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  1. Battlegrinder

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    I don't really see changing one's opinion on a geopolitical rival to be equivalent to changing your view on how honorable it is to murder unarmed enemies. "How do you feel about Russia" is a very different question to "how do you feel about beating up anyone that insults you", for example.
  2. Battlegrinder

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    I think that's a tad harsh, but yes it's important to remember Worf's concept of honor is not in line with the norm. This, however.....eh, I don't think that seems less likely. Worf's code and personal values where already well defined by the time he got deeply involved with the Klingons and...
  3. Battlegrinder

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    I think it's still indictive of an deeper issue, and that the "context" left out wasn't actually relevant. "He was a bad guy, he had it coming" is fundamentally not Star Trek, and killing helpless enemies is not something the crew does, even if they're bad people and deserve it. Fajo in "The...
  4. Battlegrinder

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    "Failed design" is a bit harsh. It had a relatively short time in service as the biggest, bestest ship ever, yes. But that's just as likely a symptom of it being from an era of rapid technological changes rather than fault with the design itself (both in and out of universe, amusingly enough)...
  5. Battlegrinder

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    @bintananth, stop derailing the thread with stuff about sailing ships.
  6. Battlegrinder

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    Eh, not really, most STO designs are detailed on par with something like the Sovereign class or NX, designs from later in the ship's run when it was easier to have highly detailed ships. Certainly there are some design that are a tad busy, but the big iconic designs like the Odyssey and...
  7. Battlegrinder

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    I actually agree, I think despite BoBW's reputation, Year of Hell comfortably holds its....wait, what? Scorpion? I grant that it was written a bit more cohesively than BoBW, but I'd argue that's the case for most ST two parters. Way of the Warrior, In a Mirror Darkly, Homefront/Paradise Lost...
  8. Battlegrinder

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    Reason #7649 why streaming is a bad idea and you should just buy physical copies of whatever it is.
  9. Battlegrinder

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    What??? Duet is one of the best episodes of not just DS9, but of Star Trek period. Given their closeness to China, maybe. He means the guy using "Damar" as his screename on SB, not the character.
  10. Battlegrinder

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    I'm not sure why, there's nothing about the ship's design or configuration that makes it questionable for the era, and making it a Constitution, a class that was seemingly retired 50+ years ago, actually would be odd.
  11. Battlegrinder

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    I think the big problem with the rocketprise is all the exposed greebling and cables and other bits, bits that federation ships generally do not have, and certainly do not have in this volume. It makes it look less like a star trek ship based on rocketry, and more like a rocket ship with some ST...
  12. Battlegrinder

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    If anyone's familiar with SF Debris's "Janeway of Borg" nickname, given for her habit of assimilating rando misfits into the crew of Voyager, the newest episode of STO made that canon for mirror Janeway, who is both ex-Borg and runs around assimilating people into joining her side (sorta). And...
  13. Battlegrinder

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    It's definitely not a 100% stock centaur. The hull color is different, it doesn't have the little greebles that the centaur does, and the nacelles are different. The STO centaur is based on the onscreen design, and it uses the centaur as a miranda-tyoe ship, so most of them don't have a...
  14. Battlegrinder

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    I was not aware of that, actually. I was under the impression the centaur class didn't have a secondary hull and the nacelle pylons connected directly to the saucer.
  15. Battlegrinder

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    That ship design looks......familiar: Graphics are definitely less polished in this bit than the previous one, not terrible but they visibly need work in a way the last one didn't. A couple of those shots or where they had the character look seemed less like showing off the game and more...
  16. Battlegrinder

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    The graphics seem fine. Yeah, they're not ultra 4k ray traced whatever, but they're more than enough to tell the story being told here, they don't need to be on par with a AAA game.
  17. Battlegrinder

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    Well, it sounds good to start with. "dicy diplomatic problem with notable but limited stakes" is a lot better than the past few shows have done where every season it's some new threat to the entire federation and/or all life as we know it, it's a very star trek like problem.
  18. Battlegrinder

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    Initially, federation ships couldn't block dominion weapons, though not because of their sheer power, it was more that they were sufficiently weird the federation shields weren't capable of stopping them at the time, but they did eventually develop a means to do (someone once noted that the UFP...
  19. Battlegrinder

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    I believe the stated in universe reason for putting the bridge is top is twofold: 1. Putting the bridge on top lets them design it as a replaceable module they can swap out for upgrades and refits. Precisely why starfleet values that capability so highly I don't understand, though out of...
  20. Battlegrinder

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    Eh, not really? It's a 4 bed sickbay for a ship of like 50 people, that seems fair. If anything it's proportionally oversized, compared something like the enterprise D that had like dozen beds for a thousand people. Eh. The "we put the CIC in the center of the ship, cause we're a smart hard...