So...I need some help.

Bear? You forgot the Star Wars D6 rpg. There is also Star Frontiers D20, plus, as I mentioned Cepheus Engine which is the Traveller engine modified and streamlined for modern play. All you need for it are 2D6. That's it nothing more. Roll 8+ and the task succedes. To get a feel for it Drive Thru RPG has a copy called Cepheus Quantum which is only two pages long.
The AD6 currently being used by the Robotech RPG is pretty good, it put the emphases on role play over rolling buckets and focussing on skills and it also can pretty much be used in any game environment with little effort.
How crunchy do you want your space combat? Because you can have a totally different system for that. Or you grab a copy of Cepheus engine to see how it does. For a more TOS feel Starships and Spacemen have you covered.

For starship combat look up Starmada.

I am looking for crunchy, but not break me teeth hard (I'm looking at you B5 Wars & full up Star Fleet Battles!).

I'll definitely look at Starmada when I get a chance.

So this might help. I waded through RPG.NET* to see what their recs were.

Star Wars Saga Edition was still the frontrunner but I found this, which has a fairly lengthy list of space combat-centric RPGs currently available. You might be able to find what you want there.

*Appreciate my sacrifice!

Your benevolent overlord DOES appreciate your sacrifices. ;)
Starmada is SFB and B5 Wars simplified. You have ships with shields. Weapons have arcs of fire. When you hit you can damage the hull, shields, engines or a weapon. ALL fights last ten turns.

MJ12 Games has a free copy of the basic rules on their site and if you dig you may find the free sample ship building rules.

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