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  1. Aaron Fox

    Fallout The Eagle And The Bear [Fallout AU]

    Given that PA requires a lot of resources to maintain properly? Likely we won't see one outside of propaganda unless it's one of those ramshackle things that the Commonwealth raiders use.
  2. Aaron Fox

    Fallout The Eagle And The Bear [Fallout AU]

    Also, SFM legend shows just how brutal a conventional infantry-on-power armor infantry fight goes:
  3. Aaron Fox

    Fallout The Eagle And The Bear [Fallout AU]

    Please note that in the Earth 21X0 series, the UCS designed their AI to run the country, first as advisors, who then became 'advisors', then became the actual leadership. It should be noted that the UCS AI in 2160's entire plan is 'sit behind an impenetrable shield, let the LC and ED weaken...
  4. Aaron Fox

    Fallout The Eagle And The Bear [Fallout AU]

    It should also be noted that with the power armor, those usually either a) lack the sophisticated facilities to maintain and furnish them properly or b) are out in the elements for 200 years (even bunkers would have this sort of problem, even if somewhat abated). Also, even if I was part of the...
  5. Aaron Fox

    Fallout The Eagle And The Bear [Fallout AU]

    True, but the biggest problem is that PAM was predicting how it would go down, right to the Chinese super-stealth SSBNs.
  6. Aaron Fox

    Fallout The Eagle And The Bear [Fallout AU]

    The thing is, the evidence of the Zetans kicking it off is very sus... Yeah, and the leaders around her were ignoring her to the point that they act like morons...
  7. Aaron Fox

    Fallout The Eagle And The Bear [Fallout AU]

    Also note that these tanks were fighting the Chinese at the time, whose vehicular arsenal was largely paperweights due to lack of oil supplies. The two guns are less anti-tank guns and more infantry support guns. Probably repurposed howitzers. Add more infantry support options for extended range...
  8. Aaron Fox

    Fallout The Eagle And The Bear [Fallout AU]

    From my understanding, Richardson's genocide plot was only accepted by a tiny fraction of the Enclave and that faction was centered around the Rig. The majority of the Enclave we encounter on the field is less accepting of outright genocide (exterminate bandits? Sure, what sane civilization...
  9. Aaron Fox

    Fallout The Eagle And The Bear [Fallout AU]

    From what I remember, that's because there is a lot of code to go through, and given how spaghetti code Gamebryo/Creation is...
  10. Aaron Fox

    Fallout The Eagle And The Bear [Fallout AU]

    Given that said ABM network managed to blunt the nuclear exchange enough that, despite being caught completely flatfooted, the US had anything resembling a future left (from the implications of at least one character, the rest of the world after that exchange makes the US look like paradise...
  11. Aaron Fox

    Fallout The Eagle And The Bear [Fallout AU]

    That is ignoring the situation back then and it would probably kick off the Civil War decades earlier. Up until the Republican Party (in its original incarnation, aka the 'Party of Lincoln') made serious headway, everyone was more worried about how bad the civil war would be and tried to prevent...
  12. Aaron Fox

    Fallout The Eagle And The Bear [Fallout AU]

    ... or that the housings got removed because you've got to get into the components/went defunct decades ago...
  13. Aaron Fox

    Fallout The Eagle And The Bear [Fallout AU]
    Extras: Fox's GURPS Conversions, 1

    @Navarro, well, I got the ranger done, and it's pretty interesting. I assumed that the PA is going to be 500kg in mass (or roughly 5.512 times the standard multiple) for this and used the V-100 series (aka the Cadilac Gage Commando) as the basis. [CODE title="M812 "Ranger""] TL10 Enclave M812...
  14. Aaron Fox

    Fallout The Eagle And The Bear [Fallout AU]

    Ok, that makes things easier. I'll cook some up later today or tomorrow.
  15. Aaron Fox

    Fallout The Eagle And The Bear [Fallout AU]

    So he doesn't have his hidden Securitrons operational then. That would be a problem if he tries to switch sides.
  16. Aaron Fox

    Fallout The Eagle And The Bear [Fallout AU]

    Depends on what he has on the table. I believe that you had the NCR ending as the 'canon' ending?
  17. Aaron Fox

    Fallout The Eagle And The Bear [Fallout AU]

    Given how stretched thin the NCR is? That would be a canon-breaking amount of competence. The NCR is literally having the same problems as Rome did during the late republic, just magnified.
  18. Aaron Fox

    Fallout The Eagle And The Bear [Fallout AU]

    [Clone Army March starts in the background] That would put a damper on the various plans that the 'Pheniox' Enclave would be doing. Yeah, House is basically a Hari Seldon with a very technocratic and capitalistic bent. I wouldn't be surprised that he literally jumps ship before shit goes...
  19. Aaron Fox

    Fallout The Eagle And The Bear [Fallout AU]

    So, we're dealing with Plasma Blasters (Plasma MGs/Rapid Fire plasma guns), various railguns, smoothbore indirect fire cannons, various lasers including the particularly nasty gattling type (think of it this way, you have an RoF for one emitter of the gattling unit then multiply by the number of...
  20. Aaron Fox

    Fallout The Eagle And The Bear [Fallout AU]

    GURPS is, well, generic and (oddly enough) fairly realistic. The only reason that 4e has DEWs damage go with the cubed root of output instead of the square root is that square root simply allows DEWs to go complete and utter overkill rather easily while KEWs fall behind. Once you get a handle...