United States George Floyd Protests, Reactions and Riots

Our only shield right now are the red states pushing back. They control everything else.

Not that they're all bad or anything, but red states seem pretty locked down by the Business First caucus. Half of like "republican" governors would give the Black Looting Movement a handy while cracking down extra-hard on any organization that gives even a hint of being Pro-White or favoring actually conserving the Historic American Nation, so that they can get that sweet, sweet dopamine of being the fighting "teh natzees" and "being on the right side of history" and cash in on 5 minutes of Strange New Respect from the lying press.
I don't blame them.
Try eating two consecutive nukes.
may cause permanent indigestion.


no this was before the nukes....

Japan kind of lost its mind during the second world war.
They made what they hoped would be one last push against China in a rather optimistic plan to then utilize those troops back in the homeland for the coming invasion by the US.
Taiwanese also hate commies just the same.
A pity the KMT didn't exterminate the ChiComs when they had the chance.
They try.Then USA send their envoy to stop their anti-commie offensive.Czang did so,and he lost later.
I do not knew,if USA did so becouse of democrat stupidity,or becouse Wall Street wanted potential concurention destroyed,just like when they send Trocky&thugs to Russia to made revolution.

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