Cultural Differences


Well-known member
I'm making a new thread because things are getting too far from the original topic here:

Europe is going to pay dearly for fanatically clinging to the demented notion that they should allow anyone into their nations who want to enter, that these people are even capable of integrating, or that the native population are somehow the villains when there isn’t integration.

Well, yes; the real problem Europe has run into is that its hard to prevent immigration via direct or very close land borders, especially when all of the countries want to play 'pass the immigrant,' and there are few nations in Europe willing to make hard choices.

There currently aren’t large scale movements of immigrants into Africa, that is true, but there is immigration within Africa and there are diverse populations within Africa and there seems to be no concern about discrimination or segregation unless whites are the ones doing it.

There's certainly concern within Africa when racial wars erupt. The apparent lack of concern is because frankly, very, very few Americans or Europeans really care about Africa. Its far too far away and out of control for it to be considered a problem.

The main reason people care about South Africa its because its important enough (major exporter of big products like Platinum and Diamonds) and culturally connected enough (former British colony). In other words, people in Western countries tend to care more about what South Africa does because South Africa is Western.

Asia (at least many nations) certainly would be a desirable destination for immigrants, but they don’t have this insane self hating religion of multiculturalism. A foreigner going to an Asian nation must have something to offer and must conform to the nation, not like immigration into Western nations where the natives are expected to conform to the immigrants and to provide for them. Surely if Japan, for example, allowed anybody to come from around the world, the Japanese would likely be a minority within their own nation before long, just as we see in Western Europe.

This I agree with, but I think it misses a few important facts.

For example, I'd argue that outside of Central America and Mexico, the vast majority of American immigrants do have to pay there way here. They get visas from major tech companies because major companies like Microsoft, Amazon, and Google want to have all the worlds best and brightest.

Most immigrants from Asian or African countries I know paid there way here through a strong work ethic. The sad fact is that it is decadent American culture that often destroys that work ethic in immigrant families.

Right? Move to Japan and claim to be 'just as Japanese as anyone born there'. I double-dog dare you.

This is a terrible example because displaying arrogance like that would be antithetical to Japanese culture. Additionally, most cultures are bothered by lying.

However, I've known people who grew up in Japan or lived there for part of their lives. The Japanese are very polite, and actually are less likely to react negatively to having neighbors who are foreigners than most peoples are. Foreigners are in general accepted.

Indeed, Japan actually has a more positive opinion of immigration that most countries, definitely higher than the US. Part of that is definitely higher standards, no doubt, but Japan overall tends to be very accepting of foreign immigrants who actually make it to Japan.

And that gets to my point: if you were actually a foreign immigrant who integrated into Japan, you would very much be accepted.

Its worth noting that interestingly enough, the two countries with the most immigrants in Japan are China and Brazil.


This gets us to another point I want to make though. Generally speaking, acquiring behaviors and attitudes from the local culture is required to be successful in any location and within any social strata.

"When in Rome, do as the Romans do," will always be true. Multiculturalism is never an end state; either cultures end up stratified on a local level, and you have to learn to deal with multiple cultures to successful communicate with everyone in an area, or cultures merge into a new 'hybrid' culture with its own values based on its predecessor cultures, or one culture absorbs the others and becomes the only culture.

This is still true in America. We've just created a highly stratified system where there are many different cultures with different, sometimes contradictory, values, and many times people from those different cultures don't communicate well.

Even in countries like Japan, being able to move effectively within Japanese culture is how you become accepted, and the same is true in the US - if you aren't fitting in the culture of the area you're living within in the US, you won't be accepted.

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