Quest Deep Periphery Quest (Battletech Sandbox Empire Builder)

Turn 78 - Who Will Go Down To Those Shaded Groves
  • Turn 78 - Who Will Go Down To Those Shaded Groves

    The Alliance summit has wound down, with President Nordlund already on a dropship heading home when the Consul from the NRI requests a private meeting with you.

    And drops a small bombshell on you. In addition to the automation and educational tech they’ve already gotten from you, they'd like to make one more trade, production specifications for several new technologies that you don’t have yet in exchange for double heat sinks and, when you complete it, the production specs of lamellor ferro-carbide.

    Then they reveal the R&D projects… something they are calling Hyper Gauss, or an ultra-rapid fire gauss rifle that works similar to a rotary autocannon and full up naval gauss weapons, with 1, 2 and 3 meter bores. The consul has brought along the blueprints for what they are calling the Corvus class corvette and informs you that the only thing they are truly lacking is the armor compounds, but they are also asking for official licenses for the DHS out of a sense of polite obligation.

    You call in Thanh and she is appalled. Impressed, but appalled. Four 3m bore naval gauss in fixed spinal mounts, a further four 2m naval gauss in two twin turrets on the forward flanks, but incredibly cramped quarters, minimal cargo space, no drop collars at all, only a single attachment point on the ventral hull for a lone small craft to be semi-comformally carried. The only person on board with their own quarters and bathroom is the captain, everybody else is housed in a pair of bunkrooms with a common washroom, and even that is incredibly cramped. On top of that the ships themselves look almost crudely built, not a single curve to be found, just flat plates and surfaces. It’s a brutalistic approach to warship design that is actually somewhat appealing from a pure efficiency standpoint, but you understand Thanh’s point about it not fitting in at all with your navy's needs.

    It’s a hell of a lot of firepower on an extremely small hull, though.

    According to the consul, the NRI will initiate mass production of these scary little buggers as soon as they get access to the armor compounds, and intends to build them as fast as possible. They’re really not all that interested in building anything bigger, as far as they are concerned quantity has a quality of its own, and they’d be able to churn out multiples of these for every battleship out there. You’d already known that the NRI is rather more sanguine about losses than you are and this certainly fits that philosophy. So they lose ten of them to kill one enemy ship, that’s OK so long as they build eleven for every enemy ship then need to kill.

    They also inform you that they hope to be able to export the Corvus to alliance members under the terms of the agreement, which requires Alliance approval for all such internal exports of any tech shared under the tech sharing agreements.
    []ApproveWe get HAG, we get Naval Gauss, we give up DHS which they’ve already reverse engineered from us and Lamellar Ferro-Carbide Armor which… they’ll probably reverse engineer from us anyways. And this way the NRI can help us in naval engagements as well as allow us to buy some incredibly deadly little ships.Maximize security around Lamellar Ferro Carbide research and… OK, those horses have already fled the stable, but there’s absolutely no reason for us to reward them for stealing from us… Look, you hired me to come up with cons, OK?
    • Gain the following technologies
      • HAG/40
      • Light Naval Gauss Cannon
      • Medium Naval Gauss Cannon
      • Heavy Naval Gauss Cannon
    • NRI gains
      • DHS
      • LFC (when researched)
    • Roman Reinforcements can apply to naval battles
    []DisapproveWell, we don’t use Naval gauss yet? OK, I’ve got nothing to work with here.See the pro arguments above
    • Lowers relations with NRI

    QM Note - the stats for the Corvus for those interested
    Corvus$5,508,190LFC, DHS21571757
    • Armored 20
    • AMS 60
    • Capital AMS 6
    • Capital 4/443
    • Capital 1/791
    • Command 1

    There’s a new fad on Griffon, teeny tiny one person trikes that look like somebody took an egg, put some wheels on it in a reverse-trike arrangement, made the top half out of glass with a hinge at the back, and painted in crazy colors. They are technically bicycles, since they have pedals, but those are strictly optional for any enthusiasts who’d like to recharge the electric motors by pedaling, otherwise they are run off of a tiny fuel cell engine. They just barely meet all safety requirements for ‘motor assisted bicycles’ which they technically are, but are starting to really annoy everybody else on the road since they’re slow - they technically have a maximum speed of 100 kph making them legal on all roadways in the Empire, but take over a minute to reach that speed… downhill - , take up the same parking spaces as a full up motor vehicle, and tend to be driven by the most annoying sanctimonious smug bastards on the road.

    Considering that you were in a motorcade that was stuck behind one of them while heading to the beach for your granddaughter’s birthday and it caused you and your granddaughter to be late for the party you’d arranged? You count yourself among those annoyed. The smug little bastard driving the Egg Solo? Well, you are newly appreciative of the versatility of LAMs as one of the LAM pilots attached to the Imperial Guard swooped down, picked the damn thing up, and flew off with it to the station house after the bastard refused to pull over for the police escort, asserting that he had the right to use whatever lane he wanted on the road. You do officially reprimand the pilot for crushing the vehicle like, well, an egg after the jackass had gotten out of it. A reprimand that consisted of you managing to keep a straight face while reading it, followed by punishing the pilot by requiring him to carry a six pack of his favorite beer all the way home and consume the same at his convenience.

    You just wish you could be late for the budget meeting, but alas they’d just wait for you to arrive.

    General Stewart is up first. “Your Majesty, the production plan this year almost completely maxes out our double heat sink production capacity, we need to expand that as much as possible. We are focusing heavily on defensive and logistics needs this year, as well as several specialist units. With that, General Jenkins?”

    Your old friend is as irrepressible as ever. “OK, Padrone,” a laugh goes around the room as you cradle your head in pain, “we got us a plan. First, we would like three regiments of Raiders for Egg Crushing Duty, or barring that as part of a plan for a new generation of more flexible pathfinder brigades. To that end, we also would like to get 8 Pathfinder Regiments for, ya know, the Pathfinder Brigades, funny how that works out, eh boss? The we want another Brigade Combat Team for all of your stomping on enemy fun and games. Five more Garrison Mech Regiments round out the mech buys, with 3 Armored Regiments to fill out the BCT and 20 Militia Regiments to increase the number of retired soldiers who get to run around in the mud on weekends and pretend to be respectable the rest of the time, like me!” He throws up a chart of the procurement for you to read.
    • LAM procurement (3 total)
      • 3 Raider Regiments
    • Light/Medium Mech Procurement (11 total)
      • 8 Pathfinder Regiments
      • 3 Armored Cavalry Regiments
    • Heavy/Assault Mech Procurement (8 total)
      • 3 Standard Mech Regiments
      • 5 Garrison Mech Regiments
    • Conventional Forces (23 total)
      • 3 Armored Regiments
      • 20 Militia Regiments (use Increase Militia Rating action for cost, 1 action required)

    General Romanov is up next. “Thanks to our procurement of CAP Wings last year we are well situated for the Independence class carriers that are coming online this year. We do have a large number of Silver Tower and Oasis II stations coming online this year, with 26 wings worth of hangars to fill. That leaves us with 9 factories idle, which we’d like to use to procure a mix of Attack and Strike Wings in order to boost our defensive capabilities against enemy warships.” She also puts up a chart, more professionally done than General Jenkins’.
    • Silver Tower and Oasis II Hangars
      • 26 total wings required
        • 26 Fighter Wings
    • General Defensive procurement
      • 5 Attack Wing
      • 4 Strike Wing

    Thanh attended the meeting wearing the most ridiculous piece of cosplay yet, a uniform that looks like it sprang from the demented imagination of somebody who was in love with bling, skulls, and being ridiculously over the top. You force yourself not to react, causing your sister to smirk at you. “Once this is done I’ve got a wargame to oversee, that you, brother dear, are invited to. So I’ll keep this short and maybe we can have some fun later. As General Stewart said, we’re focusing pretty hard on logistics this year, but we’re not neglecting combat capability. We’re also almost done with the Naval Review, should be finished this year or Q1 of next. First off, of the little guys, we have 70 slips available for regular sized dropships, and we’d like 70 more Trentons in order to carry all of the Armies toys around for them. We have 41 large dropship slips, for that we’d like 10 Puller and 20 Vandergrift RCT transports along with 11 Majestic parasite battleships. We’d like 10 new Brigs laid down, along with 14 new Stilettos, and finally a half dozen of the new Cleveland class CLs. We’re starting work on a refit program for the Dart, I’ll let you know when that’s ready.”
    • Standard Dropships
      • 70 slips
        • 70 Trenton class transports
    • Large Dropships
      • 41 slips
        • 10 Puller class Command RCT Transports
        • 20 Vandergrift class RCT Transports
        • 11 Majestic class Parasite BB
    • Jumpship/Escort
      • 24 slips
        • 10 Brig class jumpships
        • 14 Stiletto class Light Destroyers
    • Small Warships
      • 6 slips
        • 6 Cleveland-class Light Cruisers
    Thanh checks her notes. “By the way, once we have Lamellar Ferro-Carbide available, we’ve got designs for a new true destroyer, the Johnston class, that will replace the Stiletto in future production, as well as updates to the Clevelands that will be applied while on the stocks if needed, and three variant light cruisers, including a fast screening unit, an optimized flagship unit, and a missile boat.”

    Bridget isn’t present for the meeting, as she was taken to the hospital suffering from the flu earlier this morning. Her deputy is handling the briefing. “Your Majesty, in addition to expanding our DHS production, we have several specific projects that Minister Doyle wished to brief you on. First of all, our engineers have designed a new module set for the commercial space stations which can be leased by commercial interests for various profitable purposes, including accommodations, light manufacturing, storefronts, etc. The other thing is an initiative to build major cultural venues of various kinds in conjunction with system governments. Things like sports stadiums, opera houses, theaters, or museums. The Department of Mega-Engineering is ready to begin work on further terraforming Edelsteine as well as Calliope II and the Minister is highly supportive of such allocations of resources.”

    Isoroku is up next. “Your Majesty, the Foreign Ministry has no specific projects that require funding approval this year, we are still working in conjunction with our allies on the final treaties finalizing the Alliance and will have them for your approval by the end of the year.”

    Lien is up next, the tiny Vietnamese woman looking rather pleased. “Your Majesty, we have a number of projects that I’d like to pitch to you, if I may. First of all, we have all noted how our budgets are growing rapidly, which is very useful indeed. However we only have so many hands available for doing the sort of work which the increased funding permits. With that in mind, expansion of the civil service, while somewhat expensive in terms of up front and continuing budgetary commitments, would allow us to manage a heavier workload overall. Second, the Parks & Recreation program has proven exceptionally popular among the public, with utilization rates exceeding expectations by almost 15%. You know the old saw, a happy workforce is a productive workforce, and we are certainly seeing this effect in action. We would like to capitalize on this and expand the program further. It takes some potentially profitable land off the table for development, but so far we have seen that it is almost as effective as militia forces for offsetting negative circumstances in the various systems while being somewhat cheaper as well. Therefore, we consider this to be a wise investment for the future.”

    Doctor Bryant is up next. “Your Majesty, with the completion of our Compact Core R&D last year we’ve got 4 R&D teams ready for the next challenge. I’d like to keep the warship teams at work in that field, as well as either researching better methods of industrial automation or researching assault grade battle armor suits.”

    General Messerschmidt has an expression you have come to dread. “Sir, before I get to the interesting stuff, we have several opportunities in the Nya Kopenhamn system that have just come up and which require a fast decision. First, on Nya Kopenhamn III, the nuttiest of the religious nutjobs are holding a massive conclave around a ‘Holy Site’, the climax of which is supposed to be a mass burning of ‘heretics and traitors to the Faith’. Our planners think it would be quite appropriate to unleash some naval PPC hellfire on the conclave before they get to that step. Second, on Nya Kopenhamn IV, the crazy hippies have over a hundred ‘squares’ currently locked in pillories in the central square of what passes for those lunatics capital, these people apparently were caught listening to our agitprop against the nutbars in charge of the planet and, well, I’ve seen the photos taken from our orbital assets and the way those poor people are being treated is abominable. We’d like to land a small assault force to rescue them from the crazies. If nothing else, we owe it to them for indirectly putting them in that situation in the first place.”

    He pauses, looks at his notes, then directs a great big smirk your way. “And congratulations, Your Majesty, your cult’s rotation as Prima Fides has been quite successful, reports are that your cult has moved into third place in terms of popularity. And Your Highness,” he turns to Thanh, “Your own cult is now in sixth place and has opened a very popular Lupanar Templum on Nova Roma itself that our agents report is ‘quite nice’.”

    It takes you a moment, your Latin is very rusty, but then your eyes bug out a bit as Thanh starts laughing.

    Martina is chuckling at your expression as she takes over. “Your Majesty, we have two major initiatives we’d like to advance. They are closely related. Both the Special Branch and the Imperial Grifftiger Mounted Police have become important parts of the law enforcement apparatus for the Empire, but both are suffering from manpower shortages. We would like to address this by expanding both units. This will allow for greater responsiveness to serious criminal situations within the Empire, both in terms of prevention and resolution.”
    Turn 78 - So They Linked Their Hands And Danced
  • Turn 78 - So They Linked Their Hands And Danced

    Meta Event17
    Dynasty Luck14
    Imperial Approval5
    Approval Change0
    Political Event-5
    Imperial Economy2
    Economic Event0
    Research Event-2
    Nowa WarszawaEcon5
    Calliope IVEcon5
    New CapricornEcon0
    Nowy ŚląskEcon0
    Nowy WrocławEcon4
    Griff's LeapEcon1
    New PhoenixEcon6
    New EdenEcon1
    New CastorEcon0
    New PolluxEcon1

    Plan: A new plan for a new year
    - Procurement [$ 383,963,894.73 ]
    -- Lay Down Major Unit [Construction - $101,861,970.00 ] (95)
    --- 70 Trenton [95]
    Target - 95
    Roll – 65
    Result - SUCCESS
    --- 10 Puller [95]
    Target - 95
    Roll – 56
    Result - SUCCESS
    --- 20 Vandergrift [95]
    Target - 95
    Roll – 67
    Result - SUCCESS
    --- 11 Majestic [95]
    Target - 95
    Roll – 57
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Lay down Jumpship [Jumpship Construction - $2,977,935.75 ] (75)
    --- 10 Brig [75]
    Target - 75
    Roll – 86, Jarow reroll – 98, ShadowArxxy reroll - 50
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Lay down Warship [Warship Construction - $228,595,193.67 ] (80)
    --- 14 Stiletto [80]
    Target - 80
    Roll – 30
    Result - SUCCESS
    --- 6 Cleveland [80]
    Target - 80
    Roll – 8
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Purchase New Units [ $40,583,751.51 ] (90)
    --- 26 Fighter Wing [auto]
    --- 5 Attack Wing [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll – 50
    Result - SUCCESS
    --- 4 Strike Wing [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll – 12
    Result - SUCCESS
    --- 3 Raider Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll – 32
    Result - SUCCESS
    --- 3 Armored Cavalry Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll – 83
    Result - SUCCESS
    --- 8 Pathfinder Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll – 83
    Result - SUCCESS
    --- 3 Standard Mech Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll – 53
    Result - SUCCESS
    --- 5 Garrison Mech Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll – 25
    Result - SUCCESS
    --- 3 Armored Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll – 44
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Increase Militia Rating of System [$ ] (85)
    --- 20 Militia Regiments
    Target - 85
    Roll – 50
    Result - SUCCESS
    - General [$ 4,573,388,129.00 ]
    -- Construct Oasis II Heavy Recharge Station Calliope Nadir* [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll – 93
    Result -Bare FAILURE (auto success next turn)
    -- Construct Oasis II Heavy Recharge Station New Eden Zenith* [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll – 90
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Construct Oasis II Heavy Recharge Station Griffon's Eye Zenith* [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll – 69
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Construct Silver Tower Sukiashi* [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll – 15
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Construct Silver Tower New Phoenix* [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll – 83
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Construct Silver Tower New Eden* [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll – 2
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Construct Silver Tower 2 Griffons Roost* [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll – 86
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Construct Silver Tower 2 Nowy Gdansk* [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll – 43
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Construct Silver Tower 2 Griffon IV* [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll – 77
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Construct Silver Tower 2 Nowa Warzsawa* [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll – 11
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Construct Silver Tower 2 Calliope IV* [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll – 24
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Expand Civil Service [80]
    Target - 80
    Roll – 57
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Expand Special Branch [80]
    Target - 80
    Roll – 44
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Increase Parks & Recreation Budget [80]
    Target - 80
    Roll – 24
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Expand Imperial Grifftiger Mounted Police [80]
    Target - 80
    Roll – 23
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Broadcast Propaganda to Nya Kopenhamn III* [~]
    -- Broadcast Propaganda to Nya Kopenhamn IV* [~]
    -- Targetted Assasination - Nya Kopenhamn III [85]
    Target -85
    Roll – 80
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Rescue Dissidents - Nya Kopenhamn IV [85]
    Target - 85
    Roll – 50
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Major Cultural Venues [60]
    Target - 60
    Roll – 42
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Build Light Warship Yard Calliope [75]
    Target - 75
    Roll – 94, KnowledgeisPower reroll - 15
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Build HPG Station New Castor* [80]
    Target - 80
    Roll – 65
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Upgrade All DHS Factories [75]
    Target - 75
    Roll – 25
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Build Orbital Factory DHS Kuroisora [110]
    Target - 110
    Roll – 96
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Build New Commercial Space Station [80]
    Target - 80
    Roll – 13
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Build New Commercial Space Station [80]
    Target - 80
    Roll – 48
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Build New Commercial Space Station [80]
    Target - 80
    Roll – 47
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Build New Commercial Space Station [80]
    Target - 80
    Roll – 69
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Upgrade Refit & Repair Yard [100]
    Target - 100
    Roll – 11
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Expand Orbital Shipyards [100]
    Target - 100
    Roll – 37
    Result - SUCCESS

    - DoME [$ 3,905,000,000.00 ]
    -- DOME - Arcology Cluster Griffon* [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll – 16
    Result - SUCCESS

    - Research [$ 2,055,000,000.00 ]
    -- Lamellar Ferro-Carbide* [55]
    Target - 55
    Roll – 43
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Improved Automation Lvl 7 [100]
    Target - 100
    Roll – 98
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Advanced Standard Core Theory III* [95]
    Target - 95
    Roll – 12
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Advanced Standard Core Design III* 95]
    Target - 95
    Roll – 58
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Advanced Standard Core Construction III* [95]
    Target - 95
    Roll – 40
    Result - SUCCESS


    The delegations have now all gone home, treaties in hand with everything settled. The Alliance and tech sharing was now fully in effect. Your scientists are looking over the data given to them by the NRI and have in turn turned over the final R&D work on lamellar ferro-carbide armor. As part of the research an experimental foundry has been built in the Inner Asteroid Belt to produce the material. The reports from the engineers are highly positive.

    You get a report a few days later from the shipyards, the new Cleveland-class vessels that were laid down a few days ago will be upgraded on the ways to the new armor type, Lee Aerospace and the Imperial Griffon Aerospace Werk having been involved in the engineering side of the foundry development and thus in possession of expected specifications and tolerances for the new material.

    The situation with those damned Eggs is reaching a peak of mass annoyance. The manufacturer has managed to produce a vehicle that deftly skirts the regulatory line between a full up car and a motorized bicycle, taking the most advantageous bits of regulation from each and completely ignoring everything else. The vehicles have absolutely no safety equipment of any sort beyond a little sticker encouraging users to wear a bicycle helmet. The electronics on the vehicle are purely a tiny recharging port and wireless link to a set of speakers with no links to the automated traffic control systems that are mandatory for ‘real’ cars. The rear visibility is a tiny optional mirror in keeping with bicycle rules, and 90+% of all Eggs sold don’t have it. The tires are thin bicycle tires optimized for minimal rolling resistance. The brakes are little calipers and are also optional extras, with many Egg owners opting to skip them in favor of ‘lightness’ and ‘simplicity’.

    The worst part, in many ways, is that the very flimsiness of the construction and the non-metallic materials used make them almost completely invisible to millimetric band radars and infrared sensors of the sort used in ordinary vehicle safety systems to detect potential crashes and avoid them. As a result there are a growing number of injuries and even fatalities from the Eggs, with the Egg owners enthusiastically suing people for ‘negligence’ in these cases.

    Enough is enough. You decide that this has gone on long enough. You are the Emperor, you have the authority to deal with this situation yourself. So deal with it you do. Some of your advisors are concerned with the optics of such a response, but you respond that the judicious application of a heavy hand is sometimes precisely what is needed for people to have confidence in their Emperor.

    So you order the Eggs banned from the streets by Imperial Decree, order that all existing Eggs are to either be retrofitted with full vehicular safety systems to meet the regulatory requirements for all other full road legal vehicles or are to be restricted to purely recreational off-road use on designated trails only. Any future production of these vehicles are mandated to possess full vehicular safety systems and pass all crash-test requirements for a full road legal vehicle.

    The howls of protest from the manufacturer and the Egg enthusiasts are initially rather deafening, the roars of approval from literally everybody else makes those howls seem like pathetic little squeaks of a terrified little mouse. When the manufacturer tries to take your decree to court you send in the Special Branch to pay the corporate board a little visit and audit their books. Oh look at all these trivial and ordinarily inconsequential technical violations of various obscure regulations. Naturally they attempted to claim malicious prosecution and selective enforcement. You rather blandly state that it is, as you are showing them excessive mercy by not charging them with negligent homicide for every individual killed while operating their products. But if they insist, you will gladly correct this situation.

    For some strange reason none of them take you up on that offer. Funny that.

    You also get a message from the Black Pumpernickels in Edelsteine rather sheepishly requesting the use of one of your repair docks, evidently the fighting with the Black Steel Essex has damaged their jump core enough that they don’t trust it to make more than one or two more jumps with the repairs they’ve been able to do. After all, well, they know how to maintain the thing, but they’ve never tried to do major repairs to it and are actors, not engineers.

    You know that all of your engineers and your dear little sister will all strangle you or subject you to endless repetitions of the Song That Doesn’t End if you say no, so you approve the request. A few weeks later you get confirmation that they’ve arrived at the Griffon repair docks and work has begun to properly inspect and, if needed, refurbish the jump core. Interestingly, she’s sitting in the next dock over from HMS Morristown. Seeing images of the two giants side by side is a nice sight, as it is something that perhaps in the future you will see far more often with your own ships.

    You have refit plans now for the old Dart class ships as well as proposals for a refit to the new Fletcher class to replace the conventional armament with HAGs, replacing the sub-capital missiles with sub-capital lasers, upgrading the armor, and other minor improvements.

    Dart$13,127,260LFC, DHS27581778
    • Armored 63
    • Capital Ratings
      • 3/910
      • 4/710
    • Command 6
    Fletcher$16,936,720LFC, DHS33952895
    • Armored 30
    • AMS 80
    • Missile 80
    • Capital Ratings
      • 2/1274
      • 3/455
      • 4/378
    • Capital AMS 44
    • Capital Missile 30
    • Command 3

    Upgrade costs if you choose to cycle the ships through the refit yards would be as follows.

    The Oasis II under construction in the Calliope system suffers a catastrophic failure of the energy storage batteries during a load test, resulting in severe damage to the entire station and pushing back completion until at least Q3 of next year. Engineers are investigating the incident.

    The new units have completed training this year, forming a fresh Brigade Combat Team and a new sort of Pathfinder Division. The new ASF wings are also in service, manning all of the completed stations and carriers. Your logistics are improving, and the ease of rotating infantry from Okusawa is having a definite effect on morale.

    Speaking of Okusawa, the news is covering multiple days of rioting and unrest in the system capital. Rioters are throwing molotovs and such at your security forces with agitators within the rioting crowd slipping about and taking pot shots with other weapons from within the crowds. Your troops are so far continuing to show admirable discipline, taking the molotovs on the riot shields that they’ve been provided. Thankfully nobody has any inferno gel, or at least hasn’t used any yet.

    Special Forces teams are making ‘strikes’ into the crowds, targeting the agitators whenever they are identified. So far most of them have committed suicide when nabbed, but helmet footage clearly showing them biting down on suicide teeth is blunting any PR damage the howls of ‘murderous thugs’ is having.

    Interrogation of those few who don’t manage to suicide has yielded intel on a number of caches, which have been raided with great success.

    The civil service expansion goes extremely well, giving you a bit more flexibility to use the budget efficiently. Likewise both the Special Branch and the IGMP have been expanded giving you more options with law enforcement.

    With the increased funding and focus a large number of new parks, greenspaces, and recreation areas are built throughout the Empire to generally positive reviews.

    In the Griffon System the initiative to build major cultural centers results in a massive new Opera House in Griffsport proper. It is a grand and glorious building, done in a late Baroque architectural style and looking both imposing and graceful at the same time. In your opinion it’s just a tad overly fancy, but it appears to be very popular with the architectural press and the public, so there’s that. Other systems build projects more in line with their own local needs, and the results are a resounding success.

    Both operations in the Nya Kopenhamn system go off smoothly. The religious fanatics are all nicely clustered around and, conveniently, the ‘heretics and traitors’ are being held off site at the time when you unleash naval PPC hell upon the lunatics. Meanwhile the security forces among the druggies and hedonists are caught completely off guard for the rescue mission, allowing you to pull out over a hundred victims of the crazed hippies and get them to safety (and adequate medical care for all the drugs in their systems).

    The new Light Warship yard is online in the Calliope system, as is the new HPG in New Castor. Which reminds you, still no new leads on the land scammers in that system. Your security forces are on the lookout and if anybody tries anything similar again it’ll be caught.

    The upgrades to the DHS foundries are quite successful and the new one in the Kuroisora system is online and operational. The additional commercial space stations are a welcome addition to your future economic growth.

    You attend the opening ceremony to the new Arcology Cluster on the Phoenix continent. It’s cold and dry, like it usually is on that continent, but the new cluster will enable improved exploitation of the immense mineral resources up here in the frigid arctic.

    R&D work on improved automation systems has been completed and the new software and hardware has been rolled out. There is some grumbling among white-collar workers as a few of the new systems negatively impact their own job prospects without retraining, but they’d profited in the past as blue-collar workers had to adapt to the upgrades, so your sympathy is strictly limited.

    The new Galleon class Jumpship is now available for production as your engineers and scientists complete work on the penultimate size classification of standard jump cores. Able to carry 8 dropships at a time, the Galleon also boasts superior crew facilities and amenities for passengers on the dropships. Commercial firms are already planning civilian variants of the design, dropping the AMS systems for increased cargo capacity.
    Turn 79 - I'm A Killer
  • Turn 79 - I’m a Killer

    It’s amazing just how dedicated the people who bought and the company behind those damn Eggs are about their worthless pieces of excrement and, more relevantly, annoying everybody else in the Empire.

    They actually organized a protest ‘ride’ in Griffsport, with thousands of them clogging up the entirety of downtown, blocking all of the major freeways in the city, and generally making themselves an incredible nuisance. They try to get regular cyclists involved, although that meets with almost no success since actual cyclists are well aware that immense accommodations have already been made for them. Every single road with more than 1 lane total has dedicated, segregated, bicycle lanes dedicated solely to bicycle use. On the busiest roads there are dedicated bicycle viaducts that have been carefully designed and implemented to maximize convenience for cyclists without impinging on regular vehicular traffic.

    The Eggs are, simply put, too large to fit in those lanes without disrupting other cyclists, being as wide as a regular vehicle and thus completely filling the entire cycle lane leaving absolutely no space for anybody else to use it. And once the Egg enthusiasts realize that the regular cyclists want nothing to do with them the bastards start doing just that.

    At least this is a sorting mechanism for the sort of self-centered jackass that you want far away from the levers of power.

    A couple comm calls and the Imperial Guard is deployed, the tanks towing trailers with what can only be described as giant foam egg crates to deposit the damn things in, and the mech jockeys and power armor troops with orders to pick up the damn Eggs and dump them in the crates. It takes several hours, but the very low performance of the Eggs works against them, and eventually you have just over a hundred such crates fully packed with a dozen Eggs and their riders each.

    And since you are feeling very annoyed, the general populace of the city is very angry, and you are fed up with these jackasses, you have all the crates brought to the big park in front of the palace, where large foam crash mats are laid out. The mechs then pick up each Egg, shake them until the rider falls out on the crash mat, where said rider is promptly arrested, then ‘break the egg’ and toss it into some giant dumpsters. The riders, indignant as they are, are then informed quite calmly that the bill for the disposal of their Eggs will be assessed to them as fines and that failure to pay them would be treated as a criminal offense. Said bill will include the cost of cleanup, the wages of all the members of law enforcement and the Imperial Guard who had to deal with this bullshit in the first place, maintenance cost for all of their equipment, oh, and those wages? Overtime.

    You then dispatch the Special Branch and the IGMP and have all of the executives of the company that made the damn things arrested and charged with 30+ counts of negligent homicide, just like you had threatened when they first started whining about your ban of their product.

    The saga of the Solo Egg is finally over, as far as you are aware not a single one of the pesky things remains. Good riddance.

    Your various agents report that the Rasalhaguians have begun low-rate initial production of the various ASF designs that you provided them as part of the tech transfer agreement. In addition repairs are underway on the Tramp line in New Rasalhague itself, as well as conversion of several dropship lines to begin production of the Saginaw class.

    You have reports that the prison settlements on GX-O26 have been completed and that the system is now dubbed ‘New Doggerland’. The reports are that the approximately 110,000 prisoners sentenced there for their involvement in the chaos that you’d helped put down have been dropped off with a months supply of rations and water and absolutely nothing else, no buildings, no guards, no tools, no buildings, not even any clothes. The rations are wrapped in flimsy plastic, the water is in similarly flimsy bottles, and the idea is that the prisoners are dropped off. Once a month a dropship will drop a pallet with the next month's supplies, and otherwise the prisoners are left completely to their own devices. They’ve built some orbital defenses, but otherwise they are leaving the system alone.

    Your spies have also informed you that the NRR is expanding again, this time to GX-P26, a world with, reportedly, the most variable and severe weather so far encountered. The axial tilt is almost 50 degrees, resulting in enormous variation through the year. There is also a significant and irregular planetary wobble, swinging the axis of rotation around to a far greater extent than can be explained by anything other than a recent massive impact, and to be fair there is a massive crater in the northern hemisphere and a great deal of orbiting ejecta forming a ring around the wobbling planet.

    It is, however, rather habitable, and in fact boasts some rather pretty birds native to the system. The weather is awful, but the cheerful birds seem quite capable of simply migrating ahead of the major swings in temperature and such.

    It is reported that the system has been named New Lapland by the NRR and full colonization is already underway.

    Your ambassador to the NRI is invited to the keel laying ceremony for the first Corvus class corvette and is even asked to drive the ceremonial first ‘bolt’ that commences the construction. The bracket that he bolted will, eventually, be used to hold the commissioning plaque on the bridge of the ship.

    The NRI is not expanding, rather development continues on Nova Jupitereum and Nova Atheneum, both of which are expanding quite quickly. The downside of this is, of course, that both planets seem to be quite devoted to your ‘cult’, and Thanh is having far too much fun answering fan mail and actually encouraging them. She has even posed for statues and is constantly pestering you to do the same. Then cheerfully informs you that she’s sent them photos of you in ‘full contemplation of navel’ mode and that is working well enough for now.

    In vengeance for this perfidy you make sure to secretly provide all of her grandkids with massive amounts of candy right before they get dropped off by your nieces and nephews to spend the weekend with her. As well as making a few arrangements with Grandpa Lee’s favorite lingerie shop for Sweet 16 presents for the oldest when they reach that age. You look forward to the reactions.

    Oh, and you also toss her out the Tyler Lee Memorial Window Of Defenestration. But that’s Tuesday in your family.

    Domestically, you feel a pang of dread as you open a report from New Pollux, worried that Pollux Man was about to strike once more. Instead it is actually very good news, the original surveys had actually understated how easy to access some of the valuable ores and minerals actually were, plus the system government has been very effective in building up a transport infrastructure, helped by the massive rivers that seem to be everywhere important on the planet. Moreover the discovery of a spectacular series of cave complexes in the mountains has provided the planet with a superb tourist attraction that they are quickly capitalizing on.

    There’s some bad news from Nowy Wroclaw however, a commercial freight dropship suffered a serious engine failure at low altitude and the pilot was unable to correct in time, the entire crew died in the crash and, catastrophically, the crash was right into a major residential neighborhood right around dinner time. Emergency services are still assessing the aftermath of the situation and investigators are on the scene. Preliminary reports indicate a mechanical failure with no sign of crew error, maintenance issues, or design faults. If the dropship had been at higher altitude or still in orbit backup systems would have had time to engage and correct the situation, and the early analysis of the flight data recorder shows that the pilot almost pulled off a miracle recovery, if he’d had just a hundred feet more of altitude to work with he might have been able to convert the fiery crash into a crash landing in an empty park, which he was aiming for but didn’t quite make.

    New Eden is having a bumper crop this year across the board, and has introduced the ancient Blue Java variety of bananas to the market. Supposedly they taste like vanilla ice cream, so you make a point of having some shipped to the palace and find that they A) are indeed blue and B) indeed tastes like vanilla bean ice cream.

    Your granddaughter really wants to see the dinosaurs on Calliope III, not the small ones in the zoos, or the raptors who are rapidly becoming the third most popular pet, behind cats and dogs, in the Empire, or even the roly-poly lystrosaurus. You do your best to dissuade her, but eventually she and your wife wear you down. You do ensure that she has a heavy escort, consisting of no less than six Fletcher class warships.

    Thankfully you are being unreasonably paranoid, nothing happens beyond her giving you a heart attack when she sends you video of her getting a ride on the back of a Rex. For giant apex predators, the Rexes seem quite friendly. You are guessing because they see humans as too small to eat and too useful to attack, after all, we make the best back scratching posts and our mechs are much in demand for belly rubs and scritchies.

    Speaking of Calliope III, it seems that the Allosaurus analogues are finally learning the concept of ‘fear’, as the packs of those ultra-aggressive predators are starting to avoid areas where humans are operating. You really are in awe of just how many megatons of inferno gel it took to teach them that lesson. Even Dracs would learn faster.

    And that completely subtle transition brings you to the situation on Okusawa. The slow rebuilding of the cities has revealed a number of caches and facilities used by the resistance, slowly weakening their grip on the population. Intelligence analysts estimate that the current level of resistance will only be sustainable by the locals for at most three more years, but that it is highly likely that the resistance will transition to a more low-level intensity before then.

    With the recent introduction of Lamellar Ferro-Carbide you have a bit of a quandary, the new armor compound is significantly more capable than plain Ferro-Carbide, enough so that your planners want to upgrade all existing platforms to using it if possible, but you only have the single foundry making it. Plus, if you did that… wait, reading the reports, apparently a Lamellar Ferro-Carbide foundry is perfectly capable of making regular Ferro-Carbide if needed, as all the Lamellar does is add an additional layer to the armor matrix. So upgrading your existing foundries should be possible, if somewhat expensive.
    []Upgrade all Ferro-Carbide orbital foundries to Lamellar Ferro-Carbide
    • Costs $2,000,000,000
    • Converts all existing Ferro-Carbide foundries to Lamellar Ferro-Carbide
      • Total Lamellar Ferro-Carbide production of 91
    • No effect
    Turn 79 - For Pete's Sake
  • Turn 79 - For Pete’s Sake

    The Naval Review has been fully completed and Thanh comes in to inform you of the results.

    First of all, it has been determined that the current warship designs are attempting to do too many things at once. The Dagger and Dart especially failed to focus on any one area and wound up being substantially less effective at actual naval combat than expected. The old paradigm of treating the extreme range duel as merely a preliminary to the actual battle, rather than the main battle in and of itself, is not sustainable with warships. Dropships tend to have enough thrust and, more importantly, are limited enough in the full naval weaponry that they can mount, that focusing on shorter range weaponry, anti-fighter weaponry, and point defense systems are perfectly viable. But a Warship needs to duel other warships and needs to rely on parasites to handle things like mass point defense and anti-fighter work.

    Refits have been developed and implemented for existing warships, and future designs will take into account the lessons learned from this review.

    When it comes to dropships, the Majestic class comes in for particular attention. While the capital missile armament is welcome, the dropship failed to have an impact in the various battles it has been involved in commensurate with the expectations placed on it. Part of this is that, compared to heavy naval weaponry, the Majestic is easily obliterated with almost casual ease. The problem is that it is too fragile a platform to slug it out with a proper warship, yet attempting to make it capable of doing just that resulted in a platform that was less optimal against what should have been its primary target - other dropships.

    In an environment where there are no enemy warships, of course, the Majestic is quite capable. But with the Black Steel threat this is unlikely to be the case. Therefore a new parasite battleship design from Majeure Electrique will replace the Majestic for future construction. Project Derfflinger is faster with a more focused armament layout than the Majestic class, while possessing a higher anti-capital missile armament. It is optimized for screening duties as well as anti-dropship work. Dubbed the Canopus class in service, the new design is ready for immediate production.

    In addition a replacement for the Independence class has been ordered from Majeure Electrique. Dubbed the Saipan class, the new carriers are more focused on the Carrier and Logistics Support mission rather than doubling as missile boats as well. They have also been armed with a very heavy anti-ASF battery, thus providing warships with the screening assets needed without them having to waste tonnage on it themselves.
    Canopus class Parasite Battleship$7,339,892FA/DHS24332263
    • Armored 12
    • Missile 60
    • AMS 60
    • Capital
      • 2/790
      • 4/34
    • Capital Missile 20
    • Capital AMS 66
    • Command 1
    Saipan class Parasite Carrier$5,807,424FA/DHS1140990
    • Armored 10
    • AMS 120
    • Capital AMS 156
    • Capital
      • 2/254
    • FLaK 720
    Finally for dropships a refit proposal has been made for the Bainbridge class parasite destroyer. The proposed Truxton refit would reduce ammunition dependence for the secondary battery, streamline the conventional battery, and in general update the design in light of combat experience.
    Bainbridge class ‘Truxton’ refit.$2,399,852FA/DHS12071057
    • Armored 10
    • AMS 50
    • Missile 50
    • Capital AMS 41
    • Capital Missile 6
    • Capital
      • 2/63
      • 4/10
    • Swift

    []Approve upgrade
    • Total cost - $83,339,424
    • Adds Truxton class for new builds, current Bainbridge design remains in service

    In terms of warships again, the review has laid out a proposed roadmap for future development. Building additional Small Warship Yards is prioritized, with a strong recommendation that every year one such yard is built in each of the three current core systems. Procurement should focus on the new Cleveland class CL, with Atlanta and Brooklyn class vessels being procured to supplement the Clevelands, at least one Erebus class missile light cruiser should be procured for testing purposes, with likely low-rate production initiated in order to have the unique capabilities that an all-missile platform brings to the table.

    On the same hull as the Cleveland engineers have developed the Wichita class Heavy Cruiser. The review committee recommends purchasing a small number of these vessels as well. They are considered an interim design in many ways, due to not being optimized for the perceived Heavy Cruiser role as a screening vessel for the battleline capable of independent operations, being a very tight design with minimal tonnage devoted to spare parts, extra ammunition, and miscellaneous purposes, and the belief that a better design could be built on a purpose-built hull. That being said the Wichita would still be a powerful unit with the ability to hammer enemies at extreme range.
    Wichita Heavy Cruiser$19,450,520LFC, DHS31932088
    • Armored 78
    • Capital
      • 2/169
      • 3/1023
      • 4/1343
    • Capital Missile 30
    • Capital AMS 96
    • Command 6

    Sufficient data has been amassed to begin the Ground and ASF reviews. Teams within the Defense Ministry have begun going over the data, testing things out in sims and exercises, and will report back when conclusions have been reached.

    Parliament is in session and the Eldest evidently has been plotting behind your back. Because you are trying very hard to figure out how exactly the big cat managed to pull this one off. You run the numbers over and over again, and the results keep on staring you in the face and make you want to run off and enroll at the Department of Periphery Studies because they keep on stubbornly staying the same yet are utterly impossible.

    How the hell is levying a quarter cent tax on all office supplies used by the Imperial Parliament going to raise enough funds to do what this legislation proposes… yet the numbers work. How the hell do they go through THAT many disposable coffee cups in a year? Haven’t they heard of reusable cups? Dishwashers? Using actual glass? Enough that a quarter cent tax will raise enough to privately fund a whole new light warship yard in the Griffon system on an expedited basis?

    And more importantly, how the heck did he get the famously skinflint (with their own money) Chamber of Delegates to go along with it? Yet they did, and they aren’t even asking for anything in exchange! There has to be a trap somewhere, but you just can’t find it, and the Eldest is looking far too smug. Like a cat who’s found the stash of cream, swept all the breakables off the shelf and blamed the dog for the entire mess.

    But he somehow pulled it off, and the results are sitting on your desk staring at you. You swear they are staring at you. This piece of legislation is obviously an Eldritch Abomination seeking to slip through the cracks of space, time, and sanity. You are pretty sure that if you stick your ear on the paper and listen real carefully you can hear faint calls of ‘Tekeli-li’.

    So of course you agree to this, because you’d really rather not piss off eldritch horrors from beyond space and time. That’s your position and you are sticking to it.
    Turn 79 - See What I Mean
  • Turn 79 - See What I Mean
    Your eldest granddaughter is now in the Aerie and, interestingly, is taking a dual track of Command and Logistics training rather than an actual combat path. She’s taking a few mech classes, but not the sort that would lead to a Mechwarrior commission. When you ask her about it she points out that someday, hopefully not soon, she’ll be taking over from you and that therefore it would behoove her to focus on those skills that would be broadly applicable to running the Empire rather than pursuing personal glory as a mechwarrior.

    You’re totally unashamed to say that you are very proud of her.

    You do, however, wind up tossing her, your wife, your daughter in law, and your sister through the Tyler Lee Memorial Defenestration Window when they organize an ambush interview with an NRI news program run by ‘your’ cult. The young journalist they’d sent had been painfully earnest and honest, and none of the questions were in and of themselves embarrassing or problematic. Indeed, it was a very thoughtful interview on a variety of relevant topics related to future expansion plans, the state of the economy, trade relations with the NRI, and such. You have had far more annoying interviews with local media than this. But still, the principle remains, the guilty must be punished by defenestration. You have been informed that the budget line item for trick glass for the window was growing rather large.

    You have one serious headache, briefly you thought it was the Egg Redux, but it turns out to be a proper hybrid electric/pedal powered trike. You were all set to get angry when one showed up at the Palace, but the footprint of the vehicle is within the regular range for most recumbent trikes, thus not hogging the bike lanes if ridden there but it is also completely road legal in nearly every jurisdiction meeting the exact same crash and safety standards as any other motor vehicle, it is actually even lighter than the Egg, thanks to the materials and engineering. It costs about three times as much as the Egg did, which you discover with some research puts it directly in line with other vehicles in its class.

    The headache comes from the manufacturer sending enough of the kid-sized ones for all of your younger grandkids and great nieces/nephews to have one of their own, and all of them are constantly pestering you to go out riding with them. You have work to do, an Empire to run, and… you can’t resist the big pleading eyes and quivering lips, damnit. You are tempted to summon the CEO of that company to the Palace in order to toss them out of the Window!

    Granted, they are very fun to ride. But you’ve got work to do!

    You check and this particular vehicle is made by a small start up on New Pollux, evidently they’d hoped that by sending the Imperial Family samples that they’d get some marketing advantage as you are seen riding around in them. Typical, and indeed they’d been quite up front about it in the letter accompanying the gift, so you don’t mind at all. From what you can tell sales have picked up for the vehicles, with them shipping multiple crates of the things to the Griffon system on the regular trade runs to New Pollux.

    There is an emergency in the NRR, terrorists associated with the old Opposition have detonated a massive fuel-air bomb in an apparent assassination attempt against the President. She survived the attack, albeit with severe injuries. Several thousand supporters who’d been listening to her speak at the anniversary of her being sworn in were less fortunate. Luckily small bombs that had been placed in order to delay emergency services from responding failed to detonate, indications are that the terrorists who were supposed to set them off had been killed in the larger than expected initial detonation.

    The NRR has implemented martial law in the capital and have locked the place down, the NRR military is conducting search and destroy sweeps targeting the terrorists, rather indiscriminately rounding up everybody who’d ever supported those parties in the past, searching their residences and places of business, while imprisoning them in overcrowded jails. Several pitched battles have broken out. Your ambassador reports that the general public mood at this point is ‘rope, opposition, lamp post, some assembly required’ with very high levels of support for the government crackdown.

    To be fair to the government, they are showing at least some sense of due process, those former opposition supporters who are cleared of involvement are released almost as fast as they were rounded up, but that is a mixed mercy as their neighbors seem to be far less interested in such legal minutiae as guilt or innocence. And again to be fair to the NRR government, they are providing police protection to those people and a number of arrests for vigilantism and lynching have been made and are being vigorously prosecuted.

    One thing that the NRR has introduced that has your own police forces, and especially the Special Branch and Imperial Griffon Mounted Police, drooling is a clever new riot control device. Take a paintball gun, and load the paintballs with a mix of paint and pepper irritants. Shoot the troublemakers. They are really hating life and are very easy to identify later on. General Messerschmidt has already ordered some for intelligence work as well, which rather worries you because you are almost certain that he will introduce them to you when he thinks it will be funny.

    And now it is time for the budget meetings, the part of your work that you’d sometimes rather miss.

    General Stewart is up first. “Your Majesty, our production capacity could still use more improvements, especially for heavy and assault mechs, regular mechs, and ASFs. On top of the understandable push to increase our warship production. Paradoxically, we are recommending that we not increase our dropship production this year for reasons that Admiral Griffith will get into later.”

    She sits down and your old friend General Jenkins takes her place. “OK, boss, we want all the things and we want them yesterday, and can I have a pony?” he pauses as snickers break out and you glare at him. “No pony? Awww, c’mon boss!” he is grinning far too much and you are almost certain that if you went back to your rooms you’ll find that the little shit had smuggled a pony into your bedroom or something equally ‘amusing’. “Fine, be that way. We want little mechs, we want big mechs, and we want to build two more Corps HQ units so we can handle more simultaneous operations or even engage in that terrifying military ritual known as…” he drops his voice to a conspiratorial whisper, “realistic military exercises against OPFORs.”

    “More specifically, we’ve got a few Pathfinder units that need filling out. We want another Brigade Combat Team, we want Training Regiments because the schools are getting whiny at us again and then they threaten us with erasers and homework. We want some more Garrison mechs to keep what is ours ours in the most stompy way possible, and two more Assault Regiments to head up the two new Corps HQs. We’ll need 3 Armored Regiments, 4 Mechanized Regiments, 6 Air Cavalry Regiments, 6 Artillery Regiments to bring the boom, and just to keep the Academies off of my back please buy them some Mechanized Training Regiments.” He tosses up a graphic for you to look at.
    • IGA Procurement
      • New production facilities
        • 4 Battlemech Factory Complexes
          • New Pollux
        • 1 Megafactory Complex on Calliope IV
        • Expand Military Industrial Infrastructure
          • New Pollux
      • Procurement
        • Regular Mech (11 factories)
          • 4 Pathfinder Regiments
            • Complete 2 Pathfinder Brigades and thus 1 Pathfinder Division
          • 3 Armored Cavalry Regiments
            • For the new Brigade Combat Team
          • 4 Training Regiments
        • Heavy/Assault Mech (8 factories)
          • 3 Standard Mech Regiments
            • For the new Brigade Combat Team
          • 3 Garrison Mech Regiments
          • 2 Assault Regiments
            • For the new Corps HQs
        • Conventional Vehicles
          • 3 Armored Regiments
            • For the new Brigade Combat Team
          • 4 Mechanized Regiments
            • For the new Corps HQs
          • 6 Air Cavalry Regiments
            • For the new Corps HQs
          • 6 Artillery Regiments
            • For the new Corps HQs
          • 5 Mechanized Training Regiments

    General Romanov is up next. “Your Majesty, we have neither carriers nor stations completing this year that we need aerospace units for. That being said, however, we have been working with the Navy and they inform me that they intend to request a large number of carriers, enough that if we were to wait until next year to procure birds to fill their bays we’d be unable to do the same for the stations completing next year.”

    She brings up a display showing a new unit. “For the new Saipan class ships, we have developed a new Wing type, balancing offensive and defensive capabilities. Each Heavy Carrier Wing would consist of one Fighter Squadron of Eagle IVs, one Attack Squadron of Griffon IIIs, and one Missile Squadron of Raptor II and Merlins.”
    • IGAF Procurement
      • New Production Facilities
        • Expand Ferro Aluminum and Double Heat Sink production
        • 1 new ASF factory
          • New Pollux
      • Procurement
        • 30 Heavy Carrier Wing

    Your sister is up next. “OK, Your Majesty. As General Romanov indicated, we plan to produce a large number of the new Saipans this year. Our current dropship production levels are actually exceeding our needs, until we expand much more at least some of our dropship production is going to be dedicated simply to keeping the existing slips in operation and adding defenses to various systems rather than fulfilling actual needs. It’s a good problem to have, I grant, but it’s still a problem. So we are requesting a pause on orbital shipyard expansion. Light Warship and Escort yards? We still need as many of those as we can afford. We would also like to build a new Refit & Repair Yard in the New Pollux system to support further survey and colonization work in that direction.”

    She then fires up the display. “Our engineers and the design teams at the Imperial Griffon Aerospace Werk have developed a palletized automated cargo handling system that is highly suitable for our logistics needs. The new Saipans are built with this in mind, although unfortunately refitting the system into the Independence class is prohibitively expensive. One consequence of our increased tempo of warship operations in patrols and such has been discovering that our estimates of logistics requirements were actually rather low, and as we expand and range further and further they will only increase exponentially. Therefore Lee Aerospace and the IGAW have collaborated with Majeure Electrique on a highly specialized logistics ship optimized for fleet support. The Supply class, in combination with the Saipan for ‘last mile’ deliveries, should be a rather neat solution to the logistics problems. As part of the Supply class we’ve contracted with a commercial yard to build a specialized cargo transport dropship for the Supply class vessels. Five of these vessels, which are effectively nothing but detachable cargo pods with over 80% of their mass devoted to cargo, will be included with each Supply purchased. This means that each Supply will be carrying almost half a million tons of supplies when fully loaded.”

    • IGN Procurement
      • New Production Facilities
        • 3 Small Warship Yards
          • Griffon, Nowa Warszawa, Calliope
        • Refit & Repair Yard
          • New Pollux
        • Expand Lamellar Ferro-Carbide production
      • Procurement
        • Regular Dropships (71 slips)
          • 40 Bainbridge class
          • 15 Queen class
          • 16 Trenton class
        • Large Dropships (30 slips)
          • 30 Saipan class
        • Escort/Jumpship Yards (27 slips
          • 10 Supply
          • 7 Galleon
          • 10 Samuel B Roberts
        • Small Warship (2 yards)
          • 1 Wichita CA
          • 1 Erebus CLG

    Bridget comes up next and she looks… reduced. Tired, drained, and a bit pale. “Your Majesty, this will be my last budget meeting.” she says a bit grimly. “I’ve just gotten a diagnosis of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and will be entering treatment next week. The doctor’s are highly optimistic, so I’m not concerned about that, but I think it’s time for me to step aside and let somebody else take the reins over at the Interior Ministry. That being said, we’re ready to support any building programs you might desire, and recommend doing some economic investment and focus on various Peripheral and Core worlds. Edelsteine and New Pollux would benefit the most in the periphery, while Nowa Warszawa would benefit nicely in the core.”

    There’s silence for a bit, Bridget has been a fixture of the budget meetings ever since Tyler retired, her stepping down is a major change. Plus she’s been a friend to the family for a long time.

    Isoroku is also looking a bit grim. “I will also be stepping down, Your Majesty. Griffin's Roost University has asked me to take over as President and my wife has convinced me to take the post.” His lips twitch a bit. “Evidently she is tired of me running off to the Olympics whenever they’re held in another nation, amusing that. I will have a list of candidates to replace me on your desk by the end of the year. The Foreign Ministry doesn’t have any specific budgetary requests this year.”

    Lien smiles a bit. “I’m not going anywhere yet, Your Majesty.” she says, causing a brief chuckle to go around the table. “The expansion of the Civil Service was quite successful and useful last year, continued expansion within reason would be equally useful, although the expenses will increase rapidly. Increasing the Parks & Recreation budget has also given some lovely dividends, but again costs will increase the more we expand so it is a balancing act. We have no completely new initiatives for you this year, Your Majesty.”

    Dr Bryant is up next. “Your Majesty, we have five R&D teams available for work. We would urge that three of them continue work on improving Standard Core KF drive vessels to their peak potential, while the remaining two should focus on improving our terraforming and large scale project capacities, in order to give DoME more things to do, and improving industrial mechs in order to make it easier for us to do those sorts of large scale projects.”

    General Messerschmidt has an expression on his face that you’ve come to dread. “Your Majesty, I think we should let Martina go next, skip me to the end.”

    Martina smoothly takes over. “Your Majesty, thank you for the increased funding last year for the Imperial level law enforcement departments. We are already seeing benefits in terms of quicker response times to system requests for imperial assets in these areas. We have no pressing needs at this time. General?”

    General Messershmidt smoothly takes over once more. “Well, Your Majesty, I bring good news from the NRI!” his smile is almost blinding. You make a mental note to drag him over to the Window yourself. “An NRI wide festival to Your Sacred Name has been announced to great acclaim, with pageants, festivals, parades, and processions being organized across the NRI in Your Divine Honor. Our agents are reporting that Your great temple on Nova Jupitereum is now complete and has been suitably sanctified. And, your loyal worshippers have sent this via the intelligence attache at the embassy.” He opens a case, revealing a remarkably detailed small marble statue of you, obviously based on one of the ‘grumpy’ photos taken by your dear sister.
    Turn 79 - I've Been Everywhere Man
  • Turn 79 - I’ve Been Everywhere Man

    Meta Event17
    Dynasty Luck52
    Imperial Approval0
    Approval Change-3
    Political Event-2
    Imperial Economy1
    Economic Event3
    Research Event5
    Nowa WarszawaEcon6
    Calliope IVEcon3
    New CapricornEcon2
    Nowy ŚląskEcon5
    Nowy WroclawEcon-1
    Griff's LeapEcon4
    New PhoenixEcon0
    New EdenEcon2
    New CastorEcon5
    New PolluxEcon3

    Plan: Divine Honor
    - Procurement [$ 514,734,987.75 ]
    -- Lay Down Major Unit [Construction - $213,842,116.00 ] (95)
    --- 40 Bainbridge [95]
    Target - 95
    Roll - 95
    Result - SUCCESS
    --- 15 Queen [95]
    Target - 95
    Roll - 90
    Result - SUCCESS
    --- 16 Trenton [95]
    Target - 95
    Roll - 90
    Result - SUCCESS
    --- 30 Saipan [95]
    Target - 95
    Roll - 85
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Lay down Jumpship [Jumpship Construction - $7,410,273.43 ] (75)
    --- 7 Galleon [75]
    Target - 75
    Roll - 39
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Lay down Warship [Warship Construction - $225,369,790.33 ] (80)
    --- 10 Supply [80]
    Target - 80
    Roll - 76
    Result - SUCCESS
    --- 10 Samuel B Roberts [80]
    Target - 80
    Roll - 78
    Result - SUCCESS
    --- 1 Wichita [80]
    Target - 80
    Roll - 1
    Result – Critical SUCCESS
    --- 1 Erebus [80]
    Target - 80
    Roll - 77
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Purchase New Units [ $ 68,112,807.99 ] (90)
    --- 30 Heavy Carrier Wing [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 86
    Result - SUCCESS
    --- 4 Training Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 63
    Result - SUCCESS
    --- 3 Armored Cavalry Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 49
    Result - SUCCESS
    --- 4 Pathfinder Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 47
    Result - SUCCESS
    --- 3 Standard Mech Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 70
    Result - SUCCESS
    --- 2 Assault Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 66
    Result - SUCCESS
    --- 5 Garrison Mech Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 53
    Result - SUCCESS
    --- 3 Armored Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 40
    Result - SUCCESS
    --- 4 Mechanized Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 64
    Result - SUCCESS
    --- 6 Air Cavalry Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 68
    Result - SUCCESS
    --- 6 Artillery Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 45
    Result - SUCCESS
    --- 5 Mechanized Training Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 89
    Result - SUCCESS
    - General [$ 2,791,345,070.20 ]
    -- Construct Oasis II Heavy Recharge Station Calliope Nadir* [auto]
    -- Focus Development on Core World Nowa Warzsawa [65]
    Target - 65
    Roll - 48
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Focus Development on Peripheral World New Pollux [65]
    Target - 65
    Roll - 29
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Economic Investment New Pollux [85]
    Target - 85
    Roll - 54
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Economic Investment Edelsteine [85]
    Target - 85
    Roll - 14
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Economic Investment New Capricorn [85]
    Target - 85
    Roll - 53
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Build Mech Factory Complex New Pollux [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 89
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Build Mech Factory Complex New Pollux [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 8
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Build Mech Factory Complex New Pollux [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 7
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Build Mech Factory Complex New Pollux [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 58
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Build ASF Factory Complex New Pollux [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 75
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Broadcast Propaganda to Nya Kopenhamn III* [~]
    -- Broadcast Propaganda to Nya Kopenhamn IV* [~]
    -- Build New Commercial Space Station
    Target - 80
    Roll - 46
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Build New Commercial Space Station
    Target - 80
    Roll - 8
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Build New Commercial Space Station
    Target - 80
    Roll – 96, Jarow reroll - 4
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Build New Commercial Space Station
    Target - 80
    Roll - 25
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Survey GX-K32 [75]
    Target - 75
    Roll - 31
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Build HPG Station New Pollux* [80]
    Target - 80
    Roll – 93, Event reroll - 56
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Build Light Warship Yard Griffon [75]
    Target - 75
    Roll - 71
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Build Light Warship Yard Calliope [75]
    Target - 75
    Roll - 65
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Build Light Warship Yard Nowa Warzsawa [75]
    Target - 75
    Roll - 15
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Upgrade All Lamellar Ferro Carbide [75]
    Target - 75
    Roll - 35
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Upgrade All Ferro Aluminium Forges [75]
    Target - 75
    Roll - 44
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Upgrade All DHS Factories [75]
    Target - 75
    Roll – 90, Event reroll – 89, Event reroll - 15
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Upgrade Refit & Repair Yard [100]
    Target - 100
    Roll - 87
    Result - SUCCESS
    -- Construct Refit & Repair Yard New Pollux [105]
    Target - 105
    Roll - 17
    Result - SUCCESS

    - DoME [$ 3,770,000,000.00 ]
    -- Construct O'Neill Cylinder Cluster in Griff's Leap* [75]
    Target - 75
    Roll - 71
    Result - SUCCESS

    - Research [$ 1,865,000,000.00 ]
    -- Kraken-T Capital Missile* [65]
    Target - 65
    Roll – 80, ShadowArxxy reroll - 100
    Result -Critical FAILURE


    December begins with a bang. Literally. The R&D station in the Inner Asteroid Belt where the Kraken-T research has been wrapping up has exploded in a titanic fireball, the cause of which is still uncertain. It appears to have been a truly catastrophic accident with the test missiles, but nobody is sure because the heavily armored station has been utterly annihilated.

    The worst part about it is that General Karin Stewart and Dr Anna Bryant were both on board to oversee the final tests in what should have been a triumphant completion of the project. In one fell swoop you have lost your military and research advisor at the same time you are needing to replace your Interior and Diplomatic advisors.

    The best that can be reconstructed from the accident is that the testbed Kraken-T magazine had ‘catastrophically detonated’, which in turn had detonated the station's own fuel tanks as well as the anti-missile magazines carried for last-ditch defense. Several other experimental pieces of ordnance were also on board, including some early prototypes of new Naval Autocannon shells and such, and those had clearly contributed to the explosion.

    The entire R&D team is dead, the labs are destroyed, most of the data on the Kraken-T project has either been destroyed or is considered highly suspect since nobody is sure what went wrong. Intelligence and the Special Branch both report that there is absolutely no sign of any foul play.

    Rebuilding the lab and recruiting a replacement R&D team is possible, but would be either exceptionally expensive or take some time. Qualified engineers and researchers at this level do not grow on trees, after all, and luring them away from well-paid work in the private sector would be expensive, and training fresh talent up from scratch would take time.
    []Emergency replacement and recruitmentThe entire basis of our superiority has been our technology and R&D advantage. Losing a research lab is catastrophic and the faster we replace it the betterWe still have 9 teams available and can be patient with replacing this one. Better to save the resources for other projects than frivolously spend them needlessly
    • Replaces lost Research slot
    • Costs $2,000,000,000.00
    • Zeroes out Research Event counter
    []Rebuild over timeWe have 9 active R&D teams. Yes the loss of one hurts us, but it is not a catastrophe. Taking time to replace them won’t hurt us in the long run, spending too much money could.Slowing down the pace of R&D would be a critical mistake. Our entire strategy is based on our R&D advantage, let’s not risk it now
    • New project to replace the research slot would become available
      • Would take 5 years at a cost of $200,000,000 a year

    You also have advisors to replace. For the military you have two different angles you could take. You have three perfectly qualified branch commanders available that you’ve worked with and are very familiar with. You have complete confidence in all three of them, even with their foibles and such. Or you could promote one of your two Corps Commanders to the position, as they are the highest ranked officers who aren’t already heads of a service branch and would be acceptable to all involved.
    []Gen. Leeroy JenkinsYour current IGA CO and a long time colleague, you’ve trusted him with your life on multiple occasions and he’s never let you down despite his joking demeanor.
    []Gen. Penelope RomanovThe current CO of the IGAF. Of the three current service heads you have the least experience with her, but she’s been a solid officer who has an excellent service record
    []Admiral Thanh GriffithYour sister and the current head of the IGN. Also the current record holder for ‘Most times thrown through the Tyler Lee Memorial Window of Defenestration’
    []Gen. Frank EnglishCurrent CO of 1st Corps, was the field commander for the conquest of Okusawa. Very steady man who came up through the Infantry rather than Mech branch. Is somewhat notorious for not having a working sense of humor.
    []Gen. Anne BradleyCurrent CO of 2nd Corps, is currently overseeing the occupation of Okusawa. Very calm individual with a strong reputation for innovative strategic thinking.

    For the Research advisor position you have a variety of choices.

    Dr Richard Whitehead is the current interim head of the department, having served as Dr Bryant’s deputy since she took the position initially. Has a reputation as a straight-shooter but has never been a leader, rather always being a deputy or assistant.

    Dr Jessica Glen is a medical researcher with an excellent reputation. She holds multiple doctorates in various biological sciences in addition to her M.D. and still occasionally covers emergency room shifts at a local trauma center here in Griffsport when her other duties permit. Is willing to take the position on a short-term basis, but comes very highly recommended.

    Dr Mitsuhara Kurihara is a KF and quantum physicist, with a reputation for being the ‘absent minded genius’ who is easily distracted yet undeniably brilliant. Much of the underlying theorycraft used in your development of KF drives and HPGs has been the result of his work. He’d not be the most efficient administrator, but he does have a gift for hiring skilled assistants to cover his weak spots in that regard and is quite self-aware enough to know of his issues keeping focused.

    Grace Rivas has never allowed anybody to call her ‘doctor’ twice, she feels that since she isn’t an MD she doesn’t deserve the title. This despite the fact that she has six Ph.Ds in fields ranging from electrical engineering to chemistry to computer science to mechanical and civil engineering. She is also the youngest of the candidates to replace Dr Bryant.

    Dr Luke Stevens is a senior administrator for the R&D teams and has a solid reputation in that role, however he is known to be somewhat abrasive towards those who don’t measure up to his incredibly exacting standards.
    []Dr Richard Whitehead
    []Dr Jessica Glen
    []Dr Mitsuhara Kurihara
    []Grace Rivas
    []Dr Luke Stephens
    (QM Note - when I rolled the severity of the critical failure that led to this, if I had rolled any higher Jeremy would have been on the research station when it exploded and we’d have a new Empress)

    Finally in the personnel department you need to select replacements for Bridget and Isoroku as they retire.
    []Interior ReplacementCommentary
    []Ethan PhillipsCurrent deputy minister of the department, in most ways Bridget’s diametric opposite. Very focused and rather boring but quite efficient
    []Elizabeth LeeShe’s a cousin of yours, another great great grandchild of Tyler Lee. Only in her 30s, she’s already built her own orbital infrastructure services company from the ground up into a multi-billion dollar concern before shifting to the public sector and working with the interior department as a consultant for the past 5 years.
    []Dr. Darryl RhodesCurrent head of DoME, a brilliant engineer and terraforming specialist. Was the chief designer of the current generation of pollution control equipment being rolled out on Okusawa and has an excellent reputation within the department
    []Mia WiederThe Chief Operations Officer of Majeure Electrique with an excellent background in facilities management and development. The accountants there are begging you to select somebody else while the chief designer is begging you to hire her, both on the grounds that she seems to be the only person able to control said chief designer.
    []Dean Thomas GrabskiThe current head of the business school at Griffin’s Roost University, has a long and distinguished academic and business career, primarily in the financial services sector.

    []Foreign Minister replacementCommentary
    []Jon AddamsYour current ambassador to the NRI. A career foreign service professional with a distinguished resume.
    []Moshe ReznickYour current ambassador to the NRR. A retired Colonel in the IGA, has an excellent relationship with the current NRR leadership
    []Celina NowickiThe current head of the Department of Cultural Affairs and Isoroku’s current deputy minister. Has been with the ministry her entire career, almost exclusively in cultural affairs.
    []Dr. Leila TeitelbaumThe dean of the International Relations program at GRU, previously served as ambassador to the NRR and was a critical part of the diplomatic team that worked with the Crimson Storm.
    []Peter NusbaumA bit of a dark horse, an academic with a history of being highly critical of the Empire’s focus on military expansion at the expense of diplomatic relations.

    In far more positive news, the Miranda you had sent out to search for the Free Folk has returned, accompanied by a badly damaged Free Folk Tramp that has seen far better days. A group of pirates had captured and enslaved the Free Folk and the expedition had decided that this just wasn’t cricket, attacked the pirate base, freed the Free Folk, recovered their ship before the pirates could get done with it, wiped out said pirates in the process, made field repairs using the facilities at the base, destroyed the base to deny it to any other little pirate bands out here, and have no returned. Frankly, the entire thing reads like a pulp adventure story out of the distant past.

    Both the Tramp and the Miranda are currently in the repair yard. The media is having a field day over it all. The pirates in question apparently were an offshoot of the various groups that had been plaguing the NRI for so long.

    The massive economic investment and focused development has seen great dividends, significantly boosting the local economies of the systems in question. New Pollux in particular has seen a massive boost in economic growth thanks to all the attention it has received, both in terms of commercial investment but also all of the new factories that have been built there.

    More good news comes from the survey of GX-K32. On a hunch the survey commander had requested that the IGN provide a heavy warship escort for the survey which proved to be very wise indeed. Two Fletcher class destroyers and a Dart light cruiser fresh from the refit yards swept through the system along with the survey Miranda. The place was crawling with small bands of pirates, none of whom had any jumpships to their name and all of whom were fighting with each other when you arrived.

    The fleet rather quickly put an end to most of the nonsense and in the process gained some valuable intelligence on these pirate groups and how they organized, grew, and operated.

    This particular system, dubbed New Port Royal by the locals, had been one of the ‘two great ports’ of the pirate bands. There are actually four habitable worlds in the system, although one of them earns that status on a technicality and another is an incredibly unpleasant place indeed unless you like 99% humidity and temperatures between 37 and 54 degrees celsius.

    The vast majority of people in the system were actually incredibly happy to see you, even many of the ‘pirate bands’ that were fighting were not nearly as hostile as expected. Some were, to be fair, but for every band that was aggressive, two or three others weren’t.

    According to the reports, this is because of how the ‘culture’ here works. The largest and most powerful pirate bands had settled this place centuries ago, raiding the NRI heavily, along with other, less established, states in the region, most of which have been destroyed. They practices mass slavery, bringing in captives from their raids and using them as chattel labor. However, if a slave managed to either escape or kill their ‘owner’, to those older bands this was ‘proof’ that they were ‘worthy’, at least of a degree of freedom. Those ex-slaves would be branded across the face and driven out into the wilderness. Over time bands of the ‘branded’ would form and begin raiding the pirate settlements for supplies, eventually becoming new bands of pirates in their own right and continuing the cycle. They kept up the same traditions as their progenitors, even as the older bands were either picked to death, wiped out by the NRI or other threats, or vanished into the depths of space in pursuit of new opportunities.

    About fifteen or so years ago the largest remaining bands had started to gather up their forces, resources, and chattel and began migrating away from the Ports. The most aggressive of the small bands had tried to take their place via aggressive raiding of the NRI and you, mostly being wiped out in the process, leaving even smaller bands to fight over resources and try and gain enough strength to take over.

    This system had seen a Black Steel raid a few years back, a pair of Vincents had attacked and had eventually been overwhelmed by various bands managing to work together, although none of said bands had survived themselves as they’d been so weakened that others had torn them apart.

    At this point the vast majority of the population of the system are long term ‘slaves’ whos masters had wiped themselves out in the in-fighting, small bands of ex-slaves battling among themselves for dominance, a few surviving pirate bands who’d mostly wiped themselves out attacking your expedition, and that was pretty much that. According to the expedition CO, as far as they can tell none of the actual ‘pirates’ are left. The locals are quite cheerful about this and have loudly proclaimed the expedition to be the ‘new big boss’ in the system. The CO is requesting instructions.
    []Griffon Empire Will Grow LargerSend in a Corps to fully pacify the system, claim it for the Empire, set up an actual civil government, and begin the process of introducing the concept of ‘rule of law’ to these people.
    • Cost - $1,000,000,000
    • Will gain 1 HPG station in New Port Royal
    • Will gain a new system with the following initial statistics
      • Population - 750,000,000
      • GDP - $100,000,000
      • Econ Rating of 50
      • Health Rating of 30
      • POP Limit of 100
      • Factory Rating of 4
      • Infrastructure rating of 10
    • Will unlock actions related to New Port Royal Integration
    • Wreckage of 2 Black Steel Vincent Mk 42 to study. Neither is salvageable to a usable state.
    []Nation building for fun and profitMaking them part of the Empire is too much trouble considering the high likelihood of this being a criminal mecca.

    Send in light occupation forces and attempt to work with the locals to help them establish themselves as a hopefully friendly neighbor.
    • No initial cost
    • Unlocks actions related to New Port Royal nation building
    • Wreckage of 2 Black Steel Vincent Mk 42 to study. Neither is salvageable to a usable state

    The new commercial stations have been built, boosting commerce in the Empire. Likewise the New Pollux HPG station is fully online.

    The small warship yards in the core systems have been expanded, increasing your available slips for future production. In addition the Refit & Repair network has expanded, giving you ever greater support for your growing navy.

    Lamellar Ferro-Carbide, Ferro-Aluminum and DHS orbital factories have all been upgraded yet again, increasing production significantly.

    The O’Neill Cylinder cluster in Griff’s Leap has been inaugurated, with over a hundred new stations brought online with a single flick of a switch to allow for significant population growth in the otherwise uninhabitable system. Prudently, none of the new stations are anywhere near the prison complex, which would have been rather awkward indeed.

    The first unit of the Wichita class heavy cruisers is progressing much faster than expected and should be completed a year ahead of schedule. Otherwise the entire naval building program for the year is progressing quite well, on budget and on schedule. You like it when the only surprises in a program are good ones. Likewise Army and Aerospace procurement is all fully on track, with the new units coming into service as planned.
    Turn 80 - I'm a Soldier of Freedom in the Army of the Man
  • Turn 80 - I’m a Soldier of Freedom in the Army of the Man

    Evidently bringing three quarters of a billion people into the Empire whose concept of personal property is, to put it delicately, defective might have an effect on crime rates. Residents of New Port Royal gleefully take advantage of being part of the Empire and cannot seem to comprehend the concept of ‘law’ and ‘order’, especially outside the context of ‘they have a big gun pointed at me’. Needless to say there have been a number of incidents, but the IGMP is on top of the situation.

    What is amazing about the entire situation is just how cheerful the ex-slaves are about such things. Shopkeepers on New Castor have found success simply putting up large signs at the door reminding shoppers to please remember to pay for any goods before leaving and, surprisingly, it seems to work. They aren’t really bad people, just from a rather skewed and dysfunctional cultural matrix. Luckily your education and legal system has experience in this regard, what with the various slave groups you’d liberated over the years. Perhaps not at this scale, but the comparison remains.

    One completely unexpected benefit of the situation is that it turns out that the surviving ‘pirates’ are actually pretty damn good shots and once they realize the purpose behind it they take to military discipline and training very well indeed. Instructors report that they are having to explain the purpose behind certain things in much greater detail than they are accustomed to, but that is forcing them to critically examine their own assumptions as well.

    The low-level insurrection continues on Okusawa. The latest targets for the fanatics are schools and medical facilities that are being built for the local population in an attempt to dissuade the locals from taking advantage of them. Arrest rates have, however, gone up, success rates on the attacks have gone down, and several more hidden factories and armories have been found and shut down.

    The only major attack that succeeded was a mortar strike on a high school graduation ceremony resulting in almost a hundred dead and three times as many injured. The perpetrators were caught by a locally raised militia unit and rather surprisingly survived long enough to be taken into custody by the IGMP, albeit without any teeth and with three shattered limbs, as evidently the locals thought it tacky to cut off their both of their hands so they left the off-hand so they could still wipe their own asses. Thoughtful of them, you guess.

    Local authorities are requesting the dispatch of major special forces to the system to coordinate a massive sweep against ISF holdouts. This would be a bit expensive, and your special forces units are not trained for law enforcement duties so the amount of, well, breakage would probably be rather high.
    []Send in the 1st Spec Ops Division
    • Cost $5,000,000
    • -1% POP growth on Okusawa
    • -1% GDP growth on Okusawa
    • +1 Econ Rating on Okusawa
    • -1 Approval Change
    • +2 Politics
    • Adds 1d2 counters to ending the Okusawa unrest
    • Roll 1d2. On a 1, -5 Approval, on a 2 +5 Approval
    []Leave it to law enforcement only
    • +1 Approval Change
    • -2 Politics
    • Adds 1d2-1 counters to ending the Okusawa unrest
    • Roll 1d2. On a 1, -5 Approval, on a 2 +5 Approval

    New Capricorn and New Port Royal are experiencing unexpected, but very welcome, economic booms, but for varying reasons.

    On New Capricorn several new factories have opened producing agricultural tractors and tooling optimized for conditions on New Eden. New Eden farmers are purchasing the optimized equipment at an extremely brisk rate as yields nearly double thanks to the new equipment. Food prices throughout the Empire have dropped as the New Eden breadbasket becomes even more productive, with shipping costs now making up almost 90% of the cost of food produced there. As a consequence several new shipping lines exclusively dedicated to the New Eden agricultural trade have opened their doors and will begin revenue operation in the coming years.

    New Port Royal, on the other hand, is the newest hot tourist trade destination and, for good or for ill, the latest mecca for the delicately named ‘vice trade’. While they are being quite careful, under the eye of the ICMP at least, to avoid breaking any actual Imperial laws, the local system laws on things like prostitution, drugs, gambling and the like are virtually non-existent outside of requiring consent. It is quite telling that the system capital is called New Vegas, with the tagline ‘Las Vegas was for wimps and prudes’. Considering that the advertising copy from there has been censored in every single jurisdiction in the Empire off of New Port Royal… even considering the generally laid back attitude towards prurience and such… yeah, that’s saying something.

    You are not going to allow any of your grandkids anywhere near the planet. Your grandfather might have agreed with you, and Tyler was… Tyler. You still have the lifetime subscriptions he gifted you with on your 16th birthday, although you swear you still get them for the articles.

    You’ve installed your new advisors. General Jenkins and Grace have initiated a thorough review of the circumstances leading to the tragedy at the Kraken-T demonstration test. So far nothing firm has been established, although there are no signs of foul play, the test protocols were fully in line with best practices, and investigation of personnel involved show absolutely no issues whatsoever. The report you read noted in a sidebar that at this point the only ‘theory’ that had not been categorically ruled out was Calliope IV squirrels causing a cascade failure like what happened several years ago to the LAM factory. With the caveat that nobody has been able to figure out any plausible means for Calliope IV squirrels to get to the station in the first place.

    Dark humor, perhaps, but you are a career soldier, you appreciate dark humor at times.

    You did spend several enjoyable hours chasing General Jenkins around the palace with fell intent of defenestration after he issued a memo reminding you that as Emperor you are required to wear the Emperor uniform, complete with ridiculously oversized shoulder ornamental ‘spike’, or a Princess dress when ‘on-duty’. That he thoughtfully sent over an oversized foam rubber mallet with the memo was quite intelligent of him, but alas he’s twenty years younger than you and in somewhat better shape, so the little shit manages to avoid being hammered as he deserved.

    That does, however, serve to remind you to finally settle the uniform issue for good. The old Griffon uniforms are getting dated and provide little differentiation between the three major service branches. You have polled the branch leaders for their opinions.

    The Imperial Griffon Army has rallied behind a proposal from some historically minded folks who desire to resurrect the ancient ‘pinks and greens’ uniform from the old United States Army as the service dress uniform, with the undersuits for the power armor worn by the infantry, vehicle crews, and mechwarriors serving as the field uniform. You do think they are rather nice looking and wouldn’t have minded wearing them when you were in. Plus, quite bluntly, they look far more comfortable than the current getup.

    No spiky bits, for one thing.

    The Imperial Griffon Aerospace Force is holding out for these sleek blue and red jumpsuits that look like they were inspired by some cartoon, being all blocks of color and straight lines. Either that or these ridiculously over the top fancy uniforms that look like they sprang from the imagination of some Old Earth dictator, considering how much bling and sparkle they have. General Romanov has privately informed you that both proposals were evidently pushed by various pranksters within the branch and that she’s inclined to hoist them by their own petards by approving both on an interim basis. The actual uniform she’s approving is the same cut as the Army uniform, but in dark blue with red highlights at the seams.

    The Imperial Griffon Navy is being quite sensible with the whole thing, styling the shipboard uniforms with an eye to pure function, making them skin suits with easy attachments for pressure gloves and helmet using different colored sleeves to indicate duty station, and the formal uniforms being another variation of the Army uniform, this time in black with actual shoulder boards and gold trim.

    You are quite pleased to see that all the proposals incorporate strict limits on decorations worn on the uniform itself. Apart from the name badge, the branch badge, rank insignia, and the Imperial Griffon shoulder flash, the only things to be worn are a single qualification badge and the highest earned medal for valor. All other medals and badges are to be attached to an ‘I Love Me’ board to be mounted on the inside of their assigned lockers.

    You approve of that.

    There’s a brief scare at Sukaishi when a very shiny new Luxor class cruiser jumps in, but the IFF is that of the Crimson Storm and they immediately identify themselves as such. Your little sister and her husband are on board, but your parents have chosen to remain behind with the various Crimson Storm kids playing doting parents to them all.

    The captain of the Luxor is horrified to hear about the Black Steel attack. They’d been dealing with scattered Black Steel raids on their end, but nothing serious. The captain promises to carry a message back home for you. They’ve also been authorized to give you samples of some of their cybernetic augmentation kits, which will be very useful for any R&D projects you perform on cybernetic augmentations.
    Turn 80 - Now I'm a Soldier of Fortune, I'm a Dog of War (yeah)
  • Turn 80 - Now I’m a Soldier of Fortune, I’m a Dog of War (yeah)

    The 1st Special Forces Division deploys to Okusawa directly into the operation, striking at a dozen confirmed ISF safehouses and facilities.

    All of the facilities were destroyed, significantly hindering the capabilities of the ISF holdouts and insurgents. However this isn’t to say it was a complete success. In many ways, it was a minor disaster that prevented a far far worse one. One of the compounds hit was a chemical weapons site, and during the strike the insurgents fired off multiple barrages of chemical shells into the surrounding areas.

    The gas was a fairly common VX derivative, deadly if untreated and with some lingering properties, but nothing all that special. But the facility itself had over a thousand tons of the stuff in the process of being loaded into mortar shells and rockets, and the actual gas release and chemical attack resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of people outside the evacuation zone. Even worse, one of the weapons that they’d had hidden in the facility was a Long Tom, and they managed to fire it twice before it was destroyed. And one of the shells hit an elementary school ten miles outside the evacuation zone during recess, killing hundreds of kids. Worst of all a news crew had been at the school filming a general interest piece and caught the attack on camera.

    Short-term, it is a PR debacle, however if that facility hadn’t been hit when it was, the results would have been far more catastrophic. Analysts indicate that given the stockpiles of precursor chemicals on hand, the number of shells and weapons available, and given enough time to complete their work, the ISF could have unleashed a chemical weapons attack that would have killed tens of million. As it is, things are bad, but your spokesmen are able to stress that it was the best of a menu of terrible options.

    The short term upshot is that a significant blow has been delivered to the insurgents. They are by no means defeated, but their ability to unleash mass casualty WMD attacks has been eliminated. Long term, this should result in the insurrection failing under the weight of ordinary police tactics from the IGMP.

    On Griffon, the Department of Periphery Studies sponsored ‘war’ in the parks around the Palace has sputtered to an end. You are rather worried about what they might come up with next.

    You should have been very worried.


    They have decided to become mimes.

    This is horrifying enough that you decide not to think about it any further. That could lead to a mime-field of bad mime jokes and you really don’t want to mime-ic your dad too much in this regard.

    Wait, you already are. Your grandkids are groaning at the horrible puns.

    So there’s a silver lining to all of this.

    Parliament is in session and the Imperial Senate is hard at work.

    Legislation has been proposed that has some controversy but also plenty of support. Currently logistics support for the AFGE is sourced from commercial sources to the lowest bidder that meets quality requirements. That is all well and good, but it has over time resulted in a few massive conglomerates completely dominating the supply market for the AFGE to a frankly concerning level. Overall costs for perishable supplies as well as spare parts and such were creeping up as fewer and fewer companies were able to compete for the contracts.

    Worse, in many ways, is that most of the current production capacity for perishable and durable logistical materials is almost completely automated, resulting in enormous profits for a smaller and smaller pool of ultra wealthy investors. This would normally not be much of a problem, but it has been determined by the Special Branch that there is a great deal of cartel-like behavior seeping into the system from both ends, costs to you are not dropping at a rate commensurate with the reduced costs to the vendors. Strictly speaking there’s absolutely nothing illegal going on, but it is the sort of thing that sours business relationships when discovered.

    The Senate is certainly quite sour on the situation, or at least the Eldest is, and a number of Senators have rallied around the Eldest to write legislation dealing with the situation.

    Under the proposed legislation, the Imperial Government would build dedicated Military Logistics Factories in various systems, then lease the factories to local firms at rates set by the Quartermaster Corps to produce the perishable and durable goods devoured by the military at frightening rates. The current system would remain in parallel, and if the megacorps currently dominating the segment wish to continue to profit off of the AFGE they’ll need to adapt. Local economies where such Military Logistics Factories are built would see significant ongoing economic benefits.

    Needless to say, the megacorps involved are lobbying hard against the legislation. Unfortunately for them it is mostly landing on deaf ears. The total headcount of employees within one of the single most lucrative market segments in the entire empire is under five digits in length. The farmers and ranchers who supply raw materials to the megacorps testify about the immense downward pressure that they place on the food markets for the producers while not passing on the savings to the consumers, while the Quartermaster Corps produces documentation showing a steady decline towards the minimum standards of things like field rations and commissary supplies while costs continually rise, albeit at a rate somewhat below that of inflation.

    Money does talk, and a number of Delegates to the Chamber are listening and opposing the legislation. They argue that the current system is stable and predictable, having withstood both market disruptions and enemy action, and that far less drastic action would be needed to correct the issues without throwing the baby out with the bathwater. These now megacorps in the sector all started out as small companies in what has not always been an at all profitable business, they have stuck things out for you through thick and thin and have earned consideration for their loyalty to the Empire. The long term contracts that the farmers and ranchers are complaining about have arbitration and renegotiation clauses, none of which have ever been activated by any of the producers.

    The opponents argue that the main barrier to entry isn’t that the current players actively collude against new blood, but that the AFGE itself has entered into long-term contracts with the suppliers in order to drive costs down. New suppliers have to find market niches that are not already contractually filled. The Special Branch investigation shows that the megacorps involved do indeed compete on a relatively level playing field when those new niches open without any illegal conduct. The Quartermaster Corps documentation also shows that at no point have any of the megacorps dropped below any requirements, and in those instances where requirements have been raised the companies in question have swiftly met or even exceeded the new requirements, often at lower costs than initially estimated.

    The megacorps aren’t opposed to shifting their business models, they just feel that the Senate proposal unfairly burdens them while subsidizing new competitors at the taxpayers expense. While they’d be able to buy into the new Military Logistics Factories and benefit the same as anybody else, they’d have to do so while maintaining their current facilities in order to meet their contractual requirements.

    The Chamber proposes a somewhat different bill. The same Military Logistics Factories would be built and available for lease, with the same goals of spreading out production and the like, but the existing megacorps would be given preferential access to said Factories during the transition period as they shift their operations from their own to the leased facilities. Once production is fully shifted, the preferential access would sunset and the current megacorps would then compete on a fully level playing field for access to the Factories.
    []Support the Senate plan
    • Creates a new category of factories ‘Logistics’
      • Logistics Factories will cost $100,000,000.00 to build and take 1 turn
      • Logistics Factories draw from the same pool of available Factories as Mech, ASF, and Conventional Factories
      • Logistics Factories base upkeep is $10,000 per year
      • Logistics Factories Benefits
        • Core Worlds
          • Adds .0001% to system GDP per Logistics Factory in system
        • Peripheral Worlds
          • Adds .001% to system GDP per Logistics Factory in system
    • +5 Approval Rating
    • +1 Approval Change
    • -5 Politics
    • +1 Imperial Economy Rating
    • -5 Economy Event Rating
    []Support the Chamber plan
    • Creates a new category of factories ‘Logistics’
      • Logistics Factories will cost $100,000,000.00 to build and take 1 turn
      • Logistics Factories draw from the same pool of available Factories as Mech, ASF, and Conventional Factories
      • Logistics Factories base upkeep is $10,000 per year
      • Logistics Factories Benefits
        • Core Worlds
          • Adds .0001% to system GDP per Logistics Factory in system
        • Peripheral Worlds
          • Adds .001% to system GDP per Logistics Factory in system
    • For the next 10 turns
      • -1% Interest Rate
    • +5 Approval Rating
    • -1 Approval Change
    • +5 Politics
    • -1 Imperial Economy Rating
    • +5 Economy Event Rating
    []Veto both
    • -1 Approval
    • -1 Approval Change
    • -1 Politics
    • -10 support Imperial Senate
    • -10 support Chamber of Delegates
    Turn 80 - Oh Nothing Gonna Stop Them As The Day Follows The Night
  • Turn 80 - Oh Nothing Gonna Stop Them As The Day Follows The Night

    You hadn’t been paying much attention to the Olympics, with other things that you deemed more important occupying your time and energy. They are, however, going on and being hosted on New Rasalhague this year.

    Only a few events really stand out to you. The Griffon Women’s Gymnastics Team manages to edge out the NRI team for the gold medal behind a trio of highly talented young gymnasts from Nowy Wroclaw. And in Motorcycle Racing the cycle of Griffon dominance is broken by an amazing performance by the home team.

    In the end Team Griffon brings home 12 gold medals, with the host team coming in second in the gold medal count with 10.

    The Department of Periphery Studies Mime Infestation is continuing, much to your disgust. You are very fortunate that only your kids have the video of you yelling at one enterprising mime who bears a shocking resemblance to your sister to ‘learn the damn words!’ before kicking her out of the Window of Defenestration.

    A Black Steel Attack on New Phoenix, consisting of a single Aegis cruiser supported by a number of drone dropships and fighters, is repelled by the orbiting Silver Tower with assistance from a pair of Fletcher and one Dart. The Dart suffered some damage, which is being handled by the Refit & Repair Yard in system. No enemy missiles made it past the defenders, nor was any significant damage inflicted on infrastructure in orbit. The squadron in New Port Royal is attacked by a single Black Steel Vincent Mk 42 which it handily repulses with no damage sustained as they caught it as it was jumping in.

    You receive a report from your ambassador in the NRI, the Corvus class corvette has met its first combat challenge as a Black Steel raiding party of a pair of Essex class destroyers were swarmed and defeated by a dozen of the cheap little monsters. On the other hand, seven Corvus were lost, but the NRI seems quite satisfied with the little ship's performance. According to reports the NRI has another dozen of them under construction at this time.

    Here in the Griffon system geologists are able to give ample warning of a volcanic eruption on the eastern coast of the continent of Castor. The region is only lightly inhabited and evacuations are carried out in a timely and effective manner. When the volcano does go off it is an extremely big one, rated as a 6 on the Volcanic Explosivity Index, comparable to historical eruptions such as Krakatoa in the 19th century CE. Thankfully the prevailing winds are advantageous in terms of protecting population centers from the ash clouds. Some air traffic is needing to be rerouted, but in general it is a news story of interest rather than a disaster of concern. The system government is well on top of things.

    The New Castor system government is requesting assistance from the IGMP due to a surge in crime, mostly from New Port Royal expatriates. The polite signs requesting that they pay for goods has curbed most of the casual theft, but the overall crime rate is still significantly elevated. Admittedly most of it is quite petty in nature, primarily serious misdemeanors rather than felonies, but it is becoming a concerning issue considering the relatively small size of the system police force thanks to how small the colony is overall. The IGMP is on the case and reports that they believe that simple education may well be the most useful tool in their arsenal, rather than any serious enforcement work.

    And then it is time for the budget. You are so excited.

    Really, you truly understand now why your mom always looked forward to budget time with such anticipation. And bottles of antacids, but mostly anticipation. Your granddaughter doesn’t believe you.

    General Jenkins shows up wearing a tennis outfit, bouncing a tennis ball on a racket, and skipping. He then proceeds to give his part of the briefing while bouncing the ball off of the ceiling.

    “Well, boss, you decided to bump me upstairs, so look what you got. We need more production, we need more garrison units, and after this meeting you and I have an appointment on the court where I will once again kick your majestic ass like I did the last time we played.”

    You remember that last match much differently than he does, considering that you are pretty sure that you beat him in straight sets and didn’t let him score a single point.

    “Our strategic materials are in fair to middling shape, more endo-steel would be nice, as would more ferro-aluminum and double heat sinks, not to mention ensuring that lamellar ferro-carbide production numbers stay up. We’d always like more mech and tank and fighter production. With that, allow me to introduce your new Army chief. General Bradley?”

    You catch the tennis ball when the little shit tries to hit you with it, or more likely lost control of it knowing how terrible he is at tennis, and the former commander of 2nd Corps steps up.

    “Your Majesty, following the review of ground forces in the recent fighting we have developed a new unit concept and will soon be soliciting bids for some new Mech designs as we finalize our plans. With that in mind, we would like to continue to expand our light and medium mech production as well as boosting conventional vehicle production as much as possible in addition to the new logistics factories.”

    She checks her notes and brings up a display. “The new formations are what we are calling Light Mechanized and Light Armored Regiments. We have new AFV designs ready for production for these units. One outstanding feature of this new equipment is that, similar to our garrison kit, they do not make use of strategic materials in the construction, significantly reducing costs and boosting availability.”

    The display shows a family of vehicles, all plainly sharing a common design lineage but not omnivehicles, ranging from a light tank all the way to an infantry fighting vehicle, artillery tank, missile tank, and AAA tank. All of around 50 tons in mass, all tracked, and all looking quite modern.

    She then brings up the procurement display.
    • Production Facilities
      • Standard Mech Factories
        • 3 on Edelsteine
      • Conventional Factories
        • 4 on Nowy Wroclaw
      • Logistics Factories
        • 2 on Edelsteine
        • 1 on New Capricorn
    • Procurement
      • Mechs
        • LAM
          • 3 Raider LAM
            • To complete 3 Pathfinder Brigades
        • Light/Medium Mechs
          • 3 Pathfinder Regiments
            • To fill out the 6th Pathfinder Brigade
          • 6 Armored Cavalry Regiments
            • For both a new Brigade Combat Team and a new Cavalry Division
          • 6 Light Horse Regiments
            • For a new Cavalry Division
        • Heavy/Assault Mechs
          • 3 Standard Mech Regiments
            • For a new Brigade Combat Team
          • 1 Garrison Mech Regiment
            • To fill out the garrison mech division
          • 4 Assault Regiments
            • To form the core of a new Assault Division
      • Conventional Forces
        • 3 Armored Regiments
          • For a new Brigade Combat Team
        • 3 Light Mechanized Regiments
          • For a new Light Armored Division
        • 6 Light Armored Regiments
          • For a new Light Armored Division
        • 14 Garrison Regiments

    General Romanov is up next. “Your Majesty, thanks to prior planning last year we will not be overstressed in terms of ASF production this year, which is a significant relief. For all projected hangars to be filled this year we will need to procure 18 Fighter Wings, operating under the planning criteria that we will be procuring two White Tower stations for New Port Royal this year. Under consultation with the IGN we are also requesting 18 of the new Heavy Carrier Wings to equip next year's tranche of Saipan carriers.”
    • Production Facilities
      • Expand Ferro-Aluminum Orbital Factories
      • Expand Double Heat Sink Orbital Factories
    • Procurement
      • 18 Fighter Wings
      • 18 Heavy Carrier Wings

    She sits down and your sister takes her place. “OK, we are still very satisfied with our dropship production numbers, at this point we can fully sustain that part of the navy without requiring expanded facilities. This is also significantly reducing the stress on the Naval Academies by reducing the need for more crews for such relatively minor craft, which is helping keep the commandants of said academies from murdering us in our sleep.”

    She fires up the projector. “Our procurement requests this year are pretty straightforward. We want it all, and we want it now.” And heaven help you, she actually fires up that song while showing the charts.
    • Production Facilities
      • 3 Small Warship Yards
        • 1 in each of the Core Systems
      • Expand all Refit & Repair Yards
    • Procurement Requests
      • Standard Dropships
        • 35 Bainbridge parasite DD
        • 35 Trenton parasite transports
      • Large Dropships
        • 18 Saipan parasite carriers
        • 20 Canopus parasite battleships
      • Jumpships
        • 5 Galleon-class jumpships
      • Escorts
        • 2 Supply-class logistics vessels
      • Small Warships
        • 2 Atlanta-class Light Cruisers
        • 1 Brooklyn-class Light Command Cruiser

    Your new Interior Minister is nothing like Bridget, but she does irresistibly remind you of a female version of your grandfather. Which is appropriate, since Elizabeth Lee is related to you via the redoubtable Tyler Lee. “Your Majesty, we in Interior are fully prepared to support any building program required to meet our military's production requirements. In addition, we have a DoME team ready to roll out to meet any more involved requirements. We are recommending deploying them to our newest colony in the New Port Royal system to engage in a massive infrastructure construction and repair project to bring the system up to our standards as quickly as possible. It is a five year projected project with our experts highly confident in their ability to complete the work on time and on budget. That being said, another option for the DoME team is to hold off on any new assignments until we see the results of the latest terraforming research so as to be able to take immediate advantage of any new opportunities in that regard.”

    She looks down at her notes. “Economically speaking, we recommend Core World development focuses here in the Griffon system, and Peripheral focuses in the New Castor system. The most beneficial investment opportunity is most likely going to be in the Griff’s Leap system to complement the new O’Neill Cylinder cluster there, or alternately in the New Phoenix system to boost potential growth in that part of the Empire or even in the Okusawa system despite the unrest as a sign of confidence in the future prospects of the system.”

    She then returns to her seat. Dr Teitelbaum is up next. She’s a rather distinguished looking woman who doesn’t appear to be the sort to brook any nonsense. “Your Majesty, Foreign Affairs are moving along smoothly with no issues to report or projects of note at this time. There is, however, one decision that will need to be made. We have been in discussions with the Crimson Storm officer who provided transport for your sister and brother-in-law home and they have requested the appointment of a formal ambassador. Unfortunately, due to the distances involved we will not be able to be in HPG communication with whomever you send, thus they will need to be absolutely trustworthy to represent the Empire’s interests on their own without the luxury of checking in with us. Of our current senior diplomatic personnel with the qualifications for the position, I believe that the best fit would actually be Ambassador Addams, our current ambassador to the NRI. He has an excellent charge d'affaires at this time who would be eminently suitable to take over as our ambassador to the NRI.”

    Lien is up next. “Your Majesty, your political team is in excellent shape, Parliament is behaving themselves and everything. The only two things that we would recommend which would be beneficial to the Empire would be further expansion of the Civil Service and further investment in parks and recreation.”

    Then it is another new advisor's turn. Grace Rivas is a stocky Hispanic woman who quite obviously is no stranger to the weight room, despite the overall air of outright nerdiness, for lack of a better term, that seems to fill the air around her. And she’s pretty enthusiastic, plus she’s brought a pet raptor to the meeting with her. “Your Majesty, we’ve got one R&D team fully stocked and ready and eager to get started. If you wish, we could restart work on the Kraken-T project, the post-mortems pretty much all point to some freak accident in the experimental magazine itself. Yes we have to start from scratch, yes that sucks, but oh well. Or we could do something different. I know we don’t use these things much, but upgrading machine guns might be more valuable than it seems at first glance. Yes they would be mostly useless in and of themselves, but I wonder if we’ll be able to apply what we learn from that project to other weapon systems. Besides, the boys in the munitions department have a running pool as to whether or not the upgrade will result in Yet Another M2 Browning. I recommend putting your money on yes, that design is like life, it always finds a way. We have a number of projects hopefully completing this year. I’ve ordered that all final testing is to be conducted remotely for the time being, after thorough sweeps for invasive squirrels. I am not willing to take a chance that it’s not squirrels. Lowca here is pretty good at hunting squirrels.`` She pats her pet raptor’s head, who is grinning and has been extremely well-behaved during the meeting.

    Uh-oh… General Messerschmidt is grinning, and gesturing for Martina to go first, which she does.

    “Your Majesty, our deployment of the IGMP to New Castor has so far been productive, but the limited resources of a standard deployment means that progress is pretty slow. They’ve indicated that the single biggest issue is that New Port Royal simply has absolutely no cultural ‘memory’ of ‘law’ or ‘order’ or ‘justice’. We would like to organize a mass deployment of the Special Branch and IGMP to New Port Royal, not in some sort of massive criminal sweep, but rather to engage in mass community outreach in order to teach people in the system the importance of law and order as well as the difference between a civilized justice system and the anarchic abomination that they had previously.”

    Now it’s the good General’s turn, and he’s grinning. “Well, Your Majesty, we still have no Black Steel prisoners, the NRR is getting pretty quiet, mostly thanks to the Olympics, and the folks on New Port Royal have been quite forthright with us about that entire mess. I would like to especially commend Agent Rivers for discovering that hot cocoa with little marshmallows is apparently the way to get any resident of New Port Royal to cooperate with you.”

    He pauses, and you almost think you’ve dodged a bullet, when his grin widens. “And congratulations, Your Majesty, the NRI Senate has approved a proposal to install a 50 meter tall gold plated marble statue of yourself as Jupiter, Rex Deorum. I’m told that the same sculptor who did the statue on Nova Jupitereum has been retained for this vital project. Further, the Admiral in command of the squadron which defeated the Black Steel attack has been granted a triumph, which she has dedicated to Your Glory.”
    Turn 80 - Gonna Ride Across the River Deep and Wide
  • Turn 80 - Gonna Ride Across the River, Deep and Wide

    Meta Event54
    Dynasty Luck63
    Imperial Approval0
    Approval Change2
    Political Event-4
    Imperial Economy0
    Economic Event0
    Research Event3
    Nowa WarszawaEcon6
    Calliope IVEcon0
    New CapricornEcon7
    Nowy ŚląskEcon1
    Nowy WroclawEcon0
    Griff's LeapEcon0
    New PhoenixEcon2
    New EdenEcon3
    New CastorEcon0
    New PolluxEcon4
    New Port RoyalEcon8

    Plan: Integration Costs
    - Procurement [$ $550,697,535.69 ]
    -- Lay Down Major Unit [Construction - $294,124,887.00 ] (95)
    --- 35 Bainbridge [95]
    Target - 95
    Roll - 76
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 35 Trenton [95]
    Target - 95
    Roll - 45
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 18 Saipan [95]
    Target - 95
    Roll - 27
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 20 Canopus [95]
    Target - 95
    Roll - 78
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Lay down Jumpship [Jumpship Construction - $10,618,770.86 ] (75)
    --- 5 Galleon [75]
    Target - 75
    Roll - 75
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Lay down Warship [Warship Construction - $192,762,553.33 ] (80)
    --- 2 Supply [80]
    Target - 80
    Roll – 95, Yacovo reroll 21
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 2 Atlanta [80]
    Target - 80
    Roll - 30
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 1 Brooklyn [80]
    Target - 80
    Roll – 91, ShadowArxxy reroll – 92, Jarow reroll - 53
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Purchase New Units [ $ 53,191,324.50 ] (90)
    --- 18 Fighter Wing [auto]
    --- 18 Heavy Carrier Wing [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 34
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 3 Raider Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 32
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 6 Light Horse Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 53
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 6 Armored Cavalry Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 16
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 4 Pathfinder Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 51
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 3 Standard Mech Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 14
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 4 Assault Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 21
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 1 Garrison Mech Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 90
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 3 Armored Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 90
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 6 Light Armored Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 40
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 14 Garrison Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 77
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 3 Light Mechanized Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 7
    Result - SUCCESS

    - General [$ 3,425,544,110.20 ]
    -- Construct Oasis II Heavy Recharge Station New Castor Zenith* [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 8
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Construct Oasis II Heavy Recharge Station Okusawa Zenith* [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 31
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Construct Silver Tower 2 Kuroisora* [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 7
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Construct Silver Tower Okusawa* [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 73
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Construct Silver Tower New Castor* [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 74
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Construct White Tower New Port Royal Zenith [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 6
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Construct White Tower New Port Royal Nadir [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 31
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Focus Development on Peripheral World New Castor [65]
    Target - 65
    Roll - 1
    Result – Critical SUCCESS

    -- Focus Development on Core World Griffon [65]
    Target - 65
    Roll - 31
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Economic Investment Okusawa [85]
    Target - 85
    Roll - 48
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Construct Military Logistics Factory Edelsteine [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 43
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Construct Military Logistics Factory Edelsteine [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 89
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Construct Military Logistics Factory New Capricorn [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 77
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Focus Law Enforcement Resources on New Port Royal [75]
    Target - 75
    Roll - 29
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Broadcast Propaganda to Nya Kopenhamn III* [~]
    -- Broadcast Propaganda to Nya Kopenhamn IV* [~]
    -- Build Mech Factory Complex Edelsteine [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 42
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Build Mech Factory Complex Edelsteine [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 33
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Build Mech Factory Complex Edelsteine [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 23
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Upgrade All DHS Factories [75]
    Target - 75
    Roll - 46
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Upgrade All Endosteel Forges [75]
    Target - 75
    Roll - 56
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Upgrade All Ferro Aluminium Forges [75]
    Target - 75
    Roll - 66
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Construct Conventional Military Factory Nowy Wroclaw [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 62
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Construct Conventional Military Factory Nowy Wroclaw [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 31
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Construct Conventional Military Factory Nowy Wroclaw [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 88
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Construct Conventional Military Factory Nowy Wroclaw [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 2
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Build Light Warship Yard Griffon [75]
    Target - 75
    Roll - 37
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Build Light Warship Yard Nowa Warzsawa [75]
    Target - 75
    Roll - 56
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Build Light Warship Yard Calliope [75]
    Target - 75
    Roll – 91, automatic reroll - 43
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Upgrade Refit & Repair Yard [100]
    Target - 100
    Roll - 9
    Result - SUCCESS

    - DoME [$ 4,760,000,000.00 ]

    - Research [$ 1,865,000,000.00 ]
    -- Industrial Mechs Lvl 7* [105]
    Target - 105
    Roll - 18
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Terraforming Equipment Lvl 5* [95]
    Target - 95
    Roll - 7
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Naval Laser/35* [95]
    Target - 95
    Roll - 81
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Light Naval PPC* [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 25
    Result - SUCCESS


    The Crimson Storm have departed, taking Ambassador Addams and a small staff with them back to their home. In response to a few queries they confirm that the Black Steel are, unfortunately, one of the few factions that they know of with the capability of building and, more importantly, crewing new construction warships. Most groups lack the latter, with only the Crimson Storm themselves having the future possibility to crew additional vessels once the youngsters that your mother is helping to raise grow up.

    They’ve looked over the sensor data that you have of all confirmed Black Steel vessels and also confirm that they are all old construction vessels, the youngest being the McKenna which in and of itself was a SLN relic. However they state that they know that the Black Steel have produced multiple new-build vessels in the last several decades, none of which have shown up yet.

    Lovely, just lovely.

    Palace security has sent you a memo concerning the Tyler Lee Memorial Defenestration Window, noting that the storerooms containing replacement trick window glass panes need to be restocked and that the manufacturer is quoting a six week required lead time for the order. Therefore they are politely requesting that you refrain from tossing people out the window for the time being ‘unless they really deserve it’.

    General Jenkins really deserved it for his stunt using a ringer to beat you at tennis. You knew he had a near-twin brother, you didn’t know that he was a tennis pro. A bit of makeup, and you never noticed the difference… apart from the fact that you got your ass handed to you on a silver platter before hearing Jenkins giggling from the stands behind you. You can’t even whine about a security violation since his brother is fully vetted on the authorized list due to his work managing the Imperial Palace gift shop.

    Which causes you to pause for a moment, before hastily checking the gift shop. Damnit, they are selling those damn statues again. Only a check of the financials cools your wrath, as they are among the best selling items in the shop with all proceeds going to several charities that you support.

    The Imperial Griffon Aerospace Force’s review has been completed with a rather short and simple document, however there is every evidence that they not only put a great deal of thought into it but that they rigorously tested each and every assumption underlying things. You are rather impressed, actually, at the ratio of testing to recommendations.

    The conclusions state that all of the current ASF designs are perfectly viable, so long as they are employed correctly, and that all major front-line deficiencies have been addressed with the new Raptor, Merlin and Shrike designs in conjunction with refits to the older designs, which have already been carried out by the DURF. The remaining action item is a recommendation to procure a low resource use militia ASF to supplement planetary defenses, thus freeing up the ‘front line’ formations for more aggressive operations. They note that they are sending out a request to industry for proposals in that regard.

    A new sport has taken off on Calliope IV and shows signs of spreading elsewhere. Raptor Racing on complex obstacle courses. Animal rights groups were initially concerned, but that faded when it was discovered that the crazy things had more or less invented the sport themselves by simply deciding that it was fun to chase each other through places that they probably shouldn’t have been chasing each other through and having far too much fun doing it. Some enterprising raptor keepers (because nobody who has been claimed by a raptor is silly enough to think of themselves as owners, raptors are like cats, they have staff and always meant to do that) started filming the shenanigans and sharing it, and this has taken off into an industry.

    It is noted that there are no fixed rules for this sport, other than that the raptor has to be allowed to decide for themselves if they feel like racing that day. According to the officials, rules are pointless, because the raptors simply ignore them if they feel like it, then look far too cute to be penalized.

    Although ‘spilling the timekeeper's drink’ is a fixed 30 second penalty, enforced even against the most determined pout.

    Of course, you realize that the ‘sport’ has long been here in the Palace, ever since some of the grandkids got pet raptors of their own in fact, and is locally referred to as the Raptornapolis 500. Thankfully they have stopped using the two griffkittens as start/finish lines. The cubs might still be juveniles, but even the most insouciant raptor thinks twice when faced with an annoyed griffkitten the size of a small car. Luckily none of the cheeky things tried that with Bastet or Sekhmet.

    You read the reports concerning the economic development credits being disbursed on New Castor. One of the small startups that received a development loan is applying biotech to decorative flowers and has managed to produce actual ‘rainbow’ flowers of various types, ranging from rainbow daffodils to rainbow roses and tulips. The relevant agencies in charge of testing such things have cleared all of them for safety, showing no harmful mutations or undocumented biochemical reactions.

    A small article about them in a high society fashion magazine has resulted in a flood of orders to the company, causing a mini-economic boom on New Castor. In absolute terms it isn’t all that much, but every little bit does help in the long term and it does look good on the balance sheet.

    In general procurement is going quite well this year, for all three major services. You attend a number of commissioning ceremonies for the final flights of Dart class cruisers to be built, they’ve served you well and will continue to do so for years to come, but are no longer under consideration for production due to far more capable units that will start coming off the ways in the near future.

    You pay particular attention to the new light tanks of the proposed Light Mechanized Division. All of them strike you as rather well designed, mostly sharing many common mechanical parts but without the increased complexity which is the hallmark of omni designs. They also eschew the ‘tank rider’ concept of their larger cousins, meaning that only the IFVs carry any infantry at all, and even then they make use of the light suits rather than the more common standard suits.

    All of the new defensive stations have been completed, boosting your recharge network as well as your orbital and jump point defenses.

    Economic investment in Okusawa is having some effect, slightly reducing tensions as well as boosting the local economy. Riots, bombings, attempted assassinations and drive-by shootings are still a near daily occurrence, but that is an improvement on the previous hourly rate.

    The new Logistics factory complexes are already proving to be a significant hit with industry. The same megacorps that currently control the market are the biggest lessees of the new facilities, but this is resulting in a wider distribution of the supply network and adding robustness to it, which is quite welcome on the consumer end, as well as increasing the spread of the economic benefits from supplying the facilities locally. The megacorps are having to expand their headcounts rapidly despite the automation, and to their credit are paying their people top dollar in order to attract the greatest talent while being careful to restrict their hiring to the locales where the factories are located. Right now their ‘stock’ on Edelsteine is exceptionally high, so they are obviously doing something right.

    Overall factory construction is progressing well, with production levels rising to support additional brigades of medium mechs as well as divisions worth of conventional vehicles.

    New Port Royal is proving to be a source of much amusement in the Palace, especially in the Justice Ministry, as viewing the reports from the deployed IGMP and Special Branch personnel is almost worthy of comedy awards. The locals are quite willing to work with them, and it is obvious that there are plenty of positive effects from the efforts to prioritize law and order education. But there is just something surreal about a law enforcement lecture being held in a working, ummmm… how to put it delicately… adult entertainment venue where the entertainment goes well beyond lewd handholding. Although seeing a Special Branch officer explaining the concept of personal property using casino chips is right up there as well.

    New industrial and construction mechs have been developed, including a number of super-heavy industrial mech designs that can do the work of dozens of lesser machines. Future DoME and Interior projects should be much easier.

    In other R&D news, new DoME projects are now available to optimize peripheral worlds in terms of their ecosystems, ecology, and infrastructure in order to significantly improve growth rates across the board and their progression towards Core status. Each system has their own personalized plan for optimization which, while expensive, have excellent prospects for the various systems.

    Likewise DoME is now confident that they can at least begin the colonization and terraforming process on Catachan, although this would be a very long term project in terms of seeing results.

    The weapons folks have successfully trialed and proved the new naval lasers and light naval PPCs, giving you more options for your heavy warships to use.
    Turn 81 - Well I've Been Waiting
  • Turn 81 - Well I’ve Been Waiting

    QM Note - I am COVID positive, so I apologize for the serious delay. Trying to get back on the writing horse though as I slowly recover.

    The volcano offshore of the Castor continent on Griffin’s Roost is continuing to erupt, although the explosivity has dropped significantly. Several other undersea volcanoes in the region have begun erupting as well, thankfully you do have a well developed seismic sensor system that is extremely adept at detecting potential tsunami, so the danger is relatively limited. Coastal communities on Castor, Pollux and Capricorn are installing beefed up tsunami defenses.

    There has been a major discovery on New Capricorn as prospectors searching for mineral veins in a mountainous region of the planet discover a near twin to the SARAH bunker on Griffin’s Roost buried underneath a mountain, although this one is lacking the active AI system and dropship. What they do find is a fully functional manufacturing complex just waiting for schematics to be loaded into the systems. The factory complex is actually roughly equivalent to one of your Megafactory complexes. As such, with relatively little difficulty this complex can be turned into a production site for your heavy and assault mechs. It can also be turned to civilian production.
    []ActionArgument ProArgument ConEffects
    []Military ProductionThe defense of the Empire is critical. While much of the current need is for naval forces to oppose the Black Steel we will eventually be facing foes who are more ground oriented, it would be wise to build up and spread out our mech production.Yes, mechs are sexy, but we are building enough of them at the moment. Moreover, if we need more, we can build Megafactory complexes to get them. This is an opportunity for a massive injection of capital into the civilian sector.
    • Gain 1 Megafactory on New Capricorn
    • +25% GDP New Capricorn
    • +2 Infrastructure - New Capricorn
    • +1 Approval Change
    • +1 Economic Event
    []Civilian ProductionUsing this complex to focus on civilian production would be an enormous economic boon to the New Capricorn system. A strong economy is the foundation of a strong Empire, and we will have other opportunities for military production in the future as we are perfectly capable of building our own.Yes the economic benefits would be significant, but the military benefits of increased production is too important to discard just to improve one system’s economic outlook.
    • For the next 10 turns or until Core status achieved
      • +100% GDP on New Capricorn
    • +5 Infrastructure - New Capricorn
    • +1 Politics
    • +1 Economic Rating
    Your ambassador reports that Nova Jupitereum has been hit by a major Black Steel raid that was fought off by the orbital Arx fortress and a large swarm of NRI dropships as well as a pair of Corvus corvettes. Both Corvus were lost, but the attacking Sovietski Soyuz-class cruiser was destroyed. You don’t know how to feel about the report that a dud capital missile knocked over your statue at ‘your’ temple. Plus side, serves them right, on the minus side, apparently the damage to the statue was ‘negligible’ and it has already been put back up, leading to ‘your’ worshippers crediting you with saving the planet.

    So, on balance, annoying.

    In the NRR the latest cycle of unrest has subsided as the extremists are convicted in scrupulously fair trials of their crimes and transported to the prison world. There is still opposition, but President Nordlund has taken the rather wise step of inviting the counsel of the leadership of the opposition and treating them with consideration. The elections to the NRR Thing have taken place, resulting in a very solid majority for Nordlund’s party, but she is being judicious in offering appointments to advisory positions within her government to members of the various minority parties if they are individually qualified for them, rather than reserving all of those posts for her own partisans.

    The NRR’s Flygvapen, or Air Force, has their first units of ‘modern’ ASFs in operation, with more in the pipeline as the NRR rapidly modernizes its forces, concentrating first on their aerospace forces.

    When you get your hands on your twin grandsons you are going to throw them threw the Window, after being confronted by their pet raptor who had evidently been rolled in flour until it was white, dressed in a black striped ‘raptor’ sweater, with a hat, monocle, and outrageous fake mustache, who had been trained to ‘mime’. The housekeeping staff is on your side on this one, as the damn raptor tracked flour everywhere throughout the palace.

    In the end you ‘compromise’, by assigning them to Grifftiger washing duties after their pet raptor got loose and used the Eldest as a big furry playground. The Eldest didn’t mind, according to him the ‘little fellow’ managed to scratch a number of hard to reach itches and was quite welcome, but the gloopy flour in fur was a bit much. Considering the sheer size of the Eldest, and that he adores having a captive audience to lecture, you are sure that the boys have learned the folly of their ways, despite being typical teenagers, and will probably not offend again.

    There’s an attempted escape at the high security prison in Griff’s Leap that is almost worthy of a comedy series. You certainly were laughing so hard that you were tempted to release the details for the purpose. The entire thing was detected due to the slow leak, as the inmate in question had managed to make a hole in the floor and was tunneling through the asteroid. The asteroid itself wasn’t totally air tight, so this resulted in the sensors picking up the drain. What the idiot was planning to do if he got far enough to break through to the total vacuum of space without a pressure suit is beyond you, but it becomes clear that he isn’t precisely the sharpest tool in the shed. He had been transferred to the Griff’s Leap facility after escaping twice from low security prisons in the Griffon system, both times by tunneling, and evidently he hadn’t quite gotten it through his skull that this was a bad idea in an asteroid facility.
    Turn 81 - But I'm Thinking Nothing, Nothing Can Go Wrong
  • Turn 81 - But I’m Thinking Nothing, Nothing Can Go Wrong

    The unrest on Okusawa has been on a slightly lower simmer than usual so far this year, attacks are down about 15% from last year and General Messerschmidt has reported that they currently have no actionable intelligence of any major attacks. The IGMP and local authorities are using the relative lull to push through minor infrastructure and civic engagement projects.

    A traditional Shinto temple to Hachiman has been built in the system capital of Okusawa, challenging the ‘bull-shit-o’ of the Drac remnants with an example of actual Bushido. Siriwan is muttering darkly about ‘impetuous boys’ when she informs you that her charge has decided that it would be a wonderful idea to spend several weeks at that temple following the dedication teaching kenjutsu. Sure enough, the ISF does attempt an attack on the temple during this time, which accomplishes very little apart from causing Siriwan’s blood pressure to spike as she gets to watch her young Tenno enthusiastically dueling the lone ISF commando who managed to get inside with his vibrokatana. It becomes obvious almost immediately that the young man is toying with his opponent to give him an opportunity to lecture his students on the tenets of bushido, illustrating the ISF’s lack of them. That they lack Yuki or courage, instead striking from the shadows and refusing to face their opponents squarely. That they lack Jin or benevolence, instead embracing hate and division. That they lack Gi, or rectitude, pursuing unjust ends with unjust means. That they lack Rei, or etiquette, failing to even attempt to uphold their own societies' stated social mores and discipline. That they lack Makoto, or Truth - Honesty, showing a false face to the world and seeking to spread deception rather than truth. That they lack even true Chugi, or loyalty, to which his battered opponent rather vigorously starts objecting with no real result, in that they, in their embrace of lies over truth, fail to be loyal to those to whom they truly own loyalty, their own people rather than a madman. And that the ultimate sin of all, stated in the same stroke where he smoothly disarms, quite literally, his opponent, is that they lack even the faintest trace of Meiyo, or honor, due to all of their other, manifold, failings. And thus, he states, they fail, and will continue to fail, before ushering the students out of the room and away from the dying would be assassin.

    It’s a quite masterful performance, although you know better than to say that to the seething Siriwan who apparently is plotting means of wrapping the boy in cotton-wool and sealing him away before he gives her yet another heart attack.

    Meanwhile you are feeling all 75 of your years. The last 11 seem heavier than the previous 64 combined. You cannot figure out how your mother held up under the strain as well as she did. She always looked so young, and despite the anti-aging treatments when you look in the mirror you could swear you look twice your actual age. Your doctors keep telling you to take vacations, reduce stress, but you simply can’t. You have far too much work to do, far too many balls to juggle, to take any more time than you already do for yourself.

    There are a few proposals swirling about your inner circle for the future, with a tentative plan to establish a mandatory retirement age of 80 for the monarch, along with allowing the current monarch to choose their successor rather than strict primogeniture. There’s nothing set in stone, since you really want to consult your mother before deciding anything, but you have no idea when she’ll be back, what with having just how many babies to ba.

    And Parliament is not helping. Oh, they think they are helping, but they aren’t. Both the Senate and the Chamber of Delegates have put forward a bill that has drawn diplomatic protests from both the NRI and the NRR. It would significantly raise tariffs on all imports, putting the money into the general fund. On paper it seems like a very good idea for you, in a very self-oriented sort of way. The Eldest had opposed it, but it had passed the Senate anyways.

    The way it would work is that the tariff rates on all imports would be doubled, the number of exclusions from the current tariff would shrink, all imported goods would be impounded for safety inspection at the first point of contact with the Empire, any further carriage would have to be on Imperial hulls. Quite a few industry groups are quite happy about this, although those that rely on exports are far less sanguine. In many ways this would shift you from a relatively free trade orientation to a far more mercantilist one, and you suspect that if you do so all of your neighbors will as well. Your economics training tells you that this is only a short-term benefit to the Empire, that retaliatory tariffs and the cutting of trade routes would eventually cause more harm to the economy than good. It would also antagonize your allies, right when they are finally starting to reach the point of being able to pull their weight against the Black Steel.
    []Support the Tariff Act of 3011
    • Doubles income from Trade Routes from 1% Tax Rate to 2% tax rate
    • +1 Approval Rating
    • +1 Econ Rating
    • -2 Approval Change
    • -2 Politics
    • -2 Economic Event
    • -1 Research Event
    • Seriously harms relations with NRR
      • For 3 trade routes
        • 50% chance of losing each trade route
      • Significantly reduces chances of new trade routes
    • Seriously harms relations with the NRI
      • For 4 trade routes
        • 50% chance of losing each trade route
      • Significantly reduces chances of new trade routes
    []Oppose the Tariff Act of 3011
    • -1 Approval Rating
    • -1 Econ Rating
    • +2 Approval Change
    • +2 Politics
    • +2 Economic Event
    • +1 Research Event
    • -20 support Senate
    • -20 support Chamber of Delegates
    Turn 81 - Now It Seems I'm Falling
  • Turn 81 - Now It Seems I’m Falling

    You are reading a report forwarded to you from General Jenkins that comes from General Bradley’s office. They’ve finally solved the problem of light and medium mechs carrying battle armor troopers without being quads. Mechs above around 60 tons in mass have robust enough gyros and sufficient area on their ‘tops’, given the design standards in use, to carry the full six man battle armor squad. Smaller mechs, however, are unable to do so without unacceptable operational constraints unless having a quad form factor, hence the prevalence of quadrupedal mechs in those weight classes.

    The solution is, however, expensive. A far more capable gyro control computer with significantly more flexible responses and more rapid momentum loading and unloading has been developed for the lighter mechs. In combination with handholds built into the armor, suits of battlearmor can now ‘ride’ the smaller mechs by locking their manipulators onto the hand and foot holds. This does, however, significantly increase the cost of the mech, as the upgraded gyro is not at all cheap.

    As a consequence, the 55 ton Shutze trooper mech, Raketa missile mech, Kommenja command mech and Ritsa artillery mechs were almost as expensive as the 75 ton heavies, while the 25 ton speed demon Praecursator Scout Mech and Venator Scout Missile Mech were extremely expensive in their own right given their tiny size.

    The new units do, however, give you a flexible option that can fulfill missions that the current ACR and LHR setups cannot, by virtue of having hands. The new units would also be better suited for city fighting, giving you a third mech based option in that particular battlespace.

    Violence on Okusawa has subsided a bit more following Takeda’s little stunt, so you blithely decline to censure the lad and instead quite publicly endorse his statement, while privately ‘recommending’ that he give Siriwan a few months to cool down by taking a nice relaxing vacation at an undisclosed location aboard SS United States. You then accidentally leave a copy of his itinerary where Siriwan can find it… after the ship departs on the six month luxury cruise around Griffin’s Roost. When she confronts you about this you blandly point out that this is six months where she doesn’t have to worry about him doing anything ridiculously heroic, and that as your daughter-in-law, you were wondering when she was going to get around to presenting you with any grandkids? You manage to embarrass both her and your daughter with that one. Win… win…

    You get a good chuckle when a Special Branch agent on New Port Royal sends you the course listing for one of the local universities… a major in ‘interpretative lap dance’ is… different. That their chemistry department has more classes devoted to alcohol than anything else is totally expected, that the business school includes specializations in running brothels is equally expected. You can’t wait to peruse your first resume for a position at the Palace and see ‘Masters in Sex Work’ as a qualification and send a quiet note to HR to update the template for ‘required qualifications’ to include ‘in a suitable field of study’ to the ‘qualifications required’ section for all future job listings.

    You are getting some complaints about the sorts of advertising being run by the New Port Royal tourism board, but your mother established a firm tradition against prohibitionist policies and you have upheld them, and the tourism board isn’t actually violating any local ordinances against smut in public, so you figure that the complainers have no actual leg to stand on.

    And now it is budget time.

    General Jenkins is up first. And he’s wearing the most god awful over the top comic opera villain uniform you’d ever imagined, let alone seen. “First, I have an important announcement! Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead!” before pressing a button and triggering a ‘sad trombone’ sound. “And in other news, boss, we are in fair to middling shape, enough so that we’re tinkering around to fill in holes in our capabilities rather than frantically building up our capabilities. While our largest focus continues to be our space assets, especially the navy, we still need to keep up our ground forces expansion. That being said, General Bradley?”

    She takes over the podium, bringing up the display. “Your Majesty, we will be accomplishing three different goals with this year's procurement requests. First, filling out two divisions, specifically 5th Assault and 4th Pathfinder. Second, another Brigade Combat Team, and finally our first Light Brigade Combat Team. We will also be boosting our training infrastructure by procuring additional training machines for their use. While it isn’t as critical, we are advising boosting our militia program substantially, interest is high and our citizens appear to be quite eager to sign on for such.”
    • Imperial Griffon Army
      • Production
        • 12 Military Logistics Factories
          • 4 Nowy Wrocław
          • 4 Nowy Slask
          • 4 New Phoenix
      • Procurement
        • Heavy/Assault Mechs
          • 2 Assault Regiments
          • 6 Standard Mech Regiments
        • Light/Medium Mechs
          • 3 Armored Cavalry Regiments
          • 3 Medium Scout Regiments
          • 3 Medium Mech Regiments
          • 2 Pathfinder Regiments
          • 4 Training Regiments
        • LAM
          • 1 Raider Regiment
          • 2 LAM Training Regiments
        • Conventional
          • 3 Armored Regiments
          • 3 Air Cavalry Regiments
          • 25 ‘Increase System Militia Rating’

    General Romanov is up next. “Your Majesty, we have no stations completing this year, although next year will see a rather hefty python’s lump coming online. As such we are coordinating with the Navy on procuring air wings for their desired carriers, by getting them ready early we will guarantee that those hangars are filled when the time comes. Production is actually in a good place at the moment.”
    • Imperial Griffon Aerospace Force
      • Procurement
        • 32 Heavy Carrier Wings

    Thanh is off overseeing the final working up of the first Wichita class heavy cruiser, leaving her deputy to handle the briefing. “Your Majesty, the Admiral asked me to inform you that we are getting perilously close to exceeding our refined germanium production capacity and that therefore she strongly advises that we look into building additional refineries as soon as possible.” The young officer then brings up the display.
    • Imperial Griffon Navy
      • Production
        • 1 Germanium Processing Facility - Nowa Warszawa
        • 3 Small Warship Yards
        • 2 new Lamellar Ferro-Carbide Orbital Factories
          • New Capricorn
          • Nowy Slask
      • Procurement
        • Regular Dropships
          • 41 Lancer Parasite FlaK Destroyers
          • 40 Trenton Parasite Transports
        • Large Dropships
          • 32 Saipan Parasite Carriers
          • 4 Canopus Parasite Battleships
        • Jumpships
          • 14 Galleon jumpships
        • Escorts
          • 10 Samuel B. Roberts class Destroyer Escorts
        • Small Warships
          • 6 Cleveland class Light Cruisers
          • 2 Wichita class Heavy Cruisers
        • Small Gunboats
          • 345 PPG-001 class

    Elizabeth is up next, with a desk full of binders and several aides present. “Your Majesty, Interior is in solid shape this year to support all requested production expansion projects proposed by the military. We have prepared a prospectus on Imperial investments, and based on the market data feel that in the long term it would be best to do the following. For our focused investment in a peripheral system we recommend Nowy Slask. The local economy has been struggling as of late and the population of the system is growing faster than the economy, focusing our development funds there would be very useful overall in preventing excessive poverty from developing. For our focused core investment, we recommend investing in the Griffon system, of our three core worlds the Griffon system has been struggling the most of late economically and investment would be highly welcome. For our general investment target we recommend that we invest in Nowy Wroclaw, if Nowy Slask is struggling, Nowy Wroclaw has been in a near recession for years now and has truly lagged behind its potential. Finally we strongly recommend a scouting expedition to GX-I28, we have reports from New Port Royal that that system may be inhabited, or at least once was.”

    Your Foreign Minister is attending via an HPG link. “Your Majesty, the Foreign Ministry has no specific budgetary asks this year, although if the budget allows we had 8 Bronze Medals in last year's Olympics, some sports camps might be in order.” Leila doesn’t look particularly concerned about that.

    Lien has her hands folded in front of her. “Your Majesty, your political teams are ready to engage in strategic schmoozing with the Chamber and Senate at your say so. We recommend focusing on the Senate, next year there are Chamber elections and our teams will already be exerting influence there without requiring us to make promises and gladhand people.”

    “Your Majesty, we have four R&D teams ready to go. Our recommendation is to get three of them started on what we believe is the most advanced form of standard jump cores, maximum sized jumpships. The other we recommend assigning to improving our germanium refining techniques, it’s a long term project with a big payoff in terms of ensuring we can build up our fleet efficiently.” Grace is also remote, although in her case she’s in the Griffon system, at a conference on Griffon IV.

    General Messerschmidt is late for the meeting, which is incredibly suspicious since you know he’s right outside, obviously wanting to wait for Justice to go first before dropping yet another bomb on you that will have your face and your palm engage in forbidden romance.

    “Your Majesty, the only thing from Justice is that we should consider further expansion of the Imperial Grifftiger Mounted Police, other than that we are monitoring the situation Empire wide and things appear to be on an even keel. Next year we will hopefully begin reviewing the legal codes to keep things rationalized and stable, but there is no need for funding just yet for that project.” Martina grins then. “I’ve taken the liberty of having the Special Branch toss General Messerschmidt out the Window of Defenestration for you, since I have it on good authority that he was planning on informing you of the latest news about your cult from the NRI.”

    You get a good laugh at that, as a dripping wet intelligence officer comes in, shaking his fist at Martina and squelching his way to his seat. “There is no news from the NRI about your cult. We do have an opportunity to insert a number of additional agents into the Nya Kopenhamn system, hopefully speeding up the collapse of the nutcases in charge there.” He pauses. “And while there is no news from the NRI, a small temple of your cult has opened on New Port Royal, congratulations Your Majesty!”

    Just when you were feeling bad about him getting tossed through the window…
    Turn 81 - She Seems To Have An Invisible Touch Yeah
  • Turn 81 - She Seems To Have An Invisible Touch Yeah

    Meta Event7
    Dynasty Luck19
    Imperial Approval0
    Approval Change0
    Political Event0
    Imperial Economy-1
    Economic Event1
    Research Event0
    Nowa WarszawaEcon12
    Calliope IVEcon2
    New CapricornEcon3
    Nowy ŚląskEcon3
    Nowy WroclawEcon0
    Griff's LeapEcon6
    New PhoenixEcon12
    New EdenEcon3
    New CastorEcon3
    New PolluxEcon14
    New Port RoyalEcon10

    Plan: Food People
    - Procurement [$ 508,160,943.52 ]
    -- Lay Down Major Unit [Construction - $154,836,444.00 ] (95)
    --- 41 Lancer [95]
    Target - 95
    Roll - 35
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 40 Trenton [95]
    Target - 95
    Roll - 31
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 32 Saipan [95]
    Target - 95
    Roll - 62
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 4 Canopus [95]
    Target - 95
    Roll - 4
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 345 PPG-001 [95]
    Target - 95
    Roll - 80
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Lay down Jumpship [Jumpship Construction - $19,781,239.79 ] (75)
    --- 14 Galleon [75]
    Target - 75
    Roll - 54
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Lay down Warship [Warship Construction - $272,440,530.00 ] (80)
    --- 10 Samuel B Roberts [80]
    Target - 80
    Roll - 17
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 6 Cleveland [80]
    Target - 80
    Roll - 62
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 2 Wichita [80]
    Target - 80
    Roll - 25
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Purchase New Units [ $ 48,671,424.98 ] (90)
    --- 32 Heavy Carrier Wing [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 58
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 6 Standard Mech Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 50
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 2 Assault Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 54
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 3 Armored Cavalry Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 19
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 3 Medium Scout Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 28
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 3 Medium Mech Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 1
    Result – Critical SUCCESS

    --- 2 Pathfinder Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 14
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 4 Training Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 15
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 1 Raider Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 40
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 2 LAM Training Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 59
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 3 Armored Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 48
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 3 Air Cavalry Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 30
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Increase Militia Rating of System [$ 12,431,304.75 ] (85)
    --- 25 Militia Regiments [85]
    Target - 85
    Roll – 97, Jarow reroll – 96, ShadowArxxy reroll - 73
    Result - SUCCESS

    - General [$ 3,936,075,802.60 ]
    -- Construct Military Logistics Factory Nowy Wroclaw [95]
    Target - 95
    Roll - 5
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Construct Military Logistics Factory Nowy Wroclaw [95]
    Target - 95
    Roll - 53
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Construct Military Logistics Factory Nowy Wroclaw [95]
    Target - 95
    Roll - 47
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Construct Military Logistics Factory New Phoenix [95]
    Target - 95
    Roll - 73
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Construct Military Logistics Factory New Phoenix [95]
    Target - 95
    Roll - 25
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Construct Military Logistics Factory New Phoenix [95]
    Target - 95
    Roll - 57
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Construct Military Logistics Factory Nowy Slask [95]
    Target - 95
    Roll - 34
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Construct Military Logistics Factory Nowy Slask [95]
    Target - 95
    Roll - 81
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Construct Military Logistics Factory Nowy Slask [95]
    Target - 95
    Roll - 40
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Focus Development on Core World Griffon [70]
    Target - 70
    Roll - 9
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Focus Development on Peripheral World Nowy Slask [70]
    Target - 70
    Roll - 6
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Economic Investment Nowy Wroclaw [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 60
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Construct Escort Yard New Port Royal [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 75
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Broadcast Propaganda to Nya Kopenhamn III* [~]
    -- Broadcast Propaganda to Nya Kopenhamn IV* [~]

    -- Build Relations with Chamber of Delegates [60]
    Target - 60
    Roll - 65
    Result – Bare FAILURE (auto success next turn)

    -- Build Relations with Imperial Senate [60]
    Target - 60
    Roll - 14
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Survey GX-I28 [80]
    Target - 80
    Roll – 96, General Reroll - 38
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Expand Imperial Grifftiger Mounted Police [80]
    Target - 80
    Roll - 83
    Result – Bare FAILURE (auto success next turn)

    -- (Sports) Fund sports camps to improve performance in low performing Olympic sports [80]
    Target - 80
    Roll - 85
    Result – Bare FAILURE (auto success next turn)

    -- Build Orbital Factory Ferro Carbide New Capricorn [115]
    Target - 115
    Roll - 23
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Build Orbital Factory Ferro Carbide Nowy Slask [115]
    Target - 115
    Roll - 2
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Upgrade Germanium Processing Facilities [95]
    Target - 95
    Roll - 77
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Construct Germanium Processing Facility Nowa Warzsawa [105]
    Target - 105
    Roll - 32
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Build Light Warship Yard Griffon [75]
    Target - 75
    Roll – 93, General Reroll - 36
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Build Light Warship Yard Nowa Warzsawa [75]
    Target - 75
    Roll - 74
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Build Light Warship Yard Calliope [75]
    Target - 75
    Roll - 25
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Upgrade Refit & Repair Yard [100]
    Target - 100
    Roll - 9
    Result - SUCCESS

    - DoME [$ 4,760,000,000.00 ]
    -- DOME - Pollution Scrubbing Towers* [70]
    Target - 70
    Roll – 85, Event reroll - 32
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- DOME - Water Pollution Filtering* [80]
    Target - 80
    Roll - 36
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- DOME - Industrial Pollution Cleanup* [75]
    Target - 75
    Roll - 60
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Terraform Calliope V - Stage II* [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 10
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Continuing recovery work on Sukiashi* [85]
    Target - 85
    Roll - 35
    Result - SUCCESS

    - Research [$ 1,790,000,000.00 ]
    -- Exotic Genetic Enhancement* [50]
    Target - 50
    Roll - 45
    Result - SUCCESS


    You now have an answer to a question you hadn’t really asked. In a fight between your new Wichita class Heavy Cruiser versus a Black Steel Aegis class Heavy Cruiser, who would win? Turns out to be the Wichita, and although the new vessel is going to be spending quite a few months in the repair yard, the result of the battle was quite satisfying.

    The main advantage that the Wichita had was at range, and she was capable of maintaining that range advantage throughout the engagement, denying the hard charging Black Steel vessel from getting close enough to unleash the massive batteries of 35 centimeter autocannons that made up its primary armament. The engagement ended when a heavy naval gauss slug tore into and detonated the main magazines of the enemy vessels, resulting in a titanic explosion.

    The majority of the damage to the Wichita was to the armor, although a number of SCL/3 turrets were destroyed, as were several of the 30 cm naval autocannon mounts in the broadside.

    The undercard, so to speak, of the engagement saw the new Canopus class parasite battleship put to the test, a test which they handily passed as they successfully fended off the drone swarm launched by the Black Steel. There were no losses, but all six of the parasite battleships involved are also in the repair docks with significant damage.

    There has been a further surge in volcanic activity off of the continent of Castor on Griffin’s Roost. As a consequence the planned sport’s camps had to be relocated and the primary training facility for the IGMP needed to close as a precaution for several months. The evidence shows that a new volcanic island will soon be broaching the water's surface off the coast. The geologists all agree that the evidence is that the eruptive period should taper off and subside over the next several years.

    The survey mission to GX-I28 quickly turns into a humanitarian mission, with the Miranda class at the center of the mission frantically calling for assistance. The system is indeed inhabited, but several years earlier had suffered a cataclysmic attack by the Black Steel. While they’d been a popular target for the various pirate bands that had once called New Port Royal home, the locals had never been completely overwhelmed by the pirates, the Black Steel, on the other hand, had utterly hammered them flat, completely destroying all of their cities and leaving the survivors desperately attempting to survive in the irradiated ruins of what had been their home.

    The system is named Kainga by the predominantly Maori descended locals and had been at a roughly 21st century or so technology level, and rather solidly militarized as a consequence of the pirate raids. But air-breathing conventional fighters and tanks were utterly useless against mass orbital bombardment, and the planet is a total mess. Thankfully the climate and environment is amenable to human life, allowing the survivors to flee into the wilderness and subsist.
    []Emergency Aid Shipments
    • Cost - $1,000,000,000.00
    • Unlocks decision tree related to Kainga
    • Massively positive local view of Empire
    • Massively negative local view of Empire
    • Unlocks decision tree related to Kainga

    Surveys of the system have detected extensive Germanium deposits in the asteroid fields in the system.

    The Eldest has been able to impose discipline on the Imperial Senate, the… overly enthusiastic Senators who’d been behind the ridiculousness proposed have been made to see the light in a rather amusing ‘Come to Jesus’ fashion, according to Lien. Unfortunately, the Chamber of Delegates is out of session due to the pending elections, so Lien wasn’t able to make any direct progress at gaining more support there.

    The new yards have come online, increasing your shipbuilding capacity. Amusingly, the yard in New Port Royal has been ‘officially’ named the Captain Jack Sparrow Memorial Casino Shipyard and, indeed, has an attached casino for some reason. You have drawn the line, though, and they will not install slot machines on ships built there. They promise. Pinky swears even. And the pinky swear is sacred.

    The new military logistics factory complexes on New Phoenix, Nowy Wrocław, and Nowy Slask have all been completed. The three systems are seeing a nice boost in employment and economic growth as a consequence of the facilities.

    Development focuses on Griffon and Nowy Slask has rather nicely boosted the local economies. On Griffon several new light industrial zones have been financed on Griffon IV, while on Nowy Slask a significant commercial area was funded. Investment into Nowy Wrocław has also yielded significant results as the local economy has benefited greatly from the influx of investment capital.

    The new Germanium Processing Facility in the Nowa Warszawa system has come online and, in combination with the general upgrades to germanium processing empire wide, has gotten your core production out of the ‘danger’ area. The new Lamellar Ferro-Carbide factories have also increased availability of that critical resource.

    The recovery work on Sukiashi has finally been completed, cleaning up the last of the major damage caused by the Black Steel. Nothing can bring back the millions of dead, but the planet is poised to once again grow in the future. The bodies of your brothers were never identified, although forensic examination indicates that they likely were killed nearly instantly at ground zero of one of the nuclear strikes. The TTP has built a large memorial Shinto temple at the site.

    The terraforming of Calliope V has resulted in the moon becoming far more habitable than before, allowing for more space for the system population and boosting the economy significantly. Further work is needed to make it completely habitable.

    The pollution work on Okusawa has concluded, with the towers, filters, and general cleanup of the worst sites being completed, albeit barely on time due to the ongoing insurgency on the planet. The atmosphere and water is much cleaner, with filter masks no longer required to breathe. It remains to be seen how this will affect the insurgency.

    Many of the best graduates from the various military academies have jumped at the chance of piloting the new medium mechs, causing the first three Medium Mech Regiment’s to be formed at the ‘crack’ rating. Overall procurement of ground forces is highly successful, with the new formations standing up on schedule.

    Likewise naval production is well on track, with the new construction filling the empty construction docks. The new Galleon jumpships, with their 8 collars, are proving a hit with logistics forces and the civilian sector, with orders for the new vessels civilian variant surging.
    Turn 82 - I'm Upper Upper Class High Society
  • Turn 82 - I’m Upper Upper Class High Society

    With the development of exotic genetic engineering techniques, allowing such things as fur, or animal-style ears, or pointy ears, or exotic hair colors, there now is the question of the limits here. The techniques do not cross the germ line, thus are non-hereditary. This is by design, as the ethical implications of custom-designed children for whatever purpose were not something your scientists wanted to trifle with.

    Oddly, you found that the Kilburroughan embassy was a somewhat valuable resource on the question. They’d been doing this sort of thing for generations, and surprisingly had developed an ethical framework for it. Granted it was one that relied almost completely on the concepts of contract law and adherence to agreements rather than moral precepts, but it still gives a decent starting point.

    For the sort of genetic tinkering that is currently possible, there are several schools of thought. Limiting the techniques to a menu of modifications that are verified to be ‘safe’, for example, would limit the risk of inadvertent health problems from overly ambitious modifications, but would also limit the creativity of people who want to get them. It’s a balancing act.
    []OptionArgument ProArgument ConEffect
    []Strict limitsThese are curiosities at best, with no practical purpose. Minimizing any possible negative effects is far more important than people’s fantasies of being catgirls or dogboys.Our medical care system is more than robust enough to handle the effects of these cosmetic modifications. There’s no reason to be unreasonably restrictive
    • No effect on Health or Econ ratings of systems
    • +1 Approval
    • +1 Approval Change
    • -1 Politics
    • Triggers ‘Unhappy transhumanists’ event
    []Moderate limitsYou need to balance the ability of people to experiment and indulge themselves with the public good. We allow drinking and drugs, so long as reasonable safety restrictions are followed, this should be no different.A - This isn’t taking a drink and not driving, this is a permanent change to one’s own genetics.

    B - Let people make their own choices, nothing that is possible is likely to cause harm to others so let people be them
    • -1 Health Rating all systems
    • +1 Econ Rating all systems (up to cap)
    • -1 Approval
    • +1 Approval Change
    • +1 Politics
    • +1 Economic Event
    • Triggers ‘Transhumanist limits’ event
    []Laissez FaireNone of the modifications available under this can reasonably be shown to cause harm to third parties. Who cares if Bob from Accounting decides to give himself fur and a tail? That’s his body, his choice, and the government needs to stay out of the way.A - Who will have to foot the bill for any complications that arise from this insanity? Us, the taxpayers. We need to limit this to keep a few freaks from bankrupting all of us.

    B - It’s all well and good if Bob gives himself fur and a tail, but what if those around him are allergic to his fur? There needs to be balance.
    • -2 Health Rating all systems
    • +1 Econ Rating all systems
    • +1 Econ Rating cap all systems
    • -2 Approval
    • +1 Approval Change
    • +1 Politics
    • +1 Research Rating
    • Triggers ‘Happy Transhumanists’ event

    Reports are coming in from Kainga. The surviving locals are heavily scattered and disorganized, as the nuclear strikes utterly destroyed any semblance of government in the system. They’d been at a roughly 20th century tech level prior to the attack, but according to the aid personnel the planet, which had been rather pleasant to live on, is something of an irradiated wasteland that DoME would need to do some serious work on restoring. At the same time, simply organizing the humanitarian relief has established the Griffon Empire as effectively the only authority in the system itself, and the survivors seem to have little issue with this.

    Previously the planet had been governed by a patchwork of regional authorities and nation-states with no overarching system government at all. With the destruction of all the major population centers there is nothing left of any of said nation-states.
    []Incorporate Kainga as a Peripheral world
    • Cost $1,000,000,000.00 up front
    • Adds Kainga as a Peripheral colony
      • Initial Population - 752,500,000
      • Initial GDP - $125,500,000
      • Initial Econ Rating of 65
      • Initial Health Rating of 40
      • Initial Infrastructure Rating of 10
      • Initial Factory Rating of 5
      • Initial POP Limit of 50
      • Initial Garrison Rating of 1
      • Initial Militia Rating of 2
    • Procures 2 White Tower defense stations for the Zenith and Nadir jump points complete with ASF complement
    • Builds HPG station in system
    • Unlocks DoME projects related to system
    []Assist Kainga in reestablishing their own governance in a similar way to the TTP
    • Cost $500,000,000 up front
    • Adds Kainga as an Affiliated Territory (similar to TTP)
      • Initial Population 752,500,000
      • Initial GDP - $125,500,000
      • Initial Econ Rating of 65
      • Initial Health Rating of 40
      • Initial Infrastructure rating of 10
      • Initial Factory Rating of 0
      • Initial POP Limit of 50
      • Initial Garrison Rating of 1
      • Initial Militia Rating of 2
    • Procures 2 White Tower defense stations for the Zenith and Nadir jump points complete with ASF complement
    • Unlocks DoME projects related to system
    QM Note - the main difference is that as a full Peripheral colony you will be able to build shipyards, factories, and the like, plus it can eventually become a Core world.

    A major Black Steel attack hits New Phoenix, resulting in severe damage to the orbital defenses before the IGN is able to destroy the pair of Black Lions and single Essex that made up the attacking force. Two Fletcher class destroyers, three Dart class cruisers and three Dagger corvettes were involved, with assistance from several NRR ASF wings that had been in system for cross-training. No major combatants were lost, although no unit escaped without significant damage. Unfortunately the repair yard in system was heavily damaged itself and will require most of the year to finalize repairs to their own equipment before they can begin addressing the damaged warships and dropships in the system.

    The IGN sends a pair of Cleveland light cruisers and all ten of the new Samuel B. Roberts class destroyers to reinforce the damaged picket, and they arrive in time to deal with a second wave from the Black Steel. A single Avatar and two Lola IIIs are taken down with minor damage.
    Turn 82 - The Event Is Never Small
  • Turn 82 - The Event Is Never Small

    You have a somewhat pleasant surprise when the Black Pumpernickels not only call ahead, but they’re going to be in the Griffon system putting on a show that you are actually interested in. At least the teaser text of the flier they sent is interesting. Something called The Million Dollar Quartet, supposedly about some ancient musicians. When you express interest in tickets they offer to put on a full performance at the Palace, which you accept.

    The show itself is incredible, the actor they have playing Jerry Lee Lewis is extremely talented, leaving you wanting to throttle the punk and loving the energy and confidence at the exact same time. And the voices, and the music, and… it was an incredible performance that you truly enjoyed.

    You put together a tiger team to rapidly set up the basis for government in the Kainga system, combining experts from your political teams, Justice, and Interior. It’s expensive, but they are reporting excellent progress on getting things organized there. You will likely need to expand your Colonial Office soon just to keep up with the administrative overhead of the Empire, but that is a worry for budget time.

    You settle on a balanced approach to the exotic genemods question. Licensed and trained providers would be required to maintain appropriate certifications, with proposed modifications being reviewed for overall safety prior to being added to the approved ‘menu’ of options. So far it seems that ‘Cat Person’, both incorporating elements of Grifftigers and not, along with ‘pointy ears’ and exotic hair colors are the most popular modifications. Extreme facial modifications to give fangs and muzzles and such have generally failed to achieve certification, the experts pointing out the significant ‘supporting’ modifications required to make such things work safely exceeding the guidelines set.

    Interestingly there is some disgruntlement from those going for the Grifftiger look as it turns out that getting those glowing stripes is far more involved than expected. They are caused by bioluminescent bacteria that feed on oils released by the Tiger, after all, and trying to achieve that with human base physiology is not that easy. As a consequence ‘Grifftiger People’ are the single most expensive of the exotic genemods.

    For the ‘animal person’ aficionados there is a further complication, fully functional animal ears are actually not possible without extensive brain modifications, which have not been certified. Cosmetic ears are quite possible, and are rather popular, but full functionality is not in the cards due to the extensive ‘rewiring’ that would be required of the brain's sensory interpretation functions. Tails, on the other hand, are almost trivially easy, as the ‘wiring’ so to speak is already present, just unused in humans.

    So in order of popularity you have the hair color mods by a substantial margin being the most common, with metallic colors being the most popular choice, followed by pointed ears from both fantasy buffs and fans of ancient science fiction shows, ‘cat person’ modifications are in third, mostly due to the expense of getting the most desirable ‘Grifftiger person’ set rather than any lack of overall interest. Excluding hair color mods, less than 10% of the population are getting any mods whatsoever.

    You have been tempted to indulge yourself in getting your gray hair removed, even if your wife insists it makes you look distinguished and has hidden every bottle of hair coloring she’s ever found. She, of course, looks truly stunning with her silver hair, at least in your totally unbiased opinion.

    The Pan-Griffon Games are taking place, and to your utter mortification your second eldest granddaughter is actually competing on Team Griffon in the Women’s Naked Volleyball event. Your wife and daughter-in-law think it’s hilarious, your eldest granddaughter and heir has offhandedly commented that the only reason she’s not competing is that her class schedule precluded her trying out for the team. Considering that at 22 she’s pursuing two different post-doc degrees in Economics and Military Science in addition to her imminent commissioning as a junior Lieutenant in the Imperial Griffon Army… well, OK, you can’t argue that she’s busy but you would rather not have your grandkids displaying all the goods!

    Well, if she insists on competing, at least she helped bring home the gold medal in the event. Overall the games are rather interesting, with New Port Royal actually taking the Men’s Athletics gold medal, and New Pollux winning gold in Team Gymnastics and Men’s Wrestling. It’s nice to see how diverse the winners are, in terms of system of origin, although Team Griffon does win the lion’s share of gold medals. Only Okusawa is unrepresented on the podium for any event, but considering that they only sent a single athlete to compete in Women’s Wrestling that is rather understandable.

    Speaking of Okusawa, violence levels are down for the second year in a row, with a number of prominent busts of holdout ISF facilities and groups. Things are hardly ‘calm’, but mass casualty events are not nearly as common as they were, although the occasional mortar attack still takes place. An attempt by ISF radicals to blow up a water treatment plant was foiled by local security forces even before the IGA could respond, which is a hopeful sign that the corner may have been reached, if not yet turned.

    The Chamber of Delegates elections take place, slightly increasing the number of supportive MPs in the Chamber. Legislative work is also proceeding, with nothing particularly objectionable coming out of either chamber, mostly, it must be said, due to the Eldest quite literally reducing one arrogant idiot to tears with a well timed growl that resulted in a hasty change of pants for the moron.

    The main piece of legislation that does come out of Parliament this year is the Small Business Act of 3012. The Small Business Act would establish a fund to guarantee small business loans at favorable rates compared to the previous norm for such small business loans, an average discount of thirty basis points on said loans, backed by the Imperial treasury. This would reduce the risk of loans to small businesses, encouraging financial institutions to be more generous in extending such lines of credit. The actual amount is, on the surface, trivial, amounting to 30/100’s of a percentage point, but with the numbers usually bandied about on small business loans that would be eligible for the program this quickly adds up to significant savings in interest payments.

    It is noted that this creates a bit of a bell curve to interest rate subsidies on business loans, with the small businesses and the largest corporations both getting advantageous rates, with a bit of a ‘hump’ in the middle of mid-sized businesses. However, when looked at in absolute terms, this flattens out the risk differential between small and mid-sized business loans, bringing the small business loans to only an average of ten basis points above the average for mid-sized business loans, rather than the current average of 40 basis point difference that currently exists. The twenty basis point average subsidy on the major corporation loans is actually only a fraction of the 140 basis point average differential between midsize and major business rates.

    On average this should slightly reduce volatility in terms of small business failures, increasing the rate by which small businesses transition to midsize status, and in general stabilize and improve the overall economy, although the costs are significant in terms of the overall subsidies.
    []Support the Small Business Act of 3012
    • Gives 1 level of ‘Small Business Subsidy’
      • Each level of Small Business Subsidy
        • Costs $10,000,000 per system in upkeep
        • Increases base system GDP gain by .01%
        • Offsets 1 degree of failure on system Econ rating rolls
    • +5 support - Chamber of Delegates
    • +1 Politics
    • -1 Econ Rating
    []Oppose the Small Business Act of 3012
    • -5 support - Imperial Senate
    • -5 support - Chamber of Delegates
    • -1 Politics
    • -1 Approval Change
    • +1 Econ Rating
    Turn 82 - The Social Pages
  • Turn 82 - The Social Pages

    You receive an HPG report from New Castor. A Black Steel Essex and a pair of Vincent Mk 32 jumped in at a pirate point. Unfortunately you didn’t have a warship squadron in system, however the defense units handled the incursion on their own. Six Canopus class parasite battleships and two dozen Bainbridges, plus the ASF forces from the planetary garrison, swarm the Black Steel warships. Sixteen Bainbridges are lost, as are many fighters, but while all six of the Canopus class vessels were ‘mission killed’ none were actually destroyed, and all three of the Black Steel warships were destroyed. There was some minor damage to the colony, but nothing that the locals couldn’t handle themselves thanks to your policy of hardening critical infrastructure.

    The new HPG station on Kainga is having a bit of an issue with interference, for some reason all transmissions from the new station have excessive noise in them. Technicians have ruled out any hardware faults with the HPG equipment itself, noting that not only did all of the gear pass full certification back on Griffon when produced but that they pass all diagnostic tests now. Something is causing interference with the formation of the KF ‘punch’ that HPG systems use for FTL transmission. Not enough to disrupt it, but enough to cause a bit of interference. Theorists are rather excited, because this is new and novel behavior that hasn’t been documented before.

    You receive a message from the NRI, they are in the process of surveying the asteroid belts in the M33 system and intend to stake a claim there to the germanium deposits. They have dubbed the system Oculus Venetus, or ‘The Blue Eye’, which seems fitting. To your relief nowhere in the message are any references to that ridiculous cult of yours.

    You get some reports from the NRR as well, they have completed construction of a jumpship yard that will be building commercial-grade Caravel jumpships under contract with several of your commercial yards. The agreement had been approved by the relevant regulatory bodies. Since there is still some demand for the smaller jumpship, even as most of the commercial yards have shifted to Brig and even Galleon production, this will be a boon to the NRR’s economy, which you can hardly begrudge them.

    And it is budget time. Oh joy.

    General Jenkins is his usual self. “Alright boss, this is gonna be weird, because us ground pounding types aren’t going to be begging for more factories this year. Because we’re at a perfect inflection point where we can nearly build entire new division sets at a time. What we will be pointing out is that as we grow our supply lines are growing with us and we will need to take steps to handle that. I’ll leave the specifics later since the solution involves lots of slide rules and big heavy machinery and I’m terrible at math.”

    He turns the podium over to General Bradley. “Your Majesty, initial analysis shows that the new medium mech units are performing as expected and will make a highly useful adjunct to our Brigade Combat Team model. As such we intend to focus our procurement on them, while also building up a new Assault Division.” She brings up a chart showing the requested procurements.
    • Imperial Griffon Army
      • Production
        • Make Nowy Śląskk a logistics hub
        • Construct Major Army Base on New Pollux
      • Procurement
        • Heavy/Assault Mechs
          • 6 Assault Regiments
          • 2 Standard Mech Regiments
            • Are within 1 regiment production of being able to produce a full Assault Division in a year
        • Light/Medium Mechs
          • 9 Medium Mech Regiments
          • 9 Medium Scout Regiments
        • Conventional Forces
          • 9 Air Cavalry Regiments
          • 16 Light Armored Regiments
          • 8 Light Mechanized Regiments

    General Romanov is up next. “Your Majesty, we have a number of new stations coming online this year which will require air wings, plus we would like to bolster our defensive formations, especially in the light of the continuing threat of Black Steel attacks. Our production capacity is in a solid place at the moment, thankfully.”

    She pauses. “In addition, we have received a large number of solicitations in response to our request for proposals for a new garrison fighter. We requested an interceptor type fighter, with minimal use of strategic resources, while maintaining a solid punch. We have received a very diverse array of responses.”

    “First up, we have Project Agarita, from our favorite pyramidal design bureau. This is the most expensive of the proposed designs, but is a very capable platform and is just within the cost ceiling of the RFP. Project Agarita has a solid combination of missiles, lasers, and an anti-missile system. The main drawback is a complete lack of rearward firepower, which is common to most of these designs.”

    “Project DEFENDER shows a great deal of promise, although there will be significant challenges with heat management with this design due to the use of an enhanced PPC. It also lacks rear firepower.”

    “Project FIRESTORM is similar to DEFENDER, but is 10 tens heavier, has a pair of 5cm extended range lasers in the tail, and makes use of a class 5 rotary autocannon. Again heat management is a significant problem for this design, although not as badly as DEFENDER. It is a very capable platform, however.”

    “Next is Project ONI which is both the heaviest and the cheapest of the proposed designs, although it is also the least capable combatant of the proposals. A class five LB series autocannon is the primary armament, with a pair of 3cm pulse lasers as backup. ONI lacks rear-firing weapons and has a very small and cramped cockpit”

    “Project Smilax is an alternate for Project Agarita from the Pyramid crew. It maintains the missile and AMS systems from Agarita, but is slightly smaller and has a bit less armor. It is cheaper than Agarita for nearly the same capability but shares the weakness of no tail stinger.”

    “Project STORMHOG comes from Majeure Electrique and is centered around a class 5 rotary autocannon, backed by a quartet of 5cm extended range lasers. Unlike most of the other responses to the RFP, Project STORMHOG carries two of the lasers in a rear-facing mounting, providing a critical capability for our pilots.”

    “Finally, Project STRIX from the Imperial Griffon Aerospace Werk is similar to Project STORMHOG, but a bit slower. Also centered around a class 5 rotary autocannon, STRIX adds in a pair of anti-missile systems mounted fore and aft, and instead of the pair of 5cm extended range lasers in the tail has a single 3cm extended range laser. The STRIX is the second cheapest of the proposals as well.”
    []NameCostHPA/DSpecialsBonus Votes
    • Armored 1
    • Swift
    • Missile 1
    • AMS 1
    • Speed +3 votes
    • Misc -2 votes
    • Net +1 votes
    • Armored 1
    • Swift
    • Misc -4 votes
    • Net -4 votes
    • Armored 1
    • Swift
    • Misc -2 votes
    • Net -2 votes
    • Armored 1
    • Swift
    • Misc -2 votes
    • Net -2 votes
    • Armored 1
    • Swift
    • Missile 1
    • AMS 1
    • Speed +3 votes
    • Misc -2 votes
    • Net +1 votes
    • Armored 1
    • Swift
    • Speed +1 votes
    • Net +1 votes
    • Armored 1
    • Swift
    • AMS 2
    • Net +0 votes

    • Imperial Griffon Aerospace Force
      • Production
        • None
      • Procurement
        • 16 Fighter Wings
        • 20 Missile Interceptor Wings

    Thanh is up next, grinning a bit wickedly. “Guess what, big brother, unlike the others I do want more more more and more. More slips, more ships, and barring any disasters starting next year I’ll be wanting even more. The Canopus has proven itself, so we’re going to want a whole bunch of them, plus a wide array of other toys and a new fleet base.” She lazily gestures towards the screen where the display updates to show things.
    • Imperial Griffon Navy
      • Production
        • Major Fleet Base on New Pollux
        • 3 new Light Shipyards in the Core systems
        • Upgrade all existing Refit & Repair Yards
      • Procurement
        • Regular Dropships
          • 30 Long Beach Parasite Missile Destroyers
          • 30 Bainbridge Parasite Destroyers
        • Large Dropships
          • 26 Canopus Parasite Battleships
          • 3 Puller Command Transports
          • 6 Vandegrift RCT Transports
        • Jumpships
          • 18 Galleon Jumpships
        • Escorts
          • 10 Samuel B Roberts Destroyers
        • Light Warships
          • 2 Miranda Exploration Frigates
          • 2 Atlanta Light Cruisers
          • 4 Cleveland Light Cruisers
          • 2 Wichita Heavy Cruisers

    Once Thanh is finished and the screen is cleared, Elizabeth Lee takes over. “Your Majesty, we have five DoME teams ready and waiting for work, and a number of high priority projects for them. Starting from the top, the massive damage inflicted on the Kainga system is a threat to the long term viability of the system, thankfully it is the sort of damage that our DoME teams have significant experience with handling effectively. We strongly recommend dispatching one of our available teams to Kainga to deal with the damage and restore the ecosystem and infrastructure as expeditiously as possible. Second, as you heard from General Jenkins, Bradley, and Admiral Griffith, as we grow the distances over which we are required to support our forces also grows. It has been determined that for maximum efficiency we should strive to keep this distance as short as possible. Since the thrust of our future expansion is to the galactic north, we are recommending building a significant fleet and army base on New Pollux. That system is two jumps further ‘north’ than Griffon, and will thus allow for reduced supply lines in that direction. We will need a pair of DoME teams for the overall project, but we can build the required basing facilities to facilitate further expansion in that direction without overstressing our supply lines. Third, as General Bradley indirectly pointed out, we can allocate one of our DoME teams to rapidly and efficiently set up a large number of Military Logistics Facilities on Nowy Śląsk, giving us a nice boost to our logistics capacity and the local system a lovely boost to their economy. Last, but certainly not least, we can make use of some of the unused military industrial capacity here in the Griffon system to expand our R&D support. While not nearly as efficient as simply expanding our labs, by incentivizing private R&D into military research projects we can overall improve our research efficiency, albeit at a financial cost.”

    She looks over her notes. “We have a pair of exploration frigates available, Your Majesty, we recommend sending one to the system near New Port Royal in GX-K32 and the other to GX-I27. In terms of developmental focus and investment. For the peripheral systems we recommend focusing on Nowy Wroclaw and investing in Nowy Śląsk, for the core we recommend focusing our efforts on Calliope IV. In addition, we recommend building as many new commercial space stations as we can, we have room for more in New Port Royal, Kainga, and New Pollux after all. Finally we strongly recommend building additional HPG stations on New Pollux, New Castor, and Okusawa, that we urgently expand our Colonial Office to prevent any issues with our growth, and invest in the continued expansion of the civil service so that we have the people needed to maximize the efficient use of our resources.”

    Your Foreign Minister is on Nova Roma at the moment, and joins you via an HPG link. “Your Majesty, your Foreign Office has no significant budget requests this year, everything is looking in good shape on our end.”

    Lien is up next. “Your Majesty, your political team likewise has no new expenditures beyond agreeing with Minister Lee that we need to expand the civil service, we have a great deal of revenue, but a shortage of personnel is making it difficult to efficiently make use of the available funds.”

    Grace is up next. “We have a single R&D team available, Your Majesty, and quite a few priorities for them. Depending on priorities we would recommend either plucking some low-hanging fruit with the advanced machine guns or flamers research, or figuring out one of the smaller hyper-assault gauss systems. Another possibility that could pay off handsomely is research in assault battle armor. A final option would be to start work on more capable anti-aging treatments.”

    General Messerschmidt isn’t playing any games this year at least. “Your Majesty, all is quiet on the intelligence front, the NRI isn’t being accommodating by giving us anything to tease you with this year, and we have no real projects on the front, back, or side burners. Plenty of people on New Port Royal have been volunteering what they know about the pirates that used to plague us, but so far we’ve not managed to get anything all that useful out of them since they don’t seem to actually know anything about where the stronger bands that disappeared went.”

    Martina is up next. “Your Majesty, we really don’t have all that much for you this year either, we hope to finally graduate the enlarged class from the IGMP academy this year, but other than that there are no issues to report or budget items to request.”
    Turn 82 - I've Got The Biggest Balls Of All
  • Turn 82 - I’ve Got The Biggest Balls Of All
    Meta Event34
    Dynasty Luck37
    Imperial Approval-1
    Approval Change1
    Political Event0
    Imperial Economy0
    Economic Event2
    Research Event0
    Nowa WarszawaEcon5
    Calliope IVEcon0
    New CapricornEcon1
    Nowy ŚląskEcon4
    Nowy WroclawEcon2
    Griff's LeapEcon0
    New PhoenixEcon1
    New EdenEcon1
    New CastorEcon-2
    New PolluxEcon5
    New Port RoyalEcon10

    Plan: Economic Expansion?
    - Procurement [$ 434,259,970.29 ]
    -- Lay Down Major Unit [Construction - $107,835,372.40 ] (95)
    --- 30 Long Beach [95]
    Target - 95
    Roll - 23
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 30 Bainbridge [95]
    Target - 95
    Roll - 69
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 3 Puller [95]
    Target - 95
    Roll - 60
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 6 Vandegrift [95]
    Target - 95
    Roll - 64
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 26 Canopus [95]
    Target - 95
    Roll - 33
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Lay down Jumpship [Jumpship Construction - $14,075,112.93 ] (75)
    --- 18 Galleon [75]
    Target - 75
    Roll - 67
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Lay down Warship [Warship Construction - $243,529,056.00 ] (80)
    --- 10 Samuel B Roberts [80]
    Target - 80
    Roll - 53
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 2 Miranda [80]
    Target - 80
    Roll - 43
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 2 Atlanta [80]
    Target - 80
    Roll - 52
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 4 Cleveland [80]
    Target - 80
    Roll - 11
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 2 Wichita [80]
    Target - 80
    Roll - 62
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Purchase New Units [ $ 68,820,428.96 ] (90)
    --- 16 Fighter Wing [auto]
    --- 20 Missile Interceptor Wing [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 5
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 2 Standard Mech Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 17
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 6 Assault Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 77
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 9 Medium Scout Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 30
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 9 Medium Mech Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 59
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 16 Light Armored Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 51
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 9 Air Cavalry Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 33
    Result - SUCCESS

    --- 8 Light Mechanized Regiment [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 30
    Result - SUCCESS

    - General [$ 4,554,130,121.40 ]
    -- Construct Oasis II Heavy Recharge Station New Pollux Zenith* [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 37
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Construct Silver Tower Calliope II* [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 87
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Construct Silver Tower Calliope V* [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 17
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Construct Silver Tower New Pollux* [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 6
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Construct Silver Tower Calliope III* [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 34
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Survey GX-I27 [80]
    Target - 80
    Roll – 96, Jarow reroll - 53
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Survey GX-K32 [80]
    Target - 80
    Roll - 28
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Focus Development on Core World Nowa Warzsawa [70]
    Target - 70
    Roll – 83, ShadowArxxy reroll – 85, HereticNep reroll - 12
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Focus Development on Peripheral World Okusawa [70]
    Target - 70
    Roll - 6
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Build New Commercial Space Station [85]
    Target - 85
    Roll - 69
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Build New Commercial Space Station [85]
    Target - 85
    Roll - 25
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Build New Commercial Space Station [85]
    Target - 85
    Roll - 61
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Expand Civil Service [80]
    Target - 80
    Roll – 93, General reroll - 85
    Result – Bare FAILURE (auto next turn)

    -- Build HPG Station New Port Royal II [85]
    Target - 85
    Roll - 72
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Build HPG Station Okusawa [85]
    Target - 85
    Roll - 6
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Build HPG Station New Castor [85]
    Target - 85
    Roll - 26
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Build HPG Station New Pollux [85]
    Target - 85
    Roll – 100, General reroll - 11
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Broadcast Propaganda to Nya Kopenhamn III* [~]
    -- Broadcast Propaganda to Nya Kopenhamn IV* [~]

    -- Insert additional spies in the Nya Kopenhamn system* [80]
    Target - 80
    Roll - 18
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Build Relations with Chamber of Delegates* [auto]

    -- Build New Commercial Space Station [85]
    Target - 85
    Roll - 82
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Expand Colonial Office (per level) [75]
    Target - 75
    Roll - 83
    Result – Bare FAILURE (auto success next turn)

    -- Expand Imperial Grifftiger Mounted Police* [auto]
    -- (Sports) Fund sports camps to improve performance in low performing Olympic sports* [auto]

    -- Build New Commercial Space Station [85]
    Target - 85
    Roll - 70
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Build New Commercial Space Station [85]
    Target - 85
    Roll - 64
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Build New Commercial Space Station [85]
    Target - 85
    Roll - 16
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Build New Commercial Space Station [85]
    Target - 85
    Roll - 79
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Build Light Warship Yard Griffon [75]
    Target - 75
    Roll - 59
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Build Light Warship Yard Nowa Warzsawa [75]
    Target - 75
    Roll - 35
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Build Light Warship Yard Calliope [75]
    Target - 75
    Roll - 47
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Upgrade Refit & Repair Yard [100]
    Target - 100
    Roll - 41
    Result - SUCCESS

    - DoME [$ 14,265,000,000.00 ]
    -- Edelsteine Arcology & Terraforming* [80]
    Target - 80
    Roll - 41
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Expand R&D Complex on Griffon [60]
    Target - 60
    Roll - 11
    Result - SUCCESS

    - Research [$ 1,775,000,000.00 ]
    -- HAG/20 [85]
    Target - 85
    Roll - 79
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Naval Autocannon/25* [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 31
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Naval Autocannon/40* [90]
    Target - 90
    Roll - 89
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Life Extension Therapy Lvl 4 [80]
    Target - 80
    Roll - 42
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Advanced Compact Core Theory IV* [105]
    Target - 105
    Roll - 26
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Advanced Compact Core Design IV* [105]
    Target - 105
    Roll - 76
    Result - SUCCESS

    -- Advanced Compact Core Construction IV* [105]
    Target - 105
    Roll - 8
    Result - SUCCESS


    The survey mission to GX-K32 sends an emergency HPG message almost immediately after arriving… the system is lousy with Black Steel forces who appear to have a major forward base located within the asteroid belt of the red giant star. The Miranda is going full evasive while attempting to recharge from her reactor.

    The reaction force is scrambled and arrives a few days later thanks to the recharge stations. With your lone Wichita heavy cruiser as the fleet flag, accompanied by three Clevelands, all 10 Samuel B. Robertss, a dozen Fletchers, and a full load of parasite dropships, your forces face off against five Black Steel battleships, two Farraguts and a trio of McKennas, a quartet of Aegis and ten Vincents, plus their own ASF and dropship forces.

    The battle is ugly, the main advantage that your forces have is that the enemy is overly aggressive so you are able to outmaneuver them, allowing for a degree of ‘divide and conquer’ tactics to be used. It helps, but not by that much considering the sheer weight of metal on the Black Steel’s side.

    Over almost a week of intense fighting your forces eventually prevail. Calling the victory Pyrrhic would be a disservice, you were significantly outmassed after all and the fact that at the end of the day the only operational ships in the system were yours makes it a victory. Your losses were extremely severe, with only the Miranda, her pair of Enterprise-A survey craft, and a badly battered Wichita surviving along with a few surviving ASFs. The Black Steel forces were wiped out, although unfortunately the automated repair stations self-destructed before your surviving units could capture them.

    A month later the Wichita is repaired enough to jump to the Refit and Repair docks in New Pollux where she will be under repair for the next several months. You do get useful survey data on GX-K32, the system has no habitable planets but the asteroid belts are incredibly rich in resources.

    Thankfully you complete a number of defense stations this year, shoring up your fixed defenses even as your fleet takes such significant losses. In addition your research teams have completed work on a new generation of million ton warships, finally potentially giving you platforms strong enough to take on the Black Steel without overwhelming numbers.

    There are three specific designs, although one of them does cause you to blink a few times and wonder if Thanh needs to be stuffed into the heaviest and slowest tank you have as, for some reason, you hear a voice whispering in your ear that you need to exorcize the ancient ghost of Jackie Fisher.

    The Exeter-class Heavy Cruiser design is based on Project ADMIRAL SCHEER from Majeure Electrique. It is an exceptionally well-balanced design with incredible firepower, especially at extreme ranges. A quartet of spinal heavy naval gauss rifles, four quad bow mounted heavy naval PPC turrets, massive arrays of naval lasers and naval autocannons, and almost as an afterthought a quartet of Killer Whale launchers and a number of quad subcapital laser turrets give the design a truly ferocious punch, while thick slabs of lamellar ferro-carbide armor provide superior protection. The heavy cruiser even includes hangars for a dedicated wing of ASFs and can transport 16 dropships on her collars.

    The Kongo-class Battlecruiser is a collaborative project between Majeure Electrique, where it is known as Project SCHARNHORST, and the Imperial Griffon Aerospace Werk. Capable of 3g of acceleration, the Kongo carries an incredible potent mix of naval PPCs, lasers, autocannon and missiles to the battlefield, while being just as well armored as the Exeter. Carrying only a quartet of dropships, however, she is better suited to fleet operations rather than independent patrols.

    Then the one that makes you roll your eyes and groan. The Project GLADIATUS Large Light Cruiser, called the Furious class by the Navy, is a million ton light cruiser, with surprisingly thin armor, an acceleration profile that more closely resembles an assault aerospace fighter than a warship, and you are almost certain that you are misreading the sheer number of class 35 naval autocannons mounted on the ship, because 36 of the huge guns seems a mite excessive. Two dozen naval lasers, arrays of sub capital lasers… the design is rather insane but there are notes on it indicating that your dear little sister approved the design.
    • Armored 100
    • Capital AMS 84
    • Capital Missile 40
    • Capital
      • 2/162
      • 3/750
      • 4/2757
    • Command 6
    • Armored 100
    • Capital Missile 210
    • Capital
      • 3/750
      • 4/2010
    • Command 6
    • Armored 50
    • Capital AMS 1152
    • Capital
      • 2/5012
      • 4/332
    • Swift
    • Command 3

    As part of the R&D effort you gain a single Medium Warship Yard in the Griffon system, allowing you to lay down your first million ton ship next year. This is on top of the three new small warship yards which have been built, and the expansion of your repair and refit capacity.

    Your R&D teams also report success on the NAC/25, NAC/40, and improved anti-aging therapies. Grace is a bit embarrassed with the latter, since she’d gotten the progress memo mixed in with the recommendation memos earlier this year. But the work did get done successfully to general acclaim and approval empire wide. Likewise the HAG/20 system is now available for use.

    A large number of new commercial stations have been built, providing a valuable improvement in commerce and economic growth throughout the Empire. Likewise a plethora of new HPG stations have come online, significantly boosting data throughput across the network and likewise boosting the economy.

    Unfortunately in the chaos of the aftermath of the battle at K32 a few things slipped through the cracks as the job postings for both the Colonial Office and the Civil Service expansions weren’t posted in time, delaying both until Q1 of next year.

    The arcology complex and terraforming work on Edelsteine has been completed successfully, giving a welcome boost to the local economy and promoting a surge of immigration to the system. Likewise the new R&D complexes on Griffon have had a beneficial effect on the local economy as well as boosting your research endeavors.

    Survey work on GX-I27 reveals a system with a single marginally habitable planet that is currently completely uninhabited, with the highest local lifeform being fungi, but massive deposits of Germanium exist in all of the asteroid belts and the planet itself is incredibly mineral rich, albeit with a nearly toxic atmosphere from all the heavy metal salts.

    Procurement of new units has gone quite smoothly, with the new mechs, tanks, ASFs, dropships and heavy units proceeding well. The only new warship commissioned this turn is an Erebus class missile ship.
    Turn 83 - Foot On The Pedal
  • Turn 83 - Foot on the Pedal

    Seismic and volcanic activity off of Castor continues to increase, with all signs pointing to a new island forming about sixty miles offshore. Geologists are making use of drones to observe the fascinating and rare events taking place. Several nautical and aerial shipping routes have had to be semi-permanently rerouted for safety, although thanks to the widespread use of fusion propulsion this is not a serious liability.

    The Department of Periphery Studies has evidently decided that this year is a wonderful opportunity for their usual silliness, although in this case they have evidently all decided that the time is ripe for a massive ‘civil war’ fought with nerf guns, water pistols, and far too many arguments over who’s ‘dead’ and how long they have to ‘stay dead’ after being ruled ‘dead’. Nobody is quite sure why they have all decided to fight over who has to clean the faculty lounge coffee pot, since that’s cleaned by maintenance staff already so none of the distinguished faculty members have had to do that chore in decades.

    That decision cut down the number of electric fires and burns by over 60 percent when it was decided that such was far too risky for such distinguished personages as tenured faculty.

    Overall the economy is doing quite well this year, apart from some small issues on Nowe Wroclaw as a number of the largest local employers have laid off the majority of their staff due to unexpected market downturns on the planet. It looks like a bunch of small companies zigged when they should have zagged, and while none have outright failed, growth is stumbling in that system this year.

    On the military front a number of new tanks have emerged from Calliope Motors. The series of assault-grade vehicles, and a single ultra-high speed hover scout vehicle, mostly take advantage of the sheer firepower of the HAG system to create a lethal, if rather slow, new formation, the Heavy Armored Regiment. At the same time, Lee Military Vehicles has created a new version of the venerable Patton MBT to upgrade your current Armored Regiments with. The old Patton II’s will remain in service with the training units for now.

    System militias have been given access to a number of relatively cheap and simple ASFs to augment the ASF garrisons that you have assigned to the various worlds. So far several systems have taken advantage of this.

    Your Wichita class Heavy Cruiser is barely out of the body and fender shop when she is again called into action, this time in response to a lone Black Steel Vincent that jumped into the New Pollux system. The enemy corvette is handily dispatched, but the explosions hadn’t even faded when a Black Steel Riga jumped in, unfortunately for it right in the optimal firing arc for the Wichitas spinal naval gauss cannons. The fighting is more even than the battle against the Vincent, after all both ships massed three quarter of a million tons, but the Riga was nevertheless severely outmatched and soon destroyed. The Wichita, however, is back in the yard's hands for repairs. At this time she is the single most successful warship in your fleet, counting more enemy kills than any three other ships combined. You make a point of personally presenting an Imperial Unit Citation to the captain and crew of the vessel.

    Your granddaughter and heir has graduated with honors from her post-doc program at the Calliope Military Academy and has been commissioned into the Imperial Griffon Army as a Second Lieutenant. She is currently assigned to the 20th Battlemech Regiment, 1st Regimental Combat Team, 1st Brigade Combat Team.

    You are going to have to toss your wife, your granddaughter, and whoever else kept this from you, but your darling granddaughter waited until the graduation ceremony to reveal that she actually has a boyfriend. Friedrich von Pappenheim is a medical doctor and a fellow recent graduate at CMA.

    You do decide to make up for lost time by properly terrorizing the boy who thinks he might be good enough to date your granddaughter. It’s amazing how intimidating sitting in a comfy armchair petting Bastet and Sekhmet as they lounge beside you, with a pitch black raptor curled up in your lap, can be. You are quite proud of your ‘boyfriend terrifying method’ at this point, and to young Friedrich’s credit he neither pisses himself nor soils himself, nor acts anything but properly respectful and firm, thus passing the test. For now. You quite loftily ignore your granddaughter's protestations about you interfering with her relationships.

    You receive a number of petitions from mining companies and industrial concerns wishing to immediately colonize GX-I27. The proposal is quite detailed, including a note that a contest held by the consortium to name the system was won by an old Swahili word meaning ‘Iron’ - ‘Chuma’. The consortium is offering to bear a portion of the initial expenses of the colonization effort in exchange for the first pick of allotments in the system. Considering that their offer slightly exceeds the ordinary expected income from prime allotment auctions, this is mainly them wishing to bypass the auction process in the pursuit of efficiency. You would still need to set up governance, justice administration, and the like on your own, but the initial efforts would be partially funded.
    []ActionArgument ProArgument ConEffect
    []AgreeIn the case of ‘Chuma’, it is these exact companies which would ordinarily be the heart and soul of the colonial effort regardless, as this is a nearly purely industrial and resource system. Given that fact, having them finance the initial colonization in return for what they would have gotten normally is an excellent deal. Purists may be dismayed by bypassing the ordinary process of auctions, but there is no sign of any corrupt purpose in this proposal after it was thoroughly vetted by all relevant legal and regulatory bodies.The current auction process is there for a reason, to fairly allocate allotments on new colonies to all interested parties. While yes, these particular mining and industrial concerns are precisely the ones who would be most likely to win such allotments in the ordinary auction process, that still doesn’t mean that they should be allowed to bypass the process.
    • Establish a new Peripheral Colony at GX-I27 called Chuma
    • Initial Values
      • POP - 100,000
      • GDP - $500,000
      • Econ Rating 60
      • Health Rating 45
      • POP Limit 10
      • Factory Limit 2
      • Infrastructure 1
    • Cost - $500,000,000.00
    • -1 Approval Change
    • -1 Approval
    • +1 Approval Change
    • +1 Economic Event
    Last edited:
    Turn 83 - Never Ever False Metal
  • Turn 83 - Never Ever False Metal

    You receive reports from Okusawa, there has been a surge in violence in several of the major cities as ISF radicals have unleashed a campaign of roadside bombings targeting civilians rather than your occupation forces, apparently as ‘righteous punishment’ for the civilian population being ‘insufficiently zealous’ in their opposition to you according to the broadsheets tacked up near the scenes. Considering that the favored targets appear to be school buses, this is causing a great deal of unrest in the system.

    Your occupation forces are reacting well, SAR teams responded swiftly to the incidents and, despite secondary mortar attacks aimed at the response teams, have managed to save a surprisingly high number of lives, as the bombs are rather cruder than previous ones with significantly less explosive payload.

    This is progress of a sort, at least in the cold calculus of insurrection. When the enemy turns on their own people it means that they are growing desperate, and as such attacks continue it will drive those undecided or neutral to you for protection from the fanatics. You inform the system government that they will have full access to any Imperial law enforcement assets that they need in order to try and counter the increased attacks.

    The 1st Brigade Combat Team is currently engaging in field exercises with the FRR units in the Gotland system. This is excellent training for both sides, or you’d not have approved it. That it keeps your granddaughter well away from those systems most likely to be attacked by the Black Steel is something you will never mention to her.

    You do have a medical scare, however, as you suffer a minor heart attack thanks to the incredible stress you place on yourself. You are kept away from the office for a few weeks on enforced bed rest, but thanks to the advanced medical care available there are no long term lingering effects. The doctor’s are demanding that you take at least a month’s vacation each year, however, and pretty much order you to attend next year's Olympics on Calliope IV.

    This is rather unwelcome, as you have far too much work to do to indulge such things. You’ll just need to be more careful with your diet and exercise more, that should be enough. You are the emperor, you don’t have time for vacation. Vacations mean that you miss things and people might get killed as a consequence.

    You get some good news, the agents you’ve sent to the Nya Kopenhamn system have successfully infiltrated both factions. Unrest is boiling under the surface on both worlds and the lunatics and fanatics in charge of the two planets are being forced to greater and greater repressive measures to try and contain the growing discontent with their rule.

    Your agents are stoking the fires of revolution on both worlds, and reports are that in only a few years it is expected that all out revolts will topple both planets' governments, leaving the way clear for your forces to land and start establishing sane leadership.

    You receive some memos from General Bradley to review. New Infantry Fighting Vehicles from the Imperial Griffon Armor Werk have been procured to replace the Grizzly and Sheridan designs. Both are Omni Vehicle designs, although both have only a pair of variants each. The Namer is named after an ancient Terran APC design and is a 100 ton behemoth, armed as standard with a massive HAG/40, a pair of anti-missile systems, and a TAG designator, with the main IFV variant also sporting a total of 30 tubes of improved LRMs with Artemis targeting. The Command variant has a full suite of electronics dedicated to battlefield command and control. The smaller Warrior is slightly slower and cheaper than the Sheridan, but possesses greater firepower in compensation. The base armament is a single 5cm extended range laser, a twin-pack of Streak-targeting enhanced short range missiles, and an anti-missile system, plus a TAG designator. The more common Prime variant adds an enhanced PPC, a ten-rack of improved LRMs with Artemis support, and a second anti-missile system, while the Missile variant simply adds a total of 40 tubes of improved LRM launchers, albeit without Artemis.

    Since the new Namer possesses substantial anti-aircraft capability it is no longer required to make use of the Chaparral Arrow IV missile artillery/anti-air vehicle to provide both artillery and AA capabilities to your mechanized infantry units, instead the Long Tom armed Sholef SPG is fielded in these formations, giving your mechanized units substantially increased artillery punch.

    There is a proposal to retire the Abbot II SPG in favor of additional Sholefs in the Corps Artillery roll. They both are Long Tom SPGs, but the Sholef is marginally more expensive and more capable, making use of the ‘tank rider’ concept to bring along a squad of battle armor rather than the internal transport bay of the older design in exchange for additional ammunition and more potent self-defense weapons. Critics of the proposal point out that the older Abbot II is a perfectly functional system and that the Corps Artillery concept renders the enhanced self-defense armament superfluous, while the loss of the internal APC bay renders the attached infantry marginally more vulnerable to enemy artillery, which is the primary threat faced by the Corps Artillery units. Therefore the older, less expensive, tank is actually slightly more capable in the role than the more modern one due to such ‘soft’ factors.

    The difference is less than $400 per vehicle, which at the scale of an entire regiment is pretty trivial. Plus both chassis make use of common components, rendering any concerns about the older design becoming too expensive to maintain moot. General Bradley recommends keeping the older guns in service for now, at least until a more substantial upgrade is available. She does recommend replacing the older twin-missile Chaparrals in use in the Corps Artillery with the new, quad launcher Tor system in either event.
    []Replace the Abbot II
    []Keep it in service

    Parliament is a bit busy this year. Two pieces of legislation have been presented to you for your agreement. Both have fairly broad support within both the Senate and Chamber, and neither is particularly objectionable, although both are extremely minor.

    The first, the Agricultural Subsidy Act of 3013, is targeted at ensuring a healthy food supply from New Eden to the various Core worlds by establishing a subsidy fund aimed at assisting farmers on the planet obtain necessary equipment and materials. While aimed at New Eden, it would have knock on effects across the empire by slightly reducing the costs involved in agriculture, at least the capital costs.
    []ActionArguments ProArguments ConEffects
    []Support the Agricultural Subsidy Act of 3013Initial and ongoing capital expenses reduce the profitability of farms, encouraging instead large agribusiness arrangements which are relatively less efficient while employing fewer farmers on the ground. It is in the interest of the Empire to encourage small family farms to proliferate.The disdain and suspicion directed at large businesses is tiresome. While in an ideal world small yeoman farmers are a wonderful thing, in the real world this act won’t truly keep them from being outcompeted by large agribusiness concerns. This is simply the politics of envy
    • Adds an ‘Agriculture Subsidy’ expense to general upkeep
      • $1,000,000 per level per system
    • Increased GDP growth of all systems by .001% per level
    • Approval +1
    • Approval Change +1
    • Politics +1
    • Economy -1
    • Economic Event -1
    • Chamber of Delegates Support +2
    []Oppose the Agricultural Subsidy Act of 3013See above rightSee above left
    • Imperial Senate Support -5
    • Chamber of Delegates Support -5

    The second is the Imperial Governance Act of 3013 which would make significant changes in how system governments are organized and subsidized, with the intent of streamlining and improving inter-system cooperation and coordination, improving internal trade, and reducing barriers to investment across systems. This legislation is a major initial element to a potential future addition of a ‘sector’ tier of government above the individual systems.

    This Act would increase imperial subsidies to system governments, increasing their ability to manage system-specific affairs and projects thus freeing Imperial resources for other purposes. As a consequence the Colonial Office would grow more efficient, increasing the number of systems capable of being overseen by the Office efficiently.
    []ActionArgument ProArguments ConEffects
    []Support the Imperial Governance Act of 3013As the Empire grows larger we will need to delegate more and more authority down the chain. Directly overseeing every single system in the Empire is inefficient and a recipe for eventual disaster. This act lays the foundation for this important work by setting up the most basic of systems for its implementation without prematurely switching to the new model before it is ready.There’s no real reason to worry about the organization of the Empire, the current system works, it was good enough for your mother, and there’s absolutely no reason to change it. Besides, if it grows too cumbersome we can simply pause our expansion and reconsider things at a future date, there’s absolutely no call to muck around with things now.
    • Increases the System Government level by 1
      • Increases upkeep to system governments by $100,000,000 per system
    • Doubles the efficiency of the Colonial Office
      • Each level of Colonial Office adds two systems to the limit
    • +1 Economy
    • +1 Economy Event
    • +2 Support Chamber of Delegates
    []Oppose the Imperial Governance Act of 3013See above rightSee above left
    • -5 Support Imperial Senate
    • -5 Support Chamber of Delegates