Nazism-Communism-Progressivism (preliminary overview)

Agreed. Although I would not compare anarchism and nihilism.
Yeah. Anarchists and nihilists have similar problems with the world (neither likes the world as it is, and neither likes the control others have over their life for what they perceive to be arbitrary reasons), but nihilists just want to tear it all down, while anarchists actually have an end goal of some sort of utopia in mind (hence why I'm nearly an AnCap, as I recognize it doesn't work in practice).

Economically, both ideologies were definitely leftist. You can see that from their writings; TIK over on youtube has some good quotes dug up, as does Arch:
Thanks for these!
What, exactly, is wrong, then?
You are mostly right -
1.Commies ,after taking power,supported family again - only in their version - when everybody go to NKWD told what other family members said.
2.Race - for germans,it was rather tool for state.They could named you as "honour aryan",like Japaneese,if it suit them.
3.Religion - germans never decided if they want to be pagans,muslims,hindu,or aryan-protestans - only agreed,that catholics must be crushed.
And,commies and progressives are satanists,not atheists.
4.Enemies - in all cases,enemies are everybody who party decided to fight.

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