Frankfort and Denazification


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This was an interesting video that traces a line from the Frankfort school's attempt to critize the problems of the "old left" in Communists, how those ideas were adopted by Washington as part of the Denazification project to end Nazism by destroying German culture, and how the tools of the Denazification project were turned on everyone else, helping to lead to the otherwise peculiar sistuation where the only nationalists left are stangely people in ex communist countries, who at least in part were insulated and protected by Western Neo-communism because they were already in old-communism, which was less sophisticated and subversive, and thus did not suceed in destroying nationalism and other "right wing" ideas to the same degree western neo communism did.

Its an interesting perspective of things, which has some merits, though I think it might be overstating some connections a little bit.
Critical theory was deliberately promoted by the powers that be as a substitute for marxism. It was intended to replace class struggle to ensure no real challenges to plutocracy would emerge. Thats why the intersectional post-left is funded by billionaires. As long as the lumpen-stasi jannissaries are focused on socially executing truck drivers and landscapers who have a confederate flag sticker or told a naughty joke, they arent looking at the vast wealth and power of the degenerate plutocrats. In critical theory the real enemies are people who deny the gender spectrum, not the billionaires who own rape islands and make thier money by offshoring the jobs of thousands.

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