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  1. Bassoe

    Russian-Ukrainian-Polish Eternal Friendship Thread

    Depends, I kinda see how it could be on topic as interventionist propaganda. "Look, they have scifi cons! They're just like us! We must save them from the evil ruskies!" Newsflash, we can't even save our own country's scifi cons from being closed down for the past two years and foreseeable...
  2. Bassoe

    Russian-Ukrainian-Polish Eternal Friendship Thread

    fixed Better they die than, at a minimum, our soldiers, at a maximum, the entirety of civilization, dies to save them.
  3. Bassoe

    Russian-Ukrainian-Polish Eternal Friendship Thread

    Then "we" aren't befitting from the wars so we have no motive to fight. Maybe if all the countries whose sole defensive foreign policy appears to be "fight to the last American" spent their entire defense budgets on paying average American plebeians in exchange for said plebeians voting for...
  4. Bassoe

    Russian-Ukrainian-Polish Eternal Friendship Thread

    ??? Where are you getting this from?
  5. Bassoe

    Russian-Ukrainian-Polish Eternal Friendship Thread

    You're acting like we'll be invaded by rivals. So long as we don't outsource production and resource extraction so they can threaten to cut us off, we keep the doomsday MAD arsenal and our civilization doesn't collapse for unrelated reasons such as wasting all our money and lives on foreign wars...
  6. Bassoe

    Russian-Ukrainian-Polish Eternal Friendship Thread

    Because at a minimum, it'd mean the deaths of massive numbers of American soldiers, loss of American money and the American political status quo taking the opportunity to force through a bunch of fuck-the-rights-of-Americans authoritarianism justified via "military emergency" and at a maximum...
  7. Bassoe

    Russian-Ukrainian-Polish Eternal Friendship Thread

    Really, Russia's only chances of successfully pulling off such an invasion would be to either: Wait for NATO to collapse on account of America getting sick of paying for the defense of a bunch of foreign freeloaders. Wait for NATO to become so authoritarian that they can legitimately bill...
  8. Bassoe

    Russian-Ukrainian-Polish Eternal Friendship Thread

    If poland really wants to guarantee its safety from russian invasion, it should stop insisting on NATO using americans as cannon fodder and get to work on a nuclear program. Really, I've never understood why they didn't begin one as soon as the soviet union collapsed.
  9. Bassoe

    Russian-Ukrainian-Polish Eternal Friendship Thread

    And that and the implications of that don't worry you more than china does?