Chapter 21
  • Chapter 21

    “I’m pretty sure I told you that I was going to do this alone,” I sighed as Darya’s Adder fell in behind me. “You know that we’re both going to die out here, right?”

    “Death comes for all at some point. I might as well spend my life as I desire. Not wasting it away on something not of my choosing.”

    “I won’t take away your decision,” I maintained my speed in the darkness as I used the night-vision mode that was built into my cockpit. “But if you make it out and I don’t… I want you to take care of Gray.”

    “We will fall or rise together,” Darya laughed. “I have tied my fate to yours, and they shall either curse our names or sing our praises, but we will not be forgotten!”

    After that, silence overtook the comms as we continued towards the city of Humptulips, the second objective that the Jade Falcons were supposed to take in order to win this Trial that Focht had laid before us.

    Darya’s Adder gradually overtook my ‘Hammer, and I got a solid look at the light ‘Mech’s condition as I established a connection with the Omnimech.

    Her armor was still mostly in the green, and her weapons loadout was intact, with minimal pod damage. Whereas, my ‘Mech, was armor state Orange, with the wireframe diagram showing only a few patches of green and yellow to mix in with the red of my two lasers that were out of commission.

    Then the buildings of the city began to rise in the darkness of the horizon.

    “Go active sensors,” I told Darya as I went from passive to active, my ‘Mech lighting up to whoever was still present in the city.

    “ComGuard forces, this is Star Commander Mark of the Jade Falcon Clan, what forces do you bid for the defense of the city?”

    You could almost feel the sense of panic as the radio silence stretched out for the first thirty seconds, and then into five minutes as Darya fell back into step with my ‘Hammer.

    “This is Acolyte Admiral Henderson, we bid one Level I in defense of Humptulips.”

    “I would avoid damage to the city. Shall we do battle here in the fields surrounding it? I will not fire until your forces are ready, quiaff?’

    “That’s acceptable. Give us five minutes.”

    “Bargained well, and done.”

    “You are granting them time to call for reinforcements,” Darya commented on our private line.

    “Better that they come to us,” I sighed. “That way we do not have to root them out the hard way.”

    “Agreed,” she replied. “I suppose that should we eliminate them, that we will then fall back to the LZ?”

    “Yes. If we take them out then we will need to fall back as our objectives will have been completed.”

    In the darkness, a ‘Mech, tank, and a small group of infantry appeared at the outskirts of the city, the Archer flanked by a Manticore and a platoon of jump infantry.

    “I hope you came prepared to die,” the Acolyte muttered over the open channel.

    “No, we came prepared to win,” Darya ignited her jump jets as she fired her jump jets and a pair of lasers carved away the armor on the Manticore, her flamer attempting to ignite the infantry as I began dodging the missiles from the Archer.

    Spinning on my legs, I shifted to a knee and fired both PPCs, one going wide while the other arced in and closed one of the four missile racks that were spitting fire in my direction.

    Swearing as Betty informed me of a missile lock, I ignited my jets while kneeling, the foot pointed at my rear sending me under the missile's initial lock while the one mounted in my torso brought me up and onto my feet again.

    And now, I was within range to use the missiles of my own, and I fired my two remaining lasers and my six-pack, along with a PPC.

    The Archer staggered as the PPC, lasers, and missiles all hit the same spot I’d hammered earlier, the shoulder of the ‘Mech sparking when the missile doors ceased working.

    But the other Heavy wasn’t defenseless, and it lunged forward with its fists proudly on display while lasers struck my left arm, rendering my PPC there useless as the linkage failed.

    But I wasn’t defenseless yet, and I lunged forward, my missiles arcing towards the cockpit and glancing off before I kicked the Archer’s knees out from underneath the other heavy, the impact of my foot and the missiles sending the other ‘Mech crashing to the ground as the ammunition in the legs exploded.

    “Humptulip is ours, Star Commander,” Darya reported, her foot still planted on the Manticore that she had kicked over, the burning corpses of the infantry littering the ground behind her.

    “To any remaining ComGuard forces in Humptulips, we have taken out your defenders, speak now, or consider the city to have fallen to the Jade Falcons.”

    There was no response, and I waited until I saw the dim light of fusion torches in the skies before I signaled to Darya that it was time to leave.

    “Will we not hold?” Darya asked.

    “We have taken the city,” I replied. “I do not believe that we can hold it for long. Neg, we retreat to the LZ, and if the Falcons remain, we will leave with them.”

    “And if they are not?”

    “Then we fight.”


    At Robyn’s Crossing, something unusual was happening.

    In one universe, Alpha Heavy perished in Olalla. But in this one, three ‘Mechs of the Star survived.

    And while that might not seem like much, it made all the difference in the flight back to the Raptor. Aidan Pryde rallied the survivors and they temporarily pushed back ComGuard, inflicting severe losses before the remnants of the cluster boarded the Raptor, their CO still alive despite the fate that should have happened.

    And down below, the final two Jade Falcon Warriors remained.

    “Star Colonel Aidan Pryde, we succeeded,” the sound of distant explosions happened in the background of the audio log that had reached them. “Humptulips was ours. The Jade Falcons completed both objectives.”

    The man coughed, and a wolf howled in the background as his pet wolf climbed into his lap.

    “Reactor’s going critical! I have to punch out!”

    The audio vanished as static took over the line.

    “The last remnants of the Star League,” Marthe muttered. “And with him, one of my best warriors.”

    “This is Star Captain Pryde of the Jade Falcon Clan,” a voice announced on open coms. “I request Hegira.”

    “Why should we grant it to you? Who has ignored Zellbrigan?”

    “Because I and the Star Commander have dealt honorably with your forces at Humptulips. We challenged them properly, and we won the day despite your opposition.”

    “I will allow it. There will be no more deaths on this day. Collect your fallen and leave with him, one dropship may land, but no further.”

    “Well bargained and done!”

    “Seyla,” the remnants of the Falcon Guard and 2nd Falcon Jaegers responded as the Raptor once again began to descend under orders from the Star Colonel.

    A lone Adder limped aboard, two figures on one of the shoulders as it boarded and the dropship once again began to lift off, the Jade Falcons had fought hard this day. And fate had been changed.
    Chapter 22
  • Chapter 22

    "Even if we count the Ghost Bears' Victory at Spanac and consider Prezno a win for the Jade Falcons, you have still won our bargain. The Clans will press no further toward Terra than this world for the next fifteen years."

    Focht shook his head. "Would I sound like a hopeless romantic if I said I did not thing even fifteen hundred years would be worth this cost?"

    Aidan Pryde considered the woman in his bed with a soft smile, Marthe slept so peacefully, a drastic change from how she was when she was awake.

    A knock on the door of his room broke him out of his reverie as he stood and pulled on a pair of shorts.


    "The Star Commander is awake, sir," a Medtech informed him. "You wished to be informed when he did so."

    Nodding his thanks, Aidan allowed the tech to leave while he turned and began to put on a fresh uniform. Marthe stirred and woke up as he pulled on his boots.

    "Aidan," she murmured. "Where are you going?"

    "To greet the one who eked out a victory from the face of defeat. Without his sacrifice, we would not be one of the three Clans to have claimed a Victory on Tukayyid."

    Marthe nodded and rose, grabbing her uniform from the night before and beginning to pull it on. "I will follow. For he was my Bondsman."

    "I am not certain that either of us can claim him or his glory," Aidan replied. "But all the same, he has earned a place among us."

    The two left the cramped quarters and headed for the medical bay of the Jade Talon.

    "You should not have done that," Darya muttered as she stroked Gray's head, her eyes glued to an old man who lay in the bed before her.

    As she scratched the Octo-Wolf's head, her mind returned to the surface of Tukayyid, the dark fog of the night and the fierce retreat from Humptulips.

    Two 'Mechs ran across the bridge at Robyn's crossing, Darya's Adder ahead of the Warhammer by a slim margin as they reached the plains where the Raptor had once been.

    The ComGuard were facing the wrong way though, and even as the Overlord-C and other dropships lifted off, Mark's 'Mech and her own began shredding the ComGuard from behind.

    The first 'Mechs hadn't even hit the ground before she alternated fire, her streak LRMs homing into a Commando as Mark punched through the reactor of a Rifleman, the two 'Mechs falling to the ground.

    But they were outnumbered, and the ComGuard knew that, and a cluster of missiles cratered against her left leg, damaging the actuators there.

    The Adder began to warm up, the heat sinks working overtime to keep her cooled off as she spammed a large pulse laser as fast as it could cycle.

    An Archer launched three of its four missile racks at her before a large figure stepped in front to act as a shield, the Warhammer buckling under the explosions as Mark ejected.

    With a supreme effort, Darya pulled herself out of the memories of that night a week ago and recentered herself in the present.

    A nurse was standing by the Old Man's bedside, and running over some checks.

    "Do you have any updates?" she asked.

    "He should be waking up soon. I would not be surprised if by this time tomorrow he were attempting to begin the recovery process."

    "Thank you," Darya inclined her head as she sagged in relief.

    After the medic had left, she made to stand and leave, regardless of how she felt or what she wanted, she had responsibilities to attend to, and they would wait for no one. Smiling gently, she trailed her hand across his arm before pausing at his hand. There was a lone band remaining on his finger signifying something from his past that he refused to let go of.

    Rubbing at the silicon band for a minute, she then shrugged and turned to leave before the hand tightened down on her own.

    The monitors beeped as a doctor and a small group of nurses and medics forced her away as they began to run tests and checks.

    "Come Gray," Darya called the Octo-Wolf. "We will return when there are less problems gathered around him."

    I don't remember much of the few weeks after Tukayyid, I remember Darya's Adder climbing into the Raptor, I remembered being carted off into the med bay where I heard the cries of other wounded soldiers.

    Then it was dark, and I didn't see anything for a time, I heard Darya speaking to me. And I vaguely recalled waking up and speaking with the Star Colonel. But then it was dark, and it felt like I was back on the farm that I had built with my own two hands.

    "It's peaceful, isn't it?"

    "Yeah. I miss it sometimes. But, all the same, I'm grateful to be around people again."

    "It is not good for man to be alone."

    "Got that right. Y'know, I kinda feel bad for the Bobby B. She served well for nearly four hundred years. She endured a lot, and in the end did everything that I asked her for and more."

    "She did save your life in one final action."

    "Yeah," I grimaced. "The reactor was supposed to go up. But it didn't."

    "You've been given a second chance. Try your best not to waste it, and keep in mind that some change is good."

    "I'll see what an old man can do," I chuckled and glanced down at my hands, my finger rubbing at the white area where my wedding band had been for decades. "After all. It's not like everyone gets to do life over."

    This time, I woke up and stayed awake, instead of my vision blurring and fading in and out along with my hearing, everything was clear.

    I pushed myself up to a sitting position and sighed in relief as I looked around the medbay that i was in. A medtech noted that I was awake and made his way over.

    He ran through some standard medical tests, checking my faculty and my vitals before writing some notes on my chart.

    "You had extreme spinal compression when you were first brought in. It is a part of why you have been in and out of consciousness. While you are on track to make a full recovery, we had to operate to fix the old injuries that were located in your neck. It seems that improper treatment had led to a lasting condition that was exasperated by the ejection. We fixed that issue as well as treated you for the spinal compression. But, you will be on bedrest for the next three to six weeks, followed by physical therapy until you have adapted to the rebuilt tissue and musculature in your neck."

    "Thank you," I nodded at the medic before he stepped away to check on other patients.

    "And now I get to wait here," I sighed. "I kinda wish I had a book right now."

    "I can see about finding one for you," a voice said from behind me.

    "Star Colonel," I tried to move to attention as he waved for me to sit back down.

    "Rest, Star Commander. You have done your duty to the Clan in securing victory. Now you are to recover so that you can step up to the post that is required of you."

    "What do you mean?" I raised an eyebrow at Aidan Pryde.

    "Galaxy Commander Mar Helmer perished in the fighting on Tukayyid, Khan Crichell was wounded, and Star Colonel's Senza Oriega, and Gran Newclay perished as well. This leaves many positions open for advancement. Khan Chistu has called for no trials to be held for a three month period while we bring in personnel and resources from the homeworlds."

    Aidan grinned at me. "When we have returned and consolidated our losses there will be many changes made. Enjoy your rest, Star Commander. You will not have it for very long before you are needed for action once more."
    Chapter 23
  • Chapter 23

    “It is good to see that you are awake,” Darya stood at the foot of my bed while Gray poked her head up by my arm and began licking my hand. “I was concerned that you would be unable to uphold your end of things.”

    “Sorry I worried you,” I smiled a bit. “But I am alive and well.”

    “You are indeed alive. But the medics tell me that you are not quite as whole as you say.”

    “Give me a few months and I will be back up to peak condition. Now, we need to talk.”

    “What would you speak of?” A bit of anger flashed behind her eyes. “It is not as if you have been willing to actively explain anything before.”

    “I understand,” I sighed, resting my head back against the end of the bunk. “So I’m going to lay things out for you one at a time, and then we need to make a decision about how we move on from there.”

    “Continue,” Darya locked eyes with me, her arms still crossed.

    “One, before all of this,” I gestured to the medbay and tried to encompass everything. “And before I was stranded on a farm, I was married. I had children,” I closed my eyes for a second as the memories flowed back through my mind. “Then I was alone, for nearly fifty years I spent time alone, eking out and building a home in a place that didn’t even have a name.”

    I paused to make sure she understood what I was saying.

    “Two, I’m old,” I chuckled. “Darya, I’m old enough to be your grandfather. And despite opening up to the idea, I still have reservations about having that sort of relationship with someone that’s that much younger than I am.”

    “Three, and this is the most important one to me,” I took a deep breath. “I’m not one to just engage in a sexual relationship. I didn’t do that before I got married, and I haven't even had sex in…” I paused to do math before shaking my head. “Far too long. So if we do this, it’s not like a Freebirth and a Trueborn, it’s not as a random relationship where we just go our separate ways after coupling,” I matched her gaze. “I don’t do things halfway, if we do this, you’re stuck with me for as long as I live. After I’m dead?” I shrugged. “Do what you will. But if you want to make this work, it will take just that, work. I’m old, and I find that just because I can change, that doesn’t mean that I necessarily will change. So, I’ll give you some time to make your decision, just let me know exactly what that decision is.”

    “You fool of an old man,” Darya shook her head as she moved to sit on my bed. “I was simply waiting for you to tell me what it is that you wanted. I considered taking what I wanted, and then leaving it in the wind, but I reconsidered after speaking with a Widow, of sorts.”

    She then leaned in and gave me a searing kiss, her tongue prodding at my lips for entry as my tongue met her own before she pulled back.

    “Get better soon,” She called over her shoulder as she walked away, a sharp whistle calling my dog over to her side. “You have a lot more to look forward to, after all.”

    “At least she wasn’t an elemental,” I smiled to myself. “Now that would have been interesting.”

    What followed that day was weeks of physiotherapy as the doctors helped me acclimate and rebuild lost musculature. Now that I wasn’t considered old and worthless or near dezgra, I was granted the full capabilities of Clan medicine. Which conveniently included several methods that slowed the aging process.

    And given that I pushed myself hard, by the time the Falcon Guard had made landfall along with the 2nd Falcon Jaegers and the others who had survived Tukayyid I was nearly back in the condition I had been before.

    “Unfortunately, there are not enough Omnimechs to replace those lost on Tukayyid available at the moment,” Aidan briefed both myself and the remaining living officers of the Falcon Guard, his eyes trailing over each of us, pausing at Star Captain Joanna, Star Commander Jula Huddock, and myself. “Those of you who still possess your ‘Mechs will be given priority for repairs.”

    “And what of the losses that we have taken?” I asked. “How are we to proceed?”

    “We will make do with what we have at the moment,” Aidan stated. “We have been instructed by Khan Chistu to focus on rebuilding our forces. That said, we will also be preparing for the trials that are to come. The Steel Vipers have been at our throats since they were deployed to this invasion corridor. We will meet their challenge, and break their fangs with our talons. I intend to secure their supplies for our use.”

    “And how will we accomplish this?” I asked. “We have no full cluster to bear at the moment.”

    “We are going to be adopting your model, Star Commander,” Aidan smirked. “Omnimechs work, and are malleable to each scenario that we might face. But, given the circumstances, and the availability of said ‘Mechs, we have turned to an alternative with the factories and resources that we possess, Joanna.”

    Aidan nodded at the Star Captain.

    “The Khans have ordered that our Brian Caches be opened, and we will begin receiving shipments from the equipment that was stored shortly. While there are some older Omnimechs that will be distributed, the majority of them will be older designs,” Joanna continued. “However, most of these will be traditional battlemechs. Should we prove victorious against the Vipers, you may claim an Omnimech should one be a part of the isorla. But until such a time as more become available, we are restricted.”

    “After we have completed our objective, we will begin preparations for the Inner Sphere retaliations,” Aidan stepped forward. “We fought against Comstar’s forces on Tukayyid, we did not face the nations of the Inner Sphere. They have no reason to abide by the truce that we are bound to. And I expect they will shortly see fit to strike. But they will not find us lacking.”

    The rest of the briefing went over what was expected of us over the next few weeks before Aidan caught my attention, waving both Joanna, Jula, and myself over.

    “We do not possess many Omnimechs as part of our resupply,” he looked at Jula and me in particular. “But you two handled yourselves with distinction, and should you desire it, the few that we were granted, you will be given.”

    “I would prefer a Warhammer,” I shrugged. “Give the Omnimech to someone who is better talented with it. Although, I would like to have this one upgraded with modern technology.”

    “We can arrange that,” Aidan replied. “There is plenty among the salvage that we have obtained from the Inner Sphere, just as we have pulled some from our reserves.”

    “I will take one of the Omnimechs,” Jula replied. “My Executioner is best used as parts to maintain other machines.”

    “We will work out the details later,” Aidan looked at the three of us. “But for now prepare for a Trial against the Steel Vipers. I expect we shall take them by surprise, but I would rather be prepared for them to abandon zellbrigen should they believe that we will come to possess their supplies, quiaff?’

    “Aff,” we replied, taking his nod as dismissal as we went to our barracks.

    There were only two left alive among my Star from Tukayyid, and we would be consolidating the Cluster into three Trinaries. Four, if you included Aidan’s command Star.

    But there was work to be done, and if I wished to advance, I would need to prepare for this upcoming battle with the Steel Vipers. After that, we would see how things went.
    Chapter 24
  • Chapter 24

    “This is not the usual Warhammer that is pulled from a Brian cache,” I said as I looked through the readout that a nearby technician handed me. “This has been upgraded.”

    “This is the state it was removed from the cache in,” the Tech shrugged. “It is a capable ‘Mech, even if it is not an Omnimech.”

    “The Omnipods and ‘Mechs are best given to others,” I waved him off. “Ensure that the maintenance is updated on it. I will check over your work later, quiaff?

    “Aff,” the Technician looked uncertain for a moment before nodding and walking along the gantry to inspect my new ‘Hammer.

    “We’ll have to figure out what to name the new one, huh Gray?” I asked, receiving a short bark in response.

    It was interesting, for all that the Clans tried not to push attachment to some things. They seemingly understood and were okay with a Mechwarrior naming his ‘Mech. Or, if the Solahma were in a tank, then with that crew naming their tank.

    I wonder if neurohelmets had influenced a significant part of this development as the Clans grew and moved on through time.

    “All senior officers, report to the briefing room.”

    “Our objective is the SLDF facilities that remain on Antares,” Star Colonel Aidan Pryde began. “The Steel Vipers have turned it into a logistical depot, and we will challenge them for it. We have need of the supplies that they have stored there, and our cluster, as well as those that participated in Tukayyid, require those supplies if we are to rebuild. If we waited for those supplies to arrive from the Homeworlds, we would be here for many months before we were able to resupply. Instead, we will remove the Viper's ability to challenge us, and put their resources to work for the Jade Falcons.”

    “The area that we are trialing for is arid and hot,” Star Captain Joanna stood up and took over the briefing. “We will equip with heat-efficient weapons for this fight with our Omnimechs,” she glanced at me. “And others will simply make do with what they have. Because our objective is to secure resources, you are being instructed to eliminate the Steel Viper warriors. We wish to salvage what we can from the enemy, not lay waste to everything that they have.”

    “In other words,” I spoke up. “We want as much isorla as we can reasonably achieve. We can repair broken machines, and we will need to, but remember that we do not have the numbers for you to waste your lives, quiaff?”

    Date: July 20, 3052
    Location: Aboard Aegis-Class Cruiser Jade Talon

    “I regret to inform you, Star Commander,” Joanna met my eyes. “But you will not be participating in this Trial of Possession.”

    “Because I have not been granted permission by the Medics,” I nodded. “I have been preparing to coordinate the salvage efforts. I should be capable of fighting again in a few weeks. But until then, I shall use the other skills and talents that I possess.”

    “Good,” Joanna nodded in affirmation. “I would like to inspect your efforts should we possess the time.”

    “I am merely preparing the techs and the warriors that do not possess ‘Mechs at the moment,” I shrugged. “We will need all of us should we prove successful in this endeavor.”

    “You would have the warriors work with the technicians?” She raised an eyebrow.

    “Aff. There is a need, and we must not waste resources,” I replied. “We must all do our part if the Clan is to both succeed and thrive in the coming years.”

    “Aff,” Joanna agreed.

    The Raptor descended ‘Down’ towards the surface of Antares, the Steel Vipers leaving the dropship alone as the Overlord-C eventually landed a mere hundred kilometers away from the location that was being trialed over.

    “Remember, if they break zellbrigen, you are free to coordinate fire as you desire,” Aidan Pryde reminded the Trinary that he led across the steppes towards the combat area.

    “Steel Vipers, I come ready to fight for this location,” Aidan broadcast. “I have already submitted my bid, do you dare challenge me?”

    “If you came to win this battle, you will be disappointed.”

    Contacts began to appear on the Timber Wolf’s scanners, the ‘cursed’ ‘Mech had not been an issue since the Battle of Tukayyid.

    “Trashborn scum!” Aidan spat as two Trinaries appeared on the sensors.

    “Star Colonel,” Mark’s voice broke through the channels. “I’m ordering the Raptor to shift to the facility. If the Steel Vipers have broken zellbrigen, then we will need to do some unusual maneuvers if we are to win this battle.”

    As soon as the Star Commander’s voice finished peaking, the ground rumbled as the massive dropship’s fusion engines ignited, the dropship spinning as it hovered over the Steppes on its way to the SLDF facility, its long-range armaments striking and wounding Steel Viper ‘Mechs as it passed by.

    “We will be collecting our isorla early,” Mark’s voice taunted the Steel Vipers. “You will fail here as you did on Tukayyid. You are shamed, dezgra.”

    The Steel Vipers then turned to chase the Overlord-C, turning their backs on the Trinary aside from a handful of assault ‘Mechs that were left behind to stall them.

    Aidan grinned as he shifted his ‘Mech into a fast ‘jog’.

    “Your opponent, is us,” his lasers and missiles hammered one of the assault ‘Mechs.

    “Charlie Star, you are to engage the Star that was left behind to cover their retreat, Alpha, harass them. Bravo… We are going to shatter the Steel Vipers today!”

    A Gargoyle slowed to fight Diana Pryde’s Warhawk, an Atlas II moving in support as the two assault stars clashed, freeing up the rest of the Trinary to aggressively chase the enemies that had given chase to the Raptor.

    “Star Commander, you’ve not been cleared to pilot as of yet,” a medic reminded me as I slipped on a cooling vest.

    “Tell that to the Steel Vipers,” I grabbed my neurohelmet before climbing onto the gantry. “Bravo Star, we need to deploy and secure the area, the Steel Vipers violated zellbrigen, and so we are free to engage as we see fit.”

    I looked at the techs and warriors that I had organized and left on standby. “Get ready to start grabbing whatever gear you can. Omnimechs, standard Battlemechs, if you can cram it into our bays, then do so. We’ll keep them distracted while you grab all of the kit left behind.”

    I climbed into my new ‘Hammer and quickly ran through the power-up sequence and security systems.

    “Let’s go kill some snakes.”
    Chapter 25(Rewritten)
  • Chapter 25

    My unnamed Warhammer sped out of the bay as the extralight engine surged underneath me. Maybe it was how much newer the ‘Mech was, or maybe it was that this wasn’t my ‘Mech, but something felt off. It wasn’t anything obvious, or anything that would get me killed immediately, but the ‘Mech didn’t respond the same way that the Bobby B had. Sure, the controls, layout, and even security measures had been reinstated, but it just wasn’t the same.

    “Star Commander, incoming Star,” the Overlord reported. “Looks to be light Omnimechs.”

    “Hit them hard!” I ordered. “Elementals, I want the Omnis for salvage, shred the cockpits, and get teams out here!” I heard responses from the Elementals that were mounted onto each of our ‘Mechs as we surged forward.

    I then toggled my Anti-Missile Systems to cover not just the missiles that would be coming in at my ‘Mech, but those in a ‘bubble’ around me. I wanted my Star to be protected from as much as possible, given our recent losses, every single member of the Falcon Guards was valuable. We could replace machines at the moment, either through salvage or through trials such as the one we were attempting now. But the people. They weren’t able to be replaced at the moment.

    After I had switched the system over, Betty began yelling as A Fire Moth appeared, the fast scout dodging fire as a pair of Adders and a Mist Lynx followed, the obvious leader being the Shadow Cat that trailed slightly behind. The Medium ‘Mech’s Gauss rifle flashed, and the Stormcrow in my star barely managed to evade, the slug digging into the dry ground and sending up clods of sand and dirty into the sky.

    “Pick your targets and close in,” I ordered, squeezing the triggers on my PPCs, the range advantage that the new Warhammer had given me coming into play as one of the beams narrowly missed the Shadow Cat, while the other slagged armor over one of the medium lasers.

    “That’s right,” I muttered as the Shadow Cat began to focus on me. “I’m your target.”

    I closed in, the slight hesitation I had felt in the ‘Hammer vanishing when the adrenaline of combat set in. Twisting away from the Gauss Rifle that the Steel Viper Medium aimed at me, I carved away at the medium’s armor with lasers before all six of my missiles carved into the holes that I had punched.

    “Star Commander, the Steel Vipers have Broken off, and a trinary is moving to your position.”

    “That is going to hamper our salvage efforts,” I replied, dodging yet more fire from the medium. “We are still in the process of loading up what we can.

    My shoulder finally got hammered by a Gauss slug, the armor shattering and the wireframe on my readouts flashing orange. “Fuck it,” I sighed and held down the trigger on both of my PPCs finishing off the Shadow Cat, the ‘Mech going limp as the Fusion Engine seemed to just stop. “Start packing it up!”

    “Just hold them off for as long as you can,” an Elemental replied. “We have had to change the plan.”

    “Fine,” I sighed, noting that the rest of the light Star had been destroyed, and a few salvage trucks were pulling up to the Omnimechs and beginning to drag them back into the Raptor’s bays. “Bravo Star, Sitrep!”

    “Armor state Green, ammunition is running dry though.”

    “Armor State Yellow, we are still able to fight, Star Commander.”

    “Elemental Points are at seventy percent combat effectiveness. Mounting up now.”
    “Form up, we have to buy our teams some time,” I shifted to lead the Star to engage the incoming Trinary.

    “Star Commander, you need only hold for a few moments,” Star Captain Joanna informed me over a private channel. “We will hit them at their flanks and ensure that they do not survive, quiaff?

    “Aff,” I replied. “We will hold the line.”

    Joanna’s Mad Dog surged forward as she moved into a flat-out run, the Falconer’s Omnimech matching pace with the Star Colonel’s Timber Wolf and the other heavies and mediums that made up their Binary.

    “Star Colonel, the Raptor and Star Commander Mark are holding, they will be the anvil to our hammer.”

    “Affirmative,” Pryde replied. “We will engage at range as soon as we are able.”

    The binary crested a nearby hill, the sightlines clearing up and showing a vicious fight near the complex that they were trialing over. The Jade Falcon Star was clearly at a disadvantage, but none of the Vipers had broken through as of yet.

    Joanna’s computers gave her a tone as she locked onto a Grizzly, the older garrison ‘Mech was limping and already damaged when her missiles struck the heavy, sending it crashing to the ground.

    The Star Colonel’s fire was much more effective than Joanna’s own, his lasers carved away and destroyed a medium before his missiles homed in and savaged an enemy Kingfisher, the assault ‘Mech’s gyro screeching to a halt as the Steel Viper pilot ejected.

    Then the Jade Falcons began to close in, and the Steel Vipers were caught between two forces, and even though Star Commander Mark’s Star was now down two ‘Mechs and some Elementals, they had held and now the Vipers had nowhere to go, if they wanted out, they would have to fight.

    “Will you grant Hegira?” The leader of the remaining Steel Vipers asked as they were slowly battered down into nothing more than a Star.

    “Aff,” Aidan replied. “But you will only have what can still move under its own power. The rest of it, is our Isorla. We have won this battle today, now depart, and know that your dezgra tactics have not won you the day. Those warriors that you have left behind, they are now the Falcon Guard’s Bondsmen. They will serve the Jade Falcons under my direct command.”

    “We will accept.”

    The six Steel Viper ‘Mechs limped away from the field of battle as the Assault Star that the Falcon Guard had left behind finally crested the hill.

    “Thanks for the assist,” a private channel opened to Star Captain Joanna, the image and wireframe appearing on Joanna’s Computer showing that he and his ‘Mech were on their last reserves of strength.

    “You have performed well,” Joanna replied. “Dismount and continue with your previous efforts to coordinate our salvage.”

    “Yes ma’am,” Mark replied. “Pulling back to the Raptor now.”

    “So this is why they were so eager to defend this. And even willing to break Zellbrigen,” Aidan mused, his eyes passing over the resources that were stored here and the twin Steel Viper Dropships that were parked nearby.

    “Indeed. We will be able to crew them and claim the ‘Mechs as Isorla,” Horse replied. “But we will need to hurry before the Steel Vipers can mount a force to challenge us for the position.”

    The Lion and Sassanid parked nearby had been claimed by the Jade Falcons, and their crews had been claimed as Bondsman.

    “We will not be able to take everything,” Aidan glanced at the salvage teams hauling what was left of the Steel Viper Trinaries onto the Raptor while other teams loaded the two Isorla dropships. “But this is a victory that the Khans cannot ignore.”

    “There is enough equipment here to rebuild our Cluster as well as at least one other,” Joanna stepped up and handed a clipboard to Aidan. “The Star Commander is to be commended for his efforts today.”

    “He has performed well,” Aidan agreed. “Should he conduct himself well upon our return he will be promoted to Star Captain. He will serve as your second if you believe that he is capable.”

    “I will have to evaluate him some more,” Joanna replied, her eyes darkening. “While he performs well, we know little of him or his character.”

    “Did he not serve with the Second Falcon Jaegers?” Aidan asked. “Get into contact with them, it is possible that they may have something more to offer on him and his history.”

    I stopped for a moment and hid away in one of the dark parts of the Raptor, the pain and pressure in my head were reaching its peak and I needed a break for a minute.

    So I leaned against the cool metal and breathed, there was only so much that I could do at once, and pain was a warning. One minute passed, then two. The pain eased for a moment and I stood up straight to hand in my report.

    But instead of the straight and proper march that I’d intended turned into a hobble as the pain I’d ignored in my knee made itself known again. So instead. I limped to where our CO and XO were standing over the storage facility.

    “Everything is loaded up that we can fit,” I informed them both, handing them an updated report. “The Dropships are ready to take off when we are.”

    Star Colonel Aidan Pryde simply stared at me for a moment before giving me an approving nod.

    “You have done well today. Even though you lost most of your star, the warriors and their ‘Mechs were recoverable, that is commendable.”

    “Dead soldiers aren’t able to work,” I shrugged. “And we need every one of our warriors, the next generation of warriors is not in the Inner Sphere as of yet. So each one of us is irreplaceable at this time. Lest we find ourselves struggling against the Steel Vipers and the Federated Commonwealth.”

    “Remember that sacrifice may still be necessary,” Aidan replied. “Go to the medbay. It is obvious that you were not fully recovered from Tukayyid before today’s combat.”

    “Were it so easy,” I chuckled. “No, it was necessary for me to lead my Star today. It has set back my recovery by a few weeks, but it will take time for us to rebuild anyway.”

    “Star Captain, it would do you well to remember that it is not only your Star that would suffer if you should fall. But the entire Cluster, now go, see to your injuries. After you have been cleared, you will report to me, I have questions, and you will answer them.”
    Chapter 26
  • Chapter 26

    “Star Captain,” Aidan greeted the woman Marthe had assigned to brief him.

    “Star Colonel, I was told that you desired to speak with me.”

    “Yes,” Aidan replied. “I was told that you are close with Star Commander Mark. I would seek to understand his motivations and what drives him. He is an excellent warrior, yet I know almost nothing about him aside from the reports that were submitted upon his admittance as a Bondsman.”

    “Where would you like me to begin?” Darya asked. “There is much I could speak of here.”

    “In case I am missing something, give me his background, what drives him? Where did he come from? What are his plans for the future?”

    “I will begin with the reported facts, and branch off from there.”

    Darya adjusted her seat to be more comfortable before leaning in.

    “Mark Hull, no reported rank or records aside from a brief mention of a ‘civilian’ mentioned in the writings of the late Captain James Cromwell. He is the last remaining survivor of the SLS Manassas. After waking up and dealing with the dead crew, he decided that it would be easier to survive on the planet they were orbiting than it would be to repair the ship.”

    “Given the reports I have on the Manassas’s K-F drive, he was not incorrect in that assessment,” Aidan agreed.

    “Still, he made landfall and began to eke out a life on the planet. Should the 2nd Falcon Jaegers have not stumbled upon the Manassas, I believe that he would have remained there until he eventually passed away.”

    “All of that is in his file,” Aidan stated. “I have no need to learn of that which I can read from a report.”

    “He seeks change,” Darya said after a brief pause. “You must remember that he grew up and knows what the Star League was at its height. What the Hegemony was, and how they worked. He wants to change the Jade Falcons, and the Clans with them. That is his goal. And now, it is mine as well.”

    “What would he change? And why? Have not the Clans proven themselves the most capable in this war so far?”

    “Neg,” Darya shook her head. “We lost at Tukayyid, despite the victory that we eked out along with the Ghost Bears. We lost at Twycross, and we have been forced to cease in our tracks. Star Colonel, the Clans must change, or we will die. I have chosen that which I believe to be the honorable path, all that is left is for you do choose for yourself as well. Just as Khan Crichell and SaKhan Khistu have. If you require more, you must ask him yourself. But know that he does not think in the same manner that we do.”

    “I shall have to do so,” Aidan wrote down another note. “You are dismissed Star Captain, I expect that Star Colonel Marthe will need you back soon, quiaff?”

    “Aff,” She rose. “Star Colonel, something to consider before you approach him on your own. “The Clans are supposed to abhor waste, and yet we waste the most precious thing available to us. The lives that we have been gifted with. Whether Tankborn or freebirth, each life must be weighed carefully and measured against that which we intend to pursue. Is the cost of such waste worth it in the end? Or have we all been caught up in folly?”

    “Hey there,” I looked as the door to my quarters slid open, revealing Darya Pryde. “I didn’t expect to see you for another few months at the very least.”

    “I was summoned,” she replied as she sat down on my desk. “Star Colonel Aidan will be coming to ask you some questions soon. I suspect that you have a lot of work ahead if you intend to persuade him to join your faction.”

    “Faction?” I scoffed. “Darya, I’m an old man and a mere Star Commander. I don’t have a faction.”

    “Do you not?” Darya asked. “You, a bondsman who rose through the ranks to become a warrior, who works with other castes as needed to complete a mission. One of only two warriors to ensure that Clan Jade Falcon won the day on Tukayyid. You do not have a faction?” she sighed and rested her face in her hands. “Did you believe that your deeds were meaningless? Or that I alone would notice or care?”

    “Kinda?” I replied as I took in just how exhausted she seemed to be. “It is easy to be caught up in the bubble of what your immediate Star, Trinary, and Cluster are doing. And I was a bit busy recovering and then preparing for our raid against the Steel Vipers.”

    “That is understandable. But you cannot remain in ignorance for much longer. The trials for Galaxy Commander Mar Helmer’s position will begin soon, and you and I will have the opportunity to trial for the command of many Clusters. At least three Star Colonels perished in the fighting on Tukayyid, and while the trials were postponed they cannot be for much longer lest we lose the chance to advance.”

    “And if the Khan should perish?” I asked. “Khan Elias Crichell was wounded on Tukayyid. I suspect that if he dies, that Star Colonel Marthe shall try to push for the position of SaKhan.”

    “She certainly does not lack ambition,” I agreed. “But neither does Aidan lack ambition. And now that he has won honor and glory for restoring the Falcon Guards to a position of respect, I believe that he will at least push a claim for Mar Helmer’s position.”

    “Regardless,” Darya shifted her position and leaned in. “We have not spent much time together as of late. And I would do so before I depart.”

    “I know there are a few gorgeous parks around this city,” I grabbed a map that I had collected earlier. “We can go look at the sights.”

    “Maybe later,” She sighed. “For now, I simply wish to rest. You are not the only one that has been busy after the Battle of Tukayyid.”

    “Well come here then,” We shifted to the bed and I pulled her close, her smaller body radiating warmth as I pulled a blanket over and whistled for Gray, the Octo-Wolf settling down at our feet. “Rest and recover. You are safe here.”

    Her breathing slowed and stilled as she drifted to sleep, and I shifted a bit to get her long hair out of my face before resting my head on the pillow and following suit.

    I closed my eyes and inhaled, a warm feeling filling my body as I relaxed in a way that I hadn’t relaxed since I’d first existed in this universe. And with a full exhale, I released a tension that had built up since our conversation on the Jade Talon.

    She still wanted me, even as old and broken as I was, and if nothing else. Having someone that desired you for being you, was worth treasuring.

    “It always comes down to time,” I thought. “There’s never enough of it to spend as you wish.”

    And as I slipped off into sleep, I thought about a poem I’d heard a long, long time ago.

    “I have only just a minute, only sixty seconds in it. Forced upon me, can’t refuse it. Didn’t seek it, didn’t choose it. But it’s up to me to use it, I must suffer if I lose it. Give account if I abuse it. Just a tiny little minute, but eternity is in it.”
    Chapter 27
  • Chapter 27
    Date: September 1, 3052
    Location: Steelton, Jade Falcon Occupation Zone

    “Star Captain, you requested information on the surgery that we would be performing, quiaff?”

    “Aff. I would know what it is that you are planning on doing to fix my knee and return the mobility that I once enjoyed.”

    “While there are not many older warriors who are injured as you are, these surgeries are still performed for the civilian castes when it is necessary.”

    The doctor showed an X-ray and full scan of my knee, with different sections enlarged to show exactly where the issues were.

    “We will begin by replacing the cartilage,” he showed a comparison of my left and right knees. My left knee had minimal cushion left between the two bones and the kneecaps. “We have freshly cloned tissue that should show little chance of rejection. After we have replaced that, we will work on repairing the tears in your Meniscus. The tears are the reason for the swelling that you’ve been seeing. And likely the pain as well. We will also explore and see if any other issues need to be fixed while we have the knee opened up.”

    “Do you have an estimated recovery time?” I asked.

    “Assuming that everything goes well, you will be looking at three weeks of recovery time on the low end. Potentially one to two months if things go wrong.”

    “Alright,” I nodded. “Do what you need to do.”

    I laid down on the bed and they placed a mask on my face and had me count down, by the time I had reached three, everything had gone dark.

    Two weeks later…

    “Now down and hold,” the physical therapist had me maintain the squat for a second while he checked on my knees. “Good, now ease back up.”

    I straightened up, smiling at the lack of pain that usually radiated through my knee at this sort of exercise.

    “Progress is good,” the therapist jotted something down. “You are projected to finish the physical therapy at the end of next week. Given how things are going, I expect that you will be permitted to return to your position.”

    “Thanks,” I sat down and pulled on a pair of sweatpants I had set to the side. “I will return for the exercises that you have prepared for me tomorrow.”

    I then slung the gym bag over my shoulder and headed for the nearby showers.

    The communal showers were filled with people, both warriors and the other castes alike. Good genetics helped out a lot, but without good habits, they weren’t enough on their own.

    So, the gym was nearly always packed full of people working out and maintaining their fitness levels. After all, no one wanted to be weak when it came time for a trial.

    Stripping my sweaty gear off, I tossed it into a cloth bag that I had set aside for dirty laundry before stepping under a stream of cold water.

    It felt like I was getting hit in the face and chest with a brick at first, the icy water sending shivers down my spine as I soaped up and rinsed it off before stepping back out.

    “Shower’s free,” I stepped out and toweled off before slipping into a fresh uniform.

    PT had a very specific allotment in my day, and then I had to help Joanna and Aidan with the worst of all enemies, one that no one had ever managed to vanquish in all the centuries of advancement…Paperwork.

    “Star Captain,” I nodded as I stepped into the shared office.

    “Mark,” Joanna greeted me. “Your assigned work is on your desk. The Star Colonel has issued his challenge for Mar Helmer’s position, and we are charged with ensuring that the Cluster is rebuilt according to the standards that it held before Tukayyid.”

    “My recovery is slated to be completed at the end of next week. After that, I will begin running drills with the Trinaries,” I replied. “But I understand that we must focus on the logistics for now.”

    “The Steel Viper Omnimechs have been integrated into our forces. It is the Bondsman that we still have to find a place for,” Joanna replied. “While I understand your attachment to a familiar ‘Mech, I still believe that you should have claimed one of the Omnimechs for your own. The Kingfisher has yet to be assigned, after all.”

    “I am content with my Warhammer,” I smiled as I sat down and went through the documents. “While it is not the ‘Mech that I used for decades, it is the closest thing I have yet found.”

    “Would not a Hellbringer suffice?” Joanna raised an eyebrow. “You could even configure your primary loadout to mirror that of your Warhammer if you so desired.”

    “Neg,” I shook my head. “It would not be the same, and I have become comfortable in my old age. I cannot change for just any reason.”

    “This is why we prefer younger warriors,” Joanna muttered.

    “Ahh, but the Clans have forgotten the adage from long ago. ‘Beware an old man in a young man’s game.’ And there are many others that spring to mind,” I chuckled before changing the subject. “Joanna, do you intend to trial for the Star Colonel’s position should he become Galaxy Commander?”

    “I am considering it,” She glanced up at me. “Despite you being Ristar, I believe that I could win and take charge of the Cluster. In fact, I believe that unaugmented, I would win the Trial of Position, and you would be left to serve as my second.”

    “If that happens, then so be it,” I shrugged. “But I intend to continue. After all, while we have taken worlds from the Inner Sphere, we have not conquered them. If you are to truly win such a war and have the conquered peoples follow you, then you must wage a war on two fronts.”

    “Are we not already fighting a war with both the Lyran Commonwealth and the Steel Vipers?” she asked. “Explain yourself.”

    “While yes, that is two fronts, I am referring to a front that the Clans have found themselves on the losing end of. While the Wolves have done better in this regard, they still do not understand it fully.”

    I leaned forward and set out a few paperweights.

    “This is the conventional side of the war,” I indicated the glass Falcon that I set in front. “It is where you meet the enemy in force of arms and force them to retreat or be destroyed,” I then pointed to a pen I had left behind. “And this is the public opinion front. It is not enough to win in combat. The people whom we conquer must become ours. But we cannot do that if they are convinced that we will harm them or be worse than those who governed them before. After all, for all that we are a caste structure, we are not the Smoke Jaguars, nor are we the Draconis Combine or Capellan Confederation. And we should seek to reinforce that regardless of their upbringing, they are now members of the Jade Falcons, and we are to treat them as such.”

    “That is a job for the garrison clusters,” Joanna dismissed what I said, even though there was an interested gleam in her eye. “Now complete your paperwork, it is all that you are good for until you have finished healing.”

    “Aff,” I laughed as I collected the paperweight and writing stick again before returning to the bane of my existence. “Just something to keep in mind.”

    Author’s Note: After this week’s standard updates, everything is going to be put on Hiatus until the middle or end of May. I’m getting a bit burnt out, and I’m taking a break to work on something I want to publish. I’ll still respond to discussions or questions, but I’m putting everything on hold for a bit. Estimated time of Return for Falcon’s Rising is May 29.
    Chapter 28
  • Chapter 28

    Date: September 16, 3052
    Location: Steelton, Jade Falcon Occupation Zone

    "Where are you going?" Joanna asked as I stood up from the desk I had been working at for the last few hours.

    "I have been idle for too long," I replied, stretching and grabbing my duffle bag. "I intend to go for a run. I am sure that Gray needs to get some exercise as well."

    Joanna glanced out the window and noted that the local star had begun its descent through the sky.

    "Where are you planning on running?" Joanna stood and walked to the window.

    "There is a hiking trail nearby," I shrugged. "There are times when it is worth it to stop and observe the beauty of the universe around us. Every world has something new to be seen, and until the day that I pass, I will try to observe that which is worth it."

    I moved to the office door.

    "You may join me if you wish. But the decision is yours."

    I paused at the beginning of the trail and made sure my shoes were tight before whistling sharply.

    Gray bounded over to me, her nose coming up to sniff at my face before I stood up.

    "Gray, Heel!" I instructed, smiling as she glued herself to my side before we began running down the trail.

    The golden and red leaves of the nearby trees reflected light as I jogged down the path, the comforting darkness of the canopy broken up into patches of glorious light where sunbeams hit the ground and illuminated the path forward.

    After a kilometer or so, the canopy peeled away and revealed the local star setting behind distant mountains. The atmosphere glowed and the sea of colors spread across the sky and peeked over the mountains.

    I sat down on a nearby fallen tree and watched the sunset, a grin on my face as I stroked Gray's neck and ears.

    "This is the sort of thing that you need to remember to stop and look at," I said after a few moments. "I'll have to bring Darya here whenever I get the chance."

    Then as the glow began to dim and shift into dusk I stood up to head back to the base. I was supposed to be cleared to drive my 'mech tomorrow, and I didn't want something as stupid as a root that I didn't see in the dark to make me have to wait longer.

    "C'mon Gray," I stretched a bit. "Time to head on back."

    The Octo-Wolf darted after something in the brush and returned with a lizard sticking out of her mouth.

    "If you get sick from eating that, I'm not helping you feel better," I tried not to laugh at the rear legs and tail sticking out from the front of her mouth.

    I then gave up and began laughing as Gray gave a small yelp and opened her mouth before shaking her head violently, launching the small reptile into the trees.

    "It bit your tongue," I broke out laughing, slowing to a walk and holding my sides.

    Gray simply huffed at me before looking mournfully at the lizard that climbed up a nearby tree.

    "I won't stop you," I glanced at the lizard. "But I will continue to laugh at you if it happens again."

    Date: October 14, 3052
    Location: Wonton, Jade Falcon Occupation zone

    The Trial of Position began with four.

    Immediately upon the beginning of said trial, Marthe turned and engaged another Star Colonel's Hellbringer, the lightly armored Omnimech fell back from her burst of fire.

    Meanwhile, Aidan simply began exchanging long-range fire against his opponent's Gargoyle, his lasers carving away at the assault 'mech that was attempting to close into range for its UAC/20.

    The Gargoyle's medium lasers and machine guns hammered into Aidan's Timber Wolf, his armor melting away when the green beams struck.

    But Aidan's retaliation was fierce, and his missiles ripped from the launchers over his shoulders before arcing up and into the Gargoyle's shoulders and head.

    "You may have convinced others that you are no longer dezgra," his opponent taunted. "But you will not be able to convince me. I shall take Mar Helmer's place. And you shall return to your place among the garrison forces."

    "Neg," Aidan replied. "I have honor, and my cluster alone proved that on Tukayyid. Where was your cluster during combat? What foes did you overcome to achieve our objectives? I do not recall seeing anyone other than my cluster and the 2nd Falcon Jaegers accomplishing anything. You shall fall here today, and your failures with you."

    The Gargoyle then leaped into the air on a burst of plasma, trying to close the gap between them.

    But Aidan stopped moving and his lasers and missiles impacted the cockpit, sending the assault 'mech crashing into the ground before him.

    Then, turning around, he faced off with the person that he had once put his trust in, only for her to betray it.

    "So it is you who are left to stand in my path," Marthe's damaged Summoner rotated to face his lightly damaged Timber Wolf painted in the colors of the Falcon Guards. "

    "I turned my back on you once before," Aidan replied. "I have since learned from my mistakes. Now stand aside, Marthe. The Clan will need your talents and your 'Mech."

    "Neg," Marthe faced Aidan, the broken armor of her 'Mech now hidden away from the heavier 'Mech's weapons. "I will rise, it will be my wings and talons that lead the Clan forward."

    "We shall see," The other Pryde responded.

    Aidan's 'Mech then leaped into the sky, the jets of plasma carrying it out of the way of a burst of autocannon fire.

    The Timber Wolf landed and a flurry of missiles erupted from the LRM racks, the missiles homing in and destroying the Summoner's left arm.

    Stumbling, Marthe's Summoner ducked underneath an emerald beam that lanced over her shoulder before she retaliated, her PPC and LRMs carving away at Aidan's armor.

    The two continued to duel, their armor slowly shrinking as they both exhausted their missile supply before moving back into close range.

    Dodging a PPC bolt, shifted his 'Mech and began moving closer to Marthe. His arms stabbed forward and His large lasers cut across the Summoner's legs. As the armor melted into slag, rivulets of molten metal fused into her knee actuators, seizing one of her legs and slowing her down as Aidan drove into short range. Aidan then drove his leg into Marthe's fused knee, sending the already reeling Summoner crashing to the ground.

    Placing his foot on Marthe's chest, Aidan pointed a large laser at her cockpit.

    "Yield, Marthe. I would rather not harm the Clans by finishing off a warrior of your talents today."

    The Summoner powered down and Aidan stepped back to look at Vandervahn Chistu's Executioner. But given their history, he kept Marthe's 'mech in sight at all times. He would not show his back to her again.

    "Star Colonel Aidan Pryde," saKhan Chistu's voice echoed over the open channels. "You have shown yourself as an equal to any among us. You may take your place as the Commander of Gamma Galaxy. With all of the responsibilities therein."
    Chapter 29
  • Chapter 29

    Date: November 3, 3052
    Location: Steelton, Jade Falcon Occupation Zone

    “You are slow,” Joanna chided me as we circled each other on the sparring mats. “How do you hope to contend with those who challenge you unaugmented?”

    “With weight and experience,” I replied. “I wrestled with wolves for decades. So I will adapt more of what Darya taught me and wait for the other person to make a mistake.”

    “And if it is an Elemental, who challenges you?” Joanna asked as we exchanged a handful of blows. “What will you do then?”

    “Lose,” I shrugged. “I am not going to be able to win against an elemental in unaugmented combat.”

    “I suppose that is fair,” She dropped and tried to sweep my legs. “But you should still be prepared for such.”

    After the match, we stepped out of the ring and began toweling off.

    As we both stepped towards the showers, the door to the gym slid open, and Aidan Pryde stepped through. We snapped to attention and waited as the uniformed man silently padded over to us.

    “At ease, Star Captains,” he stood before us. “Joanna, there is an opening for the Hazen bloodright after we drove off a Steel Viper raid on Somerset. You will go and compete for it.”

    Joanna simply stared at Aidan for a moment as she processed everything.

    “Why?” She asked. “What would that accomplish?”

    “If you are to lead the Falcon Guard as Star Colonel, it would be better if you possessed the bloodname to support it.”

    Aidan then turned to me, his brow furrowed in thought.

    “Unfortunately, you will have to continue to prove yourself,” he locked eyes with me. “We will see what the future has in store for you and for Clan Jade Falcon.”

    Date: January 17, 3053
    Location: Sudeten, Jade Falcon Occupation Zone

    Joanna didn’t know how to feel. This was a second, no, a third chance that she never should have been given. She had failed in her trial for her first bloodname. She had failed the Falcon Guard at Twycross. No one would consider her for this opportunity. No one should have given her this opportunity. Aidan was wrong. For all that he praised her for their success on Tukayyid, he had brought them all together and seen the potential that a group of Solahma and Dezgra possessed.

    But as for herself? She was an old woman out of place among the youth of a new world. And as she looked out the cockpit of her Mad Dog. She could see the difference. The other warriors were in gleaming Omnimechs, the factory-new shine a sharp contrast to the worn ‘Mech she’d been using for the last three years. And now, as the trial started, she realized that maybe the old man was right to keep to something familiar in his Warhammer. Maybe there was something to the words that he’d said about the Clans changing. And maybe, just maybe, there was an opportunity on the horizon.

    With a sharp sound, the Trial began, youthful warriors in lighter ‘Mechs turning and blasting each other while the heavier ‘Mechs began to focus on those in the heaviest bracket and attempt to take them down.

    It was then that Joanna noted the problem that the young warriors faced—the critical flaw, as it were.

    They were so focused on each other that they had all neglected her. Their attention tunneled into the immediate opponent instead of the complete picture of the battlefield.

    So with a quick burst of her jump jets, she leaped into the air and began her conquest, her ‘Mech landing with a soft ‘thud’ in plain view of the Summoner and Hellbringer facing each other.

    The young warriors were skilled, but they lacked the instincts and killer instinct of someone whose skills had been honed in the trials of combat. Of someone who had seen her entire unit killed at one point.

    And while their reflexes were better, Joanna was patient. She pushed and prodded at any mistakes that they made. Her instincts pushed for her to not only win this Trial but to also teach the next generation. In the future, they might appreciate her attempts. But for now, it simply infuriated the young warriors, sending them into a rage that began to cause mistakes, mistakes that led to their defeat.

    As Joanna’s Mad Dog stepped back towards the repair bay, medtechs and mechtechs began pulling the Omnimechs onto flatbed trucks. The ‘Mechs could be repaired, and the Clan desperately needed to conserve resources.

    After Joanna parked her ‘Mech in the mechbay, she sat there, numb to the rest of the world. For the first time, her Codex would reflect not only her name but also that of her Bloodname. Of the Bloodright that she had won with her own two hands. Fate and destiny had shifted. And the future would never be the same again.”

    Date: Classified
    Location: Classified

    “Elias, you must step forward and lead the Clan,” Vandervahn Chistu looked at the bedridden Khan. “I can no longer maintain this charade. The Galaxy Commanders are asking questions. Aidan Pryde is beginning to rebuild multiple clusters using equipment taken from the Steel Vipers. Soon, we will have to explain to the other Clans what has happened.”

    There was silence as Elias merely stared out the window. After several moments, he finally turned and faced the saKhan.

    “I will step down,” Elias’s face was scarred and fragmented; he had been recovered when his reactor went critical, but even with the best of clan medicine, they could only keep him alive after the injuries he had received. “I will announce it within a week. You must find a saKhan who will help lead the Jade Falcons to victory. I will not be there to see it with my own eyes.”

    Vandervahn searched the face of Khan Elias Crichell, looking for any sign of dishonesty or a slip of the tongue. After finding nothing, he nodded.

    “I will ensure that the Jade Falcon’s place is secure,” the saKhan promised. “I have already seen to it that our resources are well spent.”

    Elias simply turned and began staring out the window again as silence filled the air. It was evident that this was a dismissal, and Vandervahn left the room.

    “The future waits for no one,” Vandervahn muttered to himself.

    As he walked away, though, his eyes passed over a woman with a bondcord serving among the medical staff.

    The young nurse checked for cameras and entered the room that the saKhan had just left, a syringe in her hands.

    A few moments later, she departed the room and blended in with the rest of the staff, no one the wiser as to what had just taken place. After all, who would suspect one of the medical staff when the saKhan was the last one to visibly enter the room?
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    Chapter 30 New
  • Date: February 10, 3053
    Location: Steelton, Jade Falcon Occupation Zone

    “Star Captain,” Joanna Hazen raised an eyebrow at Star Captain Mark. “Why is a Star of my warriors in the brig?”

    “Because they violated the instructions I gave them regarding the treatment of our new citizens,” Mark replied. “If they desire to prove me wrong, we can step into a circle of equals. But I am not going to allow the abuse of anyone that was here before our occupation of this world.”

    He paused for a moment, his hand coming up to stroke his beard for a moment before he leaned forward in his chair.

    “Barring those who are acting as insurgents, that is,” he continued. “If we do not punish those who violate our own laws regarding the treatment of the new members of our Clan, then they will revolt or worse.”

    Joanna sighed and massaged her temples for a minute before responding.

    “I reviewed the material that you provided to me and the Galaxy Commander,” Joanna tapped one of the books he’d given her. “You are certain that if we do not adapt in this way, our occupation will have problems?”

    “Yes,” he replied. “And the Wolves have proven that this works. After all, they do not have the same issues with their occupation that we have faced.”

    “With the announcement of the Khan’s death, our practices may be reevaluated,” Joanna said. “I expect that many things will change depending on who becomes saKhan.”

    “Who knows?” Mark shrugged. “There are many things that might or might not happen. But that is all something we can discuss later. We need to work on what to do with the Star immediately.’

    “I approve of your decision,” she tapped the desk for a moment. “But be aware that as you continue to discipline them, they may also attempt to challenge you to a Trial of Grievance.”

    “Should it come to that, I will handle it,” Mark leaned back in his chair and sighed. “I wish that they were willing to listen, but I will do what I must.

    Joanna folded her arms and went silent momentarily before finally speaking again.

    “You are dismissed, Star Captain,” She smirked. “Try not to throw more of our warriors into the brig. I have a feeling that we will need them soon.”

    Date: April 2, 3053
    Location: Sudeten, Jade Falcon Occupation Zone

    Aidan Pryde had worked hard for this. He had spent weeks persuading his fellow warriors to endorse him for saKhan so that he could have this chance to prove that he was capable of more than merely leading a Galaxy.

    He had turned a Dezgra unit into a successful force. Now, he would seek to prepare the Clan for the changes to come. Everyone knew that change was necessary, and if the Diamond Sharks could change their Clan’s Totem from the Sea Fox to the Diamond Sharks and adapt, then Clan Jade Falcon could push even further than that.

    Everything he had sacrificed, everything he had done, led to this moment in time. His Timber Wolf stood across from Galaxy Commander Samantha Clees’s Summoner.

    The Circle of Equals was set, and the Loremaster spoke and called for silence before establishing what was to happen next.

    The silence was heavy; the ‘mechs stood still as if they were, but mere statues and everything waited for the first warrior to move.

    But these two, they were patient. Samantha had proven herself as a capable warrior and strategist over the decades, and Aidan had done the same. They had both been chosen for their potential; for the future, they could lead the Clan into a given time. But now was not the time for words.

    With a split second, Aidan shifted, his Timber Wolf flying to the side on bursts of plasma while his lasers carved away at his opponent’s Summoner.

    But there was no conversation, no taunting. These two had no need for that. They had already proven themselves to their peers and others. No, this was simply to establish dominance and who would take the position. The winner would take the position, and the loser would retain the command they already possessed.

    But Samantha was no pushover, and while the lasers impacted, she was already shifting to minimize the damage as twenty missiles fired over her shoulder, three-quarters of the missiles rocking Aidan’s ‘mech back with the explosions.

    The two circled each other, Aidan hitting her with a few missiles of his own before an autocannon stripped the armor off of his left arm.

    They continued, each maneuvering to minimize damage over time as they whittled away at each other until finally, Samantha got a lucky hit with an autocannon; the burst of gunfire ripped one of his missile launchers off and sent Aidan nearly into the ground.

    But he recovered, and his remaining lasers and missiles punched through her left torso, exposing the reactor for a brief moment. Samantha turned and shielded that side of her ‘Mech, her jump jets removing her from more fire.

    But Aidan tracked her, and as she landed, he targeted her legs, sending the omnimech crashing face-first into the ground.

    The silence reigned once more as they waited for Samana’s Summoner to move. But after several moments, nothing happened.

    Aidan had won, but Samantha Clees had paid dearly for his success.

    Date: April 12, 3053
    Location: Tamar, Clan Wolf Occupation Zone

    “The cracks are beginning to show in the Crusaders,” Ulric turned to speak to Natasha. “Elias Crichel was the most set against our practices.”

    “He was a bastard,” Natasha Kerensky agreed, a glass of hard liquor in her hand. “What’s that got to do with us, though.”

    “They may become a greater threat depending on who becomes the saKhan. Elias was a politician, not a great warrior..”

    “Bah,” Natasha tossed back the alcohol before refilling it from the bottle nearby. “If they make any moves, then I’ll deal with it. Not like they fight well.”

    “The Jade Falcons and the Ghost Bears were the only two Clans aside from us that were able to succeed at their objectives on Tukayyid,” Ulric reminded her. “They are not to be underestimated.”

    The two of them considered the information available to them before continuing to speak.

    “The Falcons have already targeted and won most of the Steel Vipers invasion supplies,” Natasha pointed out.

    “They have also taken many bondsmen,” Ulric looked at the information that he had been provided. “I say again, I suspect that when they have a new saKhan, we will face a hardier foe than before.”

    “Let ‘em deal with the chaos for a bit,” Natasha continued to drink. “We’ve got enough on our hands.”

    “Regardless, we must assume the worst,” Ulric sighed. “But we will see what happens in the future.”

    “I’ll start prepping things,” Natasha poured a second drink and held it out to the ilKhan. “For now, drink up.”

    Ulric eyed the decanter for a moment before grabbing it and doing as he’d seen Natasha do before, a grimace crossing his face at the taste.

    “Why?” he asked.

    “It’s an acquired taste,” Natasha grinned. “Just give it some time. You’ll eventually come to enjoy it.”

    “Or you won’t,” she muttered. “Damned sticks in the mud never know how to have a good time.”
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