Recent content by f1onagher

  1. f1onagher

    Gun Political Issues Megathread. (Control for or Against?)

    The more you learn about the radical movements of the 60s/70s the less this shit surprises you. Intersectionality was prototyped by the Jonestown cult for example.
  2. f1onagher

    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    Pretty sure I've dropped this video earlier, but its worth resharing if so. I encourage you to watch when you have the time, but the gist of it is that Star Wars has become modern mythology and like mythology there are a lot of conflicting takes on it. For all of its many, many flaws and...
  3. f1onagher

    Fallout Fallout: Autumn Morning [Director's Cut]

    I generally have limited sympathy for the Khans. Oh, the raider gang ran out of helpless victims and got ganked? What a pity that the whirlwind caught up to them. That being said, I do enjoy how many of the raider gangs can and do evolve into tribals or other people groups around shared cultures...
  4. f1onagher

    Fallout Fallout: Autumn Morning [Director's Cut]

    I like watching the formation and maturation of proto-states, be they the NCR, the Lone Star Republic, the Commonwealth, or even states like Caesar's Legion. The evolution of peoples as they rebuild the world and find a new way in it. Fallout adds the great wrinkle of the Old World's shadow. The...
  5. f1onagher

    Fallout The Eagle And The Bear [Fallout AU]

    Project Sunburst has been my comforting light in this dark time. Proof that I'm not just going crazy and that Fallout is cool and inspiring at its core. Having both sides of the battle play to their strengths and try to overcome enemy weaknesses is just so beautiful to watch after so much...
  6. f1onagher

    Fallout Fallout: Autumn Morning [Director's Cut]

    To our gain. Now that we're back here I thought I'd run a few questions past you. Firstly, was Chicago a Brotherhood or Enclave holdout initially? In Tactics it's a Brotherhood base meaning that the US would have had to eject them during the push west, but if it was an Enclave base as implied by...
  7. f1onagher

    Fallout The Eagle And The Bear [Fallout AU]

    Its Rowling-posting. This is the dude who wrote Fallout 76 and Starfield, I legitimately doubt his continuity of consciousness.
  8. f1onagher

    Amazon Prime Amazon Fallout series.

    He liked it and thought it was better than other similar adaptations. He deliberately misses or misconstrues the criticism of the show by focusing around the old "Todd Howard hates New Vegas" theory. I generally don't trust anyone who uses "Daddy Howard" unironically. To his credit he does...
  9. f1onagher

    Amazon Prime Amazon Fallout series.

    Friend, I don't mean to be rude, but about 50% of the posts in this thread is you stanning for the show. I'm (intellectually) happy you enjoyed it, but this world building is shallow and facile. As deep as the props used at the back of a stage. IPs have lost the ability to convey changes...
  10. f1onagher

    Amazon Prime Amazon Fallout series.

    I cannot convey through words alone how livid I am about this. I legitimately think modern writes are incapable of imagining fictional worlds due to some sort of mental deficiency because every... single... fucking adaptation of anything shoots the world building in the head and shrinks the...
  11. f1onagher

    Fanfic Recommendations Thread

    Tiberium Wars is an unfinished novelization of Comand and Conquer 3 that I still consider a gold standard for such fanfic types. Renegade is a crossover between C&C and Mass Effect by the same author. Eagle's Fall is a story about the first contact war in the same crossover universe but by a...
  12. f1onagher

    Anime & Manga RWBY General discussion thread.

    I suspect that as RWBY went on and lost popularity someone on the writing team had the bright idea to string along the Bumblebee shippers for a few seasons to keep the idiots buying RT's shit-tier merch. It was pretty clear as early as season 5 or 6 (I would argue as early as 4 but I am aware of...
  13. f1onagher

    Movies Marvel Cinematic Universe

    That's a fair point, but Disney doesn't deserve benefit of the doubt anymore.
  14. f1onagher

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    Yes, I would and thank you for asking. And could you share where you're using it? I just want to see the conversation.
  15. f1onagher

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    Have you seen the newest "White Rural Rage" book they're peddling? The kulakization of rural Americans has been ongoing for at least a decade if not longer. If you visit certain other sites you'll see them insist that MAGAts aren't legitimately distressed economically, they're all members of...