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  1. Buba

    When did people figure out that the tropics were a death trap for settlers from temperate lands?

    Sort of successful. None ever became a settler colony. Colombia, Venezuela or Peru cheat :) by having high mountains. The settled parts of Mexico or Brazil are outside the tropics and/or elevated.
  2. Buba

    When did people figure out that the tropics were a death trap for settlers from temperate lands?

    LOL! It is not that you pay two poops and three farts for something. Here farth=fourth, i.e. one fourth of a Penny. Think "cvertnik" or something like that in a Slavic language. What are the four parts of the Shire in Middle Earth called in your tongue? They are "farthings" in English. Of...
  3. Buba

    When did people figure out that the tropics were a death trap for settlers from temperate lands?

    I understand inches and feet, I understand 20 shillings and 240 pence (and 960 farthings) to a Pound, even acres and square miles (0,4 ha and 2,5 km2) but fahrenheit, Troy Ounces and acre-feet make grey matter dribble out of me ears ...
  4. Buba

    When did people figure out that the tropics were a death trap for settlers from temperate lands?

    My guess would be 1485 or so - when settling the island of Sao Tome - in same manner as Madeira and Azores - failed.