Describe the American Right and how it got to where it currently is as well as its current course.

Humans may not be fundamentally evil, but they are fundamentally stupid and short-sighted....

Frankly, I see democracy as a form of socialism...
1. Humans are fundamentally evil. If you have raised kids you'll understand this.

2. Democracy is tyranny, just like socialism. It's a tyranny of the masses, and it's why the founders built America as a Republic. Unfortunately, we've let the Left push us away from what we're meant to be...
This is just as much an idealized take on Monarchy, as many people have these days towards Democracy. It's not accurate, it's not realistic, and it ignores a lot of what history has actually borne out.

I wouldn't say so much idealized as rather specific. From what I know of England, their monarchs were often cartoonishly evil, hence the focus on parliament etc. - although one has to be careful of that because it is easy to villify people you don't like when you control what is being written down (it is very likely Nero, Calligula etc. were nowhere as awful as presented - but they had committed a cardinal sin of being in conflict with the Senate, and Senators were the ones writing history, by and large).

Anyway, what I wrote is based primarily on Croatian experiences with the monarchy. And excepting maybe Kingdom of Yugoslavia, these were rather good. Much better than with democracy, and less said about socialism, the better.
If I were to wage on how the American Right would revive itself, short of actually going full blown semi-fascist, there’s no way they would be allowed to revive itself.
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As a moderate who is literally in the middle looking at both sides. I will say the Right has the same problem the left has right now. You have destructive elements that need to be purged. The left have BLM, Antifa, Radical Environmentalists Wokies and Neo Libs. The Right has the Country Club Chamber of Commerce types, The Crazy Q'anon conspiracy types, The Neo Cons and the Alt Right. For both the Left and the Right to be sane factions. These factions need to be shown the door. Only then can true reform of the system in this country can take place.

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