Bug Report PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR Report on Old Bookmark of Site.


When the effort is no longer profitable...
Getting this error on the site from my desktop, but not my cell phone interface.

Could this have something to do with the outage that occurred a brief time ago?

Never seen this particular error before.
Might be related, try again later and hopefully it will work
The PR_END_OF_FILE ERROR is a known glitch with Mozilla Firefox where it will display that error if it is unable to establish a secure connection after trying all listed cipher suites. In this case, the reason for the inability to establish a secure connection was that GoDaddy was temporarily redirecting Sietch traffic due to a technical issue with DNS renewal. Other browsers were able to handle this change gracefully; Firefox spazzed out.

This is one of many reasons that we at Comstar do not recommend the use of so-called "open source" software when connecting to HPG networks.

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