United States Election 2024 Shenanigans and News

Will It Be Riot Season Again in 2024?
  • DarthOne

    Will It Be Riot Season Again in 2024?

    Conservatives must learn the lessons of 2020—and prepare.

    The resurgence of public protests in support of Hamas has revealed a disturbing truth: the left-wing rioting following George Floyd's death in 2020 was not an anomaly, but a tactic that activists can repurpose for any cause. Whether by coincidence or design, these recent outbursts could be a dress rehearsal for possible violence during next year's election campaign.

    Conservative leaders must prepare for that prospect. To prevent 2020 from repeating itself in 2024, conservatives need to consider what might spark a riot, how it can be prevented, and how to understand and manage the politics of rioting.

    First, what could generate a riot season? Left-wing agitation has some familiar causes: a police-involved death of a black person; an international conflict; an economic crisis. But another threat looms. Former president Donald Trump, the frontrunner for the Republican nomination, faces multiple criminal indictments. Trump may well be convicted and imprisoned, likely yielding explosive consequences, including possible violence from both sides of the ideological divide.

    Progressives are restless and ready. Left-wing activists have established a constellation of institutions to support public demonstrations. Protest NGOs, media entities, research centers, black-bloc (Antifa) networks, and bail funds are all finely tuned to mobilize mass movements. The Left carefully manages its licit and illicit factions: progressive political leaders tacitly delegate the dirty work to anarchist and racialist factions, which can change costumes—for example, from a BLM mask to a Palestinian keffiyeh—at any moment.

    Red-state governors should start preparing now. They should instruct state law enforcement to establish interagency task forces to monitor, infiltrate, and disrupt violent left-wing activist networks to the fullest extent permitted by law. If they uncover illegal activity, they should make arrests and prosecute offenders. As I have observed in the Pacific Northwest, these groups are relatively small and depend on specific leadership nodes. They make little effort to hide their goal of overthrowing America's basic institutions and their willingness to use political violence to do so. Law enforcement should follow a simple mantra: disrupt the nodes, disrupt the network. The invisible work of prevention is far superior to a public fight during a potential riot.

    Republican officials must also shift incentives. Governors should pass legislation increasing penalties for rioting and train National Guard units in anti-riot tactics. After Floyd's death, Florida governor Ron DeSantis demonstrated the effectiveness of this approach. In 2020, DeSantis activated the National Guard and declared "zero tolerance" for violence. As a result, Florida saw minimal rioting, looting, and destruction compared with many other states. In 2021, DeSantis signed the Combating Public Disorder Act, which tightened restrictions on violent rioting, criminalized mob intimidation, increased penalties for destroying monuments, and provided legal protection for drivers who might injure or kill protesters who put them in fear for their lives.

    While the anti-riot bill was quickly entangled in court challenges, it sent a strong signal: if you riot in Florida, you will pay a price. After Hurricane Idalia hit earlier this year, DeSantis followed a similar line, warning potential looters that citizens would defend themselves against threats: "You loot, we shoot."

    Preparation, however, can only go so far. If riots do erupt in American cities, what can conservative political leaders do to quell them? Two basic approaches are possible: a "ground war" and an "air war." The first option is summarized by Senator Tom Cotton's infamous New York Times editorial, published during the summer of Floyd: "Send In the Troops." The first-order benefit of this approach is clear: National Guard units can suppress riots, protect lives and property, and restore public order. But it also carries a risk. The Left has mastered the tactic of baiting law enforcement into a reaction, framing any response as "authoritarian" and using the national media to shift public opinion.

    The second option is an "air war"—that is, via the airwaves. Whether by choice or necessity, political leaders can enact a policy of containment, leaving the mayhem in certain neighborhoods for local authorities to handle, while waging a battle for public opinion in the media and blaming the political Left for the violence and destruction. This was, to an extent, President Trump's policy during the summer of 2020. Fearing that "sending in the troops" would mobilize opposition, provide fodder for charges of "fascism," or create a political quagmire, he adopted a posture of strategic neglect, allowing radicals to run rampant in parts of Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, and other major cities. At the same time, he blamed BLM, Antifa, and the Democratic Party, and appealed, frequently in all caps, to "law and order."

    This approach did not pay off, however. Recall the situation in the months preceding the 2020 election. Major cities were on high alert for riots in case of a Trump victory. When I visited Washington, D.C., the week prior to Election Day, entire city blocks were barricaded; luxury stores had boarded up their windows; BLM- and Antifa-associated militants promised violence if voters didn't opt for a change of power. The Left was putting the pressure on, and it seemed to me that voters supported Biden in part to put an end to the chaos. In other words, for the Left, the rachet worked. The threat of continued violence paid an electoral dividend—and it offers left-wing agitators a strong incentive to repeat the performance in 2024.

    How might the politics of a riot season unfold next year? Civil disorder has often benefited the challenger in recent presidential elections. Richard Nixon won the presidency in 1968 following major riots, just as Joe Biden won the presidency in 2020 after similar unrest. Bill Clinton also won as a challenger in 1992, a year that saw the Los Angeles riots. Voters react against disorder, which they lay at the feet of whoever occupies the highest office. If a Trump-Biden rematch takes place in 2024 and violence breaks out, voters might well blame Biden, just as they blamed Trump in 2020. Then again, given Trump's polarizing reputation and the distorting nature of mainstream media coverage, it's conceivable that voters could associate the re-emergence of public disorder with Trump.

    However the politics play out, though, conservative leaders must prepare for potential unrest. First, they should develop plans for state and local deterrence, riot control, and prosecution of anyone found responsible for violence. Second, they should model a strategy for the "air war": develop a persuasive rhetorical strategy in advance, create the frame of interpretation for any future rioting, and build a rapid-response apparatus for contesting the opposition message. They might recruit strategic planners to game out potential scenarios and responses, with an eye toward breaking the hostage logic that the Left successfully implemented in 2020: "Elect our man, and the pain will stop."

    The success of any society begins with order. This truth is often forgotten until order is disrupted. The prudent statesman has planned for that contingency, both for his own fortune and for the general good of his society. The time to prepare is now.

    Given how feckless the GOP was in preventing and acting during the 2020 riots, I would STRONGLY urge everyone for prepare for the worse and to coordinate with neighbors or people you know you can trust.

    Because I have a horrifying suspicion that 2024 is going to make 2020 look like a wet firecracker, no matter who wins.
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    Behold, the Democrats changed their own Rules last year
  • P6WOCKQxJaZv.jpeg

    Behold, the Democrats changed their own Rules last year. Why do you suppose..? So Biden can get the nomination, then resign..? 🤔
    Migrant Shenanigans to stuff the ballot box
  • Over 20 Million Immigrants Are Set To Vote In 2024

    Next year's critical 2024 election is now 11 months away, and there are already concerns about fair voting.

    According data released by a left-wing group, more than 23 million immigrants are going to vote.

    "It's very true that the number of people, the millions that are coming across the border that are undocumented could absolutely be marshalled through the weaknesses in our existing system to vote" said Catherine Engelbrecht, president of True The Vote.

    She also noted something else that is true.

    "Not reflected in the 20 million, is the some 50 million estimates show of people that are coming across the border undocumented" Engelbrecht told KTRH, "And the way that they can find their way on to the voter rolls through the weaknesses of a system that's been eroding for decades."

    Come next year, 1 out of every 10 voters in the 2024 election will be foreign born.

    NYC Orders Voter Registration Forms For All Migrants

    It's all about the elections.

    Why are Democrats keeping the border open and flooding major cities with masses of invading illegal aliens? It's all about the elections.

    Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY) on Sunday accused New York City of trying to stack voter rolls by trying to illegally register migrants housed at a Staten Island shelter to cast ballots in the upcoming elections.
    Malliotakis, joined by four other Staten Island Republicans, claimed a city contract with a nonprofit hired to run the shelter includes a stipulation that voter registration forms are to be distributed to asylum seekers staying there — which they called both unlawful and underhanded.
    The contract, which Malliotakis said was obtained via a state Freedom of Information Law request, includes a stipulation that the nonprofit, in accordance with the New York City charter, "shall provide and distribute voter registration forms to all persons," with the forms to be made available in Spanish and Chinese.

    Mayor Eric Adams claims that it's absurd and untrue, and forced on the city by DHS regulations, but New York City had previously passed a law allowing non-citizens to vote.

    More than 800,000 noncitizens and "Dreamers" in New York City will have access to the ballot box — and could vote in municipal elections as early as next year — after Mayor Eric Adams allowed legislation to automatically become law Sunday.

    A judge struck down that law, but never assume that the Undead Civic Voters Association and the Guy We Paid 5 Bucks to Cast a Ballot Committee are going to stop.

    Keeping the borders open is about elections and political power.

    Mayorkas Opens the Border Again, Now to Ecuadorians

    Congress continues to do nothing to restrict the main tool enabling Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas's unlawful overreach: his abuse of the "humanitarian parole" authority to admit foreigners under a narrow exception in the Immigration and Nationality Act. The INA allows the president to admit selected foreigners who cannot obtain a visa but have a pressing need to enter the U.S., such as to receive medical treatment or take part in a court matter. Mayorkas has seized this authority as dynamite to blast open our national borders.

    Earlier this year, Mayorkas used humanitarian parole as the pretext to invent immigration programs for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans (called "CHNV") that permit 30,000 "legal" monthly admissions from those countries. Under the sketchy CHNV rules that Mayorkas created by diktat, the parolees from these four countries can self-select themselves; basically the sole requirements are having a sponsor and not being on a U.S. watchlist.

    Mayorkas's sleight of hand has also invented something he calls "Family Reunification Parole" (FRP), yet another scheme for speeding up the entry of those favored nationals he wants to let in now.

    Under FRP, foreigners on the processing list for family-reunification immigrant visas (commonly called "chain migrants") are no longer required to await their legal turn to be interviewed, medically examined, and vetted in their home countries. FRP will now permit Ecuadorians, who will join the special club of Colombians, El Salvadorans, Guatemalans, and Hondurans (plus Haitians and Cubans, who are covered by both programs) to simply ignore the waiting times required by American law and come directly into the U.S. as "parolees."

    Mayorkas's improvisation again throws out the INA's worldwide immigrant quota and vetting system, which in many cases would require these foreigners to wait years for their lawful chance to be processed as visa applicants. The fact that they are facing waiting periods, as is the case with some 4 million would-be chain migrants around the globe, does not mean the INA is treating them "unfairly," nor is it a "broken" immigration system. Confronted by millions who want to come here, the law is working exactly as it was designed, restricting the number of immigrants each year to the quotas Congress approved.

    Yet the current system, which is already overly generous in admitting annually more than a million legal immigrants, is not good enough for the Biden administration. In its announcement on Ecuadorians, DHS posted this paragraph:

    The Family Reunification Parole process promotes family unity consistent with our laws and our values," said Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas. "Establishing this process for certain Ecuadorian nationals will ensure more families can access lawful pathways rather than placing themselves at the mercy of smugglers to make the dangerous journey. Those who do not avail themselves of family reunification parole or other lawful, safe, and orderly pathways and attempt to enter the United States unlawfully will continue to face tough consequences.
    Note that the announcement does not even threaten those Ecuadorians who "refuse to avail themselves of FRP" with deportation. When Mayorkas makes reference to "our values," he is blatantly ignoring that those values are already clearly anchored in existing U.S. law. It is in fact fundamentally un-American to replace the rule of law by diktat; it is an incredible power grab and a national outrage even by modern Washington standards.

    In favoring certain nationalities, Mayorkas is ignoring INA language that directly forbids it. The law asserts: "… no person shall receive any preference or priority or be discriminated against in the issuance of an immigrant visa because of the person's race, sex, nationality, place of birth, or place of residence" (emphasis added) §1152(a)(1)(A).

    While the parolees are technically entering the U.S. without a visa, they are still being clearly favored in immigration because of who they are and where they come from. By any fair reading of the law, this action is a direct violation of the non-favoritism standard established in the INA.

    What is going on with the DHS General Counsel's office? Is there a DHS Inspector General's investigation underway on Mayorkas's abuses? Most importantly, was this unlawful conduct not worthy of a House impeachment vote against Mayorkas?

    Reckless with his unchecked power, Mayorkas is likely to announce next that Ecuadorians already illegally in the United States will be granted "Temporary Protected Status." TPS was first enacted by a gullible Congress as a measure to allow foreign nationals to remain in the U.S. if their country was beset by armed conflict or national catastrophe. Democrat administrations have wildly stretched TPS into a backdoor to allow illegal migrants to remain indefinitely in the United States.

    As with parole, Congress desperately needs to take back this abused TPS authority, which currently allows nationals from 16 countries, most with dubious claims of being in crisis, to remain in the United States. Despite a history of Democrat presidents expanding this backdoor open-border measure, Ecuador, so far, has been denied TPS. Even the Barack Obama administration refused in 2016 to cave to Ecuadorian pressure for TPS.

    Of course, the government of Ecuador continues to lobby for its illegals to stay in the U.S., and it is probably only a matter of time before President Biden, urged on by Antony Blinken's State Department, placates Quito by granting TPS.

    Here is the classic example of Mayorkas enabling migrants from another continent to enter the U.S.: not because they are fleeing tyranny, but because they are seeking to better their economic circumstances. Ecuador is not a dictatorship, but simply a corrupt country with high crime rates that struggles economically. It is not unlike scores of other countries on the planet.

    Illegal Ecuadorian migrants continue to come, and very few are deported. In the past year, American border authorities encountered some 100,000 trying to cross the southern frontier from Mexico. There are now over 480,000 Ecuadorians in the U.S., with at least half of those illegally present. It is estimated that the Ecuadorian diaspora, since arriving in the U.S., has birthed another 270,000 children, who are now dual nationals. They are already organizing politically. As one Ecuadorian who was caught explained, "It is my dream to enter the United States to improve my work situation, because in Ecuador there are no such opportunities or jobs. The government does nothing. That is not the case with the open-border Biden administration. "Ali" Mayorkas is riding to the rescue of all would-be economic migrants, hundreds of millions of whom are clamoring to come to the U.S.

    Congress must stop him.
    Migrants being offered Free Stuff to fight?
  • Federal lands set aside for national preservation now up for migrant grabs

    Say adiós to the conservation of American history, heritage, and culture—it was good while it lasted.

    Reported by John Binder at Breitbart yesterday, Joe Biden has officially announced his opposition to congressional legislation that, if enacted, would prohibit the federal government from developing federal lands into tent cities and sprawling migrant camps. The statement released by Biden's office reads as such:

    The Administration strongly opposes H.R. 5283, which would prohibit the use of Federal funds to provide temporary shelter to certain noncitizens, including migrants seeking asylum, on Federal lands falling under the jurisdiction of the National Park Service, the Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, or the Forest Service. The Administration opposes this legislation because it would significantly restrict the ability of the Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture to make decisions regarding the appropriate uses of their lands and resources, even in emergency or other situations.

    So much for Democrats' yammering and virtue signaling about the environment—migrants are notorious for their complete disregard of the landscape, and their impact is consequential. One need look no further than the rotting polyester sleeping bags and tents, or mounds of trash and plastic water bottles, littering the desertscape of Saguaro National Park; the fragile flora species trampled underfoot in Big Bend National Park; or the undergarments hung in the "rape trees" of Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument.

    Much of "federal land" is, at least ostensibly, in federal control because these locales must be preserved for posterity's sake.

    Places like Shenandoah, the Smokies, Bryce Canyon, Yellowstone, Joshua Tree, etc., have a natural beauty so unique, it's seen nowhere else in the world—they are environmental and ecological treasures, and the federal government agreed to keep them as such.

    Places like Manassas, Breed's Hill, Pea Ridge, etc., are grounds soaked in American blood, where Americans gave their lives for causes like liberty and freedom from tyranny—they are historical and cultural treasures, and the federal government agreed to keep them as such.

    These could all be gone to make way for third world dependents waiting for the next handout? Disgrace upon disgrace.

    Also, what happened to the left's disdain for corralling a bunch of interlopers into a controlled area? Didn't they use the term "open air prisons" to describe such circumstances? Isn't that what they accused Israel of doing to the Arabs living in Gaza? How else would you describe tent shelters and facilities behind fencing and razor wire?

    Or are these federal armies getting into position on federal lands?

    DHS officer admits federal employees are being sent to border NOT to stop but to AID the invasion

    obviously it's not your fault" - horseshit!
    This is the exact problem - it is his fault for going along with nonsense, damaging, orders.

    If people in these positions just said "no, I'm not doing that", such things wouldn't happen so easily.

    Every single government worker aiding on these shenanigans is a traitor.

    DERANGED Senator wants the Military to recruit ILLEGAL migrants to keep the WAR MACHINE going

    Because filling the military ranks with foreigners has worked out fantastically for previous nations and kingdoms.

    Just look at Rome!/s

    Well, it’s an exaggeration. The majority of the Dominate’s Army was made up of Roman Citizens, with the Goths acting as auxiliaries (loyal ones at that). Bearing in mind, the Imperial Germanic Guard (mercenaries), proved far superior and more loyal body guards than the Praetorians (similar happened with the Varangian Guard. It is the Germanic notion of loyalty to one’s ring giver even unto the gates of death and beyond, and that to break an oath is the most hideous crime in the eyes of the Gods).

    In exchange for territory to settle, Alaric the Goth fought well for Rome...until the empire reneged on the deal and launched a pogrom of Goths within the Western Empire.

    The final sack of Ravenna in 476 AD happened because Odoacer the Ostrogoth was pissed that his men aren’t getting paid their dues.

    It is a symptom, but it helped further accelerate it as well. Especially once they started hiring ethnic groups wholesale, it meant that Rome lost its last chance for recovery.

    Likewise, Eastern Roman Empire lost Anatonia twice - and both times it happened when they replaced Byzantine land-owning troops with foreign mercenaries. Native army simply has the form of resillience that foreign mercenary army lacks.
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    Leftist Media and Liz Cheney Stoke Fear of Second trump Administration
  • Leftist Outlets Stoke Fear of Second Trump Administration

    Leftist media outlets — the Washington Post, the New York Times, and the Atlantic — are stoking fear about a second Trump administration as former President Donald Trump leads President Joe Biden in key polling.

    On Friday, Washington Post Editor-at-Large Robert Kagan wrote an op-ed titled "A Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable. We should stop pretending." That was followed by a Monday excerpt labeled "The Fear of a Looming Trump Dictatorship" by columnist Ishaan Tharoor in the Post's Today's WorldView Newsletter.

    "In just a few years, we have gone from being relatively secure in our democracy to being a few short steps, and a matter of months, away from the possibility of dictatorship," wrote Kagan.

    He expressed worry that if Trump were to win back the White House, he could potentially seek a third term and disregard the Twenty-Second Amendment:

    What about the desire for reelection, a factor that constrains most presidents? Trump might not want or need a third term, but were he to decide he wanted one, as he has sometimes indicated, would the 22nd Amendment block him any more effectively from being president for life than the Supreme Court, if he refused to be blocked? Why should anyone think that amendment would be more sacrosanct than any other part of the Constitution for a man like Trump, or perhaps more importantly, for his devoted supporters?
    On Monday, the New York Times' Charlie Savage, Jonathan Swan, and Maggie Haberman authored a piece making the case that "a Second Trump Presidency May be More Radical Than His First."

    They contend that checks on Trump would be "weaker," and he would have a stronger opportunity to implement "more extreme policy plans."

    The trio wrote:

    What would be different in a second Trump administration is not so much his character as his surroundings. Forces that somewhat contained his autocratic tendencies in his first term — staff members who saw their job as sometimes restraining him, a few congressional Republicans episodically willing to criticize or oppose him, a partisan balance on the Supreme Court that occasionally ruled against him — would all be weaker.
    As a result, Mr. Trump's and his advisers' more extreme policy plans and ideas for a second term would have a greater prospect of becoming reality.

    The Atlantic announced Monday morning that it is launching a special issue that "warns of the grave and extreme consequences if former President Trump were to win in 2024" and argues that "Trump and Trumpism pose an existential threat to America and to the ideas that animate it."

    Eight essays from the issue were published on Monday, and four more will be released daily through Friday. In one piece published Monday titled "The Danger Ahead," David Frum writes, "If he wins the election, Trump will commit the first crime of his second term at noon on Inauguration Day: His oath to defend the Constitution of the United States will be a perjury."

    Frum adds:

    A second Trump term would instantly plunge the country into a constitutional crisis more terrible than anything seen since the Civil War. Even in the turmoil of the 1960s, even during the Great Depression, the country had a functional government with the president as its head. But the government cannot function with an indicted or convicted criminal as its head. The president would be an outlaw, or on his way to becoming an outlaw. For his own survival, he would have to destroy the rule of law.
    Forthcoming pieces in the collection include titles such as "China Will Get Stronger," "Extremists Emboldened," and "Civil Rights Undone."

    Trump allies slammed the stories in a series of posts on X on Monday.

    "The Leftwing fascists at @TheAtlantic and @washingtonpost have spent all morning ridiculously calling my father a 'Dictator' and 'authoritarian,' so I figured I would remind them what a real authoritarian Dictator actually looks like!" Donald Trump Jr. wrote, sharing a picture of Biden's infamous speech in which he railed against "MAGA Republicans."

    Ohio Republican Senate candidate Bernie Moreno retweeted Trump Jr., writing, "Authoritarian Dictators in every 3rd world Banana Republic use the power of the State to try to put their political opposition in prison."

    "The only President of the United States guilty of that in my lifetime is Joe Biden," he added.

    Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) wrote in his own post that "articles calling Trump a dictator are about one thing: legitimizing illegal and violent conduct as we get closer to the election."

    "Everyone needs to take a chill pill," he added.

    The similar narratives from the three publications come as Democrats are reportedly concerned about Biden's prospects in a potential general election rematch with Trump. Biden, who turned 81 in November, had an average approval rating on Black Friday that was worse than his last three predecessors, including Trump's, at similar points in their presidencies, according to RealClearPolitics' data. Moreover, he trails Trump in the RealClearPolitics polling average by 1.7 percentage points and lags in much of the latest swing state polling.

    Scarborough Makes Doomsday Prediction for Trump Second Term: Trump Will 'Execute' Anyone 'He is Allowed To'

    After mocking the political victimhood behind Donald Trump's 2024 campaign, Joe Scarborough used ominous terms to predict how the former president's reelection would look.

    Morning Joe started Tuesday off by focusing on the vengeful motivators driving Trump forward, and why it's fair to compare his politics to fascism. Scarborough wound up taking the conversation up a notch by saying the media cannot treat Trump like a normal political candidate because "He is running to end American democracy as we know it."

    He's an authoritarian who a court in Colorado two days ago ruled that he led an insurrection against the United States government. He is charged with leading schemes to help overthrow the United States government.

    So if they want to frame it that way, that's fine. If you want to be fair, if you want to be fair, you will frame this as Joe Biden being the candidate that supports American democracy and Donald Trump, a candidate who supports a new form of government here that's authoritarian. It's really that simple.

    By the way, when people yell 'Oh, you can't compare him to past Nazi leaders or that past fascist leader, because he hasn't done that.' Well, what hasn't he done? He hasn't done the things that the American judicial system did not allow him to do last time, but may very well allow him to do this time, or a judicial system that will be ignored by Donald Trump and ran over by Donald Trump to create the greatest constitutional crisis of our lifetimes.

    This led to Scarborough's point "Just because [Trump] hasn't done it yet doesn't mean he won't do it when he gets a chance to do it." That's when Scarborough darkly predicted what Trump will do to his political foes if he has his way.

    "He will imprison, he will execute whoever he is allowed to imprison, execute, drive from the country." Scarborough said. "Just look at his past! It's not really hard to read. Again, the only thing that stood between him and the destruction of American democracy was the federal judiciary."

    Cheney: Trump Winning 2024 the 'Most Significant Threat' to U.S

    Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) said Monday on MSNBC's "The Rachel Maddow Show" that she believed former President Donald Trump winning the 2024 election wass the "most significant threat" to the United States.

    Cheney said, "I think certainly Trump is the most significant threat but I think that, you know, we're facing an emergency across the board. I think people need to think about, first of all, running for office themselves. I say that with great seriousness. You know, we need, if you look at the threats our country is facing, we need serious people in office. I don't care if you agree with me or you disagree with me on any range of issues. If you are going to fight for the Constitution and you are going to defend the Constitution and you are going to be a serious and faithful public servant, then please run for office, please vote for people that will do that."

    She continued, "If you look at the extent to which some of the Trump forces are organized from the local level up to the presidency, those of us who believe in the Constitution and who are going to defend the democracy have to be organized in the same way. It means being willing to set aside other issues, and it means making sure that when you cast your vote, you are not doing it based on partisanship. It means helping to educate people and talking to people about how gravely perilous and significant this moment is."

    Cheney added, "It is so fundamentally important we ensure Democrats, Independents, Republicans that we work together, we vote together, we make clear that Donald Trump is not an acceptable alternative. He is not the lesser of two evils. He is a completely unfit man for office. He's already shown us what he would do and he could never be near the Oval Office again."

    And so the masks slip more and more. This unhinged, incendiary rhetoric is everywhere, all at once. A coordinated campaign to incite violence.