Fully Automated Socialist Meme Thread - The Ministry of Ideological Memes


Did all this kneeling start with Game of Thrones? No really, I have a feeling this trend was started by guys watching Game of Thrones
It's two images, just click the tweet. Someone made a meme calling out people who larp as made-up fanfic genders and how they're making the the trans/I think Asexual community look bad*, and they got cancelled for it.
(*=You know, worse than they already do)
Got to be really honest here, I have no idea what is going on in that image.
Uhh im not sure what im supposed to be looking at here... Mind explaing?

A bit of leftists eating each other. 'Can't you see that your made-up gender is harmful to the non-binary community?'


'My gender is glittering unicorn!'
'Why can't you take our movement seriously?'

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