in a shootout with Gjallarhorn.

    A solitary launch floated past the side of the bridge, clearly intended to guide the assault carrier into port. Eugene adjusted course to follow, even as the voice added, “Please follow our guide.”

    “So, what’ve you heard about us?” Orga asked, ignoring the questioning looks Chad and Merribit were tossing his way.

    “Quite a bit, actually. We’ve been looking forward to meeting all the young heroes face to face.”

    Oh God,
    Orga thought, his guts churning in a nauseating way. Who the hell is telling them this stuff? But there was nothing he could do now; he and his crew were committed, in more ways than one. So all he said was, “Alright, guide us in.”

    He sat down in his chair, thinking long and hard about how to get out of this predicament. Even as the docking clamps locked onto the Isaribi, he was trying to find an out, some way to avoid having to look those doomed people in the eyes and let them walk off to their deaths.

    By the time he met the workers, Orga found himself in a state of resigned acceptance of the situation. He could be a bit friendly with them, taking some satisfaction in the happy reunion Biscuit was having, but his eyes were constantly roving around the loading bay, looking for any sign of potential trouble. And he barely stopped himself from cringing when the workers called Kudelia “the Maiden of Revolution” and “the star of hope,” as well as labeling Tekkadan a “young band of knights.” Maybe it was no surprise that he was a little harsh when ordering the cargo to be offloaded.

    It was inevitable that the workers would try to tell him their story. Colonials were considered expendable, didn’t get paid well, didn’t get insurance, got fired if they got hurt – pretty much everything Orga had seen on Mars was true here too. But once the workers started opening up the cargo and gushing over the mobile workers and rifles, he felt sick to his stomach. It reminded him of some of the newbies in CGS, the young kids that got themselves hurt or killed because they didn’t pay attention to the instructors and treated the weapons like toys.

    Not five minutes later, Gjallarhorn rolled in and the shooting started.

    Much to Orga’s surprise, the supposedly untrained civilians weren’t doing to badly, but he didn’t know whether to chalk that up to Gjallarhorn arrogance or whoever supplied the rifles loading them up with armor piercing rounds. All he could do was get to a comm terminal and order the Isaribi out the dock, before Gjallarhorn wised up and locked everything down. And not long after that, Gjallarhorn retreated, leaving Orga even more uncertain and conflicted.

    Is this all part of someone’s scheme?

    A confusing maze of mechanical arms and support struts surrounded Gusion and the four Man Rodis, pulling, cutting, and welding various components at speeds almost too fast for the eye to follow.

    Akihiro Altland stared at this from the safety of the maintenance facility’s observation gallery, high above the actual work area. It was a comfortable, if spartan area, with numerous seats, a few mood paintings, and attached bathrooms, but it was clearly only there for clients who either had nothing better to do or needed to keep an eye on their machine all the time. At least he wasn’t totally alone – Eco Turbine was there too, handling some bit of paperwork.

    In fact, she was complaining about it at that very moment.

    “Oh come on!” Eco groaned as she kept trying to enter something into a laptop.

    Akihiro turned towards her. “What’s the problem?”

    “This!” she replied, holding up and shaking the laptop. “They’re running an older version of the registration software!”

    “Uh huh.”

    Sensing Akihiro’s total lack of comprehension, Eco sighed and motioned for him to come over. He walked behind her chair and leaned over to see what she was pointing at on the screen. “See here? This is where I’m supposed to put the name of the mobile suit, right?”


    “We’re going to call these mobile suits ‘Land Man Rodis’, right? So when I try putting that name in, you get this.” Eco typed the words in, and the result was “Land Man Rod”. “There’s a new version of the software that lets you put in way longer names, but they don’t have it here.”

    Akihiro stood up and shrugged. “You could just take out the space between ‘Land’ and ‘Man’.”

    Eco turned her head and pouted. “It’ll still look terrible! ‘Landman Rodi’ looks totally stupid!”

    “I’m pretty sure no one cares,” he replied, heading back to the window. “Besides, it’s not any weirder than ‘Gusion Rebake’.”

    “Hey, that’s a great name!” The young woman protested. “It stands out and gets across the whole ‘we changed up how it works’ thing!”

    “Uh huh.”

    Before Eco could respond to this latest example of deadpan skepticism, Azee and Lafter entered the room with the manager on their heels. Maribel Madiera was a well worn middle aged woman who projected an aura of authority that was tempered by a bawdy sense of humor. Akihiro gave them a nod of respect and acknowledgement, then waited for them to speak.

    “Bad news, Akihiro.” Azee launched into her announcement without preamble. “Looks like Tekkadan ran into some trouble on Dort 2. The Isaribi had to leave port.” She grimaced. “Orga and the others had to be left behind.”

    Even as Akihiro stepped forward, Lafter held out a hand. “Hold on. They’re fine – they just ran into a Gjallarhorn patrol and have to lie low for a bit. Orga ordered the ship out so it wouldn’t get trapped if the dock was locked down.”

    Akihiro’s shoulders relaxed a bit.

    “In the meantime, we need to get as many of our mobile suits ready for action.” Azee looked over at Madiera.

    “The Gundam’ll be ready within a few hours,” she replied without hesitation. “It’ll take about a week and half to two weeks for the rest.”

    “What?!” Lafter exploded. “We let you know about all this way ahead of time!”

    Madiera looked spectacularly unimpressed by the younger woman’s outburst. “Yes, you did. And while that did let us get the materials and engineering work done ahead of time, it still takes time to strip and replace the armor of two Hyakurens, plus assemble, install, and test entirely new leg frames for those Rodis of yours. And that was before we found out we had to replace a laundry list of parts on each Rodi.” She paused. “We did get the Hyakurens re-registered as Roueis, though.”

    Azee frowned. “I thought the Rodis checked out fine?”
    “Uh…” Eco meekly raised her hand. “Turns out the safety inspections to qualify a mobile suit for use in gravity are a bit tougher than we thought.”

    “To be fair, whoever you got those Rodis from cheaped out on the repairs,” Madiera explained. “A lot of the parts we’re replacing are pretty standard stuff, things you have to be in pretty bad shape to not afford.”

    “Great.” Azee’s frown deepened. “Anything else?”

    “No, we should be good to go,” Madiera replied, then tilted her head a bit. “Actually, now that I think about it, what’s with those new components hooked up on the reactor interconnect?”

    “What new comp – oh, those new components.” Recognition flashed across Eco’s face. “Don’t worry about that, it’s just stuff to record performance data.”

    “Uh huh.” The manager managed to not say ‘you are full of shit,’ but her tone made her sentiments quite clear.

    “No, seriously, that’s all it does,” Eco deadpanned. “We, uh, cobbled it together from a box of scraps.”

    In fact, it was fabbed on Treia T’Pani’s omni-tool, and was designed to interface with the software controlling the Ahab reactors, but at the moment, all it did was monitor performance data. The Asari engineer wanted baseline data on the Gundams’ twin drive system, and installed the components to get it. Nobody was sure if it’d amount to anything in the long term, but there was really no harm in trying.

    Madiera simplied shrugged and walked out, announcing, “If you need anything, just call me.”

    As soon as she left the room, the remaining occupants looked at each other, and in silent collaboration, quickly followed suit, heading in the opposite direction. Once they exited the public areas of the facility and hopped on one of the trams to the colony interior, they spoke freely.

    “So… uh, do you think this is when the big secret comes out?” Eco asked as Azee and Lafter examined an interactive map on the tram compartment’s wall.

    Akihiro shrugged as he stared out the window. “Depends on how bad things get.”

    “50/50 odds, I’d say,” Azee interjected. “What do you think, Lafter?”

    “I think this Fabanuchi place sounds like a good spot for lunch.”

    Azee’s face scrunched in confusion for a second. “Alright then, you’re paying.”

    “Wait, what!”

    The corners of Akihiro’s mouth quirked up as he listened to them bicker amongst themselves. It was little moments like these that he was learning to enjoy the most after all the years of being Human Debris. There was something… warm and fuzzy was the best phrase he could think of, but he knew that wasn’t quite right to describe this. He treasured this sensation, knowing it would take a long time for his brother to appreciate such things – two months wasn’t enough to get over the kind of abuse that made CGS look kind and cuddly.

    As he followed the Turbines girls out of the tram and on to the streets of Dort 6, he silently gave thanks to Orga for everything he’d done for Akihiro and Masahiro so far. As far as Akihiro was concerned, he’d follow Orga into the depths of hell to repay him for that. And once his Gundam was up and running, well, perhaps fighting past Gjallarhorn to rescue Orga might not be so difficult…

    McGillis Fareed smiled to himself as he walked the streets of Dort 3. He was completely aware of the many people stopping and looking at him – in fact, that was the reason for his smile. His disguise – an absurd gold, hawk-like mask and silver wig – was designed to conceal his identity, and the ostentatious nature of it was what stuck in people’s memory. Details like his clothes, height, and even voice faded into the background, simply because the mask was that overpowering.

    As for being on Dort 3, he had Todo to thank for that. While the Martian had lacked any real contacts on the colony, he’d quickly found a reliable source of information in one of the traffic controllers, a man with a sick daughter. Steady payments – each a pittance to the Fareed bank account, but substantial to a colonial citizen – had ensured the man’s loyalty. As soon as the Isaribi had arrived at the edge of detection range, Todo and McGillis had the information; the fact that Tekkadan sent a launch to Dort 3 had also been passed along, and for that, the man would receive a sizable bonus.

    Given the intelligence Todo had gathered, including the peculiar loyalties Kudelia’s maid had, sending a launch to Dort 3 made no sense – unless one factored in Kudelia Aina Bernstein’s nature. As much as he respected her inner strength and resolve, McGillis’ assessment of her was that of an idealistic do-gooder who would let her feelings lead her into easily avoidable situations.

    Then again, since Kudelia’s maid was supposed to betray her on Dort 2, perhaps Kudelia’s sentimentality was paying off.

    Of course, that didn’t tell him where she would be going, but since he knew the chokepoints a person had to travel through to get into the colony interior, he had a good idea of where she could be. Given what he knew and assumed about her personality, at some point, she would feel obligated to do something to reward Tekkadan. So he was prowling the shopping district, trying to catch sight of them without being spotted himself – somewhat of a challenge, thanks to his own disguise.

    Eventually he caught sight of them outside a warehouse store, arranging for a large load of supplies to be hauled back to their ship. Following them at a distance led him through the district and to a fairly high end hotel – obviously where they were staying for the duration of their visit. After about half an hour, two of the party – a small girl and a tall redhead – left in a taxi. McGillis recognized the girl from his and Gaelio’s trip to Mars, but the boy was unfamiliar, clearly a random member of Tekkadan. Since Mikazuki Augus was still inside with Kudelia, approaching was borderline impossible.

    McGillis knew that Mikazuki would deal any potential threat to Kudelia with lethal force.

    Luckily, Mikazuki also left in a taxi not ten minutes later, so he proceeded inside. Much to his dismay, but not his surprise, Kudelia had rented the room in her own name. Tekkadan obviously didn’t expect a threat to her safety here, and Kudelia’s maid hadn’t pointed it out due to her ties to Nobliss Gordon, otherwise it would’ve been rented under some alias. So he walked upstairs, secure in the knowledge he would not be shot on sight.

    He rapped on the door, saying “Room service,” then stepped to the hinge side of the door, out of sight from the peep hole.

    As he expected, the Admoss woman opened the door a crack, saying “We didn’t call for room service.”

    Before she got the entire sentence out, he put his body weight into shoving the door open, flinging the maid to the ground. As he expected, Kudelia rushed over to her instead of doing the sensible thing of fleeing or trying to fight. It was so counterintuitive to him, but McGillis supposed that if he was on one end of the spectrum of humanity, Kudelia had to be on the other end of it and such behavior made sense to those people.

    “I’ve been waiting a long time to meet you,” he announced as she helped Fumitan up, “Miss Kudelia Aina Bernstein.”

    Kudelia stood behind the maid, clinging to her like a shield. “Wh… who are you?”

    He ignored the fear in her voice, as well as her question. “Someone like you shouldn’t die here.” Fumitan visibly tensed at that. “This place will soon be caught in the chaos of the workers’ armed uprising. I suggest you leave before it’s too late.”

    Kudelia took a step back, confused and frightened by his calm revelation of these facts. “What do you want?”

    “Who do you suppose had Tekkadan haul the weapons being used for this revolt?” The expression on the maid’s face was quite interesting. For a second, there was a flash of fear as she realized where the conversation would go. It faded, replaced by acceptance and resignation, hidden behind a mask of calm and control. “None other than your benefactor, Nobliss Gordon.”

    Kudelia’s eyes widened in shock as he stepped closer. “I’m confident you’re old enough to know exactly what that means.” Admoss’s hands were balled into fists. “He’s the kind of man who will do whatever it takes to use you.” The maid’s fists started shaking, then went slack as he continued. “Even sending one of his own to be at your side.”

    “Wh-what are you trying to say?!” McGillis marveled at her almost willful naivete. He wondered how anyone could maintain such a mindset, especially someone who was well aware of the abject misery of those in the colonies. But then, he supposed, she was intellectually aware of these things, but hadn’t internalized them like he had.

    “You never had a moment’s doubt about your maid here?”

    Kudelia turned towards Admoss. “Fumitan’s like family to me. We’re practically sisters, we’ve been together so long.” That might explain it. McGillis had read more than a few psychology books, and one of the more interesting themes of those works was how those closest to a person often were incapable of conceiving the worst about them. “I won’t allow you to accuse her of such things!”

    The resolve he knew she had showed itself in that last sentence. He felt a twinge of pity that her certainty was going to be rewarded with betrayal. Or perhaps not.

    After all, the Admoss woman had been aboard Tekkadan’s ship during the negotiations with the aliens, and as far as he knew, she’d never shared that information with Nobliss Gordon. Who knew where her loyalties lay now?

    So all he said was, “Now why don’t you let her deny it herself?”

    Kudelia seemed shocked by such an idea, and that shock was intensified when Admoss said, “What this man’s saying is true. I’m sorry.”

    As McGillis expected, Kudelia didn’t take it well. He wondered if she was on the verge of a mental breakdown, given her wide eyes and the slightly hysterical, desperate tone of her voice. “No, you must be lying. This has to be a joke!”

    “Goodbye, young miss.” He stepped aside, allowing the maid to walk out the door as Kudelia struggled to deal with this latest blow to her psyche.

    “Wait! Wait, Fumitan!” As Kudelia ran to catch up to Admoss, McGillis flicked his wrist before grabbing her by the shoulders and pulling her over so he could look at her in the eye.

    He used the most comforting tone he could, which he doubted would work, but it was worth a try. “You are the Maiden of Revolution. Please, take care of yourself. You can become the hope of the people.”

    Her expression shifted from slack jawed shock to angry determination before she shook him off and ran off after the maid. He simply smiled and pulled a small tablet out of his pocket. He turned it on and a small red dot moved away from his location, letting him know that the tracking device he’d put on her jacket shoulder was fully functional.

    He placed the tablet and a folded piece of paper on the coffee table, certain that Mikazuki Augus would return and discover the items. Then he left the hotel, heading towards the docks. He needed to leave before Gjallarhorn locked down Dort airspace, but he was sure Tekkadan would follow the instructions in the note he left. If they escaped Gjallarhorn’s trap, they’d need all the help they could get, and they weren’t in a position to be particularly picky.

    Idle thoughts ran through his head as he made his way back to his ship, mostly centering on the likelihood of any of the workers surviving the day. The whole handling of the situation, McGillis knew, was botched from the moment the Dort Company asked for Gjallarhorn intervention. Few of the Seven Stars understood the concept of mutual self-interest and negotiating so that all sides benefitted. It would have been a simple task to sacrifice some outdated Gjallarhorn enforced regulations from the aftermath of the Calamity War to ease the Dort Company’s financial burdens, in exchange for better treatment of the workers.

    Of course, if your position was that maintaining Gjallarhorn’s dominance was paramount, one might not think of such things. But then, the Seven Stars had long since forgotten the value of apparent benevolence and the good will that could be earned through small sacrifices of power. And because of that, resentment was building both inside and outside of Gjallarhorn – something McGillis planned to take advantage of.

    And when it came to the aliens… McGillis found himself somewhat excited by the possibilities they provided. It wasn’t everyday that you found yourself on the doorstep to a new era, much less in a position to shape the course of human history.

    He intended to make the most of it.

    Author's notes: This took a lot longer to get out than I was hoping for, mostly because of IRL stuff, but hey, at least we're getting into the Dort arc. I plan to only have two more chapters on this, because there really isn't all that much that needs to be covered, and to be honest, the Dort arc ran a bit long in the show too, so I know no one likes it.

    That said, I felt that this was a good opportunity to explain something that always bugged me - the Landman Rodi name. I thought about it, and decided to go with the dumbest yet most plausible thing ever, especially after dealing with computerized forms with stupid character limits. I feel like it's a refreshing change after seeing so many other works twist themselves into knots trying to explain things in "interesting ways", when simpler methods would've worked just as well or even better.

    As for McGillis, he's being a bit more proactive, since there's bigger stakes and more time pressure, since he's officially on Gjallarhorn business, instead of just doing whatever on vacation.
    Chapter 20
  • Chapter 20

    “Uh, can I help you, sir?”

    Dante Molgro smiled and leaned towards the plexiglass pane separating him from the dock terminal counter. “Yeah, I need permission to get…” He rooted around his pockets and pulled out a piece of paper with some notes on it. “Launch 12-44-B out of here for a cargo transfer.”

    A bored looking middle aged Asian man began typing on his keyboard. “Launch 12-44-B… That’s in slip 9… registered to a ship named Isaribi?”

    “Yeah?” Dante frowned as the man began sweating and looking off to the side. He took a quick look at Atra, standing a few feet back and to the side, then considered reaching for his pistol. If this was a trap, then it’d be better for him to fight his way through it, escape, and get in contact with the others. But the presence of an untrained civilian was a problem – Atra wouldn’t know what to do or how to react if things got ugly, and the last thing any of them wanted was for her to get hurt.

    Not just for her sake, but no one knew what Mikazuki would do in that situation, and no one wanted to find out, either.

    “Uh, there’s a small problem, sir.” The man quickly wiped his brow as he pulled up some information. “Your ship left the Dort 2 dock, but I don’t know where it is. It’s not docked at any of the other colonies.”

    The redhead frowned some more. “I’m not really seeing the problem. I can just radio them for their position once I leave.”

    “Well, you see, Dort colony regulations require you to file a flight plan before leaving a colony.” The man was sweating so hard and looking off to one specific side so often that Dante was fairly certain a Gjallarhorn soldier had to be off to the man’s left… just behind the concrete wall adjacent to window. The problem was that he had no idea how thick that wall was – it was either enough to stop his bullets, or thin enough for them to pass through. If he tried to lean forward to get a better look, he felt certain that if an enemy soldier was there, he’d open fire and probably take Dante’s head off.

    “Are you sure about that?” he asked, stalling for time, even as his hand drifted closer and closer to his sidearm. “Because I don’t think we filed a flight plan before we came over here from our ship.”

    “Ah, well… things are different when ships are involved,” the man replied, even as his eye started twitching. Dante felt sorry for him – he clearly didn’t want to be here and he fully suspected that Gjallarnhorn probably would’ve had him shot for not cooperating. “We calculate your flight path based on your destination and the course and speed of your mothership.”

    Dante’s expression hardened when he heard the telltale click of a safety being flipped, just as a familiar sounding set of boots began echoing off the floor. He took a wild chance and looked off to the side, spotted Mikazuki – wearing one of the aliens’ combat eye pieces and holding out a ludicrously large pistol – rounding the corner twenty or so feet back. Before Atra could say a word or Mikazuki got out the words “Get down!”, Dante was already diving to the side, wraping his arms around the girl’s head and waist. He slammed into the ground with his right shoulder, fought through the sudden surge of pain, and rolled onto his back to avoid smothering Atra, even as Mikazuki’s bullets cut through the air with a near whisper quiet twip sound.

    The familiar thud of a dead body hitting the ground made Dante look back at the terminal counter. The wall was perforated with a neat five-round group, one that was noticeably tighter than what he expected from one of the pistols Tekkadan used. Then again, Dante mused, I’m not sure CGS ever put that much money into maintaining the things.

    Mikazuki rushed forward, sparing a quick look at Dante and Atra to make sure they were uninjured, methodically clearing and securing the counter booth.

    “You alright, Atra?” he asked, pulling himself off the ground and drawing his pistol.

    “I’m fine,” she replied, dusting off her clothes. “What’s going on?”

    Dante checked the corners and kept an eye on the doorway Mikazuki had come through moments earlier. “I dunno.” He raised his voice and shouted over his shoulder. “Hey, Mikazuki! What’s up?”

    He heard Mikazuki step out of the counter. “Orga warned me that Gjallarhorn might know we’re here, and he was right. One of their soldiers was watching the man behind the counter.”

    The redhead’s guts turned to ice. “What about Kudelia and Fumitan?”

    “They’re still at the hotel.” Mikazuki walked up to Dante and handed him the dead man’s rifle. “Gjallarhorn nearly caught Orga and the others at the dock, so he sent the Isaribi out. They’ll be coming over here with some of the workers from Dort 2, then we’ll head back to the ship.”

    “Alright.” Dante went through a quick condition check of the rifle, then nodded. “I’ll take Atra and get the supplies back to the ship.”

    “What?!” she exclaimed. “We can’t just leave Kudelia and Fumitan!”

    Dante decided to spare Mikazuki the pain of breaking the bad news. “Sorry, Atra, but we’ve got to go now. We have no idea when that guy was supposed to check in – if they notice he went missing, they’re probably going to lock down the port, and none of us will be able to escape. And we’d lose all the supplies, too.”

    She didn’t say anything to that, and rather than dwell in the uncomfortable moment, he went back to the counter. The poor clerk was shaking in his shoes, but he cleared them for launch, then took Dante’s advice and left the scene as quickly as possible. He waited for Mikazuki and Atra to say their goodbyes, then led her to the launch.

    The trip back to the Isaribi was a silent one, broken only by brief bursts of conversation with the ship. The launch silently settled into the hangar bay, rocking slightly when an umbilical connected to the hatch. Dante frowned – he assumed the bay would be pressurized for offloading the cargo, but if they were using the umbilical, that meant combat was imminent.

    A cacophony hit their ears the moment they stepped out of the airlock, a wall of overlapping orders and acknowledgments with Eugene at the center. He sighed in relief upon seeing Dante and Atra emerge, leaning against the bulkhead with a hand on his head. “Well, at least that’s one thing that’s gone right.”

    “Huh?” Atra’s question managed to convey all of their confusion.

    “Trust me, you don’t want to know.” Eugene stood back up and tugged on his jacket. “Alright, Atra, I need you to make sure any food you guys brought over is stowed away right. If there’s any chocolate in there, make sure Dr. Vass gets some so he can run his spectro-whatsit analysis or whatever.”

    “Right!” With that, Atra set off down the corridor.

    “What about me, boss?”

    Eugene sighed again. “You get the fun job of helping Pazness prep for counterboarding operations.”

    “Really?” Dante frowned in confusion. “You think we’re going to get boarded?”

    “I have no idea,” Eugene replied, turning to head to the elevator. “But Orga wanted us ready for anything, and I figure that means we’ve got to be ready for everything.”

    “Uh huh.” Dante paused for a second. “What do we do if another alien ship shows up?”

    The answer wasn’t encouraging. “Hope Gjallarhorn shoots them while we run away, I guess.”

    Fumitan Admoss drifted through the streets of Dort 3’s commercial sector, trying to stay ahead of the ghosts pursuing her. It wasn’t just Kudelia – she was merely the most overt one, the one that weighed most heavily on her. Fumitan watched the dark corners and alleys for the other ghosts, the enforcers of Nobliss Gordon’s will – in their suits, they blended in well with the well to do residents of Dort 3.

    There was an irony in the fact that, in her inability to commit to either of her allegiances, she technically sided more with Kudelia and Tekkadan. Her omission of the information about the aliens meant that, once the information became widely known to the public, she would be identified as a liability or a potential traitor and eliminated. Appealing to Tekkadan’s mercy and protection would be of limited help, even if they gave it to her – Gordon had plenty of men on Mars, many hidden in plain sight.

    That was something, she reflected bitterly, that she knew all too well. Like most of Tekkadan, she’d been orphaned at a young age – her father killed in an industrial accident, her mother passing years later from health issues caused by overwork, struggling to survive in the poverty of Mars. Before she passed, though, Fumitan’s mother had applied her daughter for a scholarship run by one of the organizations under Nobliss Gordon’s aegis.

    It just so happened that this particular scholarship was designed to find children who would make ideal agents of Gordon’s bidding.

    Not long after her acceptance into a fairly prestigious private academy, Fumitan began receiving extracurricular tutoring on a wide variety of vocations. Her mother, already in the final stage of her life, was far more concerned about her daughter being taken advantage of than this unexpected charity. To her, Fumitan receiving such training was simply opening up more job opportunities in the future, allowing her to escape the poverty her family had endured for the last few years. By the time she passed, Fumitan was already learning how to identify potential threats, how to evade them, and other bodyguarding techniques.

    At age nineteen, a year out of school (and after undergoing further training), she was hired as a maid by the Bernstein family.

    Fumitan slipped into a group of people boarding an elevator to the space port, sitting by herself on one of the benches. For a few minutes, she allowed herself to get lost in the old memories that were resurfacing, back when she and Kudelia first met. Then the elevator stopped, and began reversing direction. A voice on the loud speaker announced, “Due to protests inside the colony, the space port will now be closed, according to Gjallarhorn’s request. This elevator will go back to the ground level and halt operations momentarily.”

    Even as the other passengers broke out into confused muttering and protests, Fumitan said nothing. If she was lucky, she could simply lose herself in the crowds amongst the colony dwellers. By the time the elevator reached the ground, she had already worked out which direction to head to minimize the chance anyone would find her.

    When the doors opened and she stepped out to face two men in suits, she knew her ghosts had caught up to her.

    She followed them to a side corridor, where one of them, a well built white man, shoved her against a wall, while his companion, another well built man with darker skin, kept watch. “Why are you alone?” he asked. “Where’s the target?”

    Fumitan said nothing, knowing any reply would likely make the situation worse.

    The man pulled her closer. “I’m not sure what you’re trying to pull here. But I think you know the boss isn’t big on patience. We’re all ready to do our part.” He shoved her back against the wall. “So get moving and finish yours.”

    As the pair walked away, he added, “You better not try running away.”

    She didn’t doubt for a second that they would kill her, or worse. Resistance, even the simple option of staying in this corridor, was futile. At best, they would simply shoot or stab her for staying and refusing to carry out Nobliss Gordon’s orders. At worst, she expected torture and/or winding up as the worst kind of Human Debris. None of the options were appealing, and even if she wanted to throw herself on Tekkadan’s mercy, they were completely cutoff from the colony. Her only hope would be that Mikazuki returned and found Kudelia, and even then, she didn’t know how many agents were on the colony. Even if they could find somewhere to hide, they couldn’t hold out long due to their lack of supplies. The only thing they’d have plenty of was ammunition, thanks to the alien gun Mikazuki carried.

    The simplest and best option then, was to fulfill her original mission.

    It wasn’t until she was standing on the sidewalk to the left of the protesting workers that she allowed herself to think. As she mentally replayed her orders, Fumitan came to a rather clear conclusion: It doesn’t make sense. What am I doing? Why am I…?

    Then she heard the last thing she wanted hear. “Fumitan?! Fumitan!”

    Kudelia was on the other side of the street, waving at her.

    Before she compose herself and reply, Kudelia attempted to cross the street, only to be blocked by the protesting workers and eventually shoved into the forefront of the protest. Fumitan’s guts churned as she realized the dark irony of her situation: without even trying, she had led Kudelia straight to her doom. She was still trying to process this when an explosion ripped apart a small part of the landing in front of building the street led to, several dozen feet behind the line of Gjallarhorn troops and mobile workers. Confusion reigned, for no one on the protestor side had actually fired a shot.

    Then the Gjallarhorn troops opened fire, and who caused the explosion became an academic question, as the protestors were quickly mowed down.

    Fumitan felt cold as she watched the smoke and dust drift away and settle, as though her entire body was carved out of ice. Then, through the drifting haze, she saw Kudelia get up and run over to a dying girl. Fumitan marveled at the teenager’s good fortune: despite being at the center of the maelstrom, Kudelia was miraculously unhurt. But as the seconds ticked by and it became obvious that the girl was dead, Kudelia lingered, making herself an obvious target.

    Hurry up and run! Fumitan yelled inside her mind, unable to say the words aloud. Once again, you’re being so foolish!

    Then, in an instant, all the moments they’d shared flashed before her eyes, and she realized what she had to do.

    The sniper rifle round slammed into her upper back before she even heard the sound of the shot, and in that instant, she felt an intense, searing pain, then… a spreading nothingness. She fell on top of Kudelia, barely catching herself with arms that were quickly losing strength, each breath a struggle. She saw a drop of her own blood drip onto Kudelia’s face, and watched the girl’s eyes grow wide.

    “Fumitan, what’s happening?!” Somehow, despite everything that had happened today, she hadn’t put it all together.

    “Stay down, miss!” Fumitan felt the sensation slowly bleed from her fingers, and tried to summon the energy to do what she needed to do. “They might still be targeting you!”

    “They?” She reached into her pocket and pulled out the necklace Kudelia had given her, even as the younger girl kept asking questions. “Who do you mean?” Then she realized what Fumitan held, and asked, “Is that…?”

    “I…” The maid fumbled for the words, the right words, to tell Kudelia even a fraction of what she felt. “I’m… not worthy of this.” The admission gave her new strength, as though a weight she’d never truly known had been lifted off her.


    Everything was going gray, more distant… her arms felt like noodles… And yet, the words came more freely now, and everything Fumitan had bottled up for years began spilling out. Why she left Kudelia in the slums of Mars, all those years ago, how Kudelia looked like that girl in the book, the one standing with an army at her back…

    There was one last thing she had to say, one last ember of life keeping her alive. “I… I never…” The world was gone, all except for Kudelia’s wide eyes, staring back at her from a halo of black. “told him… the secret…”

    Her arms finally gave out, and Fumitan Admoss tumbled into the abyss.

    Gaelio felt a jolt of anticipation and revulsion as Sleipnir’s launch catapult hurled Kimaris into space. The revulsion was easy enough to explain – the Regulatory Bureau’s usual tactics of duping people into escalating a conflict while handing them sabotaged weapons was morally bankrupt and completely unnecessary. The only consolation was that someone had screwed up – the mobile suits pressed into action by the aggrieved workers had enough propellant to maneuver and retreat back to the colonies.

    At some of them get to live, Gaelio thought as he adjusted Kimaris’ vector. Considering the usual outcome, it was a massive improvement, even if the folks on the armed launches weren’t so lucky.

    The anticipation though… well, he guessed it had to do with facing that kid from Mars. They’d spent so much time and energy preparing, it seemed like a relief that the Barbatos showed up and started mowing down Arianrhod mobile suits. All the scores would be settled, and then they could sort out this “alien” business…

    One of Vasquez’s people suddenly spoke up over the comm line. “Target Gundam in sight! Immelman, cover m-“

    What sounded like God’s fist closing around the cockpit ended the transmission.

    “Ibrahim! Immelman! Report!” That was Vasquez, trying to find out what happened to her scouts.

    “Ibrahim’s gone – cockpit smashed by the Gundam’s mace,” Immelman responded, clearly preoccupied by whatever maneuvers he was trying to pull. “I’m keeping my dis-“

    A different, somehow more horrific sound of rending metal ended his signal.

    “Goddamn it,” Vasquez growled. “Alright people, go in by twos. Make sure you cover each other, just like we practiced. Major Bauduin, you and your wingman have point.”

    “Roger that,” Gaelio replied, opening up the throttles a bit to pull ahead of the Grazes. Ein’s Schwalbe kept up easily as the squadron broke off into pairs and spread out into a wedge formation, speeding towards the last known location of their scouts. He frowned as a new Ahab wave pattern showed up on his screens, then shouted a warning to his fellow pilots when he caught brief flashes in the distance. “I’m picking up Tekkadan’s assault carrier – and it looks like they’re laying down interdiction fire!”

    An alarm blared seconds later and he instinctively jerked the controls, dodging one of the carrier’s projectiles. The rest of the squad did the same, some barely evading rounds, others easily clearing them. Inwardly, Gaelio cursed, realizing that the fairly tight formation, intended to pour an overwhelming amount of firepower into the enemy Gundam, was a perfect target for even a ship’s relatively inaccurate guns. Thankfully, Vasquez was already issuing orders, dispersing the wedge and splitting the squad into two groups, one to attack the ship and one to assist in taking down the Gundam.

    Gaelio adjusted Kimaris’ vector and charged in, lance at the ready. He spotted Barbatos – clearly upgraded, but still recognizably the same suit, in the middle of destroying some random Arianrhod Graze; his Gundam’s leg armor shifted to expose even more thrusters as he poured on the acceleration. He spotted Barbatos moving, shifting its attention to the new threat – and aiming an odd looking gun right at him…

    Gaelio twisted the controls and slid Kimaris to the right, avoiding a torso hit. Instead, the round slammed into the top of Kimaris’ left shoulder, nearly causing him to lose control as dozens of warning alarms and lights fired off. A quick look at one of his readouts told him why – the damage indicators for the left arm and shoulder were a sea of orange and yellow, with a spot of red for the slash disk launcher, which was totally out of commission.

    Whatever the hell that was, Gaelio thought frantically, is going to make mincemeat of my squad if we don’t end this quickly.

    “Major! Are you alright?”
    Ein shouted, moving his Schwalbe to defend Kimaris.

    “I’m fine,” he growled as he switched to a general channel. “All units, the enemy Gundam is equipped with a high power weapon on its right arm. Avoid getting hit by it at all costs.”

    Gaelio tuned out the string of acknowledgments and comm chatter from Vasquez’s group as he brought Kimaris about, angling for a downward strike at Barbatos’ back. “Ein, Malintova, Horst, on me!”

    The three Grazes followed him closely, keeping a wary distance as they wove through the growing debris field from the larger battle around the Dort colonies. Then they turned as one and began accelerating, weapons at the ready. Barbatos was in sight, and if he was lucky, he could tear the Gundam in two and end this battle…

    Then another alarm began blaring, the one for a new Ahab wave reaction, and Kimaris shuddered as rifle fire peppered the Gundam. Gaelio stifled a curse as he broke off his attack run and took a quick look at his wingmates’ status. Ein and Malintova were fine, but Horst…

    Horst’s Graze flew off into the distance, its cockpit mangled beyond belief.

    “It’s a Gundam!” Malintova shouted, and Gaelio could hear the growing panic in her voice.

    “Hold steady, Lieutenant,” he urged, even as he jinked his Gundam to avoid more long range fire. “The odds are still in our favor. We’ve got the edge in numbers and training. We can win this.

    He heard her take a long, shuddering breath. “Roger that, Major.”

    “Alright, here’s what we’re doing,” Gaelio declared. “Ein, you’re with me. Malintova—” He took a quick peek at his displays; his ten backup units had been whittled down to six. “Take Martinez and Sampath, keep that second Gundam from interfering. Everyone else, try to keep Barbatos from retreating to its mothership.”

    A chorus of acknowledgments followed. Gaelio had no idea if they could actually accomplish any of their objectives – Tekkadan’s ship was closing the distance between it and their two Gundams, Vasquez had lost three Grazes, and one of his team’s units blinked out on his display. But they had to try, and at worst, he could call in the Arianrhod fleet to take on someone who actually fight back – an extremely tempting option, just to see them eat some humble pie.

    He swung Kimaris around for another pass at Barbatos, doing his best to ignore the icy fist growing in his chest. If they didn’t take it out now and focus everything they had left on the new Gundam… if Vasquez couldn’t make the ship stand down…

    Barbatos was in his sights now, and he poured on every bit of thruster power he could, Ein staying in hot pursuit. He was keeping straight and steady even as the enemy Gundam jinked and jived, dodging the three Grazes harassing it, alternating fire between its special weapon and a 300mm cannon. Gaelio had to grudgingly admit the kid was doing a good job, but that wasn’t going to stop him from tearing that Gundam in two.

    Just a few more seconds, he thought. Just hold still, right there!

    For Gaelio, the universe constricted down to a tight tube circling Barbatos, as it slowed down… turned… and leveled its strange weapon right at him.

    His hands felt like they were moving through tar, tugging on unresponsive controls. He saw the Gundam shudder slightly as it fired, and he imagined a bullet flying right at him. He felt nothing as he realized the round would probably hit on or around his cockpit, and that he would die. He thought of how Ein and McGillis would have to explain this to Almiria...

    Then time sped up as something smashed into the side of Kimaris, deflecting it off course and sending it careening towards one of the Dort colonies. Gaelio blinked a few times then cursed, firing his braking thrusters to bring the speeding mobile suit back under control. He shook his head to clear his thoughts, then looked around to see what hit him and saved his life.

    To his growing horror, it looked more and more like his old Schwalbe Graze.

    “Ein, come in.” Unable to keep the growing horror out of his voice, he decided to raise his volume to mask it. “EIN! Come in!”

    Silence was the only reply.

    He turned Kimaris around to intercept the drifting Schwalbe. “Vasquez, status report!”

    “We’re taking a beating here, Major!” To her credit, Sleipnir’s squadron commander only sounded mildly irritated by that fact. “They’ve been using mobile workers armed with napalm missiles to compromise our nanolaminate armor. Just about all our units are damaged, and now the carrier’s firing off something like old grapeshot.”

    Gaelio wondered what that was, but there wasn’t time to asking about it. Instead, he switched over to squad command line. “All units, this is Major Bauduin. I’m aborting the mission. Recover any casualties you can, then make for the Sleipnir at best speed. We’ll let the Arianrhod fleet handle this.”

    A chorus of sullen or exhausted “Yes sirs” come across the line as he maneuvered Kimaris to grab the Schwalbe, then rotated the Gundam onto a vector to intercept its mothership. He kept the thrust down to half power, to avoid further injuring Ein, all while studiously avoiding looking the mobile suit’s torso. He barely paid attention to his conversation with the commanding officer of the Arianrhod fleet, with only the man’s smug satisfaction at Gaelio’s failure and his newfound opportunity to crush rebels penetrating the haze of his preoccupation. It sickened him to see how little that man cared about the lives of his purported comrades, with a little voice in his head saying Of course he doesn’t care, it’s just an excuse to stomp on anyone who has the gall to stand up for themselves.

    Gaelio shook his head to clear his thoughts, then started to talk to Ein, to steady his nerves as much as reassure his wounded subordinate. “Listen up Ein, we’re headed back to the Sleipnir. We’ll get you out of there nice and fast, and you’ll be as good as new in no time.”

    A small notification popped up on one of his consoles, and he tapped, thinking it was a general Gjallarhorn broadcast, only to see Kudelia Aina Bernstein appear on his cockpit monitor. “Goddamn it… she must’ve given McGillis the slip somehow…”

    She began talking about the situation on Dort, and after a few minutes, Gaelio frowned. “This doesn’t make sense… Gjallarhorn should’ve locked down the news broadcasts by now. What the hell is going on?”

    He also noticed that the forces converging on Tekkadan weren’t showing any sign of stopping.

    The climax of her speech – monologue, really – was a rather bold and provocative statement directly addressed to Gjallarhorn: “So I’ll take this moment to ask them: Aren’t you supposed to be the ones we can depend on to uphold justice? I want to know, is this what you call ‘ethical treatment’? If so… I don’t accept what you stand for.”

    Some part of his brain that hadn’t been active since debate class applauded the rhetorical move, while another part metaphorically rolled its eyes and thought, That’s not going to stop them from blasting your ship out of the sky.

    Kudelia doubled down on her rhetoric. “And if you choose to disagree with what I’ve been saying, that’s fine. I have one last thing to show you.”

    She stepped aside and for the first time, Gaelio realized she’d been standing in front of a door the whole time. It slid open and through it stepped…

    A being with a frog like face, a blue woman with head tendrils instead of hair, and brownish-yellow skinned humanoid with four eyes.

    For no discernible reason, he started laughing. “Hey Ein, they’ve got some pretty good special effects on this live broadcast.”

    Then the frog man began speaking. “Greetings, people of Earth, Mars, Venus, and the entire solar system. My name is Dr. Jal Vass, and I am a Salarian.”

    The blue woman spoke next. “Hi! I’m Rala T’Pani and I’m an Asari.”

    And finally, the four eyed being said his bit. “Hello. I’m Edil Pazness, and I’m a Batarian.”

    The camera shook a bit as it zoomed in on Vass’s face. “We three are but representatives of the crew of an exploratory vessel that suffered a tragic accident beyond the orbit of the planet Jupiter. We spent a year travelling stars, seeking out new life and new civilizations, finding none before our arrival here. It is our joy and honor to announce that you are not alone in the cosmos – there awaits a civilization that spans the known galaxy, ready and eager to meet you.”

    “As part of our mission,”
    the Asari continued, as the camera swung to get her in frame, “we would like to engage in dialogue with your leaders at Edmonton, in Arbrau, after the upcoming elections. While we are cut off from our people, we hope we can lay the groundwork for humanity to join the galactic community in the future, in a spirit of goodwill and mutual coexistence.”

    “We know this is a bit hard to accept,”
    the Batarian added. “So we are providing physical proof to the Dort Colony Network news crew currently broadcasting this message, to be independently verified by anyone and everyone who wants proof that we are what we say we are.”

    Gaelio tore his eyes from the display for a second and noticed that the Arianrhod forces had come to a stop, as if they weren’t sure what they should do.

    “This has to be a joke,” he said, trying to ignore how shaky and uncertain he sounded. A cold sweat dripped down his face and back, and his breathing became more ragged. He tightened his grip on the controls – on a subconscious level, he knew that was the only thing keeping them from shaking. Aliens aren’t REAL, for God’s sake!

    The images on the screen mocked him, even as he began his final approach to the Sleipnir’s landing bay. As soon as Kimaris and Ein’s Schwalbe hit the deck, his nervous energy channeled itself into tapping his foot as the painfully slow elevator lifted the pair of mobile suits to the hangar decks. As soon as it ground to a halt, a swarm of medical personnel and technicians swarmed the Schwalbe, converging at the mobile suit’s upper torso. For the first time, Gaelio allowed himself to look at the crippled mobile suit, and he instantly regretted it.

    The Schwalbe’s torso looked like someone took an aluminum can and punched it.

    Metal cutting equipment filled the bay with painful screeches as the technicians attempted to pull the mangled armor plate off the cockpit block. They quickly switched to simply cutting apart the horrifically deformed metal, peeling off pieces like bark from a tree to reach the darker metal of the cockpit. That too was a mess, stressed beyond almost all conceivable parameters its designers had imagined, and so warped that there was no expectation it would open under its own power.

    As soon as they cut into the cockpit and peeled away enough material to look inside, the mechanics stopped and shook their heads. A growing line of blood floated out into the zero G environment, and with that, nothing more needed to be said.

    A wave of vertigo over took Gaelio, and he clutched his head in his hands as everything fell apart around him.

    Author's Notes: You know, I honestly forgot how badly the Dort Arc dragged on before I started the final section. I was thinking of several different scenes to end this on, with my original plan being to finish it on what we see here, then I realized there really isn't all that much material to drawn on elsewhere because it's just a lot of quick cuts getting you from place to place so the finale works. So I wound up doing the thing I planned to do in the beginning, because it was the most interesting way of getting the alien reveal out there... plus more fight scenes are always good!

    So yeah, shit's derailing from canon real hard now. Ein's death was always part of the original concept, and is the beginning of Gaelio's highly divergent character arc. I know where I want him to go, and I think you'll like him (even if he has his angsty moments).

    Hope you like the ME3 multiplayer reference with the silenced pistol (never got to use it myself, my Xbox 360 red-ringed long before that gun showed up), along with the reimagined Battlestar Galactica anti-mobile suit cannon rounds. Of all the Gundam universes, I thought it was odd that IBO was the one where they exclusively projectile weapons and yet didn't have something like that, so consider it part of the improvised preparations for this big showdown.