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  1. Arlos

    Pet Peeves in Fanfiction

    So, it’s not exactly about fanfic, but it’s still something that make me frustrated. On, Almost everytime I try to look for good, interesting crossover, I am flooded with Harry potter fic, and they are not even that good(and I am not really interested in HP anyways), trying to find a...
  2. Arlos

    Pet Peeves in Fanfiction

    I would even extend that(And overlap a bit), and add another Pet Peeve on top of it; Making super humans character merely badass normal.(if even that) it seems to me there is a propensity in fanfic to make Character that should be incredibly strong/Skilled merely above average.(Perhaps it‘s hard...
  3. Arlos

    Pet Peeves in Fanfiction

    Character falling unconscious all the time, most of the time for plot convienence.