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  1. Bigking321

    Meme Thread for Both Posting and Discussing Memes

    I don't think anyone actually has the wish that everyone should be equal. That's a insanely childish perspective. It should probably be more like everyone it treated equally under the law or something. Obviously people are all different and demanding Equality of outcome is completely insane.
  2. Bigking321

    China Wuhan Virus Pandemic

    They are openly saying they WANT to do it. So I guess the debate is if they already can do it or if the vaxx was a attempt at it?
  3. Bigking321

    Meme Thread for Both Posting and Discussing Memes

    Ahhhh. Gotcha. Holy crap. What petty losers.
  4. Bigking321

    Meme Thread for Both Posting and Discussing Memes

    What's wrong with the graffiti? Is "hard" new slang for something or other?
  5. Bigking321

    Meme Thread for Both Posting and Discussing Memes

    I don't get it?
  6. Bigking321

    Meme Thread for Both Posting and Discussing Memes

    I recall the conversation starting when you said... That's what I've been talking about. That progressivism was well past that point. If you were trying to say that communism is worse, fair enough. But then we are discussing different things at that point. I'm saying progressivism is evil...
  7. Bigking321

    Meme Thread for Both Posting and Discussing Memes

    It was only there in the first place because the people in America like Fauci were trying to do their illegal gain of function research in a country it wasn't banned in. Debatable. It almost certainly will kill more than that in the future with its heart conditions, cancer, and miscarriage...
  8. Bigking321

    Meme Thread for Both Posting and Discussing Memes

    Yes. Like abortion. Crime. Covid. The vaxx. Poverty. Whatever else they push. Those all have costs to human life. They know it. They're fine with it.
  9. Bigking321

    Meme Thread for Both Posting and Discussing Memes

    Abortion. Crime. Covid. The vaxx. Poverty. Whatever else they push. They are well past 10 million. They just haven't had someone at the top outright saying go kill 10 million people.
  10. Bigking321

    China Wuhan Virus Pandemic

    Seems like a good idea to try and force everyone to get a shot of that.
  11. Bigking321

    Five minutes of hate news

    It's a free speech site. You gotta take the good with the bad.
  12. Bigking321

    Five minutes of hate news

    Umm... Sure. Ahem. Repent, heretic! Your path is not set in stone! You can change and walk a brighter path. Forsake the darkness beneath the bridge and join us walking boldly in the light! There ya go! 🙂
  13. Bigking321

    Five minutes of hate news

    Massive heart problem spikes? Massive cancer rate spikes? Massive miscarriage spikes? Young people dying at a much higher rate than before? I guess nothing like that happened. Silly me. Well I guess in several years we can look back on this and laugh at how foolish I was.
  14. Bigking321

    Five minutes of hate news

    Neat! I wish the first world the best. I guess we'll see in a few years who was right or not.
  15. Bigking321

    Five minutes of hate news

    Shrug. I think the concept behind vaccines is fine. I just don't trust the people making the vaccines or what they claim after covid. They destroyed any faith I had in them. If people still want to have whatever injected into them after that I wish them the best.
  16. Bigking321

    Five minutes of hate news

    Yes. But a cure is something different. Like I said. You seem to be trying to imply Zeno is against medicine entirely and not just unnecessary vaccines.
  17. Bigking321

    Five minutes of hate news

    A vaccine is not a cure. Why are you trying to combine those two concepts now? Vaccines are preventative. A cure is something you take after getting sick to treat the symptoms. These are not the same.
  18. Bigking321

    Five minutes of hate news

    Yes. And you said he wanted people to not get treatment for diseases and mentioned cures. Which have nothing to do with vaccines.
  19. Bigking321

    Five minutes of hate news

    You seem to be conflating the view that we don't need vaccines for everything with no medicine whatsoever. I don't think anyone has said that?
  20. Bigking321

    Five minutes of hate news

    And how is that different than the Vax they tried to mandate everyone be forced to take? Did it stop covid? No it did nothing to prevent catching or spreading it. In fact it damages the immune system. And causes heart problems. And causes miscarriages. And raises cancer rates by a insanely huge...