Kiwi Farms under attack again

New telegram lol

"I'm proud to introduce a new creation which will change the world. For as long as we can remember (the last five days), there have been two global network-of-networks: the internet that can access the Kiwi Farms, and the stinky American internet that cannot.

Today, that wall comes down, and our two internets join into a new single Internet (now a proper noun, with a capital I). A user of this Internet may access any site anywhere on the Internet, even from places like America. This includes the Kiwi Farms.

Enjoy responsibly."
New telegram lol

"I'm proud to introduce a new creation which will change the world. For as long as we can remember (the last five days), there have been two global network-of-networks: the internet that can access the Kiwi Farms, and the stinky American internet that cannot.

Today, that wall comes down, and our two internets join into a new single Internet (now a proper noun, with a capital I). A user of this Internet may access any site anywhere on the Internet, even from places like America. This includes the Kiwi Farms.

Enjoy responsibly."

So I guess its been resolved?
Kefflals has now played the "muh depression" card to justify him leaving the internet.

(Remember to dislike, even if the thumbs down aren't public. Lucas can see it and that is all that matters)

I will just let Null summarize the shitshow


I am sure the fact he was getting diminishing returns for his cries for attention and the Elon takeover of twitter where he will be doing work to remove bots and make checkmarks literally mean nothing more than "paid us 8$ to be checked as legit" has NOTHING to do with it guys.

EDIT: Also worth pointing out: Cloudflare admits they fucked up banning Kiwifarms as they have been losing customers and money. (Page 66)

Never cuck to men in drag. You lose clients that pay you seeing your cowardice.
VPNs cost money, and TOR is a pain in the ass. Guess we can go fuck ourselves if we don't put in the work.
This is getting ridiculous. The european parliament and its unelected bureaucrats need to go, preferably down in flames.
The work must be done, the price must be paid, the pain must be endured.

As for the other thing: they're taking care of that themselves. When it is done, we'll build anew upon the ashes.
Kiwifarms has been under a DDoS attack attempt for the last few hours. Not much has happened other than a few 502 and 503 errors for some users. Null has done some little optimizations but he isn't gonna deal with it today because unlike the troon brigade attacking KF he has family and friends to spend American Turkey Day with.

He finishes his Telegram with a thank you to both Epik, Terrahost, his lawyer and the anonymous IT people who helped with the site.
Kiwifarms has been under a DDoS attack attempt for the last few hours. Not much has happened other than a few 502 and 503 errors for some users. Null has done some little optimizations but he isn't gonna deal with it today because unlike the troon brigade attacking KF he has family and friends to spend American Turkey Day with.

He finishes his Telegram with a thank you to both Epik, Terrahost, his lawyer and the anonymous IT people who helped with the site.
They really want to bury all the nasty little things they've been getting up to from getting out, don't they?

Fucking groomers.
A while ago some dude decided to go berserk and shoot some gays in Slovakia and make a scene. It killed like 3 people and was quickly forgotten. Kiwifarms was quick on the case, documenting it and the online presence of the dude along with his schizo ramblings and manifesto and probably the hentai he retweeted on his account.

Today Null got a e-mail from the Slovak government telling him to "delet this". The following is Null's response:

To: Jan Hurtik <>
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2022 16:17:17 +0100
Subject: Re: Take down request - extremist material - Council for Media Services


I am sorry to hear about the troubles your country is facing with
extremists. However, in the United States of America (where this
service and company are located), we believe that censorship is its own
form of authoritarian extremism and we do not tolerate it.

Your legal organs may choose to instruct its ISPs to block our network
if it, for whatever reason, believes that the Slovak State's citizens
are one poorly-worded English language manifesto away from openly
killing ethnic and sexual minorities.

Custodian of Records
Lolcow LLC
Took only a few minutes for some moron to try and false flag something. It was quite pathetic all things considered, dude's name was literally based.1488 like come the fuck on man at least TRY and sound believablr.
Doesn't matter. The MSM will spin it and the normies will eat it up like the good little NPCs they are.

You have to remember that the people here have better pattern reconition then most people do. Thus we get to a point faster then most. The normies will get to our point it just takes them longer.

A lot longer, and yes I know this is frustrating as fuck.

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