The Sietch

The Original Sixth
The Original Sixth
Well, the Dems might eliminate the filibuster and they might obtain a degree of amnesty for illegals.

Packing the courts, new states, and that sort of stuff is mostly a SJW/Commie sort of wishlist. Now, over the past 4 years, the Neo-Liberals have backed almost everything the far left has pushed forward because they were trying to find a political balance that could work. No one wanted the Neo-Liberal platform anymore, so they moved further left. That hasn't worked, because it offends too many people and they know it.
The Original Sixth
The Original Sixth
There are no far left leaders in Biden's administration. In fact, most of them are affectionally termed as "swamp creatures". Because the Democrats realized that they can't move to the far left, they've moving to the right. It doesn't look like it, but they are. And to that end, the Neo-Cons and the Business voters, who were staunch Republicans, are shifting towards the Neo-Liberals. Because despite their differences, they can't abide a nationalist agenda.

It's not just big tech that is out to get Trump supporters. It's a lot of big businesses, most especially those that are connected to the international system. And right now, these groups view Trump as a danger to their very existence. So they're purging him and his followers in the hopes of dividing them and breaking them as a voting bloc. It won't work.
So they're purging him and his followers in the hopes of dividing them and breaking them as a voting bloc. It won't work.
I've seen it observed that in refusing Trump supporters, all they're really doing is creating a business opportunity for others.
What about Kamala Harris replacing Biden?