UK Pakistani Islamic Grooming Gangs

Honestly, I think even with BREXIT occurring, this has practically become accepted everyday thing by the media and the authorities

Accepted in the sense they deny it occurring, give the perperators a slap on the wrist and make it almost standard procedure to punish those angry at it

Maybe, vigilantism and citizens getting guns and other weapons en masse regardless of what the Leftist Western media will say is the only real answer, they’re demonizing em anyway

UK should bring the death penalty back, gallows is what the perpetrators deserve. And the enablers. No, wait, quick drop is too good, make that a life of hard labor...
Don't know about British, but in Polish prisons pedophiles don't last all that long...
Probably nothing as for the most part there is nothing people can do outside of bitch and moan. People are far too reserved in this country when it comes to things that matter.

Spout at the pub? Clean yer bloody lip and go about your day. Traitors of the highest order in your own police force? Bitch and complain. Either the government sorts this shit out or they'll be dealing with a lot of people getting real fucking tired of this crap.

We're sick of our taxes being sent towards LGBT crap rather than funding our rapidly closing police stations, we're tired of our grandparents being harrassed by uppity teens who lack respect. We're sick and fucking tired of people not doing their fucking jobs properly!

And frankly, everytime this shit comes up people are becoming more entranced by the idea of grabbing a bat themselves and giving this tossers a beating because the non-existant local police sure as fucking hell aren't doing anything.
You and they should it's been time since London started the "hate speech" crap.
It’s a weird contrast, I think the British are supposed to be extremely polite and cultured.....but people like to make fun of the idea that they maybe more threatening on average than you’d think

For now they’re targeting those weaker than themselves.....the moment they hit those stronger and more angry than average.....I think even muslim fundamentalists would be scared
Certainly didn't conquer 3/4 of the planet being polite. Underestimating Anglo nations unless your an Emu.
Yeah, simple as that. On the one hand you have those guys a few years ago who robbed £200 million and still have most of it, they are treated like kings. But child murderers, molesters, rapists, freaky serial killers, once people figure out what they are it isn't fun for them

I thought prisoners were being converted to Islam en masse these days
I thought prisoners were being converted to Islam en masse these days
Some probably are, most aren't. For every Jihadi prisoner you'll have a bunch of skinheads ready to shank them. Still, finding religion in prisons isn't unusual, you mostly see people in the US for instance embracing Christianity but Islam is an option too.
Question is how radical is it? Most apparently do it because they get more free time out of their cells so its more playing the system than believing.
Muslim pedos become part of muslim prison gangs, so they are pretty much untouchable by other prisoners, it's the regular pedos who are never out of season.
Some probably are, most aren't. For every Jihadi prisoner you'll have a bunch of skinheads ready to shank them. Still, finding religion in prisons isn't unusual, you mostly see people in the US for instance embracing Christianity but Islam is an option too.
Question is how radical is it? Most apparently do it because they get more free time out of their cells so its more playing the system than believing.
Over here Islam conversions are usally tied up with black nationalists. Its also often Nation of Islam as opposed to ortodox Islam.
Over here Islam conversions are usally tied up with black nationalists. Its also often Nation of Islam as opposed to ortodox Islam.
Lot of it seems similar over here, preying on people with insecurities, doubts, regrets, looking for a path and all that. Unfortunately the path they offer ends in trying to murder a bunch of people. I guess you can solve it by keeping them in jail forever but lot of bleeding hearts don't like that.
Too many people trying to substitute reality for their own rose tinted view of things and then getting pissy when they are shown to be fucking idiots. Gets people killed, raped, all that stuff.

Some people just deserve to be locked in a cage until they die.
They usually don't do well in UK prisons, story about one getting disembowelled not long ago. Very Medieval.

I recall a documentary on the subject made by Polish national tv, title was "Nie sąd cię skaże, pedofilu" ("It won't be the courts to convict you, paedophile"). It's available on youtube, though no english captions and the ones automatically generated are worthless.
Anyway, the film is a series of interviews with inmates, pedo and normal, former complaining over hell on Earth, while the latter, including hardcore "grypsujący" criminal subculture, present their "take" on the issue: one "career crook" says "I, myself, have... dispensed justice" (in sense pedo goes under the showers and doesn't come back), another guy happily reminisces "some of our more horny guys sexed him (pedo) so hard his anus fell out..."
So there is that...
The Romani have a bad rap but you cant have a culture that manages to survive for centuries of persecution including a genocide attempt by the Nazis with out having rules and limits.

And whatever the people of Europe think of them, I think they're more loyal or truly consider themselves part of the nation they live in, than all those new guys popping up who are very very very very different values wise

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