Stargate What if you were sent back in time in the Stargate Universe?

After the Goa'uld-Asgard War, I would have a few other problems to try and deal with, most of which will require support from my allies.

There are lots of problems in the Milky Way Galaxy still that I would like to deal with, but most of them I have no simple solution for. The biggest is the Aschen Confederation, who are the greatest menace to the galaxy now that the Goa'uld are gone. However, I don't think I could convince the Alliance to go to war with them unless they start something first, and I can't think of a sure-fire way to destroy Aschen Prime on my own (SG1 got lucky there). Here are the things I would do.

1. I would tell the Asgard about the Ash Eaters, who are hibernating under the surface of their hollowed-out homeworld, feeding of an artificial singularity. When that singularity burns out in the 23rd century, they will be released and will feed on all matter and energy in the galaxy. In the original timeline, Samantha Carter used a Goa'uld weapon to destroy the force-filed generators keeping the shell planet stable, and it imploded into the singularity, taking the Ash Eaters with it. I'm sure the Asgard can figure out how to do this themselves. They have powerful weapons, and scientists more than good enough to do the calculations.

Next, I need to go to the Pegasus Galaxy, and I would want to take a team of Tok'ra scientists with me, plus humans (or hosts) with the ATA gene. To get there, I need a lift from the Asgard again. However, I know just how to motivate them.

2. First, I would tell them that the Vanir are hiding out in the Pegasus Galaxy, and give them the location of the two Vanir outposts we know from the books and TV show. Now that the Asgard have cured their genetic deterioration, I'm sure they would like to share that knowledge with the Vanir, and bury the hatchet since the whole cause for their dispute is now irrelevant. Second, I would tell them that Fenris' prison ship has crash landed on the planet Heruun, and he is forcing the locals to repair it for him. Whether the Asgard choose to pardon him, or just send him on his way again, something must be done to help the people of Heruun. Finally, I would tell the Asgard about the Replicators on Asuras. Once they learn there are still Replicators in the universe, the entire Asgard fleet will be off hot-foot to Pegasus to attack Asuras with every anti-Replicator weapon they can fire at once. They can drop my team off on the way.

3. My first stop in Pegasus would be Sateda. I know there is a ZPM in the Satedan national museum from the Legacy novels. The Satedans have only turn of the century technology, so I will trade them WW2 era tech for the ZPM. Then I will go to Dagan, quietly enter the ruins, remove the ZPM from behind the wall panel, and leave without alerting the locals.

4. With 2 ZPMs, I would take my team to Atlantis. The Tok'ra scientists can install the first ZPM right-away, bringing the shield up to full power, and then raising the city. Then, we would dial Earth and send them the second ZPM, so that 2-way travel from Earth is now possible.

5. Now it's time for my plan to eliminate the Wraith. First, I would recover Hyperion's device, which can generate a subspace signal that will dissolve all Wraith DNA in the galaxy, killing both the Wraith, and the Wraithkin. I wouldn't activate it right away though. First, I would go to Athos. In most of the Pegasus Galaxy, Wraithkin as seen as cursed, and treated like witches (killed, sacrificed to the Wraith, and so forth). Most of those who survive are Wraith worshippers. The exception to this is Athos. On Athos, the Wraithkin as seen as blessed with a gift that lets them sense the Wraith. As such, most of the Wraithkin in the galaxy live on Athos. I would go to Athos and tell them that I have a device of the Ancestors which will kill all the Wraith, but would also kill those with the Gift. To protect them, I would offer to temporarily re-locate all the Athosians with the Gift, and those too young to have manifested it yet, to Earth through the Atlantis stargate. Once they are out of range, I'll activate the device, kill all the Wraith, and the Athosians can return home after less than a week away. True, some good Writh (like Guide) and some innocent Wraithkin in hiding will be killed as well, but these casualties are acceptable to me.

There are a few minor things I would try to do in the Pegasus Galaxy after that. All major threats are gone now, except the Genii who I can't do anything particular about.

6. I would destroy the Pegasus Quantum mirror from the novel "Entanglement." This is for the same reasons I would destroy the one in the Milky Way

7. With the Wraith dead, I would contact the Aurora and see if the crew can be salvaged. If so, I would bring them back to Atlantis.

8. Once we have a ship (maybe a Tel'tak) in the Pegasus Galaxy, I would go to M35-117 and recover the Sekkari seed carrier. I would then re-locate it to a new planet where they can rebuild their civilization.

9. I would try to warn the Taranians about the supervolcano under their power center. I know they will be resistant to my claims, but hopefully the Tok'ra scientists can show them how to read the Ancient sensors and verify it for themselves. As far as I care, they can keep the warship

10. I would recover the ZPM from the Ancient facility the Vanir were spying on (with the Vanir gone, I don't need to worry about being mugged), and another one from M7G-677 (they don't need it to power their defenses anymore, since the Wraith are gone). With 3 ZPMs I can bring Atlantis up to full power, and extend the shields far enough to protect the Flagisalli of Lantea from the solar flare.
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shrug Well, I did have an idea years ago about Legion appearing on Stargate's Earth and basically deciding to bootstrap Earth's technology; basically advancing currently experimental stuff such as spider silk body armour, salvaging the Future Force Warrior project, et cetera to trying to replicate Nod technology without access to the bullshit reality-breaking tiberium offered on the tech tree.

In his mind, the absence of the Brotherhood meant that his priority shifted to the survival of humanity, the Tau'ri specifically in this case, which meant the elimination of the Goa'uld and other threats and the ascension of Tau'ri to a dominant power (remember, it's a Nod AI).

Companies being founded and getting contracts; elements like the Trust and Kinsey being assasinated or brought under heel, et cetera. Basically, Elon Musking the shit out of the world on a grand scale.

He was basically in every computer system around the world by the time the SGC realized something was up, including their own, and there was nothing they could do about it without sending humanity back to the Stone Age.

This premise could be modified to fit the bill of this topic; Legion is someone as an SI with future knowledge of the Stargate universe, and he decides to do the same thing as above.

If he did replicate or replace with Stargate technologies enough to create Cyborg Commando units, especially with features from the Tiberian Twilight version (such as being a brain in a jar), this would be fucking terrifying to the Goa'uld.
  • All that shit of converting the Wraith into humans because they feel super bad about accidentally causing a genocide, instead of just killing the Wraith.
  • Not killing Michael and his crew when they captured that hive.
  • Turning on the Asuran attack code to save their own asses, causing more human casualties, instead of just getting the Asgard to anti-Replicator weapon their asses right away.
1. Completely agree. As much as I love Todd as a character, the Atlantis team were too soft in trying to avoid genociding the Wraith. Nobody ever complained about genociding the Goa'uld

2. Also agree, 100%. I'm glad Michael will never exist in my timeline

3. This was a mistake, but not a foreseeable one. When they activated the Replicator attack code, it seemed like a fantastic idea, and it not only temporarily eliminated the threat of the Replicators but dealt a massive blow to the Wraith as well. Nobody could have anticipated the Replicators plan to kill the Wraith through attrition.
Oh boy, I'm really dredging up stuff from memory here, but let's go:
  • All that shit of converting the Wraith into humans because they feel super bad about accidentally causing a genocide, instead of just killing the Wraith.
  • Not killing Michael and his crew when they captured that hive.
  • Turning on the Asuran attack code to save their own asses, causing more human casualties, instead of just getting the Asgard to anti-Replicator weapon their asses right away.
Probably a bunch of other small fuck ups that I don't remember, but those are the big ones that kept coming back to bite them in the ass.
I am reminded of that time where they setup a strawman that was meant to probably represent fan complaints.
Basically really assholish guy who insisted they should be acquiring tech
And they made him out to be evil and incompetent. so there. now stop asking why the SG1 team never bothers with tech retrieval
I'm not seeing anything about using your influence to create SGC. With the cooperation resources and assistance of the US government things will become a lot easier. It also removes the very good chance of the US government finding out what you are doing and either interfering or taking over completely and freezing you out. One thing I'd also do as soon as possible would be to create some version of Wormhole extreme for the coverage it can offer if anyone not in the know starts snooping around.
I'm not seeing anything about using your influence to create SGC. With the cooperation resources and assistance of the US government things will become a lot easier. It also removes the very good chance of the US government finding out what you are doing and either interfering or taking over completely and freezing you out. One thing I'd also do as soon as possible would be to create some version of Wormhole extreme for the coverage it can offer if anyone not in the know starts snooping around.
I don't think the US government can give me any support I can't get from the Tok'ra. Plus, if I involve the government, they'll deal me right out of the game and start running the show themselves. I agree, they will try and steal the gate and do that anyway if they find out. This is why I intend to do very little on Earth. After capturing the Goa'uld hiding on Earth, I will join the Tok'ra and abandon the Earth gate, destroying all my notes on how to use it before I leave

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