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  1. Jaenera Targaryen

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    TOS was a rare example of Executive Meddling gone right. The whole Western in Space theme of the series was all thanks to the producers telling Roddenberry that what he wanted wouldn't sell, and even toning down his vision nearly bombed TOS. The series only really rebounded thanks to reruns...
  2. Jaenera Targaryen

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    To me, he always came off as aping Michael Bay while adding a lot of lens flare to hide the fact. At least Bay is honest about what he does, i.e. lots and lots of gratuitous pyrotechnics garnished with fanservice to appeal to teenagers and young adults.
  3. Jaenera Targaryen

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    Welp, Shatner just proved himself the adult in the room. Wouldn't be surprised if there were all sorts of REEEE~ in the boardrooms afterwards, since they can't really respond without showing themselves the (wo)manchildren he (accurately) calls them out to be.
  4. Jaenera Targaryen

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    Might as well just download one of the Star Trek mods for the game, yes.
  5. Jaenera Targaryen

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    So, basically classic comedy. A scenario deliberately exaggerated to show just how comically ridiculous even the basic premise is. ...yeah, that sums up a lot of Nu Trek.
  6. Jaenera Targaryen

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    At this point, I think Star Trek has actually been worse than Star Wars. At least every once in a while, Disney Star Wars shits out something passable if not outright great - Rogue One, Mandalorian (earlier seasons at least), Andor (passable), the Darth Vader comics - but Nu Trek just keeps...
  7. Jaenera Targaryen

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    ...psychiatrists IRL aren't psykers, even watered-down ones like Troi. Also, I wouldn't be so trusting of AI, if I were you. Letting machines think for themselves has got to be the biggest mistake of the 21st Century. If we don't pay the price for it, our children will. We're on the...
  8. Jaenera Targaryen

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    It's a machine, not a living thing. There's a difference.
  9. Jaenera Targaryen

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    Now, instead of a telepath mucking about in my head, it's like having a...psychic parasite? Energy (emotion?) vampire leeching off my emotions...can I just have a normal person to talk to? No psychic powers, no fallacious pseudo-philosophical bioroid, just another ordinary person. Hell, I'd...
  10. Jaenera Targaryen

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    Ah, yes, just an empath...such an improvement...can we have a Null Maiden (if not an Oblivion Knight) present during therapy sessions?
  11. Jaenera Targaryen

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    Forgive me if I'm not confident with having a telepath mucking about in my head.
  12. Jaenera Targaryen

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    Counterpoint: sexual attraction is illogical and thus has no place in a therapeutic session :P Now, if the therapist in question is a hot-blooded Orion, things would be different. On the other hand... "Mike, you go to therapy to get your issues worked out, not bang your therapist." - Officer...
  13. Jaenera Targaryen

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    To be unfair, 'help' in Star Trek basically involves just going to the holodeck and bringing up a simulation of Sigmund Freud. That, or asking a telepath to muck around in your mind. FFS, I'd say 40k has better basic mental help, i.e. talk to a priest.
  14. Jaenera Targaryen

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    Normally I'm not into remixes of classic movie scores, but damn! Daft Punk really proves their talent, that was great!
  15. Jaenera Targaryen

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    Yeah, and they sent him to prison for it. Not to mention there was that scene where calamity was about to strike, and Picard and Co. were just standing around the bridge watching with solemn looks on their faces. Gave me the same feeling as looking at those pictures from WWII concentration...
  16. Jaenera Targaryen

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    At the risk of sounding melodramatic, it was at that moment that I realized I couldn't root for the Federation anymore, at least the post-Kirk version of it in-universe, and post-TOS in meta terms.
  17. Jaenera Targaryen

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    Speaking of Kirk-era characters, Khan Noonien Singh would be laughing his ass off that Bashir was the one who averted a genocide, when the Naturals are wary of him starting a genocide. He'd probably pat Bashir on the back, advise him that Bashir is who he wants and chooses to be, and that no...
  18. Jaenera Targaryen

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    That is the strict definition of the Prime Directive, and which would definitely not apply. However, I've since noticed that past a certain point, the Prime Directive also means 'anything that goes against nature's plan'. This goes back to ENT's bad episode, where Archer passively commits...
  19. Jaenera Targaryen

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    Either that, or Prime Directive! Forbids interference!
  20. Jaenera Targaryen

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    Goes to show just how meaningless all the regulations and even the eventual ban on time travel tech is. Everything that can happen will and has happened, including the timelines caused by time travelers messing things up. I could even see Q smirking while sitting/lounging on the captain's...