What Made You A Conservative?

Hold up, how is he wrong about ANTIFA? We have discussed them A LOT on this site so please explain
They aren't a gang, don't intend to "destroy all opposition", and they don't have a planned communist revolution. They don't do much as antifa outside of break up fascist demonstrations and protect antifascist ones. Most members do plenty of other stuff as members of various other groups, but like Antifa isn't going to be doing routine anarchist stuff like passing out literature, setting up squats, or running food pantries. And the idea that they have a planned communist revolution is pretty laughable. You've got anarchists, Maoists, Leftcoms, Trotskyists. You'd be lucky if the could come to an agreement about what revolution means, much less how (and whether) to carry one off.
I described it as literally what Invictus did, but you argue I'm wrong and he's right. Lord.

An ideology derived from Marxism which divides society into "Oppressed Races" and "Oppressor Races", with the former being Good and the latter being Evil?

That's a respectable take on it. you could quibble but it isn't obviously wrong.

Which is why the major fascist leaders and thinkers were all former socialists? Which is why fascism literally grew out of syndicalism, a branch of socialism?

The only difference between fascism and socialism in practice is one makes loud noises about undesirables having to be murdered for the good of the Workers' Revolution and the other makes loud noises about undesirables having to be murdered for the good of the Nation.

100 million would disagree with you. If socialists hadn't murdered them in the name of implementing socialism. I mean, socialist thinkers like Marx and H. G. Wells even advocated the genocide of "reactionary peoples", so even that razor-thin pretense that socialism just mass-murders "class enemies" instead of "race enemies" disappears. Socialism is evil and fascism is simply a part of that evil, whose internecine conflict with other branches of the same poison tree has confused the mental picture of it.

Actually, fascism as initially promulgated literally called for total reverence for the State, not the race.

Which is why socialist regimes heavily pushed a state-mandated aesthetic, which was little different from the fascist one?

Yes, which is why it hasn't always crashed and burned because it refused to take facts into account. Like say, that food plants don't have "proletarian solidarity" and so you won't get bumper harvests by digging a pit and piling seeds into it.

Well, all the ones I've seen love "art and culture and music" which promotes socialism. All the rest - well, they think it ought to be destroyed. And that includes Christianity.
I'm not going to chop this up and reply sentence by sentence, both because that is annoying to read and because I can't be assed to do so.

Wow, that is even a worse attempt at describing CRT than I thought. Like that isn't even the "copy a couple bits of Wikipedia but make it meaner" think you did for Antifa. Just curious, have you ever read any actual Critical Race theory? Or where did you get this idea. You don't have to answer if you don't want to. I'd just like you to indulge my morbid curiousity.

Okay, moving on. Yeah, fascism does have a fixation on the state, but most forms of fascism have a distinctly ethno-cultural conception of statehood. As I mentioned before, they are at their core a form of Romanticism. Popular nationalism of that sort identifies the "nation" as a particular racial and cultural group (and not even the kind of races modern society uses like European or African, but much narrower ones like Anglo-Saxon (excluding the "Celtic" Irish), or Germanic or Italian) and the state as the ruling body of this nation. Literal "ethnostates".

RE:100.000,000 dead under communism, I'm no fan of the USSR and Maoist China, but the "Black Book of Communism" from which that number derives is garbage. Like that number of "victims of communism" includes Soviets killed by Nazi Germany. The book is a hit piece, which is unnecessary. The actual facts on the ground were already pretty bad. But they were bad for reasons, and not because communists are evil vampires who like human misery.
I'm an anarchist so I actually fully agree with you that state based communism is inherently contradictory. Basically all communist regimes up to this point have descended from the Leninist revolution in Russia in the 1910s. The country was a basket case already. The people were living in abject poverty under the Tsar while the Russian nobility were utterly decadent. The economy was shambles and people were being poured into the meat grinder of WWI. Some kind of revolution was going to happen. The liberal government of Kerensky had the galaxy brained idea to keeep fighting WWI after the revolution. That cost them any legitimacy and the communist won by default.

Lenin's faction of communists were the most successful, and he had the brilliant idea that you would give a group of party leaders capacity to lead "in the name of the people" until the people were able to take power for themselves. There were actually some efforts toward that end in the early Soviet Union, and the SU in the 1920s, before things went entirely to hell is fascinating. There were local Soviets (workers councils) with real power, a democratically run military(!), and really interesting literature. But unsurprisingly things started to come unglued, because it turns out giving a small group near unlimited power is a pretty bad idea. And the worst possible guys won the resulting power structure. Two literal psychopaths, Stalin and Beria. And then the already famine producing central management of agriculture was combined with naturally occurring famines, turning a crime against humanity into one of the worst losses of life in human history. Then the Nazis invaded and killed an almost unthinkable number of Russians and destroyed their still barely recovered economy. And y the end of WWII Stalin had become essentially an absolute dictator. After he died the Soviet Union just sort of limped along. In a very real sense it never got out of the death spiral that started the revolution under the Tsar. the closest it got was Stalins forced industrialization, which itself had a substantial body count.

Stalinist Russia became the place you could turn to for aid against western powers. So if you were opposed to the western puppets in China, you could get help from Stalin, and that's how you get Mao in power. The Soviets backed Vietnamese anti-colonialists, too, after the Americans refused to help them. The communist states established during the Cold War were nearly all proxies of the Soviets, if only by natural selection. The ones that lacked Soviet backing (like Allende in Chile) were overthrown by the US.
All this is to say that socialism is not inherently state focused. That is largely a consequence of how the Soviet Union failed, and how it exported its failed brand of communism. The best run communist states were always those that could keep a degree of independence from Moscow and Beijing, but none could do so absolutely. If you aren't a Stalinist or a Maoist (and you shouldn't be), there is nothing about communism that requires you have any role for a state, and plenty of socialist ideologies either actively oppose states, or have only very minimal states as transitional elements. The fascist in the other hand sees the ethnostate as an end, not a means. It is a corporate entity of which individual citizens are disposable pieces. Socialism, when it includes states, sees them as disposable tools for the good of people.

Now you can think they are full of it and entirely wrong about how that will work out. But combine this with the fundamental difference in their interpretations of history and economics and they are clearly ideologically miles apart. And that is before the fact that most fascism is off the walls irrational, violent, and racist.

As to your slanders about socialists hating culture and art, all I can say is that you're wrong based on every socialists I have ever met, and all the socialism I have ever read. Some socialists are hostile to religion. And some are working within specifically religious movements like liberation theology and Catholic socialism. Socialism is big and varied and while you can find a lot of different things in their, only a few things are really universal, and they are mostly fundamental beliefs about economic value and hierarchy.
They aren't a gang, don't intend to "destroy all opposition", and they don't have a planned communist revolution. They don't do much as antifa outside of break up fascist demonstrations and protect antifascist ones. Most members do plenty of other stuff as members of various other groups, but like Antifa isn't going to be doing routine anarchist stuff like passing out literature, setting up squats, or running food pantries. And the idea that they have a planned communist revolution is pretty laughable. You've got anarchists, Maoists, Leftcoms, Trotskyists. You'd be lucky if the could come to an agreement about what revolution means, much less how (and whether) to carry one off.

I'm not going to chop this up and reply sentence by sentence, both because that is annoying to read and because I can't be assed to do so.

Wow, that is even a worse attempt at describing CRT than I thought. Like that isn't even the "copy a couple bits of Wikipedia but make it meaner" think you did for Antifa. Just curious, have you ever read any actual Critical Race theory? Or where did you get this idea. You don't have to answer if you don't want to. I'd just like you to indulge my morbid curiousity.

Okay, moving on. Yeah, fascism does have a fixation on the state, but most forms of fascism have a distinctly ethno-cultural conception of statehood. As I mentioned before, they are at their core a form of Romanticism. Popular nationalism of that sort identifies the "nation" as a particular racial and cultural group (and not even the kind of races modern society uses like European or African, but much narrower ones like Anglo-Saxon (excluding the "Celtic" Irish), or Germanic or Italian) and the state as the ruling body of this nation. Literal "ethnostates".

RE:100.000,000 dead under communism, I'm no fan of the USSR and Maoist China, but the "Black Book of Communism" from which that number derives is garbage. Like that number of "victims of communism" includes Soviets killed by Nazi Germany. The book is a hit piece, which is unnecessary. The actual facts on the ground were already pretty bad. But they were bad for reasons, and not because communists are evil vampires who like human misery.
I'm an anarchist so I actually fully agree with you that state based communism is inherently contradictory. Basically all communist regimes up to this point have descended from the Leninist revolution in Russia in the 1910s. The country was a basket case already. The people were living in abject poverty under the Tsar while the Russian nobility were utterly decadent. The economy was shambles and people were being poured into the meat grinder of WWI. Some kind of revolution was going to happen. The liberal government of Kerensky had the galaxy brained idea to keeep fighting WWI after the revolution. That cost them any legitimacy and the communist won by default.

Lenin's faction of communists were the most successful, and he had the brilliant idea that you would give a group of party leaders capacity to lead "in the name of the people" until the people were able to take power for themselves. There were actually some efforts toward that end in the early Soviet Union, and the SU in the 1920s, before things went entirely to hell is fascinating. There were local Soviets (workers councils) with real power, a democratically run military(!), and really interesting literature. But unsurprisingly things started to come unglued, because it turns out giving a small group near unlimited power is a pretty bad idea. And the worst possible guys won the resulting power structure. Two literal psychopaths, Stalin and Beria. And then the already famine producing central management of agriculture was combined with naturally occurring famines, turning a crime against humanity into one of the worst losses of life in human history. Then the Nazis invaded and killed an almost unthinkable number of Russians and destroyed their still barely recovered economy. And y the end of WWII Stalin had become essentially an absolute dictator. After he died the Soviet Union just sort of limped along. In a very real sense it never got out of the death spiral that started the revolution under the Tsar. the closest it got was Stalins forced industrialization, which itself had a substantial body count.

Stalinist Russia became the place you could turn to for aid against western powers. So if you were opposed to the western puppets in China, you could get help from Stalin, and that's how you get Mao in power. The Soviets backed Vietnamese anti-colonialists, too, after the Americans refused to help them. The communist states established during the Cold War were nearly all proxies of the Soviets, if only by natural selection. The ones that lacked Soviet backing (like Allende in Chile) were overthrown by the US.
All this is to say that socialism is not inherently state focused. That is largely a consequence of how the Soviet Union failed, and how it exported its failed brand of communism. The best run communist states were always those that could keep a degree of independence from Moscow and Beijing, but none could do so absolutely. If you aren't a Stalinist or a Maoist (and you shouldn't be), there is nothing about communism that requires you have any role for a state, and plenty of socialist ideologies either actively oppose states, or have only very minimal states as transitional elements. The fascist in the other hand sees the ethnostate as an end, not a means. It is a corporate entity of which individual citizens are disposable pieces. Socialism, when it includes states, sees them as disposable tools for the good of people.

Now you can think they are full of it and entirely wrong about how that will work out. But combine this with the fundamental difference in their interpretations of history and economics and they are clearly ideologically miles apart. And that is before the fact that most fascism is off the walls irrational, violent, and racist.

As to your slanders about socialists hating culture and art, all I can say is that you're wrong based on every socialists I have ever met, and all the socialism I have ever read. Some socialists are hostile to religion. And some are working within specifically religious movements like liberation theology and Catholic socialism. Socialism is big and varied and while you can find a lot of different things in their, only a few things are really universal, and they are mostly fundamental beliefs about economic value and hierarchy.
So....All of them instigating fights, attacking innocent people who are walking by and more? That wasn't ANTIFA?

And fascist gatherings? besides Charletsville, what was a fascist gathering?
Fascism it should also be noted is very much defined by its Continental and European context more broadly. It’s reference for the ancient past, the continuity of blood and soil, and it’s authoritarianism emerge from European trends and notions.

Fascists in the US have always had the problem that the American tradition is much more recent historically speaking and there is no primordial time, and that classical liberalism is ingrained in the American consciousness.

An American fascism would likely look a lot more republican, more emphasis on the populares and the herrenvolk as the core of the republic, if it wasn’t an outright rejection of Americanism and Republican governance, thus it would be something alien to the American spirit entirely.

The point as Gentile emphasizes, is that the characteristics of fascism must emanate from the nation, from a people’s deepest collective impulses, their soul of sorts.

Anyway, this is a bit of a digression. I think where conservatism and fascism meet is their concern with preserving the past, the national heritage, and a normative morality and set of social customs.

The differences being conservatism is usually much less combative and is more passive, more genteel.
So....All of them instigating fights, attacking innocent people who are walking by and more? That wasn't ANTIFA?

And fascist gatherings? besides Charletsville, what was a fascist gathering?
No, it mostly isn't. There are guys out there like Andy Ngo who make a point of editing videos to make left wing protesters (who they'll call antifa regardless of whether they have any such affiliation) look like aggressors. (A memorable one was showing images of a person with an antifa mask on striking a woman in a wheelchair. The video had been edited to remove the earlier section where she stabbed the man next to the antifa member with a kitchen knife.) Of course there a jerks everywhere, and I would be amazed if nobody who was in antifa ever did something idiotic at a protest. But it isn't general practice.

And there are plenty of fascist gatherings. Proud Boys, Patriot Prayer, Three Percenters, Neo-Nazis, etc. hold rallies. They also show up to attack left wing rallies or to attack counter-protestors at Trump rallies. In the old days, in Europe there would be neo-Nazis rallies and antifa would go and bust them up fairly regularly.
No, it mostly isn't. There are guys out there like Andy Ngo who make a point of editing videos to make left wing protesters (who they'll call antifa regardless of whether they have any such affiliation) look like aggressors. (A memorable one was showing images of a person with an antifa mask on striking a woman in a wheelchair. The video had been edited to remove the earlier section where she stabbed the man next to the antifa member with a kitchen knife.) Of course there a jerks everywhere, and I would be amazed if nobody who was in antifa ever did something idiotic at a protest. But it isn't general practice.

And there are plenty of fascist gatherings. Proud Boys, Patriot Prayer, Three Percenters, Neo-Nazis, etc. hold rallies. They also show up to attack left wing rallies or to attack counter-protestors at Trump rallies. In the old days, in Europe there would be neo-Nazis rallies and antifa would go and bust them up fairly regularly.
Proud boys aren't fascist. Patriot Prayer aren't fascists.

Proud boys protect right wing protesters from ANTIFA.

This isn't ANTIFA?
The NUMEROUS ANTIFA accounts claiming for attacks?

In the US everyone has a right to free speech. You do not go and CAUSE VIOLENCE because they do not agree with you.

Every video and all evidence of an ANTIFA protest usually turns into fighting someone or something. I am sure there are nice ANTIFA, but 99.9% of them are Fascist commies in disguise, like how the Organization BLM are marxists.
They aren't a gang

They're an ideologically-motivated brigade of street thugs. They are a gang just as much as the SA were.

don't intend to "destroy all opposition"

All opposition to "anti-fascism" (the term they use to hide the fact they're commies) is fascism according to them and should be suppressed.

they don't have a planned communist revolution.

They do, they're just thankfully nowhere near the capability to carry it out.

And the idea that they have a planned communist revolution is pretty laughable. You've got anarchists, Maoists, Leftcoms, Trotskyists. You'd be lucky if the could come to an agreement about what revolution means, much less how (and whether) to carry one off.

"We have internal divisions about how exactly to destroy society, ergo we don't plan to destroy society".

The actual facts on the ground were already pretty bad. But they were bad for reasons, and not because communists are evil vampires who like human misery.

They're not vampires who live to spread evil, they're followers of an evil ideology that can't work in reality.

All this is to say that socialism is not inherently state focused.

Socialism requires a totalitarian state to govern its economy. Socialism is inherently state-focussed.

If you aren't a Stalinist or a Maoist (and you shouldn't be), there is nothing about communism that requires you have any role for a state

The state in communism has to be given absolute power before it can wither away. This is literally Marx's key "insight".

and plenty of socialist ideologies either actively oppose states, or have only very minimal states as transitional elements.

They say that, and still produce totalitarian states like the anarchist states in Catalonia or the Ukraine.

Socialism, when it includes states, sees them as disposable tools for the good of people.

"The good of people" isn't what socialism is about. Socialism is about looting the more affluent portions of the population to give to the lower classes, ultimately including the lower classes themselves. If those people resist being looted, the socialist state kills them. Then it runs out of people to loot and kill, and starts living on borrowed time.

Now you can think they are full of it and entirely wrong about how that will work out. But combine this with the fundamental difference in their interpretations of history and economics and they are clearly ideologically miles apart. And that is before the fact that most fascism is off the walls irrational, violent, and racist.

Socialism is irrational, violent, and most of it, historically at least, was racist.

As to your slanders about socialists hating culture and art, all I can say is that you're wrong based on every socialists I have ever met, and all the socialism I have ever read.

Socialists destroyed and demolished as much pre-Revolution art and culture as they could when they took power.

Some socialists are hostile to religion.

All socialists are hostile to religion. Insofar as socialism itself doesn't qualify as one.

And some are working within specifically religious movements like liberation theology and Catholic socialism.

Yes, some socialists are working to subvert religion for the cause of socialism. Some are even part of a program started by a KGB operation in Latin America!

Socialism is big and varied and while you can find a lot of different things in their, only a few things are really universal, and they are mostly fundamental beliefs about economic value and hierarchy.

They don't understand economics and they hate the idea of anybody having the authority to tell them what to do. So they fantasise about instituting a system planned by their perfect ideal wisdom and ruling the world as totalitarian dictators, or at the least as high-level members of the Party.
Last edited:
Proud boys aren't fascist. Patriot Prayer aren't fascists.

Proud boys protect right wing protesters from ANTIFA.

This isn't ANTIFA?
The NUMEROUS ANTIFA accounts claiming for attacks?

In the US everyone has a right to free speech. You do not go and CAUSE VIOLENCE because they do not agree with you.

Every video and all evidence of an ANTIFA protest usually turns into fighting someone or something. I am sure there are nice ANTIFA, but 99.9% of them are Fascist commies in disguise, like how the Organization BLM are marxists.

Forgive me, but right wing YouTube videos aren't exactly credible. I mean you might as well be referencing Project Veritas. I ... don't remotely have the time or energy to address BLM being marxist. My soul would leave my body.

They're an ideologically-motivated brigade of street thugs. They are a gang just as much as the SA were.

All opposition to "anti-fascism" (the term they use to hide the fact they're commies) is fascism according to them and should be suppressed.

They do, they're just thankfully nowhere near the capability to carry it out.

"We have internal divisions about how exactly to destroy society, ergo we don't plan to destroy society".

They're not vampires who live to spread evil, they're followers of an evil ideology that can't work in reality.

Socialism requires a totalitarian state to govern its economy. Socialism is inherently state-focussed.

The state in communism has to be given absolute power before it can wither away. This is literally Marx's key "insight".

They say that, and still produce totalitarian states like the anarchist states in Catalonia or the Ukraine.

"The good of people" isn't what socialism is about. Socialism is about looting the more affluent portions of the population to give to the lower classes, ultimately including the lower classes themselves. If those people resist being looted, the socialist state kills them. Then it runs out of people to loot and kill, and starts living on borrowed time.

Socialism is irrational, violent, and most of it, historically at least, was racist.

Socialists destroyed and demolished as much pre-Revolutionary art and culture as they could.

All socialists are hostile to religion

Yes, some socialists are working to subvert religion for the cause of socialism. Some are even part of a program started by a KGB operation in Latin America!

They don't understand economics and they hate the idea of anybody having the authority to tell them what to do. So they fantasise about instituting a system planned by their perfect ideal wisdom and ruling the world as totalitarian dictators, or at the least as high-level members of the Party.
You're quotes are messed up, you are barely making sense where they aren't and there don't seem to be points being made, just accusations. I think the opportunity to learn anything has passed at this point, so I'll make my departure (plus my wife and I are going to play video games). Have a good night, sincerely.
Forgive me, but right wing YouTube videos aren't exactly credible. I mean you might as well be referencing Project Veritas. I ... don't remotely have the time or energy to address BLM being marxist. My soul will leave my body.

You're quotes are messed up, you are barely making sense where they aren't and there don't seem to be points being made, just accusations. I think the opportunity to learn anything has passed at this point, so I'll make my departure (plus my wife and I are going to play video games). Have a good night, sincerely.
So...you don't trust a guy who has literally gone out and video tapped ANTIFA because it doesn't fit your narrative?

According to Hayek and Jewkes, the first problem with democratic socialism is with allocating labor efficiently. In a market economy, labor is allocated through differential wages. Wages rise or fall to equilibrate supply and demand for labor. Every form of labor has some market-clearing wage where that rate produces a stable equilibrium. But under socialism, where wages are either equal or approximately equal, differential wage rates are unable to perform this allocational function. Strictly speaking, government ownership of the means of production does not require equality of wages, but it is hard to imagine why any socialist would desire government ownership of the means of production if workers remained such as socio-economically unequal as they were under capitalism. The purpose and intention of public ownership was primarily to promote equality, especially of wages, incomes, and living conditions. How then is the system supposed to efficiently choose who ought to fill which labor position? The only conceivable solution is some sort of rationing system, whereby the political system dictates by fiat who is to labor where. But a system of compulsory, involuntary employment is hardly compatible with the aspirations of democratic socialism.


Central economic planning in Great Britain logically required conscription and regimentation of all labor - corvée and serfdom - and the government did not shy away from this logical consequence for long. Unfortunately, conscription had been deemed essential in the recent war, but as Hayek noted, merely “six months later the same government found itself in peacetime forced to put the conscription of labor back on the statute book” (Hayek 2007 [1944]: 47).12 Jewkes argued that this involuntary servitude was not a consequence of any despotic intent or moral depravity or abuse of power, but was dictated “by the logic of events” (Jewkes 1968: 193) and by “the inexorable demands of the plan” (ibid.). Likewise, according to Hayek, “[t]here is no better illustration [than this regimentation of labor] of the manner in which the inherent logic of their policies drove an unwilling socialist government into the kind of coercion it disliked” (Hayek 2007 [1944]: 47). In contrast to Shleifer and Vishny, the problem here with democratic socialism is not that the politicians have abused their power or that had wrong intentions or incentives. Even if the politicians are perfectly incentivized and well-intentioned, thoroughgoing and successfully-implemented democratic socialism, say Hayek and Jewkes, will still turn out to become totalitarian.


So for a socialist government to be authentically socialist, it must assign everyone to his occupation without any freedom of employment. Otherwise, the government cannot by its own power ensure the plan will be implemented. Either a democratic socialist government will insist on this assignment procedure and become tyrannical despite being democratic, or else it will abandon the assignment procedure and permit freedom of employment, preserving democratic values at the cost of abandoning socialism. A compromise is possible, but because socialism and individual autonomy are at opposite poles and inversely proportional, the one must be sacrificed to the identical degree to which the other is not.

"Democratic" or "libertarian" socialism is an oxymoron.
What left wing events are being attacked by right wingers? It’s always the reverse. When left wingers have some event, right wingers leave it alone. When the right tries to have some event, leftist thugs go to break it up.

The mistake people make about Antifa is thinking that they are exist somehow self sufficiently as a grass roots movement or at least one organized by left wing organizations. Antifa are in fact agents of the establishment who terrorize dissidents with the cooperation of the establishment, including but not limited to law enforcement. In the USA we ostensibly have freedom of speech and so cops can’t go out and arrest people for political dissent, so instead we have groups of thugs who are allowed to attack dissenters and protected with big money and influence from consequences.

Antifa are like the Maoist Red Guards of modern America.

Which is why the Proud Boys are so important. Unfortunately they have an uphill battle ahead of them because not only will the cops not protect the right from Antifa, but they will stretch the law to its most extreme limits to prosecute people who successfully defend themselves from Antifa.
What left wing events are being attacked by right wingers? It’s always the reverse. When left wingers have some event, right wingers leave it alone. When the right tries to have some event, leftist thugs go to break it up.

The mistake people make about Antifa is thinking that they are exist somehow self sufficiently as a grass roots movement or at least one organized by left wing organizations. Antifa are in fact agents of the establishment who terrorize dissidents with the cooperation of the establishment, including but not limited to law enforcement. In the USA we ostensibly have freedom of speech and so cops can’t go out and arrest people for political dissent, so instead we have groups of thugs who are allowed to attack dissenters and protected with big money and influence from consequences.

Antifa are like the Maoist Red Guards of modern America.

Which is why the Proud Boys are so important. Unfortunately they have an uphill battle ahead of them because not only will the cops not protect the right from Antifa, but they will stretch the law to its most extreme limits to prosecute people who successfully defend themselves from Antifa.

Its not a new tactic at all.

The KKK used to be the democratic parties bully boys now its Antifa.
You're quotes are messed up, you are barely making sense where they aren't and there don't seem to be points being made, just accusations.

I'm making a good deal of sense here. Socialists talk a big game about liberation and weakening the power of the state, but when it comes to brass tacks they inevitably enact a totalitarian regime. They may say they advocate all sorts of good things; but they can't actually make good on any of their promises since their political-economic ideology is fundamentally incoherent and they don't have a source of infinite resources like Star Trek's replicator. Therefore any socialist movement that takes power will be an "authoritarian socialist" one simply by the nature of the beast. "Libertarian" or "democratic" socialism is impossible to manifest in reality, thus irrelevant as anything more than an elaborate thought exercise.

Have a good night, sincerely.

Have a good night too, sincerely.
Lee Atwater was a Republican strategist.

Ok, so it's been a bit since you mentioned this, but I really can't let this bit go unanswered. As I've said before on Atwater:

As a side point since you mentioned him, that's not what Atwater said. He said that's how they used to work, but that that tactic was no longer effective and that "Reagan did not have to do a southern strategy for two reasons. Number one, race was not a dominant issue. And number two, the mainstream issues in this campaign had been, quote, southern issues since way back in the sixties. So Reagan goes out and campaigns on the issues of economics and of national defense. The whole campaign was devoid of any kind of racism, any kind of reference."

And frankly, I have doubts about even what he said before, because during the 1968 election when he claimed that kind of dogwhistling was used, he was a 17 year old high school student and therefore in no position whatsoever to know anything about the rethotical tactics used by Nixon's administration, since even if he was very politically active, he would have been limited to nothing more than working at a local campaign office handing out buttons and pamphlets.

Also, this bit:
It's a fact school vouchers serve as a way to channel public funds to charter school scam artists and right wing private schools while killing public schools.

Utter fiction, and if you say otherwise, prove it. Because I've been arguing in defense of charter schools and vouchers for years, and I have never seen any evidence of this. Aside from the "killing public schools", which is true in a sense, since when a bloated, defective, flawed system is put in direct compention with a better one, it tends to do rather poorly.
And there are plenty of fascist gatherings. Proud Boys, Patriot Prayer, Three Percenters, Neo-Nazis, etc. hold rallies. They also show up to attack left wing rallies or to attack counter-protestors at Trump rallies. In the old days, in Europe there would be neo-Nazis rallies and antifa would go and bust them up fairly regularly.

Proud boys....fascists? lol. 😂
@mesonoxian No, defending people from being attacked by thugs is not showing up to attack people. I know it might seem like an attack since the left isn't used to people defending themselves, but it is not.

And they are not fascists, they are extremely diverse and have differing political beliefs. In fact more diverse than the stupid white rich kids rioting and burning shit down.
I’m sorry, I could never take the Proud boys seriously. Like their great guys and all, who love America, but didn’t one of them stick something up his butt in front of a bunch of republican delegates or something?

Maybe there was a reason, but I can’t take your organization seriously if you do something like that.

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