Recent content by AspblastUSA

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    Fallout The Eagle And The Bear [Fallout AU]

    I appreciate the fact that FO3 is so bonkers in its story and sidequest design that there can be confusion over which player-initiated genocide people are talking about.
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    Original Fiction The Salvation War - Pantheocide

    My dude, probably best to find an existing thread in the Index or if that doesn't exist, start one. Not really what this one's for, you know?
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    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    Even just seeing what she gets up to in the prequel films, I'm pretty sure Padme is the kind of adrenaline junky to pick the dangerous option whenever possible: Phantom Menace: Defies the expectations of the Jedi, the Senate, and the Sith to personally lead an attempt to reconquer her home...
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    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    Agreed, but compared to the malicious and/or incompetent active destruction of Star Wars even that isn't that bad by comparison.
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    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    Heck, she even participates in philosophical debates with Joshua Graham on youtube these days! (The miracles of voice AI!)
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    Alternate History Two Settings that just click. Crossover Edition.

    Worse the more serious the story becomes, I think. Galactic Gua'uld domination as portrayed in Stargate just doesn't mesh well with the vibrant extraterrestrial community implied in MiB. If you're including the shows, that is. MiB meshes just fine with Stargate the film.
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    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    In all fairness to Sidious' feats for most of his existence he didn't really have the need to. The total lack of peers or ambitious underlings meant he never had any rivals to contend with really, and frankly the system he set up was pragmatic from an evil wizard perspective. My understanding...
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    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    Oh fuck that's Pullo? Damn, here I was thinking it was news I could let pass me by because it's someone I'd never heard of.
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    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    In all fairness to said muppet, there's no indication that Yoda was aware of his relationship with Padme. Obi-Wan almost certainly knew, some of the other Jedi who interacted with Anakin and Padme a fair bit might've, but Yoda? I don't recall any time he even saw them together outside of AotC...
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    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    Though it was originally meant to represent the empire in general, I think in most peoples mind the imperial march is tied inextricably to the character of Darth Vader specifically. While it could be broadened once again, I think it is an equally valid idea to attempt to develop new leitmotifs...
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    Post-Conquest: Insurgence (SW and ST crossover)

    Not to mention that it's a very fortuitous, face saving event for the Japanese government, if they've really been having so much trouble tracking down this serial killer. Having to request the Imperial government involves the ISB is tantamount to admitting they're incapable of catching this...
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    Post-Conquest: Insurgence (SW and ST crossover)

    Ah, droid rebellion. The perfect deniable attack, since it crops up often enough throughout the history of the GFFA that even if they recover the databanks entirely intact it will probably be hard to tell if this can be traced back to Majestic 12 or if it's just... droids doing what they do...
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    Post-Conquest: Insurgence (SW and ST crossover)

    Well I don't know much about either of those, but with the mix of stealthy insertion and controlled use of ultraviolence all overlaid with a fine sprinkling of banter I got an entirely different vibe from the ISB spooks.
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    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    I didn’t pick up on the RP aspect either. I’d thought the idea was just to pitch sequel trilogies from a more perfect world, where ideologues weren’t sticking their slimy fingers into everything.
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    I get to conquer the Federation (SW and ST Crossover/SI)

    At first I wanted to say it was a silly idea to think that another crossover had been brought in unannounced, but looking at it again... ...I find the argument more compelling than I'd expected to. I'm not convinced yet but I don't think I'd be surprised if it turned out to be true, anymore...