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  1. CarlManvers2019

    Mein Waifu Is The Fuhrer

    Antarctic Press got away with making Trump Space Force yet couldn't do D&C's surprisingly multiracial casted Jawbreakers, got a point there
  2. CarlManvers2019

    Mein Waifu Is The Fuhrer

    nWOD? Also, I kinda said what I said because in-terms of pop culture, I think most just know of Hitler himself, the extreme racism and doing WWII Nothing to do with their economic policies, infrastructure, their relations with their allies and even their military ability or military leadership
  3. CarlManvers2019

    Mein Waifu Is The Fuhrer

    I gotta say, aside from Hitler and Mengel, how many people even KNOW of (in)famous Nazi Leaders/Commanders/Politicians and Soldiers?
  4. CarlManvers2019

    Mein Waifu Is The Fuhrer

    It’s nice how the trailer’s still on Youtube
  5. CarlManvers2019

    Mein Waifu Is The Fuhrer

    I did say melee weapons, so melee weapons in-general Imagine some dudes deciding to remake Roman Gladius’ to go up against guys using Danish Axes
  6. CarlManvers2019

    Mein Waifu Is The Fuhrer

    Heh, funny, when governments all over the world ban guns, they suddenly have to deal with people practicing armed and unarmed martial arts and using modern metallurgy to craft katanas Then comes the day that these melee weapons become waifu’s for guys and they fight in secret underground...
  7. CarlManvers2019

    Mein Waifu Is The Fuhrer

    I imagine that it’s blamed for the rise in both gun related crimes and legal gun owners I await the day that someone replaces a waifu pillow with a gun(with bo bullets or gunpowder)and sleeps with it Just try prying their waifu’s off of em collegehumor, just fucking try!
  8. CarlManvers2019

    Mein Waifu Is The Fuhrer

    Girls Frontline?
  9. CarlManvers2019

    Mein Waifu Is The Fuhrer

    Yeah, guess it’s time to move on from sexualising battleships
  10. CarlManvers2019

    Mein Waifu Is The Fuhrer

    Anybody other than me seen this thing? I’m not sure about you but if you do NOT puke at their actual ages....then you must have a fetish for middle aged or older ladies who look like teenagers and have probably already reached menopause But since Adolph Hitler dislikes it....I may buy it in...