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  1. C

    Breaking News FBI raids Trump's Mar-a-Largo Resort home

    Lemon looks likely.
  2. C

    Breaking News FBI raids Trump's Mar-a-Largo Resort home

    CNN is currently in the process of being purged and man does that feel good. MSNBC however will likely always remain a leftist channel unless we have a civil war.
  3. C

    Breaking News FBI raids Trump's Mar-a-Largo Resort home

    I think the DOJ is pissing off the judges.
  4. C

    Breaking News FBI raids Trump's Mar-a-Largo Resort home

    History is full of bad officers getting fragged by angry enlisted men expecially during nam.
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    Breaking News FBI raids Trump's Mar-a-Largo Resort home

    The big problem with the military for the left is quite simply this. They have a very very long history of treating the troops expecially veterans like shit. Low pay, treating veterans like potential terorists, and with a long history of use and abuse. Seriously the milatary is full of men who...
  6. C

    Breaking News FBI raids Trump's Mar-a-Largo Resort home

    So the FBI is now raiding the my pillow guy. Really.... God we really need to reign these psychos in.
  7. C

    Breaking News FBI raids Trump's Mar-a-Largo Resort home

    People try so hard to save the things they love even when they have gone rabid and need to be put down for everyone elses safety.
  8. C

    Breaking News FBI raids Trump's Mar-a-Largo Resort home

    That's actually happening right now. College degrees have become pretty much worthless and a lot of parents are not sending their kids to college anymore.
  9. C

    Breaking News FBI raids Trump's Mar-a-Largo Resort home

    Some day some ones going to ask why we simply don't have a system where local communities decide local standards instead of having a bunch of techocrats shove crap down everyones gullet. Then the idea of federalism will come back again.
  10. C

    Breaking News FBI raids Trump's Mar-a-Largo Resort home

    We are not special, dispite our technology dispite our new tools we are not smarter then the peoples of the mediterarians civilization or the bronze age civilization that came before. We simply stand upon the shoulders of giants. Everything in life is a series of actions and reactions. Western...
  11. C

    Breaking News FBI raids Trump's Mar-a-Largo Resort home

    We arn't a banna republic because of TDS, we are a banana republic because modernity or our part of the civilizational cycle is ending, and during that period what normally happens is that elites become cultlike and stupid. Same shit went down during the end of the roman republic.
  12. C

    Breaking News FBI raids Trump's Mar-a-Largo Resort home

    The fact that garland ordered people not to contact their official superiors is pretty telling.
  13. C

    Breaking News FBI raids Trump's Mar-a-Largo Resort home

    I honestly think this might be the event that fucks the FBI.
  14. C

    Breaking News FBI raids Trump's Mar-a-Largo Resort home

    We have already established that your not an American citizen. Have you ever considered that you don't know what your talking about on this issue.?
  15. C

    Breaking News FBI raids Trump's Mar-a-Largo Resort home

    Trump was impeached for far far less.
  16. C

    Breaking News FBI raids Trump's Mar-a-Largo Resort home

    when the pain of innaction becomes worse then the pain of action there will be change.
  17. C

    Breaking News FBI raids Trump's Mar-a-Largo Resort home

    that is incredibly illegal.
  18. C

    Breaking News FBI raids Trump's Mar-a-Largo Resort home

    Barcle isn't out of touch he just lives in an entirely different culture then the ones we are talking about. This is a cultural map of north america. Barcle lives in the area known as the Empty quarter which is insulting but the cultural map was made by someone in new england and new...
  19. C

    Breaking News FBI raids Trump's Mar-a-Largo Resort home

    you do not know what your talking about megadeath. The american system doesn't work like what ever parlamentary system your used to. Maybe take your atitude and fix the country you live in first before trying to impose your way of life on some one else.
  20. C

    Breaking News FBI raids Trump's Mar-a-Largo Resort home

    if your not american then why are you pretending to know american law better then we do?