Protecting And Serving: Cop (mis)behavior and consequences general discussion

I would say that after November if the Republicans win. The FBI will be answering questions.

Lol, no they won't.

After November the same lifetime bureaucrats will still be in the same positions. They'll stonewall, misdirect, and completely lie. They'll turn in a report on their internal investigation that finds themselves innocent of any wrongdoing. At best they'll toss a couple sacrificial lambs to the slaughter.

Unless of course the Republican Party grows a spine and guts these organizations, but uhhh.... I don't know if that'll happen.
If you want an unjustified death at police hands that got insufficient attention, take a look at this one:

The cop involved here got absolutely no punishment for what he did, apparently. This might have something to do with the fact that he himself is black and his victim was white. Had the races been reversed, he would have very likely been looking at an extremely long prison sentence as well as federal hate crimes charges.

Don't believe me? Then compare the treatment of George Floyd's death to that of Tony Timpa, who was white:

When the police kill a black man by putting a knee on his neck, they get prosecuted, get long jail sentences, and the black man's family gets a multimillion dollar payout from the city involved. When the police kill a white man by putting a knee on his neck, absolutely none of this actually happens, because people simply don't care anywhere near as much about this!

The FBI is going to have a real bad time pretty soon.

This is an organization that has crossed a red line and from what I seen is being thrown under the bus.
And this is why I consider the US government no better than the ones it condemns global. Defrauding and harming its own citizens is crimes we have used to justify overthrow of governments, and yet our own hands are bloody in this matter.
And this is why I consider the US government no better than the ones it condemns global. Defrauding and harming its own citizens is crimes we have used to justify overthrow of governments, and yet our own hands are bloody in this matter.
Eh. The US government is a rundown house on a solid foundation. It can be fixed. The other ones (China, Saudi Arabia, Norks, etc) would be better if they all disappear and start from scratch.

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