Stargate What if you were sent back in time in the Stargate Universe?

Dude, did you see the Ancients in the show (the flesh ones anyway), like Ayanna? We want those people. :ROFLMAO:


Here are some more thoughts on what would happen next in my altered universe. I may end up making this a timeline at some point. Maybe even a story, though I never seem to have time to write anymore.

Once the Asgard destroy the Replicators, and solve their genetic deterioration (within about 10 years I would say, erring on the high side) it will be time for the Asgard-Goa'uld War, Part 2! I imagine it will look something like this (pardon my comedy)

Thor (addressing the Council of the System Lords by hologram): The Asgard wish to announce that we are unilaterally expanding the Protected Planets Treaty to cover ALL human worlds.
Ra: Over our dead bodies!
Thor: That was our intention exactly; I'm so glad you understand. You may consider this a declaration of war

I intend to be around to see this through, even if I have to join the Tok'ra to do it. The War will go very badly for the Goa'uld. In the First Asgard-Goa'uld War, the Goa'uld were clearly loosing up until the end. Ra used every secret weapon, every stolen technology, and all he managed to do was loose more slowly (which was far more than any other System Lord had managed up until that point, for which reason they revered Ra). Then the Replicators opened up a second front by attacking the Asgard in their own galaxy, and the Asgard were forced to make peace. The Goa'uld never knew about the Replicators, and probably had no idea why the Asgard stopped short of annihilating them. They just fell down on their knees, gave thanks, and swore to never EVER risk war with the Asgard again.

This time, there will be no Replicators to pull the Goa'uld's fat out of the fire. Plus, the Asgard have been advancing their weapons technology steadily for the last thousand years fighting the Replicators, while the Goa'uld have been mostly stagnant. The only advantage the Goa'uld have this time is numbers, since the Asgard have taken heavy losses in the war with the Replicators, and their population has been unable to grow since they lost the ability to reproduce sexually.

However, this problem can be addressed, since the Asgard do not have to fight alone this time. Now that the Tok'ra have their queen back, they are no longer in danger of extinction. This will motivate them to take more agressive action against the Goa'uld, even at greater risk. I think it should be apparent to them (and if not, I'll point it out) that allying with the Asgard (who are already winning) is the best chance they will ever have to wipe out the Goa'uld forever. The Tok'ra can act as a fifth column for the Asgard, assassinating key system lords, sabotaging vital military resources, and funneling useful intelligence to the Asgard.

But why stop with the Tok'ra? The Goa'uld have many enemies, some quite powerful. I would send emissaries to them all, and point out that this is the best opportunity they may ever have to crush the Goa'uld. All of us should stand together, and form an Alliance.

Here is who I would recruit:
1. The Omeyocan are probably already at war with the Goa'uld again by this point, since I tipped them off that Coatlicue and her children, the Aztec Goa'uld, have infiltrated the human worlds under the protection of the Omeyocan. They should be easy to recruit into the Alliance

2. The Ohnes are old enemies of the Goa'uld, who have been fighting them since they were still occupying the Earth. They are an advanced race, with ships of their own. I think I can count of their support as well.

3. The Serrakins once liberated the humans of Hebridan from the Goa'uld, and apparently a large amount of the surrounding space. They have been relatively isolationist since that time, but once they see that the Goa'uld are clearly loosing on every front, I think it will be possible to entice them into the Alliance. They would be very valuable recruits, given how incredibly advanced their ship technology is.

4. Other species are not space-capable, but would still be very useful allies for destroying the Goa'uld through covert warfare. The first of these I would contact is the Reetou. The Reetou are already enemies of the Goa'uld at this point, though they will not become radical (like we saw in the series) until years in the future when the Goa'uld destroy their homeworld (which may never happen ITTL). They use their invisibility to infiltrate Goa'uld worlds and conduct terroist attacks with high explosives. If we can co-ordinate their activities with the Tok'ra, the potential to cripple the Goa'uld war effort is much greater. Of course, it would need to be the Asgard who make contact, since no symbiot can bare to be in the presence of a Reetou

5. Another species I would suggest contacting would be the Reol. Although most of the Reol are peaceful beings who hide from the Goa'uld, there is a Reol resistance which uses their incredible powers of disguise to sabotage the Goa'uld. I have no idea where their homeworld is, but I know they have worked with Ma'chello in the past. We can contact them through him (we should contact him anyway, since he is an expert on killing Goa'uld)

6. If the Tok'ra go through with my suggestion of rescuing Odysseus from Kar'tek and killing Mars, then the Volca might be excellent recruits to spy on and sabotage the Goa'uld. They have been fighting Mars for centuries, so they don't lack will or experience, and they have the natural ability to walk through solid objects, which is a useful skill for a spy

I might suggest sending emissaries to the Neraida and the Tollan, but I have little hope of recruiting either. Both are fiercely isolationist. Two races I would NOT suggest contacting, and would strongly urge against allying with if somebody brought it up are the Aschen and the Stragoth. Both are treacherous, backstabbing conquerors, and I would not trust the chairs they sat on.

EDIT: On consideration, I might suggest contacting the Sodan as well. I don't have much hope for getting a real Free Jaffa movement going without Teal'c, but the Sodan could be useful. However, to get any sort of Free Jaffa movement on our side would require finding a replacement for the immature symbiotes the Jaffa depend on. Unfortunately, I know nearly nothing about tritonin, so even if I described what I remembered about it, the Tok'ra and the Asgard would essentially be working from scratch to invent it. I don't like the odds
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5. After this, I would spend a little time on Earth, while the galactic balls start rolling into place. There are threats to deal with there as well. I am not nearly tough enough or brave enough to deal with anything dangerous, but some things I can do. I would dedicate my money and resources to tracking down the stasis jars of Sekhmet, Osiris and Isis, and also carefully recover the Sarcophagus of Hathor, making sure to seal it tightly before it can release her. All four of these Goa'uld I would turn over to the Tok'ra for interrogation, execution, and (in the case of Hathor) extraction from the host.

You forgot about Seth who is also still on Earth leading Jonestown style death cults.
Here are some more thoughts on what would happen next in my altered universe. I may end up making this a timeline at some point. Maybe even a story, though I never seem to have time to write anymore.

Once the Asgard destroy the Replicators, and solve their genetic deterioration (within about 10 years I would say, erring on the high side) it will be time for the Asgard-Goa'uld War, Part 2! I imagine it will look something like this (pardon my comedy)

Thor (addressing the Council of the System Lords by hologram): The Asgard wish to announce that we are unilaterally expanding the Protected Planets Treaty to cover ALL human worlds.
Ra: Over our dead bodies!
Thor: That was our intention exactly; I'm so glad you understand. You may consider this a declaration of war

I intend to be around to see this through, even if I have to join the Tok'ra to do it. The War will go very badly for the Goa'uld. In the First Asgard-Goa'uld War, the Goa'uld were clearly loosing up until the end. Ra used every secret weapon, every stolen technology, and all he managed to do was loose more slowly (which was far more than any other System Lord had managed up until that point, for which reason they revered Ra). Then the Replicators opened up a second front by attacking the Asgard in their own galaxy, and the Asgard were forced to make peace. The Goa'uld never knew about the Replicators, and probably had no idea why the Asgard stopped short of annihilating them. They just fell down on their knees, gave thanks, and swore to never EVER risk war with the Asgard again.

This time, there will be no Replicators to pull the Goa'uld's fat out of the fire. Plus, the Asgard have been advancing their weapons technology steadily for the last thousand years fighting the Replicators, while the Goa'uld have been mostly stagnant. The only advantage the Goa'uld have this time is numbers, since the Asgard have taken heavy losses in the war with the Replicators, and their population has been unable to grow since they lost the ability to reproduce sexually.

However, this problem can be addressed, since the Asgard do not have to fight alone this time. Now that the Tok'ra have their queen back, they are no longer in danger of extinction. This will motivate them to take more agressive action against the Goa'uld, even at greater risk. I think it should be apparent to them (and if not, I'll point it out) that allying with the Asgard (who are already winning) is the best chance they will ever have to wipe out the Goa'uld forever. The Tok'ra can act as a fifth column for the Asgard, assassinating key system lords, sabotaging vital military resources, and funneling useful intelligence to the Asgard.

But why stop with the Tok'ra? The Goa'uld have many enemies, some quite powerful. I would send emissaries to them all, and point out that this is the best opportunity they may ever have to crush the Goa'uld. All of us should stand together, and form an Alliance.

Here is who I would recruit:
1. The Omeyocan are probably already at war with the Goa'uld again by this point, since I tipped them off that Coatlicue and her children, the Aztec Goa'uld, have infiltrated the human worlds under the protection of the Omeyocan. They should be easy to recruit into the Alliance

2. The Ohnes are old enemies of the Goa'uld, who have been fighting them since they were still occupying the Earth. They are an advanced race, with ships of their own. I think I can count of their support as well.

3. The Serrakins once liberated the humans of Hebridan from the Goa'uld, and apparently a large amount of the surrounding space. They have been relatively isolationist since that time, but once they see that the Goa'uld are clearly loosing on every front, I think it will be possible to entice them into the Alliance. They would be very valuable recruits, given how incredibly advanced their ship technology is.

4. Other species are not space-capable, but would still be very useful allies for destroying the Goa'uld through covert warfare. The first of these I would contact is the Reetou. The Reetou are already enemies of the Goa'uld at this point, though they will not become radical (like we saw int he series) until years in the future when the Goa'uld destroy their homeworld (which may never happen ITTL). They use their invisibility to infiltrate Goa'uld worlds and conduct terroist attacks with high explosives. If we can co-ordinate their activities with the Tok'ra, the potential to cripple the Goa'uld war effort is much greater. Of course, it would need to be the Asgard who make contact, since no symbiot can bare to be in the presence of a Reetou

5. Another species I would suggest contacting would be the Reol. Although most of the Reol are peaceful beings who hide from the Goa'uld, there is a Reol resistance which uses their incredible powers of disguise to sabotage the Goa'uld. I have no idea where their homeworld is, but I know they have worked with Ma'chello in the past. We can contact them through him (we should contact him anyway, since he is an expert on killing Goa'uld)

6. If the Tok'ra go through with my suggestion of rescuing Ulysses from Volca and killing Mars, then the natives of Volca might be excellent recruits to spy on and sabotage the Goa'uld. They have been fighting Mars for centuries, so they don't lack will or experience, and they have the natural ability to walk through solid objects, which is a useful skill for a spy

I might suggest sending emissaries to the Neraida and the Tollan, but I have little hope of recruiting either. Both are fiercely isolationist. Two races I would NOT suggest contacting, and would strongly urge against allying with if somebody brought it up are the Aschen and the Stragoth. Both are treacherous, backstabbing conquerors, and I would not trust the chairs they sat on.

EDIT: On consideration, I might suggest contacting the Sodan as well. I don't have much hope for getting a real Free Jaffa movement going without Teal'c, but the Sodan could be useful. However, to get any sort of Free Jaffa movement on our side would require finding a replacement for the immature symbiotes the Jaffa depend on. Unfortunately, I know nearly nothing about tritonin, so even if I described what I remembered about it, the Tok'ra and the Asgard would essentially be working from scratch to invent it. I don't like the odds

The Sodan would be the ones that could probably pull it off excluding Teal'c and Bra'tac but the problem is you would have to hope they just don't kill you.
You forgot about Seth who is also still on Earth leading Jonestown style death cults.
I remember him. He is just one of the threats I don't have a magic solution for, and is too dangerous for me to try and confront directly. I would probably just tell the Tok'ra he is on Earth, and invite them to come there whenever they like to try and hunt him down
I just realized, the solution to recruiting the Sodan and forming the Free Jaffa was staring me right in the face. They can incubate Tok'ra symbiots instead! Now that Egeria is spawning for the Tok'ra again, there will be enough immature Tok'ra symbiots for all the Free Jaffa soon (particularly since I don't think there will be as many Free Jaffa in this reality. It will mostly just be the Sodan)
I just realized, the solution to recruiting the Sodan and forming the Free Jaffa was staring me right in the face. They can incubate Tok'ra symbiots instead! Now that Egeria is spawning for the Tok'ra again, there will be enough immature Tok'ra symbiots for all the Free Jaffa soon (particularly since I don't think there will be as many Free Jaffa in this reality. It will mostly just be the Sodan)

Problem with that is from the perspective of the Jaffa they are just trading one master for another. It would be a good temporary solution though until they could figure out a long term cure.
Problem with that is from the perspective of the Jaffa they are just trading one master for another. It would be a good temporary solution though until they could figure out a long term cure.
The symbiont in the jaffe is not in control of their body. it is a tool and is basically sleeping.
They will be replacing a master, for an ally that is critically important for their long term well being and can potentially cut them off.

it is similar, but not quite the same thing.
The symbiont in the jaffe is not in control of their body. it is a tool and is basically sleeping.
They will be replacing a master, for an ally that is critically important for their long term well being and can potentially cut them off.

it is similar, but not quite the same thing.

Technically they aren't in control but the Jaffa absolutely needs them to not die.
Me, seeing that that scenario says we have to go back to 1908:

Well, guess I have to fucking figure out how to write out all the shit I do know about Stargate lore and make sure it survives until the 1990s, without it getting fucking tossed in some US government backroom.

Best bet is to give it to Catherine Langford once her family comes to the US, assuming I live that long.

Things that I remember off the top of my head that they should do:
  • As soon as they get access to a Tel'tak, try to rig into the Avalon cache, toss the stone communicator into the deepest part of the ocean, and try to build up the power grid to use Arthur's Mantle to protect the planet.
  • Let them know about Hathor being in that one pyramid in Central America, and to shoot her as soon as she shows up in the SGC.
  • Let them know about Seth being on Earth and being under ATF investigation so they can take that case over.
  • Tell them that Egeria is on Pangar and to have the Asgard clone her.
  • Let them know how the Antoniek armbands work and that they should only be used for super serious missions.
  • Tell them that trying to insert an agent in Sokar's domain just leads to Sokar being replaced by Apophis, so don't do it.
  • Let them know about Tel'chak's temple with the Ancient Healing Device and the Kull Warriors.
  • Let them know about the Aschen and how they love to use bioweapons to sterilize people.
  • Tell them about the Tollan and some ideas to get more out of their diplomatic relationship.
  • Tell them about Altair and recommend they team up with the Tollan to study the tech there.
  • Tell them how to avoid all the fuck ups the Atlantis team made.
  • Tell them what the ninth chevron does and how Destiny is absolutely not worth the trouble.
Plus a whole lot of other stuff I would tell them to either do or not bother with because of how things shook out the first time around.
Also I'd get them into contact with the Serrakin early although nothing may come of that it'd still be one other group with advanced technology that isn't hostile.
Me, seeing that that scenario says we have to go back to 1908:

Well, guess I have to fucking figure out how to write out all the shit I do know about Stargate lore and make sure it survives until the 1990s, without it getting fucking tossed in some US government backroom.

Best bet is to give it to Catherine Langford once her family comes to the US, assuming I live that long.

Things that I remember off the top of my head that they should do:
  • As soon as they get access to a Tel'tak, try to rig into the Avalon cache, toss the stone communicator into the deepest part of the ocean, and try to build up the power grid to use Arthur's Mantle to protect the planet.
  • Let them know about Hathor being in that one pyramid in Central America, and to shoot her as soon as she shows up in the SGC.
  • Let them know about Seth being on Earth and being under ATF investigation so they can take that case over.
  • Tell them that Egeria is on Pangar and to have the Asgard clone her.
  • Let them know how the Antoniek armbands work and that they should only be used for super serious missions.
  • Tell them that trying to insert an agent in Sokar's domain just leads to Sokar being replaced by Apophis, so don't do it.
  • Let them know about Tel'chak's temple with the Ancient Healing Device and the Kull Warriors.
  • Let them know about the Aschen and how they love to use bioweapons to sterilize people.
  • Tell them about the Tollan and some ideas to get more out of their diplomatic relationship.
  • Tell them about Altair and recommend they team up with the Tollan to study the tech there.
  • Tell them how to avoid all the fuck ups the Atlantis team made.
  • Tell them what the ninth chevron does and how Destiny is absolutely not worth the trouble.
Plus a whole lot of other stuff I would tell them to either do or not bother with because of how things shook out the first time around.
Interesting, so you would try to leave history unchanged until the series starts, and then start changing things? That's not a bad plan. It has the advantage, if you can manage it, that a lot of events which were governed by random chance might still happen

I forgot about the Atanik armbands, and the temple of Telchak. I would probably let the Tok'ra know about both of them, though I'm not sure if knowing will do them much good. The healing device will only be useful if somebody still creates the Kull Warriors. I do like your idea of using the armbands only for short missions in dire emergencies.

You idea for Altair intrigues me. Were you thinking of some kind of humanitarian mission? Maybe the Tollan can help Harlan maintain his facility, and in exchange they can study the technology?

Do you have any specific, or even general, ideas on how to get the Tollan to be more helpful to the SGC? Because I could think of nothing to shake them out of their isolationism.

I agree 100% about Destiny. There is nothing there, or in either galaxy they visited, which is worth investigating. Maybe it would be nice to destroy the Berzerker drones, but they are too far away, and too much trouble to be worth it. I'm not sure I would even mention dialing the 9th chevron, since I doubt anybody would discover it in my timeline without me telling them it is possible

Could you list out the mistakes you think the Atlantis team made? I'm planning another post, where I talk about things I would do after the war, and Atlantis will take up most of it.
You idea for Altair intrigues me. Were you thinking of some kind of humanitarian mission? Maybe the Tollan can help Harlan maintain his facility, and in exchange they can study the technology?
Yeah, basically help Harlan keep the place running (and give him somebody to talk to), while studying the tech alongside the SGC.

Do you have any specific, or even general, ideas on how to get the Tollan to be more helpful to the SGC? Because I could think of nothing to shake them out of their isolationism.
I think they could possibly convince the Tollan to help them by teaching the SGC how to safely examine alien tech, in a low stakes environment like Altair.

Could you list out the mistakes you think the Atlantis team made? I'm planning another post, where I talk about things I would do after the war, and Atlantis will take up most of it.
Oh boy, I'm really dredging up stuff from memory here, but let's go:
  • All that shit of converting the Wraith into humans because they feel super bad about accidentally causing a genocide, instead of just killing the Wraith.
  • Not killing Michael and his crew when they captured that hive.
  • Turning on the Asuran attack code to save their own asses, causing more human casualties, instead of just getting the Asgard to anti-Replicator weapon their asses right away.
Probably a bunch of other small fuck ups that I don't remember, but those are the big ones that kept coming back to bite them in the ass.

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