United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

the democrats have never really forgiven the rest of america for freeing their slaves.

That is why they must enslave all american now.It is republican fault,that democrats becouse desperate!
Wait,republicans mostly follow them...So,it is Trump fault! if not for his victory,democrats would never must enslave USA !
It is joke,but i bet,that some democrats would buy it.
On a somewhat more serious note....yes, Biden really went there with this bit during the latest CNN "town hall" snoozefest.

"Freedom? Pfft, I have the freedom to kill you with my Covid! I mean come on, freedom?"
C'mon, man!

t's 'fun' to compare this timeline to Hitler's Rise To Power.

We've had the Jan 6 'insurrection' Reichstag fire. Biden's using the Enabling Act to rule. They've begun purging the military with the jab instead of the stab.

Next up would be to remove states rights, probably by a Supreme Court ruling that federal law trumps state law. The Republican party will be allowed to stay to give people an illusion of an option.

On a related note: all written materials will be an eventual target of these authoritarians. They’re already using the digital sphere to control and “disappear” information. MAGA must become the new librarians. The National Archives' goal is to go completely digital by 2024.


Biden getting confronted and called out about his 'gun ban' shit, decides to try and intimidate the person by poking him and trying to get in his face, and gets reminded we have Biden's bullshit on vid, in his own words.

Then Biden's handlers move him along, or he runs away, when the person he's been talking to brings up that handguns kill more people than 'assault rifles'.

I'll admit, if Biden had been getting in my face like that, and poking/laying hands on me to make points...well, I would not lay hands on him, but I could definitely sue him for 'assault' and drag his admin to court.

If they are going to ignore the actual definition of types of guns and the stats around them, I'd feel justified turning a poke/'intimidating contact' into an assault case.
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t's 'fun' to compare this timeline to Hitler's Rise To Power.

We've had the Jan 6 'insurrection' Reichstag fire. Biden's using the Enabling Act to rule. They've begun purging the military with the jab instead of the stab.

Next up would be to remove states rights, probably by a Supreme Court ruling that federal law trumps state law. The Republican party will be allowed to stay to give people an illusion of an option.

On a related note: all written materials will be an eventual target of these authoritarians. They’re already using the digital sphere to control and “disappear” information. MAGA must become the new librarians. The National Archives' goal is to go completely digital by 2024.

The deal with digital media being used to make the work of the Ministry of Truth easy is the worst part. The Internet Archive knows that can happen but they refuse to actually do anything about it because they are full of commies. It baffles me how hypocritical they are.

They did a campaign about "saving the internet" where they unironically say repealing Section 230 would lead to a massive "conservative media conglomerate" taking over but at the same time facebook and google would be broken up by anti-monopoly acts. They KNOW they are lying and still do it.

Biden getting confronted and called out about his 'gun ban' shit, decides to try and intimidate the person by poking him and trying to get in his face, and gets reminded we have Biden's bullshit on vid, in his own words.

Then Biden's handlers move him along, or he runs away, when the person he's been talking to brings up that handguns kill more people than 'assault rifles'.

I'll admit, if Biden had been getting in my face like that, and poking/laying hands on me to make points...well, I would not lay hands on him, but I could definitely sue him for 'assault' and drag his admin to court.

If they are going to ignore the actual definition of types of guns and the stats around them, I'd feel justified turning a poke/'intimidating contact' into an assault case.

But remember kiddies...ORANGE MAN BAD.

🤬 🤬 🤬

What a pathetic joke. I admit, had he gotten that way with me I would have struggled NOT to stomp him in the face.

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