Nowa Polska

Francois Darlan
  • Francois Darlan

    The lesson of Poland was a simple one, if a country had a colony, even if it wasn't an unpleasant place with time and effort one could use said colony as a springboard to reclaim your lost homeland. Even if it seemed hopeless it offered you a chance. Thus two plans were created in case of yet another German invasion. The Maginot Line and the Warsaw plan.

    The Maginot line was the first plan, in the event of a German invasion it would hopefully stop them cold with the belgians working with us we could stop the germans and strangle them, but like I said it had been very clearly proven that a country could fight on from their colonies so the war saw plan was plan B.

    First part of the plan was find a colony that could act as a back up. Algeria was chosen for its size resources and because it was declared an integeral part of France. With the end of the war the decision was made to build up our Algerian territories if the worse came to pass.

    We emptied our prisons, mass exile to settle Algeria replaced most punishments. Troops were given plots of land, the Arab Population didn't like it they revolted. While it was a controversal decision we decided that we needed the warsaw plan more then we needed the Arabs.

    We graciously resettled the Arab population in Gabon, while this had negative effects on the native black population we could afford to lose Gabon losing Algeria would mean losing our back up plan. To further help with the settling of the land we offered santuary to christians in the middle east. Offered deals to Native French giving them free land, and used methods of carrot and stick to build up the northern coastal area of Algeria.

    It was decided that a portion of the government would always be settled there. Quite a bit of the reperations money went into paying for all of this, military bases were build there, ports were expanded and industry was moved there as well. Not as much as the metropole but we accomplished quite a bit during the 1920s. Of course we were not the only ones with such a plan, the Dutch built up suirname, the Belgians built up a portion of Congo, the British had plans for Canada, and of course the Poles had their standby as well.

    Unlike the British or the yankee's we saw the end of the great war as just a pause in the fighting, the nature of the german was in my opinion one of aggression and sooner or later he would be back.
    Wilhelm Marx- former Chanceler of Germany
  • Wilhelm Marx- former Chanceler of Germany

    Hermann Müller killed the Weimar republic.

    He killed the German economy, he invited in the madmen that would end up destroying everything. Germany's position in the world before his decision was secure, the economy while it had problems was doing better, our economy was sound and we had a row of buffer countries eager to buy our products between ourselves and the soviet threat. For all of the faults of the era we were more or less secure and more or less at peace with our neighbors.

    Yes the French were building their little line and yes they bullied the prussian's quite extensively but they were a seperate country and one that had thrust us into the mess of the great war. The only thing of value the Prussians produced was a place to throw our trash, but the thing about trash is that once its thrown away you don't go rooting around in it to get it back or you will get sick.

    Hermann didn't get it, and when Prussia fell to a coup and the Kaiser fled he made the decision to take their offer to rejoin the German empire seriously instead of laughing at it and saying no. Quite a few of us mentioned that if we took in Prussia we would be inheriting all of their debt, that it would freak out our neighbors and that that the insanity that was prussian politics would infect Germany.

    Both the French and British were alarmed by this action, it came down to a vote, and it passed by a single vote. Both the French and British demanded repayment of all of Prussia's debt now, and Herman being an idiot decided to just run the printers. Which ruined the economy with inflation, which demolished a lot of our industries. American banks had been invited to invest in German industry and companies after the war. There were partnerships and our economies were intertwined, and then Herman decided to default on all debts owed to the yanks.

    This crashed the american banks and started a global depression, in the wake of this self inflicted disaster the German political system shattered, the big parties competing with smaller political parties, big parties splintering into fractions each blaming each other for the disaster, the only area that was unified was Prussia.

    And the wake of the chaos the national socialists slowly took more and more power from their headquaters in Prussia growing to dominate German politics. The disaster that followed was perhaps predictable and utterly preventable.
    Dutch leaders
  • Charles Joseph Marie Ruijs de Beerenbrouck- Dutch political leader

    For the most part we dutch did not do settler colonies, we established trading blocks and zones of operation but not settler colonies like the British, French, spanish or portuguze. With the Napolonic wars, we saw that both Portugal and Poland were able to continue existing in their empires at least for awhile.

    There were worries that the Poles stuffed as they were in their tropical hell would in time just take Suriname to gain its land and resources and when we ran the numbers we thought it unlikely we would win such a conflict. So the decision was made to send white convicts to the south american outpost to settle it. We didn't put any real effort into the venture, but over the 1800s white people slowly became a plurality of the population.

    It was with the end of the great war and its horrifying aftermath that we came to the conclusion like many other places that the netherlands needed to seriously invest in a back up plan to save its culture. This is when we started making an actual effort to settle Suriname, to build it up as a way to perserve the netherlands. It was turned from a colony into a full kingdom of the netherlands and we made efforts to build housing for future refugees and setlle some or our political elite to make sure that we could fight on.

    When the depression happened well it hit the entire world, we dealt with it by giving people who had lost everything land grants in Suriname, while quite a few people resented this exile it gave them land, a place to live and a way for the dutch to survive if the unthinkable happened.

    And the unthinkable a second great war looked more likely all of the time, I place blame firmly onto the feet of the british and their diplomatic core. Most people do, there were serveral times when Hitler could have been stopped cold in his tracks.

    The German Annexation of Austria? That was oppossed by both the French, and Poles they were gearing up for war before the British stopped them cold, time after time they appeased Hitler and the nazi's allowing them to get stronger over the objections of every one else.

    The world would pay a price for the British desire for peace at any price and as I look around in my tropical exile I cant help but feel bitter for all of it.
    David Ben-Gurion
  • David Ben-Gurion

    I think the reason the main one why the brits were lets face it such assholes to the Poles was the return clause. You see the British basically tried to control the out come of the entire peace treaty. Sidelining the yanks when ever possible, sidelining the french, essentially trying to turn it into their own personal show.

    This was something that grated on all of the participents the yanks most of all. So the Poles snuck in a clause that the british were no allowed to put any kinds of limitations on jewish emigration to their Palastinian mandate and if they did so it would be turned over to the French. It was a last minute addition and the french helped sneak it in as a passive agressive thing.

    So as things got worse in europe the Jewish population in the mandate exploded and the Arabs revolted and tried to massacre the jews and lost. The british decided to apease them with the white papers, by this time the English had Fucked the Poles over numerous times and had created a threat that was clearly going to invade Poland and start another war.

    All this had happened because of the brits obbession with a balance of power and peace at all cost essentially putting the war off and Strengthening germany making the conflict both enivitable and worse. The French for their part also saw the conflict as envitable and brought up the clause.

    The British now had a choice of unrestricted emigration of jews into Palastine or being forced to hand the thing over to the poles. If there is anything an englishman dispises its being forced to actually keep a promise and the Poles and French did that. The British mood got nastier, and Nevile Chamberland hated it but continued to attempt to appease Hitler and the Nazis in the hope that they would be a bulwark against communist Russia.

    Then Russia and Germany formed an alliance and well the rest is history is it not?

    But Palastine remained open, weather the brits liked it or not and that saved millions of lives. I have a lot of respect for the Poles even if it was done out of spite they still helped save 3 million souls from the camps.
    Francois Darlan
  • Francois Darlan

    We should have struck the moment the moment that The Germans invaded Poland. If we had done this we would have won the war right then right there. The problem with this was the fucking Belgians, they decided to declare neutrality at the worst possible moment. It didn't help the stupid waffles of course but it kept us from settling things. You know dispite being invaded by both the Soviets and The Germans at the same fucking time? The Poles managed to last an entire year managed to do a fighting retreat that got most of their leadership, pretty much all of their navy and a good chunk of civilians and milary personal out of the country.

    It was a heroic but doomed effort and if the fucking Waffles hadn't fucked it all in the ass it would have ended differently. So of course the Germans didn't respect Belgian neutrality because they didn't the last two times right? We lasted 6 weeks, Petain wanted to throw in the towel and De Gauelle wanted to fight on from Algeria.

    The French government incompetant as it was surrendered and we had a choice.

    Me I decided that there was a plan, we had spent billions of Franc's on the plan we had personal in Algeria for the plan and I wasn't going to abandon it. So I gathered up as much of the French Navy as possible told the Brits we were still in this and declared that the surrendering capital were traitors, and that we the Free french represented the actual nation of France.

    From there each colony had to pick sides.

    Algeria obviously picked us as did most of west Africa. Vietnam declared for Vichy as did Gabon. Everything in the carribean declared for us because our navy, the british one and the Polish one took their guns to the islands and gave them a choice. Which was declare for us or die.

    So with fewer resources then expected and refugees fleeing Vichy France we realized we were going to be stuck fighting a very long and horrible war. I suppose that's one of the reasons we didn't let the brits get away with any white paper nonsense their coddling of the germans helped lead to this nightmare and we were damned if they were not going to do their bit to deal with the refugee crisis the war helped cause.
    Italo Balbo
  • Italo Balbo

    Once Benito decided something it was pretty much impossible to get him to redirect course expecially when he was wrong. So when the French officially surrendered we had 3200 ships and were the 5th largest Navy in the world. With Frances surrender and the fleeing of the French navy Benito was determined to win glory by going to Algeria. So he took the Italian navy and went personally to Algiers to put the Free French down once and for all.

    It was a disaster.

    Quite simply put the French knew we were coming all though we wouldn't find out they had cracked our codes until after the war. The French navy had better ships, they were better trained and had the help of the British navy, the exiled polish fleet, elements of the Danish, Belgian, and Dutch fleets in exile.

    Of the 1000 ships sent to the battle of Algiers only 10 managed to escape, the others either captured or destroyed around a 3rd of our fleet destroyed in less than 3 days, and Beneto was abord one of the destroyed ships which left me in control of Italy, because I had been more or less groomed for the role.

    Now I'm going to be honest I didn't exactly like the Nazi's before the conflict but I decided to go out and talk to Hitler once things had been made official, and.....the man was insane. He kept talking about ayrian spirit this and ayrian spirit that and then started this conversation about being reincarnated and I just kept silent and realized he was crazy. I mean later on I found out he had just taken some drugs from his doctor meth I mean but that was years afterwards.

    At that moment I realized shit, we are allied to an utter nutcase and he's just going to drag us down with him. So I went home and declared victory. I stated that Itally had gained everything it wanted from the war and that we were out. Adolf was of course utterly pissed off but I placated him by saying quite honestly that we did a lot more good for the war effort in a support role then on the battlefield.

    Unoffocially as new leadership I got in contacts with the French and British and worked out other deals. We had to give up Eithopia but we were able to work out some trade deals that benifited us, and we had to exit the war I put forward the idea that if circumstances changed Italy might be able to change its position on a few things.

    With that done we had a seperate peace and now knowing the deficencies of our military decided to not go on any adventures. Instead we would place forces in Lybia and draw off refugees to help settle it. If we couldn't gain more by military arms then it was best if we developed what we already had.

    Time would prove my decision to get away from that madman correct.
    Johan Nygaardsvold- leader of Norway
  • Johan Nygaardsvold- leader of Norway

    When you read the transcripts of german communications you find out that the germans came very close to invading us before France it was only the German worry that this would weaken the front. We didn't want to belive the warnings coming from the Poles belive their inteligence. We quite simply were not ready.

    The invasion and fall of France changed minds we started to prepare, we still had our neutrality but we bought more weapons and trained up our people, it was the discovery of Quisling giving reports of potential invasion sites that prompted us to capture him force him to give germans bad intel and prepare for the worst.

    It came after the disaster that was Algiers, yes the Italians lost a thousand ships but most of them were civilian transports impressed for the invasion, and support ships and the like their utter defeat by the Free coalition prompted the Germans to look for an easy win.

    When they struck we were ready, and held them off, even with our preperations, even knowing when they would be coming we came so close to losing. It was only the intervention of the British, and the Free Pole, Free French and Free Danish forces that let us win the battle. With their help we were able to push the Hun back into the sea. With their help we were able to crush a goodly porportion of their navy.

    The Germans would spitefully send plains to bomb civilians the norwegian blitz as we called it but they would never again step on Norways soil. From there the war went into the uneasy phase. The Facist war machine had been proved to not be invincible but we didn't have any real way to strike at them and everyone had to rebuild, but we had hope that victory was possible but that it would be a long hard fought thing.

    Then the Germans invaded the soviet union, with that came hope of our victory.
    Ivan Chernyakhovsky- soviet general
  • Ivan Chernyakhovsky- soviet general

    The most dangerous Poles during the war were the Jungle Poles, these exiles were far more organized and pragmatic and ruthless then the average Pole. The minute they came in they organized the industrialization of poland, they reorganized the Polish armed services and it got to the point where we belived we had to strike.

    That cost us the lives of a million men and almost destroyed the revolution after that they killed any sympathizers in country for treason and we lost all of our agents. The second invasion was like wise brutal, the German back stab came at the worst time, our troops were occupied with hunting down the resistance and were prepared for coin operations not a conventional war. We were caught with our pants down and slaughtered.

    The English, the french made as a part of the deal for their support the repatration of all captured Polish armed forces, and we reluctantly released them from the Gulags and into the arms of the western allies. The war of the east was complicated by the enterance of Turkey into the Fray. They didn't have a navy worth the name but they did call for jihad against us holy war and encouraged the islamic war to join the Germans in destroying us.

    They sent over fishing ships and went to north africa to smuggle in Arabs to fight us with the promises of liberation and the removal of colonialist forces.

    These were the volunter international SS brigades and Arabs and turks and other muslums made up about 20% of their forces, and they fought like mad men, and we had revolts. We stopped the enemy at the gates of Stalingrad and we realized that we needed to reorganize.

    We didn't have the capability even with outside supply to sufficiently give everyone decent weapontry so the army was classified into three catagories. Penal legions, ethnic legions, and russian ones. The Penal legions were given the worst weapons and sent in with promises of freedom to die. Then the ethnic legions were sent in mostly from central asia to bleed off untrusted ethnic groups. The Russian legions were given the best equipment and would be sent in after the first two had bloodied the enemy.

    We didn't send in either the Ukrainians or the Balts because we couldn't trust them not to turn coat and fight for the Germans. The situation in Stalingrad seemed lost and then the Turks declared war on the Greeks and the Armenians, and the Kurds. Forcing the germans to open up another front to rescue the Turks from their own stupidity.

    The Greeks fought like madmen and the rocky terrain bled the Germans badly, meanwhile we were stuck with the butchers bill trying to keep Stalingrad. We barely held it, but it cost us it cost us a lot and as much as we don't like to ever admit it we couldn't have done it with out outside support with out resources flowing in from the outside world.

    We made progress, slow and faultering but progress and as the war went on we got better but it was the enterance of the yanks that changed everything the seemingly endless amount of material that went into our military. When we got to Prussia that little fragment that had caused this mess.

    Well that's where we found the death camps, not just jews, but Gypsys, ethnic russians and others being liquidated. At least half the death camps were in East Prussia and the sight of it enraged us. The Prussians fought like madmen but we were victorious. When we had captured the area we recieved news that the Western allies had captured Berlin, that they had beaten us there. We went into poland and secured it looting their deposes and killing local resistance forces for not being reliable. When we got into German we were in a frothing rage.

    We took our revenge.

    When we got to Berlin the allies had set up the occupation zones.

    Our troops lost control being in the capital of the enemy, for 3 days Russian troops raped and murdered and looted before we regained control. By then the allies felt nervous around us, and much of the goodwill was gone.

    Any remaining goodwill vanished when we declared that the countries we occupied would not have the free elections that the west wanted. It was their fault in a way they had been naive and there was no way we were going to give up the dominion they had foolishly given to us.
  • Richard Nixon

    Balbo was a thug, Franco was a thug, Stalin was a thug but Hitler was a worse thug so we decided to make the deals we needed to win. Balbo was on the outs diplomatically when he came to us cap in hand and offered us a way onto europe but in exchange he wanted a place in the winners circle and he was willing to bring Franco in on the deal.

    Fact was I always felt that the fucking Wops were a bunch of greasy double dealers but well we made the deal anyways. When D day happened Franco's forces attacked from the south. The Italians attacked from the east, while we attacked from the north, the Free French in Algeria came with us from both the south and north a kind of hammer blow.

    That's how we were able to beat the reds to Germany, of course then the cocksucker pinko's fucked it all up by selling out eatern europe to the fucking reds. FDR, should have fought harder we at least should have gotten a deal on fucking poland, and oh hell the Pollocks were pissed really really pissed.

    Kicked out of their homeland again, having the Russians be their overloards again? Holy shit they were appocoliptic about it, the pinko's didn't care of course as long as they were able to say to middle america we beat the nazi's it didn't matter that the fucking Iron curtain had swallowed up half of europe didn't matter that the Russians had been hitlers fucking ally and we just gave them everything they wanted.

    I mean fuck, they just gave them half of Korea, and the Russians had only managed to take Manchuria they were getting slaughtered when the Japanese gave up and they essentially got half of Korea for free? Bullshit, the only silver fucking lining is that when the Russians asked for Sakhalin island we forcibly reminded the pinkos that if we just gave the russians that then we would be establishing that you could take back land you sold.

    And what do you know alaska is a thing, do you want the Commies on your doorstep retard? Do you want that? We were barely able to keep those shitstains from folding because we didn't want that precident. You sell a piece of land its gone forever. The Japs bought Sakhalin from you fair and square piss off.

    Of course the Russians were unhappy because their a bunch of assholes, but its not like they had a navy worth the name. So they had to content themselves with the Kurils meanwhile the Japanese got to keep their northern island which made them slightly less prissy after they lost.

    Overall the pinko's fucked us right in the ass, the british were wreaked, the Italians were fucking useless, Germany was in tatters, the Spanish were wreaked and the French were fucked side ways, and we realized the only ones protecting the world from the commies was us.

    Marshal plan came after that had to rebuild europe, had to rebuild everything, to my surprise that cunt Truman managed to get a win. Rather then put a firm line in the sand for Korea he fucking pussed out and gave the commies the idea they could have everything.

    That's where I come in, some one has to come in and clean up the mess some one has to clean up after all of these fuck ups. I cant be the front man for this of course that's most likely going to be Ike but I still feel like the fucking maid cleaning up after some body else shit on the floor.
    Richard Nixion
  • Richard Nixion

    During the war I was the ambassidor to Poland, got to say I actually liked the Pollacks they actually understood that the Russkies were a bunch of psychos unlike the useless cocksucker Pinkos. And unlike our inteligence services which were well incompetant stupid and half pinko already the Poles actually had spys worth the name. Good luck trying to get the fucking pinkos to listen to anything except the sound of their own farts.

    That said I had a nice working relationship with them by the time we lost china. Now you see the reason why the Poles liked me is because I understood things were a two way street and that the commies were fucking assholes. While the Democrats obeyed the British's request about not poking the bear? I used what influence I had to stick it to the commies.

    That meant that I made sure that captured German weapons ended up 'falling off a truck', that meant that when the democrats talked about giving over a list of partizens as a sign of good faith, I talked to the poles and made sure that it was instead a list of pinko sympathizers.

    I understood that keeping the Soviets bleeding in their guts in Poland was a way to keep them from causing trouble elsewhere, while the fucking pinkos tried to oppose them learning shit all from the last time that happened. So I did favors for the Poles and in return they did favors for us.

    Like Korea.

    The Poles sent 100,000 men into that conflict, and yeah they moved slower and at one point stopped to resupply and settle defenses just in case. Well officially unofficially their forces were tired and decided they didn't want to spend more lives finishing off the north koreans.

    This saved our ass because when the Chinese came roaring down, we were able to retreat to the Polish created defenses and hunker down. That I think saved the war from Trumans incompetance, and made sure we made gains. Truman tried to softball the commies and didn't let us actually fight. Because the cocksucker wanted a 'limited' war.

    We beat his ass and I moved up into the role of vice president and Ike simply reminded the Chinese we had the bomb and they had nothing so they could accept the facts on the ground or accept a can of opened sunshine. Result we went from this in korea.


    to this.


    Commies lost their old capital which felt damned good, and the chinese had their buffer state which didn't feel as good still it was a win. We owed the poles so I continued to smuggle weapons in their direction. Made sure they got some development aid, and when they talked about getting a Polish bomb.

    Well I made sure that we worked with them to develope 'civilian' nuclear power. Like I said give and take, and in 53 Stalin died and that's when the Poles hit Paydirt.

    You see they had dirt on this pinko cocksucker named Beria, not enough to get inteligence at the time but they reminded him that the minute Stalin croked they were going to murder him. So they made a deal he would put intel into a swiss lock box to be releashed at the moment of his death and the Poles wouldn't publish the shit that proved he was a kiddy didler.

    Stalin died and Beria's kid opened the vault and since I had worked with the Poles I was given first pick and holy shit it was juicy. It was pretty much all of their operations in the america's all of their efforts to undermine the country from with in. Macarthy at this point was starting to talk about a list of commies so I did him a solid and got him an actual list and proof.

    Oh god the Pinko's were fucking pissed, it was a list of any one in hollywood who took money from the reds, all of their agents, every way they had subverted the american system. We blacklisted every commie in hollywood, kicked all of the commies out of the colleges we fucking evisterated the left.

    We paid a price one cocksucker Jules Dassin got extra salty and put a Bullet into Macarthy. That let us release more of the stuff, we really fucked the soviets over cleaned america right up, and even then they were still dealing with a gurella war in Poland that wouldn't stop were still dealing with people fighting in the baltics.

    I worked with the poles to make damned sure any one fighting the commies had the weapons they needed. You see I understood that the Russian bear only had so much blood and once we made him bleed enough he would die. Yeah the cocksuckers wouldn't allow a strait up fight which fine enough but there was plenty of ways to screw them over plenty of ways to bleed them dry.
    Richard Nixon
  • Richard Nixon

    Italy understood that they were a second rate power, Spain understood their glory days were over, they jumped in at the last moments pretty much to save their own hides. I knew that I understood that, deal was we agreed not to fuck over their economies give them some aid and include them in the new alliance and in return their occupation zone was Austria.


    So when the war ended the Soviets took over Kurdistan and Armenia, The Greeks got slightly more land in Antolia and the Turks like Finland were made into a neutral state. The Austrians tried to play neutral but nato forces were there to export weapons to the soviet block.

    Korea was a pain in the ass but we made gains. The problem was some people were just fucking stupid like the Eqyptian's who were trying to be a soviet ally. Ike tried to keep the region stable and things neutral, while I went out and talked to people. When the election came, well the democrats were hurting bad real bad it shouldn't have been as close as it was but I beat kennedy.

    Made it into the Presidential office and then Castro and Vietnam both turned to shit. I looked at the situation and decided to let Vietnam rot on the vine. As for Cuba the CIA wanted some overly complicated plan using exiles and, and I thought about it said no and just sent in the marines. We got lucky killed him and his fucktarded brother. After that we had the island locked down while we dealt with the commies, found out the Soviets backed him funded him even found communications about plans to put nukes on cuban soil.

    That's when the Polish bomb went off their first nuke and they came to me with a plan. So they got a few missels loaded them up on a ship and then sailed into the baltics and fucking told the Russians to either leave poland or lose Moscow.

    Holy shit the Russians were pissed and then I told them that if they nuked the ships we would nuke them. It was an old fashioned mexican standoff and then the polish revolt took place attacks on russian troops up and down the country and the nukes are pointed right at moscow.

    The Russians were sweating real hard, they go into crush the revolt and they lose moscow. They use nukes and we use nukes. Real no win situation for them. The Russians blinked, retreated and Nato forces move in. It was a complete and utter humilation for them.

    Right after that we had a deal were we placed our nukes on Polands soil make sure that Free Poland stayed free. Price of that was that the Russians moved their nukes into the check lands, and that we had to let them move through that area unimpeded. The Polish missle crisis ended.

    I decided to celibrate, said I wanted a man on the moon, you know give people some glory and stuff. Didn't want to pay for it out of actual funds so I worked with congress legalized pot and put a tax on it to pay for this nasa thing. Let the beatnits pay for it all.

    I've decided to do a victory lap over in Texas wave to the crowds and stuff I know the wife would love it.
  • Wladyslaw Bartoszewski- polish spy

    The Soviets lost a million people in the Russian Polish war, they lost more then a hundred thousand fighting the Finns, they lost 40 million in world war 2, and they easily lost over 300,000 men because of various partazin groups during the occupation. At the end of the day the Russians only had so many people. That's why they blinked.

    The Russian bear had taken too many casulities and was dealing with too many conflicts all at once. That's why when confronted with their utter destruction they blinked and dragged their troops out of Poland. After that we brought in Nato forces after that we brought in our nukes, american nukes so that the Russians wouldn't try it again.

    The country was in ruins, the russians took as much plunder as they could before they left destroyed as much as possible out of spite, but they were on a time limit so we found the reeducation camps we found the mass graves we found the documentation they left behind, and the response to that was.

    "Its not real socialism."

    Give these people pictures, camera's, film, audio tapes, writen transcripts show them the actual mass graves and their response?

    "Not real socialism."

    Frustrating, but we were able to get the idea that the Russians were hit hard by all of their wars. They didn't have the people to resettle the baltics with ethnic russians like they wanted to, they didn't have enough people for a lot of things but the insult of 'losing' Poland hit them just as hard as 'losing' china hit the yankees.

    There was very much the sense in Moscow that they couldn't back down that they couldn't show weakness. For our part we had won an impossible victory. Our efforts to befriend Nixon paid off and that's why we took his death hard. It was just after Nixon passed the Civil rights act and he decided to take a trip to Texas.

    A man ran up to the car with a revolver and emptied the whole clip into him. Lee Harvy Oswald, he got captured for it was given the chair for it and the fact that he was a member of the american communist party? Well there was yet another crack down on that lot.

    Not just in America we had a lot of traitors who we killed off informers and the like but we understood that we had lost a friend. In Poland his statue still stands.

    Sino Soviet war
  • Map-280x184.jpg

    Peter Wozinac -the Sino soviet war.

    Poland did not get its prewar boarders back.

    While the hated communist puppet state collapsed as the russians left the boarders they left behind were the boarders of the new poland, any thing more then that just wasn't possible. The Polish missle crisis and the loss of poland was a moment that caused the soviet to lose a massive amount of face and repulation. It was followed by revolts in eastern europe that were put down with horrific brutality.

    Into this scene came Mao who saw weakness and decided to build his own nuclear weapons and challange Moscow for the position of master of the communist world. This was something that the Soviets took personally and both sides openely bickered and attempted to meddle in the third world, often times getting in each others way.

    One case where this bickering blew up in their faces was Eithopia where the fighting between Soviet and chinese backed communist militias was so vicious that the monarchy was able to regain its breath and reconquer and obliterate both with western aid. Such was the story in much of africa which during the 60s became a bloodsoaked nightmare world as the three blocks backed different leaders.

    The two countries bickering came to a head in 1969, JFK had triumphantly returned to politics in a rematch against the much weaker Lodge. But dispite his charisma Kennedy very much lived in Nixons shadow. Under Nixon the civil rights act had passed, under Nixon the liberation of poland had happened, under Nixon Cuba's communist government had been crushed, and in death he became a maytre.

    Dispite his charisma he was more timid then Nixon and this lead to disaster. When Russia had enough of Mao and invaded on flimsy pretext Kenedy dithered, sending naval assets to protect local allies but doing little else. When the Russians used gas on Chinese defenders Kenedy condemed it but did little more then use words.

    When the chinese responded to this with their own gas attacks and when Russia launched nuclear weapons Kenedy shut down. Filled with indecision he did nothing for days while nuclear fire rained down upon china. Then China responded with what nuclear weapons they had destroying much of the Russian far east but doing no actual damage to european russia. The Russian counter response horrified the world as every chinese city of importance was hit.

    It was only after this that Kennedy decided to send weapons and supplies to china to help them fight off the invading russians. By this point Mao was dead as was more then half the country. The remaining chinese population was filled with terrible anger about Russias' aggression.

    The Russian attempt to create a puppet state failed, remaining chinese generals turned into warlord armies, civilians who had lost family members seized weapons from caches and took the fight to the russians.

    The Russians used tanks, gas, mass murder and systimatic rape, attempts to hide the results of the Sino Soviet war failed, and the far left in much of the world which had already been realing from the revelations of attocities against the poles took a body blow, and attitudes towards the soviet union hardened.

    The russians had the technological edge they were increadbly brutal and they were willing to do anything to win, but each attrocity just further fueled chinese resistance. Dispite all of their advantages the Russians found themselves in a Quagmire fighting all across china, but the soviet system having done all of this could not leave china. They could not allow another loss of face to happen and doubled down.

    And as this happened weapons and training from all over the world flowed into china.
    Xu Deqing - Chinese historian
  • Xu Deqing - Chinese historian

    801,430,00 estimated people before the Sino Soviet war.

    In the first year 400 million people a little less then half of China's population was dead. It was fortunate for China that much of the population was rural that so many underground shelters had been built during the paranoid years when the Korean war ended, when China feared that the yankees would use nukes to let Taiwan regain the mainland.

    That fear never materialized and during the war we realized who our real enemy was. Pretty much every major city on the mainland was hit, our counter strike killed 10 million soviets most of them in the far east and Siberia. The war didn't however end with the bombs.

    The Russian army came in expecting that their nuclear weapons gave them victory, it only made us hate them that much more. So we fought. The enemy had the tanks, they had gas, they had planes with all of our industry destroyed we just had our AKs. But by then we were used to gurella conflict.

    The Russians' soon realized our resolve to fight wasn't gone and got worse, civilians were targeted heavily and purposefully, campains of mass rape were common. But China is a very big country and the rest of the world was willing to supply us with what ever we needed.

    It was around the 3rd year of the war that the Russians realized they couldn't hold the entire country, Tibet and Xinjiang were given independence. Inner mongolia was given to Mongolia. Jilin and Heliongjaing were given to North Korea. Lioling was split between the North Koreans and the Mongolians giving Mongolia access to the sea. Both countries then expelled the han population who lived their in what we now call the march of dispair.

    Very few people survived it, we were angry at the Mongolians but we had a special rage for the Norks for they had knifed the chinese people in the back, but dispite this the war went on, because there wasn't one organized resistance group but many and because the soviets had decapitated the old leadership they had to fight each one invidually.

    It was in the 5th year of the war that forces from Taiwan looked at the exausted chinese and struck. The Russians screamed bloody murder but with their hands full and facing a power backed by the west they were forced to allow it. Taiwan would be allowed to occupy the land below the Yangzi, but everything else was the peoples republic of china.

    Only no one reconized the traitor regime, the Chang hated it but with the south wreaked by nuclear war and bombing he reluctantly accepted. US and western aid flowed into south china as did refugees as the south rebuilt. But weapons flowed northwards to us to those of us in the fight.

    Years passed as the war continued, by 1979 a decade had passed, and the Russians were no longer quite as convinced of their superiority. We got better at traps, and anti tank weapons and stingers flowed from the rebuilding south, but it was a matter of national pride the Russian just wouldn't accept defeat and we had grown to hate and dispise them.

    More time passed, and we started destroying more and more russian tanks, more of their choppers. Killing more of them in commando raids. A few brave souls traveled north under cover of darkness to destroy the trans siberian railroad, more then once we did so cutting the enemy off from supplies forcing them to retreat, but they kept coming back.

    We recieved more supplies more training, more weapons and with each battle we learned and got better. The Russian got worse more or them started doing drugs, their standards fell, the conscripts we faced didn't have the same spirit as before. In 1989 the war finally ended. The Soviet union left china.

    China was left a broken nation, before the war we had more then 800 million people, when the war ended we had 200 million. When the nationalists came north of the River there wasn't any organized resistance. We had fought 20 years against the Soviets and any ways they came north with food, water and supplies.

    We haven't forgotten what the Russians did here, were still finding mass graves even now, and though its been decades a generation since the war we are still nowhere near our prewar numbers, but we are rebuilding and we will never forgive the Russians for what they did.
    Vadym Hetman- Ukrainian vet
  • Vadym Hetman- Ukrainian vet

    The Soviet union died in China.

    Fact is the war was only popular with Russian ethnics, and after the nuclear attacks pretty much everyone else thought it should have been a settled issue. China's industry was dead as was most of their people, the only people who got killed in the chinese response were in the far east and well the soviets started it.

    But they wanted to make sure what remained of china was under the direct control of the Kremlin and so the war continued, and we Ukranians, the baltics, and so many others just had no desire to fight in that war. Ethnic russians got the best gear, the newest clothing the tanks and other things and we got second hand stuff.

    It only took a few years before some one reached out to the various chinese resistance groups before unofficial deals were worked out. Essentially we didn't want to be there, didn't want to fight, and they wanted to save ammo. Deals of leave us alone we leave you alone, that sort of thing.

    Political commisars were brought in and man we hated them, so deals got altered we would purposefully go into enemy territory and then when gun fire happened we would step away from the comisar and point at him, or the officer in some cases. Let the chinese snipe them and then continue with the patrol pointedly not actually looking for the enemy.

    This happened a lot the KGB started sending in people to ferrit out traitors but as the war dragged on we knew who they were. Too well fed, too clean, and well same arrangement. Yes our families were threatened but at some point we just stopped caring and just wanted the people who made our lives hell to go away.

    Over time the collaberation grew, as more conscripts felt the same way. Weather it was resentment, or personal vengence, ideology, or just getting disgusted as we cleaned up another russian force massacre. More and more of us just got fed up with it, discreetly giving the chinese inteligence. Looking the other way, and in return they fragged any officer we disliked and left us in peace.

    Roll this over for decades all of the hardcore communists? The political officers the people who enforced their sick ideology on the rest of us? They died more and more, the informants, the KGB, the whole aperatus slowly exterminated by a thousand cuts as the rest of us grew to hate them they grew weaker.

    As the 80s dragged on we started to realize just how much weaker they were. The system of lies could no longer keep itself going and the moment of freedom was coming.
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    Peter Bugrov- Russian
  • Peter Bugrov- Russian

    The war, was the thing that destroyed the soviet union.

    More and more men were drafted into a forever war, our allies well more correctly to say subject people were drained of resources against their will, every thing slowly got worse and worse. Televisions? We stopped making those, cars? They got worse every metric of life slowly got worse from food to housing because it all went into a war that none of us asked for or wanted. We all saw it all knew it and all resented it.

    And entire generation sent to die in an increasingly hopless war and we knew and understood that we were being lied to that everyone hated us, and we died in ever larger numbers and lost more tanks, more chopers, more everything. The great stockpiles of weapons we built were ground down we were ground down.

    The Famine of the 80s was the breaking point, too many people taken away from the farms, to many tractors that were too old to function so many things that were just breaking down, and the west just wasn't willing to bail us out because all of those left wing socialist voices that ran cover for us? We couldn't fund them and they got quiter and quieter as more attrocities in china got out. So when the hunger hit they were not willing to give us anything for free.

    But their president Regan was willing to allow food shipments in exchange for the destruction of our nuclear weapons arsenal confirmed destruction, and quite a few times we had no choice but to hand them over for destruction. Starwars and other programs proved to be too much for us to compete with them globally and deal with china was too much.

    By 89, people in berlin realized we were too weak to have a hold over east germany and they brought down the wall, once that happened it was like a damn had broken. Pretty much all of the former eastern pact just left their communist governments collapsing either by force or just giving up.

    A grand Soviet was called up to talk about it, only by then people were just so exausted that the ethnic soviet republics just declared seccession en mass, and with the bulk of the army in china, with every one so exausted there was nothing to be done to stop it. The leadership at the time just meakly accepted this and declared an end to the war, and end to the soviet union. It was over.

    The remaining hardliners thought otherwise and they killed him.

    So I was their guarding this men as the new leader of the coup gave a big speech said how he was going to return us to the era of true communism of stalin and blamed the army's cowardice for losing china for losing europe for losing the soviet union. He talked about needed purges of the veterans for disloyality to the union about an era of purfication.

    All of us guards were veterans of that war I had spent 10 years in that nightmare world and we just got scared and angry we were going to be thrown under the bus and purged and put in siberia and we felt so helpless and afraid. And then I heard Gunfire. Sasha was a comrad of mine a quiet man and he had just blown the blowhards brains out.


    It was if a spell had been broken, we were the ones with the guns and if these men survived we were all going to die, we massacred them on live telivison. All around the country veterans and current military realized it was either us or the commies. It was spontanious and nationwide. The civilian population didn't stop us.

    We gathered forces after the massacre and headed to the KGB building to kill the most dangerous men they had because for us it was now victory or death. They didn't see us coming we massacred them, I remember taking on man and shooting him in the leg and then grabbing him and smashing his head against the desk over and over again. Just filled with hate just wanting this man who helped make me suffer suffer as well.

    I killed him slowly, and I grabbed his ID, Vladamir something, I spit on him and his destroyed head and moved to join the slaugher all around the country fellow vets and serving personal all understood the same thing kill or be killed. The commies tried to rally the people but the people didn't care.

    In many cases they would reveil their hiding spots or join in the slaughter, we had numbers, training and all of the weapons it all ended in a few months. We ordered all of the commies killed, all of them none of them could be allowed to live they were simply too dangerous.

    When it was over we looked around, the west wanted us to put in a civilian government to have elections, but then we actually thought about it. Why?

    Every disaster Russia had was done by civilian leadership.

    The czars, the soviets they were all civilians, no fuck that they had their chance and it had just led to unending terror. We declared a military junta. Only men who had served were allowed to have a voice in the government were allowed to have positions. Civilians the people who had never been tested who had never fought?

    They were to stay out of the affairs of state, their meddling had created too many problems as is. And the world we created was fairer, freerer and more prosperous then the nightmare we ended. Does it have its problems? Yes.

    But peoples bellies are filled, and as long as you do not attempt to overthrow the state you are left in peace. A far better deal then the endless meddling of the soviet.
  • Karl Zundel- Prussian

    Most of east Prussia was handed over to the Polish puppet state, some of it was handed over to a Lithania. You would think that being the birth place of the nazi party, that the soviets would have moved us all to east germany. That wasn't the case quite simply put when one looks back upon it, the soviets had taken too many casulities during the war.

    What ever plans they had of repopulating the baltics with russians? Well doing that would mean less russians some where else. The few germans that hadn't been able to escape? They were kept in Koinsburg, the soviets took former nazi's and their families the survivors and interned them in prussia what was left of it and it was turned into a part of the USSR. But we were not a republic no Prussia what was left of it became a gulag maybe the largest one in the world.

    Food was always of the lowest quality growing up, we worked long hours under soviet masters, rape was common for both men and women, and we hated we hated so much, essentially we were slaves allowed to learn skilled crafts just to serve our masters better punishments came often and were collective, and the russians were cruel.

    We were not allowed to have weapons, even our kitchen knives could only be of a certain length and blunted, we dressed in the same grey clothing, not permitted radios, not permitted anything except techical books on how to fix things. Things got worse the food what little of it became worse, the clothing more threadbare, but there were fewer soviets in the streets watching us. We didn't know about the war.

    They didn't want us to know about it, and we were not allowed things like radio, or televisions, and were not allowed newspapers. All we knew is they wanted us to work harder, all we knew is that there were fewer hands holding the whips. The walls around Prussia kept us in, the port was controlled and patrolled and we were not allowed to get too close to the shores. We were the last to find out about the collapse.

    The guards of our prisons simply left, and we had no idea why, but we were afraid and grew hungry so on make shift rafts we explored the baltics, and found that the world had changed. Poland we had this idea in our heads that they were a foolish people most likely poorer than ourselves.

    We found their cities bathed in lights while we lived by candlelight with old lamps reminding us of better days power only existed for factories making things for our masters. The soviet union had fallen the baltic republics had broken free. There was talk of reuniting germany and we put forward a request.


    Both east and west blamed us for the war, blamed us for the nazi's blamed us for everything. They treated us fellow germans as something dirty something contaminated. They did not want us, we were weak and thought we would be annexed by a balt or the Poles, but found that they didn't want anything to do with us either.

    We were saved by our own tainted reputation the untouchables of europe. We asked to join Nato to find out request blocked by the Germans. We tried to join the EU, and while the Poles were willing to consider provivisonal membership the Germans said no. We became the untouchables of europe, trapped under a legacy of madness and contained by aging walls build with slave labor.

    Its still better then our lives under the soviets dispite it all.
    The end
  • Piotr Adamczyk - The fall

    For poland the fall of the soviet union was a dream come true, Germany after the world war had firmly rejected its Prussian heratage and the militarism that came with it. All around them former Soviet states and soviet clients had freed themselves from the Russian yoke. The communist party which had been such a threat had made the mistake of promising to purge the veterans they had so caulously used and were purged in their stead.

    To everyones pleasant surprise the Junta was not interested in expansion, no far from it they were a leadership firmly tramatized by the soviet union and they opened up about the crimes of the former regieme. While many considered their actions self serving the men who had planned the massacres who were not killed in the initial coup were put on trial and publically exicuted for them. One could and should note that the lower ranked troops and those who had supported the coup were exhempted but for many people this was the only justice they would get.

    The Chinese never forgave the Russians for what happened, the pain of having 75% of your population slaughtered the release of poisons, gas, nuclear weapons and the occasional bio weapons killed millions even today people still die from mines and bombs left behind even today mass graves are still found.

    The former soviet client states joined Nato and the new Junta found themselves an isolated nation under careful watch. The left across the world found itself listless after the fall and the release of the horrors of communism and socialism. But for a time people thought that history at long last was over.

    For the united states which had been involved in conflicts all over the world it was a relief.

    But nothing ever ends, China is today a nation of 250 million people and while it made peace with Tibet and the Ugers independence they have not forgiven Monogila for taking what they precieve as their land. A war between the nation of roughly 4 million people and themselves seems likey. If this happens then its likely the nation of North Korea a country of 20 million would join them, the last communist nation obviously seeing themselves as next.

    South Korea for its part has never reconized the Norths claims and thus it looks like korean history will repeat itself with the south allying with china to restore itself.

    Europe has in many ways grown arrogant its leadership concerned with non problems as creeping problems loom. The united states torn between a populist revolt and an increasingly out of touch political class, and in the east Russia is the fastest aging country in the world having their populations gutted by world wars, revolutions and a 20 year quagmire in china its likely they will collapse soon.

    But here in Poland we sharpen our knives, our nuclear stockpile has grown dispite german and Russian complaints for Poland will have its boarders even if they are the last boarders on earth.