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  1. Arlos

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    I think every serious democratic countries has voter ID, same in France, this resistance to it in the US is utterly baffling as it should be a basic standard necessary to achieve democratic votes, not even something to debate.
  2. Arlos

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus. ...Sorry, I felt like being pedantic :P
  3. Arlos

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    Maybe it’s cultural difference, but I always find it so silly when I see people oppose Voter ID. I have trouble imagining election without it in my country.
  4. Arlos

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    As fascinating as this is, I believe the debate on marxism isn’t meant for this thread, perhaps you should make another?
  5. Arlos

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    *Look at the thumbnail* >Vaguely Nazis inspired flag. >Soviet inspired officer uniform. >American inspired rank and file uniform. Absolutely cursed.
  6. Arlos

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    The Roman Republic is actually the one with the endless civil war, the empire was actually born because of just how instable the republic had become (multiple civil war per generation). Sorry for the slight derail.
  7. Arlos

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    Not gonna lie, ever since I heard about the US using electronic machines a while ago, It weirded me out. Why change something that work? There’s just so many way it can be abused, I am curious at the logic behind the change tbh.
  8. Arlos

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    Can’t tell if that’s actually a legitimate interrogation method or not, but it’s a bit weird they went to him first.