An Introduction to Leslie Fish

I think it's very important to observe that we've become more obsessed with the form of language than with the content of speech or character. We've created a world in which people are judged based solely on their choice in words. This itself is particularly contradictory with the fact that we've simplified speech the entire time. So we've made our discourse coarse, but we've also started to judge people on it. In short, we've created a perilous world in which innocent mistakes of well-meaning people are inherently wrong. It's sort of like the government passing laws in which intent doesn't matter; the criminalisation of mistakes has become very common in the modern world.
I could add it to the top of my reading list.

Could? Pfft. Let's see the description:

A woman oddly eager to rent a haunted apartment... a girl with poetic and prophetic movies in her head... an urban road warrior with psychic talent... an oppressed poet with an unusually wise dog... a betrayed cave-climber harrows hell... an old widow defeats an army... a primitive hunter's view of a grim ancient tale... weird stories of women who are nobody's victims -- by filksinger Leslie Fish.

Knowing Leslie this will be fun.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Jolly Solstice, Joyful Sir Isaac Newton’s Birthday, Jolly Mawlid un-Nabi, Good Yule, Enlightened Bodhi Day, Merry Boxing Day, Joyful Ganesha's Birthday, Bright Ada Lovelace Day, Lusty Saturnalia, Happy New Year, Jolly Hogmanay, Merry Twelfth Night – and a partridge in a pear tree!

--Leslie <;)))>< Fish )O(

My address: 1300 S. Watson Road, #114-288, Buckeye, AZ 85326
New phone: 602-373-0320
Cell phone: 310-339-4345

BTW: My computer hiccupped and LOST MY ENTIRE ADDRESS BOOK!!! Anybody who ever has, or would like to, exchange holiday cards with me, write to me at my email or snail-mail address above and give me your email and snail-mail addy, and I'll try to get back to you before Twelfth Night. Best,

--Leslie <;)))><
The best source is my music publisher, Random Factors Ltd., run by Mary Creasey, whom you can also find on Facebook. I have a few books and albums on Amazon, but I have trouble finding them myself.

--Leslie <;)))><
I remember getting stuff from Random Factors website being a pain, but either I'm too tired or it's gotten worse.
Search | seems to lead to a blank page
and googling "Random Factors Ltd." returns a bunch of posts on this site, your blog, and trademark searches.

I've been enjoying much of your music on Youtube practically since it existed, do you have a tip jar or something I could pay you for that?

BTW, I've got a new book -- "Nobody's Victims" -- up on Amazon. Anybody want to do the book review?
Not if I have to pay Amazon for it. I try and avoid paying amazon for anything. While I doubt that will actually have any effect on them being an 8000 lb gorilla swinging their weight around, at least I avoid contributing (much) to it.
My current favorite online general book seller is Smashwords – Home but there are a bunch of others (although I can understand going with Amazon unlimited if that's what you did).
Hi. I only joined this forum because I wanted to ask you about what you remember about my aunt... she used to play with you, on the Folk Songs for Solar Sailors Album. I just... I miss her, and I want to learn more about her life before I met her. Can we have a PM conversation? I'm having trouble setting one up though.

She kinda died two days before my birthday several years ago. Sorry about this emotional blackmailish situation. Just another crazy Jewish nephew of a crazy Jewish anarcho-syndacalist. Her favorite thing to say was "The only good thing Stalin ever did was put an ice pick in Trotsky's head". And "How can you tell if a politician is lying? His lips are moving"

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