Culture Towards an understanding with Ned Flanders


Towards an understanding with Ned Flanders

Ned is a conservative; nobody told him the society he's trying to conserve died out 75 years ago. Ned lives according to the old rules, but the actual conditions on the ground are not conducive to this for normal people. Unlike, say, the Amish, Ned doesn't understand that their world has fallen, and we live under different conditions today.


There's something else about Ned. Ned is afraid of his wife. The Ned Flanders on the TV show has an amusingly henpecked home life; sure they all do. Even when he doesn't his life revolves around his family. As the philosopher Francis Bacon puts it, "He that hath wife and children hath given hostages to fortune; for they are impediments to great enterprises, either of virtue or mischief." This was true when Bacon wrote it in 1600, a time when burning witches was still considered an important government function. This was true long before no-fault divorce, ipotato dating, and having your eight-year-old pick his gender. This aphorism is even more true now: exceptions are so rare as to be not worth talking about.

Problems of the current year require groups of men who cultivate excellence of mind and body. Ned Flanders is busy being a honey-do. Even if Ned has a job with Ben Shapiro writing toothless "right wing" invective or going on podcasts to make opinions, his thoughts are of no importance. His ideas for reforming society aren't important; they aren't even connected with elemental facts, and there is no plan for moving from current year to Ned Flanders utopia of happy normal kids and well-manicured lawns. Ned Flanders is probably the guy who will fire you for not getting some experimental science juice, or using language which is a little too fruity. He will at least go along with it, and circle the wagons with the rest of the creeps who want Ned's kids to have blue hair, pronouns and nose rings.

Flanders has mostly gone along with creeping totalitarianism for the last 70 years, and he'll continue doing so because otherwise his wife might get mad at him. Whether or not his wife is hypnotized by the electric devil in the living room or in her pocket, some of her friends are. Women fear social disapproval in the same way men fear death. Since Ned's life revolves around his wife and her needs, he has become a spiritual Church Lady himself.


William F Buckley is the one who mobilized the Ned Flanders type, again back when people like this were demographically relevant. Back then, actually right-wing people had their own broad social groups, such as the John Birch Society. Buckley and his Church ladies excluded them: mustering the prune-faced social disapproval of legions of Church lady "men" while letting in thousands of actual Trotskyist neocons to positions of authority because they claimed to have a "come to Jesus" moment and were more clubbable and went to the right schools. Ned continues to attempt to police people on the actual right as if he had the demographic weight he did in 1965. He can't: his time is over and outside of his narrow subculture he is finished.

I'll say it again, Ned Flanders is a good guy, but he's clueless and irrelevant. He's the type of numbskull who will try to tone police a presidential candidate because he doesn't act like Dwight Eisenhower. We know this kind of person is politically irrelevant because Jeb wasn't the 2016 Republican candidate for president. Mostly, Ned should be ignored. Acting like Ross Douthat or David French has a political constituency which makes them worth listening to is sort of like acting as if Bronies have a political constituency. Bronies probably represent a larger and more effective class of people than Ned Flanders does.

It's somewhat cruel to make fun of Ned, but it's probably necessary. In any case such spiritual church ladies should mostly be ignored. Let them waste their lives arguing with shitlibs about sportsball; don't mistake them for people who make sound decisions, have insight into anything or who matter in any way.
Tragically speaking, it sounds like Ned Flanders is the personification of what an ossified mindset that's no longer relevant is like. It's also the reason for this whole boomer bashing thing that we're seeing

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