Chuuni Academy [OOC/Application]

  • Welcome to Chuuni Academy.

    Congratulations, through some inane twist of fate, you woke up one morning with a supernatural ability, and you happened to know exactly what it does automatically. Yay you. Not that it'll help you that much.

    Why, you ask? Because your goal isn't to vanquish some ancient evil or win some magical battle royale.

    Your goal is to become Student Council president in the election held at the end of the year.

    You've already been registered as a candidate, and for the next month, it's campaigning time.

    This is necessarily open-ended and player-driven. You can act how you want. If your actions will get you favor with the student body, get you in detention, or get you jailed depends on what they are. You can ask me for permission before doing something, but I won't say if it's possible. You can be like "yo can I hack the school's servers" and I'll just say "i don't think that's how hacking works but sure you can try"- don't come crying to me if you get caught and suspended. You can challenge the guy with a 5 in Athletics to a fight, but don't complain when you get beaten the shit up.

    Rules are normal rules. You should know what an RP's rules are like.

    Also, if you don't have your character up until after the RP has started, whether because you joined late or because you were taking several weeks to make a character so we started without you, you can still join mid-RP but you'll be at a penalty compared to the other characters, because you didn't turn in your candidacy application to the faculty until after the deadline, and will need to carve out a voter base for yourself from scratch.

    Name: If you don't have a surname I will punch you.

    Age: You're all "second years" (because we're probably doing this in not!Japan because people will probably app weeb names anyway). Keep that in mind.

    Gender: Let's not start any arguments.

    Appearance: Yes, you can use a picture, I don't care. Yes, you can put it all nice and pretty and centered at the top with a little italicized quote under, you do you.

    Personality: You can do this, I believe in you.

    Backstory: You are a high school student. If you make this stupid, I will evict you.

    OST: Optional based on how much of a <method actor> you are. Theme song and stuff.

    Params, ability scores, stats, whatever you want to call them. You know what they are. They'll impact dice rolls on my end, character building on your end, and a litany of other things. They're ranked on a scale from 1 to 5. You must average out at a 3 at maximum.

    Only one character at any given time may have a 5 in a given parameter, so there can only be one 5-ranked Academic, one 5-ranked Chuuni, etc. You can reserve the 5-ranker for a given parameter by PMing me in advance, or being the first to app said 5-ranker, whichever comes first.

    Here's what each does:

    Academics: Your nerd modifier. 1 means you were that kid who ate glue in kindergarten, and probably still do now. 5 means you are always going "keikaku doorhinge" and nobody understands your bullshit.

    Athletics: Your hitting things modifier. 1 means that you are unable to beat a five year old in single combat through skillful employment of "punching". 5 means you're the state powerlifting champion, except this is probably Japan, does Japan have those?

    Appearance: Your KAKKOI modifier. 1 means you wear a paper bag on your head and your mom disowned you. 5 means there is a black market in the school for pictures of your sleeping face.

    Chuunibyou: Your Almighty modifier. 1 means you are a normal member of society and unabashedly boring. 5 means you are Hououin Kyouma's 12th reincarnation.

    Asspulls: Your protag modifier. 1 means you have never once won a coin toss. 5 means you'd basically be the protagonist if it wasn't for the fact that you're such a little shit.






    Name/Title: The higher your Chuuni rank, the more intricate of a name/title you're obligated to have. Level 1 Chuuni should have one word for the name and title each. Level 5, you should write a full paragraph.

    Description: If you make a power that is obviously built for winning elections, I will have a big ol' frowny-face. Make this a fantasy-style power that you'd use in a battle royale. The blander the better. No fate altering or conceptual stuff or anything like that. Throwing fireballs or summoning swords are fine though. If you want to be clever about it, like making your power controlling wind and using it to blow up the skirt of your opponent so everyone gets a shot of her panties because hahAa aNImE, feel free. Except don't use that example cause I just gave it to you.



    What does the "parameters have to average out to 3" thing mean?

    You can do math, I believe in you. If I add up all of your parameters and divide that sum by 5, the resulting number should be 3 or less. In other words, your base stat total should be 15 or less. If you have a character with 3 in every stat, that's fine. Or 4 in two stats, 2 in two stats, and 3 in one stat. Just so long as the average comes out to 3.

    How do we post? Paragraph-style or more D&Dish?

    Paragraph-style is generally preferred. If you really want to, a more D&Dish, reactionary approach is fine, but then you can't include as much detail, characterization, or general fun as you could otherwise. The RP's not all about the campaign, you should have fun with your character too.

    Is the school actually called Chuuni Academy?



    Rank 5 in Academics: Reserved for @almostinsane
    Rank 5 in Athletics: Reserved for @socsod
    Rank 5 in Chuunibyou: Reserved for @⚕⚕⚕
    Rank 5 in Asspulls: Reserved for @DeTA
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