Sci-Fi Tech Lets build a Battlefleet to take down the Empire


Cold War Veteran
Ok gang here is the objective. We are tasked by the ROB with building a massive Battlefleet that can defeat the Galactic Empire (Star Wars). We get to choose from these universes for our ships.

Star Trek
Space Battleship Yamato
Transformers G1
Warhammer 40K
Mass Effect
Dr Who (No time travel allow though)

All of these ships will be equipped with special gear that allows them to communicate with each other and repair each other. The total size of the fleet will be 2 Million vessels. But you can only pick up to 1,000 ships of one type. So post your fleet choices for the Grand Fleet of The Sietch.

Special Note: The Fleet will arrive during the events of Rogue One.

I will pick this class of ship.


The Yorktown Class Star Cruisers (1,000 in total)
1000 O'Neil class destroyers (Stargate, as weird as it is and as much as I prefer the Emperor class battleship of 40k) should give you untested capital ship supremacy. People underestimate just how damned advanced the Asgardians were, and their warships were suitably monstrous in power.

1 000 Emperor class battleships. As @Lord Sovereign noted, there are wankier ships out there, but I like Imperium.


A sublime piece of Holy engineering about to dispense the Emperor's justice.

All few dozen gigatons of it.

Seriously though, whoever first put pen to paper with concept art for these things is a genius. They are some of the most striking and impressive vessels in all of science-fiction. It's a flying cathedral bristling with continent cracking weaponry for Terra's sake! The Empire doesn't stand a chance, not in firepower nor in style.

A sublime piece of Holy engineering about to dispense the Emperor's justice.

All few dozen gigatons of it.

Seriously though, whoever first put pen to paper with concept art for these things is a genius. They are some of the most striking and impressive vessels in all of science-fiction. It's a flying cathedral bristling with continent cracking weaponry for Terra's sake! The Empire doesn't stand a chance, not in firepower nor in style.


It is Gothic Cathedral in Space. Of course it is awesome. In fact, I'd say Imperial ships have the most style of all sci-fi ships. Only Event Horizon comes close.
And I will pick this class of starship.


One thousand Oberth-class starships. When we arrive in the Star Wars galaxy, we will need a powerful, fast, capable starship capable of unmatched study of astronomical phenomena. The Oberth fulfills none of these roles, but can gather data on stuff like planets and stars and comets and stuff. And a galaxy is a big place so you'll need a thousand Oberths minimum to study all of these stellar objects. After all, tactical and combatives is such a small component of Starfleet training, purpose and operation so really if anything, a thousand Oberths is far too inadequate to fulfill Starfleets explicit role of exploration and thus hopefully we can add tens of thousands of more Oberths as soon as possible.
I will nominate the 'at least Australia-sized' Speranza from the Priests of Mars novel:


Priests of Mars said:
A vast gun tube rose from the angled planes of the Ark Mechanicus like the great menhir of some tribal place of worship being lifted into place. Power readouts, the likes of which had rarely been seen in the Imperium since before the wars of Unity, bloomed within the weapon and a pair of circling tori described twisting arcs around the tapered end of the unveiled barrel.

Elements of the technology that had gone into their construction would have been familiar to some of the more esoteric branches of black hole research and relativistic temporal arcana, but their assembled complexity would have baffled even the Fabricator General on Mars. Pulsing streams of purple-hued anti-matter and graviton pumps combined in unknowable ways in the heart of a reactor that drew its power from the dark matter that lurked in the spaces between the stars. It was a gun designed to crack open the stately leviathans of ancient void war, a starship killer that delivered the ultimate coup de grace.

Without any command authority from the bridge of the Speranza, the weapon unleashed a silent pulse that covered the distance to the Starblade at the speed of light.

But even that wasn’t fast enough to catch a ship as nimble as one built by the bonesingers of Biel-Tan and guided by the prescient sight of a farseer. The pulse of dark energy coalesced a hundred kilometres off the vessel’s stern and a miniature black hole exploded into life, dragging in everything within its reach with howling force. Stellar matter, light and gravity were crushed as they were drawn in and destroyed, and even the Starblade’s speed and manoeuvrability weren’t enough to save it completely as the secondary effect of the weapon’s deadly energies brushed over its solar sail. Chrono-weaponry shifted its target a nanosecond into the past, by which time the subatomic reactions within every molecule had shifted microscopically and forced identical neutrons into the same quantum space.

Such a state of being was untenable on a fundamental level, and the resultant release of energy was catastrophic for the vast majority of objects hit by such a weapon. Though on the periphery of the streaming waves of chronometric energy, the Starblade’s solar mast detonated as though its internal structure had been threaded with explosive charges."

Gods of Mars said:
To ensure no one ever rebuilt Telok’s infernal machine, the Speranza unleashed all manner of arcane weaponry into the debris. Chronometric cannons, anti-matter projectors and hypometric weapons of such power that they caused entire regions of space to simply cease existing.

The smallest 'region of space' in 40k measured by the Imperium is a sub-sector, which is:

Battlefleet Gothic Rulebook said:
Each sector is composed of a number of sub-sectors ranging from ten to twenty light years in diameter...

1000 Speranzas will smash the Empire.

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