Quest Star Wars - Unknown Regions Imperial Warlord Quest

Voting is open
Intro/Rules - First Post, and also Quest Introduction.
  • GuyThatRunsAGame

    Well-known member
    A bit of a jump in the deep end for a first post, but it is what it is.
    All of this was pre-written in wordpad, so if the forum eats the formatting, that ain't on me.

    So I thought about doing an interest check post, but realized an interest check takes up a thread the same way a introduction post would, and I had most of the background work already done. So if the quest doesn't take of, at least I've tried, and if there is an interest, people will simply join.
    Do note that, this being the empire, this will be a villain quest, and not in the "good people, bad boss, so not really villain" way, because most of the good people who was in the empire from inertia has by the time of the game been sidelined by compnor, or deserted to the rebellion.
    It was either this or a lead-up-to-clone wars era proto-confederacy quest, but ultimately I was just more interested in gray/white murderwedges than droids.

    This is going to be an Empire Builder quest set far off in the Unknown Regions, you won't have access to the rest of the Galactic Empire unless you manage to find a way back. The game introduction will start while the Battle of Endor is occurring timeline wise. I will primarily use old material (Legacy) but will happily nick things from the newer stuff if I find it neat and appropriate. Not all Legacy content will apply, not all canon content will apply. It likely won't matter a whole lot for you anyways.

    Now, I consider it important to distinguish between what information I give players, and what information characters have available. That's why I am upfront about the Empire Builder aspect, so you don't make a fleet sorely dependent upon Imperial support, and I spring an unknown regions colony adventure on you out of the blue (or, black I suppose, being in space and all). That is the feeling the characters will have, but it wouldn't be fun to players to expect to do huge battles against the Rebel Alliance/New Republic, and then end up nowhere near anything important to the Empire.
    So what you as players likely know, and spoilers for an almost 40 year old movie, is that the second death star is destroyed, Vader and the Emperor are dead, and the Empire is fracturing into warlordism. Your fleet will disappear not knowing this has happened. I say this so people will understand why the next part will function as it does. As far as you know, the Empire is victorious, and still runs the galaxy, and you are part of it.

    A recurring theme I've seen in quests where you play as the Galactic Empire is that players want to play the Republic but with all the toys of the Empire. That defeats the point of playing as the villains in my opinion, and is why I've added the mechanic of a hidden stat, this being Human High Culture Orthodoxy (henceforth this shall be known as... HHCO). This stat starts relatively low, but certain character creation choices increases it, along with critical successes, while critical failures lower it. If a situation occurrs where moral choices are presented, I will roll against HHCO, and should the roll succeed, options that go against Human High Culture and Imperial Doctrine will not be offered, if the roll critically succeeds, options that just barely toes the line will not be offered. Critical failures on the roll against HHCO will allow decisions in direct violation of Human High Culture and Imperial Doctrine, though this will set you in opposition to several of the groups you depend on.
    This means that while your character is in charge, and will over time have chances to change things, it will be difficult and incremental, and in many ways out of character for a loyal Imperial at the time this starts.

    While I consider much of the why of this mechanic is obvious, I will nonetheless explain why I thought it especially appropriate for this quest. At the point in time where the Battle of Endor happened, to achieve the rank of Fleet Admiral, you had to be a very certain type of person, and not a particularly nice on at that. Especially to be tagged as reliable enought to reinforce Death Squadron at a critical juncture. The sort of person who truly believes in the Empire, is benefited by its systems, and above all, it loyal. The Empire is a repressive nightmare regime, a monument to Darth Sidious, by Darth Sidious, and with all other things it does being incidental. This is (aside my self-percieved inability to consistently write good female characters) also the reason the main character is only allowed to be a human male. The character will be either a product of said society, or with one of the choices, a reaction to the failures of the previous society.

    Setup-wise, I've had to do a number of allowances on the asset side to make it a viable quest, but I don't consider them all that out of character for the Empire in general, nor Imperial Moffs in particular. So why that sort of equipment is available to you despite the actual mission is answered with "Repaying favors" and "Political pressure from your direct superior". And as to personal collections and non-standard custom equipment, when you end up in the level of power a Fleet Admiral in good standing has, many rules and regulations only matter for other people, or if you mess up and your superiors need additional reasons to get rid of you beside "I want to".

    Mechanics wise, I will do the rolls privately, and if the thread wants it, I can put them up next to the actions, so you know by how much you succeeded or failed. I will do d100 roll under, with the appropriate skill being added to the base success chance. Criticals Successes are on 1s, confirmed against the appropriate skill, Critical Failures are on 100s, confirmed on failure against the appropriate skill. This means it is actually easier to Crit Fail, but both critical results will be rare and appropriately powerful, along with a possible increase in the corresponding skill. As critical results are so rare (or rather, statistically should be), I will be using a degree of success system, meaning low or high rolls still matter, a massive success or massive failure is still that.

    Base Chance of Success (Will be reorganized into the BCoS abbreviation) will be represented to you in a vague manner, with approximate (but not exactly this every time) numbers being:
    BCoS: 10 = Difficult
    BCoS: 30 = Challenging
    BCoS: 50 = Ordinary
    BCoS: 70 = Easy
    BCoS: 90 = Routine
    These numbers will differ by up to around ten points in either direction, and to this you add the relevant skill value. If you use your personal action to oversee an action, you use your own skill, otherwise, you use the skill of a subordinate.
    Do note that this is the Base Chance of Success, not the final score being rolled against.

    Characters normally only have one action per turn. This means that you will need skilled subordinates to take actions on your behalf. Otherwise you'd only have one action to run your entire realm. By improving your bureaucracy and gaining the loyalty of other officers and administrators, you can increase your available actions. You will of course start with a number of subordinates, giving you a bunch of actions per turn.

    If the main character the players design end up with a family or the like, regular "keeping up with the family" and "handling personal relations" will never take up an action slot. This is because that would shift the focus of the game from what it is intended to be. If thread-chatter makes it obvious you want more focus on that, I will probably let you vote on things for that without it impacting the action economy or even requiring rolls, but it is not the core focus of this quest.

    The first four turns will represent a week, before going over to monthly turns, if this is to intensive, I might go to quarter-year length later on, but the goal is month long turns. I might also go to month long turns early if you have absurd luck in getting set up quickly.

    Normally, I'd give players a bit more play before handing them a massive amount of votes for stuff, but in this case, due to the structure of this quest, It will be rather numbers intensive and honestly, storyless, for the first few updates, this is due to character creation and fleet composition being massive blocks of just numbers more or less. After that is done, you can all expect some actual play to start. I wanted to leave this in the players hands, as I would prefer to have a say in it if I were a player.
    I have decided to include votes for guaranteeing certain features for the first system you arrive in, as that honestly will save me a bit of work when rolling up a system.
    These votes will change how I write certain things, and as such, I want it done before writing the first actual story post.
    Intro/Rules - Glossary
    BCoS/CoS: Base Chance of Success/Chance of Success, the target number for 1d100 roll under.
    HHCO/Orthodoxy: Human High Culture Orthodoxy, conviction or indoctrination into the Imperial mindset. Hidden Value Increases with certain backgrounds, successful checks against it removes certain choices, but also makes certain other actions easier.

    FP/Favor Points: Economic and Political capital, represents your leeway to bend the rules and aquire forces or equipment normally outside your command, as well as your ability to influence what missions your have been sent on. This is essentially a resource you will want to use up before the game, there is no mechanical reason to save them, and I won't spring it on you out of nowhere.
    RP/Requisition Points: Functions like FP, but for the civilian convoy. A bit of a meta thing, as your character have no influence over their equipment, but you as players do in order to make this a bit more entertaining.

    Hypermatter Supplies: Your available hypermatter for your fleet. Required to keep naval operations possible.
    Fuel Supplies: Your available conventional fuel for your fleet and army. Required to keep any operations possible.
    Tibanna Supplies: Essentially your ammunition supply. Required to keep any military operations possible.
    Bacta Supplies: Your medical supplies, WILL run out and require research into other alternatives. As Thyferra is a long way from where you are, and the obvious alternative from Manaan is an equally distant solution.
    Food Supplies: Food, not much to say here. Staving of starvation is probably a good idea.
    Spare Supplies: Parts for maintenance, if these run out, ships will start deteriorating.

    Available Regular Recruits: Untrained but available to be trained.
    Available Superior Recruits: Untrained but available to be trained, suitable for expanding COMPForce or Stormtrooper Corps. Or establishing new military branches of comparable skill.
    Available Elite Recruits: Untrained but available to be trained, suitable for expanding SpecNav, Storm Commandos or Death Troopers. Or establishing new military branches of comparable skill.
    Unassigned Naval Crews and Troopers: Trained but unassigned to units, used to replace losses, stand up new units or crew new vessels.

    Personal Combat & Fitness: Individual prowess, also used to better understand the abilities and limitations of others.
    Politics & Influence: Knowledge of the ties of loyalty between Imperial servants, understanding the goals of others and what part you play in them, and what part they play in yours, as well as the ability to make promises without promising anything.
    Intelligence & Subterfuge: Covert action, interrogation, getting answers without outright asking, a general ability in underhanded means of achieving goals.
    Administration & Logistics: Skill with planning supply lines and making sure everything is where it is needed when it is needed. Also an understanding of what equipment is actually needed where, what ships need more spares than the manual actually states, and what gear can go without service for longer than the manual states.
    Leadership & Command: The skill of coordinating large groups of people, or large groups of groups of people, at the scale you work at. Also the ability to get people to obey or listen without any further incentive than your charisma, authority or leadership ability.
    Naval Strategy & Tactics: Commanding and understanding space engagements, as well as commanding capital ships. Also used for aerial engagements.
    Piloting & Gunnery: Use of smaller ships, like fighters, transports or shuttles. Also used for airspeeders.
    Astrogation & Physics: Plotting hyperspace travel, understanding realspace and hyperspace phenomena and how they interact with hyperdrives.
    Ground Vehicles & Gunnery: Use of ground vehicles like walkers, speeders and all the way up to the massive wheeled tanks.
    Ground Strategy & Tactics: Commanding and understanding ground engagements, what units to use where, and what attacks counter what defences.
    Field Survival & Navigation: Personal ability in the field, as well as ground navigation. Also used to better understand the abilities and limitations of others.

    COMPNOR: A massive political organization involved in every part of Imperial life. Founded as COMPOR, in many ways as a public support organization for the Supreme Chancellor in the waning days of the Republic, COMPNOR enjoys great leeway in how they go about their goals, and massive influence on the population at large. Also commands CompForce, a political military unit that recruits based on loyalty, many that don't make the cut for stormtroopers end up in CompForce.
    Imperial Intelligence: The primary intelligence service of the Empire, and a rival to COMPNORs Imperial Security Bureau. Responsible for and commands the Death Troopers, also the organization that organized the Imperial Navy Special Forces.
    Imperial Department of Military Research: Responsible for many of the advanced technologies in use by the Empire, the IDMR was involved in the Death Star, in the Dark Trooper project and other high tech secret advancements.
    Imperial Special Forces: The organization commanding the Imperial Commandos. Also jointly, with the Stormtrooper Corps responsible for the Storm Commandos, and with the Navy the Imperial Naval Special Forces, although there is very few that know of them.
    Stormtrooper Corps: The Independent military branch answering only to the Emperor and Lord Vader. While they may conduct operations in the same area as the army, or from navy ships, they do not answer to the same chain of command. Recruited for loyalty and skill, and equipped better than the Army, though lacking in vehicles, which they second from the army.
    Imperial Navy: The main space forces of the Empire. Massive ships with massive guns, supported by fighter swarms. Your branch of the military.
    Imperial Army: The main ground forces of the Empire. Large numbers, large vehicles, large guns.
    Vote - Character Creation
  • First interactive content, not just walls of text.
    Now with this up, I'll take a break and wait to see if there is any interest. Upcoming votes in that case is the specifics of the personal collections, the makeup of your Superiority Fleet (This is where FP comes in) and a bit of tweaking the civilian convoy. After that is done, I can actually put out a proper story update. Look at these first votes like session zero in a tabletop context.

    Branch: Imperial Navy
    Rank: Fleet Admiral (Superiority Fleet)
    Species: Human
    [Name Surname]

    [] - Alsakan (+2 FP)
    [] - Corellia (+1 Piloting & Gunnery, +1 Personal Combat & Fitness, -1 COMPNOR Relations)
    [] - Coruscant (+1 Politics & Influence)
    [] - Kuat (+1 Administration & Logistics)
    [] - Tepasi (+1 Intelligence & Subterfuge)

    Age and Experience:
    [] - Young Prodigy (1 Connection, 3 Traits, 9 Skill Raises)
    [] - Steady Rise (2 Connections, 2 Traits, 11 Skill Raises)
    [] - Outer Rim Sieges Veteran (3 Connections, 1 Trait, 13 Skill Raises)

    Age Traits: (Automatic)
    [Young Prodigy] - Genius Astrogator (Gain 1d5 in Astrogation & Physics, No penalty for in-system hyperspace jumps with your flagship)
    [Steady Rise] - By the Book (Gain 1d5 in Politics & Influence, Automatically negates both the first Critical Failure as well as Critical Success of a turn)
    [Outer Rim Sieges Veteran] - Clone Wars Militaria Collection (Gain 1d5 in Leadership & Command, Access to single pieces of old equipment and technology)

    [] - Carida (+1d5 Personal Combat & Fitness)
    [] - Anaxes (+1d5 Administration & Logistics)
    [] - Prefsbelt (+1d5 Politics & Influence)
    [] - Corulag (+1d5 Piloting & Gunnery)

    Naval Academy Skills:
    Culture & Duty (1d10, Added directly to Human High Culture Orthodoxy, +1d5 per Skill Raise)
    Personal Combat & Fitness (1d10, +1d5 per Skill Raise)
    Politics & Influence (1d10, +1d5 per Skill Raise)
    Intelligence & Subterfuge (1d10, +1d5 per Skill Raise)
    Administration & Logistics (1d10, +1d5 per Skill Raise)
    Leadership & Command (1d10, +1d5 per Skill Raise)
    Naval Strategy & Tactics (2d10k1, +1d5 per Skill Raise)
    Piloting & Gunnery (1d10, +1d5 per Skill Raise)
    Astrogation & Physics (1d10, +1d5 per Skill Raise)

    Crosstraining Electives:
    Ground Vehicles & Gunnery (0, +1d10 for a Skill Raise once only)
    Ground Strategy & Tactics (0, +1d10 for a Skill Raise once only)
    Field Survival & Navigation (0, +1d10 for a Skill Raise once only)

    Skill Raises: (Just copy the one you want again if you want multiple raises for one)
    [] - Culture & Duty
    [] - Personal Combat & Fitness
    [] - Politics & Influence
    [] - Intelligence & Subterfuge
    [] - Administration & Logistics
    [] - Leadership & Command
    [] - Naval Strategy & Tactics
    [] - Piloting & Gunnery
    [] - Astrogation & Physics
    [] - Ground Vehicles & Gunnery (only once)
    [] - Ground Strategy & Tactics (only once)
    [] - Field Survival & Navigation (only once)

    Connections: (You already have Navy connections, being a Fleet Admiral, no need for write-in)
    [] - COMPNOR Select Committe (+30 FP, +2 COMPNOR Relations)
    [] - CompForce (+1 COMPNOR Relations)
    [] - Imperial Security Bureau (+1 COMPNOR Relations)
    [] - Imperial Intelligence (+1 Imperial Intelligence Relations)
    [] - Imperial Department of Military Research (+1 IDMR Relations)
    [] - Imperial Special Forces (+1 Imperial Special Forces Relations)
    [] - Stormtrooper Corps (+1 Stormtrooper Corps Relations)
    [] - Imperial Army (+1 Imperial Army Relations)
    [] - Corporate Sector Authority (+10 FP)

    [] - Smuggler Connections (+10 FP)
    [] - Extensive Networking (+20 FP, +1 Connection)
    [] - Favored (+30 FP)
    [] - Confirmed Loyal (+1 COMPNOR Relations, +1 Imperial Intelligence Relations, +1 Stormtrooper Corps Relations, Reveals hidden stat Human High Culture Orthodoxy)
    [] - Involved Interrogator (+1d5 Intelligence & Subterfuge)
    [] - Intensive Liasing (+1 Imperial Special Forces Relations, +1 Stormtrooper Corps Relations, +1 Imperial Army Relations)
    [] - Uncanny Luck (+1 All Skills, Further hidden effects)

    [] - Avid Hunter (Gain 1d5 in Field Survival & Navigation, and a large collection of hunting trophies, as well as a number of weapons and field equipment)
    [] - Starfighter Collector (Gain 1d5 in Piloting & Astrogation, and collection of Starfighters)
    [] - Gunslinger (Gain 1d5 in Personal Combat & Gunnery, and a number of customized pistols)
    [] - Racer (Gain 1d5 in Ground Vehicles & Gunnery, and a number of speeders)
    [] - Invested Socialite (Gain 1d5 Politics & Influence, +5 FP)

    Personal Sidearm: Select One (This choice is mostly a "what sort of person is the admiral" pick, as the sort of man that carries a disruptor in place of a blaster will have a certain level of cruelty above that of his peers)
    [] - BlasTech DH-17 Blaster Pistol (Standard Issue)
    [] - BlasTech SE-14C Blaster Pistol
    [] - BlasTech DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol
    [] - MerrSonn Model 434 "DeathHammer" Heavy Blaster Pistol
    [] - BlasTech DT-57 "Annihilator" Heavy Blaster Pistol
    [] - Tenloss DX-2 Disruptor Pistol
    Info - Main Character
  • Acting Moff & High Admiral Kan Styndath
    Species: Human
    Homeworld: Corellia
    Age and Experience: Outer Rim Sieges Veteran
    Academy: Anaxes
    Human High Culture Orthodoxy: 42

    Culture & Duty (11)
    Personal Combat & Fitness (10)
    Politics & Influence (10)
    Intelligence & Subterfuge (13)
    Administration & Logistics (17)
    Leadership & Command (15)
    Naval Strategy & Tactics (14)
    Piloting & Gunnery (9)
    Astrogation & Physics (5)
    Field Survival & Navigation (13)

    Imperial Intelligence
    Imperial Department of Military Research
    Corporate Sector Authority

    COMPNOR +4/+6
    Imperial Intelligence +7
    Imperial Department of Military Research +4
    Imperial Special Forces +2
    Stormtrooper Corps +6
    Imperial Army +3
    Imperial Navy +6
    Imperial Starfighter Corps +2

    Clone Wars Militaria Collection
    Confirmed Loyal
    Avid Hunter

    Admiral Cric Horne, Young Coruscanti, Imperial Academy Anaxes, Force Superiority 1 Commander
    Admiral Varlo Korray, Middle Aged Corellian, Imperial Academy Corulag, Force Superiority 2 Commander
    Admiral Jan Kothari, Middle Aged Coruscanti, Imperial Academy Prefsbelt, Force Escort 1 Commander
    Admiral Salth Hir, Young Corellian, Imperial Academy Anaxes, Force Escort 2 Commander
    Admiral Carlist Jandi, Middle Aged Coruscanti, Imperial Academy Corulag, Force Technical Services 1 Commander
    Admiral Gavin Ardan, Young Kuati, Imperial Academy Prefsbelt, Force Support 1 Commander

    Admiral Adan Coth, Old Kuati, Imperial Academy Anaxes, Force Technical Services 2 Commander
    Admiral Davin Lorres, Old Eriaduan, Imperial Academy Anaxes, Force Technical Services 2 Commander
    Admiral Jerrel Kore, Old Corellian, Imperial Academy Carida, Force Support 2 Commander
    Admiral Lucio Dalsar-Tagge, Middle Aged Tepasi, Imperial Academy Corulag, Force Support 3 Commander

    Fleet Admiral Rego Delste, Young Kuati, Imperial Academy Corulag, Deepdock Fleet Commander

    High Colonel Garo Terrend, Middle Aged Procopian, Imperial Academy Carida, Flagship Stormtrooper Commander
    Major General Typho Avik, Old Eriaduan, Imperial Academy Carida, Imperial Army Line Corps Commander
    Investigation Agent Ronar Senk, Young Coruscanti, Imprial Academy Carida, Imperial Security Bureau Investigations

    Admiral Cric Horne - Commander Force Superiority 1
    Loyalty: Zealous Aggression: Cautious Bravery: Unflinching
    Best Skills: Administration & Logistics 18, Leadership & Command 13, Naval Strategy & Tactics 15
    Other Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 10, Intelligence & Subterfuge 10, Ground Strategy & Tactics 8, Politics & Influence 7, Ground Vehicles & Gunnery 7, Piloting & Gunnery 6, Astrogation & Physics 2, Field Survival & Navigation 1
    Relations: Imperial Navy 2, COMPNOR 2, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 1, Stormtrooper Corps 2, Imperial Army 1

    Admiral Varlo Korray - Commander Force Superiority 2
    : Zealous Aggression: Driven Bravery: Fearful
    Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 13, Intelligence & Subterfuge 14, Piloting & Gunnery 16
    Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR -1, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 2, Stormtrooper Corps 1, Imperial Army 1

    Admiral Jan Kothari - Commander Force Escort 1
    : Zealous Aggression: Driven Bravery: Unflinching
    Best Skills: Politics & Influence 14, Leadership & Command 14, Naval Strategy & Tactics 11
    Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR 1, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 1, Stormtrooper Corps 1, Imperial Army 1

    Admiral Salth Hir - Commander Force Escort 2
    : Zealous Aggression: Cautious Bravery: Fearless
    Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 11, Intelligence & Subterfuge 12, Naval Strategy & Tactics 15
    Relations: Imperial Navy 2, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 1, Stormtrooper Corps 3, Imperial Army 1

    Admiral Carlist Jandi - Commander Force Technical Services 1
    : Zealous Aggression: Cautious Bravery: Unflinching
    Best Skills: Leadership & Command 14, Piloting & Gunnery 17, Astrogation & Physics 14
    Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR 4, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Department of Military Engineering 1, Stormtrooper Corps 1

    Admiral Gavin Ardan - Commander Force Support 1
    : Zealous Aggression: Cautious Bravery: Unflinching
    Best Skills: Intelligence & Subterfuge 14, Administration & Logistics 9, Naval Strategy & Tactics 8
    Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR 2, Imperial Special Forces 1, Stormtrooper Corps 1, Imperial Army 1

    Admiral Adan Coth - Commander Force Technical Services 2
    Loyalty: Zealous Aggression: Driven Bravery: Unflinching
    Best Skills: Politics & Influence 11, Administration & Logistics 17, Naval Strategy & Tactics 10
    Relations: Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Department of Military Research 1

    Admiral Davin Lorres - Commander Force Technical Services 2
    : Loyal Aggression: Driven Bravery: Fearless
    Best Skills: Naval Strategy & Tactics 15, Leadership & Command 13, Personal Combat & Fitness 13
    Relations: Imperial Special Forces 2, Stormtrooper Corps 2, Imperial Army 2

    Admiral Jerrel Kore - Commander Force Support 2
    : Zealous Aggression: Driven Bravery: Unflinching
    Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 13, Administration & Logistics 17, Leadership & Command 13
    Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR 2, Imperial Intelligence 1

    Admiral Lucio Dalsar-Tagge - Commander Force Support 3
    : Loyal Aggression: Driven Bravery: Fearless
    Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 11, Leadership & Command 11, Astrogation & Physics 11
    Other Skills: Naval Strategy & Tactics 10, Ground Strategy & Tactics 10, Intelligence & Subterfuge 9, Politics & Influence 6, Administration & Logistics 6, Piloting & Gunnery 6, Ground Vehicles & Gunnery 3, Field Survival & Navigation 1
    Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR 1, Stormtrooper Corps 1, Imperial Army 1

    Fleet Admiral Zeth Fird - Commander Deepdock Fleet
    Loyalty: Zealous Aggression: Driven Bravery: Unflinching
    Best Skills: Administration & Logistics 21, Naval Strategy & Tactics 20, Leadership & Command 15
    Other Skills: Politics & Influence 15, Piloting & Gunnery 15, Astrogation & Physics 15, Intelligence & Subterfuge 14, Personal Combat & Fitness 13, Culture & Duty 10
    Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR 1, IDMR 1, Stormtrooper Corps 1

    Fleet Admiral Rego Delste - Commander Deepdock Fleet - Commander Navy
    : Zealous Aggression: Driven Bravery: Unflinching
    Best Skills: Administration & Logistics 16, Naval Strategy & Tactics 15, Astrogation & Physics 11
    Other Skills: Politics & Influence 7, Intelligence & Subterfuge 7, Piloting & Gunnery 7, Personal Combat & Fitness 6, Leadership & Command 6
    Relations: Imperial Navy 3, COMPNOR 2
    High Colonel Garo Terrend - Commander Flagship Stormtrooper Complement
    Loyalty: Zealous Aggression: Reckless Bravery: Fearless
    Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 14, Ground Strategy & Tactics 15, Field Survival & Navigation 13
    Relations: Stormtrooper Corps 5, COMPNOR 1, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 1, Imperial Navy 1

    Major General Caul Darus - Commander Imperial Army
    Loyalty: Zealous Aggression: Reckless Bravery: Fearless
    Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 20, Leadership & Command 17, Ground Vehicles & Gunnery 15
    Relations: Imperial Army 1, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 2, Stormtrooper Corps 2, Imperial Navy 1

    Investigations Agent Ronar Senk - Imperial Security Bureau Investigations Agent
    : Zealous Aggression: Driven Bravery: Unflinching
    Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 13, Intelligence & Subterfuge 18, Ground Strategy & Tactics 10
    Relations: COMPNOR 3, Imperial Intelligence 2, Imperial Special Forces 2, Stormtrooper Corps 2, Imperial Army 1

    Major General Typho Avik - Commander Imperial Army Line Corps - Commander Army
    : Zealous Aggression: Reckless Bravery: Fearless
    Best Skills: Ground Strategy & Tactics 15, Personal Combat & Fitness 11, Leadership & Command 10
    Relations: Imperial Army 2, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 1, Stormtrooper Corps 1

    Imperial Department of Military Research Research & Development Team (+5 Bonus to Research Actions)
    Imperial Intelligence DiploServ Advisor Group (+5 Bonus to Political Actions)
    Imperial Intelligence Tech Analysis Group (+10 Bonus to Reverse Engineering Actions)
    Imperial Intelligence Renik Team (+10 Bonus to Defense vs. Intelligence Action passive)
    Imperial Intelligence Infiltration Team (+10 Bonus to Infiltration Actions)
    Imperial Intelligence Operative (+5 Bonus to Intelligence Actions)

    Imperial Intelligence Destab Team (+10 Bonus to Sabotage & Assassination Actions)
    SpecNav Force Squad (+5 Bonus to Defense vs. Assassination passive, +5 Bonus to Sabotage Actions)
    Death Trooper Squad (+5 Bonus to Defense vs. Assassination passive, +5 Bonus to Sabotage Actions)
    ESPO Walker 101 Platoon

    Dossier: Fleet Admiral Delste (+10 to all Actions targeting Rego Delste)
    Dossier: Fleet Admiral Fird (+10 to all Actions targeting Zeth Fird)
    Dossier: Systems Admiral Dalsar-Tagge (+10 to all Actions targeting Lucio Dalsar-Tagge)
    Dossier: Systems Admiral Cric Horne (+10 to all Actions targeting Cric Horne)
    Dossier: Systems Admiral Varlo Korray (+10 to all Actions targeting Varlo Korray)
    Dossier: Systems Admiral Jan Kothari (+10 to all Actions targeting Jan Kothari)
    Dossier: Administrator Andard (+10 to all Actions targeting Mina Andard)
    Infiltration: COMPNOR (+10 to all Actions targeting COMPNOR or members of COMPNOR)
    Infiltration: IDMR (+10 to all Actions targeting the IDMR or members of the IDMR)
    Infiltration: Stormtrooper Corps (+10 to all Actions targeting the Stormtrooper Corps or members of the Stormtrooper Corps)

    Fleet Admiral's Uniform
    Code Cyliners
    BlasTech DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol
    Czerka Outland Slugthrower Rifle
    Ceremonial Wookie Bowcaster (Gifted by a wookiee chieftain while lifting the trandoshan/separatist occupation)
    BlasTech DLT-20A "Longblaster" Blaster Rifle
    Personalised Field Kit
    Personalised Utility Belt
    Custom Advanced Datapad (+1 to all Administration & Logistics Rolls)

    Katarn-class Commando Armor
    Mandalorian Protector Armor
    Phrik Alloy Electrostaff
    Geonosian Sonic Blaster
    E-5 Blaster Rifle
    DC-15S Blaster Carbine
    DC-15A Blaster Rifle
    DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon System
    DC-17 Hand Blaster
    Accelerated Charged Particle Array Gun
    BX Commando Droid
    IG-100 MagnaGuard Droid

    1307x Peggats
    11x Bags of Glitterstimm
    13x Bottles of Alderaanian Wine
    1x Bottle of Whyren's Reserve
    16x High-Grade Bacta Patches
    20x Grand Army of the Republic Issue Blaster Gas Cartridges
    1x BlasTech Bryar Rifle
    1x BlasTech A-280 Blaster Rifle
    1x Theed Arms S-5 Heavy Blaster Pistol
    5x Merr-Sonn Class-A Thermal Detonators
    1x Balutar-class Swoop
    1x Flitknot Speeder Bike
    Last edited:
    Vote - Personal Collections
  • And with that post done and up, it is time to vote for the two collections you've ended up with as a consequence. These will mostly play a part in character interaction scenes as backdrop, or for availability to reverse engineer items that are no longer in inventory. Possibly as gifts or if you decide to have a safari or something like that.

    The vote after this one will be for the fleet composition of your Superiority Fleet, and where you will spend your favour points and get access to the options unlocked by your connections.

    Personal Private Clone Wars Memorabilia: 20p (Clone Wars Militaria Collection Only)
    [] 1p - Phase 1 Clone Trooper Armor
    [] 1p - Phase 2 Clone Trooper Armor
    [] 2p - Katarn-class Commando Armor
    [] 4p - Blaze-trooper Armor
    [] 1p - DC-15S Blaster Carbine
    [] 1p - DC-15A Blaster Rifle
    [] 1p - DC-17 Hand Blaster
    [] 2p - DC-15s Side Arm Blaster
    [] 3p - DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon System
    [] 1p - Nimbus Commando Armor
    [] 2p - Mandalorian Protector Armor
    [] 1p - Neimoidian Gunnery Battalion Armor
    [] 2p - Trandoshan Elite Battle Armor
    [] 1p - B1 Battle Droid
    [] 1p - B2 Super Battle Droid
    [] 2p - BX Commando Droid
    [] 3p - IG-100 MagnaGuard Droid
    [] 1p - Phrik Alloy Electrostaff
    [] 1p - E-5 Blaster Rifle
    [] 2p - Geonosian Sonic Blaster
    [] 3p - Geonosian Elite Beam Weapon
    [] 1p - Accelerated Charged Particle Array Gun
    [] 2p - LJ-50 Concussion Rifle
    [] 1p - LS-150 Heavy Accelerated Charged Particle Repeater Gun

    Personal Private Hunting Equipment: Select Five (Avid Hunter Only)
    [] - Czerka Outland Slugthrower Rifle
    [] - Czerka 6-2Aug2 Slugthrower Rifle
    [] - Czerka Adventurer Slugthrower Rifle
    [] - Verpine Shatter Rifle
    [] - BlasTech Bryar Rifle
    [] - BlasTech DLT-19x Targeting Blaster
    [] - BlasTech DLT-20A "Longblaster" Blaster Rifle
    [] - MerrSonn LD-1 Target Blaster Rifle
    [] - Tof Soren Hunting Rifle
    [] - DAS-430 Neural Inhibitor
    [] - Ceremonial Wookiee Bowcaster
    [] - Personalised Field Kit
    [] - Personalised Utility Belt
    Vote - Fleet Composition
  • A massive block of choices that will determine a lot, so though I am loathe to leave it for a very long time with no update, I'll let this one sit until 22-04-04, 20:00 UTC+1.

    EDIT: Disregard last regarding prepwork votes, forgot that there is one more after this, but that is the definitive last before story post begins.

    If something lacks an FP cost, it is considered a normal choice, if it costs FP, it is either irregular or considered highly desirable, if you gain FP, it is generally obsolete or considered undesirable.

    100 (base) +10 (politics & influence) +10 (CSA connections)

    Superiority Fleet - Fleet Command - Flagship
    [] - Imperial I-class Star Destroyer
    [] - Imperial II-class Star Destroyer
    [] - Tector-class Star Destroyer
    [] - Secutor-class Star Destroyer
    [] - Interdictor-class Star Destroyer (5 FP)
    [] - Allegiance-class Star Battlecruiser (10 FP)
    [] - Praetor II-class Star Battlecruiser (10 FP)
    [] - Bellator-class Star Dreadnaught (25 FP)

    Force Superiority 1 - Battle Squadron 1 - Line 1 - Star Destroyer
    [] - Imperial I-class Star Destroyer
    [] - Imperial II-class Star Destroyer
    [] - Tector-class Star Destroyer
    [] - Secutor-class Star Destroyer (5 FP)
    [] - Interdictor-class Star Destroyer (10 FP)
    [] - Allegiance-class Star Battlecruiser (15 FP)

    Force Superiority 1 - Battle Squadron 1 - Line 2 - Attack
    [] - 6x Lancer-class Frigates
    [] - 6x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    [] - 6x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 6x Gozanti-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 6x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 3x Victory I-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Victory II-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Vindicator-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Venator-class Attack Cruisers (+1 FP)
    [] - 3x Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers (+2 FP)
    [] - 3x Broadside-class Cruisers

    Force Superiority 1 - Battle Squadron 1 - Line 3 - Attack
    [] - 6x Lancer-class Frigates
    [] - 6x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    [] - 6x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 6x Gozanti-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 6x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 3x Victory I-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Victory II-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Vindicator-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Venator-class Attack Cruisers (+1 FP)
    [] - 3x Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers (+2 FP)
    [] - 3x Broadside-class Cruisers

    Force Superiority 1 - Battle Squadron 1 - Line 4 - Pursuit
    [] - 4x Lancer-class Frigates
    [] - 4x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    [] - 4x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 10x CR90-class Corvettes
    [] - 10x CR92a Assassin-class Corvettes
    [] - 10x Vigil-class Corvettes
    [] - 10x Raider-class Corvettes

    Force Superiority 1 - Battle Squadron 2 - Line 1 - Star Destroyer
    [] - Imperial I-class Star Destroyer
    [] - Imperial II-class Star Destroyer
    [] - Tector-class Star Destroyer
    [] - Secutor-class Star Destroyer (5 FP)
    [] - Interdictor-class Star Destroyer (10 FP)
    [] - Allegiance-class Star Battlecruiser (15 FP)

    Force Superiority 1 - Battle Squadron 2 - Line 2 - Attack
    [] - 6x Lancer-class Frigates
    [] - 6x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    [] - 6x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 6x Gozanti-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 6x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 3x Victory I-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Victory II-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Vindicator-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Venator-class Attack Cruisers (+1 FP)
    [] - 3x Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers (+2 FP)
    [] - 3x Broadside-class Cruisers

    Force Superiority 1 - Battle Squadron 2 - Line 3 - Attack
    [] - 6x Lancer-class Frigates
    [] - 6x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    [] - 6x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 6x Gozanti-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 6x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 3x Victory I-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Victory II-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Vindicator-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Venator-class Attack Cruisers (+1 FP)
    [] - 3x Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers (+2 FP)
    [] - 3x Broadside-class Cruisers

    Force Superiority 1 - Battle Squadron 2 - Line 4 - Pursuit
    [] - 4x Lancer-class Frigates
    [] - 4x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    [] - 4x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 10x CR90-class Corvettes
    [] - 10x CR92a Assassin-class Corvettes
    [] - 10x Vigil-class Corvettes
    [] - 10x Raider-class Corvettes

    Force Superiority 1 - Battle Squadron 3 - Line 1 - Star Destroyer
    [] - Imperial I-class Star Destroyer
    [] - Imperial II-class Star Destroyer
    [] - Tector-class Star Destroyer
    [] - Secutor-class Star Destroyer (5 FP)
    [] - Interdictor-class Star Destroyer (10 FP)
    [] - Allegiance-class Star Battlecruiser (15 FP)

    Force Superiority 1 - Battle Squadron 3 - Line 2 - Attack
    [] - 6x Lancer-class Frigates
    [] - 6x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    [] - 6x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 6x Gozanti-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 6x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 3x Victory I-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Victory II-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Vindicator-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Venator-class Attack Cruisers (+1 FP)
    [] - 3x Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers (+2 FP)
    [] - 3x Broadside-class Cruisers

    Force Superiority 1 - Battle Squadron 3 - Line 3 - Attack
    [] - 6x Lancer-class Frigates
    [] - 6x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    [] - 6x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 6x Gozanti-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 6x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 3x Victory I-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Victory II-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Vindicator-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Venator-class Attack Cruisers (+1 FP)
    [] - 3x Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers (+2 FP)
    [] - 3x Broadside-class Cruisers

    Force Superiority 1 - Battle Squadron 3 - Line 4 - Pursuit
    [] - 4x Lancer-class Frigates
    [] - 4x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    [] - 4x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 10x CR90-class Corvettes
    [] - 10x CR92a Assassin-class Corvettes
    [] - 10x Vigil-class Corvettes
    [] - 10x Raider-class Corvettes

    Force Superiority 2 - Battle Squadron 1 - Line 1 - Star Destroyer
    [] - Imperial I-class Star Destroyer
    [] - Imperial II-class Star Destroyer
    [] - Tector-class Star Destroyer
    [] - Secutor-class Star Destroyer (5 FP)
    [] - Interdictor-class Star Destroyer (10 FP)
    [] - Allegiance-class Star Battlecruiser (15 FP)

    Force Superiority 2 - Battle Squadron 1 - Line 2 - Attack
    [] - 6x Lancer-class Frigates
    [] - 6x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    [] - 6x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 6x Gozanti-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 6x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 3x Victory I-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Victory II-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Vindicator-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Venator-class Attack Cruisers (+1 FP)
    [] - 3x Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers (+2 FP)
    [] - 3x Broadside-class Cruisers

    Force Superiority 2 - Battle Squadron 1 - Line 3 - Attack
    [] - 6x Lancer-class Frigates
    [] - 6x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    [] - 6x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 6x Gozanti-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 6x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 3x Victory I-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Victory II-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Vindicator-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Venator-class Attack Cruisers (+1 FP)
    [] - 3x Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers (+2 FP)
    [] - 3x Broadside-class Cruisers

    Force Superiority 2 - Battle Squadron 1 - Line 4 - Pursuit
    [] - 4x Lancer-class Frigates
    [] - 4x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    [] - 4x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 10x CR90-class Corvettes
    [] - 10x CR92a Assassin-class Corvettes
    [] - 10x Vigil-class Corvettes
    [] - 10x Raider-class Corvettes

    Force Superiority 2 - Battle Squadron 2 - Line 1 - Star Destroyer
    [] - Imperial I-class Star Destroyer
    [] - Imperial II-class Star Destroyer
    [] - Tector-class Star Destroyer
    [] - Secutor-class Star Destroyer (5 FP)
    [] - Interdictor-class Star Destroyer (10 FP)
    [] - Allegiance-class Star Battlecruiser (15 FP)

    Force Superiority 2 - Battle Squadron 2 - Line 2 - Attack
    [] - 6x Lancer-class Frigates
    [] - 6x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    [] - 6x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 6x Gozanti-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 6x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 3x Victory I-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Victory II-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Vindicator-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Venator-class Attack Cruisers (+1 FP)
    [] - 3x Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers (+2 FP)
    [] - 3x Broadside-class Cruisers

    Force Superiority 2 - Battle Squadron 2 - Line 3 - Attack
    [] - 6x Lancer-class Frigates
    [] - 6x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    [] - 6x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 6x Gozanti-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 6x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 3x Victory I-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Victory II-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Vindicator-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Venator-class Attack Cruisers (+1 FP)
    [] - 3x Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers (+2 FP)
    [] - 3x Broadside-class Cruisers

    Force Superiority 2 - Battle Squadron 2 - Line 4 - Pursuit
    [] - 4x Lancer-class Frigates
    [] - 4x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    [] - 4x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 10x CR90-class Corvettes
    [] - 10x CR92a Assassin-class Corvettes
    [] - 10x Vigil-class Corvettes
    [] - 10x Raider-class Corvettes

    Force Superiority 2 - Battle Squadron 3 - Line 1 - Star Destroyer
    [] - Imperial I-class Star Destroyer
    [] - Imperial II-class Star Destroyer
    [] - Tector-class Star Destroyer
    [] - Secutor-class Star Destroyer (5 FP)
    [] - Interdictor-class Star Destroyer (10 FP)
    [] - Allegiance-class Star Battlecruiser (15 FP)

    Force Superiority 2 - Battle Squadron 3 - Line 2 - Attack
    [] - 6x Lancer-class Frigates
    [] - 6x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    [] - 6x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 6x Gozanti-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 6x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 3x Victory I-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Victory II-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Vindicator-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Venator-class Attack Cruisers (+1 FP)
    [] - 3x Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers (+2 FP)
    [] - 3x Broadside-class Cruisers

    Force Superiority 2 - Battle Squadron 3 - Line 3 - Attack
    [] - 6x Lancer-class Frigates
    [] - 6x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    [] - 6x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 6x Gozanti-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 6x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 3x Victory I-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Victory II-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Vindicator-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Venator-class Attack Cruisers (+1 FP)
    [] - 3x Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers (+2 FP)
    [] - 3x Broadside-class Cruisers

    Force Superiority 2 - Battle Squadron 3 - Line 4 - Pursuit
    [] - 4x Lancer-class Frigates
    [] - 4x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    [] - 4x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 10x CR90-class Corvettes
    [] - 10x CR92a Assassin-class Corvettes
    [] - 10x Vigil-class Corvettes
    [] - 10x Raider-class Corvettes

    Force Escort 1 - Heavy Squadron 1 - Line 1 - Heavy Attack
    [] - 4x Victory I-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 4x Victory II-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 4x Vindicator-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 4x Venator-class Attack Cruisers (+1 FP)
    [] - 4x Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers (+2 FP)
    [] - 6x Broadside-class Cruisers
    [] - 6x Strike-class Medium Cruisers
    [] - 8x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 8x Gozanti-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 8x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers

    Force Escort 1 - Heavy Squadron 1 - Line 2 - Heavy Attack
    [] - 4x Victory I-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 4x Victory II-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 4x Vindicator-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 4x Venator-class Attack Cruisers (+1 FP)
    [] - 4x Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers (+2 FP)
    [] - 6x Broadside-class Cruisers
    [] - 6x Strike-class Medium Cruisers
    [] - 8x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 8x Gozanti-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 8x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers

    Force Escort 1 - Heavy Squadron 1 - Line 3 - Attack
    [] - 6x Lancer-class Frigates
    [] - 6x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    [] - 6x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 6x Gozanti-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 6x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 3x Victory I-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Victory II-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Vindicator-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Venator-class Attack Cruisers (+1 FP)
    [] - 3x Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers (+2 FP)
    [] - 3x Broadside-class Cruisers

    Force Escort 1 - Heavy Squadron 1 - Line 4 - Recon
    [] - 4x IGV-55 Surveillance Vessels (4 FP)
    [] - 4x SCT Scout Craft
    [] - 2x MRX-BR Pacifier-class Scout Vessels
    [] - 2x Skywatcher-class Deep Space Scout Ships

    Force Escort 1 - Heavy Squadron 2 - Line 1 - Heavy Attack
    [] - 4x Victory I-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 4x Victory II-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 4x Vindicator-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 4x Venator-class Attack Cruisers (+1 FP)
    [] - 4x Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers (+2 FP)
    [] - 6x Broadside-class Cruisers
    [] - 6x Strike-class Medium Cruisers
    [] - 8x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 8x Gozanti-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 8x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers

    Force Escort 1 - Heavy Squadron 2 - Line 2 - Heavy Attack
    [] - 4x Victory I-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 4x Victory II-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 4x Vindicator-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 4x Venator-class Attack Cruisers (+1 FP)
    [] - 4x Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers (+2 FP)
    [] - 6x Broadside-class Cruisers
    [] - 6x Strike-class Medium Cruisers
    [] - 8x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 8x Gozanti-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 8x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers

    Force Escort 1 - Heavy Squadron 2 - Line 3 - Attack
    [] - 6x Lancer-class Frigates
    [] - 6x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    [] - 6x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 6x Gozanti-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 6x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 3x Victory I-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Victory II-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Vindicator-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Venator-class Attack Cruisers (+1 FP)
    [] - 3x Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers (+2 FP)
    [] - 3x Broadside-class Cruisers

    Force Escort 1 - Heavy Squadron 2 - Line 4 - Recon
    [] - 4x IGV-55 Surveillance Vessels (4 FP)
    [] - 4x SCT Scout Craft
    [] - 2x MRX-BR Pacifier-class Scout Vessels
    [] - 2x Skywatcher-class Deep Space Scout Ships

    Force Escort 1 - Light Squadron 1 - Line 1 - Recon
    [] - 4x IGV-55 Surveillance Vessels (4 FP)
    [] - 4x SCT Scout Craft
    [] - 2x MRX-BR Pacifier-class Scout Vessels
    [] - 2x Skywatcher-class Deep Space Scout Ships

    Force Escort 1 - Light Squadron 1 - Line 2 - Recon
    [] - 4x IGV-55 Surveillance Vessels (4 FP)
    [] - 4x SCT Scout Craft
    [] - 2x MRX-BR Pacifier-class Scout Vessels
    [] - 2x Skywatcher-class Deep Space Scout Ships

    Force Escort 1 - Light Squadron 1 - Line 3 - Skirmish
    [] - 4x Lancer-class Frigates
    [] - 4x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    [] - 8x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 8x Gozanti-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 8x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 12x CR90-class Corvettes
    [] - 12x CR92a Assassin-class Corvettes
    [] - 12x Vigil-class Corvettes
    [] - 12x Raider-class Corvettes
    [] - 20x IPV-1-class Corvettes

    Force Escort 1 - Light Squadron 1 - Line 4 - Pursuit
    [] - 4x Lancer-class Frigates
    [] - 4x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    [] - 4x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 10x CR90-class Corvettes
    [] - 10x CR92a Assassin-class Corvettes
    [] - 10x Vigil-class Corvettes
    [] - 10x Raider-class Corvettes

    Force Escort 1 - Light Squadron 2 - Line 1 - Recon
    [] - 4x IGV-55 Surveillance Vessels (4 FP)
    [] - 4x SCT Scout Craft
    [] - 2x MRX-BR Pacifier-class Scout Vessels
    [] - 2x Skywatcher-class Deep Space Scout Ships

    Force Escort 1 - Light Squadron 2 - Line 2 - Recon
    [] - 4x IGV-55 Surveillance Vessels (4 FP)
    [] - 4x SCT Scout Craft
    [] - 2x MRX-BR Pacifier-class Scout Vessels
    [] - 2x Skywatcher-class Deep Space Scout Ships

    Force Escort 1 - Light Squadron 2 - Line 3 - Skirmish
    [] - 4x Lancer-class Frigates
    [] - 4x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    [] - 8x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 8x Gozanti-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 8x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 12x CR90-class Corvettes
    [] - 12x CR92a Assassin-class Corvettes
    [] - 12x Vigil-class Corvettes
    [] - 12x Raider-class Corvettes
    [] - 20x IPV-1-class Corvettes

    Force Escort 1 - Light Squadron 2 - Line 4 - Pursuit
    [] - 4x Lancer-class Frigates
    [] - 4x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    [] - 4x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 10x CR90-class Corvettes
    [] - 10x CR92a Assassin-class Corvettes
    [] - 10x Vigil-class Corvettes
    [] - 10x Raider-class Corvettes

    Force Escort 2 - Heavy Squadron 1 - Line 1 - Heavy Attack
    [] - 4x Victory I-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 4x Victory II-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 4x Vindicator-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 4x Venator-class Attack Cruisers (+1 FP)
    [] - 4x Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers (+2 FP)
    [] - 6x Broadside-class Cruisers
    [] - 6x Strike-class Medium Cruisers
    [] - 8x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 8x Gozanti-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 8x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers

    Force Escort 2 - Heavy Squadron 1 - Line 2 - Heavy Attack
    [] - 4x Victory I-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 4x Victory II-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 4x Vindicator-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 4x Venator-class Attack Cruisers (+1 FP)
    [] - 4x Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers (+2 FP)
    [] - 6x Broadside-class Cruisers
    [] - 6x Strike-class Medium Cruisers
    [] - 8x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 8x Gozanti-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 8x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers

    Force Escort 2 - Heavy Squadron 1 - Line 3 - Heavy Attack
    [] - 4x Victory I-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 4x Victory II-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 4x Vindicator-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 4x Venator-class Attack Cruisers (+1 FP)
    [] - 4x Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers (+2 FP)
    [] - 6x Broadside-class Cruisers
    [] - 6x Strike-class Medium Cruisers
    [] - 8x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 8x Gozanti-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 8x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers

    Force Escort 2 - Heavy Squadron 1 - Line 4 - Skirmish
    [] - 4x Lancer-class Frigates
    [] - 4x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    [] - 8x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 8x Gozanti-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 8x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 12x CR90-class Corvettes
    [] - 12x CR92a Assassin-class Corvettes
    [] - 12x Vigil-class Corvettes
    [] - 12x Raider-class Corvettes
    [] - 20x IPV-1-class Corvettes

    Force Escort 2 - Heavy Squadron 2 - Line 1 - Heavy Attack
    [] - 4x Victory I-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 4x Victory II-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 4x Vindicator-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 4x Venator-class Attack Cruisers (+1 FP)
    [] - 4x Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers (+2 FP)
    [] - 6x Broadside-class Cruisers
    [] - 6x Strike-class Medium Cruisers
    [] - 8x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 8x Gozanti-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 8x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers

    Force Escort 2 - Heavy Squadron 2 - Line 2 - Heavy Attack
    [] - 4x Victory I-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 4x Victory II-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 4x Vindicator-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 4x Venator-class Attack Cruisers (+1 FP)
    [] - 4x Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers (+2 FP)
    [] - 6x Broadside-class Cruisers
    [] - 6x Strike-class Medium Cruisers
    [] - 8x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 8x Gozanti-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 8x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers

    Force Escort 2 - Heavy Squadron 2 - Line 3 - Heavy Attack
    [] - 4x Victory I-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 4x Victory II-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 4x Vindicator-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 4x Venator-class Attack Cruisers (+1 FP)
    [] - 4x Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers (+2 FP)
    [] - 6x Broadside-class Cruisers
    [] - 6x Strike-class Medium Cruisers
    [] - 8x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 8x Gozanti-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 8x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers

    Force Escort 2 - Heavy Squadron 2 - Line 4 - Skirmish
    [] - 4x Lancer-class Frigates
    [] - 4x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    [] - 8x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 8x Gozanti-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 8x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 12x CR90-class Corvettes
    [] - 12x CR92a Assassin-class Corvettes
    [] - 12x Vigil-class Corvettes
    [] - 12x Raider-class Corvettes
    [] - 20x IPV-1-class Corvettes

    Force Escort 2 - Light Squadron 1 - Line 1 - Attack
    [] - 6x Lancer-class Frigates
    [] - 6x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    [] - 6x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 6x Gozanti-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 6x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 3x Victory I-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Victory II-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Vindicator-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Venator-class Attack Cruisers (+1 FP)
    [] - 3x Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers (+2 FP)
    [] - 3x Broadside-class Cruisers

    Force Escort 2 - Light Squadron 1 - Line 2 - Attack
    [] - 6x Lancer-class Frigates
    [] - 6x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    [] - 6x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 6x Gozanti-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 6x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 3x Victory I-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Victory II-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Vindicator-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Venator-class Attack Cruisers (+1 FP)
    [] - 3x Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers (+2 FP)
    [] - 3x Broadside-class Cruisers

    Force Escort 2 - Light Squadron 1 - Line 3 - Skirmish
    [] - 4x Lancer-class Frigates
    [] - 4x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    [] - 8x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 8x Gozanti-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 8x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 12x CR90-class Corvettes
    [] - 12x Vigil-class Corvettes
    [] - 12x Raider-class Corvettes
    [] - 20x IPV-1-class Corvettes

    Force Escort 2 - Light Squadron 1 - Line 4 - Recon
    [] - 4x IGV-55 Surveillance Vessels (4 FP)
    [] - 4x SCT Scout Craft
    [] - 2x MRX-BR Pacifier-class Scout Vessels
    [] - 2x Skywatcher-class Deep Space Scout Ships

    Force Escort 2 - Light Squadron 2 - Line 1 - Attack
    [] - 6x Lancer-class Frigates
    [] - 6x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    [] - 6x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 6x Gozanti-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 6x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 3x Victory I-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Victory II-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Vindicator-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Venator-class Attack Cruisers (+1 FP)
    [] - 3x Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers (+2 FP)
    [] - 3x Broadside-class Cruisers

    Force Escort 2 - Light Squadron 2 - Line 2 - Attack
    [] - 6x Lancer-class Frigates
    [] - 6x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    [] - 6x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 6x Gozanti-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 6x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 3x Victory I-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Victory II-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Vindicator-class Heavy Cruisers
    [] - 3x Venator-class Attack Cruisers (+1 FP)
    [] - 3x Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers (+2 FP)
    [] - 3x Broadside-class Cruisers

    Force Escort 2 - Light Squadron 2 - Line 3 - Skirmish
    [] - 4x Lancer-class Frigates
    [] - 4x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    [] - 8x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 8x Gozanti-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 8x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 12x CR90-class Corvettes
    [] - 12x CR92a Assassin-class Corvettes
    [] - 12x Vigil-class Corvettes
    [] - 12x Raider-class Corvettes
    [] - 20x IPV-1-class Corvettes

    Force Escort 2 - Light Squadron 2 - Line 4 - Recon
    [] - 4x IGV-55 Surveillance Vessels (4 FP)
    [] - 4x SCT Scout Craft
    [] - 2x MRX-BR Pacifier-class Scout Vessels
    [] - 2x Skywatcher-class Deep Space Scout Ships

    Force Technical Services - Technical Vessels
    [] - 8x Evakmar-class Transports
    [] - 8x Acclamator I-class Transports (+2 FP)

    Force Technical Services - Escorts
    [] - 8x Lancer-class Frigates
    [] - 8x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    [] - 8x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 8x Gozanti-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 8x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 8x Nebulon-B-class Frigates

    Force Technical Services - Escorts
    [] - 8x Lancer-class Frigates
    [] - 8x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    [] - 8x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 8x Gozanti-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 8x Carrack-class Light Cruisers
    [] - 8x Nebulon-B-class Frigates

    NAVY FAVORS (Available By Default)
    [] - Replace a Star Destroyers or Heavy Cruisers complement of TIE/LN Fighters with TIE/IN Interceptors (1 FP)
    [] - Replace one Squadron of TIE/LN Fighters with one squadron of TIE/ad Avengers on your flagship (5 FP)
    [] - Replace two Squadrons of TIE/LN Fighters with one squadron of TIE/D Defenders on your flagship (5 FP)
    [] - Add a Squadron of TIE/sr Scouts to your Fleet (1 FP)
    [] - Add a Squadron of GAT-12g Skipray Blastboats to your Fleet (2 FP)
    [] - Add an Immobilizer 418 Heavy Cruiser to your fleet (5 FP)
    [] - Add 8 Ton-Falk-class Escort Carriers to your Fleet (10 FP)
    [] - Add an Altor-class Replenishment Ship to your Fleet (15 FP)
    [] - Add a MedStar-class Medical Frigate to your Fleet (2 FP)

    IMPERIAL INTELLIGENCE FAVORS (Available with Imperial Intelligence connections or positive relations)
    [] - Add an Adjustments agent to your Flagship, you will not be aware of their identity (2 FP)
    [] - Add a DiploServ Advisor Group to your flagship (2 FP)
    [] - Add a Tech Analysis Group to your flagship (2 FP)
    [] - Add a Renik and an Infiltration Team to your flagship (10 FP)
    [] - Add a Destab Team to your Fleet (10 FP)
    [] - Add a SpecNav Force Squad to your flagship (5 FP)
    [] - Add a Squad of Death Troopers to your flagship (5 FP)

    IMPERIAL DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY RESEARCH FAVORS (Available with IDMR connections or positive relations)
    [] - Add a IDMR R&D Team to your flagship (2 FP)
    [] - Add 4 Phase I Dark Trooper Droids to your flagship (5 FP)
    [] - Add 2 Phase II Dark Trooper Exoskeleton/Droids to your flagship (5 FP)
    [] - Add 1 Phase III Dark Trooper Exoskeleton/Droid to your flagship (5 FP)

    STORMTROOPER CORPS FAVORS (Available with Stormtrooper Corps connections or positive relations)
    [] - Add a Squad of Phase Zero Dark Troopers to your flagship (5 FP)
    [] - Add a Squad of Zero-G Assault Stormtroopers to your flagship (2 FP)
    [] - Add a Team of four Storm Commandos with TIE/HU Hunters to your Fleet (5 FP)

    CSA FAVORS (Available with Corporate Sector Authority connections)
    [] - Add a Lucrehulk Battleship to your Fleet (20 FP)
    [] - Add 8x Marauder-class Corvettes to your Fleet (5 FP)
    [] - Add a Platoon of Espo Walker 91s to your flagship complement (1 FP)
    [] - Add a Platoon of Espo Walker 101s to your flagship complement (2 FP)
    Info - Fleet Assets

    Superiority Fleet - Fleet Command - Flagship

    Praetor II-class Star Battlecruiser (1 TIE/D squadron*, 4 TIE/LN squadron*, 2 TIE/sa squadrons*, 2 TIE/br squadrons*)

    Force Superiority 1 - Battle Squadron 1
    Secutor-class Star Destroyer (8 TIE/In squadrons*, 2 TIE/sa squadrons*, 2 TIE/br squadrons*)
    3x Victory II-class Heavy Cruisers (3x2 TIE/LN squadrons*)
    6x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    10x Vigil-class Corvettes

    Force Superiority 1 - Battle Squadron 2
    Imperial II-class Star Destroyer (4 TIE/LN squadrons*, 1 TIE/sa squadron*, 1 TIE/br squadron*)
    3x Victory II-class Heavy Cruisers (3x2 TIE/LN Squadrons*)
    6x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    10x Vigil-class Corvettes

    Force Superiority 1 - Battle Squadron 3
    Secutor-class Star Destroyer (8 TIE/In squadrons*, 2 TIE/sa squadrons*, 2 TIE/br squadrons*)
    3x Victory II-class Heavy Cruisers (3x2 TIE/LN squadrons*)
    6x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    10x Vigil-class Corvettes

    Force Superiority 2 - Battle Squadron 1
    Imperial II-class Star Destroyer (4 TIE/LN squadrons*, 1 TIE/sa squadron*, 1 TIE/br squadron*)
    3x Victory II-class Heavy Cruisers (3x2 TIE/LN squadrons*)
    6x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    10x Vigil-class Corvettes

    Force Superiority 2 - Battle Squadron 2
    Interdictor-class Star Destroyer (2 TIE/LN squadrons*)
    3x Victory II-class Heavy Cruisers (3x2 TIE/LN squadrons*)
    6x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    10x Vigil-class Corvettes

    Force Superiority 2 - Battle Squadron 3
    Imperial II-class Star Destroyer (4 TIE/LN squadrons*, 1 TIE/sa squadron*, 1 TIE/br squadron*)
    3x Victory II-class Heavy Cruisers (3x2 TIE/LN squadrons*)
    6x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    10x Vigil-class Corvettes

    Force Escort 1 - Heavy Squadron 1
    4x Victory II-class Heavy Cruisers (4x2 TIE/LN squadrons*)
    6x Strike-class Medium Cruisers (6x1 TIE/LN squadrons*, 6x0.5 TIE/sa squadron*)
    8x Carrack-class Light Cruisers (8x0.33 TIE/LN squadrons*)
    2x MRX-BR Pacifier-class Scout Vessels

    Force Escort 1 - Heavy Squadron 2
    4x Victory II-class Heavy Cruisers (4x24 TIE/LN*)
    8x Carrack-class Light Cruisers (8x0.33 TIE/LN squadrons*)
    6x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    2x MRX-BR Pacifier-class Scout Vessels

    Force Escort 1 - Light Squadron 1
    2x Skywatcher-class Deep Space Scout Ships
    2x MRX-BR Pacifier-class Scout Vessels
    10x Vigil-class Corvettes
    10x Vigil-class Corvettes

    Force Escort 1 - Light Squadron 2
    2x Skywatcher-class Deep Space Scout Ships
    2x MRX-BR Pacifier-class Scout Vessels
    20x IPV-1-class Corvettes
    10x Vigil-class Corvettes

    Force Escort 2 - Heavy Squadron 1
    8x Carrack-class Light Cruisers (8x0.33 TIE/LN squadrons*)
    6x Strike-class Medium Cruisers (6x1 TIE/LN squadrons*, 6x0.5 TIE/sa squadron*)
    6x Strike-class Medium Cruisers (6x1 TIE/LN squadrons*, 6x0.5 TIE/sa squadron*)
    12x CR92a Assassin-class Corvettes

    Force Escort 2 - Heavy Squadron 2
    8x Carrack-class Light Cruisers (8x0.33 TIE/LN squadrons*)
    6x Strike-class Medium Cruisers (6x1 TIE/LN squadrons*, 6x0.5 TIE/sa squadron*)
    6x Strike-class Medium Cruisers (6x1 TIE/LN squadrons*, 6x0.5 TIE/sa squadron*)
    4x Lancer-class Frigates

    Force Escort 2 - Light Squadron 1
    6x Lancer-class Frigates
    3x Broadside-class Cruisers
    12x CR92a Assassin-class Corvettes
    4x SCT Scout Craft

    Force Escort 2 - Light Squadron 2
    6x Carrack-class Light Cruisers (6x0.33 TIE/LN squadrons*)
    6x Lancer-class Frigates
    12x CR92a Assassin-class Corvettes
    4x SCT Scout Craft

    Force Technical Services 1 - Technical Vessels
    8x Evakmar-class Transports

    Force Technical Services 1 - Escorts
    8x Nebulon-B-class Frigates (2 TIE/LN squadrons*)
    8x Nebulon-B-class Frigates (2 TIE/LN squadrons*)

    Force Technical Services 2 - Technical Vessels (Support Fleet)
    8x Acclamator-class Transports

    Force Technical Services 2 - Escorts (Support Fleet)
    8x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers
    8x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers

    Force Support 1
    50x Field-Secured Container Vessels
    33x Imperial Cargo Ships
    19x Action VI Transports
    13x Gozanti Transports

    Force Support 2 (Support Fleet)
    46x Field-Secured Container Vessels
    29x Imperial Cargo Ships
    14x Action VI Transports
    15x Gozanti Transports

    Force Support 3 (Support Fleet)
    52x Field-Secured Container Vessels
    23x Imperial Cargo Ships
    13x Action VI Transports
    14x Gozanti Transports

    Unassigned Attached Ships by default escorting flagship unless assigned to other duties
    1x Tector-class Star Destroyer
    1x Victory II-class Heavy Cruiser (1x2 TIE/LN squadrons*)
    2x Lancer-class Frigates
    1x Squadron of TIE/sr Scout (1 TIE/sr squadron*)
    1x Squadron of GAT-12g Skipray Blastboats (1 GAT-12g squadron*)
    1x Immobilizer 418 Heavy Cruiser (2 TIE/LN squadrons*)
    1x Altor-class Replenishment Ship
    2x MedStar-class Medical Frigate
    1x Lucrehulk Battleship (80 IRD-A class squadrons*)
    8x Marauder-class Corvettes (8x1 IRD-A class squadrons*)

    *Not Imperial Navy assets, belongs to the Imperial Starfighter Corps
    Last edited:
    Info - Total Fleet Asset Inventory
  • Mostly for ease of access if you wish to reorganize your fleet completely. I don't think I've botched my numbers, but if you spot anything wonky, feel free to tell me.


    1x Praetor II-class Star Battlecruiser (1 TIE/D squadron*, 4 TIE/LN squadron*, 2 TIE/sa squadrons*, 2 TIE/br squadrons*)

    2x Secutor-class Star Destroyer (2x8 TIE/In squadrons*, 2x2 TIE/sa squadrons*, 2x2 TIE/br squadrons*)
    3x Imperial II-class Star Destroyer (3x4 TIE/LN squadrons*, 3x1 TIE/sa squadrons*, 3x1 TIE/br squadrons*)
    1x Interdictor-class Star Destroyer (2x1 TIE/LN squadrons*)
    1x Tector-class Star Destroyer

    1x Lucrehulk Battleship (1x80 IRD-A class squadrons*)

    16x Victory-I-class Heavy Cruisers (16x2 TIE/LN Squadrons*)
    35x Victory-II-class Heavy Cruisers (35x2 TIE/LN squadrons*)
    1x Immobilizer 418 Heavy Cruiser (1x2 TIE/LN squadrons*)
    1x Venator-class Attack Cruiser (32 TIE/In Squadrons*, 3 TIE/D Squadrons*)

    30x Strike-class Medium Cruisers (30x1 TIE/LN squadrons*, 30x0.5 TIE/sa squadrons*)
    42x Tartan-class Patrol Cruisers
    46x Carrack-class Light Cruisers (46x0.33 TIE/LN squadrons*)
    2x Quasar Fire II-class Cruiser-Carriers (2x4 TIE/In Squadrons*)
    8x Ton-Falk-class Escort Carriers (8x3 TIE/LN Squadrons*, 8x1 TIE/In Squadrons*, 8x1 TIE/sa Squadrons*)
    3x Broadside-class Cruisers
    16x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers

    32x Nebulon-B-class Frigates
    34x Lancer-class Frigates
    8x Marauder-class Corvettes (8x1 IRD-A class squadrons*)
    36x CR92a Assassin-class Corvettes
    12x Raider-class Corvettes
    102x Vigil-class Corvettes
    60x IPV-1-class Corvettes

    8x MRX-BR Pacifier-class Scout Vessels
    4x IGV-55 Surveillance Vessels
    10x Skywatcher-class Deep Space Scout Ships
    8x SCT Scout Craft
    1x TIE/sr Squadron*

    24x Evakmar-class Transports
    8x Acclamator-class Transports
    2x Altor-class Replenishment Ship
    2x MedStar-class Medical Frigates
    199x Field-Secured Container Vessels
    104x Imperial Cargo Ships
    59x Action VI Transports
    59x Gozanti Transports

    1x Squadron of GAT-12g Skipray Blastboats*

    1x Harbor-class Mobile Space Dock
    4x Novator-class Mobile Dockyards

    *Not Imperial Navy assets, belongs to the Imperial Starfighter Corps
    Last edited:
    Vote - Colony Resources & Arrival System
  • These resources will make more sense after the first story post, as they are not something a superiority fleet would be dealing with. But as I've said, I've had to make allowances in how the story goes to get the premise to work better.
    The reason this doesn't use favour points is because favour points are your resources for your fleet, the control I give players over this vote is purely for "player agency over the story" reasons. The same can be said for the arrival system part of the vote, since while I could roll all results by chance, giving you a say in how your faction will be shaped by their circumstance other than their origin and military assets.

    I'll probably close this vote quicker than the last one, since that one was massive, this is a lot less to work through. So I'll check in on the thread now and then and give you a time when I close the vote at that time instead of now.

    EDIT: Also, this is the last vote before story begins, finally we can start to see how the choices made has shaped the story.

    Force Technical Services (Towing the stations)
    8x Evakmar-class Transports
    16x Gozanti-class Light Cruisers
    1x Lucrehulk-class LH3210 Cargo Freighter
    --10Mx Imperial civilian colonists from the core worlds, frozen in carbonite
    --1000x Bathas, frozen in carbonite
    --1000x Nerfs, frozen in carbonite
    --1000x Gornts, frozen in carbonite
    --1000x Nunas, frozen in carbonite
    --100x Kath Hounds, frozen in carbonite
    --4x Civil-Industrial I-C2 Droids
    --Rest of the cargo space is taken up by raw materials for construction
    1x Lormar-class Refinery Station
    1x Haven-class Medical Facility

    100 Requisition Points

    Extra Vessels
    [] - Add an Imperial Planetary Occupation Facility (25 RP, once only)
    [] - Add 24 IPV-1 Patrol Vessels (20 RP, up to two times)

    Extra Equipment carried by Field Secured Container Vessel
    [] - Add a disassembled Lormar-class Refinery Station (10 RP, once only)
    [] - Add a disassembled X7 Deep Space Manufacturing Facility (20 RP, up to six times)
    [] - Add a disassembled Haven-class Medical Facility (10 RP, once only)
    [] - Add a disassembled Cardan-class Space Station (once only)
    --[] Cardan I-class Space Station (20 RP)
    --[] Cardan II-class Space Station (30 RP)
    --[] Cardan III-class Space Station (40 RP)
    --[] Cardan IV-class Space Station (50 RP)
    --[] Cardan V-class Space Station (60 RP)
    [] - Add a disassembled Golan-class Defense Station (once only)
    --[] Golan I-class (10 RP)
    --[] Golan II-class (20 RP)
    --[] Golan III-class (40 RP)
    [] - Add 4 Ld-12 Laser Defense Satellite Platforms (2 RP)
    [] - Add 4 Md-12 Missile Defense Satellite Platforms (2 RP)
    [] - Add 4 Pd-12 Plasma Defense Satellite Platforms (4 RP)
    [] - Add 4 Civil-Industrial I-C2 Droids (5 RP, once only)
    [] - Add 4 Mining Guild Ore Crawlers (5RP, up to five times)

    Select guaranteed features, the rest I will randomize. Note that you can still colonize a planet without standard gravity and a breathable atmosphere, some things will just be much more difficult on that planet.
    Guaranteed Features
    [] 1p - Single Yellow star
    [] 1p - Rocky planet in the habitable zone
    --[] +1p - Standard gravity
    --[] +1p - Breathable atmosphere
    --[] +1p - Native flora
    --[] +1p - Native fauna
    --[] +1p - Uninhabited
    [] 2p - Gas giant present
    --[] +3p - Tibanna gas present
    [] 1p - Mineral rich asteroid belt
    --[] +1p - Large fuel deposit
    --[] +1p - Carbonite ore deposit
    --[] +2p - Phrikite ore deposit
    --[] +3p - Cortosis ore deposit
    --[] +5p - Stygium crystal deposit
    Story, Vote - 23:3 AFE, Unknown Location
  • 23:3 AFE, Unknown Location

    You are Imperial Fleet Admiral Kan Styndath, and you have a brewing headache. You had just gotten told the fleets were ready to leave hyperspace to regroup, and was on your way to the bridge when everything went wrong.

    Your mission had been to support Death Squadron with mopping up the last of the separatist remnants, finally gathered in a trap above the forest moon of Endor. Your superiority fleet, a support fleet under Fleet Admiral Daval Ecker, as well as a deepdock fleet under the command of Fleet Admiral Rego Delste had traveled as a joint fleet. You were to provide security for the deepdock and supply fleets as they repaired Lord Vaders fleet, and as such, Admiral Piett would have had overall command, being in command of Death Squadron. That was probably the only good thing to come out of this, you had met Piett, and the man, while competent, was still more adept at shifting blame than avoiding blame to be shifted in the first place.

    The change in plans had happened as you were getting ready to leave hyperspace at the edge of the Endor system, to await word from the Executor that you could move in, when a massive hyperspace anomaly affected the entire combined fleet. You have gotten no clear answers as to where you are, nor what has happened, or what could have caused such an anomaly.

    A blessing in disguise had been the impromptu addition to your fleet, a colonial venture set up by the Moff, attached to you at the last second to travel alongside you before splitting of for the last leg of the journey. While you personally opposed the use of your fleet as some sort of escort detail for civilian purposes, when a Moff gives you the task there is no room to decline. As it stands, you might have to put those colonists to use, should the situation so demand it.

    Which leads you to where you found yourself at the present, in your office again, and why you're getting a headache. As you continue to mull over your predicament you call for an aide to bring you a cup of caf to help you think. You have no idea where you are while having access to the best starcharts in the galaxy, so it's best to assume you're cut of from the Empire. You have dwindling supplies, and the only places that you are guaranteed to find them means negotiating with people of at least formally peer rank, or risk combat within the combined fleet, with all the problems that entail. You also lack the formal authority to utilize the colonial assets, so something will have to be thought up on that front once you've gotten a handle on the situation.

    That you have to take overall command is obvious, as both Ecker and Delste lacks your long experience. Ecker would be a massive problem to handle in the Empire proper, due to his connections and political acumen, but now all he really has is the ability to hold supplies hostage. Delste is a trickier opponent, being in control of the deepdocks so desperately needed to maintain a full fleet. But you have the experience needed, you have worked without functioning supply lines before, when squabbling sheltered senators and ancient regulations made life difficult on the front during the clone wars. You have experience as a mere captain landing troops on Kashyyk and defending your grounded ship against the crushing numbers of the separatist droid armies. You have experienced the betrayal of the Jedi, and the transition from the bloated and corrupt form of the Republic into the focused and decisive Empire. If anyone has the means to survive and regroup so that you can in time reestablish communications with Imperial High Command, it is you.

    The system the fleet has arrived in seems promising for a foothold regardless of where in the galaxy you are. It contains eight planets, two of which show signs of life but only one habitable, and two of which are gas giants. Apart from that it also contains two large asteroid belts and an asteroid cluster that appear to be very mineral rich according to preliminary long-range scans. The news which elicit mixed reactions are the last asteroid cluster, one that shows signs of artificial structures, worrying since both asteroid clusters show all the signs of being the remains of planets.

    But now your caf had arrived, and it was time to decide on a course of action.


    Assign a subordinate to an action, this will use the subordinates skill and relations instead of yours.

    Admiral Cric Horne - Commander Force Superiority 1
    Background: Young Coruscanti, Imperial Academy Anaxes
    Best Skills: Administration & Logistics 18, Leadership & Command 13, Naval Strategy & Tactics 15
    Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR 2, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 1, Stormtrooper Corps 2, Imperial Army 1

    Admiral Varlo Korray - Commander Force Superiority 2
    : Middle Aged Corellian, Imperial Academy Corulag
    Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 13, Intelligence & Subterfuge 14, Piloting & Gunnery 16
    Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR -1, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 2, Stormtrooper Corps 1, Imperial Army 1

    High Colonel Garo Terrend - Commander Flagship Stormtrooper Complement
    Background: Middle Aged Procopian, Imperial Academy Carida
    Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 14, Ground Strategy & Tactics 15, Field Survival & Navigation 13
    Relations: Stormtrooper Corps +2, COMPNOR +1, Imperial Intelligence +1, Imperial Special Forces +1, Imperial Navy +1

    Assign to an action to gain the bonus, passive bonuses are not granted when advisors are assignes to other tasks, but are otherwise always active. All bonuses are cumulative.

    Imperial Department of Military Research Research & Development Team (+5 Bonus to Research Actions)
    Imperial Intelligence DiploServ Advisor Group (+5 Bonus to Political Actions)
    Imperial Intelligence Tech Analysis Group (+10 Bonus to Reverse Engineering Actions)
    Imperial Intelligence Renik Team (+10 Bonus to Defense vs. Intelligence Actions passive)
    Imperial Intelligence Infiltration Team (+10 Bonus to Infiltration Actions)
    Imperial Intelligence Destab Team (+10 Bonus to Sabotage & Assassination Actions)
    SpecNav Force Squad (+5 Bonus to Defense vs. Assassination passive, +5 Bonus to Sabotage Actions)
    Death Trooper Squad (+5 Bonus to Defense vs. Assassination passive, +5 Bonus to Sabotage Actions)


    [] - Undermine: [Select Character or Organisation], spreads uncertainty about the loyalty or purpose of a rival.
    Challenging Opposed Roll

    [] - Build Trust: [Select Character or Organisation], builds a rapport with a character or group, binding them to you through trust and loyalty. (can only improve Relation & Reputation with a group twice through this)
    Challenging Roll

    [] - Build Legitimact: Devotes work towards finding legal justification for you taking command over all Imperial forces present.
    Challenging Roll Failure may hurt Legitimacy, Success may give access to Subordninates.

    [] - Consolidate Power: [Select Fleet, may select both as one action, but failing one check means the entire action fails], attempts a takeover of the targeted fleet, through diplomatic means, though you can add any number of underhanded reinforcements to your attempt. (Difficult, but if successfull leaves you with another fleet admiral available)
    Difficult Opposed Roll Failure may hurt Legitimacy

    None Available

    None Available


    [] - Explore Local System: The local system in which we have been deposited seems like a useful location to The Empire, regardless of how we got here. We should survey and catalog it in its entirety so we can put its resources best to use in our service.
    Assign each feature a number with the lowest number being highest priority.
    --[]Planetary Remnant Asteroid Cluster 0/1 Degrees of Success
    --[]Small Rocky Planet 0/2 Degrees of Success
    --[]Large Rocky Planet 0/2 Degrees of Success
    --[]Moderate Rocky Planet - Signs of Life, Probably Habitable 0/3 Degrees of Success
    --[]Planetary Remnant Asteroid Cluster - Signs of Artificial Structures 0/2 Degrees of Success
    --[]Moderate Rocky Planet 0/2 Degrees of Success
    --[]Dust Cloud 0/1 Degrees of Success
    --[]Large Rocky Planet - Signs of Life 0/3 Degrees of Success
    --[]Small Rocky Planet 0/2 Degrees of Success
    --[]Asteroid Belt 0/1 Degrees of Success
    --[]Stable Comet Swarm 0/1 Degrees of Success
    --[]Gas Dwarf 0/2 Degrees of Success
    --[]Asteroid Belt 0/1 Degrees of Success
    --[]Massive Gas Giant 0/2 Degrees of Success

    [] - Determine Location and Date: We have been the victims of a massive hyperspace anomaly, and have exited hyperspace far beyond any charted area. It is not unheard of for people to be displaced not just location-wise but also in time when subject to similar accidents in the past. We need to determine were and when we are, so we have a better understanding of how to get back in contact with The Empire.
    0/4 Degrees of Success


    [] - Build a Dossier on [Select Character or Organisation], once complete, will grant bonuses to further actions involving them.
    0/5 Degrees of Success

    [] - Infiltrate Organisation: [Select Organisation]
    0/10 Degrees of Success

    [] - Assassinate: [Select Character] (can be used to fake an attempt on yourself, if for some reason, that would be favorable)
    Challenging Opposed Roll

    [] - Sabotage: [Select what to sabotage] (can be used on your own assets, if you for some reason want to conveniently be the target of sabotage)
    Challenging Opposed Roll

    [] - Suborn the Fleets: [Select Fleet, may select both as one action, but failing one check means the entire action fails] In light of our situation, there needs to be a unified command, and the other Fleet Admirals are both ambitious and powerful individuals, otherwise you don't get command of a fleet. Their commands need to be subverted to my side, if that proves itself impossible, assassinating the admirals is the only viable way of preventing a dangerous power struggle in the future.
    Difficult Opposed Roll Failure may hurt Legitimacy


    [] - Set Up Patrol [Select system or Hyperspace Route] (Will repeat until canceled, assigned ships are unavailable for other purposes), secures an area for Imperial use.
    Ordinary Roll

    [] - Assume Command: [Select Fleet, may select both as one action, but failing one check means the entire action fails] Being the Fleet Admiral of a Superiority Fleet, you are clearly the senior, and more trusted by the Admiralty and by extension, the Emperor. On this foundation, you will order the other Fleet Admirals to officially subordinate themselves to you. (If successful, grants control of another fleet, but failure may mean naval combat between Imperial Forces, jeopardizing supplies and assets)
    Difficult Opposed Roll Failure may hurt Legitimacy

    None Available

    A/N: No dialogue or character interactions in this post, but I don't think it was needed either. Still not perfectly happy with it, but I want to post something, and this at least give some insight into the situation and moves the quest along.
    Last edited:
    Story, Result - A Time For Words Or A Time For Action
  • A Time For Words Or A Time For Action

    Build Legitimacy: Personal Action, DiploServ Group
    Success 2DoS.

    Build Trust: Stormtrooper Corps: Garo Terrend
    Success 1DoS.

    Build Dossier [Fleet Admiral Daval Ecker]: Varlo Korray
    Success 3DoS, Synergy +2 DoS.

    Explore Local System: Cric Horne + IDMR R&D Team
    Success 4DoS
    -[1]Moderate Rocky Planet - Signs of Life, Probably Habitable
    3/3 DoS
    -[2]Large Rocky Planet - Signs of Life
    1/3 DoS
    -[3]Planetary Remnant Asteroid Cluster - Signs of Artificial Structures
    0/2 DoS
    -[4]Planetary Remnant Asteroid Cluster
    0/1 DoS
    -[5]Massive Gas Giant
    0/2 DoS

    You spend much of the week working alongside your advisors and a few of your flagship staff finding arguments in favour of you taking overall command of all fleets. During the work an advisor raised the idea of using the field promotion procedures already present in the Imperial Navy, in order to grant you the rank of Sector Admiral. There is also a very rarely used ability available to name someone, in this case you, Acting Moff. The problem is that nobody present has the right to utilize the second law, as Sector Admiral you could, by virtue of having nobody present telling you no, but getting the other Fleet Admirals to accept that is going to be an uphill battle.

    On the advise of your DiploServ group you haven't been very involved in the minutiae of the work, rather you have made sure to be seen commanding and keeping your fleet together, projecting the image of an officer in charge, ready to handle the situation. Your popularity in the fleet is high, and if reports are to be trusted, many in Admiral Eckers fleet consider him to have bungled his job of keeping cohesion and have started mentioning you as a better example.

    As a further consequence, Major General Typho Avik of the Imperial Army, also a veteran of the Clone Wars has openly spoken out in support of you. He has also stated that his troops, a full Line Corps of the Imperial Army, are at your disposal.
    His troops were intended to garrison the internment camps planned to be raised for any rebel survivors after the battle at Endor, but are now available for your use.

    Fleet Admiral Rego Delste has mostly worked on reinforcing his position as the legitimate commander of the Deepdock Fleet, more focused on his own independence and retaining his command than expanding his reach.

    Fleet Admiral Daval Ecker immediately tried to play politics and get your and Admiral Delstes fleet subordinated to his. Even his own officers balked at such a naked power play, that while politically adept, was ill timed. He was rarely seen and spent a lot of time in his office, and when he appeared again it was to make a political move. He has lost a lot of trust, especially from the Stormtroopers Corps and Imperial Army.

    High Colonel Terrend reports that the Stormtrooper Corps at large are inclined to believe your loyalty to the Empire and the Emperor, as well as trusting the competence you have shown in keeping order in your fleet. As such, they support you more than before.

    Admiral Korray reports that work on the dossier on Admiral Ecker was completed long before it was anticipated, prompted by how his reactions to the first week was ill receieved even by his own officers. There has been no difficulty on getting information on both his habits, copies of his orders for the last few months, and reports on his relations to other officers on his ship.

    Admiral Horne has good news, the planet we had tagged as possible habitable and a probable settlement site is fully explored. It has a breathable atmosphere, standard gravity, a temperate climate, primitive native flora, but no native fauna above the microscopic scale. Exploration has been started on the second planet tagged as a priority, but there was no time to include any results in this weeks report.

    Turn 1 Effects:
    Legitimacy (Kan Styndath) +2 (Total 3)
    Legitimacy (Rego Delste) +1 (Total 2)
    Legitimacy (Daval Ecker) -4, Lost Relations with 2 Factions (Total -3)
    Subordinate Available General Typho Avik
    Stormtrooper Corps Relations +1
    Dossier (Daval Ecker) Completed
    One system feature fully explored

    Positive Value: +5 Bonus to Politics per Point when attempting a political takeover of a fleet, or defending against the same.
    Negative Value: -5 Penalty to Politics per Point when attempting a political takeover of a fleet, or defending against the same.
    Story, Vote - Growing Influence
  • At the end of the first week you take the time to personally meet with Major General Avik, inviting him aboard your flagship. The general looks about your age, though clearly more weathered and scarred. He is a model of military formality until you both have entered your office and the door has closed, where he addresses you; "Fleet Admiral, It's a pleasure to see a fellow veteran making sure that politicians don't ruin everything for us military men this time around, that man would have been a senator had he been thirty years younger, the kid has more sense, but lacks the experience needed, and neither of them has seen true war." After that blunt dismissal of both of your rivals he states that he is available to you should you need an experienced ground commander. You chat a bit more, but nothing of great import comes up, and there are no more outbursts from the general either.

    Some unrest has begun to simmer throughout the fleet as a result of the overall situation, but nothing serious so far, stormtroopers and COMPNOR officers are keeping an eye on things however.

    After the weekly report, you have the chance to reassign your subordinates or assign new actions to ones that have completed their tasks.



    Assign a subordinate to an action, this will use the subordinates skill and relations instead of yours.

    Admiral Cric Horne - Commander Force Superiority 1
    : Young Coruscanti, Imperial Academy Anaxes
    Best Skills: Administration & Logistics 18, Leadership & Command 13, Naval Strategy & Tactics 15
    Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR 2, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 1, Stormtrooper Corps 2, Imperial Army 1

    Admiral Varlo Korray - Commander Force Superiority 2
    : Middle Aged Corellian, Imperial Academy Corulag
    Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 13, Intelligence & Subterfuge 14, Piloting & Gunnery 16
    Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR -1, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 2, Stormtrooper Corps 1, Imperial Army 1

    High Colonel Garo Terrend - Commander Flagship Stormtrooper Complement
    : Middle Aged Procopian, Imperial Academy Carida
    Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 14, Ground Strategy & Tactics 15, Field Survival & Navigation 13
    Relations: Stormtrooper Corps +2, COMPNOR +1, Imperial Intelligence +1, Imperial Special Forces +1, Imperial Navy +1

    Major General Typho Avik - Commander Imperial Army Line Corps
    Background: Old Eriaduan, Imperial Academy Carida
    Best Skills: Ground Strategy & Tactics 15, Personal Combat & Fitness 11, Leadership & Command 10
    Relations: Imperial Army +1, Imperial Intelligence +1, Imperial Special Forces +1, Stormtrooper Corps +1

    Assign to an action to gain the bonus, passive bonuses are not granted when advisors are assignes to other tasks, but are otherwise always active. All bonuses are cumulative.

    Imperial Department of Military Research Research & Development Team (+5 Bonus to Research Actions)
    Imperial Intelligence DiploServ Advisor Group (+5 Bonus to Political Actions)
    Imperial Intelligence Tech Analysis Group (+10 Bonus to Reverse Engineering Actions)
    Imperial Intelligence Renik Team (+10 Bonus to Defense vs. Intelligence Actions passive)
    Imperial Intelligence Infiltration Team (+10 Bonus to Infiltration Actions)
    Imperial Intelligence Destab Team (+10 Bonus to Sabotage & Assassination Actions)
    SpecNav Force Squad (+5 Bonus to Defense vs. Assassination passive, +5 Bonus to Sabotage Actions)
    Death Trooper Squad (+5 Bonus to Defense vs. Assassination passive, +5 Bonus to Sabotage Actions)

    Infiltration and dossier bonuses are always active. All bonuses are cumulative.

    Dossier: Fleet Admiral Daval Ecker (+10 to all Actions targeting Admiral Ecker)


    [] - Undermine: [Select Character or Organisation], spreads uncertainty about the loyalty or purpose of a rival.
    Challenging Opposed Roll

    [] - Build Trust: [Select Character or Organisation], builds a rapport with a character or group, binding them to you through trust and loyalty. (can only improve Relation & Reputation with a group twice through this)
    Challenging Roll

    [] - Build Legitimacy: Devotes work towards finding legal justification for you taking command over all Imperial forces present.
    Challenging Roll Failure may hurt Legitimacy, Success may give access to Subordinates.

    [] - Consolidate Power: [Select Fleet, may select both as one action, but failing one check means the entire action fails], attempts a takeover of the targeted fleet, through diplomatic means, though you can add any number of underhanded reinforcements to your attempt. (Difficult, but if successful leaves you with another fleet admiral available)
    Difficult Opposed Roll Failure may hurt Legitimacy

    None Available

    None Available


    [] - Explore Local System: The local system in which we have been deposited seems like a useful location to The Empire, regardless of how we got here. We should survey and catalog it in its entirety so we can put its resources best to use in our service.
    Assign each feature a number with the lowest number being highest priority.
    --[]Planetary Remnant Asteroid Cluster 0/1 Degrees of Success
    --[]Small Rocky Planet 0/2 Degrees of Success
    --[]Large Rocky Planet 0/2 Degrees of Success
    --[]Planetary Remnant Asteroid Cluster - Signs of Artificial Structures 0/2 Degrees of Success
    --[]Moderate Rocky Planet 0/2 Degrees of Success
    --[]Dust Cloud 0/1 Degrees of Success
    --[]Large Rocky Planet - Signs of Life 1/3 Degrees of Success
    --[]Small Rocky Planet 0/2 Degrees of Success
    --[]Asteroid Belt 0/1 Degrees of Success
    --[]Stable Comet Swarm 0/1 Degrees of Success
    --[]Gas Dwarf 0/2 Degrees of Success
    --[]Asteroid Belt 0/1 Degrees of Success
    --[]Massive Gas Giant 0/2 Degrees of Success

    [] - Determine Location and Date: We have been the victims of a massive hyperspace anomaly, and have exited hyperspace far beyond any charted area. It is not unheard of for people to be displaced not just location-wise but also in time when subject to similar accidents in the past. We need to determine were and when we are, so we have a better understanding of how to get back in contact with The Empire.
    0/4 Degrees of Success


    [] - Build a Dossier on [Select Character or Organisation]: Once complete, will grant bonuses to further actions involving them.
    0/5 Degrees of Success

    [] - Infiltrate Organisation [Select Organisation]: Places loyal people around an organisation, ready to supply information or assist operations.
    0/10 Degrees of Success

    [] - Assassinate [Select Character]: Attempts a covert killing of a specific character. (can be used to fake an attempt on yourself, if for some reason, that would be favorable)
    Challenging Opposed Roll

    [] - Sabotage [Select what to sabotage]: Attempts to engineer problems for or outright destroy a specific asset. (can be used on your own assets, if you for some reason want to conveniently be the target of sabotage)
    Challenging Opposed Roll

    [] - Suborn the Fleets: [Select Fleet, may select both as one action, but failing one check means the entire action fails] In light of our situation, there needs to be a unified command, and the other Fleet Admirals are both ambitious and powerful individuals, otherwise you don't get command of a fleet. Their commands need to be subverted to my side, if that proves itself impossible, assassinating the admirals is the only viable way of preventing a dangerous power struggle in the future.
    Difficult Opposed Roll Failure may hurt Legitimacy


    [] - Set Up Patrol [Select system or Hyperspace Route] (Will repeat until canceled, assigned ships are unavailable for other purposes), secures an area for Imperial use.
    Ordinary Roll

    [] - Assume Command: [Select Fleet, may select both as one action, but failing one check means the entire action fails] Being the Fleet Admiral of a Superiority Fleet, you are clearly the senior, and more trusted by the Admiralty and by extension, the Emperor. On this foundation, you will order the other Fleet Admirals to officially subordinate themselves to you. (If successful, grants control of another fleet, but failure may mean naval combat between Imperial Forces, jeopardizing supplies and assets)
    Difficult Opposed Roll Failure may hurt Legitimacy


    [] - Garrison: Deploy a IM-455 Modular Garrison to the probable settlement site.

    A/N: This vote will be up until the 22-04-18, calling it at 20:00 UTC+1 as usual. I want to keep the tempo up for updates, but I also want to guarantee that people have the time to see it, think about it, and then make plans and vote. That's probably the most difficult balancing act for me, as I have a lot of free time.
    Story, Result - Coalescing Unity
  • Coalescing Unity

    Consolidate Power: Support Fleet: Personal Action, DiploServ Group
    Opposed Roll Kan Styndath: Success 2DoS
    Opposed Daval Ecker: Failure 5 DoF

    Build Trust: Imperial Navy: Admiral Cric Horne
    Failure 1DoF (Bare Failure)

    Build Dossier: Rego Delste: Admiral Korray
    Success 2DoS
    2/5 DoS

    Garrison: Deploy IM-455 Modular Garrison: Major General Avik
    Success 2DoS

    Explore Local System: High Colonel Terrend, IDMR R&D Team
    Failure 1DoF (Bare Failure) +2 Bonus Successes from Fleet Consolidation
    Large Rocky Planet - Signs of Life
    2/3 DoS
    Planetary Remnant Asteroid Cluster - Signs of Artificial Structures
    0/2 DoS
    Planetary Remnant Asteroid Cluster
    0/1 DoS
    Massive Gas Giant
    0/2 DoS
    Inner Asteroid Belt
    1/1 DoS
    Outer Asteroid Belt
    1/1 DoS

    The week starts in chaos, as the increased communications caused by Admiral Horne's attempts at building a rapport with the navy at large prompts Fleet Admiral Ecker to panic. He had attempted to take a shuttle along with a few of his personally loyal officers and crew, but was stopped by his own hangar crew, and handed over to his flagships stormtrooper complement, along with about two dozen others, suspected of treason. You had already completed extensive preparations to get rid of him, but his rashness did much of the heavy lifting for you. You found yourself en route to his flagship, the Tector-class Star Destroyer Savager, contemplating how you would hande the specifics of the situation.
    [] - Execute Ecker: He is a traitor to the Empire, and the only proper way to handle traitors is a swift death, and be done with the entire situation.
    [] - Enslave Ecker: He is a traitor, and deserve to die, but there is no reason to kill him through violence, when deprivation and starvation will do the job for you as he is put to toil in service to those he would betray.
    [] - Imprison Ecker for future Re-Education: While treason normally results in death, his actions are clearly the result of a nervous breakdown, triggered by the extreme situation we find ourselves in. While he will never command again, he can be turned over to the ISB and in the future become a loyal and productive citizen again.
    [] - Imprison Ecker Indefinately: Not Available
    [] - Pardon and retain Ecker as a Subordinate: Not Available

    And his accomplices (a total of 26 other officers and crewmen) will face
    [] - Execution: Aiding a traitor is treason. Death is the only answer.
    [] - Enslavement: Although treason must be punished with death, there is nothing that says the corpse must be immediately produced.
    [] - Imprisonment awaiting Re-Education: Aiding a traitor is treason, but Ecker was for a long time an officer of the Empire, and you have a hard time faulting someone for loyalty and trust in their superiors. Showing leniency to those officers, by handing them to the ISB for re-education, and a future return to service in a demoted post is a better path to sheperd your resources.

    With the fate of your rival and his cohorts determined, the future of his fleet is next on the list of things you should probably have a plan for when your shuttle arrives.
    [] - Promote and assign a new Fleet Admiral
    --[] Systems Admiral Cric Horne (Superiority Fleet, Force Superiority 1)
    --[] Systems Admiral Varlo Korray (Superiority Fleet, Force Superiority 2)
    --[] Systems Admiral Jan Kothari (Superiority Fleet, Force Escort 1)
    --[] Systems Admiral Salth Hir (Superiority Fleet, Force Escort 2)
    --[] Systems Admiral Adan Coth (Support Fleet, Force Technical Services)
    --[] Systems Admiral Jerrel Kore (Support Fleet, Force Support 1)
    --[] Systems Admiral Lucio Delste-Tagge (Support Fleet, Force Support 2)
    The simplest option, and unquestionably legally the most sound option to retain legitimacy. While this will elevate someone to supposedly equal rank to you or Delste, they will lack the backing to gain the sort of legitimacy you both have towards gaining overall command of all three fleets. In reality they will be your subordinate. (gain Subordinate Fleet Admiral)

    [] - Disband and integrate into your own command
    While the vast majority of the support fleet are bulk transports, you could integrate it under your own command, essentially growing your superiority fleet to an immense behemoth with integrated supply. This is not necessarily a legally clear cut option, but it is available, and you could handle the backlash without unduly compromising your position. (-2 Legitimacy, Gain 2 Subordinate Systems Admirals)

    [] - Disband and distribute evenly between your own and Delste's commands
    Distributing the supply fleet between yourself and Delste would be equally questionable as integrating it yourself, but since you will be seen trusting your legal peer it won't be as damaging to your reputation. (-1 Legitimacy, Gain 1 Subordinate Systems Admiral)

    [] - Disband and mothball.
    Clearly the inferior option, but it bypasses all the hassle involved in every other option, while retaining the fleet for future use should it be required.
    (Lose access to the fleet unless it is reactivated, crew must be reallocated or provided basing)

    With the chaos surrounding the arrest of Ecker, there is little time for Admiral Horne to build ties and create trust among the greater navy community. As such he reports no appreciable gains, but on the other hand, nothing has really gone wrong either.
    Conversely Admiral Korray reports that efforts to build a dossier on Fleet Admiral Delste is ongoing, and proceeding apace. The windfall of information we experienced last week when the intelligence work targeted Ecker was nothing we could hope for in this case. But the work continues and progress is being made.

    The work on deploying a garrison is very quickly completed, with Major General Avik taking a personal hand in the work, landing with the first survey crew. At the end of the week he reports via holocall that the garrison is deployed, and that the location was selected for future replacement with a permanent base. It is on a outcrop from a mounting, overlooking a good location for a spaceport on one side of the cliffs, and a good location for a moff palace on the other side. We now have a foothold on a planet in this system, an important step forward for future stability, but it also raises the question, what will we name this system, and the planets in it.
    [name] Star
    [name] Small Rocky Planet
    [name] Large Rocky Planet
    [name] Moderate Rocky Planet - Garrisoned
    [name] Moderate Rocky Planet
    [name] Large Rocky Planet
    [name] Small Rocky Planet
    [name] Massive Gas Giant

    High Colonel Terrend regretfully reports that there has been little success with scouting the system, as the logistical situation was complicated the entire week from the complications with the support fleet. Although Ecker's fleet had apparently scouted both asteroid belts already, and the information from those surveys have been added to your own database.
    They show that both asteroid belts have extensive mineral resources, and several larger asteroids have deposits of elements that can easily be refined into fuel. The inner asteroid belt also hosts a sizable carbonite ore deposit, a promising find for the future of your endeavours.

    Fleet Admiral Delste has been busy administrating his fleet, and has made no further moves to entrench his position or build a political foundation. Your intelligence people tell you this is probably due to being extremely busy with a large scale logistics issue in his fleet that weren't discovered before now.

    Coordinating the arrest and presenting you the evidence on Ecker as you arrive is an ISB Investigations Agent, who also privately confides to you later that he believes it would be for the best if there is a unified command, and unified vision guiding the fleet in the Emperors name. His name is Ronar Senk, and he is available for tasking should you need him.

    Turn 2 Effects
    Legitimacy (Kan Styndath) +2 (Total 5)
    Legitimacy (Rego Delste) +0 (Total 1)
    Legitimacy (Daval Ecker) Irrelevant (Total -3)
    Fleet Admiral Daval Ecker arrested.
    Support Fleet consolidated.
    Garrison Deployed.
    Support Fleet survey data incorporated, both Asteroid Belts explored.
    Subordinate Available: Investigations Agent Ronar Senk (ISB)


    Systems Admiral Cric Horne (Superiority Fleet)
    Young Coruscanti, Imperial Academy Anaxes, Force Superiority 1 Commander
    Best Skills: Administration & Logistics 18, Leadership & Command 13, Naval Strategy & Tactics 15
    Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR 2, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 1, Stormtrooper Corps 2, Imperial Army 1

    Systems Admiral Varlo Korray (Superiority Fleet)
    Middle Aged Corellian, Imperial Academy Corulag, Force Superiority 2 Commander
    Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 13, Intelligence & Subterfuge 14, Piloting & Gunnery 16
    Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR -1, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 2, Stormtrooper Corps 1, Imperial Army 1

    Systems Admiral Jan Kothari (Superiority Fleet)
    Middle Aged Coruscanti, Imperial Academy Prefsbelt, Force Escort 1 Commander
    Best Skills: Politics & Influence 14, Leadership & Command 14, Naval Strategy & Tactics 11
    Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR 1, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 1, Stormtrooper Corps 1, Imperial Army 1

    Systems Admiral Salth Hir (Superiority Fleet)
    Young Corellian, Imperial Academy Anaxes, Force Escort 2 Commander
    Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 11, Intelligence & Subterfuge 12, Naval Strategy & Tactics 15
    Relations: Imperial Navy 1, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 1, Stormtrooper Corps 3, Imperial Army 1

    Systems Admiral Adan Coth (Support Fleet)
    Old Kuati, Imperial Academy Anaxes, Force Technical Services Commander
    Best Skills: Politics & Influence 11, Administration & Logistics 17, Naval Strategy & Tactics 10
    Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR 1, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Department of Military Research 1

    Systems Admiral Jerrel Kore (Support Fleet)
    Old Corellian, Imperial Academy Carida, Force Support 1 Commander
    Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 13, Administration & Logistics 17, Leadership & Command 13
    Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR 2, Imperial Intelligence 1

    Systems Admiral Lucio Dalsar-Tagge (Support Fleet)
    Middle Aged Tepasi, Imperial Academy Corulad, Force Support 2 Commander
    Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 11, Leadership & Command 11, Astrogation & Physics 11
    Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR 1, Stormtrooper Corps 1, Imperial Army 1

    Flagship: Tector-class Star Destroyer

    Fleet Ordnance Section
    Biological Section
    Astrogation Section

    Force Technical Services
    8x Acclamator-class Transports
    16x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers

    Force Support 1
    46x FSCV
    29x Imperial Cargo Ships
    14x Action VI Transports
    16x Gozanti Transports

    Force Support 2
    52x FSCV
    23x Imperial Cargo Ships
    13x Action VI Transports
    14x Gozanti Transports

    Additional Forces
    1x Lictor-class Dungeon Ship (currently empty)
    1x MedStar-class Medical Frigate
    1x Victory II-class Heavy Crusier
    2x Lancer-class Frigates

    1x Tector-class Star Destroyer
    1x Victory II-class Heavy Cruiser (1x2 TIE/LN Squadrons)
    8x Acclamator-class Transports
    2x Lancer-class Frigates
    16x Arquitens-class Light Cruisers

    1x Lictor-class Dungeon Ship
    1x MedStar-class Medical Frigate

    98x Field-Secured Container Vessels
    52x Imperial Cargo Ships
    27x Action VI Transports
    30x Gozanti Transports

    A/N: So this update required a number of votes in the middle of the update, but that's just how things go at times. And I've rolled consistently absolutely terrible for Ecker, this time he didn't crit fail, but that didn't save him, as a difference of 7 degrees is really just not something you recover from in an opposed roll.

    Apart from that. I've added information on the other two Systems Admirals under your direct command, I'll be honest, the fact that you should have probably had them all along totally slipped my mind.

    Also, would people prefer to have a more set schedule for updates? If so, there'll probably just be one update per week, but on a set day.
    Story, Result - Coalescing Unity cont.
  • Sentencing

    You decide that handing all involved over to the ISB for further questioning and later on, when the facilities are available, re-education, is the best course of action. It doesn't waste manpower, although you can probably forget about any real experience retention, re-educated individuals tend to come back, changed.

    You also arrive to the conclusion that while easier and more politically palatable, assigning a new Fleet Admiral at this juncture is a waste of effort and time, as you will likely need to restructure the fleets anyways after you gain control over all forces present, and the extra direct subordinates are a better deal right now.

    As you have finally put your thoughts in order, you only have a few more minutes to wait before you arrive at the Savager. As you leave the shuttle you are greeted by a young man in the uniform of the ISB Investigations branch, he salutes and addresses you.
    "Fleet Admiral Styndath, welcome aboard, I'm Agent Senk, the traitors are this way, if you would follow me."
    You return his salute and tell him to lead the way, joining up next to him, followed closely by your death trooper security detail. When you are alone with the agent and your security detail in the corridors he turns to you.
    "Although I would prefer being able to receive orders from the commission of operations, current circumstances has made that somewhat difficult. The ISB and by extension me, have been watching what is happening in the fleet, and we believe it would be for the best if all imperial forces were to be under a unified command. You are the strongest candidate, so I offer you my support in making it happen, as long as you are loyal to the empire, the ISB will assist you in your endeavours."

    With his offer of help delivered, he picks up the pace somewhat, and you are soon at your destination, the brig. The ISB Agent opens one of the cells, and inside is a slightly bruised, but otherwise healthy Ecker, glaring at you from his bunk.
    "So you've come to gloat, when word of this goes back to-"
    "That's enough traitor" the Senk interrupts the former admiral "Fleet Admiral Styndath is here to decide your future, the ISB has presented him with a full report of your attempted desertion as well as theft of imperial navy property."
    At this, Ecker retreats to his bunk, seeming to realize that no political connections will save him now. And so, you finally speak.
    "Daval Ecker, you are guilty of dereliction of duty, desertion, treason, and worst of all incompetence, you are hereby stripped of all rank, dismissed from the Imperial Navy, and consigned to imprisonment in the custody of the Imperial Security Bureau, awaiting re-education."
    Your sentencing over, you follow up with a more personal note.
    "You grasped further than you could reach, and you should be happy you didn't blunder like this while actually working alongside death squadron. If any other commander were to sentence you, you would be dead, but I have been forced to squeeze every last bit of effort out of overworked crew with too little resources available before, and so you will be made loyal again, and I will find a use for you."
    You turn to the ISB agent and tell him that Ecker is all his, after that, you begin the walk through the cell block cell by cell to sentence the officers that tried to help him, though they are not stripped of all rank, they'll never command anything again, and will at best be second in command of a bulk freighter.

    The issue of the traitors themselves dealt with, you are led to the bridge, where you address the officers with a message that will be further broadcast to both your fleet and the support fleet.
    "In light of recent disturbances, the support fleet previously commanded by Daval Ecker will be placed under my command, as an integrated part of my superiority fleet. Systems Admirals Jerrel Kore, Adan Coth and Lucio Dalsar-Tagge will remain in command of their forces, but are now directly under my command. Furthermore, due to the swift and loyal response of the crew of the Savager, no further actions will be taken against any crew or officer of the fleet not already arrested or under suspicion."

    With that said, you return towards your shuttle when you come to a realization. You could turn the Lictor-class dungeon ship over to the ISB, giving the immediate access to the facilities needed to begin processing the traitors. You'd lose access to the prison ship, but the ISB would be grateful, and no time would be wasted.

    [] Do so at once. (+1 Relations COMPNOR, Lictor-class Dungeon Ship detached from your fleet)
    [] No, not at this time, they will have to wait for a proper facility to be built. (No change)

    Legitimacy (Kan Styndath) -2 (Total 3)
    Daval Ecker sentenced to Re-Education
    Traitor officers sentenced to Re-Education
    Supply Fleet disbanded and integrated into Superiority Fleet
    Subordinate Available Admiral Jerrel Kore
    Subordinate Available Admiral Adan Coth
    Subordinate Available Admiral Lucio Dalsar-Tagge

    A/N: So I'll just add in all the admirals, since the reason you'd gain two not three, and you didn't have access to four from the start is because I wrote the first stuff up in segments whenever I had the energy to work on it.
    Last edited:
    Story, Vote - Simmering Unrest
  • Lose Lictor-class Dungeon Ship
    Relations with COMPNOR improved by +1

    Simmering Unrest

    After the hectic week of integrating the support fleet into your own, you are beset by new issues, there is mounting unrest in the fleet. It's not a problem yet, but officers, crews and troopers alike feel uneasy by the lack of news concerning the fleets location in relation to the Empire.

    There are good news however, your remaining systems admirals have finished the reshuffling of their supplies and repaired what damages the hyperspace accident caused, and are now ready to assist you again.

    At the end of the week you yet again call a meeting with your subordinates, in order to determine their priorities in the coming week.


    Assign a subordinate to an action, this will use the subordinates skill and relations instead of yours.

    Admiral Cric Horne - Commander Force Superiority 1
    Background: Young Coruscanti, Imperial Academy Anaxes
    Best Skills: Administration & Logistics 18, Leadership & Command 13, Naval Strategy & Tactics 15
    Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR 2, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 1, Stormtrooper Corps 2, Imperial Army 1

    Admiral Varlo Korray - Commander Force Superiority 2
    : Middle Aged Corellian, Imperial Academy Corulag
    Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 13, Intelligence & Subterfuge 14, Piloting & Gunnery 16
    Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR -1, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 2, Stormtrooper Corps 1, Imperial Army 1

    Admiral Jan Kothari - Commander Force Escort 1
    Background: Middle Aged Coruscanti, Imperial Academy Prefsbelt
    Best Skills: Politics & Influence 14, Leadership & Command 14, Naval Strategy & Tactics 11
    Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR 1, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 1, Stormtrooper Corps 1, Imperial Army 1

    Admiral Salth Hir - Commander Force Escort 2
    : Young Corellian, Imperial Academy Anaxes
    Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 11, Intelligence & Subterfuge 12, Naval Strategy & Tactics 15
    Relations: Imperial Navy 1, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 1, Stormtrooper Corps 3, Imperial Army 1

    Admiral Carlist Jandi - Commander Force Technical Services 1
    : Middle Aged Coruscanti, Imperial Academy Corulag
    Best Skills: Leadership & Command 14, Piloting & Gunnery 17, Astrogation & Physics 14
    Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR 4, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Department of Military Engineering 1, Stormtrooper Corps 1

    Admiral Gavin Ardan - Commander Force Support 1
    : Young Kuati, Imperial Academy Prefsbelt
    Best Skills: Intelligence & Subterfuge 14, Administration & Logistics 9, Naval Strategy & Tactics 8
    Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR 2, Imperial Special Forces 1, Stormtrooper Corps 1, Imperial Army 1

    Admiral Adan Coth - Commander Force Technical Services 2
    : Old Kuati, Imperial Academy Anaxes
    Best Skills: Politics & Influence 11, Administration & Logistics 17, Naval Strategy & Tactics 10
    Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR 1, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Department of Military Research 1

    Admiral Jerrel Kore - Commander Force Support 2
    : Old Corellian, Imperial Academy Carida
    Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 13, Administration & Logistics 17, Leadership & Command 13
    Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR 2, Imperial Intelligence 1

    Admiral Lucio Dalsar-Tagge - Commander Force Support 3
    Background: Middle Age Tepasi, Imperial Academy Corulag
    Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 11, Leadership & Command 11, Astrogation & Physics 11
    Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR 1, Stormtrooper Corps 1, Imperial Army 1

    High Colonel Garo Terrend - Commander Flagship Stormtrooper Complement
    Background: Middle Aged Procopian, Imperial Academy Carida
    Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 14, Ground Strategy & Tactics 15, Field Survival & Navigation 13
    Relations: Stormtrooper Corps 2, COMPNOR 1, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 1, Imperial Navy 1

    Major General Typho Avik - Commander Imperial Army Line Corps
    : Old Eriaduan, Imperial Academy Carida
    Best Skills: Ground Strategy & Tactics 15, Personal Combat & Fitness 11, Leadership & Command 10
    Relations: Imperial Army 1, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 1, Stormtrooper Corps 1

    Agent Ronar Senk - Imperial Security Bureau, Investigations
    : Young Coruscanti, Imperial Academy Carida
    Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 13, Intelligence & Subterfuge 18, Ground Strategy & Tactics 10
    Relations: COMPNOR 3, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 2, Stormtrooper Corps 2, Imperial Army 1

    Assign to an action to gain the bonus, passive bonuses are not granted when advisors are assignes to other tasks, but are otherwise always active. All bonuses are cumulative.

    Imperial Department of Military Research Research & Development Team (+5 Bonus to Research Actions)
    Imperial Intelligence DiploServ Advisor Group (+5 Bonus to Political Actions)
    Imperial Intelligence Tech Analysis Group (+10 Bonus to Reverse Engineering Actions)
    Imperial Intelligence Renik Team (+10 Bonus to Defense vs. Intelligence Actions passive)
    Imperial Intelligence Infiltration Team (+10 Bonus to Infiltration Actions)
    Imperial Intelligence Destab Team (+10 Bonus to Sabotage & Assassination Actions)
    SpecNav Force Squad (+5 Bonus to Defense vs. Assassination passive, +5 Bonus to Sabotage Actions)
    Death Trooper Squad (+5 Bonus to Defense vs. Assassination passive, +5 Bonus to Sabotage Actions)

    Infiltration and dossier bonuses are always active. All bonuses are cumulative.

    Personal actions can only be taken by Kan Styndath, but advisors can still be assigned. Bodyguards are assumed to be present.

    [] - Eckers Belongings: As he held the rank of Fleet Admiral, Ecker had about the same amount of leeway as you did in collecting curios, mementos or nonstandard equipment. More really, as he had better political connections. The ISB have delivered his personal collection to you in gratitude for handing them proper facilities. If you want to sort through it and see if there is anything you want to keep, it will take some time to go through it all.
    No roll, only time.


    [] - Undermine: [Select Character or Organisation], spreads uncertainty about the loyalty or purpose of a rival.
    Challenging Opposed Roll

    [] - Build Trust: [Select Character or Organisation], builds a rapport with a character or group, binding them to you through trust and loyalty. (can only improve Relations with a group twice through this, failed attempts don't count)
    Already Improved: Stormtroopers x1
    Challenging Roll

    [] - Build Legitimacy: Devotes work towards finding legal justification for you taking command over all Imperial forces present.
    Challenging Roll Failure may hurt Legitimacy, Success may give access to Subordinates.

    [] - Consolidate Power: [Deepdock Fleet], attempts a takeover of the targeted fleet, through diplomatic means, though you can add any number of underhanded reinforcements to your attempt. (Difficult, but if successful leaves you with another fleet admiral available)
    Difficult Opposed Roll Failure may hurt Legitimacy

    None Available

    None Available


    [] - Explore Local System: The local system in which we have been deposited seems like a useful location to The Empire, regardless of how we got here. We should survey and catalog it in its entirety so we can put its resources best to use in our service.
    Ordinary Roll
    Assign each feature a number with the lowest number being highest priority.
    --[]Planetary Remnant Asteroid Cluster 0/1 Degrees of Success
    --[]Small Rocky Planet 0/2 Degrees of Success
    --[]Large Rocky Planet 0/2 Degrees of Success
    --[]Planetary Remnant Asteroid Cluster - Signs of Artificial Structures 0/2 Degrees of Success
    --[]Moderate Rocky Planet 0/2 Degrees of Success
    --[]Dust Cloud 0/1 Degrees of Success
    --[]Large Rocky Planet - Signs of Life 2/3 Degrees of Success
    --[]Small Rocky Planet 0/2 Degrees of Success
    --[]Stable Comet Swarm 0/1 Degrees of Success
    --[]Gas Dwarf 0/2 Degrees of Success
    --[]Massive Gas Giant 0/2 Degrees of Success

    [] - Determine Location and Date: We have been the victims of a massive hyperspace anomaly, and have exited hyperspace far beyond any charted area. It is not unheard of for people to be displaced not just location-wise but also in time when subject to similar accidents in the past. We need to determine were and when we are, so we have a better understanding of how to get back in contact with The Empire.
    Challenging Roll
    0/4 Degrees of Success

    [] - Catalogue Flora & Fauna: We now have a presence on one of the planets, the Biological Section of the former support fleet could be put to work with listing and testing the local life. This will help prevent poisonings, disease and may find native edible life. While not all life will be found and tested in a mere week, the most common plants and microbes close to our garrison will be known.
    Ordinary Roll
    0/3 Degrees of Success


    [] - Build a Dossier on [Select Character or Organisation]: Once complete, will grant bonuses to further actions involving them.
    Challenging Roll
    0/5 Degrees of Success

    [] - Infiltrate Organisation [Select Organisation]: Places loyal people around an organisation, ready to supply information or assist operations.
    Challenging Roll
    0/10 Degrees of Success

    [] - Assassinate [Select Character]: Attempts a covert killing of a specific character. (can be used to fake an attempt on yourself, if for some reason, that would be favorable)
    Challenging Opposed Roll

    [] - Sabotage [Select what to sabotage]: Attempts to engineer problems for or outright destroy a specific asset. (can be used on your own assets, if you for some reason want to conveniently be the target of sabotage)
    Challenging Opposed Roll

    [] - Suborn the Fleets: [Deepdock Fleet] In light of our situation, there needs to be a unified command, and the other Fleet Admirals are both ambitious and powerful individuals, otherwise you don't get command of a fleet. Their commands need to be subverted to my side, if that proves itself impossible, assassinating the admirals is the only viable way of preventing a dangerous power struggle in the future.
    Difficult Opposed Roll Failure may hurt Legitimacy


    [] - Set Up Patrol [Select system or Hyperspace Route] (Will repeat until canceled, assigned ships are unavailable for other purposes), secures an area for Imperial use.
    Ordinary Roll

    [] - Assume Command: [Deepdock Fleet] Being the Fleet Admiral of a Superiority Fleet, you are clearly the senior, and more trusted by the Admiralty and by extension, the Emperor. On this foundation, you will order the other Fleet Admirals to officially subordinate themselves to you. (If successful, grants control of another fleet, but failure may mean naval combat between Imperial Forces, jeopardizing supplies and assets)
    Difficult Opposed Roll Failure may hurt Legitimacy


    [] - Break Ground: Utilize the available Army Troopers to start clearing ground and preparing for the eventual landing of colonists and construction of a settlement. While not actually their job, this will get them of their transports and back on the ground.
    Ordinary Roll

    A/N: You may have noticed a bit of a retcon in this update, all I can comment on that is that it is what it is, you now have access to all the Systems Admirals you should have access to. You're going to need them going forward. I also removed the Dossier on Ecker, since he is no longer of any importance.
    Story, Result - A Meeting Between Admirals
  • A Meeting Between Admirals

    After a short meeting with General Avik in the garrison base where he briefs you on the ongoing army exercise, you and your security detail take a shuttle the short distance to the landing field. After just a few minutes another shuttle approaches, and Fleet Admiral Delste disembarks alongside two squads of stormtroopers.
    In the day before the meeting you had read through the dossier on Delste that had been finished mere hours before, and it painted the picture of a man who bled and breathed loyalty to the Empire. With the caveat that he had a history of interpreting regulations and laws creatively, within reason, if the end result would be of benefit to the Empire. If that would be to your benefit or not remained to be seen.

    There is about a hundred metres between your shuttles as you begin to move to the mid-point between you. Having left your death troopers and your SpecNav troops by the shuttle, as he left his stormtroopers by his, you meet alone at the halfway point. Where Delste salutes you, only lowering his hand as you return the salute.
    He then speaks up and say "Admiral, my apologies for not contacting you sooner, though I had good reason not to, I had my fleet under strict communications silence since last week." this is the first you hear of this, although it would explain the lack of overt political moves by Delste. "Sensitive astrogation data was leaked by the team I had working on it. As a consequence I've had to handle attempted desertions as well as mutinies for about a week now. The ISB has been of great help, and I'd like to thank you for the role you played in that."

    Though you are privately surprised at the direction this meeting took without even a hint of socialising beforehand "I do what I can to serve the Empire, as should we all." you reply with certainty, showing none of the surprise. Delste responds "Of course, and due to several factors involving the failures of several of my subordinates, as well as the fact that I don't have the necessary resources to keep the equipment entrusted to me by the navy secure, I asked for this meeting to see in person how you'd handle it. And I'd like to recommend to the Imperial Navy that you take command as Acting High Admiral for the duration of our emergency."

    This was not what you had expected, and you are sure some of your reactions slip through. "I appreciate the trust, and I hope that the remaining members of the Imperial presence here agree with your assessment, although with your support there will be few obstacles to what you propose." you state. You had prepared for this meeting ready to have to barter, browbeat or charm Delste, but he was apparently already close to deciding.

    The meeting continued with details of what had happened in his fleet, although most of that was already handled, but it is always good to be aware of what has gone wrong elsewhere.

    Following your meeting Admiral Delste acted rapidly in moving to propose your temporary promotion to the representatives of COMPNOR, them being the closest to the government available. Since you had already won over many of them, and Delste was seen as a trustworthy and loyal Imperial they agreed to support it. So with the Navy and COMPNOR backing the decision, you now hold the rank of Acting High Admiral until you regain communications with Imperial High Command and the Admiralty.

    Grant Fleet Admiral Kan Styndath temporary rank of Acting High Admiral.
    Difficult Politics Roll
    1 DoS

    Meeting Effects
    Consolidate Fleet [Deepdock Fleet] Action bypassed.
    Immediate Move to grant Fleet Admiral Kan Styndath the rank of Acting High Admiral.
    Gained Subordinate Fleet Admiral Rego Delste.
    Legitimacy (Kan Styndath) +1 (Total 6)
    Imperial Navy Relations +1

    Legitimacy (Rego Delste) -3 (Total 0)
    Rego Delste Gains Imperial Navy Relations +1
    Rego Delste Gains COMPNOR Relations +1

    You are lost deep in the Unknown Regions, and in the way of any return trip is the hyperspace tangle. This information may cause unrest if handled without care, and so, how much you tell whom is an important choice. However, if handled correctly,
    even fully revealing our situation could be useful. Your recent meeting with Fleet Admiral Delste has revealed that his fleet already had an information leak about this, so it may prove impossible to keep under wraps totally.
    If you decide to reveal less, you can always revisit it later.

    [] Nobody, this is to dangerous
    [] Specific Subordinates, write in
    [] All Subordinates
    [] Full Fleet


    1x Venator-class Attack Cruiser (32 TIE/In Squadrons, 3 TIE/D Squadrons)

    Force Escort
    16x Victory I-class Heavy Cruisers (16x2 TIE/LN Squadrons)
    8x Victory II-class Heavy Cruisers (8x2 TIE/LN Squadrons)
    8x Carrack-class Light Cruisers (8x0.33 TIE/LN Squadrons)
    12x Vigil-class Corvettes
    12x Raider-class Corvettes
    40x IPV-1-class Corvettes
    4x IGV-55 Surveillance Vessels
    6x Skywatcher-class Deep Space Scout Ships

    Deepdock Complex 1
    1x Harbor-class Mobile Space Dock

    Deepdock Complex 2
    4x Novator-class Mobile Dockyards

    Engineering Corps
    R&D personnel

    Force Technical Service 1
    8x Evakmar-class Transports
    8x Lancer-class Frigates
    8x Nebulon B-class Frigates

    Force Technical Service 2
    8x Evakmar-class Transports
    8x Lancer-class Frigates
    8x Nebulon B-class Frigates

    Force Support
    51x FCSV
    19x Imperial Cargo Ships
    13x Action VI Transports
    17x Gozanti Transports

    Additional Forces
    1x Altor-class Replenishment Ship
    2x Quasar Fire II-class Cruiser-Carriers (2x4 TIE/In Squadrons)
    8x Ton-Falk-class Escort Carriers (8x3 TIE/LN Squadrons, 8x1 TIE/In Squadrons, 8x1 TIE/sa Squadrons)

    A/N: Finally I am back to a proper update, not just an edit to my last post. And soon we'll move into the proper turn length I had actually planned for this quest. (One month in game, not one week as has been done now in what can be seen as the prologue)

    Behind The Scenes mechanics stuff that may ruin the magic but I find amusing and want to share:
    I have a set of weighted tables (actually matrices, but whatever) that determine the general course of action a character will take. The specifics are up to me as a GM, but I like to be able to generate the bones of a story using the dice, and flesh it out myself. Our dear Admiral Delste here rolled exceptionally hard in the direction of Imperial unity and security. The reason he's been so absent while you focused on Ecker is because he failed several rolls in the first turn, his fleet was in shambles, and at the end of turn two, he had an Intelligence action that crit failed, just as he succeeded with determining the fleets location, so I had him face an uncontrolled release of that info.
    So now you have that information available as well, there are people in the fleet already aware of your predicament, though the ISB and the stormtroopers in Delstes fleet have been able to keep a lid on it. That roll only just succeeded due to the bonus the ISB recieved from having access to the Lictor-class Dungeon Ship.
    Last edited:
    Story - Imperial Exiles
  • Imperial Exiles

    The morning after Fleet Admiral Delste joined your side you hold a meeting with High Colonel Terrend, Major General Avik, Agent Senk, and the Imperial Intelligence personnel you had on hand.

    “I want to start by thanking each you for all of your recent efforts working with me in this time of crisis. The discipline you and all those under your commands have helped keep disaster from us. We’re only at the beginning though, and I’ll need your continued support to ensure we remain strong and whole in the face of the unknown."

    “I’ll be meeting with the rest of the commanders in six hours to brief them on our location and how we move forward. Two hours after that, I’ll be addressing the entire Fleet. I’m going to be revealing to them exactly where we are, and what we must do to make sure we can reunite with the Empire."

    "We’re a long way from home, and we’re going to need everyone to pitch in to make sure we do get home."

    “In light of this, I want each of you to ready your men for what may come. I expect that the news will cause distress to most, but I expect every Imperial Citizen to stand-to for duty. In a fleet as large as ours I know that some will succumb to their baser instincts."

    “It's for that reason you’ll need to stand ready and keep a sharp eye out for those that may panic or any that might seek to take advantage. I will not have any such activity spread through this fleet of Order and sow chaos."

    “With that being said, I would like that each of you, when you or those under you encounter such activity, to embrace a sense of restraint. As I said, we need to shepherd all our resources. So ‘Stun’ and ‘Ion’ will be the initial responses."

    “Colonel Terrend, make sure that all Stormtroopers are especially alert to attempts to mutiny as your forces will be the first targeted in such an attempt."

    “General Avik, you’ll have two missions. The first will be to prep an area planet-side to hold any personnel that are arrested in the short term. Make sure it meets all basic needs, and understand something else, I’d like to recover as many personnel involved from these actions, especially if they are just led astray by a fallen leader. Secondly, set aside a portion of your forces as backup to Colonel Terrend’s Stormtroopers. They must be ready to reinforce where needed."

    “Agent Senk, I want you and your fellow ISB agents to make sure to monitor the troublemakers in the Fleet. I’m sure you already know who they are. If they vector in the wrong direction, make sure it doesn’t build up much velocity."

    “Intelligence, watch the comms. If you start catching a whiff of any collaborative action make sure that I know about it. If it’s extremely time critical, use your discretion and notify the appropriate command to deal with the problem."

    With the security briefing done, you give General Avik the rest of day to convert the Exercise area into a impromptu prisoner camp. It was mostly a question of turning the turrets around and securing the last bits of perimeter defences. And while he leads those efforts, you had a large meeting with all admirals in the fleet.

    “Admirals, first I want to thank each of you for your support and the example you have set for those under you. All of you are a credit to the Empire and those who trained you.

    “I wanted all of you here so you would hear it directly from me. We are a long way from home. I’m sure you all suspected that, but here’s the truth.”

    Here you brought up a hologaphic map of the galaxy, with our current system highlighted, far out in the unexplored reaches of the Unknown Regions. After giving the assembled admirals a minute to adjust to the revelation you resume speaking.

    “As you can see, we’re separated from the known regions by the Tangle…and maybe just a small bit of distance.” You hold your thumb and forefinger barely apart. Most of the Commanders chuckle a bit, though many are still a bit shell shocked.

    “Let me be clear. We. Are. Going. Home. The Empire has faced obstacles across its formation and existence. The Jedi insurrection, the Separatists, a greedy and selfish Senate, the Rebellion will fall if it hasn’t already, and we too shall conquer the Tangle for the Empire."

    “It will take time and a lot of effort. The first step is making sure we’re all pushing in the same direction. To that end, two hours after this meeting ends, I’m going to address the Fleet. I will tell them where we are. I’ve already alerted our security forces that I’m going to announce this. They stand ready to assist you in maintaining order and discipline. The Army forces will be standing by if necessary as well. ISB and Imperial Intelligence will be monitoring for any signs of trouble. If an issue arises, I have instructed them to use their discretion to notify whatever command is necessary to deal with any issues discovered with time critical factors."

    “And so, your orders are simple. Make sure everyone under your command knows their duty. Be an example, as you have already been, of a true Officer of the Empire. If something requires force, minimize that force if possible. We will likely find ourselves in need of every asset and Imperial Citizen currently with us before we make it back. If a vessel tries to make an unauthorized departure, disable it in preparation for boarding operations and seizure. Ion and Stun will be the setting of the day so we can sift the crew for all the bad apples."

    “I know it may seem impossible, but every challenge has a solution. We’ll take the steps necessary to answer this challenge. We. Will. Make it. Home.”

    After the admirals had departed, and General Avik had reported being mostly done and ready to receive any overflow the ISB couldn't handle right away, you steel yourself for the final plunge, the make or break moment where you reveal the situation to the entire fleet.

    The All-Hands whistle blares from every speaker in the Fleet and planet-side. Then every screen except those required for active operations shows an image of High Admiral (Acting) Kan Styndath. His gray uniform is crisp and free of any defect. Everything in his stance spoke of discipline and control. Everything except his face. Kan’s head was slightly cocked to one side, his lip was curled in a tiny smile, and there was a definite twinkle in his eyes.

    He opens his mouth to speak, and his voice is trimmed with amusement. “When I was just a lieutenant, a lieutenant whose NCOs feared might never learn how to put his pants on correctly, I always thought that whistle was bit useless. I mean, we all knew the Commander was going to say something so what’s the point?”

    Admiral Styndath’s expression loses the expression of mirth and takes on a more serious tone.

    “Since that point, I’ve gotten a bit older, a little bit wiser, and I like to think that I’ve learned a little bit as well. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about the Empire and the Navy in particular, is that there’s a reason. In this case, that reason is to focus your attention. The reason I want your focus on me is because I’m going to tell you where we are."

    “Thanks to the efforts of the Imperial Science Teams and the dedicated work of our ships’ crews we’ve figured out the where of our situation. We are no longer lost. For whatever reason, we have been sent to the Unknown Regions across the Hyperspace Tangle."

    “Now some of you are likely feeling unsure of yourselves, or afraid from an unknown future. You are not alone. I, myself, was shocked to hear how far we were flung, and to where. Once I was able to step back though, I realized something,” here, Kan pauses refocus the crews to him before raising his voice and clenching his right hand into a fist, “We are still the Empire!”

    “We have brought Order,” and you can hear the capitalization, “we have brought order to thousands of worlds. Order from the betrayal of the Jedi, order from the cowardly Separatists, order from the greedy senators, and we were bringing order from the terrorists who call themselves rebels!”

    Kan relaxes from the emotions before continuing “In fact, our own orders haven’t changed. We’re going to colonize this system for the honor or the Empire. Not only does this complete our mission, but we’ll need to form a base of operations in this quadrant of space before we explore the necessary paths to return to the fold.”

    “I’m going to tell you something I told each of your Commanders a couple hours ago. We. Will. Go. Home.”

    The Admiral pauses here, his eyes move in such a way that each person viewing the screen feels as if individual contact is made. “We will go home. It will take time. It will take a great deal of effort. It will take sacrifice on all our parts. But we will go home.”

    “There will be some dark times ahead. Challenges that none of us expected to face. When those times come, look to your brothers and sisters. Hold each other up. Hold to the knowledge that the Empire is strong because we are strong. For when we do return home, it will not be as lost sailors struggling to even survive. We will return home in a triumphal march with new territories for the Empire’s Glory!”

    When all was said and done, you got reports of only minor problems, the ISB and the Stormtroopers quickly got on top of any attempted treasonous actions. It seemed that your decision to focus on purpose, and working towards a way back preempted most rash decisions.

    This had shaped up to be probably the most stressful day of your naval career, including when your Acclamator was unable to lift of from Kashyyk because of heavy Separatist ground fire. Surrounded, and being forced to fight on the ground side by side with clone troopers and wookiees against never-ending waves of battle droids. This day had the risk to crush all your achievements by shattering any chance you had to get back home, but you had braved it nonetheless, and come out on top.

    When you went to sleep you were extremely exhausted, but tomorrow you'd have new work to do, after all, you had to start making good on your words.

    Full Fleet
    4 DoS - No successful mutinies or desertions, comparatively few arrests.
    +1 Legitimacy

    A/N: This update was brought to you by The Whispering Monk, as he wrote almost all of it, I adjusted small details, or names, and added the absolute last part where we see how it went and a little look into the admirals past. But the lions share and then some was The Whispering Monk's work.
    Main Turn - 1 - AFE 23:4
  • AFE 23:4

    Your first order of business the day after the revelation is to review the report on your supply situation, since you integrated the Support Fleet and subordinated the Deepdock Fleet you've had people working on a summary of all your available supplies, including the colonial ships as well. I's not looking good, but it's not horrendous either. Your fleets had resupplied just before jumping to hyperspace towards the Endor system, and all in all, you have a years worth of supplies, with one glaring exception, bacta. After the conflict involved with the mutinies in Delstes fleet there was several wounded. Your bacta supplies was not set up to support a ground campaign and as such you only have what is needed for regular workplace accidents or minor boarding actions, meaning that your stores now would only cover a little more than half a year.

    Hypermatter Supplies 10m
    Fuel Supplies 10m
    Tibanna Supplies 10m
    Spare Supplies 10m

    Food Supplies 10m
    Bacta Supplies 6m

    After your stores are seen to, you decide that since your most pressing danger, that of the fleet disintegrating has been seen to, you may start to work more methodically at solving issues. As a consequence, when you hold your meeting to give your subordinates their orders you tell them these meetings will be monthly from now on. And then it is time to set the agenda for the coming month.


    Assign a subordinate to an action, this will use the subordinates skill and relations instead of yours.

    Admiral Cric Horne - Commander Force Superiority 1
    Loyalty: Zealous Aggression: Cautious Bravery: Unflinching
    Best Skills: Administration & Logistics 18, Leadership & Command 13, Naval Strategy & Tactics 15
    Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR 2, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 1, Stormtrooper Corps 2, Imperial Army 1

    Admiral Varlo Korray - Commander Force Superiority 2
    : Zealous Aggression: Driven Bravery: Fearful
    Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 13, Intelligence & Subterfuge 14, Piloting & Gunnery 16
    Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR -1, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 2, Stormtrooper Corps 1, Imperial Army 1

    Admiral Jan Kothari - Commander Force Escort 1
    : Zealous Aggression: Driven Bravery: Unflinching
    Best Skills: Politics & Influence 14, Leadership & Command 14, Naval Strategy & Tactics 11
    Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR 1, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 1, Stormtrooper Corps 1, Imperial Army 1

    Admiral Salth Hir - Commander Force Escort 2
    : Zealous Aggression: Cautious Bravery: Fearless
    Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 11, Intelligence & Subterfuge 12, Naval Strategy & Tactics 15
    Relations: Imperial Navy 2, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 1, Stormtrooper Corps 3, Imperial Army 1

    Admiral Carlist Jandi - Commander Force Technical Services 1
    : Zealous Aggression: Cautious Bravery: Unflinching
    Best Skills: Leadership & Command 14, Piloting & Gunnery 17, Astrogation & Physics 14
    Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR 4, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Department of Military Engineering 1, Stormtrooper Corps 1

    Admiral Gavin Ardan - Commander Force Support 1
    : Zealous Aggression: Cautious Bravery: Unflinching
    Best Skills: Intelligence & Subterfuge 14, Administration & Logistics 9, Naval Strategy & Tactics 8
    Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR 2, Imperial Special Forces 1, Stormtrooper Corps 1, Imperial Army 1

    Admiral Adan Coth - Commander Force Technical Services 2
    : Zealous Aggression: Driven Bravery: Unflinching
    Best Skills: Politics & Influence 11, Administration & Logistics 17, Naval Strategy & Tactics 10
    Relations: Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Department of Military Research 1

    Admiral Jerrel Kore - Commander Force Support 2
    : Zealous Aggression: Driven Bravery: Unflinching
    Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 13, Administration & Logistics 17, Leadership & Command 13
    Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR 2, Imperial Intelligence 1

    Admiral Lucio Dalsar-Tagge - Commander Force Support 3
    : Loyal Aggression: Driven Bravery: Fearless
    Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 11, Leadership & Command 11, Astrogation & Physics 11
    Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR 1, Stormtrooper Corps 1, Imperial Army 1

    Fleet Admiral Rego Delste - Commander Deepdock Fleet
    : Zealous Aggression: Driven Bravery: Unflinching
    Best Skills: Administration & Logistics 16, Naval Strategy & Tactics 15, Astrogation & Physics 11
    Relations: Imperial Navy 2, COMPNOR 2

    High Colonel Garo Terrend - Commander Flagship Stormtrooper Complement
    Loyalty: Zealous Aggression: Reckless Bravery: Fearless
    Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 14, Ground Strategy & Tactics 15, Field Survival & Navigation 13
    Relations: Stormtrooper Corps 3, COMPNOR 1, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 1, Imperial Navy 1

    Major General Typho Avik - Commander Imperial Army Line Corps
    : Zealous Aggression: Reckless Bravery: Fearless
    Best Skills: Ground Strategy & Tactics 15, Personal Combat & Fitness 11, Leadership & Command 10
    Relations: Imperial Army 2, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 1, Stormtrooper Corps 1

    Investigations Agent Ronar Senk - Imperial Security Bureau Investigations Agent
    : Zealous Aggression: Driven Bravery: Unflinching
    Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 13, Intelligence & Subterfuge 18, Ground Strategy & Tactics 10
    Relations: COMPNOR 3, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 2, Stormtrooper Corps 2, Imperial Army 1

    Assign to an action to gain the bonus, passive bonuses are not granted when advisors are assigned to other tasks, but are otherwise always active. All bonuses are cumulative.

    Imperial Department of Military Research Research & Development Team (+5 Bonus to Research Actions)
    Imperial Intelligence DiploServ Advisor Group (+5 Bonus to Political Actions)
    Imperial Intelligence Tech Analysis Group (+10 Bonus to Reverse Engineering Actions)
    Imperial Intelligence Renik Team (+10 Bonus to Defense vs. Intelligence Actions passive)
    Imperial Intelligence Infiltration Team (+10 Bonus to Infiltration Actions)
    Imperial Intelligence Destab Team (+10 Bonus to Sabotage & Assassination Actions)
    SpecNav Force Squad (+5 Bonus to Defense vs. Assassination passive, +5 Bonus to Sabotage Actions)
    Death Trooper Squad (+5 Bonus to Defense vs. Assassination passive, +5 Bonus to Sabotage Actions)
    Imperial Intelligence Operative (+5 to Intelligence Actions)

    Infiltration and dossier bonuses are always active. All bonuses are cumulative.

    Dossier: Fleet Admiral Rego Delste (+10 to all Actions targeting Fleet Admiral Rego Delste)

    Personal actions can only be taken by Kan Styndath, but advisors can still be assigned. Bodyguards are assumed to be present.

    [] - Eckers Belongings: As he held the rank of Fleet Admiral, Ecker had about the same amount of leeway as you did in collecting curios, mementos or nonstandard equipment. More really, as he had better political connections. The ISB have delivered his personal collection to you in gratitude for handing them proper facilities. If you want to sort through it and see if there is anything you want to keep, it will take some time to go through it all.
    No roll, only time.

    [] - Reorganize Fleets: Your current fleet composition is woefully inefficient for the circumstances, you could use your authority to reorganize them completely into smaller independent fleets reporting directly to you. There may be some animosity from the Navy for this, but overall, they like you well enough and you are in charge, so it would be fleeting unless you absolutely bungle it.
    Challenging Roll
    0/2 DoS


    [] - Acting Moff: You have the rank of High Admiral, in theory temporarily, but realistically, with the difficulties of mapping the tangle, for the rest of your life. If you with the help of COMPNOR and support of your subordinates name yourself Acting Moff you would have the accompanying legal rights to utilize the civilian resources as well. And any other offices you'd need would be easily added on to it, such as Surface Marshal for the Imperial Army.
    Challenging Roll
    If successful removes Legitimacy, as you are undisputed, but you gain access to construction options and can use the available colonists.

    [] - Undermine: [Select Character or Organisation], spreads uncertainty about the loyalty or purpose of a rival.
    Challenging Opposed Roll

    [] - Build Trust: [Select Character or Organisation], builds a rapport with a character or group, binding them to you through trust and loyalty. (can only improve Relations with a group twice through this, failed attempts don't count)
    Challenging Roll
    Already Improved: Imperial Navy x1, Stormtroopers x2, Imperial Intelligence x1, COMPNOR x1

    [] - Build Legitimacy: Devotes work towards finding legal justification for you taking command over all Imperial forces present.
    Challenging Roll Failure may hurt Legitimacy, Success may give access to Subordinates.

    [] - Assemble [Select One]: The settlers we were saddled with protecting had a number of disassembled stations and factories. We should get them operational as soon as possible.
    []--Cardan V-class Space Station
    []--Lormar-class Refinery Station
    []--Lormar-class Refinery Station
    []--Haven-class Medical Facility
    []--X7 Deep Space Manufacturing Facility
    Ordinary Roll

    [] - Settle [Kodu]: We can begin building the prefabricated homes of the colonial fleet, and start thawing out the settlers.
    Easy Roll
    0/10 DoS

    None Available


    [] - Explore Local System: The local system in which we have been deposited seems like a useful location to The Empire, regardless of how we got here. We should survey and catalog it in its entirety so we can put its resources best to use in our service.
    Ordinary Roll

    [] - Catalogue Flora & Fauna [Gora Beinn]: Between the inhospitable cold, high gravity and the toxic atmosphere, Gora Beinn is not a priority for colonization. There may however be something useful among the local flora and fauna.
    Ordinary Roll

    [] - Archaeological Excavation [Planetary Remnant]:
    Challenging Roll


    [] - Build a Dossier on [Select Character or Organisation]: Once complete, will grant bonuses to further actions involving them.
    Challenging Roll

    [] - Infiltrate Organisation [Select Organisation]: Places loyal people around an organisation, ready to supply information or assist operations.
    Challenging Roll
    0/2 Degrees of Success

    [] - Assassinate [Select Character]: Attempts a covert killing of a specific character. (can be used to fake an attempt on yourself, if for some reason, that would be favorable)
    Challenging Opposed Roll

    [] - Sabotage [Select what to sabotage]: Attempts to engineer problems for or outright destroy a specific asset. (can be used on your own assets, if you for some reason want to conveniently be the target of sabotage)
    Challenging Opposed Roll


    [] - Chart Hyperspace Route: The area closest to us is completely unknown and uncharted, we need to send out hyperblazers to find safe routes we can use to secure the neighboring systems.
    Challenging Roll


    None Available.

    A/N: Supplies will switch to a Scarce/Low/Medium/High/Abundant rating once you start producing. With a corresponding bonus or penalty to actions as a result.

    Hypermatter Supplies: The fuel for most of your capital ships.
    Fuel Supplies: Fuel for fighters, transports and ground vehicles.
    Tibanna Supplies: Used in several application, most pressingly, blasters and turbolasers.
    Spare Supplies: Parts for minor repairs.
    Food Supplies: Self explanatory really.
    Bacta Supplies: Healing compound, only available on Thyferra.

    Also, we're in the 1 Turn = 1 Month now, prologue over, main turns starting.

    Edit: I've updated the total fleet inventory to account for Delstes fleet, and updated the Meeting Between Admirals post to include his fleet as well, since that's how I did it for Ecker. I will probably clean up where all that is found when I have the energy to. As right now, it's real messy to find something specific in this thread.
    Last edited:
    Main Turn - 1 - AFE 23:4 Results
  • AFE 23:4 Results

    Acting Moff: High Admiral Styndath, Imperial Intelligence DiploServ Advisor Group
    Critical Success 8DoS

    Build Trust [Imperial Special Forces]: Admiral Korray
    Success 1DoS

    Build Trust [Imperial Intelligence]: High Colonel Terrend
    Success 1DoS

    Settle [Kodu]: Major General Avik
    Success 4/10DoS

    Assemble [Cardan V Station-Kodu Orbit]: Fleet Admiral Delste
    Success 6 DoS

    Assemble [Lornar Refinery Station-Inner Asteroid Belt]: Admiral Kothari
    Success 4DoS

    Assemble [Lornar Refinery Station-Inner Planetary Remnants] Admiral Jandi
    Success 2DoS

    Assemble [Haven Medical Facility-Kodu Orbit] Admiral Ardan
    Failure 2DoF

    Assemble [X7 Deep Space Manufacturing Facility-Inner Asteroid Belt] Admiral Horne
    Success 1DoS

    Catalogue Flora & Fauna [Gora Beinn]: Admiral Kore (Ordinary)
    Successs 3DoS

    Archaeological Excavations [Remnants]: Admiral Coth, IDMR R&D Team
    Critical Failure 5DoF

    Explore Local System; Admiral Dalsar-Tagge
    Success 2DoS

    Build Dossier [Admiral Horne]; Agent Senk + Imperial Intelligence Agents (+5 to Intelligence Actions)
    Success 5DoS

    Setup Patrol [Kodooine System]; Admiral Hir wForce Escort 2
    Success 4DoS

    Your attempt to gain the rank of Acting Moff has succeeded beyond anyones expectations, the document was already drafted when you contacted COMPNOR to get them on board with your plan. So after reading through the pad you quickly signed and was now legally the highest civil authority as well. Though you expected at least some level of scepticism over this the opposite turned out to be true. Due to you being seen as a man of action and integrity, who will not falter in the face of adversity, you instead get congratulations and private words of support from all the organizations and commanders present. Your actions up until now has convinced everyone that you have the Empires best interests at heart, and that you will direct efforts accordingly.

    As you start signing orders to deploy the refineries and factories as well as begin thawing the colonists you are sturck by the realization that you have before you a chance to truly create an Imperial system. As there is no economy or industry already present, there won't be any need for Imperialization, but as the local ruler you could also suspend the laws that make allowances for private ventures. Conversely you could also shield any private enterprises from COMPNOR, as you would have final say in any Imperialization anyways.
    (HHCO Critical Success, +1 HHCO)

    [X] - Full Imperialization: Everything within the Empire, nothing outside the Empire, nothing against the Empire. A realization of the Emperors vision, where no greedy merchants pilfer Imperial resources and assets to do what is already their duty towards the Empire.
    (Full command economy, no random internal economic events positive or negative, no private invention, entire workforce available for Imperial projects and recruitment)
    +1 COMPNOR Relations

    [-] - Sanctioned Businesses: The way things work in the Empire proper, where a business may be sanctioned by the Empire, and as long as it doesn't act against the Empire or fails its quotas it will be allowed to continue and enrich its owners. Failures will be absorbed into their rivals or put under Imperial control.
    (Random internal economic events positive or negative, parts of the workforce will be unavailable for Imperial projects and recruitment)

    [-] - Business Freedom: A step back from the Imperial economic policy, and a return to something more akin to the republic.
    (Double random internal economic events positive or negative, higher impact of economic events, a larger part of the workforce will be unavailable for Imperial projects and recruitment)
    -2 COMPNOR Relations

    Of course, just as you think that you are struck by the memory of how Republic corporations and banks bought and sold influence and how they eventually came to run large parts of the senate. This wasn't a choice, that choice had been proven incorrect by corrupt merchants over twenty years ago, no argument will shake you from this position. The failures of the Republic gave way to a stronger polity, the Empire, and it is therefore natural to implement as Imperial a policy as possible. The only reason Imperialization hasn't been further reaching in the Empire is how entrenched certain corporations are. Besides, as you have no equipment or mandate to create credits, making the point moot.

    As you are working with your advisors trying to plan out future expansion of the colony, you are interrupted by a priority message. Once you are by the holoterminal you are greeted by the panicked face of the leader of your IDMR team; "Moff Styndath, there's been an incident at the dig site, Admiral Coth was visiting in person, and touched an artifact, a small carved stone obelisk." he swallows before continuing "He tried opening it, seeing that it possible opened at the top, some white light was visible for a moment, and he immediately fell unconscious, and the artifact closed. He's been transported to his flagship." you respond that you'll contact the admirals vessel and thank the scientist for his rapid report.

    After speaking to the CMO of Admiral Coths flagship you are left with bad news, there is no brain activity whatsoever. His body is alive, but there's little point in keeping it so.

    [] - Order his life support shut off. It's morbid to keep a brain-dead body around like an empty shell and he deserves better.
    [] - Keep his body alive for now. We don't know what we're dealing with here.

    After that catastrophe little else of note happens except the progress reports on the tasks you had set you subordinates on.

    Admiral Korray has reported success in building trust in you among the Imperial Special Forces commanders. The fact that you already have more than one group of special operations troops under your command shows a preference for quality troops rather than the rank and file.

    High Colonel Terrend has managed to support you in relations to Imperial Intelligence, as he's a highly respected Stormtrooper commander, his words on someones loyalty carries weight.

    General Avik reports via holocall that he has durin the span of a month managed to settle almost four million citizens on the planet. The construction droids has been a great help in making sure there are actual residential quarters available, and the comparatively unappealing prefab habitats have been used only temporarily and then repurposed into feedstock for the droids. There's some six million colonists left in carbonite, but given one or two months more, he's certain he could hand you an empty Lucrehulk.

    Admiral Delste gives you a tour of the finished Cardan V-class station, and tells you he reshuffled some of his crew to make sure it was fully staffed in time. This has reflected well on him in the eyes of the Navy, as the now have an actual anchor-point aside from the deepdocks.

    Admirals Kothari and Horne report that they worked together to make sure a clear pipeline of materials from the refinery to the factory could be ensured. Volunteers were taken from Kodu to work there, and you now have some basic industry running in the system. Although not nearly enough to even support the Cardan stations manufacturing capabilities.

    Admiral Jandi delivers you the first tiny ingot of aurodium produced, as a keepsake to remember that it was your drive and conviction that made this possible. He then reports that mining is up and running and will be able to support industrial endeavours without delay.

    Admiral Ardan has a less than excited expression, as he tells you that there was absolutely no way for him to put the medical station into its proper position in orbit what with both the construction of the Cardan station and the constant transport traffic between the colonial Lucrehulk and the surface. Orbit around where it was supposed to go was quite simply to busy to get it done right now.

    Admiral Kore hand you the report on Gora Beinn, much of the flora and fauna, while primitive, show complex chemical compositions native in their makeup, a necessity to live on a frigid toxic planet probably. While harvesting them would be a hassle for the workers involved, there could be future benefits if researched.

    Admiral Dalsar-Tagge hands you the report on the remaining system features, and comments that while you have two gas giants, unfortunately neither supported the presence of tibanna, as everyone had been hoping for. Not surprising, as it is a very rare gas, but with your luck on other parts of this system you could at least hope.

    Admiral Hir simply reports that there were no problems in adjusting the patrols, and that the system is as secure as before.

    Agent Senk gives his report in private, after the meeting, simply handing you a completed dossier on Cric Horne, and tells you that this little exercise has also been helpful for him in building a rapport with Imperial Intelligence. Meaning they aren't as suspicious of him as they'd normally be, he's still ISB and thus a rival, but it won't affect any operations.

    After the meeting and the reports, you are contacted by the Unrelenting Castigation, the Lictor-class ship you handed over to the ISB. What follows is a raport that the first few re-educations are already done, and though about half of them may not be fit for military service any more, they are all loyal and can be put to work again.

    As you put your data in order for the next month you sit and think about that. The ISB are utterly brutal, you know something about that, as you yourself has been in their care once. Voluntarily, of course, but it wasn't pleasant regardless. It was just after the Declaration of a New Order, you started feeling doubts, as you considered yourself loyal to the Republic, but this wasn't it. Sure, it sidestepped the corruption of the senate, and the Supreme Chancellor had always been supportive of the military, but this wasn't the Republic. But then you realized a horrible possibility, you had several times served alongside Jedi, and you had seen them twist a mans minds with mere words and gestures.

    So you contacted the newly formed ISB, and told them that you were feeling doubts about the new order, but that you worried it was because the Jedi traitors had gotten to you. What followed was weeks of intensive interrogations and ideological screening. You got out of it clean, and was told that you had of course been right, those doubts wasn't your doubts, they had been planted there by the traitorous Jedi in preparation for their coup, to make trusted commanders stand paralyzed as they struck. But your will had been to strong, and as such, your loyalty couldn't be swayed by such simple tricks.

    You are certain that Ecker has is several magnitudes worse than you had, you came out of it whole, as yourself, without any of the eccentricities that ISB re-education graduates normally have. Of course, you weren't re-educated, you just had your loyalty confirmed and uncertainties assuaged. So the situation isn't completely comparable, but you do know that the ISB won't stop working on a subject until they are done or the subject expires.

    Main Turn 1 Effects
    Kan Styndath granted the office of Acting Moff
    Legitimacy Converted into Relations spread evenly between factions
    Kan Styndath gains +1 Human High Culture Orthodoxy
    COMPNOR Relations +2
    Imperial Intelligence Relations +2
    IDMR Relations +1
    Imperial Special Forces Relations +2
    Stormtrooper Corps Relations +1
    Imperial Army Relations +1
    Imperial Navy Relations +1
    Flora & Fauna of Gora Beinn Catalogued
    Remaining System Features Surveyed
    Dossier on Cric Horne completed
    Patrol adjusted successfully

    4 Million Residents Settled on Kodu
    Cardan V Space Station assembled and staffed above Kodu
    Lornar Refinery Station Assembled and staffed by the Inner Asteroid Belt
    Lornar Refinery Station Assembled and staffed by the Inner Planetary Remnant
    X7 DSMF Assembled and staffed by the Inner Asteroid Belt

    Adan Coth is rendered brain-dead.
    Rego Delste gains Imperial Navy Relations +1
    Ronar Senk gains Imperial Intelligence Relations +1

    A/N: I had really hoped to give you an interesting choice about how much you'd lean into the Imperialization of the economy thing the Empire does, but then I critted the HHCO roll, making that entire vote pointless. I left it in regardless, since it was supposed to be there.
    Also, Admiral Coth is clearly cursed, both times I've rolled massive or critical failures for one of your actions, it has been Coth that suffered.
    Also, the things with Workforce, Mining and Industry I'll put up as a colony sheet separately.
    Info - Colony Stats
  • Colony Stats

    : -10 to Logistics Rolls
    Low: -5 to Logistics Rolls
    Medium: No Bonus or Penalty
    High: +5 to Logistics Rolls
    Abundant: +10 to Logistics Rolls

    Hypermatter Supplies: 12 months Medium (Not Producing) Needed to keep capital ships running.
    Fuel Supplies: 12 months Medium (Producing at Scarce) Needed to keep fighter wings and non-capital ships running.
    Tibanna Supplies: 12 months Medium (Not Producing) Best available blaster gas.
    Bacta Supplies: 8 months Medium (Not Producing) Best available medicine.
    Food Supplies: 12 months Medium (Producing at Scarce) Self explanatory.
    Spare Supplies: 12 months Medium (Producing at Scarce) Needed to keep any ship running.

    Regular Recruits: Anyone from the workforce you decide you want in the military instead.
    Superior Recruits: 10% of your Regular Recruits.
    Elite Recruits: 10% of your Superior Recruits.

    Industry: Production of general goods, consumables and spare parts. Requires an equivalent level of Metals to not experience shortages.
    Advanced Industry: Production of advanced components for starship production. Requires an equivalent level of Rare Minerals as well as Chemicals to not experience shortages.
    Dockyard Points: Construction cost of starships.
    Factory Lines: How many factory lines are devoted to production of a specific piece of equipment or vehicle. One line supplies one regiments worth of equipment monthly.

    Civilian Administration: 1 Free Political Action, headed by Administrator Vinis Desyc.
    Ministry of Production: 1 Free Expand Resource Extraction/Industry/Advanced Industry Action, headed by Minister Mina Andard.
    --Bonus: Victory Gardens (+1 Food Production per 2.000.000 Workforce.)
    Exploration Office: 1 Free Exploration Action, headed by Administrator Explorer Rake Bastra.
    --Bonus: Head Explorer Valin Vil (Grants a +5 Bonus to any Exploration Action taken by the Exploration Office.)
    Science Office: 1 Free Research Action, headed by Administrator Delak Bek.
    Private Intelligence Network: 1 Free Intelligence Action, currently headed by no one.
    --Bonus: Hidden Headquarters (Grants a +10 Bonus to Counterintelligence Rolls for keeping the Personal Intelligence Network secret.)
    --Bonus: Imperial Intelligence Liasions (Grants a +10 Bonus to Actions targeting Imperial Intelligence)
    --Bonus: ISB Dossiers (Grants a +10 Bonus to Actions targeting COMPNOR)

    COMPNOR: Influence 1 (Takes one independent Political Action per turn.)
    Imperial Security Bureau: Influence 1 (Takes one independent Intelligence Action per turn.)
    Imperial Intelligence: Influence 2 (Takes one independent Intelligence Action per turn.)
    Imperial Department of Military Research: Influence 2 (Takes one independent Research Action per turn.)
    Imperial Navy: Influence 3 (Takes one independent Dockyard or Naval Action per turn.)
    Imperial Army: Influence 3 (Takes one independent Procurement or Ground Action per turn.)
    Imperial Special Forces: Influence 0 (Takes one independent Intelligence or Ground Action per turn.)
    Stormtrooper Corps: Influence 1 (Take one independent Procurement or Ground Action per turn.)
    Imperial Starfighter Corps: Influence 1 (Take one independent Procurement or Naval Action per turn.)

    Administrator Vinis Desyc - Civilian Administration
    : Zealous Aggression: Driven Bravery: Unflinching
    Best Skills: Politics & Influence 24, Leadership & Command 12, Administration & Logistics 10
    Relations: COMPNOR -1, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 2, Imperial Army 1, Stormtrooper Corps 1, Imperial Navy 1

    Minister Mina Andard - Ministry of Production
    : Zealous Aggression: Driven Bravery: Fearless
    Best Skills: Administration & Logistics 23, Politics & Influence 15, Intelligence & Subterfuge 11
    Relations: Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Department of Military Research 1, Imperial Army 1

    Administrator Rake Bastra - Exploration Office
    : Loyal Aggression: Driven Bravery: Fearless
    Best Skills: Intelligence & Subterfuge 23, Administration & Logistics 20, Leadership & Command 19
    Relations: Imperial Department of Military Research 1, Imperial Special Forces 1, Imperial Army 1

    Administrator Delak Bek - Science Office
    : Zealous Aggression: Driven Bravery: Unflinching
    Best Skills: Biology & Medicine 22, Chemistry & Materials 22, Administration & Logistics 15
    Relations: Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Department of Military Research 1, Stormtrooper Corps 1

    Kodooine System
    Single Yellow Star

    The star system we arrived in following our hyperspace accident.

    Total Workforce: 10000000
    Total Industry: 7
    Total Advanced Industry: 1

    Total Food Production: 28 (+5 From Victory Gardens)
    Total Fuel Production: 6
    Total Chemical Production: 5
    Total Metal Production: 9
    Total Rare Mineral Production: 4

    Total Available Regular Recruits: 0
    Total Available Superior Recruits: 0
    Total Available Elite Recruits: 0
    Total Unassigned Naval Crews and Troopers: 0

    Total Aurodium: 1
    Total Carbonite: 1

    Inner Cluster
    Planetary Remnant Asteroid Cluster
    Mineral Rich, Aurodium Deposit

    Remains of a destroyed planet, rich in minerals and holds a sizable aurodium deposit.

    Workforce: 5000
    Growth: 0 (until turn 180)
    Industry: -
    Advanced Industry: -

    Fuel Production: 1/1
    Chemical Production: 1/4
    Metal Production: 1/7
    Rare Mineral Production: 1/7

    Aurodium Production: 1/2


    Small Rocky Planet
    Low Gravity - No Atmosphere - Burning Climate
    No Native Flora - No Native Fauna - Uninhabited

    A small planet best described as a ball of lava.

    Workforce: -
    Growth: -
    Industry: -
    Advanced Industry: -

    Fuel Production: -/2
    Chemical Production: -/1
    Metal Production: -/3
    Rare Mineral Production: -/3



    Large Rocky Planet
    High Gravity - Corrosive Atmosphere - Burning Climate
    No Native Flora - No Native Fauna - Uninhabited

    A large planet that is utterly hostile to life.

    Workforce: -
    Growth: -
    Industry: -
    Advanced Industry: -

    Fuel Production: -/6
    Chemical Production: -/5
    Metal Production: -/11
    Rare Mineral Production: -/6



    Moderate Rocky Planet
    Normal Gravity - Breathable Atmosphere - Temperate Climate
    Primitive Native Flora - No Native Fauna - Our Colony

    Our first colony, located in the same star system we arrived in.
    Loyal Populace: +10 Bonus to Counterintelligence vs. coups and undermining.

    Workforce: 9994000
    Growth: 0 (until turn 188)
    Industry: 6
    Advanced Industry: 4

    Food Production: 28 (+5 from Victory Gardens)
    Fuel Production: 2/2
    Chemical Production: 3/5
    Metal Production: 7/7
    Rare Mineral Production: 2/4



    Cardan V-class Space Station
    Dockyard Points: 30+2d10
    Largest Capability: 1000 Dockyard Points
    Starfighter Lines: 2
    Shuttle Lines: 1

    Outer Cluster
    Planetary Remnant Asteroid Cluster
    Ruins (Unknown)

    Remains of a destroyed planet, contains several ancient ruins of unknown origin.

    Workforce: -
    Growth: 0 (until turn 180)
    Industry: -
    Advanced Industry: -

    Fuel Production: -/1
    Chemical Production: -/2
    Metal Production: -/8
    Rare Mineral Production: -/1


    Moderate Rocky Planet
    Standard Gravity - Inhospitable Atmosphere - Cold Climate
    No Native Flora - No Native Fauna - Uninhabited

    A cold planet where supplemental oxygen tanks would be required.

    Workforce: -
    Growth: -
    Industry: -
    Advanced Industry: -

    Fuel Production: -/4
    Chemical Production: -/4
    Metal Production: -/8
    Rare Mineral Production: -/2



    Gora Beinn
    Large Rocky Planet
    High Gravity - Toxic Atmosphere - Chilly Climate
    Primitive Native Flora - Primitive Native Fauna - Uninhabited

    Cold and toxic planet with high gravity, but sports native life adapted to these conditions.

    Workforce: -
    Growth: -
    Industry: -
    Advanced Industry: -

    Fuel Production: -/5
    Chemical Production: -/4
    Metal Production: -/11
    Rare Mineral Production: -/5



    Small Rocky Planet
    Low Gravity - No Atmosphere - Frozen Climate
    No Native Flora - No Native Fauna - Uninhabited

    Small ball of ice.

    Workforce: -
    Growth: -
    Industry: -
    Advanced Industry: -

    Fuel Production: -/1
    Chemical Production: -/5
    Metal Production: -/5
    Rare Mineral Production: -/2



    Inner Belt
    Asteroid Belt
    Mineral Rich, Large Fuel Deposit, Carbonite Deposit

    Strategically important mining location due to the presence of carbonite ore.

    Workforce: 6000
    Growth: 0 (until turn 180)
    Industry: 1
    Advanced Industry: -

    Fuel Production: 4/12
    Chemical Production: 1/5
    Metal Production: 1/8
    Rare Mineral Production: 1/2

    Carbonite Production: 1/5


    Gas Dwarf

    A rather unremarkable gas dwarf.

    Workforce: -
    Growth: -
    Industry: -
    Advanced Industry: -

    Fuel Production: -/2
    Chemical Production: -/13


    Outer Belt
    Asteroid Belt
    Mineral Rich, Large Fuel Deposit, Large Fuel Deposit

    Fuel rich asteroid belt marked for exploitation.

    Workforce: -
    Growth: -
    Industry: -
    Advanced Industry: -

    Fuel Production: -/15
    Chemical Production: -/2
    Metal Production: -/20
    Rare Mineral Production: -/3


    Massive Gas Giant
    Water Ice Disc - Rock Disc

    The planet furthest from the systems star, massive and a boon for future industry.

    Workforce: -
    Growth: -
    Industry: -
    Advanced Industry: -

    Fuel Production: -/17
    Chemical Production: -/26
    Metal Production: -/2
    Rare Mineral Production: -/2

    Unnamed Star System
    Single Orange Star

    Large Rocky Planet
    High Gravity, Burning Climate, Crushing Corrosive Atmosphere
    Mineral Rich, Mineral Rich

    : -
    Growth: -
    Industry: -
    Advanced Industry: -

    Fuel Production: -/9
    Chemical Production: -/10
    Metal Production: -/28
    Rare Mineral Production: -/18
    Phrikite Production: -/9
    Aurodium Production: -/7

    Inner Belt
    Mineral Rich

    : -
    Growth: -
    Industry: -
    Advanced Industry: -

    Fuel Production: -/5
    Chemical Production: -/4
    Metal Production: -/3
    Rare Mineral Production: -/6

    Dust Cloud
    Sensor Disruption

    Small Rocky Planet
    Low Gravity, Cold Climate, Thin Toxic Atmosphere

    : -
    Growth: -
    Industry: -
    Advanced Industry: -

    Fuel Production: -/2
    Chemical Production: -/5
    Metal Production: -/4
    Rare Mineral Production: -/3

    Middle Belt

    : -
    Growth: -
    Industry: -
    Advanced Industry: -

    Fuel Production: -/2
    Chemical Production: -/1
    Metal Production: -/3
    Rare Mineral Production: -/5

    Outer Belt

    Workforce: -
    Growth: -
    Industry: -
    Advanced Industry: -

    Fuel Production: -/5
    Chemical Production: -/1
    Metal Production: -/1
    Rare Mineral Production: -/1

    Small Rocky Planet
    Low Gravity, Frozen Climate, No Atmosphere
    Large Fuel Deposit

    : -
    Growth: -
    Industry: -
    Advanced Industry: -

    Fuel Production: -/10
    Chemical Production: -/5
    Metal Production: -/1
    Rare Mineral Production: -/2
    Last edited:
    Voting is open