Chapter VI: Backlash against the Peanut Farmer from Georgia
  • September 16th, 1976:


    *Former GA Governor Jimmy Carter (D) justified giving in-depth interview with Playboy Magazine, stating "It was my way of introducing myself to the American people."
    *Women's Rights Group blasts the Democratic VP nominee for controversial comments such as "lusting after other women."
    *Critics question whether Carter is up to the task of serving as VP if elected.
    *Brown campaign spokesperson: "No comment on the interview in question."

    Less than three days after giving a full in-depth interview with Natalia Baccerro of the Associated Press which lasted more than 1 HR & 47 minutes, polling surveys showed Americans expressing either shock, disgust or indifference to the controversial Playboy Magazine interview.

    When asked if he had any regrets giving the interview during a campaign town hall in Denver, CO; Carter doubled-down "I am an honest person. I will never tell the American people any lies and this is basic transparency to the voters, who are going to decide if we stick with the status quo or move in a new direction."

    September 17th, 1976:

    CA Governor Jerry Brown (D) staunchly defended his VP running-mate during a town hall meeting with college students at Arizona State University in Tempe. "Over the course of the campaign, I've gotten to know Governor Carter and his family. They're straightforward, decent, honest people and strong believers of transparency to all Americans," when asked by one of the college students.

    Brown also questioned the timing of the attacks on Carter's character "Considering that our campaign has the momentum, these attacks questioning Jimmy's character and personal life as well as his religious beliefs, seem to me in my opinion as part of a sinister political hit-job from associates of a failing campaign that is losing confidence from the American people due to failed leadership, scandals and paranoia over the last eight years."
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    Chapter VI: International Segments
  • September 19th, 1976:


    While the 1976 US Presidential election was turning into a wild, crazy soap opera, meanwhile back in Argentina: critics of controversial Argentine President Isabel Martinez de Peron have launched explosive allegations of human rights violations being inflicted upon opponents of the government of La Presidente.

    The allegations include midnight raids at the homes of many leftist activists: arresting the leaders of leftist & progressive organizations without search warrants; beatings on many of the detainees during torture sessions; forced reeducation camps in parts of the country, where according to unnamed sources for fear of being captured by government forces, alleged secret helicopter rides that resulted in over 71 detainees being pushed out of these helicopters, falling to their deaths.

    Spokespersons for La Presidente blasted the allegations by accusing political opponents & newspapers of "stirring up trouble and scaring away foreign investors from Argentina."

    Despite the allegations, La Presidente still enjoys a 71% approval rating due to the crushing of rebel troops during the Argentine Civil War which was caused by a botched failed coup attempt on March 24th.
    Chapter VI: First Presidential Debate in Philadelphia
  • The First Presidential Debate
    8:00 PM EST, September 23rd, 1976
    Walnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia, PA


    CBS Evening News Anchor Walter Cronkite: "We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming because we're going to bring you live coverage of the first Presidential debate between Vice President Edward Brooke and California Governor Jerry Brown. So we're going to take you there right now!"

    Edwin Newman: "Good evening. I'm Edwin Newman, moderator of the first debate of the 1976 campaign between Vice President Edward Brooke, the Republican candidate for President and Governor Jerry Brown of California, the Democratic candidate for President. We thank you, Governor Brown and Vice President Brooke, for being with us tonight. There will be three scheduled debates between the presidential candidates and one between the vice presidential candidates. All are being arranged by the League of Women Voters Education Fund. Tonight's debate, the first between presidential candidates in sixteen years, is taking place before an audience in the Walnut Street Theatre in Philadelphia, just three blocks from Independence Hall. The television audience may reach one hundred million in the United States and many millions more overseas. Tonight's debate will focus on domestic issues and economic policy. Questions will be put by our debate panelists: Frank Reynolds of ABC News, James Gannon of the Wall Srreet Journal and Elizabeth Drew of the New Yorker Magazine. Under the agreed rules the first question will go to Governor Brown. That was decided by the coin-toss. He will have up to three minutes to answer. One follow-up question will be permitted with up to two minutes to reply. Vice President Brooke will then have two minutes to respond. The next question will go to Vice President Brooke with the same time arrangements, and questions will continue to be alternated between the candidates. Each will make a three-minute statement at the end, Governor Brown to go first. Vice President Brooke and Governor Brown don't have any notes or prepared remarks with them this evening. Mr. Reynolds, your question for Governor Brown.

    Frank Reynolds (ABC News): "Governor Brown, during the course of this campaign, you've said that these debates will put voters concerns about whether you have the ability to address serious concerns on your ability of grasping the hot-button issues facing the American people. With inflation rising at an all-time high and the economy in a downward trend in recent years, what basic proposals would you put in place in rebuilding the national economy if you're elected President?"


    Governor Brown: "First of all, I would like to thank the League of Women's Voters Education Fund and the great people at the Walnut Street Theatre in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for hosting this presidential debate tonight. On the question that you mentioned earlier Mr. Reynolds. Yes, because first of all, we need to recognize that a tremendous economic strength in this country and setting the putting of well, putting people back to work as the top priority because it's one of the basic domestic policy issue facing America. Now this is.... I think.... this is uh, an effort which ought to be done primarily by strong leadership in the White House which with all due respect, hasn't been effective in the past eight years with budget cuts in order to quote, "Maintain the strategic leadership of the 70s". Now with regards to, the inspiration of um, uh... uh, the tapping of business, agriculture, industry, labor and government at all levels to work on this um project. We also have to understand that with the ongoing non-stop cycle of constant spiral of inflation, and we're not going to get a balanced budget fixed until we get all Americans back to work. The first point, researching and development funds into areas that will provide large numbers of jobs. Second point: we also need to have commitments in the private sector by cooperating with government in matters such as housing, job creation. Due to a very small investment of taxpayers' money in the housing field can also bring large numbers of extra jobs, and guaranteeing of mortgage loans, putting programs for housing for the elderly and so forth in order to cut down the roughly 205 unemployment which currently exists in the construction industry in places like the Midwest for example.

    But I believe that by the end of the first four years of the next term, we will have the unemployment rate reduced to 3 percent, which is about 4 percent overall. Well, we can balance growth of about 4 percent to 6 percent around 5 percent will be giving us a balanced budget.

    Reynolds: "Governor Brown, with unemployment that is likely to create additional pressures on prices, how willing are you going to consider options such as incomes policy, in other words, wage, price and controls if you're elected?"

    Governor Brown: "Right now, we have such a low utilization of productive capacity. I think it's currently around 73%; I know it's about the lowest since the Great Depression from what I've heard. Due to the large unemployment rate of somewhere between 7.9% to nearing 13% of higher, we as a country, have a long way to go in order to get people back to work before we're seeing the inflationary pressures. Now, having served as Governor of the State of California with a record-high budget surplus, I am confident that with hardworking decision-making on difficult decisions such as budget cuts on specific programs as well as other alternatives, all of these efforts will be easy to accomplish, to getting jobs down, without having strong inflationary pressures which is effecting other countries right now. However, I am not in favor of the payment of a fixed income to people unless they're absolutely not able to find employment and working. With tax incentives for the low-income groups, we could build up income levels above the poverty level and not um making welfare programs more profitable than work.

    Newman: "Vice President Brooke, your response?"


    Vice President Brooke: "What we just saw this evening is more of Governor Brown's constant flip-flop on what he would do to fix the economy and this one-sized-fits-all policy of taxing and taxing and spending and spending is not going to be successful. The Governor's answers aren't more specific tonight than anything we've already heard from him. The truth of the matter is, Governor Brown, big government ideas on the economy is not the solution facing Americans----big government ideas is the main problem! The Governor's proposals aren't all that original or impactful. Most of these plans he's spouting off are obviously coming right off of the Humphrey-Hawkins bill, which I should let everyone watching this debate, that he's not even mentioning at all. This legislation that some of the Governor's campaign associates noted months earlier, as well as being part of the platform of the Democratic Party, will add $10-30 billion each year in additional government expenditures and will put large portions of our economy under control of the federal government.

    The Humphrey-Hawkins bill will also cause export controls on agricultural outputs, which will end up hurting small farmers in the Heartland and across the country including farms like one of whom being owned by Governor Brown's running-mate, Governor Carter.

    We must allow the private sector to generate jobs; we can do this by cutting taxes across the board on all Americans, from the high rate of 70 percent all the way down to 30 percent. This is a 40% tax cut, and that's money that will go directly back into our economy. We can also create further tax incentives in order to attract businesses and industries to the blighted areas, where they can create steady employment in communities battling joblessness.

    Newman: "Thank you Mr. Vice President. Mr. Gannon, your question for Vice President Brooke?"

    Gannon: "Mr. Vice President, I would like to continue for just a moment on this question of taxes which were just brought up earlier tonight. You said on the campaign trail that you favor more tax cuts for middle-income Americans---even those earning $30,000 per year. This presumably would cost the Treasury a quite of bit of money in lost revenues. In the view of the largest budget deficits that you have accumulated and that are still currently in prospect, how is it possible to provide further tax cuts and reaching your goal of pursuing this measure to reality if you're elected President?"

    Vice President Brooke: "Now, first of all, Mr. Gannon, with all due respect, I think this idea that has been spawned onto our country that inflation somehow came upon us like the plague and therefore because its uncontrollable and nobody could do anything about it, it's entirely unacceptable and it's also dangerous to say that to the American people, who are watching this debate tonight. Once again, Governor Brown's economic plans specifically calls for increasing taxes nonstop to the point where we take so much money from the people that we balance the budget in this ridiculous way. If my opponent has his way, we will become a very poor nation with an unsound economy and a laughing stock throughout the world. Let's take into account on the programs Governor Brown wants to implement, for example, public-private projects in areas related to housing. While individual American families' savings as well as their hard-earned income gets decimated by inflation, a hypothetical President Brown would escalate this further by continuing to take more money from the American people in pursuing this hair-brained ponzi scheme from Congressman Hawkins and Senator Humphrey."

    Newman: "Mrs. Drew, your question for Governor Brown."

    Drew: "Governor Brown, you've proposed a specific number of new or expanded programs that include jobs, health, welfare reform, child care, aid to education, aid to cities, changes in Social Security and housing subsidies. Can you tell us why these programs won't add to the deficit?"

    Governor Brown: "These specific programs detailed won't cost taxpayers money or even add to the budget deficit. Unlike recent administrations in the last few years, who've ignored the inflation crisis with the naive Laisse-Fairs approach by sending the increasing burdens to the States or even the Cities. Vice President Brooke is complicit in supporting reprehensible policies that nearly destroyed several cities such as Cleveland, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Baltimore and Chicago. When the Great Society programs such as Headstart, Antipoverty Initiatives, Infrastructure projects were viciously gutted by Presidents Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and Nelson Rockefeller, Vice President Brooke was clapping applauding them along like a good soldier and even cheering them all the way."

    Drew: "That's not what I asked Governor. How are your proposals and specific programs that you mentioned during the campaign trail are going to be effective in the long-term basis?"

    Governor Brown: "If we're just assuming the old rate of economic growth of our economy, equivalent to what it was during President Johnsom, even President Kennedy, now even before the war in Southeast Asia. Let's assume by the end of the four-year period we can be able to cutting the unemployment rate down to 4% to 4.5% under the circumstances, even assuming the elimination of unnecessary programs and assuring there's an increase in the allotment of money to financial programs, increasing as the inflation rate does, then based on the economic projections, which I think came from both the House and Senate committees have been on the $60 billion extra allotments of money that can be spent in fiscal year 1981."

    Newman: "Mr. Vice President, your response?"

    Vice President Brooke: "Most people, when they think about cutting government spending, they talk in terms elimination unnecessary programs or wiping out something in the budget as well as cutting waste in government agencies or deparrments, some services that government is supposed to be performing. I strongly believe there is enough extravagance and lots of fat in the federal government. I've got a specific program calling for gradual reductions of government spending based on these facts, and I have a task force now that has been working on where these detailed cuts will be made. I am completely confident that it can and will be done and these cuts will reduce inflation. As you know Mrs. Drew, under the proud leadership of President Nelson Rockefeller, we made tough, difficult but necessary decisions in balancing the federal budget which included cutting lots of government spending by consolidating or eliminating------."

    Newman: "Mr. Vice President, I apologize for interrupting, but it appears we.......we believe we have had something of a broadcasting failure....are we....we're off the air? Bare with us, Mr. Vice President."

    Newman: "We're back following adjustments with the broadcasting failure inside the Walnut Street Theatre. We now close out the debate with closing statements. And to start, it's lucky we begin with Vice President Brooke, who won the coin toss. Mr. Vice President?"

    Vice President Brooke: "Throughout the course of this campaign, I have discussed the major important issues concerning the American people. This campaigm is about experience and leadership, there's nobody here except yours truly who has the skills, hardwork, leadership abilities as Massachusetts State Attorney General, United States Senator and as the 42nd Vice President of the United States, to have the honor of serving as your President if elected.

    We are a country of different cultures, religions, multitude of tongues. We won the American Revolutionary War in gaining independence from Great Britain. Then when our country was torn apart in the Civil War: The Union defeated the Confederacy which marked the end of slavery, which resulted in Reconstruction. When World War I broke out, we answered the call and led the Allied Powers by defeating the Axis of Evil; 23 years later on December 7, 1941, when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, we answered the call once again and joined with our allies and friends leading the Allies in World War II defeating the Axis of Evil once again. Having worn the uniform during World War II serving in the United States Army, I along with countless millions of Americans, who became part of the Greatest Generation.

    As a country, we landed on the Eastern shore and then went out over the mountains and the prairies and the deserts, and the far western mountains to the Pacific, building cities and towns and farms and schools and churches. If fire, wind and water destroyed them, we will build them again stronger than ever before. At the same time, we also built a new breed of human called an American: proud, independent and most compassionate individual.

    There are millions of Americans today, who have fought harder, paid a higher price of freedom, and doing more in advancing the dignity of man than any people who ever lived on this earth. For 200 years, we've lived in the fairness that tomorrow would be better than today, and today would be better than yesterday. I strongly believe that. I'm not running for the Presidency because I believe that I can solve the problems we've discussed this evening. I believe the people of this country can, and together, we can be that beacon of opportunity in the world. We can meet our destiny------and that experience is needed to lead America in the next four years. Thank you!"

    "Governor Brown?".

    Governor Brown: "I would like to thank the panelists and everyone else who put together this important debate. Tonight, we've had a chance to talk alot about the past. However, I believe it's time to discuss the future. Over the past eight years, our nation has been bitterly divided as never before. We need to have unity right now. It's time to drawing ourselves together; having a President and a Congress that can work together with mutual respect for a change, so the people can understand their own government. It's time for government, industry, labor, manufacturing, agriculture, education, other entities in our society to cooperate. For a long time, our American citizens have been neglected, ignored, excluded and sometimes misled, sometimes gace been lied to. This is unacceptable and it's not compatible to the character of our nation.

    I strongly believe in our country. It needs to be competent and stronger . The government needs to be well-managed, efficient and economical, we need to beva government that's sensitive to our people's needs; to those who are poor, who don't have adequate health care, who have been cheated too long with our tax programs, who've been out of jobs, where families have been torn apart. We also need to be restoring the trust and faith of the American people in their own government. In addition to that, we've suffered because we haven't had leadership in the last three presidential administrations in eight years.

    What we've seen in three consecutive Republican presidential administrations, we've got a government in chaos and stalemate. We've lost the vision of wgat our country can and ought to be. This isn't the America we've known in the past. I know it's not the America that we're seeing right now and have in the future because eveywhere I have traveled, the American people want change of leadership and from what Vice President Brooke offered tonight, is more of the same failed disastrous policies and maintaining the status quo.

    Now I don't claim to knowing all of the answers. But I've got confidence in my country. Our economic strengths are still there. In spite of Vietnam, Cambodia, the CIA, FBI, Watergate, our system of government is still the best system of government on earth.

    With 215 million Americans, who have the strength, character, intelligence, experience, idealism, compassion, sense of brotherhood, and the patriotism , on which we can rely in the future to restoring the greatness to our country. We ought not to be excluded from our government anymore. We need a President who can go in------who derives his strength from the people. I do NOT owe the special interest groups anything. I owe everything to you, the people of this amazing country. If we can tap the tremendous untapped reservoir of innovative strength in this country, that we can once again have a government as good as our people, and let the world know what we still know, and hoping for that we still live in the greatest and the strongest and the best country on earth.

    Newman: "And that's a wrap up of our debate tonight. We hope you join us again in San Francisco on October 6th for the second Presidential debate, focusing on Foreign Affairs and Defense. Thanks for joining us tonight. Thank you, Vice President Brooke and Governor Brown, for being here. I want to thank my colleagues as well. Thanks for watching and from Philadelphia's historic Walnut Street Theatre, good night."
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    Fallout from the First Presidential Debate
  • Brown
    7:00 PM PST, September 26th, 1976
    Sacramento, CA


    CA Governor Jerry Brown (D) welcomed to cheerful crowd of supporters in Sacramento.
    The aftermath of the first Presidential debate was a total disaster for the Brown campaign. Caught flat-footed, sucker punched on a political scale due to the first-term California Governor's nervousness, stammering, stuttering on how he'll have the programs implemented if elected President, caused some senior aides in the Brown campaign to put together a more aggressive nature in getting the Governor better prepared in the next debate.

    Gray Davis, the Gubernatorial Chief of Staff, was pissed off at the lack of urgency from some staffers, whom he believed didn't serve Brown's best interest on the campaign trail: "These dumbasses think they know how to run a fucking campaign, I plan on taking charge from now on. We're going to shake it up!"

    Davis had good reason to be nervous about Brown's disastrous debate performance in Philadelphia. Following the first debate, pollsters revealed 59% of Americans felt Brooke won the debate; 27% thought Brown won the debate. Other polling surveys showed that majority of Americans knew nothing about the Governor's policy proposals & objectives. On September 30th: Gallup revealed the following:
    Gallup Polling Survey (September 30th, 1976)
    1976 US Presidential Election

    Brown (D): 40%
    Brooke (R): 39%
    Undecided: 17%
    Not Sure: 1%

    Over on the other side of the political spectrum, Vice President Brooke managed to reduce a once 29 percentage point deficit down to within 1 percentage point. Brooke easily trounced the rookie in the debate by focusing on experience, leadership abilities, strong specific outlines of policies in what a hypothetical Brooke administration would look like.

    Brooke got the endorsement of several key figures: former United States Senator Elaine Edwards (D-LA), former TX Governor Preston Smith (D), former US Ambassador to the United Nations Daniel Patrick Moynihan & several other Democrats.

    While Brooke was gaining momentum in the Presidential campaign, over in Argentina, there was ugly human rights violations being escalated non-stop by the controversial Triple-A Alliance in the name of "Protecting the Republic" when opponents of Argentine President Isabel Martinez de Peron were being rounded up by security forces in the middle of the night during raids: some were "arrested" for insulting the government; families were torn apart by seperation policies in the name of defending La Presidente; according to eyewitness accounts, security forces with assistance of former Nazi German intelligence officials personally rounded up news journalists, comedians, celebrities and professional athletes by accusing them of "infecting and contaminating the Argentinean identity."

    With the upcoming debate heavily focused on Foreign Affairs & Defense, human rights activists & investigative journalists were being aggressively vocal about the dark side of La Presidente & what's really happening in Argentina as the once-proud South American country was undergoing another dictatorship, this time by a female Head of State.
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    Chapter VI: National & International Highlights (Fall 1976)
  • National & International Highlights
    (Fall 1976)

    September 24th-October 3rd, 1976

    President Nelson Rockefeller & First Lady Happy Rockefeller greeting well-wishers at Andrews AFB before heading to Singapore.
    Friday, September 24th, 1976: President Nelson Rockefeller & First Lady Happy Rockefeller greeted well-wishers at Andrews AFB in Prince Georges County, MD before boarding Air Force One for his State Visits to Singapore (September 24th-27th), India (September 27th-29th) & Australia (September 29th-October 2nd).

    Saturday, September 25th, 1976: Vice President Edward Brooke held whistlestop campaign tour via train across the Great Lakes: visiting IA, IL, WI, OH, PA, NJ.


    Meanwhile Brooke's running-mate United States Senator Bob Dole (R-KS) campaigned aggressively as the attack dog slamming the Democratic ticket as "Pandering to Hollywood celebrities" & other blunt harsh language during campaign rallies in the South.

    Thursday, September 30th, 1976: The Hart/Scott/Roding Antitrust Improvements Act, sets of amendments to the antitrust laws of the United States principally the Clayton Antitrust Act, is signed into law by President Rockefeller.

    Friday, October 1st, 1976: Hurricane Liza kills more than 600 people in Mexico's Baja California Peninsula, striking the resort city of La Paz, Baja California Sur where 350 people died & another 280 in the surrounding area.

    Sunday, October 3rd, 1976: Voting was held in West Germany for the 496-seat Bundestag. Although Chancellor Helmut Schmidt's Social Democratic Party (SDP) lost 16 seats & it's coalition partner, the Free Democratic Party (FDP) lost 2 seats; the coalition retained 253-243 majority of the Bundestag over Helmut Kohl's Christian Democrats/Christian Socialists (CDU/CSU).
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    Chapter VI: 2nd Presidential Debate
  • ************THE 1976 SECOND PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE**********

    October 6th, 1976
    Palace of the Fine Arts Theatre
    San Francisco, CA

    Pauline Frederick: "Good evening. I'm Pauline Frederick of NPR, moderator of this second of the historic debates of the 1976 Presidential election between the Republican candidate for President, Vice President Edward Brooke of Massachusetts and Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr., of California, the Democratic candidate. Thank you both for being with us tonight. This debate takes place before an audience inside the Palace of the Fine Arts Theatre in San Francisco. An estimated one hundred million Americans are watching on television as well. San Francisco was the site of the signing of the United Nations Charter, 31 years ago. Thus, it is an appropriate place to hold this debate, the subject of which will consist of Foreign Affairs and Defense.

    The questioners tonight are Max Frankel, associate editor of the New York Times; Henry L. Trewhitt, diplomatic correspondent of the Baltimore Sun, and Richard Valeriani, diplomatic correspondent of NBC News. The ground rules are basically the same as they were in the first debate two weeks ago. The questions will be altered between the candidates. By the toss of a coin, Governor Brown will take the first question. Each question sequence will be as follows: The question will be asked and the candidate will have up to three minutes to answer. His opponent will have up to two minutes to respond. And prior to the response, the questioner may ask a follow-up question and clarify the candidates' answer when necessary with up to two minutes to reply. Each candidate will have three minutes for a closing statement at the end. Vice President Brooke and Governor Brown don't have notes or prepared remarks with them this evening, but they may take notes during the debate and refer to them. Mr. Frankel, you have the first question for Governor Brown."

    Max Frankel: "Governor, since the Democrats last ran our foreign policy, includes many of the men who are advising you, the country has been relieved of the Vietnam agony and the military draft, we started arms control negotiations with the Russians, opened relations with China: both of these measures were abruptly terminated and dismantled by President Rockefeller. Arranged the disengagement in the Middle East, we've regained influence with the Arabs without abandoning Israel, now we've even begun the process of peaceful change in Africa. Now you've strongly objected in this campaign to the style with which much of this was done, and you've mentioned some other things that-------that you think ought to have been done. But do you really have a strong quarrel with this Republican record? Would you not have done any of these things?"

    Governor Brown: "Well, I think the last three consecutive Republican administrations have been almost all style, and spectacular and not much substance. We've got a chance tonight to talk about, first of all, leadership, the character of our country and a vision of the future. In every one of these instances, the current administration that my opponent is proudly part of, has failed, and I have little hope that Vice President Brooke would improve the situation. To be honest, our country is not strong anywhere; we're not even respected anymore. We can only be strong overseas if we're strong at home and when I become President, we'll not only be strong in those areas but also in defense-------a defense capability second to none. We've lost in our foreign policy, the character of the American people. We've blatantly ignored or excluded altogether the American people and the Congress from participation in the shaping of our foreign policy. It's been one of secrecy and exclusion. We've tried to buy success from our enemies, and at the same time we've excluded from the process the normal friendship of our allies. In addition of that, we've become fearful to compete with the Soviet Union on an equal basis. We talk about Detente. The Soviet Union knows what they want in Detente, and they've been getting it. We have not known what we've wanted and we've been out-traded in almost every instance.

    But the fact of the matter is that Vice President Brooke wants to continue the Rockefeller administration's international indiscretions. President Rockefeller didn't seek election to a full four-year term due to the backlash on complicity of outrageous hawkish foreign policy decisions. Vice President Brooke wants to pick up where President Rockefeller left off and resume the failed doctrine of containment. This means more Vietnam, this means another generation must grow up under "duck and cover drills" and this means an arms race with the USSR which could only escalate the stakes higher. I don't believe that at this period of respectful coexistence that it's worth our while to dailing back to tenuous times, such as 1962, which my opponent's foreign policy could lead to."

    Frederick: "Vice President Brooke, your response?"

    Vice President Brooke: "There he goes again! Governor Brown once again is rambling in broad, crazy, whacky generalizations. Let me talk about one question that he raised about the military strength and capability of the United States. Remember, Governor Brown in November 1975 indicated that he wanted to cut the defense budget by $20 billion across the board. A few months later, he said he wanted to cut the defense budget by $13 billion dollars, and more recently, he talks cutting the defense budget by $16 billion dollars. There is no way you can be strong militarily and have those kinds of reductions in our military appropriations. It seems that Governor Brown wants to spend more and more money by weakening America and strengthen the national debt. In 1972, the American people had been offered this choice before when George McGovern and his platform of criminality, lawlessness, isolationism, and tax and spend liberalism were soundly rejected by President Nixon. I am confident that they will reject this once and for all."

    Frederick: "Now we've got a question for Vice President Brooke, from Mr. Trewhitt."

    Henry L. Trewhitt: "Mr. Vice President, my question is really on the other side of the coin from Mr. Frankel's question. For a generation the United States has had a foreign policy based on the containment of communism. Yet we've lost the first war in Vietnam; we lost a shouting match in Angola; the communists threatening to come to power by peaceful means in Italy and relations with the Soviet Union have deteriorated in the last few months. So let me ask you first, what do you do about examples such as Italy? And secondly, does this gradual drift mean that we're moving back towards something, like an old cold-cold-war relationship with the Soviet Union?"

    Vice President Brooke: "First of all, I believe that the cause of freedom isn't exclusively an American cause. Freedom's earned in the hearts of people on every continent and under every regime. And while it is the duty of America to support those who wish to live in freedom, we are not alone. Take for example, Portugal, which a year ago was in danger of falling under Soviet hegemony as the communists were expected to win their elections, they didn't. They were rejected by the Portuguese people. I have faith that the people of Italy who like Portugal, has been scarred in fascism, will reject the communists as well.

    Now currently we have seen Soviet influence in the Middle East abating to a larger degree. Both Syria and Egypt have rejected the Soviet Union's attempt to increase their military presence in those countries. The Russians are basically on the run lately as a result and I agree with Prime Minister Rabin's assesment that the Soviets presence in the Middle East is on the defensive and from their former Arab clients. I think this is an opportunity by redefining the dynamic in the region and to pursue a lasting peace between the Arabs and the Israelis."

    Frederick: "How do you respond to Vice President Brooke's response, Governor Brown?"

    Governor Brown: "Well, I think Vice President Brooke is right to have faith in the people of Europe. I don't see communism rising in Europe. But I take issue with the Vice President's claim that I seek to cut the defense budget by $20 billion dollars. That is patently false! I believe the Vice President is making these claims to distracting the voters from the fact that the massive spending hikes he's proposing for the Pentagon aren't going to balance the federal budget. My opponent is pushing for an expanded doctrine that's very more openly aggressive than the policies of the Nixon and Ford administrations. In fact, he's an openly staunch supporter of the Rockefeller administration's failed foreign policy blunder, which was led by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, which took place in Argentina nearly seven months ago with the botched military coup attempt against President Isabel Peron. This has resulted in an escalation of open, defiant anti-American sentiment and rhetoric in Argentina right now. In fact, in the Summer of 1975, the Ford administration had not only supported but openly encouraged for a military coup in Mexico that has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of innocent people, which has led to a potential humanitarian crisis right now engulfing the Americas. As a matter of fact, my opponent's aggressive doctrine in foreign policy if he's elected might result in utter and total chaos in NATO and I shutter to think what he'll do if he plans of getting America into the South African conflicts in Angola, Mozambique and Rhodesia."

    Frederick: "Mr. Vice President?"

    Vice President Brooke: "My opponent is once again distorting purposefully my foreign policy vision. I am proud of working with President Rockefeller, Secretary Kissinger and Defense Secretary Clements on increasing our national defense, rebuilding our proud Armed Forces, maintaining our diplomacy and foreign affairs with peace through strength. I don't believe and have never supported sending American troops to conflicts such as Mexico or Nicaragua, the Carribbean or any other global hot spot. Though, I am not afraid to standing up to those who are our adversaries in protecting America's national security by any means necessary. Now I don't believe that sending American combat troops in dealing with the problems in South Africa would solve the problem..."
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    Chapter VI: Fallout of the 2nd Presidential Debate in San Francisco, CA

    October 12th, 1976

    Following another strong debate performance in San Francisco on October 6th, polling surveys showed that Vice President Brooke has taken the lead against CA Governor Jerry Brown (D).

    Brooke's aggressive defense of the Rockefeller administration's foreign affairs & national defense policies including his "going on the offense" hammering Brown's lack of foreign policy proposals have won over groups of undecided voters.

    ABC News revealed in their poll that Brooke leads among Independents by 16 percentage points; tied with Women & leading overwhelmingly among Conservatives & Moderates.

    ABC News Poll (October 8th-12th, 1976)
    1976 Presidential Election

    Brooke (R): 41.75%
    Brown (D): 40.13%
    Undecided: 12%

    ANALYSIS FROM POLITICAL EXPERTS: Following the release of the ABC News Poll, a group of bipartisan political experts during a roundtable discussion of "News & Issues" stated that the lack of campaign policy proposals from Governor Brown has caused his once double-digit lead of 29 percentage points from the summer down to a statistical tie.

    The aggressive offensive hard-hitting negative advertising commercials by the Brooke campaign is working following two dominant performances in the debates. With the third & final debate less than nine days away, one political analysts summed it up, "Governor Brown needs a major game-changer to prevent his downhill slide from continuing any further."
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    Chapter VI: The Secret
  • The Secret Affair
    10:00 PM EST, Monday, October 11th, 1976
    Somewhere in the outskirts of Albany, NY St

    It was getting late night on the campaign trail & United States Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV) was in the midst of electing Democrats to the United States Senate in the upcoming 1976 elections. After attending a raucous campaign fundraiser for former US Ambassador to the United Nations Daniel P. Moynihan (D)'s campaign for the United States Senate against incumbent United States Senator James Buckley (R/C-NY St), Byrd was heading toward his hotel room in order to get some sleep, but he was distracted by some noises across the hall.

    At first, he attempted to ignore it, but the noises which originally was the assumption of some partygoers wasn't the case. Deciding to check things out, Byrd said to himself "Wondering what is this so-called noise and where it's coming from?"

    Noticing about five Secret Service agents guarding the hallways in a private hideout leading toward the steam room, Byrd not wanting to get caught, decided to sneak around another way....

    Managing to find an unsecured doorway leading to a private back entrance to the steam room, Byrd got quite an eyeful alright: seeing Vice President Brooke thoroughly penetrating Barbara Walters as both were naked & barefoot having sex on the floor with Barbara (who was lying on her back) moaning uncontrollably "Your super large dick is stretching my vagina. Give it to me". The secret lovers kept fucking aggressively non-stop as Byrd quietly closed the backdoor of the steam room, "Oh my! Wait until I tell Erma on what I just saw tonight" smirking & gleefully itching to upend the 1976 Presidential campaign.

    Getting back to his hotel room, Byrd had an audio recording device playing back Brooke & Walters' secret sexual encounter & had one huge smirk on his face. In a not surprising move, Byrd called his wife & told her all of the juicy details regarding Brooke's extracurricular activities. He then phoned someone close to the Brown campaign, presumably campaign manager Gray Davis, who answered the phone: "This is Gray Davis of the Jerry Brown Campaign. Senator Byrd, what can I do for you?"

    Senator Byrd smirked & responded, "Mr. Davis. I've got something of an explosive bombshell that could alter the entire 1976 Presidential campaign. But if you want to get majority supoort in the South, it's gonna cost ya and Governor Brown if he wants to reverse those dreadful polling numbers."

    What would happen next was going to become one of the biggest October Surprises ever that would have ramifications going forward in American politics & open the door on how aggressive negative advertising commercials with dog-whistles would escalate in future elections....

    To Be Continued: Anonymous voiceovers blackmail Walters & VP Brooke.
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    Chapter VI: The Blackmail escalates
  • The Blackmail with threats of exposure of dirty secrets
    9:32 PM EST, Tuesday, October 12th, 1976

    Barbara Walters of ABC News was coming back home from work at the ABC News Studios when she arrived at her penthouse apartment to relax when she noticed a mysterious brown large package with her name in capital letters "BARBARA WALTERS: FOR YOUR EYES ONLY". She wondered what was the package all about, "I wonder what this package is about? Can't figure it could be from one of our viewers who watch ABC News" Barbara has assumed, finding some audio recordings, she placed them into her audio playing machine & sat back to listen to the recording.


    What would happen next in the audio recording rose the rush of fear down Barbara's spine as she sat horrified in her chair while listening: "FUCK ME HARD BABY. STRETCH MY VAGINA WIDE BABY. OHHHHHH" (the secret sex escapade involving Barbara's secret affair with Brooke). She was suddenly shaking nervously & horrified "Who the fuck recorded us? I have to warn Eddie because I have to protect our careers".

    Calling the Vice President on a secret, private number. Brooke answered "This is Ed Brooke." Barbara answered "Eddie. Somebody wiretapped and recorded us. Did you get a mysterious package?" Brooke (who was in his Cape Cod private residence), played the recording himself as well & was furious "Yes I did Barbara. I wonder who in the Hell wiretapped us last night?"

    Brooke calmed Barbara down, "Don't worry Barbara, I'll get to the bottom of this because the third and final presidential debate is in 10 days, we both cannot afford any of these audio recordings to come out ever!" Barbara still nervous "I need to see you tonight. We have to think of something to prevent any of this from coming out."

    Barbara took a private plane ride to Cape Cod, MA, where she & Brooke engaged in another secret aggressive sexual escapade inside his private secret retreat in the middle of the night. Naked & barefoot, Barbara (laying on her back watching the fireplace) wondered "I am afraid I will have to decline the opportunity to moderate the third debate in Williamsburg. Ed, you have an important presidential campaign to win and I don't want to see you get hurt because of me, we have to end this relationship..." "No we cannot end this relationship just yet, but not until one final escapade," Brooke responded before they engaged in another sexual escapade all night long...

    Chapter VI: October Surprise Scoop
  • Thursday, October 14th, 1976


    Less than two days after getting the mysterious package containing incriminating audio recordings of their sexual rendezvous, Barbara Walters issued a statement declining to moderate the upcoming third Presidential Debate scheduled for October 22nd in Williamsburg, VA. Walters said "While I am honored of being given the chance to serve as moderator of the third and final presidential debate, I cannot in good conscience follow through on this duty because of scheduling conflicts in other priorities working with ABC News."

    There's no specific reason into elaborating of why Walters declined to serve as the moderator of the upcoming debate, but the Commission of Presidential Debates issued a statement saying "While we're disappointed Mrs. Walters won't be serving as moderator of the Presidential Debate in Williamsburg, Virginia, it is our hope that we can find another replacement to hold this very important debate of the 1976 Presidential campaign."

    Gallup Polling Survey (October 14th, 1976)

    Brooke (R): 48.4%
    Brown (D): 47.6%
    Undecided: 4.0%
    Chapter VI: National & International Highlights (Fall 1976)
  • The Home Stretch of the 1976 Presidential Campaign
    Fall 1976

    The upcoming VP Debate set for October 15th, 1976 pitted former GA Governor Jimmy Carter (D) against United States Senator Bob Dole (R-KS). Though Carter had weathered the recent blowback storm of his controversial interview with Playboy Magazine, his outsider status gained popularity & became a positive force for the Democratic ticket including strong support from the South.

    Gray Davis, the campaign manager for Governor Brown's presidential campaign, knew ahead of the VP Debate that Carter was going to have struggles against the experienced conservative Dole. Due to Brown's downward polling numbers because of Brooke's two successful debates in the presidential election, the Brown campaign deployed Carter more vigorously in order to make preemptive introduction of the future VP to the American public. This approach paid off successfully as voters viewed Carter as honest, more open & very credible as the future second in command.

    Final month of the campaign continued with the very quiet VP Debate between Governor Carter & Senator Dole which was held at the Alley Theater in Houston, TX; though it wasn't widely watched, Dole was hailed by the press & political analysts as the winner of the debate. Benefiting from the "Texas Two-Snooze Fest", Dole's dominating performance resulted in the Brooke campaign to deploying Dole more frequently on the campaign trail in majority of the battleground States.

    In Southeast Asia, some international events returned to the forefront of the campaign trail once again when the Royal Thai Army opened fire on student demonstrators in Bangkok, Thailand. The massacre came just one day after Vice President Brooke speaking to an annual convention of Asian American voters in San Jose, CA where he vowed if elected President, continuing military aid & financial support for the military dictatorship as bulwarks against the spread of communism. Governor Brown put Brooke's comments on full-blast, pledging he would focus on human rights & pursue diplomatic solutionsbin resolving conflicts such as the ongoing fallout from the failed coup attempt against Argentine President Isabel Peron, who announced her intentions of seeking reelection in 1977.

    The United States Coast Guard cutter Sherman seized the Panamanian freighter Don Emilio, which was captured in US territorial waters & found large cargoes of narcotics estimating $134,000,000.

    Voters in the Philippines overwhelmingly approved an extension of the 1972 Proclamation #1081 Martial Law with 90% of the nationwide vote. Constitutional amendments stated in Presidential Decree #1033 (1976) with 87.58%.
    Chapter VI: October Surprise #2
  • October 16th, 1976


    *Details unclear on why the third & final Presidential Debate was cancelled.
    *Finger-pointing between Brooke, Brown campaigns on who cancelled the debate.
    *Polls suggest Presidential election is still considered Toss-Up.

    Americans woke up on Saturday morning & got the stunning news that the originally scheduled Presidential Debate between Vice President Brooke & Governor Brown set for October 22nd in Williamsburg, VA has been cancelled altogether.

    In response, Governor Brown issued statement "The American people has been denied an opportunity to hear the candidates vision for the next four years. It's very disappointing to hear that there's not going to be a third debate. Our campaign will continue traveling the country and discus the main issues of bringing Americans together."

    Vice President Brooke responded "After dominating two consecutive debates, it appears Governor Brown was so intimidated that I strongly pointed out facts and specifics, he got cold feet and refused to participate in the upcoming third debate in Williamsburg." His running mate, Senator Dole went further: "The American people cannot afford to risk our national security and economic security to two untested rookies, who have no experience in foreign policy, national defense, or balancing a budget."

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    Chapter VI: Election Night 1976 (Part I)
  • Tuesday, November 2nd, 1976

    ********************US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION 1976 COVERAGE********************


    Harry Reasoner, Barbara Walters & Howard K. Smith during ABC News' Election Night Coverage.
    Harry Reasoner: "Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen. Today is Tuesday, November 2nd, 1976 and you're watching ABC News live coverage of the US Presidential Election 1976. My name is Harry Reasoner and alongside here on the anchor desk: Barbara Walters and Howard K. Smith including our group of political analysts, experts and countless others, who will be giving us latest developments. After one of the most longest, hardest and strange twists and turns on the campaign trail, the nationally-watched and internationally-watched showdowns between Republican Vice President Edward W. Brooke, III and his Democratic opponent, California Governor Edmund G. "Jerry" Brown, Jr.,, has finally arrived. The polling surveys have gone all over the place between the candidates which escalated during the two Presidential debates, to the point of odds-makers handicapping it as a Toss-Up. We will bring you the viewers at home, our full in-depth analysis on the results of this presidential election but also how it'll impact down-ballot offices including seats for the US House of Representatives and the United States Senate as well as the Governorships.

    Once again, I am thrilled to be joined by co-moderators Barbara Walters and Howard K. Smith."

    Barbara Walters: "Good evening and welcome from me as well. Thank you very much for tuning into our special program of Election Night 1976. We're looking forward to providing you all of the information you need in the coming hours in this national election, which is also the essence of our democracy."

    Howard K. Smith: "After months and months and an exhausting campaign on both sides, election day has finally arrived and it's up to the American people to decide on how the country will be shaped in the next four years. America will elect a new President today, along with all 435 members of the US House of Representatives, 33 of the contested US Senate seats including couple of Governorships and several local elected offices. But the main focus of attention will be the Presidential race between Vice President Brooke and Governor Brown. This is quite unique of an election battle between the first African American Vice President of the United States and the first-term Governor of California, who would become the second bachelor President since James Buchanan. Like Harry said earlier, multiple polling surveys indicated this presidential race is so too close to call that it has been considered as neck-and-neck over the past few months. On the Congress, we have to consider the Democratic Party has the upper hand, currently holding a veto-proof majority in the US House of Representatives and a supermajority in the United States Senate with 61 seats. The outcome of the presidential election will likely determine if and how many of their legislative priorities either a President Brooke or President Brown can be able to enact into law."

    Harry Reasoner: "Barbara and Howard, both of you have pretty much summed it up very well. America will elect a new President today. However, in such a closely-watched election, the big question we should all ask if how long it will be taking to counting the votes as we're facing the possibility of getting into a situation in which a couple of states will determine and decide the outcome of the 1976 US Presidential election. I would strongly advise everyone watching that we're likely going to be in for a long night and possible an entire month. For the first time since 1968, this will be an election which won't have an incumbent running on the ballot as President Nelson Rockefeller decided not to seek election to a full four-year term. He ascended to the Presidency following the assassination of the late President Gerald Ford on September 5th, 1975. Consequently, the Rockefeller Presidency will remain a placeholder. How we got here tonight can be explained in further detail.

    The Republicans had originally primary battle between Vice President Brooke and former California Governor Ronald Reagan which got upended with a Summer Surprise when controversial audio recordings revealed explicit controversial language between Reagan and former President Richard Nixon. The explosive scandal of the audio recordings caused a vicious backlash eventually forcing Reagan to drop out and effectively conceding the Republican presidential nomination to the Vice President. The Democrats, on the other hand, had a long dragged-out primary battle with multiple candidates, which was finally settled when Governor Brown aggressively garnered huge majorities of delegates to win the Democratic presidential nomination in early June.

    Here's what the Electoral Map and how it'll be looking like for tonight...."


    Vice President Edward W. Brooke, III (R-MA)/United States Senator Robert J. Dole (R-KS): 0 EVs
    Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr., (D-CA)/Former Governor James E. Carter, Jr., (D-GA): 0 EVs

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    Chapter VI: Election Night 1976 (Part II)

    "The time is 6:35 PM and we're getting the first batch of returns coming out of Kentucky, which has 9 Electoral Votes and Indiana with 13 Electoral Votes. ABC News can project that Governor Brown will win the Commonwealth of Kentucky and their 9 Electoral Votes. With 76% of the precincts reporting, Governor Brown will win with at least 53% of the statewide vote there."

    Kentucky: 9 Electoral Votes (73% of the precincts reporting)

    Brown (D) 303, 816 (53.37%)✔
    Brooke (R): 275,025 (45.17%)

    Reasoner: "ABC News can project that Vice President Brooke is the winner of Indiana and their 13 Electoral Votes. He'll win the Hoosier State by a wide margin determined based on exit polling and analysis...."

    Indiana: 13 Electoral Votes (59% of the precincts reporting)

    Brooke (R): 1,073,683 (60.73%)✔
    Brown (D): 549,581 (35.19%)

    ******National Popular Vote (2% of the Precincts reporting)

    Vice President Edward W. Brooke, III (R-MA/United States Senator Robert J. Dole (R-KS): 559,250 (53%) 13 Electoral Votes
    Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr., (D-CA)/Former Governor James E. Carter, Jr., (D-GA): 495,345 (47%) 9 Electoral Votes
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    Chapter VI: Election Night 1976 (Part III)

    "We've got more poll closures in South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. I'll start with South Carolina and it's 8 Electoral Votes, which will go to Governor Brown into the Democratic column.

    Howard, what do we have coming out of Georgia and Alabama?"
    South Carolina: 8 Electoral Votes (55% of the precincts reporting)

    Brown (D): 56%✔
    Brooke (R): 43%

    Smith: "Harry, the State of Georgia and it's 12 Electoral Votes including the home state of former Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter (D), will go to the Democratic column in favor of California Governor Jerry Brown (D). Once again ABC News projects that Governor Brown is the winner of Georgia and it's 12 Electoral Votes.
    Georgia: 12 Electoral Votes (59% of the precincts reporting)

    Brown (D): 27,803 (73%)✔
    Brooke (R): 10,361 (27%)

    ABC News also projects that Governor Brown will win the State of Alabama and their 9 Electoral Votes. It appears that the aggressive campaign in the South appears to be paying off for the Brown campaign.

    More projections coming in by ABC News as Governor Brown has been declared the winner of the following: District of Columbia with 3 Electoral Votes, West Virginia with 6 Electoral Votes and North Carolina with 13 Electoral Votes."
    Alabama: 9 Electoral Votes (61% of the precincts reporting)

    Brown (D): 43,233 (58%)✔
    Brooke (R): 31,181 (41%)

    District of Columbia: 3 Electoral Votes
    Brown (D): 71%✔
    Brooke (R): 25%

    West Virginia: 6 Electoral Votes
    Brown (D): 57%✔
    Brooke (R): 39%

    North Carolina: 13 Electoral Votes
    Brown (D): 56%✔
    Brooke (R): 40%

    National Popular Vote: President (23% of the precincts reporting)

    Vice President Edward W. Brooke, III (R-MA)/United States Senator Robert J. Dole (R-KS): 3,883,673 (50%) 13 Electoral Votes
    Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr., (D-CA)/Former Governor James E. Carter, Jr., (D-GA): 3,880,973 (49%) 60 Electoral Votes

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    Chapter VI: Election Night 1976 (Part IV)
  • ABC News Election Night Coverage:
    9:27 PM EST


    "The time is 9:27 PM EST and we're getting more results as polls have just closed. ABC News can project Vice President Brooke has won the following states: Rhode Island (4 Electoral Votes), Maine (4 Electoral Votes), New Hampshire (4 Electoral Votes), Vermont (3 Electoral Votes), Connecticut (8 Electoral Votes), Massachusetts (14 Electoral Votes), and New Jersey (17 Electoral Votes), bringing the total of Electoral Votes for Vice President Brooke to 67 Electoral Votes... I think Howard has more information about three more states...."


    Smith: "That's right Barbara. ABC News projects Vice President Brooke has won the Commonwealth of Virginia and it's 11 Electoral Votes; we've got official confirmation from the Associated Press and the ABC News Decision Desk that Vice President Brooke has won the critical battleground state of Florida and it's 17 Electoral Votes including New York State, the home state of President Rockefeller, and it's 41 Electoral Votes.

    This is important because we're seeing an aggressive surge of support for the Vice President in the Northeastern states: Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, his home state of Massachusetts and New York State, which is the home state of President Rockefeller.

    In the South: Vice President Brooke has won Virginia and Florida. Big question is whether we'll see a strong aggressive surprise as the night goes on? Safe to say we're going to be analyzing these returns for quite some time."

    National Popular Vote (39% of the precincts reporting)

    Vice President Edward W. Brooke, III (R-MA)/United States Senator Robert J. Dole (R-KS): 23,881,456 (51.27%) 136 Electoral Votes
    Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr., (D-CA)/Former Governor James E. Carter, Jr., (D-GA): 22,903,057 (47.63%) 60 Electoral Votes

    COMING SOON IN THE CURSED AMERICAN PRESIDENCY: Exit Polls 😎 @stevep @TheRomanSlayer @Zyobot @Captain X @gral @f1onagher @Mimas @The Unicorn @Husky_Khan @Planchar @The Whispering Monk @Cherico @Airedale260 @Carrot of Truth @Circle of Willis @Aaron Fox @Zachowon @Simonbob @Typhonis @DarthOne
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    Chapter VI: Election Night 1976 (Part V)
  • 9:39 PM EST
    ABC News Election Night Coverage


    "I have breaking news coming out of the State of Texas. ABC News can project that Vice President Brooke has won Texas' 26 Electoral Votes. I repeat once again, ABC News can project that Vice President Brooke has won Texas' 26 Electoral Votes just about some 20 minutes ago.....

    (Silence in the ABC News Election Night Desk)

    This is due to the aggressive GOTV efforts from United States Senator John Tower (R-TX), who endorsed Brooke's campaign during the Republican primaries angering majority of the Reaganites. In 1952 and 1956, then-President Dwight Eisenhower with the support of then-Texas Governor Allan Shivers (D), won the Lone Star State; Texas went back to the Democrats in 1960 (narrowly with JFK), 1964 (native son Lyndon Johnson won in a resounding landslide victory) and again in 1968 (narrowly with Humphrey).

    Four years ago, then-President Richard Nixon easily won Texas by a margin of 3-to-1. The Lone Star State has been trending into a two-party state and on the verge of trending Republican.

    I cannot fathom how potentially a blow this is for Governor Brown, who will have to find other avenues in winning this election."
    Texas: 26 Electoral Votes (57% of the precincts reporting)

    Brooke (R): 2,073,900 (56.73%)✔
    Brown (D): 1,500,383 (44.83%)

    COMING UP: ABC News has a major retraction......
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    Chapter VI: Election Night 1976 (Part VI)
  • 9:56 PM EST
    ABC News Election Night Coverage


    "Here's some good news for the Democrats and that is in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. ABC News can project that Governor Brown has won Pennsylvania's 27 Electoral Votes according to the basis of exit polling and analysis, we can strongly believe with the greatest confidence of our projections coming out of the Keystone State.

    Harry and Howard, this has is a much-needed boost for the Brown campaign."

    Reasoner: "That's exactly correct Barbara because Governor Brown was leading by double digits in Pennsylvania, but faced an aggressive onslaught by Vice President Brooke in the Keystone State in the final two months of the campaign.

    There are other states which ABC News cannot confirm with confidence on who the winner is in the following: Missouri, Ohio, Wisconsin, and possibly Tennessee."


    Smith: "We've got another projection. ABC News can project that Vice President Brooke has won Michigan's 21 Electoral Votes. I should note that Michigan was the home state of the late President Gerald Ford.

    This brings the number of Electoral Votes for Vice President Brooke at 183 while Governor Brown has just 87."

    National Popular Vote: President (56% of the precincts reporting)

    Vice President Edward W. Brooke, III (R-MA)/United States Senator Robert J. Dole (R-KS): 27,019,783 (50.16%)
    183 Electoral Votes

    Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr., (D-CA)/Former Governor James E. Carter, Jr., (D-GA): 26,825,563 (48.00%)
    87 Electoral Votes

    COMING UP IN THE CURSED AMERICAN PRESIDENCY: Audio recording: "We want all voting to stop because WE WON THIS ELECTION!"
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    Chapter VI: Election Night 1976 (Part VII)
  • 10:35 PM EST


    *Momentum growing for Governor Brown as the night goes on.
    *Results tightening as Presidential election is still too close to call.

    Reasoner: "ABC News has projected that Governor Brown will be the winner of the following states: Ohio (25 Electoral Votes), Missouri (12 Electoral Votes) Arkansas (6 Electoral Votes), Mississippi (7 Electoral Votes), Tennessee (10 Electoral Votes), Delaware (3 Electoral Votes), Maryland (10 Electoral Votes), Wisconsin (11 Electoral Votes), and Minnesota (10 Electoral Votes), giving the first-term Democratic Governor of California a total of 181 Electoral Votes.

    I believe Peter Jennings is live at the Brown campaign headquarters in Sacramento."

    7:39 PM PST
    Sacramento, CA

    Jennings: "Harry. The crowd is gathering here inside the Senator Hotel as you can hear the loud chants of "We Want Jerry! We Want Jerry!" Speaking with campaign manager and gubernatorial Chief of Staff Gray Davis, he has told me that half of the country on the West Coast haven't voted yet. With 62% of the precincts reporting, I believe (Crowd loudly cheers as Louisiana is called for Brown)......

    I'm trying to hold the earpiece speaking with the production staff that just a few minutes ago, ABC News has gotten notifications from the Associated Press, who has projected Governor Brown will win the state of Louisiana and it's 10 Electoral Votes by a significant wide margin."
    Louisiana: 10 Electoral Votes (85% of the precincts reporting)

    Brown (D): 62%✔
    Brooke (R): 36%

    National Popular Vote: President (63% of the precincts reporting)

    Vice President Edward W. Brooke, III (R-MA)/United States Senator Robert J. Dole (R-KS): 33,727,056 (49.12%)
    183 Electoral Votes

    Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr., (D-CA)/Former Governor James E. Carter, Jr., (D-GA): 33,720,487 (48.73%) 191 Electoral Votes

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