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  1. Valiran

    I may be on the other side of the political aisle, but I'd much rather try and get along with...

    I may be on the other side of the political aisle, but I'd much rather try and get along with you because - even though I vehemently disagree with some of the things you've said - you seem alright to me.
  2. Valiran

    Updated my profile image. I am now a sad capybara.

    Updated my profile image. I am now a sad capybara.
  3. Valiran

    Cultural destruction and White guilt

    I'm saying that it sounds plausible to me, and no more. If you believe that God has the right to do those things, then fine by me. I just don't share that belief. I also looked up the passage in question to refresh my memory, and it said the fig tree wasn't in season. If Jesus was omniscient...
  4. Valiran

    Cultural destruction and White guilt

    Who's "they"? The mobs tearing down statues have not been even remotely subtle, while everything I can find about the incident says no one knows who did it since the vandalism happened in the dead of night. It was also torn down on the anniversary of a speech he made in 1852, which could easily...
  5. Valiran

    Cultural destruction and White guilt

    I’m sure there are people who would do that, and I pity them. If they’re waiting for someone to put forward a man or woman without sin, then they’re going to be disappointed, because no such creature has existed. Not even Jesus, if you consider what he did to that poor fig tree a sin. I’ll have...
  6. Valiran

    Cultural destruction and White guilt

    *Teal'c eyebrow* Really? What would those strains be?
  7. Valiran

    Cultural destruction and White guilt

    I know that I can be arsed to use polite language. I know that even if I may not agree with someone on a particular subject, I'm willing to be convinced if they present me with arguments that I find reasonable. And what do you mean by "erasing history"? When I hear that phrase I think of things...
  8. Valiran

    Cultural destruction and White guilt

    Okay, that sounds reasonable. Would I be correct in deducing that's what you meant by your choice of words ("your breed") in this post here? Because that really wasn't apparent to me at first glance. Or even third glance.
  9. Valiran

    Cultural destruction and White guilt

    Yeah, now that I know what to look for Merriam-Webster says the same thing. It would probably be a better idea to use "ill-mannered", though.
  10. Valiran

    Cultural destruction and White guilt

    What do you mean by "ill-bred"? What does that have to do with anything?
  11. Valiran

    Crossover An Ally from the Unknown (Green Lantern/Star Wars)

    I saw this story on and am very excited to see it on one of the forums I watch!😁 I wanted to read/write a story like this for a while now because seeing the SW galaxy exposed to the post-singularity Clarketech that is a power ring makes me break out in a manic grin. Edit: Whoops, didn't...
  12. Valiran

    History National Statue Garden: Make Your Picks!

    Robert Smalls, who decided that stealing a transport ship to get his crew's families out of the Confederacy wasn't enough and continued to fight for the U.S. Navy until the war ended, at which point he became a congressman. Norman Borlaug, whose work in agriculture is credited with saving as...
  13. Valiran

    Stereotypes in the Media that need to die

    The trope is fine when it's used for humor, in my opinion. Speaking of guns, I'd like to nominate...basically any type of improper gun handling unless it's being used as an example of what not to do. Firearms make it ridiculously easy to end someone's life and should be treated accordingly. If...
  14. Valiran

    What's your view on Deepfake tech?

    I think they're terrifying and would rather the technology not exist at all. I know that there are ways to detect deepfakes, but they still make it easy for malicious, lying bastards to hurt people.
  15. Valiran

    #MeToo and Cancel Culture: Friday is bring your own torches and pitchforks day!

    Yeah, and if this article from the American Bar Association is any indication the city of Baltimore may not even be able to take it down legally.
  16. Valiran

    #MeToo and Cancel Culture: Friday is bring your own torches and pitchforks day!

    That's true of basically everything, I think. Anyone who's behaving like that is in no mood for debate, at least for the moment. God knows I've believed one thing when I got riled up and become more amenable to discussing things after calming down. I'd say "the community" would be the city of...
  17. Valiran

    #MeToo and Cancel Culture: Friday is bring your own torches and pitchforks day!

    And this is what convinced me. Have a like while I go correct my post.
  18. Valiran

    #MeToo and Cancel Culture: Friday is bring your own torches and pitchforks day!

    Not just his enemies, but his allies and even his own journals and letters corroborate the horrible things he did; not only toward the native population but also the Spaniards living under his rule. Apparently, this even included letting prepubescent girls being sold into sexual slavery, which I...
  19. Valiran

    MGTOW Opinion

    I stumbled across MGTOW on Reddit and, going by the information in the sidebar, thought it was a neat idea. Doing the things you want to do and bettering yourself without the expectation of meeting women sounds fine and dandy to me. A man doesn't require a woman in his life any more than a woman...
  20. Valiran

    #MeToo and Cancel Culture: Friday is bring your own torches and pitchforks day!

    Here's the thing about cancel culture that I haven't seen mentioned yet: it's a double-edged sword. If there's convincing and reliable evidence that someone famous is a scumbag then hell yes society should cancel them! Case in point: No, Mr Cosby, you're not "America's Dad"; you're a rapist...