Star Wars For What Good May Come?

Note from the Author:
  • Next chapter should come out sometime this week.

    Anyway, as a refresher for everyone or an introduction to the actual story.

    This story takes place 41 years after A New Hope. In a second galactic civil war.

    This conflict was originally between Corellia and its allies against an increasingly federalizing and tyrannical galactic alliance government.

    By Invincible-the situation had changed. Corellia, the Hapans, and Jedi all have a non aggression pact against Jacen who is head of the galactic alliance. Jacen seized power months earlier in a coup with the support of admiral Cha Niathal.

    However Niathal broke from Jacen and joined the anti Jacen coalition-splitting the GA into two governments.

    Jacen acquired the support of the imperial remnant to bolster his forces.

    In short it is a war with a lot of factions. But to simplify it-it’s Jacen vs. just about everyone else.

    The actual POD used was the Second Battle of Roche, in Invincible where Jaina first tries to kill her brother.

    I know Invincible came out nearly twelve years ago, and legacy of the force was always controversial to say the least. It’s not an easy story to get into if your not already fairly versed in the EU. If your lost now, just roll with it as I will be veering further and further away from canon as time goes on.

    Anyway, just a brief explanation and note from Lord Invictus,
    Author's note
  • *MAATs are Medium Atmospheric Assault and Transport Craft.

    I sort of imagine them looking like LAATs from AOTC albeit updated and possessing a longer more rectangular design.
    Update update
  • I’m working as hard as I can on an update, battle chapters take a while.

    I am hoping to have it out by tomorrow, if not it will likely be delayed until next year.

    Anyway, more reviews and comments would be welcome. I’m game for anything including constructive criticism.

    Lord Invictus,